Bees for Development Journal Edition 29 - December 1993

Page 8

Porters carrying bees over a rockfall on the journey from Pakistan to Badakhshan.

20 women farmers from 8-18 March 1993. Such

AFGHANISTAN Afghanaid has set up a pilot beekeeping project in Badakhshan. People in this area prize honey, there is a wide range of plants and fruit trees for forage, and wood for hives is available locally Not only will families boost their incomes but increased pollination will mean better fruit harvests.

Twenty five hives were bought in from Pakistan and transported to Badakshan before the winter of 1992 Of these, four colonies did not survive the winter. Several women who were previously employed in the Ministry of Agriculture have expressed keen interest in the project they will be trained by Afghanaid in beekeeping techniques enabling them to train the women in the 21 families who will receive the hives. mE

Source: Jahrchi (News from Afghanaid), \uly 1993.


Ethiopia and was organised by the Southern Ethiopian Peasant Develoment Aid in collaboration with the German Development Service in Ethiopia For further information contact Holeta Bee Research &

Training Centre, PO Box 22, Holeta, Ethiopia.

GHANA Sweet victory in September 1992 the Netherlands Embassy gave the Sunyani ITTU a 3 million Cedi grant to support beekeeping in Berekum, Kintampo and Techiman districts The project involves the production of 120 bee hives, smokers, protective clothing and honey extractors. The project is expected to give a boost to beekeeping in the region which is widely recognised as a potential leading honey

production area. Source

GRATIS News Edition 20 1993

ST LUGIA Left to right - Edwin joseph. (a passer-by}, Lawrence Velinoz, Hugh Sauer (Peace Corps), Ron Baynes (IICA), Franz Alexander (IICA), Calliste Eudoxie (Barclays Bank) and two other members of the Roats Farm Co-operative during the

handing-over ceremony

of funds for a beekeeping project


The Holeta Bee Research and Training Centre offered a practical beekeeping course for

a course is the first of its kind in


A set |

of four special honeybee stamps

were issued in honour of the

Apimondia Congress (Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. People’s Republic of China)

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