Efficiency Month

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Efficiency During July we'll be sharing tips and products to keep labs running safely, and efficiently to reduce error and increase productivity.

Healthcare Crisis Healthcare worker burnout rates range from 40% to 70%. Ultimately, it is the culmination of excessive workloads, inefficient work processes, clerical burdens, and work-home conflicts.*

Pandemic Surges


This increase is related to the Covid 19 Pandemic and has increased burnout 2030% over the last two years*

50 40 30 20 10

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IMPROVEMENTS ARE ATTAINABLE: WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER By improving systems of organization, simplifying record keeping, and using accurate tools of measure, your procedures will be correct, without delays or error. Productivity will skyrise!

QUOTE “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things,” Peter Drucker, the “Father of Modern Management”

OUTCOMES Avoid numerous preventable medical errors that can be associated with increased rates of depression, alcohol and drug abuse, divorce, suicide, difficult relationships with coworkers, and patient dissatisfaction, that negatively impacts the overall quality of healthcare staff and safety.

Think Outside of the Box Now is the time to work with staff to reduce redundancy in simple routine practices

*Reference: https://www.healthleadersmedia.com/clinical-care/expert-healthcare-worker-burnout-trending-alarming-direction

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