Bees for Development Journal Edition 3 - December 1982

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charge, from the Information Officer for Tropical Apiculture. at InterYou Gan help by? 70 “national Bee Research Association. Putting them on show in your institution or library. . Mentioning them in any Newsletters. Writing an article about them for your beekeeping journal. We should also very much like to know how useful these leaflets are, which of them are most helpful and what other subjects you would like to deal with in the same way. 36




IBRA has been successful in obtaining funds. from the International Development Research Council, Ottawa, for the compilation and publication of a Directory of important world honey sources. The Directory will include source of honey. up to 800 plants that are, somewhere in the world, a The leaflet Source Materials for Apiculture (SAM) No. 3 "Planting for bees in developing countries" some idea of what the Directory entries will


gives look like. A survey of published and unpublished information was started at I5RA in 1979, to make an index of plants producing a honey surplus (and pollen), “honeydew and propolis, with a grant awarded by UNESCO to the International Commission for Bee Botany. A card index of 2500 plants reported as honey sources in 46 countries was built up, which is being for entries drawn upon for the Directory now being prepared. In a future issue of the Newsletter we will be requesting the help of ~ readers for. in specific cotintries on important honey sources where we haye little or no information. 4.


As mentioned in Newsletter No. 2, IBRA is preparing a list of further would derive special benefit from a presentation of Over the last two years a number of libraries have beekeeping books. received book presentations funded by grant-aid awarded to IBRA from the Commonwealth Foundation and the Overseas Development Administration (UK). These libraries are listed in leaflet SAM No. 7 "Obtaining apicultural information for use in developing countries", obtainable from IBRA. There is still time for your Institution to be considered. Please send to me quickly the following details: 1. institution where books would be housed. Does this already have established If does it cover? what an library? so, ee and of in length (a) Type training apiculture, or

Institutions that


(b) Details of apicultural research, including of research workers







available leaflets about the Institution, e.g. annual report.


Primer Cologuio Am ricano sobre la Abeja Africana (First American Seminar on the Africanized Be ‘) 27 to 30 April 1983 in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The Main themes of the Seminar will be the spread of thé Africanized bee through the Americas, concentrating on the preparation that countries of Central America must make in anticipation of its arrival, and the impact of beeThe Seminar languages will be keeping in integrated rural development. Spanish and English. details are available from Ing. H.G. ‘Gu 1illén, Fuller Apartado No. 1247, 13 Ave. N.w. No. 2, Entre 5 y 6 Calle, Barrio Los Andes, San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

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