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Innovations are coming to the fore

Innov coming ations ar e to the for e

TThe fact that a third of the products of the enterprises, supervised by the Minis‑ try of Industry, is innovative, was recently stated at a press conference by Sergey Ka‑ bishov, head of the department of innova‑ tive activity of the scientific and technical department of the Ministry of Industry. — A bout seventy percent of the production supervised by the Ministry of Industry is exported, which provides foreign currency supply to Belarus. At the same time, one third of the products are innovative.


Today, the Ministry of Industry on a priority basis finances projects aimed at creating products of new technological patterns in the field of electronic engi‑ neering, opto-, micro- and radio elec‑ tronics, vehicles with hybrid and electric drive, robotic and unmanned agricultural machinery and mining equipment. Al‑ most all corporate structures of the Min‑ istry of Industry conduct joint research with institutes of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and universities of the Ministry of Education. “The global goal of this work is to improve the competi‑ tiveness of the products, create new types of machinery and equipment through the implementation of scientific develop‑ ments and advanced technologies,” said Sergey Kabishov. According to him, such joint stock companies as BMZ, BELAZ, MAZ, MTZ, Gomselmash and Amkodor have traditionally taken the leading posi‑ tions in the development sphere.

A mining dump truck BELAZ with a capacity of 450 tons, as well as a robotic dump truck, which is currently being tested in Russian Khakassia, are among the most significant developments of the Ministry of Industry. They also include an electric truck, a gas - fueled grain har‑ vester, a tractor with gas-diesel engines.

Meanwhile, a company of the Chinese corporation Sinomach was registered as a resident in the China- B elarus Industrial Park “Great Stone” in late March with the project to create a zone for scientific and technological cooperation and innovation developments. According to the resident’s plans, a complex of administrative build ‑ ings for scientific research as well as aux‑ iliary infrastructure will be constructed in 2020–202 1. With regard to practical inno‑ vation prospects, at the initial stage four re‑ search projects have been planned, related t o such developments as optical devices, automobile sensors, semiconductor devices and new materials.

It should be noted that Sinomach cor‑ poration is one of the main shareholders o f Industrial Park Development Company CJSC. Chinese Engineering Corporation SAMS, which is a part of Sinomach Group of Companies, acts as a general contrac ‑ tor for construction of engineering and t ransport infrastructure, MAZ-Weichai and Zoomlion plants. Another resident of the park “Great Stone” is YTO Technology BLR Company, which is also a part of the Corporation.

As we known, the China-Belarus In‑ dustrial Park is an exclusive economic zone with a special legal status, located 25 km from Minsk. Residents from 15 countries have been registered here. The priority areas are engineering, electronics and tel‑ The state is ready to invest and has already invested in the creation of modern innovative production facilities in Belarus. The time is difficult now, there are no extra funds, but the country continues to invest in its future.

ecommunications, biotechnology, phar‑ maceuticals, new materials, logistics. In our case the “Great Stone” is an example of active cooperation, which is a real com‑ ponent of innovative prospects.

Innovation is definitely some‑ thing very challenging. Something that sometimes arouses admiration. This is when dreams come true. …Silver pipes on concrete supports six meters above the ground. It’s a vacuum tunnel, inside which trains on a magnetic cushion run at great speed. The airlocks open and the passengers get off and on. If necessary, the train plunges into the ground and comes to the surface again. It will take 50 minutes to get from Brest to Moscow. Every day it will be possible to go to a work-place located 800 or even 1500 km away. On the way passengers can enjoy the rapidly changing panoramas in the observation belt at the level of the train windows.

This is not a fantasy, but a project of a high -s peed road in a vacuum -t unnel op‑ erating on the principle of magnetic levi‑ tation, which was developed by the Brest architects — father and son Nikolay and Pavel Konyaev. They developed the idea of a complex station — HUB — near Brest, on the border of the EU and the EAEC, combining a monorail road, air‑ port and waterway. The design already exists in drawings and technical tasks, the seemingly fantastic idea has found under‑ standing in serious scientific circles. By Alexey Fedosov

ch u do . te ch

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