Cardoba @
Buenos Aires
2,766,889 km?
Population 31,497,000
Bahia Bianca @
Geography There are four main geographical areas: the Andes, the North and Mesopotamia; the Pampas and Patagonia. The climate and geography show great variation from subtropical in the North to the sub-Antarctic cold of the Patagonian Sea. Mount Aconcagua at almost 7000m is the highest mountain of South America.
Atlantic Ocean
’in crops Argentina is one of the world’s major exporters of wheat. Maize, oilseeds, sorghum, soya beans and sugar are also grown on a large scale
Honeybees Honeybees are not native to South America. Apis mellifera honeybees from Europe were introduced first (Apis mellifera mellifera and Apis mellifera ligustica) and subsequently Africanized honeybees arrived in 1965. In southern parts of Argentina bees remain predominantly
Beekeeping All beekeeping is with movable-frame hives: it is against the law to use hives without movable-frames
Honeybee diseases and parasites Chalkbrood, European Foulbrood, Nosema apis, Varroa jacobsoni (identified in 1976). Mallophora ruficaunda has been identified as a serious predator in the province of Buenos Aires
Argentina is one of the world’s largest exporters of sunflower oil, and as honeybees are needed to pollinate this crop, sunflower is an important honey source: over 30,000 colonies are employed in sunflower pollination Eucalyptus, clover and lucerne are also major honey sources, as is the thistle-like plant Cynara cardunculus.
Honey production
Research Centro do Investigaciones Apicolas, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Av Moreno 577-Sud, 4200 Santiago del Estero
Support for projects IDB funding has supported the establishment of a honey processing plant in Cérdoba Province; IFS has supported research on varroa in the Pampas region.
39,000 tonnes in 1990
Equipment manufacturer
Honey export
El Panal, Humahuaca, 4229, 1192 Buenos
About 35,000 tonnes of honey per year: making Argentina the third greatest honey exporting country.
Aires Terza Hnos, Casilla 1377, Correo Central 1000, Buenos Aires
Ciencia y Abejas. published by Asociaci6n Cooperadora de la Cabana Apiario El Salado, CC No 7, 7223 General Belgrano, TE 0241-24037, Buenos Aires Gaceta de AVDA published by Asociacion Veinticinquena de Apicultores Cooperatira Ltda, 25 de Mayo, Buenos Aires.
Asociacién Veinticinquena de Apicultores Cooperatira Ltda, 25 de Mayo, Buenos Aires The Ministry of Agriculture organises beekeeping training courses, as do the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Av Moreno 577-Sud, 4200 Santiago del Estero and Instituto Privado de Tecnologia y Ensenanza Apicola (IPTEA), Calle 35 No 407, 1900 La Plata.
Asociaci6n Cooperadora de la Cabana Apiario El Salado, CC No 7, 7223 General Belgrano, TE 0241-24037, Buenos Aires
‘keepers in Argentina are required to icyister their apiaries, to report particularly defensive colonies, and to practise certain forms of honeybee disease control.
Avances en Apicultura published
by Macaya SA (7013), Estacion de la Cara, Cte Espora 1294, 7000 Tandil.
Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores, Rivadavia, 717-piso 8, 1392, Buenos Aires.
Melliferous vegetation
Beekeeping Associations
Number of honeybee colonies
Acarapis woodi, American Foulbrood
Gaceta del Colmenar published by Sociedad Argentina de Apicultores, Rivadavia, 717-piso 8, 1392, Buenos Aires. _
Mensajero Apicola, published by Terza Huos, Casilla 1377, Correo Central, 1000 Buenos Aires.