Bees for Development Journal Edition 2 - July 1982

Page 1





Information Sheets Tropical Apiculture =


published by International Bee Research Association, Hill House, Gerrards Cross, Bucks

SL9 ONR, England


JULY 1982 The response to News-letter No. 1 was ao encouraging that further News—letters will be iusued. They will let you know what is being done at the International Bee Research Aasoclation concerning tropical ariculture, and how you can help in it. Please send itema of news, details and dates of confarenucags


for inclusion.






series of leaflate for beekeceners

International Development Research Centre has given financial for preparing ten leaflets to provide information often needed and support acught by These 34M leaflets "Source Materiala beekeepers in developing countries. for Apiculture" are now being made available from IBRA to beekeepers throughout the world, those marked * having a very wide application. Individual leaflets ara free to addresses in developing countries, elsewhere 1 or US$2 each (8 or US$16 for ali 10>. Tha


Suppliers of equipment for tropical end eubtropical beskeeping 6 pages Suppllers in 23 countries, also suppliers of apectalized equipment such as pollen traps, propolis harvesters, top~»ar hives, apparatus for inatrumental iosewination, queen-rearing equipasat, bee blowers, protective clothing.



Warketing bee products: addreases of importers sud agents 10 pages Addresses of 119 importers and traders in honey, 58 tn beeswax, 28 in pollen and 15 in propolis, with other useful information for would-be

*SAM 2



Planting for bees in developing countries 10 pages Detaiis of 31 plants especially selectad as worth growing for honey production,

Oppartunitios for trainieg in apiculture world-wide 10 Details of both schedulad ani tailor-made courses organizedpagas by 55 natitutions, in 25 countries, that accapt students from elsewhere.

*SAM 4

SaN 5

Soarces of welentary workera for aptenlinral 4 pages Lists of azeucies providing voluntary workers, dayalorerar and advices to indJ.viduals

seeking work ia developing countries.




Sources ef grant~aid for apicultural development 12 pages Information on 56 sgenctes, with indicarions that will help in selecting agencies te be approached, and in making sn application,

-2Obtainiag apicultuzal information for

‘SAM 7


in developing countries


pages Addresses of



sought. SAM 8

libraries in developing countries with books on apiculwhich information on a specific subject may be from


Apicultural reference bacta fer dersloping ceuntries 8 pages Special selection of books and other publications, with edditional recommendations for Agia, Africa, the Mediterrarean region and the Americas. Prices and sources are includad, and a list cf publications available free. Educational aids on apiculturea 6 pages Selected wall charts, souters and colour prints, with prices and illustrations. Also sets of colour alides, Films and audioviscal material.

*SAM 9

Writing about aplculture: guidelines for anthers 6 pages Covers writing for the general public and for an international audience; writing instruction leaflets, research papars, reports te read at a meeting, and labels for an exhibition.

*SAM 10




Tropical Aniculture (ISTA)

titles offerad last August are still available in Erglish and will shortly published in Spanish as Folletos Informativos sobre la Apicultura These are sent frae of charge on application to addresses (FIAT). Tropical in developing countries. Elsewhere a nominal charge is made towards handling and postage: 0.509 or US$1.060 (by air mail 1.00 or US$2.G0) for up to 4 leaflets. The three



Wsx moths and their Polillaa de la cera


Selection of viaual aida Seleccion de ajudes visuales


Correspondence and home etudy courses in apiculture Curgos por correspeadencia y de estudio ea casa, en apicultura


control y su control

Technical co-operation activities: heakeeping,a directory and guide (1982) Professor Wilhelm Drescher and Dr. Eva Crane, funded by the German Aid by is now available, This Agency GTZ, directory is the first assembly of on beekeeping programmes in developing countries, The guide information iscusses the apicultural and economia faeccors likely to determine the Success or failure of programmes, and give advice and recommendations. The book will be sent free of charge to the institutions in developing countries which received the Bibliagraphy of Tropical Apiculture. Other institutions can obtain it frea on request to GTZ, Press and Public Relations Unit, DagPrice and Hammarskjéld-Weg 1, 6235 Eshborn 1, German Federal Republic. order form on application. orMeinstitutions ; In devalooing known to be concerned with conetzies apiculture (1°p82) lists the 39] institutions in 105 countries which have Stated an interest in apiculture by applying for the Bibliography of Tropical Apieulture (1978; enables contact ta be made with beekeeping in most of the activity Price 10.00 parts tropics and subirtptas. ULTECLOLY

' '

, '

(USS 20.05) post naid,

-3~ Varrea disease of the noneytee Apis mellifera (M106) by Professor W. Ritter (19381) is an up-to-date survey of the mite, its effect on bees aad the colony, and covering biology, diagnosis of the disease, and treatment and control methods. It is documented with 46 references to other publications. Price 0.95, or US$2.30, post paid.

distribution of the alte Varrea jacobsoni, a parasite of honeybees (M107) by Dr. D.A. Griffiths and C.&. Bownan (1981) is the first world survey of the mite carried out hy acarologists, thanks to co-operation from the International Congress of Acarology. A world map shews ccuitries where


the Varroa mite ia present, suspected to be present, or not pres2ant. These data are supported by detailed tabies, and a discussion, and there is also a Price map showing the timing of the movement of the mite across Europe. or paid, US$1.85, pest 0.75,

Frelininary worid maps cf honeybac disenses and parasites (Mi08). py Margaret Nixon (1932) presents and discusses the ficst world maps: broed diseases: American foul brood, Eurepean foul broad, sac broed,

chalk brood adult bee diseases: nosema, amoeba, acarine parasite: bee louse (Braula} Detailed tables for 96 countries from which the maps were 1. a r2 Ae, to 180 and to comet Prices references 3 end keyed included, publications. US$2.75, post paid.



Special offer of INRA Journals, made in News-letter No. 1, will be kept open for a few mocea months. Certain volumes of the IBRA journals are being mada available at reduced rates to selected (as in Section 3) fastitutions in developing countries that are angaged in beekeeping education and research. eres

Bee Worid 1962-1979 (volusce or US$21.50)



or US$6.60 per volume



price Journal of Apicultural Research 1963-1979 (volume 1-17) 4 or US$8.80 per velume (current price 12 or US$26.50) Apicultural Abstracts 1550-1979 (volume 1-30) 5 or US$10.75 per volume (current price 20 or US$43.00) index to Apicuitucal Abstracts for 1950-1972 10 or USS$21.50 (current price 50 cr USS$19/.50)







Further details and an application fora, will be sent on request. The purchaser will be asked to pay postage on the journals, are in conpweich


volumes unbound.



are disappointed that we still have ne news of the publication of the Proceedings of tha Second Conference on Apiculture ia Tropical Cilmates, held in 1980. ‘This is being produced by Indian Council cf agricultural the Research. Wa

APlcuiture and honey production in thre developing countriea of the tropics RETESET subtropica.PREP The manuscript prepared at [BRA with the collaboration of specialists from many countries 12 now with FAQ. We are pleased that it is being translated into French and Spanish, and will be published in three languages.


ah 2.



distribution of


diseases t

(1981) readers were asked to send informacion to of eight bee diseases and parasites in their own Information you were kind enough to country or countries known to them. send has been incorporated in the "Preliminary world maps of honeybee diseases and parasites" referred to in Section 1. My aim is to keep the new disease so send to IBRA mans updated, any reports or data that please can iaprove the maps. Full information for India has already been received. In News-letter No. IBRA about the occurrence

Do you know about




to bees in your country?

Tue Centre for Overseas Pest Research, UK has commissioned IBRA to prepate a report on bees, pollination and integrated pest management, from both published and unpublished data. Wea Know that pesticides used on crops can seriously affect beekeeping in the temperate zones, but we have Little infcrmation on the effects on bees of pesticides (and of integrated pest management) in the tropics and subtropics.

available publications are now assembled at ISRA, but this leaves many gags in our knowledge. Can you help by sharing with IBRA any information you may have, either unpublished or published but not recorded in the "Sibliography of Tropical Apiculture’, For instance: stili


Most of the

1. Bo you have knowledge of the benefit of hive beas (or wild bees} for pollinating crops in your country, so, what crops? and

tell us whether hives of bees for crops poliination purposes? 2»

Can you


actually taken to


3. Are bees (or even whole colonies) killed or damaged by the applica-~ tion of pesticides to any crop? If so, does the honey yield and/or the crop yield suffer as a result? 4,

Is any system of integrated pest management used, in order to) prevent harm to natural pest control agents, e.g. parasites, predators

and .






any pest control agents other than chemicals (2.g. insects, Give axanples if amphibla, light traps) kili or damage bees?

- ane.

Please send replies to any of the above questions (whethar positive or negative), and we will be most grateful for any publications you may be able to sead,



Soecial encouragement for


women to

keep bees

Fiest [LAAR-ATI Development Beekveping Seminar OMhaflo, USA, in August 1981, a group interested in proncting beekeening espectally for women met to discuss possibilities for actioa. The group proposes to collect tCugecther details of women's beekeeping co-operatives and projects world-wide to conordinate the collection of information through ay appointment at and BIA, At the

In the tropics and subtropics women are extensively involved da agriculture, and they are responsible for the marketing of agricultural products in Although beekeeping has traditionally been man's work in many societies. of these societies, more women are now keeping bees in Africa, Asta and many Latin America. Encouragement and education of women to become heekeepers should be givea spectal attention in development programmes, because bees directly improve the living standards for the family, and can be kept at home. Women can easily manage the topBeekeeping need net be heavy work. bar hives now in use in Kenya, and the colonies of Apis cerana in Asia which Work can also be shared by forming bee~ are small and easy to handle. xeaning co-operatives. Keening a few hives close te heme, or in the nearby tush, need aot interfere with other activities, and the income can be used diracctly to help the family.

I am therefore interested to heat about beekeepingprojects for women, whether co-cperative or independant, detaiis of their success, adaption of heekeeping equipment, how beekeeping fits inte everyday Life, and the increased income frem sale of honey and wax in relacion to the average income in the country. L would also like details of aid azencies that assist women's programmes and that could be approached to help fund beakeeping projects...




Grants have been awarded to IBRA from the Commonwealth Foundation and the Overseas Development Administration, so that a small collection of beekeening books could be presented to selected centres specializing in apiculA list of tural research. These grants have now been fully allocated. the libraries, where it may be possible for outsiders to consult these hooks, is given in leaflet SAM/7 (see Section 1).


would benefit Centres must have ongoing roa a similar presentation of beekeeping books. picultural training and/or research, and the hooks must be available for L ra ference by interested outsiders. your Institution wishes to be the decails: to me sand following considered, please

L. 2.




IBRA is now preparing a


list of other institutions that

where books would be heused; does

established Library? (a) type and length of training in apiculture, decails of apieultural research, including (o) researcn workers any

this already have or names aad


subjects of

available Leaflets about your Institutieon, @.2. annual report.


Juiy - 7 Aucust ar the AgriScate University, Wooster, 04 44591,

and Sevelspment B3aekeeping Seminar, USi 12

@ilturcal Techatiecal ase of Ohio cate International the Anency for Apteriture Developnent. USA, co-sponsored by




International Beekeeping Congress Followiag the 28th Congress on 23-29 October 1981 in Acapulco, Mexico, the 29th Congress will be held from 25 31 in August 1933 in Budapest, Hungary. The fee will be USS$125 for particiand US$100 for U5$12 for a single day's attenpants accompanying persons, dance. Bee supply firms and beekeeping tustitutioas are invited to participate in a World Apicultural Exhibicion to be held in the large new stadium in Budapest in conjunction with the Congress; the charge will be USS54 per Square meter, be sent to: Mr. S. Kocsis, President of the National Nemzetkozi Mehesz Committee, Kongresszus, Szervezo Bizottsaga, Budapest V, Garibaldi utca 2, 1054 Hungary.

Enquiries should 29

Third International Conference on Apiculture ia Tropical Climates will be held in Nairobi in November 1984, co-sponsored by the Government of Kenya, the Organization of African Unity, and IBRA. Further details are available Prom LIBRA.




Please send me any change in your address, or that of your institution. important, if your work no longer involves bees or apiculture please tell me, so that money is not wasted in sending you further leaflets.


Margaret Nixon

Information Officer for Tropical Apiculture

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