1 minute read
"Source Materials for Apiculture" leaflets
Copies of the ten leaflets listed in the last Newsletter and in the enclosed list were sent out in June 1982, free of charge, to all the Institutions that have received copies of the Bibliography of Tropical Apiculture.
Elsewhere copies of individual leaflets have been sent on request, free of charge, to addresses in developing countries, and IBRA still has some of the leaflets for distribution.
Will readers of the Newsletter do anything they can to make these leaflets more widely known? Many people who have already received them have found them most useful. Explain that they are available, free of charge, from the Information Officer for Tropical at Apiculture. International Bee Research Association. You can help by?
Putting them on show in your institution or library.
Mentioning them in any Newsletters.
Writing an article about them for your beekeeping journal.
We should also very much like to know how useful these leaflets are, which of them are most helpful and what other subjects you would like us to deal with in the same way.