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Book grants
As mentioned in Newsletter No. 2, IBRA is preparing a list of further Institutions that would derive special benefit from a presentation of beekeeping books. Over the last two years a number of libraries have received book presentations funded by grant-aid awarded to IBRA from the Commonwealth Foundation and the Overseas Development Administration (UK). These libraries are listed in leaflet SAM No. 7 "Obtaining apicultural information for use in developing countries", obtainable from IBRA.
There is still time for your Institution to be considered. Please send to me quickly the following details:
1. institution where books would be housed. Does this already have an established library? If so, what does it cover?
2. (a) Type and length of training in apiculture, or
(b) Details of apicultural research, including names and subjects of research workers
3. Any available leaflets about the Institution, e.g. annual report.