Coming Events at Beit Haverim
October 2013
Family Potluck Family Shabbat led by Robin Kay and Ann Brown
6:00PM 7:00PM
Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30 PM BH 4:30 PM BH
Confirmation Class
6:00 PM BH
Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg
7:00 PM BH
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 311 Lake Oswego OR 97034
12 12
Tot Shabbat led by Rabbi Berg Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
9:30AM BH 10:00 AM BH
Beit Haverim Office 530 Fourth Street Lake Oswego OR 97034
Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30 PM BH 4:30 PM BH
Faithful Conversations (see page 9)
12-2:00PM BH
Shabbat Service led Ann Brown and a lay leader
7:00 PM BH
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Religious School Board of Trustees Meeting Hebrew Classes
2:30 PM BH 2:30 PM BH 4:30 PM BH
Sweet Repeat (see page 4)
Confirmation Class
6:30PM Sahni home 6:00 PM BH
25 25
New Member Welcome Dinner Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown
6:00 PM BH 7:00 PM BH
Torah Study led by Rabbi Berg
10:00 AM BH
Religious School Hebrew Classes
2:30 PM BH 4:30 PM BH
Rabbi Alan Berg Cantorial Soloist Ann Brown Shabbat Services Fridays at 7:00 p.m. at Beit Haverim 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034
Rabbi’s Hours: by appointment Phone: 503-344-4839 Fax:: 503-344-4870 Email : Website
Beit Haverim is an open, inviting, and spiritually alive Jewish community, located just outside of Portland, Oregon in Lake Oswego. We welcome everyone to our Reform congregation of Jews by birth, Jews by choice and Jews at heart.
FROM Rabbi Alan Berg
Philip Roth Celebration Sermon Shabbat Oct 9 – The Plot Against America Discussion Nov 3 – Nemesis. Dear Friends, On November 3, Beit Haverim will join synagogues and Jews all over Portland to honor the greatest American writer of the 20th Century, Philip Roth, with discussion of Roth’s last, and among his very greatest books, Nemesis. It is a book that simultaneously creates a deeply human and empathetic portrait of individuals and a community facing a health crisis, and also raises strategic questions of responsibility and morality. As a warm up I’ll be giving a sermon at Shabbat services on Oct 9. That evening, my focus will be one of Roth’s recent masterpieces, the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Plot Against America. A good place to start reading Roth, although I haven’t read it in a while myself, is Roth’s short story Eli the Fanatic. I would not recommend starting with Portnoy’s Complaint. I am so delighted that this year our community has selected Philip Roth for our Jewish Book Month focus. Warmly, Rabbi Alan Berg
October, 2013
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Letter From Our President, Alan Cohen Beit Haverim just finished a wonderful holiday season. It was so nice to see so many of you over the past several weeks. For those that weren't able to make services for Simchat Torah, we had our religious school consecration service to welcome all of our new religious school children and families. There literally was standing room only on the bimah. It was really quite a sight to see, and for someone who has been involved in religious school planning over the past few years, gratifying that so many new families are discovering what a treasure we have with our religious school. It's certainly not too late to join for this school year, so if you have friends or colleagues who have children that would benefit from a Jewish education, have them contact Malka Osserman, our religious school coordinator. For those who have small children or know people who do, I am really pleased to announce that we're starting a monthly Tot Shabbat service. This will be in addition to our monthly family service. Tot Shabbat will be Saturday morning, and the first one will be on Saturday, October 12th, 9:30am in the Sanctuary. This service is intended for those who can not sit through even a family service, so don't worry about your child running around or anything else. Rabbi will conduct a brief service, followed by an activity and a snack. I love when fellow congregants come up with an idea, and a plan to help implement it. We're a volunteer run organization, and we need all hands on deck to make things work. I am pleased to announce that Beit Haverim now has a Genizah. Barbara Brady has volunteered to run this. Check our bulletin as well as our website for information how to contact her, and for guidelines as to what can be placed there. Rita Sherman is operating a clothes closet so that like new condition clothing can be recycled to others. I have two teens, and sometimes it seems clothes fit for a matter of weeks. Suzanne Causer offered to make a new cross cover, and now we have two. The newest one was displayed at our Simchat Torah service. It's quite beautiful, I am sure you will admire it when you come to the sanctuary. Looking forward, we have a full calendar for the fall. I've been advised that the Men's Group will be adding dates and activities very soon, that has been dormant for too long. There's lots going on, so check your weekly email and stop by to say hello. Until next month, Alan Cohen
New Member Corner Please join us in welcoming one of our newest member families, the Scheeles. Dana and Todd Scheele have two daughters, Eliana, a 2nd grader, and Natalie, who is 20 months old. Dana works at Regence as Associate General Counsel in the legal department. Todd is a self-employed engineer. October, 2013
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Beit Haverim Events Tot Shabbat Led by Rabbi Alan Berg Welcoming all preschool age children and their families. Saturday, October 12, 9:30AM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 A fun-filled, casual service of songs and stories, followed by snack and a craft. We’ll bring Shabbat to life for our younger children and families. These events give your child a sense of Shabbat in a pleasant environment, as well as a chance for you to celebrate Shabbat with your child and other
Sweet Repeat Women’s Closet Exchange Tuesday, October 22, 6:30PM Address provided with your RSVP To Janet Sahni Look in your closet for those items you never wear! Too big? Too small? Wrong color? You know you have them! Bring your "gently used" clothing or accessories, and take home some "new to you" items. It can be clothing, shoes, purses, or any accessories. If you bring 5 items then you can take 5 items, if you bring 10 take 10, and so on. Wine will be served and there will be sweet treats to eat. The entry fee will be $25 which is, of course tax deductible. Wow! A tax deductible shopping evening! If you have questions ask one of our hostesses (committee members): Janet Sahni, Barbara Gold, Karin Stolz, Sue Greenspan, Stacy Epsteen. .
October, 2013
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Beit Haverim Events New Member Dinner Welcoming and Celebrating New Members Friday, October 25 6:00PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Dr. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 This will be a special evening to renew old friendships and make new ones. Please join us in helping all new members, from near or far, feel a sense of community. This event is a potluck hosted by "old" congregation members. That means if you became a new member within the last 12 months, please do not bring anything to share. You are our guests! Everyone else -- please bring twice as much food to share as usual, as we are hosting our wonderful, new friends. Please RSVP to Dena Gutterman. Let her know how many will be attending, and what you plan on bringing. The dinner will be followed by our Shabbat Worship at 7:00 pm with Rabbi Berg and Ann Brown. We hope to see you there! Portland Jewish Book Month Discussion Nemesis by Phillip Roth Discussion led by Rabbi Berg Sunday, November 3, 2:45PM Beit Haverim, 1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 “Nemesis” by Phillip Roth is an excellent story that takes place in New Jersey in the 1940s during a polio epidemic. It is fairly short and very readable and has a lot to say about faith in the face of an epidemic. Rabbi Berg will lead the discussion on Sunday November 3rd at 2:45PM at Beit Haverim. Check your local library or order the book from Amazon through Beit Haverim’s Shopping Link and Beit Haverim earns a percent of purchase price! Enjoy bagels, cream cheese, coffee and great discussion! October, 2013
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Beit Haverim Events, Cont’d "It's A Wonderful Life" A musical adaptation of Frank Capra's film by Janet Mouser Music and Lyrics by Michael Allen Harrison, Alan Berg and Julianne Johnson-Weiss Rabbi Berg joined together with Michael Allen Harrison and Julianne Johnson-Weiss to create an award winning score for “It’s A Wonderful Life” An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would have been like if he never existed.
Portland Center for the Performing Arts Brunish Theater 1111 SW Broadway Portland, Oregon Saturday, December 7, 2013 Tickets are $25 each* Purchase tickets here. Beit Haverim has a block of tickets reserved for the December 7th performance. To assure your seat, tickets must be ordered by October 31st. For more information, contact Karin Stolz. As we approach the performance date, we will send out information for those interested in meeting at a restaurant for dinner prior to the show. Check out press from last year’s premiere showing!
Portland Tribune/Lake Oswego Review The Oregonian 9 Time PAMTA Award Winner Including Best Score and Best Song
October, 2013
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More News! Bar Mitzvah Suit Closet Reduce – Reuse – Recycle! Beit Haverim is launching a Suit Closet Bring in your rapidly growing boy to borrow a suit for any synagogue occasion. We only ask that you dry-clean any borrowed item before returning it. This clothes closet benefits those in need AND lets us recycle through re-use. We are currently in need of donations of clothes in “like-new” condition, including belts and shoes as well. Girls clothes are welcome for donation too! If you have something to contribute, or if you would like to check out our collection for your own son’s use, please call Rita Sherman at 971-295-6884 or email .
Amazon Shopping Earns $'s For Beit Haverim Beit Haverim has earned $404 from your shopping at Amazon. Thank You! For those of you not yet familiar with this great fund raising tool - it's simple. Just use this link here when you make your purchases through Amazon and Beit Haverim earns a percent of your spending. Be sure to share the link with family and friends - it really adds up!
Beit Haverim At Your Fingertips! Did you know that Beit Haverim offers a secure Member’s Only Section of the Web Site? You’ll find useful information there such as our membership directory. Visit Membership to learn how to obtain access to the Member’s Only While we’re talking about on-line tools, don’t forget to Like the Beit Haverim Facebook Page! It’s a great way to be reminded of upcoming events and see some great pics of your community! Beit Haverim On Facebook
Spring Fundraising Committee Are you interested in getting more involved in the synagogue? We are looking for a Chair for the Spring Fundraiser. Please contact Alan Cohen if you are interested.
October, 2013
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Tikkun Olam “Repairing The World” The High Holidays Food Drive was an unqualified success, thanks to all of you. You filled over 3 barrels with non-perishable food items for the Oregon Food Bank. These items will be distributed throughout our state, helping to feed those in need. Well done! We continue to join LOUCC in supporting the West Linn Food Pantry. Please join us in the mitzvah of bringing something for the barrel each time you visit Beit Haverim. There is a rotation of themes and for October the theme is Lunch items, but of course any donation welcome. In October we will be partnering with Jewish Family and Child Services to help provide a Thanksgiving food basket for Jewish families in the Portland area. We are grateful to Constance Dorreman who has agreed to be the point person for this project. Watch your email for further information.
American Blood Drive Recap Thank you to all our volunteers and donors who made our blood drive on September 27th a huge success. The need for blood is constant, and the donations we collected will make a difference in the lives of up to 60 patients. We collected two more units than our goal, which was the Red Cross's highest percentage last Friday out of the 16 drives in the area!
Knitzvah! Knitting to benefit Lift Urban Join our group of busy knitters who create hats and scarves that will be distributed by Lift Urban. Each December, Lift Urban throws a party for low income adults that live in NW and Downtown Portland and person gets to pick a hat or scarf to take home. So far we have 31 hats and scarves and we’d really like to be able to donate at least 50. Donations of yarn or finished product is GREATLY appreciated through Nov. 30. Arrangements or questions can be directed to Karin Stolz. October, 2013
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Partnerships In Our Community Beyond Racism Series Faithful Conversations Workshop, Talking to People You Know About Why Marriage Matters Sunday, October 13, 12-2PM
1111 Country Club Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 The workshop is the first activity of the Beyond Racism Series. An ecumenical training facilitated by Gretchen Bauer-Reike teaching how to gracefully engage members of our congregations, friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others in conversation to to use one of the most powerful tools there is for changing hearts and minds about the freedom to marry. Research has shown that having a simple conversation with someone doubles the chance that they will support the freedom to marry. Come and learn not only how to have those conversations yourself, but also how to teach others the skills that you have learned. Everyone is invited to this training! Please visit for continued updates on the Beyond Racism Series!
October, 2013
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In the Beit Haverim Community Anniversaries Alan S & Gail L. Feinstein
Yartzheits 10/9
Glen Friedman & Cynthia Hoover 10/13 Louis & Jamie Macovsky
Brian & Ilana Schwartz
Kim Kent & Chris Heath
October, 2013
Mollie Spiegel 10/5/2013 Mother of Suzanne Greenspan Adam Diller Father of Paul Diller
Birthdays Alan S Feinstein Stacy Epsteen Harrison Eric" Feinstein" Rita Sherman Larry Sykes Mitch Brock Talia Schwartz Brenner Spear Michele Beyer NayNay Taylor Jeff Greenspan Matthew Lewinsohn Michelle Minch Janet Sahni Mark McMullen Zachary Rabiroff Wenyi Jia Kevin James Landskroner Victor Hunter-Bernstein Cynthia Hoover Jonathan Deasis Jamie Macovsky
Esther Tobias 10/2/2013 Glenn Cohen 10/5/2013 Nephew of Perry Grossman
10/4 10/5 10/7 10/8 10/8 10/9 10/9 10/9 10/10 10/11 10/14 10/14 10/16 10/16 10/17 10/17 10/18 10/18 10/23 10/29 10/31 10/31
Mary Petersen 10/12/2013 Mother of Constance Dorreman Harry Greenspan 10/13/2013 Grandfather of Daniel Greenspan Eleanor Rittenbaum 10/16/2013 Mother of Mark Rittenbaum Rita Cecil
Bonnie Hamilton 10/19/2013 Mother of Deanna Wiegler Maria Alvarez
Ann Nemiro
Michael Schafir 10/29/2013 Father of Karoline Brock Thelma Ruth Crabb Mother of Patt Bilow
Bernard Reinshriber
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