Bees for Development Journal Edition 55 - June 2000

Page 13

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Tanzania "Mlonge" Moringa oleifera is now being planted by many villagers in Tabora and neighbouring regions. Oil suitable for cooking purposes can be extracted from


the seeds. The tree blossoms twice a year and its flowers produce plenty of nectar for bees to collect. The tree can produce seeds for about forty years. This is good news for beekeepers and Tanzania!


Nineteen participants had hands-on practice in producing soaps using beeswax, honey, locally processed bay oil, aloe vera, and other natural ingredients. Participants were chosen on the basis of their demonstrated desire to pursue value added manufacture of locally made products. The Workshop was the first in a series of joint TAS/TIDCO initiatives for beekeepers that are designed to develop new value-added

Beekeepers will benefit from this product that can be collected from their own fields close to their homes. The leaves, roots and seed husks make good animal feed, and the tender green leaves and green beans make excellent vegetables for people. onge grows well in sandy and dry areas where other crops cannot grow. It is a blessing to have the seeds in Tabora where lack of rain is such a major problem.| hope honey and beeswax collection will increase and that Tabora

Beekeepers’ Co-operative Society will benefit from the collection of honey and beeswax in the villages, rather than the collection of "wild" honey. Justin Madaha,


Correspondent in Tanzania

look ahead ARGENTINA International Congress on Propolis

|-2 September 2000, Buenos Aires Further details from: Ing Alejandro Alvarez,

Secretary of Scientific Committee, PROAPI, INTA EEA Famailla, Casilla de Correo ||, Famailla (4132), Tucuman, Argentina E-mail

de Apicultura (13th Brazilian Apiculture Congress)

14-17 November, 2000, Floriandpolis Further details from: Secretaria Geral-FAASC, Rodovia

Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Tolerance in Honeybees

8th International Symposium on Pollination Further details from: Professor P Benedek, Faculty of of Agriculture, Pannon University Agricultural Sciences, H9201 Mosonmayarovar, var 4, Hungary


2002, Bangalore

AAA, Tamagawa University, Machida-Shi, Tokyo 194 8610, Japan. E-mail

Further details from:

16-18 November 2000, London Further details from: Rev Francis Capener, Baldric Close, Folkestone,




CT20 2NR, United Kingdom

Improving What We Have |-4 September 2000, Sheffield Further details from: Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders’ Association, c/o Tom Robinson, 71 York YO|

AJP United Kingdom





Alternative Trade and Ecolabelling in Miombo Woodlands

24-29 August 2003, Ljubljana Further details from: Cebelarska Zveza Slovenije, Cankarjeva 3, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail

25 June — July 2000, Kabompo Further details from:



6th AAA Conference

National Honey Show

14-18 August 2000, Four Seasons Resort Further details from: Congress Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing & Co-operatives, Main Street, Charlestown, Nevis E-mail

Libcice nad Vitavou, Czech Republic E-mail beedol@beedol.cz_

July 2000, Mosonmayarovar


|-7 September 2001, Durban Further details from: Apimondia 2001, Conference Planners, PO Box 82, Irene 0062, South Africa



NEVIS Second Caribbean Beekeeping Congress

SOUTH AFRICA XXXVII Apimondia Congress


CZ 252

United Kingdom

Over 50 participants gathered at Long Ashton Research Station near Bristol in April for a one day meeting on The Role of Beekeeping in Development Programmes. The Seminar was organised jointly by Bees for Development and the Tropical Agriculture Association. A number of international speakers presented details of projects in Cameroon, DR Congo, Kenya, the Middle East, Zanzibar and Zimbabwe. Clive de Bruyn who wrote about GM crops in B&D54 presented a paper on GM crops and their effect on pollination. Bees for Development’s involvement was sponsored by the DFID Cyfanfyd Development Awareness Programme.

XXXVI Apimondia Congress

BRAZIL XII Congreso Brasileiro

17-19 October 2000, Kralupy (near Prague) Further details from: Bee Research Institute Dol,

Gladstone Solomon, B&D’s Correspondent in Tobago, and President of Tobago Apicultural Society

2-6 September 2000, Moscow Further details from: Exhibition Complex, Nakhimovsky prospekt 24, 117218 Moscow, Russia

Zu October 2000, Brussels Further details from: Benoit Olivier, Miel Maya Honig asbl, Maya Fair Trading asbl, rue du Mont, 13, B-4130 Esneux, Belgium E-mail


products. The initiatives being pursued are consistent with the resolutions on “business P practices and P profitability” Ppassed at the First Caribbean Beekeepin, ping Congress held in November 1998.

Intermiod 2000 Exhibition and Conference on Beekeeping and Hive Products

iLGIUM ir Trade Seminar

Virgilio Varzea, 2554 Saco Grande Floriandpolis SC, Brazil


The Tobago Apicultural Society and the Tourism and Industrial Development Company co-hosted a three-day Workshop on soap makingin Scarboroughin February 2000. The Workshop was facilitated by Florida International Volunteer Corps who contracted Debra Graybeal from the USA to conduct the Workshop.

4th International Conference on the Black Bee 19-24 August 2000, Dalsland Further information from: Ingvar Arvidsson Angemyrsgatan 5, SE 66631 Bengtsfors, Sweden E-mail


Harvesting of Non-Wood Forest Products

2-8 October 2000, Ismir Further details from: Dr Rudolph Heinrich E-mail

UNITED KINGDOM Sustainable Livelihoods: Exploring the Role of Beekeeping in Development

18-20 September 2000, University of Wales, Swansea Further details from: Bees for Development


learn ahead


Short Course Programme in Beekeeping 20-26 August or 26 November-2 December 2000, Molo Further details from: The Principal, Baraka Agricultural College, Box 52, Molo, Kenya E-mail

TANZANIA Short Course in Beekeeping

9-12 August 2000, Tunduru, Ruvuma Region Further details from: Ms Inge Danzeisen, CMML, PO Box 1424, Dodoma, Tanzania E-mail


Beekeeping in Rural Development Training Course 10 July — 4 August 2000, Cardiff University and Nijiro Wildlife Research Centre Further details from: Bees for Development If you want details of your conference, workshop or meeting to be included here and on our website write to

Development, Troy,Monmouth, NP25 4AB, United Kingdom Fax +44 (0)16007 16167 E-mail Bees for

A Bees

for Development publication


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