Book Shelf Toward Saving the Honeybee Ginther Hauk 2002 80 pages 14.60
(€20.40) Code H140
Ginther Hauk
is Director of the Biodynamic Gardening and Environmental Studies Programme of the Pfeiffer Center in New York. In this book, he encourages respect for bees and urges beekeepers to reconsider some accepted norms. Chapter One considers the hive, and discusses the virtues of round shapes compared with angular ones, and various other matters such as the possibly beneficial properties of cow dung! Chapter Two looks at wax: honeybees uniquely create the substance for their nest (beeswax) out of their own bloodstreams. Production of wax is an activity of major significance to the bees, and forcing them to use old combs may be robbing them of vitality. Chapter Three considers the bees themselves, and argues for greater reverence in our approach, while Chapter Four takes a fresh look at swarming, and how bees' behaviour is essential for their well-being. Chapters Five and Six cover honey, pollen, and honeybee health, and encourage beekeepers to be stewards of bees, rather than mere exploiters, and to use approaches that will keep bees satisfied and contented. Chapter Seven urges a complete change in our way of thinking: honeybee colonies suffered a rapid decline in numbers during the 20th Century - we need to find a way to re-establish their well-being and health, and this might mean considering the bees' needs above our own.
Beekeeping and Sustainable Livelihoods Nicola Bradbear Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) Diversification Booklet 2004 60 pages 1
Readers in developing countries may obtain a copy by contacting or or by mailto John Dixon, AGSI, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome 00100, Italy. This new booklet outlines the great role and value of bees as part of rural people's sustainable livelihoods.
NATURAL HONEY Honey is different from processed foods, it naturally rich product by itself tris wyood to cat honey
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Beekeeping in Central Africa
Advantages -
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Paul Latham (editor) and Heather Poxon (translator) 2004 46 pages 7.20 (€ 10.80)
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Code L125
This is the English version, with some adaptation of Apiculture en Bas-Congo, reviewed in BfDJ 69 from the Integrated Development Project of the Salvation Army of D R Congo and Angola. Colour cartoon illustrations augment the brief text in an an easy-to-read and entertaining manual. Working with top-bar hives, management tips and
hive siting, honey and wax harvesting, and the products of beekeeping, are some of the subjects described.