Who are we? We often hear that the survival of the entire human race depends on bees. And it is true that those tiny creatures provide us with most of our food. But because of the extensive use of pesticides and the spread of monoculture that disrupts biodiversity, the bee population keeps decreasing1. That’s why Bee Together believes that we must take action. We are concerned about not only honey bees, but also other pollinators, such as bumblebees, solitary bees, butterflies, and moths. By providing a balanced perspective on the subject, we hope to enable people to make more informed decisions on their contribution towards our collective well-being. We organise events and activities to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity, bees and pollinators. We also collect funds to support local efforts that may have a direct impact on the environment.
Raising awareness Working with organisations with similar objectives, we raise awareness with the general public through various activities and events, such as: • Volunteering time to clear land, sow seeds and plant fruit trees; • Visits to discover how a bee colony works and how important biodiversity is to them; • Guided tours to observe and try to determine the species of wild solitary bees; • Stands at events; • Pesticide-free campaign (Ouni Pestiziden); and • Writing articles in the press/media.
Providing support to local initiatives Using the kind donations made at our events and activities, we fund initiatives, such as: • natur&ëmwelt to translate their flyer: “Diversity of bees”. • SIAS for their projects with local schools to make their schoolyards more pollinator friendly; • Naturpark Mëllerdall (NPM) to plant an orchard of heirloom varieties of fruit trees. Volunteers also donated their time to plant the fruit trees for NPM’s orchard conservation project; and • Insect hotel in Munsbach.
You can support Bee Together’s initiatives by making a donation to:
You can find Bee Together:
Bank Account: BCEE
on Facebook and our events here.
Bank Branch: BEI / EIB Bank Account Number:
LU46 0019 4555 2039 4000
Contact us: beetogetherlux@gmail.com
McCoy, T. (July 2014); A reason millions of bees are dying; The Washington Post Carrington, D (May 2014); Honeybees abandoning hives and dying due to insecticide use, research finds; The Guardian 1