Bees for Development Journal Edition 55 - June 2000

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Abrham Tesfaye from Ethiopia sent us this picture of his younger brother Wondwosen who tends the bees every day. His aim is to be a good beekeeper in the future. (He certainly has the right clothing for the work!) More News Around the World on page 8.

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Beekeeping BES syesopment ”

This journal Beekeeping & Development (B&D)

is published by

Bees for Development. B&D focuses specifically on sustainable beekeeping. We

the organisation

aim to help beekeepers,

and raise the profile of beekeeping by ‘eaturing new

developments from around the world. You are welcome to submit letters and articles, news an i items for publication in B&D. These can contri utetoour


established features such as Practical B ekeeping, News Around the World, Zoom in on ..., or Tre es Bees Use. can be Alternatively they published as a special feature for ‘Human (see example Bees’ and ‘G: \Os’ in B&D54).

COVER PICTURE Queen rearing: beekeepers in Tamil Nadu, South India learn how to rear queens of the Asian hive bee Apis cerana

We endeavour to present



wide rang

interesting, new information

concerning the many facets of beekeeping world-wide. If

you are financially wealthy enough

to do so, to receive BRD you must pay the annual subscription of UKE16 or US$35. If you are a beekeeper working in a country where payment is impossible, we will try to find sponsorship to cove the cost of your subscription.


HOW TO SUBSCRIBE One year’s subscription to B&D (four editions) costs UK16 (US$35) including airmail delivery. Discounts are available for multiple subscriptions of ten or more. Ways to pay are shown on page 10. Readers in developing countries can choose to pay by Beeswax Barter or Candle Currency, see BRD49 page 16. If you cannot pay the subscription please write and tell us.

PLEASE SUPPORT THIS WORK You can help by sending a donation to The Troy Trust, c/o Bees for Development at the address below. Please also encourage your Beekeeping Association, your company, or your employer to support our work. UK residents can help with CAF cheques and Gift Aid. The Troy Trust is a Charity registered in the UK, Number 1078803. Bank account number 60274887 (code 20-00-85) at Barclays Bank plc, PO Box 29, Monmouth, NP29 3YG, United Kingdom.


is 50

If you are working to help beekeeping

to VAT

in developing countries you are welcome to translate and reproduce


B&D. Remember to acknowledge B&D,

any items published in

giving our contact details in full, and send us a copy of what you prepare.

ADVERTISING B&D production is also supported by advertisements and enclosures in the journal, and in this way advertisers can reach readers in more than 100 countries. We offer excellent rates.

Advertisements: quarter

page, two-colour costs 65; a full page 200. Request our rate card for further information on colour and

cover prices. Enclosures: the cost of insertion and distribution of flyers

per kilogram. (Prices subject in EC countries)

Bees for Development was established in 1993 to help beekeepers in developing countries. If you face problems with your beekeeping we will try to help you. Contact us at the address shown below. We will also support your training efforts with Workshop Boxes: see Learn Ahead, page 9.

WHO WE ARE The Editor of B&D is Dr Nicola Bradbear and Co-ordinator is Ms Helen Jackson. We also run the organisation

Bees for Development.

SPONSORSHIP Bees for Development acknowledges The Worshipful Company of Wax Chandlers (UK) for providing sponsorship in 1999 and 2000. We are also grateful to the beekeeping groups and individuals who assist us.



- A

BEES FOR DEVELOPMENT By post Troy, Monmouth, NP25 4AB, United Kingdom By fax +44 (0)16007 16167 By phone +44 (0)16007 13648 By e-mail Web site

Bees for Development publication




’age 2


pis cerana

by Mogens Jensen, Roslev, Denmark

Mogens Jensen has been working with the Asian hive bee, Apis cerana in Bangladesh and India for many years. He has developed a new method for queen rearing with Apis cerana, simple and easy to use at village level. Making things simple is often very complicated! Last year | finally found the missing piece in the puzzle of how to rear successfully Apis cerana queens. Tests during a one month training course held at the Danish Beekeepers’ Fund/Palni Hills Conservation Council Beekeeping Project in South India were successful. Since then some of the trainers have reared queens and new colonies. More than 50% of the graftings resulted in emerging queens.

Reasons for designing The Jensen Method *

Sustainable beekeeping cannot be based on the capture of wild colonies. Trees and bees are usually damaged during the process. Nesting places are destroyed and less than 10% of colonies remain in the hive after two years. Beekeeping projects tend to cause

environmental damage by emptying whole areas of Apis cerana colonies.

The drop-out rate of trainees

The battle of Apis cerana versus Apis mellifera (in India and elsewhere) can only be won if Apis cerana colonies are available in abundance at village level.

reliable method of queen rearing is a precondition for a breeding project, to solve some of the basic problems in Apis cerana beekeeping, for example absconding rate and honey yields. The possibility for queen rearing makes strains and ecotypes for a

fast-yielding breeding project available.

The Jensen Method differs from others in three main ways: *

The grafted queen cup is placed directly on the comb, not on to frames. Before the queen emerges the queen cell can be transferred easily to

another colony. *


Basics of the queen cup To make the queen cups two bamboo sticks are needed. One with a diameter of 5.9 mm and one with a diameter of 5.0 mm. The 5.9 mm stick is dipped in pure melted Apis cerana wax three to four times at a 90° angle to the surface of the wax, and then cooled in water. The stick is then tilted to a 45° angle to the wax surface and dipped until a tip forms. Use three fingers to draw the tip longer and make it pointed. (see picture above)

The 5.9 mm diameter of the queen cup is smaller than the standard 8 mm used for Apis mellifera. The larger size is not suitable for use with Apis cerana. Cup size is based on measurements taken in Apis cerana colonies.


beekeeping projects is alarming (and a waste of resources) because of the lack of colonies. From a cost-benefit perspective, overall economy is often very poor because investments in hives, infrastructure or training gives little return because of the shortage of colonies.


The Jensen Method

Shaping the tip of the queen cup

The size of the entrance to the queen cup is reduced to 5 mm, and this increases the rate of success.

The queen cup is cut with a knife at a length of 6-7 mm from the base. The queen cup is transferred to the 5.0 mm stick and the entrance of the cup is shaped to the size of thd (see picture below)



the process of moving a one worker larva from her cell in to a old day one cell. At day old the larva still has queen



the potential to develop into either a worker bee or a queen bee. If the

beekeeper gets conditions right, inside the queen cell the grafted larva will develop into a queen.

The process of moving the tiny larva needs good light, good eye sight and a steady hand. A shaped piece of matchstick, a toothpick or a special grafting tool can be used to do this. The end of the tool must be smooth and shaped to lift the larva without damaging her.




After grafting with a one-day old larva the queen cup is placed in a cell on the comb in an area with young larvae in a strong (minimum ten combs) queenless colony. Grafted queen cups placed near open brood

The Jensen Method of que an rearing is part of an appropriate and integrated “system” for Apis cerana be ekeeping that have worked on since 1988. Starting |

with the Mulderry hive, management methods, sugar and candy feeding, pollen substitutes, extractors for using with top-bar hives for Apis cerana, honey processing, wax, value addition, and now queen rearing. in

A capped queen cell

This project has given me the opportunity to work in an environment conducive to new approaches, and "down to earth" focused efforts on practical Apis cerana beekeeping. Financial support from DANIDA is gratefully acknowledged. Efforts are underway to secure funding for a second phase of the Project. | still have a lot of ideas worth testing!



for Development publication


Page 5

Conferer.=Thailand In

and ofAsia, South through the ceator that in resembles Asia, tropical beyond

March 2000

The Asian Apicultural Association, AAA, holds a Conference every two years. The International Bee Research Association holds Conference every a

four years, and by joining forces with AAA, was able to share in the excellent venue, facilities and ambience provided by Chulalongkorn University, hosting the Conference in Chiang Mai in the

North ofThailand. Professor Siriwat Wongsiri, Chairman of the Local Organising Committee and Vice-President of AAA did a great job. Conference Participants were warmly welcomed and treated to lavish receptions accompanied by music and dance. Dancers included classical Thai as well as modern bee!

The Asian region enjoys great diversity in bee species, and in the types of apiculture practised. In recent years this has attracted many of the world’s apicultural scientists to research in Asia, with the consequence that there is much new information to report on the biology of Asian bees. Not just honeybees of which there are at least eight Asian species and many more races, but stingless bees too: the city of Chiang Mai can alone boast seven species of stingless bees.

The Conference therefore heard plenty of new findings from the academic research community. Most sessions included news of advances in understanding gained by genetic research on honeybees. The distribution of Apis cerana, extending from the temperate zone in the North

Page 6


A Bees for Development


of Apis mellifera, which similarly extends from cold, northern Europe, through the Middle East, and far South of the Equator in Africa. Like Apis mellifera, Apis cerana also has many races: genetic analysis is giving clues as to how and when these evolved.

The Conference took place in the huge, ship-like, Lotus Hotel in central Chiang Mai. Alongside the meeting rooms an exhibition of bee products and beekeeping equipment took place. Here much business was underway with representatives from many companies in Asia and Australasia.


small number of the world's largest beekeeping companies practise near Chiang Mai. Thousands of Apis mellifera colonies are managed intensively to

produce crops of honey and royal jelly, every drop for export. This is a relatively young industry, only developing within the last 25 years and highly dependent on export markets and demand for royal jelly remaining strong. The history of this success story was provided by Professor Pongthep Akratanakul, the keynote speaker at the final session of the Conference: "International Aid and Sustainable Beekeeping Development”.

pening Ceremony

Professor David De Jong gave an interesting overview of the strong support available to beekeepers in Brazil, and Professor Shimanuki outlined possible USA support for beekeeping development. These were followed by papers describing recent development


in India,

Nepal, Iraq and


total more than 50 papers were presented at the Conference, with the majority reporting on research into the biology of Asian bees. In

Other highlights included several excellent new videos given their first public showing at the Conference. The most remarkable of these was Gerald Kastberger’s video The Magic Trees of Assam, reviewed on page I!. The Conference provided plenty of opportunity to meet with colleagues, make contact, exchange ideas. And Professor Wongsiri ensured that the Conference ended with a bang: with fireworks wishing participants bon voyage!



The next AAA Conference will take place in Bangalore, South India

Details of forthcoming beekeeping meetings and courses are featured in Look Ahead on page 9.


Durban is a city


the eastem



Durban Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau 0

Tel (O31) |



BOX1044 DURBAN 4000 Republic of South Africa



304-4934 Fax (031) 304-6196

http:// E-mail:

a »

firstfor Africa




XXXVILINTENATIONAL APICUITURAL CONGRESS Durban: South Africa 2nd - 6th September 2001






Issued: April 2000


the tip of Africa is a place where nations come together to forge alliances, business goals are achieved, information shared and friendships made. South Africa is becoming increasingly popular as

The congress will consist of plenary and parallel sessions,

an international congress venue and the reasons are not hard to find. A combination of unspoilt wilderness, sophisticated facilities and legendary hospitality makes South Africa a unique travel desti-

ing a general theme of beekeeping in South Africa. Extensive didactic and commercial exhibitions (ApiExpo 2001) covering 4.000 sqm


nation. The country offers an excellent tourism infrastructure and internal communication network on land or by air and boasts a plet-

hora of unique colourful cultures and nationalities. South Africa is, furthermore, known for its wide variety of fauna and flora and diverse wildlife.


papers and a full social programme. Over 400 papers will be presented orally or in poster form. A pageant will be presented depict-

of exhibition space will run alongside the congress. Delegates and their registerd companions are invited to enjoy the icebreaker reception and opening ceremony, a beach braai (barbecue) hosted by the Mayor of Durban and participate in honey-tasting and honey number of pre- and post-conreceipe competitions. In addition, gress sightseeing/field trips are planned throughout southern Africa. a

Situated between the rolling waves of the Indian Ocean and the rugged Drakensberg Mountains lies the city of Durban, a melting pot of cultural diversity with its African, Asian and European influ-

The official Apimondia languages are English, French, German and

ences creating a rich cosmopolitan society. Durban is surrounded on all sides by the mysteries of the African Continent on which it rests

guages. Please be kind enough to indicate your language preference on the reply form. Simultaneous interpretation will he provider the congress during the plenary sessions and during the opening


the rhythm of African drums, picturesque mountains, lush subtropical forests and many game reserves, home to the much sought after “Big Five”. Durban is an ideal base from which to explore

Spanish. It is the intention of the organisers to issue all announcements, the final programme and abstracts in each of these four lan-

closing sessions However, please note that correspondence with the organisers must be in English only.

South Africa. Road networks are amongst the best in the world, and an international airport make travel fast and convenient.

The congress attracts

a wide range

of people: from the hobbyist bee-

keeper to the large-scale commercial beekeeper; pollinators, hee

With a bustling metropolitan infrastructure, unlimited attractions and pleasant, year-round, balmy weather, this gateway to southern Africa is the ideal convention centre.

The International Convention Centre (ICC) is the finest convention centre in Africa, a place where Africa and the world meet. Centrally located and just a quarter-of-an-hour from Durban International Airport, ICC: Durban is minutes from hotels and beaches. It is a


topics will follow this

general congress theme: #

BEEKEEPING ECONOMY - Local and international trade in bee products


skilled technical support and attentive service are a feature of ICC Durban. Cuisine is of the highest standard, catering for all require-


venue of multiple dimensions, flexible enough to meet any need, big or small, no matter how individual. State-of-the-art equipment,

scientists, entomologists and academics, farmers, growers and their representatives. Representatives from the seed and fruit industries, Those in development programmes, trainers and extension workers.

ments. There is a bureau de change, a business centre, travel clinic, gift and curio shop all located on the premises.


BEE BIOLOGY - Role of race characteristics in beekeeping. BEE PATHOLOGY - Diagnosis and control of varroa disease, a new bee pest in


MELLIFEROUS FLORA AND POLLINATION - Bee flora and pollination: apicultural resources



and enthusiasts appropriate technology for professionals APITHERAPY - The clinical applications of apitherapy



Exclusive Southern African Tours Tel:

+27 (0) 31 561-1081


P O Box 450, Umhlanga,

+27 (0) 31 561-3479




4320 South Africa

extension Beekeeping against poverty: achieving beekeeping

A full companions’ A number of exciting tours will be offered ranging from game safaris

(a chance to see “The Big Five” - lion, leopard, elephant, rhino and buffalo!) to the Namaqualand wild flower wonderland a dazzling attractions of display of spring flowers . . . as well as the endless

programme will be organised . . . daily outings will be arranged to local places of interest, i.e. the Banana Express/Oribi Gorge, Valley of a Thousand Hills (Zululand) including snake and crocodile farm, Shakaland, Sharks Board and Umgeni

River Bird Park.

Cape Town.


has been appointed will The arrange: sightseeing and technical to the congress. agency car hire, tours, accommodation, airport transfers, domestic flights, as fly-in safaris, luxury rail packages, the companions’ programme

well as personal itinerary planning:

Durban boasts a vast selection of accommodation of a very high standard to suit all requirements, ranging from the luxury five star Hilton Hotel adjacent to the conference centre to self-catering apartments. Most hotels are situated along the Golden Mile beachfront within walking distance of the ICC.

APIMONDIA2001 (66 Queen Street) - Irene - 0062 South Africa Website: - Tel:+27(0) 12 667-3681 - Fax:+27 (0) 12 667-3680 E-mail:confplan


2nd— 6th September 2001 : Durban, South Africa P Box 82, Please complete and return this form before 30th August 2000 to: The Secretariat, Conference Planners, O

IRENE 0062 South Africa.


TITLE (Dr/Ms/Mr)







(please print carefully)








to be issued with the next announcement ~ September 2000) offering a paper (Call for Papers

tours pre- or post-congress sightseeing/technical


an organised companions’ programme

exhibition space at ApiExpo 200!

I suggest |

to you send a copy of this announcement



APIMONDIA 2001 Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations. Every two years Apimondia organises a Congress, the largest, international gathering of people working with bees. The Congress in 2001 will be the first to be held in Africa. Apimondia is organised according to seven Standing Commissions: ° ° Apitherapy Beekeeping Technology and Equipment ° Bee Biology e Bee Pathology e e Beekeeping Economy Melliferous Flora and Pollination ° for Rural Beekeeping Development

Apimondia’s Standing Commission for Beekeeping for Rural Development is planning an important programme at this Congress, and we hope that beekeeping projects from many African nations will be represented, alongside those from the rest of the world. The theme of the Beekeeping for Rural Development Commission will be: poverty”.

“Beekeeping against

If you want to participate in the Congress

Register your interest now by completing and returning the form shown overleaf. If you have information to share then write a paper, or prepare a poster for presentation at the Congress. Make sure you follow the deadline for submitting a summary of the work you would like to present.


If you need

sponsorship, then begin your search for funding as soon as possible. If you have a good paper or poster accepted for presentation at the Congress, you have a better chance of finding support from donors. Write a short proposal outlining why you want to attend the Congress, and what your costs will be. Try submitting your request for funding to local companies and your local offices of international organisations.


South Africa Website: E- mail: _—_ Tel: +27 (0) 12 667 3681 Fax: +27 (0) 12 667 3680



ahr tae


Baca Ba



,a suntry Representative:





The Federal Council of Australian Apiarists Association, PMB 1030, Glen Rowan, Victoria 3675

The Asian Apicultural Association was established in 1992 to encourage the exchange of information between beekeepers and bee scientists throughout Asia. The administrative headquarters of AAA are in Japan. Many countries have local Representatives or Chapters. The President of AAA is Professor Mitsuo Matsuka (Japan). Vice-Presidents are: Professor Zhang Fu-Xing (China); Dr L R Verma (India); Dr Cleofas Cervancia (Philippines); and Professor Siriwat Wongsiri (Thailand). The Secretary-General of

i 1




AUSTRALIA Mr Linton Briggs


Dr Tadaharu Yoshida (Japan).


How to join Nakamura, Treasurer, AAA Office, Honeybee Science Research Center, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194 8610, Japan, E-mail



The New Forests Project

provides packets of tree seeds, technical information and training materials, free of charge to groups world-wide interested in starting reforestation projects. For more information write to: New Forests

Project, 731 Eighth Street SE, Washington DC 20003, USA E-mail


Bees for Development Safaris offer


opportunity for friendship and support between beekeepers from different countries and encourage exchange of ideas and on-going contacts. The following Safaris are planned for year 2000: Trinidad and Tobago (August) Tanzania (November) Further details from:

Bees for Development


United Kingdom, for your new and secondhand books. Telephone 01726 76844 or


am asking for help to attend the

Beekeeping in Rural Development Course 2000. have already found support for my travel to the UK and now am |

SITUATION WANTED lam a qualified Bee Demonstrator


the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture with 12 years’ experience. would like to gain beekeeping experience in an English speaking country. Please write to: S Karunaratna, Bee Demonstrator, In-Service Training Institute, Department of Agriculture, GannoruwaPeradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka |


from The Apimondia Standing Commission of Apitherapy CD Rom of Apitherapy. Contents: The hive and the honeybee, products of the bee hive, medicinal plants and essential oils, human disease, api-pharmacopoeia, medical techniques, standardization and chemotypes, humanitarian action. Price approximately More information in the next edition. 40.


professionnel apiculture. 21/30 ans, contrat de volontaire, deux ans en Afrique (Bénin) Contacter le service de recrutement: a l’attention de M Laurent Girard..

Department of Biology, University Brunei Darrussalam, Gadong 3186

CHINA Professor Zhang Fu-Xing Apicultural Science Association of China, Xiangshan, Beijing E-mail

looking for a sponsor to cover the costs of Course. can be my attending the contacted through |

& Village Industries Commission, 1153 Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 016

DrVinod K Mattu Department of Bio-Sciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimia 171 005 E-mail H.PUNIVERSITY

many participants you anticipate.

Workshop boxes cost UK50. This service is available free of charge to those in

Chandra Widjaja

ISRAEL Prof Yaacov Lensky The Triwaks Bee Research Centre, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, PO Box 12, Rehovot 76100 E-mail KOREA Prof Kun-Suk Woo Institute of Korea Beekeeping Science, College of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University, Suwon 440 744 E-mail


M Hj Muid

Plant Protection Department, Agricultural University of Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor E-mail




Beekeeping Training and Extension Support Project, Godawari, Lalitpur. NEW ZEALAND Mr Cliff van Eaton

National Apiculture Business Unit, MAF Quality Management, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Private Bag, Tauranga E-mail

OMAN Mr Keith E Ferguson PO Box 2037, SEEB


PAKISTAN Dr Nasreen Muzaffar Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad


PHILIPPINES Dr Cleofas R Cervancia Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, UP Los Banos, College, Laguna E-mail



AI Mughrabi

RW K Punchihewa

TAIWAN (China) Dr Chun-Yen Lin

WORKSHOP BOXES can provide for use at your posters and information must receive notice at least meeting. We three months ahead of the date. Tell us how


National Beekeeping Center, Perum Perhurani, Ji Gator Subroto-Senayan, PO Box WB, Jakarta 10270

Honeybee Research Facility, Horticulture Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Kananwila, Horana

Rev F M Anyia, Agbor, Nigeria

Bees for Development



Bees for Development.

developing countries.


PO Box 42332, Riyadh 11541, Ministry of Agriculture & Water, Training Department, Riyadh E-mail


BRUNEI Dr Kassim Hajidaud

Department of Zoology, Bangalore University, Jnaha Bharati, Bangalore 560 056


Thank you

Bangladesh Institute of Apiculture 23/12 Khilji Road, Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207

Prof C C Reddy



Bangladesh Apicultural Association, 30/1 Shantinagar, Dhaka 1217

INDIA Central Bee Research Institute

Membership of AAA costs US$20 per year. You can join by contacting your local Representative. People in other countries should send payment directly to Dr Jun


BANGLADESH Dr Alamgir Mati

As we go to press, sad news that Professor Roger Morse of Cornell University in the USA has died. Professor Morse did so much to encourage young bee researchers, and wrote top technical information accessible to all. He was a kind friend and supporter, and he will be greatly missed in world beekeeping.

Taiwan Apicultural & Sericuitural Experiment Station, 261 Kuan-nan, Kung-Kuan, Miaoli

THAILAND Mr Somnuk Boongird Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Science, Rankham Haeng University, Rankham Haeng Road, Bangkok 10240

TURKEY Dr Osman Kaftanoglu Department of Animal Science, Cukurova University, Adana 01330 E-mail

VIETNAM Mr Dinh Quyet Tam Vietnam Beekeepers’ Association, Langha, Dongda, Hanoi E-mail

A Bees

for Development publication




New grey lizards, insect pests (including wasps, giant and red ants) and toads attack and kill bees. Cattle, horses and pigs can knock over hives and then lick up the honey.

Meliponula nebulata occupying the same hive as African honeybees Apis mellifera adansonii

Beekeepers put scarecrows on plantations to frighten animals away. They hang their hives 90-120 cm above the ground. No bee diseases have been detected in Benin.

Varroa confirmed

Reported by Alphonse Dansou in Coraf

Action, October-December 1999


Beekeepers trained in Buea Sub Division About 100 beekeepers have recently undertaken training during two workshops facilitated by the Forestry, Agriculture, Animal & Fishery Network. One workshop was designed to create awareness of beekeeping as an income-generating activity for school leavers and unemployed young people.

The second workshop, held on the slopes of Mount Cameroon, attracted 60 participants: some local villagers and honey hunters. They heard how beekeeping can increase income and how to practise honey hunting that protects the environment. Both workshops taught construction and use of top-bar hives, api-agroforestry and the use of hive

products, particularly propolis and beeswax which have previously been always thrown away. Material supplied by

Bees for Development was

distributed to all workshop participants. Lyonga William Mumbe, Beekeeping Supervisor, FAAFNET

Page 8


A Bees for Development publication

New Zealand


Ghana A peaceful co-existence! This picture sent in by our Ghana Correspondent, Kwame Aidoo, shows stingless bees


senin The Association Nationale des Apiculteurs du Bénin is working hard to protect bees. Scaly ant-eaters, frogs,



The Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry in Wellington confirmed the presence of the Varroa mite in South Auckland in April 2000. A standstill order extending 70 km from Auckland has been imposed while a search for infested colonies takes place. There are 100 hobby and commercial beekeepers in this area. The exportation of live bees from New Zealand has ceased until the extent of the disease is known. Jim Edwards, National Manager International Trade, New Zealand

Editor’s note:

{t has been confirmed also that the Varroa mite has been introduced to the western-most country in Europe. Ireland,

Nigeria Kano State Afforestation


During the processing and use of forest products in Kano State, little attention is given to the abundant resources of nontimber forest products and the beneficial impact of apiculture on environmental conservation. Surveys of the area have shown good apicultural resources, with many honeybees attracted to the area because of the abundant forage and water resources available.

Sierra Leone

Two areas, one of natural forest at Dansoshiy, and Yanbawa Shelter Belt (planted Eucalyptus) were proposed as sites for the apiculture programme and hives introduced. After four months the initial capital outlay had been recovered. Currently honey and beeswax are underpriced and their market potential is not fully realised. The bee farmers are forming an association to ensure a fair price for their products and a constant supply to meet the demand. Kano State Afforestation Project

Request for support for training

Bo Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society has been assisting rural communities of the Southern Province in beekeeping. Our organisation has been hit hard during the civil strife. The office in Bo with all our beekeeping equipment ranging from bee suits to extractors was burnt. Four apiaries located in Pujehun District each with six bee hives were destroyed. Worst of all the organisation tragically lost its pioneer and first Executive Director, Mr William Dent, a Liberian refugee and professional beekeeper who was killed in a rebel ambush between Freetown and Bo. ! write to formally request all readers and well-wishers for financial assistance to enable one of our extension staff to participate in the Beekeeping in Rural Development Course in July 2000. Your assistance (however small) will go a long way in training one staff member to become as competent as the late William. hereby authorise that assistance be directed to Bees for Development, and thank you. | Senesi Fawundu, Executive Director, Bo Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society Ltd |

Re das CA





Tanzania "Mlonge" Moringa oleifera is now being planted by many villagers in Tabora and neighbouring regions. Oil suitable for cooking purposes can be extracted from


the seeds. The tree blossoms twice a year and its flowers produce plenty of nectar for bees to collect. The tree can produce seeds for about forty years. This is good news for beekeepers and Tanzania!


Nineteen participants had hands-on practice in producing soaps using beeswax, honey, locally processed bay oil, aloe vera, and other natural ingredients. Participants were chosen on the basis of their demonstrated desire to pursue value added manufacture of locally made products. The Workshop was the first in a series of joint TAS/TIDCO initiatives for beekeepers that are designed to develop new value-added

Beekeepers will benefit from this product that can be collected from their own fields close to their homes. The leaves, roots and seed husks make good animal feed, and the tender green leaves and green beans make excellent vegetables for people. onge grows well in sandy and dry areas where other crops cannot grow. It is a blessing to have the seeds in Tabora where lack of rain is such a major problem.| hope honey and beeswax collection will increase and that Tabora

Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society will benefit from the collection of honey and beeswax in the villages, rather than the collection of "wild" honey. Justin Madaha,


Correspondent in Tanzania

look ahead ARGENTINA International Congress on Propolis

|-2 September 2000, Buenos Aires Further details from: Ing Alejandro Alvarez,

Secretary of Scientific Committee, PROAPI, INTA EEA Famailla, Casilla de Correo ||, Famailla (4132), Tucuman, Argentina E-mail

de Apicultura (13th Brazilian Apiculture Congress)

14-17 November, 2000, Floriandpolis Further details from: Secretaria Geral-FAASC, Rodovia

Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Tolerance in Honeybees

8th International Symposium on Pollination Further details from: Professor P Benedek, Faculty of of Agriculture, Pannon University Agricultural Sciences, H9201 Mosonmayarovar, var 4, Hungary


2002, Bangalore

AAA, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194 8610, Japan. E-mail

Further details from:

16-18 November 2000, London Further details from: Rev Francis Capener, Baldric Close, Folkestone,




CT20 2NR, United Kingdom

Improving What We Have |-4 September 2000, Sheffield Further details from: Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders’ Association, c/o Tom Robinson, 71 York YO|

AJP United Kingdom





Alternative Trade and Ecolabelling in Miombo Woodlands

24-29 August 2003, Ljubljana Further details from: Cebelarska Zveza Slovenije, Cankarjeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail

25 June — July 2000, Kabompo Further details from:



6th AAA Conference

National Honey Show

14-18 August 2000, Four Seasons Resort Further details from: Congress Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing & Co-operatives, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis E-mail

Libcice nad Vitavou, Czech Republic E-mail beedol@beedol.cz_

July 2000, Mosonmayarovar


|-7 September 2001, Durban Further details from: Apimondia 2001, Conference Planners, PO Box 82, Irene 0062, South Africa



NEVIS Second Caribbean Beekeeping Congress

SOUTH AFRICA XXXVII Apimondia Congress


CZ 252

United Kingdom

Over 50 participants gathered at Long Ashton Research Station near Bristol in April for a one day meeting on The Role of Beekeeping in Development Programmes. The Seminar was organised jointly by Bees for Development and the Tropical Agriculture Association. A number of international speakers presented details of projects in Cameroon, DR Congo, Kenya, the Middle East, Zanzibar and Zimbabwe. Clive de Bruyn who wrote about GM crops in B&D54 presented a paper on GM crops and their effect on pollination. Bees for Development’s involvement was sponsored by the DFID Cyfanfyd Development Awareness Programme.

XXXVI Apimondia Congress

BRAZIL XII Congreso Brasileiro

17-19 October 2000, Kralupy (near Prague) Further details from: Bee Research Institute Dol,

Gladstone Solomon, B&D’s Correspondent in Tobago, and President of Tobago Apicultural Society

2-6 September 2000, Moscow Further details from: Exhibition Complex, Nakhimovsky prospekt 24, 117218 Moscow, Russia

Zu October 2000, Brussels Further details from: Benoit Olivier, Miel Maya Honig asbl, Maya Fair Trading asbl, rue du Mont, 13, B-4130 Esneux, Belgium E-mail


products. The initiatives being pursued are consistent with the resolutions on “business P practices and P profitability” Ppassed at the First Caribbean Beekeepin, ping Congress held in November 1998.

Intermiod 2000 Exhibition and Conference on Beekeeping and Hive Products

iLGIUM ir Trade Seminar

Virgilio Varzea, 2554 Saco Grande Floriandpolis SC, Brazil


The Tobago Apicultural Society and the Tourism and Industrial Development Company co-hosted a three-day Workshop on soap makingin Scarboroughin February 2000. The Workshop was facilitated by Florida International Volunteer Corps who contracted Debra Graybeal from the USA to conduct the Workshop.

4th International Conference on the Black Bee 19-24 August 2000, Dalsland Further information from: Ingvar Arvidsson Angemyrsgatan 5, SE 66631 Bengtsfors, Sweden E-mail


Harvesting of Non-Wood Forest Products

2-8 October 2000, Ismir Further details from: Dr Rudolph Heinrich E-mail

UNITED KINGDOM Sustainable Livelihoods: Exploring the Role of Beekeeping in Development

18-20 September 2000, University of Wales, Swansea Further details from: Bees for Development


learn ahead


Short Course Programme in Beekeeping 20-26 August or 26 November-2 December 2000, Molo Further details from: The Principal, Baraka Agricultural College, Box 52, Molo, Kenya E-mail

TANZANIA Short Course in Beekeeping

9-12 August 2000, Tunduru, Ruvuma Region Further details from: Ms Inge Danzeisen, CMML, PO Box 1424, Dodoma, Tanzania E-mail


Beekeeping in Rural Development Training Course 10 July — 4 August 2000, Cardiff University and Nijiro Wildlife Research Centre Further details from: Bees for Development If you want details of your conference, workshop or meeting to be included here and on our website write to

Development, Troy,Monmouth, NP25 4AB, United Kingdom Fax +44 (0)16007 16167 E-mail Bees for

A Bees

for Development publication


Page ‘



the Kitchen

by Joyce White, revised by Valerie Rogers

2000 (2nd edition)

Development supports

g projects. These tend to be all print runs and would not d by commercial book selling ventures, Where possible reviews are published in Bookshelf. Many of these titles are 1eld only by Bees for nent and the information

Bees of the World 1999

192 pages. Paperback.

is full

great anomalies: the public outcry heard against environmenta! pollution, and yet total SEAR L. WINSTON intolerance to insects in our domestic

interesting illustrations (many in

colour) and

helpful diagrams.

The book explains what

environment; the perceived pestulance of some species, and yet the toxic effects of the chemicals we use to kill them.

bees are, and how they differ from

other insects. With a world fauna of 25,000 described species, in numbers bees easily outstrip amphibians and reptiles (5,500 species), birds (8,600 species) and mammals (3,500 species), and new bee species are being identified every year. Most bee species are solitary and the life cycles of mining, mason, leaf-cutter and carder bees are described. The road leading to social honeybees and stingless bees is then discussed. The final chapters focus on bees and flowers, with a whole chapter devoted to the unlikely partners: bees and orchids. idea of the male The

honeybee as the lazy, feckless drone, relying on workers to feed him, has permeated our culture. To set the record straight the authors have devoted a whole chapter to males of the species, carefully emphasising the vital role of male bees.

How to order

An articulate and readable exploration of how humans live amongst other species. Mark Winston exposes some




e-mail, or through our website. Send payment with your order.

Or ask us or US$.

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Delivery to addresses


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charge * All orders outside the UK are delivered by airmail service for speed and safety: Please add 10% for airmail delivery to

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Ways to Pay * Credit cards Access, JCB, Mastercard




provides insight into various themes. One chapter "Frankenstein plants" neatly explains bioengineering of plants; useful reading for anyone who would join the current GM crop debate. Another is devoted to "Bees and other beneficials", explaining how we have destroyed wild bee populations and, instead of restoring them so they can continue pollination, have substituted an alternative, complex and expensive pollination industry. This text was deservedly short listed for the BP Natural World Book Prize, and is available now for the first time in

ge 10 - A Bees for Development publication

Send us a note of what you want, or use the order form in our catalogue Books to Buy, or on our website. You can order by post, telephone, fax,

for a pro forma invoice in UK


Over ten chapters Mark Winston


Valerte Ragars

list and description of all oks, posters and videos available ees for Development is on bsite at,


enjoyed by anyone with a liking for bees. It


Joyce White Rleviend by


Available from Bees for Development price UK12

new paperback edition of the book


tested recipes containing honey. This revised edition includes drinks, breakfasts, honey puddings and sweets, cakes and biscuits, and honey with salads and fruit.

Mark Winston 1999 — 210 pages. Paperback.

Available from Bees for Development price UK20


A compendium of well

Nature Wars: People v Pests

Christopher O'Toole and Anthony Raw

62 pages. Paperback.

Available from Bees for Development price UKE10

they contain would not be otherwise accessible. We stock also a selected range of the best publications on bees, beekeeping and related subjects. Income we receive from orders supports the Bees for Development information service for beekeepers in developing countries. Please buy all your bee reading and viewing from Bees for Development!

g in developing countries by ailable books, reports and it have been prepared by




or Visa. We need to know your card number, card expiry date and name on card. Cheque, eurocheque or bank draft in

UKé Payments to Bees for Development please Bank transfer Account number: 10167967 Sort code: 20-00-85 Barclays Bank plc,

PO Box 29, Monmouth, NP25 3YG, UK Post Office Giro Account number: 4222067

Bank charges Your payment must cover all bank charges. If paying in currencies

other than UKE use the current exchange rate and add the equivalent of UK7 to the total order cost.

Bees for De velopme at Phone +44 (C 16007 13 648 Fax +44 (0) 6007 161 Post Troy, Monmot th, NP25 1AB, UK E-mail busy@ planbee.or Web site ww .planbee. org


videoshelf The Magic Trees of Assam

colony has to stop several times en route, each time for a few days, to fill up with fuel (nectar) for the next leg of the journey. Journey’s end is a majestic silk cotton Bombax ceiba tree in the plains of Assam. This "Magic Tree" is full of Apis dorsata colonies. But how do they know to come here? Only the queen may have been here last year: the workers and drones are too short lived to have been here before. The beginning of the video focuses on the aggressive nature of the giant bees. The video goes on to show exactly why they have to be so defensive: predators include not only Yacoub, the highly skilled, agile and confident village honey hunter, but also giant spiders, honey buzzards, wasps and ants. There is superb film of


Idea and Scientific Advisor Gerald Kastberger,

Directed by Paul Reddish Narrated by Sir David Attenborough

1999 -VHS/PAL. Running time: 51 minutes.

Available from Bees for Development price UK45


marvellous new video that will fascinate everyone. It follows the journey of a giant honeybee colony as t migrates from the foothills of the dimalayas to the plains of Assam. There is fantastic filming of the giant honeybee Apis dorsata: how the colony lives and works, defending itself from predators, and most remarkably, see gathering to leave on migration. We of the the bee as she from as if eye flies south over forest and rivers. The


This is


wonderful video, in a class of

its own, It is not yet on general release: copies are available only for educational

golden langur monkeys feasting on golden honeycomb, and Himalayan pygmy hogs feeding on fallen scraps. These are just a few glimpses of the many special sights, filmed for the first time here.


The relatively high price of this video reflects the many years of research that have gone into its production.




Mey sho

50-50 or phone a friend? lifes decisions never end So make a beeline for our show and ask us all you wish to know.

Why not hire


Thursday Friday

Saturday Admission:

Schedule of details from:

coach to arrive




16th November 2.30 pm-7.00 pm 17th November 9.30 am-7.00 pm 18th November 9.30 am-5.00 pm

Adults 4.00, Children under 16 0.50, Members Free

Hon. General Secretary Revd. H. tel & fax: 01303 254 579 e-mail:



Registered Charity 233656

The National Honey Show takes place in London, UK

A Bees for Development publication - Page




eye ray Vs


BUY WANTED Beeswax, oney, Propolis

| VelIrlOODS

Role Exploring the in





beekeeping equipment


if you

18-20 September 2000 A special two-day Symposium being organised Bees for Development

and for our museum

are interested in producing honey or other bee products for our company, do not hesitate to contact us!


by and the University of

Furthermore we can help you to

Wales, Swansea. The Symposium will explain the new Sustainable Livelihoods approach by looking

produce products of higher quality and we can teach you in beekeeping!!!

at beekeeping’s role in development.

The Venue

is the Centre for Development Studies, University of Wales, Swansea, UK


UK90 approximately per person including meals and accommodation




Bees for Development Symposium supported by DFID, UK



The Cost

Further details from





Haupstrasse 4a, D-54552 Neichen, Germany Tel/Fax (+49) 2692 92050 / 020555 E-mail




me mela



Chunbo International Importers and distributors of bee products want to import a total of 100 tonnes of crude propolis annually from beekeepers world-wide. Specifications are:




- red, brown or green (grey may be accepted on inspection) Prices negotiable in accordance with purity and quality



ory a)


Production and value-added preducts

Congress venue



oF $2 an Oe

Five Diamonds Four Seasons Resort

Congress information

Congress Secretariat Ministry of Agriculture Lands, Housing & Co-operatives Main Street

Charlestown Nevis E-mail chunbopr@ppp.kornet2 .net and I

14-18 August 2000

“Expanding the Horizons for Caribbean Beekeepers Oe

Purity - over 50% Total flavonoid content - over 5% * Heavy metal content- below |0 ppm


Fax (+1) 869 469 1698/0324 E-mail


Nevis island ‘Administration a Ministry of Tourism

Beekeeping & Development is published quarterly by Bees for Development, Troy,Monmouth, NP25 4AB, United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)16007 13648 Fax +44 (0)16007 16167 E-mail Web Site Bees for Development 2000 Printed on environmentally friendly paper ISSN 1369 9555

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