ah 2.
distribution of
diseases t
(1981) readers were asked to send informacion to of eight bee diseases and parasites in their own Information you were kind enough to country or countries known to them. send has been incorporated in the "Preliminary world maps of honeybee diseases and parasites" referred to in Section 1. My aim is to keep the new disease so send to IBRA mans updated, any reports or data that please can iaprove the maps. Full information for India has already been received. In News-letter No. IBRA about the occurrence
Do you know about
to bees in your country?
Tue Centre for Overseas Pest Research, UK has commissioned IBRA to prepate a report on bees, pollination and integrated pest management, from both published and unpublished data. Wea Know that pesticides used on crops can seriously affect beekeeping in the temperate zones, but we have Little infcrmation on the effects on bees of pesticides (and of integrated pest management) in the tropics and subtropics.
available publications are now assembled at ISRA, but this leaves many gags in our knowledge. Can you help by sharing with IBRA any information you may have, either unpublished or published but not recorded in the "Sibliography of Tropical Apiculture’, For instance: stili
Most of the
1. Bo you have knowledge of the benefit of hive beas (or wild bees} for pollinating crops in your country, so, what crops? and
tell us whether hives of bees for crops poliination purposes? 2»
Can you
actually taken to
3. Are bees (or even whole colonies) killed or damaged by the applica-~ tion of pesticides to any crop? If so, does the honey yield and/or the crop yield suffer as a result? 4,
Is any system of integrated pest management used, in order to) prevent harm to natural pest control agents, e.g. parasites, predators
and .
any pest control agents other than chemicals (2.g. insects, Give axanples if amphibla, light traps) kili or damage bees?
- ane.
Please send replies to any of the above questions (whethar positive or negative), and we will be most grateful for any publications you may be able to sead,
Soecial encouragement for
women to
keep bees
Fiest [LAAR-ATI Development Beekveping Seminar OMhaflo, USA, in August 1981, a group interested in proncting beekeening espectally for women met to discuss possibilities for actioa. The group proposes to collect tCugecther details of women's beekeeping co-operatives and projects world-wide to conordinate the collection of information through ay appointment at and BIA, At the