Coming Events at Beit Haverim November 2015 Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034
Tikkun Olam Meeting Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM
New Member Dinner Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg & Ann Brown with Birthday Blessings!
6:00PM 7:00PM
Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
Taste of Melton Bagel Chat Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM
10 Ritual Committee Meeting Home of Karin Stolz Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
10:00AM 11:45AM
Phone: 503-568-1241
13 Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg & Ann Brown
Email :
14 Bar Mitzvah of Jahleel Heath
15 Board Meeting Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30PM 2:30PM 4:30PM
17 Ladies’ Night Home of Naomi Angier
19 Gratitude Service with LOUCC
20 Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg & Ann Brown
21 Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
22 Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30PM 4:30PM
Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment
27 No Shabbat Service
From Rabbi Alan Berg Now is The Time To Prepare for Our First Scholar-in-Residence Kimberly Hartnett
December 6, 7 Shabbaton at Beit Haverim Dear Friends, The partnership between African-Americans and the American Jewish community proved to be decisive in the passage of the great civil rights laws of the 1960s. Harry Golden, the publisher of the small newspaper The Carolina Israelite, through his simply written personal columns, changed the inner life of America’s Jews to bond that alliance in a positive constructive way. Here is a link to the first few pages of Hartnett’s book for you to get a more complete picture of Golden and of Hartnett. Kimberly Hartnett will teach at three events. At our December 6 Friday evening 7 PM service, then in a question and answer mode at 10AM Dec 7 Torah study, and in a Beit Haverim innovation, a Havdalah chat with our scholar. Please set the time now to attend a Shabbat of study at the temple. Each presentation will be a great event, and spending the Shabbat at all three sessions becomes a Jewish study retreat. Thanks to John and Jo-Ann Moss for their vision in establishing this series. In November, I’m looking forward to seeing you at Shabbat services, Torah study, our New Members Shabbat and our joint Thanksgiving service with LOUCC on Nov 19. B’Shalom, Rabbi Alan Berg November, 2015
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From Our President, Sue Greenspan The High Holy Days came to an end with the Torah being danced around the synagogue seven times and unscrolled in its entirety around the room. The last passage of Deuteronomy and the first passage of Genesis were recited. The white Torah cover was exchanged for its blue cover. The Sukkah was dismantled and put away, awaiting its building next year. The holiest time of the year has come to an end. I would like to thank Karin Stolz and the ritual committee for helping orchestrate the High Holy Days with Rabbi Berg; Naomi Angier and committee for once again organizing the lovely break-fast; Dena Gutterman and the membership committee for manning the membership tables; Mark Newman, once again, for building the Sukkah; and Jahleel and Chris Heath and Kim Kent for dismantling it. I also want to thank Allan Kalik for directing the choir; Ann Brown for her magnificent singing; Judith Kleinstein for coordinating all music; and Allison Fowler, our office manager, for keeping it all running smoothly. Now we move on to the many other holidays and activities that complete our year at Beit Haverim. Please join us for our New Members Celebration Dinner on Friday, November 6 at 6:00 p.m. Our 31 new families will be treated to dinner (supplied by established members) and then blessed by Rabbi Berg. Check your weekly news for details. For those congregants who enjoy a good read, pick up a copy of Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care about Jews, the South and Civil Rights and get ready for Beit Haverim’s first Scholar-in-Residence Programs. Three activities are planned with author Kimberly Hartnett for the first weekend in December. Our annual Congregational Chanukah Dinner is scheduled for Friday night, December 11 at 6:00 p.m. The evening will begin with a delicious, traditional Chanukah dinner. All families are asked to make and bring their own Chanukah Menorah for the annual Chanukiah Challenge. Don’t be left out of the fun! Please contact the temple office if you have any questions. Hope to see you at all our upcoming Temple Activities. B’Shalom, Sue November, 2015
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November Events Tikkun Olam Meeting Sunday, November 1, 2:30PM We have the ability to do great things through Tikkun Olam. Our goal is to repair the world one bit at a time. Please come to a meeting of the Tikkun Olam committee on November 1st at 2:30 PM. We need bright ideas and fresh hands to do some creative work. I am looking for anyone who wants to join in to brainstorm and get active. Whether you are a brand new member or a long-timer, Tikkun Olam needs you. Join us. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on November 1st. Barbara Gold, Chairperson
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November Events Ritual Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 10, 10:00AM Home of Karin Stolz Planning for Chanukah dinner and Women led service.
Bagel Chat at Beit Haverim Taste of Melton: A time for every purpose under the Heaven: What is "Jewish time"? Sunday, November 8, 2:30PM A Taste of Melton serves to introduce potential students to the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Our class will be "A time for every purpose under the Heaven: what is "Jewish time". It will be taught by Sylvia Frankel, Executive Director of the Institute for Judaic Studies. She is an excellent instructor and we are fortunate to be able to offer this free class to our congregation. This lesson will focus on the Jewish way to mark and sanctify time. A passage from Abraham Joshua Heschel's book, THE SABBATH: ITS MEANING FOR MODERN MAN will help us better understand how one can create sacred time as opposed to sacred places. This class is part of our Bagel Chat series so bagels and cream cheese will be served.
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November Events Bar Mitzvah of Jahleel Heath Saturday, November 14, 10:00AM Hi, I’m Jahleel Heath, and I am a seventh grader at Ogden Middle School. I have a younger sister, NayNay, who attends Redland Elementary School. My parents are Kim Kent and Chris Heath, and we have lived in Oregon City since I was three years old when I was adopted. My favorite school subjects are humanities and woodshop. I like how we learn about history and go into deeper conversations about it. I like woodshop because it helps us with life skills like measuring things and using the tools to make our projects. After school I play football and lacrosse. I hope to be an NFL player for the Seattle Seahawks someday. For my mitzvah project I have been collecting teddy bears, blankets, and pajamas for foster kids because I was once a foster kid, and I want to help pay back what the community has done for me. I sold eggs from our chickens and the proceeds went to my mitzvah project. Another way I got money was from “100 Strong,” a really good organization that gives you $100 in cash and expects you to use it to help the community. I want to thank Rabbi Berg, my parents, my Hebrew tutor, Chana Weiss, and all my religious school teachers from my time at Beit Haverim. They have helped mold me into a good person, and Beit Haverim has been a second family to me.
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November Events Ladies’ Night Tuesday, November 17, 6:30PM Our Monthly Potluck dinners will continue at the home of Naomi Angier, Upon RSVP Address will be provided. Bring your favorite main dish, salad, or dessert. Carpools will leave from Beit Haverim at 5:45PM. If you need other arrangements contact Sue Greenspan.
A Special Thanksgiving Service Amazing Gratitude Thursday, November 19, 7:00pm Beit Haverim & Lake Oswego United Church of Christ Services led by Rabbi Alan Berg and Reverend Jennie Ott Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Beit Haverim and LOUCC Choirs 8:00 - 9:00 Pie and Ice Cream Social Enjoy sweet treats while getting to know members of our shared community. We are asking everyone to bring food and socks donations for Hereford House. It is a non profit that provides services, health screenings, nutrition classes, food pantry and more for folks in N. Portland. They serve 350-500 folks a week, and help with finding housing, employment and independent living. Click here for more information about Hereford House.
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Mazel Tov Mazel Tov to Anna Spear, daughter of Ione and Don Spear, for being selected as one of 14 area high school students to serve on this year's Student Writers Advisory Group (SWAG) for the Lake Oswego Review and West Linn Tidings newspapers. The group was created to provide more student voices in the publication. Anna is a sophomore at West Linn High School.
New Member Corner Beit Haverim welcomes new member families to our congregation in October. Marcia Mindell Sherryll & Darryl Mleynek Marcia Savar & Boyce Towell Ronnie Schechter Dorie & Jonathan Woolf
Share Thanksgiving Kindness We Need Your Donations! Now through November 18
We LOVE Thanksgiving, and we want to share the love. Beit Haverim is partnering with Jewish Family and Child Services to fill Thanksgiving meal boxes for our neighbors who might not have a grand Thanksgiving dinner without some help. Beit Haverim is collecting boxes of Mrs. Cubbison Herb Stuffing, 12 oz boxes. Our goal is 150 boxes by November 18th. (You can buy it at Winco, Fred Meyers, Safeway and Walmart.) Please grab a few boxes and bring them to the lobby of Beit Haverim where there is a bin just waiting for them. Tikkun Olam will take them to MJCC for inclusion into special Thanksgiving boxes. Thank you for your help! November, 2015
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Tikkun Olam Update Tikkun Olam wants to help the community to make Thanksgiving happy and delicious for 150 households in our area since it is usually a major happy holiday. We are working with Jewish Family and Child Services to collect baskets of traditional food to go to those families who might not have a special dinner without our help. Beit Haverim's part is collecting 150 boxes or bags of stuffing mix. Seems easy! We will have a bin in the lobby for you to deposit your stuffing contribution. We need to have it all collected by November 15th, so the baskets can be assembled and delivered on November 22nd. If you or your family want to help even more, please check out the Jewish Family and Child Services website for information on assembling or driving to deliver the baskets. Please start right away. If each of us picks up a box or two of stuffing, we can make a happy holiday for a lot of kids and their families.
“Why Aren’t There More Black People in Oregon” Recap We had a spectacular event! If you were among the 142 guests, you will likely agree. On October 11, Beit Haverim partnered with LOUCC and the Oregon Humanities Conversation Project to hold an amazing conversation about the history of Black people in Oregon. Wallidah Imarisha was the speaker/moderator and she led the discussion. We learned through posters, historical documents, and photos, some of the obstacles and overt hate that Black folks met with even in trying to come to Oregon. The legacy of the hate and discrimination that was put forward lingers today. The educational aspect of the program was stunning. The call to action for each of us was clear.
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Donations In honor of
Thank you to Jon & Mair Blatt for your generous donation Thank you to Eve Miller & Michael Langley for your donation in honor of Ruth & Daniel Jonas Miller Thank you to Michael Call for your donation Thank you to Eric Einspruch & Corrina Kupelwieser for your donation Thank you to Sarah & Thomas Pattison for your donation
Donations At Beit Haverim we are often asked the question, “How much does the Rabbi (Temple) charge for officiating at a life cycle event (baby naming, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, or funeral)? The answer is, “The Rabbi charges nothing.” The Rabbi officiating at these events is just one of the many privileges of membership at Beit Haverim. However, it is a tradition to make a donation to one of the many funds we have established at Beit Haverim in honor of your event. A congregation does not survive on dues alone. It is through your generous donations that many of our programs are able to function. The next time you are called to the Bima to say an Aliyah, dress the Torah, carry the Torah through the congregation, remember it is an honor. Do a Mitzvah and make a donation to the fund of your choice. Click here to make your online donation! Thank you!
Temple Ride Share Mitzvah Occasionally we hear about a temple member who would like to attend services or a temple event, but is unable to drive. We would like to compile a list of folks by geographic location that would be willing to give a temple member a ride. If you might be able to help with this, give Allison in the office a call at 503-568-1241. Then a temple member could call her and she would know if someone in their area might be able to drive them to the service or event.
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In the Community Portland Jewish Book Month This year the Jewish Book Month will be highlighting two books. The fall book is "Night in Shanghai" by Nicole Mones. Several events will be happening throughout the Portland area. Click here for the list of events.
November 8, 2015, 1:00 4:00pm, Portland State University Campus, Hoffmann Hall 1833 SW 11th Ave. Ticket Info: General: $20; Educators and Students with I.D: $8 No Person Will Be Turned Away for Inability to Pay
Featuring special guest Nadav Eyal, acclaimed Israeli journalist and director of HATE, a documentary dramatically depicting the resurgence of antisemitism in Europe. After the film, audience members will have the opportunity to ask the director questions about the film itself. This will be followed by a discussion with panelists as they reflect on the challenges posed by racism, extremism, hate groups and hate speech in our local communityThe panel will look at the overall themes of hatred and prejudice as they exist in Portland and beyond while broadening them to include multiple forms of discrimination experienced by people here in America. The event takes place the day before the 77th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the massive Nazi government pogrom against European Jews in 1938.
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In the Beit Haverim Community Simon Wotman
Yarzheits Theodore Abrams
Bessie Ginsberg
Grandfather of Roberta DeAsis
November 2
Father of Barbara Gold. Grandfather of Janet Sahni November 4
November 28
Lilyan Fish
November 30
Aunt of Eve Miller and Michael Langley
Step Grandmother of Robin Kay Vicki Olson
November 4 Sister-in-law of Brian Olson
Joseph Beyer
November 6 Jeffrey & Michele Beyer
Zecil Kaplan
November 9
Maternal grandmother of Allison Fowler Walter Nathan
November 9 Father of Lois Nathan
Eva Hunter
November 10
Mother of Michael Hunter-Bernstein Olga Golda Guterman
November 16
Karoline Brock
November 1
Rachel Brock
November 1
Michael Hunter-Bernstein
November 2
Elizabeth Lofurno
November 4
Michael Dreger
November 5
Daniel Guterman
November 11
Jahleel Heath
November 11
Benjamin Kalik
November 11
Isaac Payne
November 11
Roy Lambert
November 12
Alvin Payne
November 12
Michael Langley
November 13
Joey Peterson
November 13
Charles K. Landskroner
November 18
Nancy Levine
November 18
Ione Spear
November 18
David McTeague
November 19
Suzanne Adatto
November 21
Daniel Brock
November 21
Allan Kalik
November 22
Ilana Newman
November 22
Peter Sansone
November 22
Sue Rosenbaum
November 24
Naomi Yospe
November 24
Ashley Yorra
November 25
Florence Yospe
November 27
Allison Fowler
November 30
Mother of Daniel Guterman Else Julius
November 16
Maternal Grandmother of Judith Kleinstein Murray Brown
November 17 Father of Ann Brown
Shirley Glasser
November 17 Mother of Dorie Woolf
Irene Sprenger
November 17 Mother of Marcia Mindell
Edna Banov
November 18 Mother of Caren Masem
Samuel Ginsberg
November 18
Grandfather of Robin Kay Abraham Weintraub
November 18
Grandfather of Gail Greenman Shirley Rosalyn Feinstein
November 20
Mother of Alan Feinstein Charles Hunter
November 21
Father of Michael Hunter-Bernstein Earl David
November 22 Grandfather of Jeff David
Kalah Reinshriber
November 22
Jeffrey & Michele Beyer Robert Weisbard
November 22
Father of Ruth Anne Weisbard Allison Cohen
November 24 Friend of Sahni family
November, 2015 November, 2015
Anniversaries Karoline & Mitch Brock
November 14
Donald & Ione Spear
November 19
Jonathan & Mair Blatt
November 28
Roberta & Lester Deasis
November 28 Page 17 page 12