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What's on
Primer Cologuio Am ricano sobre la Abeja Africana (First American Seminar on the Africanized Bee)
27 to 30 April 1983 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The main themes of the Seminar will be the spread of the Africanized the bee through Americas, concentrating on the preparation that countries of Central America must make in anticipation of its arrival, and the impact of beekeeping in integrated rural development. The Seminar languages will be Spanish and English.
Courses at Ohio State University.
A 5-week course on "Introductory. apiculture for the tropics and subtropics" will be held (in English) at The Ohio State University Agriculture Technical Institute (ATI), Wooster, OH 44691, USA. Students will attend from 1 July to 5 August 1983, and details are obtainable from Dr. George Kreps at ATI. From 11 to 29 July participants join the Development Beekeeping Seminar arranged by ATI in co-operation with the International Agency for Apiculture for which the contact is Dr. Norman Stanley at ATI. Development,
29th International Beekeeping Congress .
This will be held from 25 to 31 August 1983 in Budapest, Hungary. The fee for the Congress will be US$125 for participants, US#100 for accompanying persons, and US#12 for a single day's attendance, Bee supply firms and beekeeping institutions are invited to participate in a World Apicultural Exhibition to be held in the large new stadium in Budapest in’ conjunction with the Congress; the charge will be US$54 per square metre.
The special themes of the Congress will be Science and technical progress of beekeeping, and Practical control of varroa disease. The Committee will, however accept scientific papers on any topic of beekeeping.
Third International Conference on Apiculture in Tropical Climates.
This will take place on 5 to 9 November 1984, in the Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya. It is convened by the International Bee Research association, and is hosted by the Government of Kenya in collaboration with the Organisation of African Unity. Contributions relating to apiculture in the tropics and subtropics are invited. The Conference languages- will be English and French, with simultaneous translation.
This is the special international conference for apiculture specialists from developing countries. S0 make enquiries straight away about the possibility of obtaining funds to attend it. We are hoping for an especially good representation from African countries, but other parts of the tropics will also be dealt’ with, in the sessions which have the following provisional titles:
A. Apicultural problems in African countries
B. Apicultural problems in other tropical countries
C. Characteristics of African and other tropical honeybees
D. Bee management and hives
E. Honeys and other hive products, and their quality control
F. Injuries to bees by diseases, pests and pesticides
G. Pollination of crops by bees
H. Beekeeping training and education
I. Beekeeping in integrated rural development
J. Economics of beekeeping, including marketing of products.
The First Circular, with fuller details of the Conference, is now available from the Conference Secretariat (Ministry of. Livestock Development, Beekeeping Section, Kenya), or from IBRA.