Business Awards 2020

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Tuesday October 20, 2020






Congratulations to winners

Foreword Mark Crimmins


hen we first sat down with the team at the Belfast Telegraph to discuss this year’s Business Awards, it’s safe to say no one could have predicted that we would be delivering the awards in a new format. The world we live and work in has significantly changed since then. The event on October 9 was therefore be somewhat lower key than previous years but the winners can take just as much satisfaction in their achievements. Indeed, when we look back on 2020 the thing that will perhaps most stick in the memory is how resilient companies in Northern Ireland have shown themselves to be. This year won’t be remembered for all of the missed events and social gatherings, but rath-

er for how we came together and supported one another during tough times. More than ever before, businesses have pivoted and adapted, often with little notice, and done their utmost to protect their customers and protect their people. It is only fitting then that the Belfast Telegraph Business Awards, in partnership with Ulster Bank also reflect this resilience and proceed with recognising impressive business achievements. Over the next few pages you will read about exceptional examples of innovation and ingenuity from a diverse range of talent and expertise. While our winners represent many different sectors, they each share a commitment to excellence and I think it is fitting that we shine

a light on their achievements. As our focus shifts increasingly towards securing an economic recovery, these are the companies and business leaders we will turn to in the hope that they can create employment, secure investments and continue to make such a positive contribution to our overall economy. Of course there are many businesses across Northern Ireland for whom today won’t feel as celebratory. My message to these companies is that we hear you and we will continue to do what we can to guide and support you over the weeks and months ahead. Our teams are working hard to deal with the challenges brought about by the pandemic while also trying to identify any new opportunities that may

Firms demonstrate strengths of our economy during unprecedented times


was delighted to attend the presentation for the winners of the 2020 Belfast Telegraph Business Awards. Congratulations to all the shortlisted organisations on their significant achievement in reaching the final stage of this competition and congratulations to all the award winners on their success. Covid-19 has had an unprecedented impact on our economy and our lives. The full impact will become more apparent as we move through the next 12-18 months. We had recently started to see shoots of an economic recovery and it is disappointing for business that we now have further coronavirus restrictions imposed for four weeks. Although it is a necessary decision from a public health perspective, it will come at a huge financial cost. We cannot defeat Covid by sacrificing our economy. It needs to be protected. As I have said many times, the economy is not some nebulous term. It is every job, every bill, every pay cheque, every dinner on the table. We must consider both the societal and economic impacts when making any future decisions. This is not a binary choice between health and the economy. The two are intertwined and co-dependent. What I do know is that businesses here have been incredibly resilient. The ability to rethink, repurpose and deliver in extreme circumstances has been demonstrated time and time again since we were asked to “stay at home” to protect lives. It is also our ability to face adversity head on that has allowed me as the Minister of Economy to announce over 1,100 new jobs during this pandemic. A true testament to the resolve of our businesses and our workforce. I published ‘Rebuilding a Stronger Economy’ in June 2020, which sets out a framework to

Tuesday October 20 2020

deliver higher paying jobs, a highly skilled workforce and a more regionally balanced economy. This represents the first steps of sustainable recovery as we begin to emerge from an unprecedented period of global economic shock. It includes four key growth areas - Life and Health Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing, Clean Energy and Digital. The recent restrictions are a heavy headwind to this direction of travel, but this path remains the right course and we must double our efforts to realise this ambition. People are a key asset in the Northern Ireland economy and developing the skills base of our young people and workforce will remain central to our economic success going forward. This is why I have invested over £21m in an apprenticeship recovery package in the current financial year. If we are to achieve a more regionally balanced economy, we will need to increase consumer confidence to spend time in town centres. In the longer-term, we will continue to invest in rural broadband through Project Stratum. As we continue to navigate our way through this crisis, I and my Executive colleagues will continue to explore the possibility of further interventions and additional funding that will help businesses adapt to the combined challenges of Covid-19 and the implementation of the NI protocol. I encourage businesses to avail of the services provided by Invest NI and InterTradeIreland in planning for the new trading arrangements as the EU transition period ends. I fully appreciate the scale of the challenge ahead of us. I also look at the winners of the various award categories and I am further inspired to plan ahead and to put measures in place that will support business through these turbulent times. I am pleased to see recognition of our small to

arise. We are fortunate to be surrounded by so many successful companies and we can all learn from their positive examples when it comes to being innovative and agile. I’d like to wish each of the winners warm congratulations and while I am sorry we cannot celebrate in the usual style, I am pleased we have still found a way to give you the credit and recognition that is so richly deserved. MARK CRIMMINS, REGIONAL MANAGING DIRECTOR, ULSTER BANK

Interviews by Emma Deighan

UU Professor Durkin led our panel of judges WE owe a great debt to our judging panel for this year’s awards. The panel was led by chairperson Professor Mark Durkin,Executive Dean of the Ulster University Business School. The other judges were: Dr David Paulson Queen’s University Roger Pollen, FSB Kirsty McManus, IoD Professor Neil Gibson, EY Mark Crimmins, Ulster Bank Ann McGregor, NI Chamber of Commerce & Industry Jennifer McKeever, Airporter Fearghal O’Loan, Tughans

medium-sized enterprises. Small businesses, of which there are approximately 124,000 in Northern Ireland, are the cornerstone of our economy. These awards also recognise ‘Excellence in Innovation’ and it will be our ability to innovate that will allow us to rebuild and recover. Businesses must innovate to survive, adapt and succeed in a competitive marketplace. I want to continue to drive innovation forward and to help achieve this, I want to highlight the Northern Ireland innovation accreditation scheme. This is an initiative I am very pleased to spearhead to help the NI economy grow. A key element of the scheme is an excel-

lent self-assessment tool to help businesses understand their innovation capability and help to improve their ability to innovate and be a useful guide for practical support. I welcome the introduction of a new award this year ‘the Agri-Business of the year’. Agrifood continues to be a strategically important sector of the Northern Ireland economy. Our processing industry is the largest manufacturing industry, accounting for 35% of manufacturing sales and directly employing almost 24,000 people. With a combined turnover of £5.2bn, 88% of which is generated in Great Britain and the Republic

of Ireland, the industry helps to feed the nation. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our farmers, processors and retailers whose resilience has been never more apparent than during this coronavirus pandemic, as they continue to make sure the food supply lines remain open and our shelves remain stocked. I recognise that there is still work to be done and I will continue to work for Northern Ireland businesses and the Northern Ireland economy. ECONOMY MINISTER DIANE DODDS

Professor Mark Durkin, Ulster University


Tuesday October 20 2020


Lifetime achievement for recruitment success

Lifetime Achievement Tina McKenzie


ina McKenzie is a name synonymous with the NI recruitment world. Her beginnings in the job market stem back to a role she held with the Probation Board in Northern Ireland after which she went on to pursue a successful international recruitment career. That covered 25 years working with some of the largest companies in the world. In 2013 she returned to NI armed with that global knowledge and started the Irish division of Staffline Recruitment. She was instrumental in bringing the firm’s turnover to £150m in just five years. During those years Tina was also a vital figure in securing some of the most high profile acquisitions in the history of the

recruitment sector here. This included deals with Grafton and Diamond Recruitment. Today Staffline places 8,000 workers daily, as well as hundreds of permanent placements each year. Tina’s other achievements include building PeoplePlus NI which delivered the NI Executives ‘Steps 2 Success’ programme, placing 5,000 long-term unemployed into work. Tina also volunteers much of her time to external organisations. She served as the NI director of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation between 2013-2016 and was the European Ambassador for Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in 2016. And in 2017, she was appointed as Honorary Consul to Finland in

Northern Ireland. She was also appointed regional chair of the Federation of Small Businesses in NI and has played a pivotal role in lobbying for the needs of businesses at the highest levels of Government since the Brexit negotiations began. Speaking about being acknowledged for the latter work as the winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award, she said: “I’m absolutely shocked, humbled and delighted. In the middle of Covid and being able to stop and receive this award, is special. “I’ve been lucky to have done a lot. Every opportunity I got, I took it. I’ve moved with my kids, my husband. There were lots of sacrifices. I travelled a lot. I was always desperate to get home though and people thought I was crazy to start a recruitment busi-

ness here but now we have an office in every city and last year’s turnover was £150m.” Speaking about the sentiment in the business world, she said: “It’s really tough out there. Peo-

ple are wondering how they can keep going. Many have ploughed their savings into their businesses. There is so much uncertainty. But we will get through this, we need to stay positive.”

Tina McKenzie, managing director, Staffline Recruitment Ireland, receives the Lifetime Achievement Award from Economy Minister Diane Dodds

MRP’s prowess in data and ABM earn them the Outstanding Business of the Year accolade

Outstanding Business of the Year MRP


or enterprise organisations that serve multiple geographies, lines of business or industries, MRP’s marketing platform Prelytix is the only account-based marketing (ABM) platform designed to give businesses control of data, visibility into target markets and scale in the delivery of the highest impact engagement strategy. Alongside Kx, MRP is a division of First Derivatives plc a global technology provider with over 20 years of experience working with some of the world’s largest institutions.

In 2018 FD and MRP relocated their joint Belfast office to support the growth of both businesses. MRP is now located in the recently redeveloped Weaving Works Building on Ormeau Avenue. Winning Outstanding Business of the Year came as a shock to Gavin Walsh, general manager and VP Inside Sales. He took up the senior post last year to help drive even more growth. He said: “In our Belfast office we have under 200 people and we have been really investing in

our software platforms and creating jobs for software engineers and developers. “We created a brand new platform that doesn’t exist and this award is a real testament of what we’ve achieved over the past year. “This one is particularly for the staff. The amount of change that they’ve gone through recently and been resilient throughout it all means this is a big accolade for them. “We’re a small enough company and I don’t think too many people have heard of us and this helps get it out there.”

Economy Minister Diane Dodds, Belfast Telegraph Business Editor Margaret Canning and Gavin Walsh, MRP’s General Manager and VP Inside Sales



Tuesday October 20 2020

Cubis shows the way in conquering overseas markets for its infrastructure products

Excellence in Exporting Cubis


ubis Systems is a global leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of network access products for the infrastructure, utility and construction markets. Headquartered in Lurgan, it is part of the €27bn (£24.5bn) CRH Group. Over the past year the Co Armagh manufacturer of underground systems has been on a growth journey, announcing 20 new jobs after it won a major contract with UK telecoms operator CityFibre. That deal will see it supply a range of lightweight, composite access chambers and covers to CityFibre as they roll out a £2.5bn

fibre communications network to 26 ‘Gigabit Cities’ across the UK. Cubis Systems has invested significantly over the past number of years in “developing new products, expanding capabilities and building our markets in the UK and further afield” to attract such high profile contracts. Speaking about the award win, Alan Long, chief commercial officer, Cubis Systems said: “Over the past number of years Cubis has continued its focus on developing export markets such as the Nordics, Australia, France and the USA. We have fortunately seen our innovative products successfully adopted in

these markets and used across numerous major infrastructure projects replacing existing traditional construction materials due to their significant time and labour saving benefits. Obviously the past year has been completely unprecedented, however our export sales have remained strong because of the balance of markets and sectors we sell to, helping Cubis report positive financial numbers despite these challenging times. Winning the Belfast Telegraph Exporter award highlights the contribution that all our teams have made to growing our exports, and Cubis is very proud to win such a prestigious and competitive award.”

Highly commended: AES Global Ltd

Steve Harper, Executive Director for International Business in NI, Invest NI, presents the Excellence in Exporting award to Stephen Warke, Key Accounts Manager, Cubis.

Family-run construction giant is applauded for its commitment to management and leadership

Excellence in the Development of Management and Leadership Henry Group


enry Group is a family-run giant and an example of the strength of the construction sector here, and its resilience. The business is now a major player with around 200 staff and has interests in manufacturing to construction and fit out. It has seen its turnover rise to £88.5m, for the year ending March 2019, and pre-tax profits of £2.5m. The company first began in 1976 when Jim Henry set up a small construction business called H&K construction, focus-

ing on small-scale construction projects within the local area. Trading under this name for 10 years, in 1986 the business became known as Henry Brothers. The company took this year’s Excellence in Development of Management and Leadership Award. Sandra Overend, training and development manager at the firm said: “We’re really pleased to have received this recognition. “The company values its workforce and places a lot of focus on developing people at all levels. “There has been a focus on

the leaders but that also cascades down throughout the company. While we may look at our directors and our managers who have received training, that has also applied to supervisors, middle management and lower management and that’s really important for the future of the business. We see it as part of our succession management. “Even during lockdown we continued our training and continued our communications. It’s good for the morale of the workforce to know they’re valued and that investment is there.”

Highly commended: Staffline

Professor Mark Durkin and Henry Group’s training and development manager, Sandra Overend


Tuesday October 20 2020


MRP wins innovation award for helping companies achieve their ABM targets

Excellent in Innovation MRP


RP picked up two awards this year. The business, which is part of First Derivatives, is known globally for its marketing platform Prelytix. It is the only account-based platform designed to give businesses control of data, visibility into target markets and scale in the delivery of the highest impact engagement strategy. The marketing technology company is an acquisition from

a company originally founded in Philadelphia. Its Belfast office hosts 200 staff, while parent company FD is based in Newry. Gavin Walsh, general manager and VP Inside Sales, said: “MRP was typically a heavy headcount company and we’ve invested in hiring to create a software platform that allows companies to reach their customers. We are delighted to win this. The competition was really fierce. We’ve

being trying to be part of this award for a few years and this innovation category really spoke to us. “Our platform is helping businesses achieve their goals and reach customers especially at a time like this when customers are hard to find. We’ve thrived throughout Covid. We slowed down in March but continued to recruit in April and this award is further testament that the team is doing well.”

Stephen Lamb, marketing director, MCL Insure Tech, presents the Excellence in Innovation award to Gavin Walsh, general manager & VP inside sales for MRP

Groundswell’s work with sports tech firm brings home accolade for digital and social media

Best Use of Digital/Social Media Groundswell/STATsports


commerce consultancy, digital advertising, conversion optimisation and analytics firm Groundswell has a host of big names on its client list. It specialises in analysing those firms’ “on and off site customer journey, digital channel performance and market opportunities to create and execute your e-commerce growth strategy”. It won this year’s Best Use of Digital/Social Media Award for its work with STATsport, the world’s leading provider of GPS trackers for sport including per-

formance analysis systems for elite sports teams and individual athletes. Speaking about the contract that beckoned the win, Carly Dawson, head of client strategy at Groundswell, said: “We worked closely with the client. Essentially they worked to secure some of the top footballers as brand ambassadors. “The team there did a cracking job of the creative and together we planned how to amplify that creative across digital, through all platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Google Search and Google Shopping.

“Together we used a combination of the creative with our approach to digital advertising with the smart use of audiences to get a really good impact. Both brand building, brand awareness traffic on their website and ultimately sales went up. “It was a lot of hard work and planning and we did a lot of testing before it and what resonates with audiences and what tactics to use so this is a really good campaign that shows a creative side and the tactical approach. “Hard work has paid off and we’re delighted to win.”

Highly commended: Gander/Rumour

Cara Pennell, office manager, Sparq, presents the Best Use of Digital/ Social Media award to Carly Dawson, head of client strategy at Groundswell



Tuesday October 20 2020

Young business person award goes to woman who’s built Dynamic Signal into real contender

Young Business Person of the Year Samantha Kirk , Dynamic Signal


ynamic Signal is one of the world’s leading employee communication and engagement platforms. Last year it made its journey to Belfast where it now has a new technology centre that will accommodate 100 employees over the next few years. The Silicon Valley-based software firm offers technology that allows companies to communicate with all of their employees, on any device or channel, with relevant, targeted news, information and updates. Currently Dynamic Signal’s software is used by more than

30% of the Fortune 500, including UPS, Telefonica (O2), Volvo Group, BMW, Nestle, and ING. Samantha Kirk heads the operation here and has a wealth of IT experience at some of the biggest companies in Northern Ireland, including Kainos and NYSE Technologies. She has been instrumental in creating jobs for the IT talent pool here. Speaking about the win, she said: “The past two years have been a journey for us. “Dynamic Signal is a Silicon Valley business and its arrival here was made possible by sup-

port by Invest NI. “I joined two years ago to build out that business, to build an engineering a hub, but we’ve also built out all areas of the business. “The unique thing about my role is I’m not just focused on Belfast. “I’ve spent a lot of time transitioning between that startup company into a larger organisation. “I’m delighted to win this but ultimately that success is not just down to me, it’s a team effort. I’m also delighted that the awards have proceeded in the current time.”

Highly commended: Conal McGarrity P.A Duffy Solicitors

Tina McKenzie ofStaffline with Samantha Kirk, Vice President of Engineering and Site Lead, Dynamic Signal

Finnebrogue is lauded for making strides in food from nitrite-free bacon to plant-based products

Agri Business of the Year Finnebrogue Artisan


ineebrogue Artisan specialises in food that mixes “groundbreaking innovation with advance highspeed production methods” at its base in Co. Down, Finnebrogue Estate. Its specialism is sausages however its Veggie range has proven that the brand can be innovative and expand its target customer base in doing so. The Good Little Company (sausages for kids) and its nitrite and nasties-free Naked range has

also beckoned success while its Rankin range has seen it successfully team up with renowned chef Paul. Declan Ferguson, technical director at Finnebrogue said: “We’ve been really busy. As a business, we’ve grown rapidly over the past ten years. “We had a turnover of around £3m in 2009 and now we are at £150m so we’re very much focused on growth and creating products that are special and different.

“During lockdown and during that initial phase we saw stock going out the door rise by 50-60%. “We’re also building a new £25m plant based factory in Downpatrick that will allow us to grow our range too. “ It will take us into other product categories including breaded products. “It’s brilliant to win this category. It all really helps. We have this vision to make more sustainable healthy food and to be rewarded is great.”

George Rankin, Senior Director Asda, presents the Agri-Business of the Year Award to Declan Ferguson, Technical Director, Finnebrogue Artisan

Tuesday October 20 2020



Darren floors the competition with a deserved win for continued success in retail trade

Retailer of the Year Wood Floor Warehouse


ood Floor Warehouse has been a flooring specialist for almost 20 years. With three sites - one in Bangor, another in Belfast and one in Warrington in the north of England - the business stocks over 170 different types of wood floors. It promises price-matches on all floors and prides itself on its family ethos. WFW was founded by Roy Burns in 2001, starting with the warehouse-style shop in Bangor.

By buying products in bulk, directly from manufacturers, the company is able to keep its bottom line down and gain a market advantage on its competitors. Today, the company is led by Roy’s son, Darren Burns, and daughter, Julie Crozier, who focused the stores towards a wider demographic. And it’s profited from the focus on home improvements which has resulted from lockdown. Darren Burns said: “It’s fantastic to win this award. We’re

delighted. Retail is what we do and we think a Belfast Telegraph Award is the one that really matters because this is our home. “It is recognition of how hard our team has been working over the past 20 years. “We’ve been very busy during the pandemic. We do a lot of domestic work and commercial work. People aren’t spending money that they would’ve spent ordinarily so DIY and the home sector is very busy. “We’ve also been able to offer

more employment, taking on three new full time position and a number of part time positions to accommodate that growth.”

From left, Darren Burns, director of Wood Floor Warehouse, with Glyn Roberts, chief executive of Retail NI

Homeless charity wins award for its focus on staff wellbeing in ‘a sometimes tough environment’

Excellence in Health and Wellbeing Simon Community


he Simon Community is Northern Ireland’s leading homeless charity. It helps over 3000 people every year across 22 accommodation projects and nine specialist homelessness services based across Northern Ireland. With a staff count of 250 and 50 volunteers, it “works without judgment to support people who are, or are at risk of, becoming homeless”. Oonagh Cullen, learning and

development manager said: “Our staff are very focused on the clients’ health and wellbeing but the last couple of years we started focusing on their health and wellbeing working in a sometimes difficult environment.” She said sleep deprivation, nutrition and health and more were impacting staff. “We decided to really draw attention to that, doing workshops and presentations around that and getting the team to think of

each other from a team building point of view. “Two years on it has strengthened. “We have 17 health and wellbeing champions. The staff are getting great benefit from that. “People come here to help others, it’s not a second nature to them to look after themselves. “We are thrilled to win this award especially because this project is only in its infancy so it can only grow and get better.”

Highly commended: Smurfit Kappa

Stephen Meldrum, general manager of Hastings Hotels’ Grand Central, presents the Excellence in Health and Wellbeing award to Oonagh Cullen, learning & development manager, Simon Community



Tuesday October 20 2020

Axial3D wins award for growth as it expands potential of 3D printing from cardiac to Covid-19

Best Established Small/Medium Sized Business Axial 3D


xial3D makes 3D printing accessible to the entire healthcare sector internationally. Clinicians globally trust Axial3D to deliver personalised anatomical insights with its innovative software and expert services. Founded in 2014, the business, which employs 30 people in Belfast, is developing an automated 3D printing solution for the healthcare sector to dramatically advance the standards and efficiency of surgery worldwide. The fast rate of adoption of

this new technology has and will continue to see the company grow. Daniel Crawford, chief strategy officer and founder said: “You never expect to win so this so it is a great moment. “We take complex 2d CTS and MRIs and turn them into printed models that make it easier for surgeons to assess what’s wrong with patients. It’s proven to reduce time in theatre and chance of infection. “In Belfast we have engineers who take those images and turn

them into prints. “We have six bases in the US as well. “It feels great to be rewarded and I think it will be a real morale booster for the team.” During the pandemic the company momentarily pivoted away from its usual work by making parts for test kits, masks, face shields and ventilators. And as well as sending swabs for nasal testing for the virus to the US, it distributed 30,000 face shields made though its 3D printing technology.

Highly commended: KME Steelworks and Outsource Solutions (NI) Ltd

Chris Ross, Managing Partner McKees presents the Best Established Small/Medium Sized Business award to Daniel Crawford, Chief Strategy Officer and Founder, Axial 3D.

A pelvis model created by Axial3D

The team from Axial 3D in their offices in Belfast

A model of a heart from MRI scans

A scoliosis spinal model

A cardiac model of a heart by 3DAxial


Tuesday October 20 2020


First Derivatives plc applauded for its sustained growth in international technology space

Best Large Company First Derivatives


ounded by the late Brian Conlon in 1996, First Derivatives plc (FD) in Newry has grown into an AIM-listed international technology provider working with some of the world’s largest finance, technology, manufacturing and energy institutions. It is a software and services company combining world-leading intellectual property in ultra-high-performance analytics (Kx) and extensive domain expertise and capabilities in capital markets systems and technolo-

gy through its managed services and consulting arm. With revenues of more than £237m, it now employs more than 2500 people globally with offices in 15 locations across four continents. Even during the current climate the company recently issued a trading statement showing 6% growth over the four months March to June. Speaking about the win, Catherine Harrison, HR manager said: “We’re thrilled to win this and have this acknowledgement. We’re always really proud to win

The latest graduate intake for First Derivatives outside its Newry premises

in our home region. “We’ve been very protected because we are technology company. Everyone has been able to work remotely. “It’s a real boost for the team, client facing or part of our operational team. “We’re very positive about our future too, we’ve really strong foundations and we’re building on the foundations Brian put in place and we’re keen to carry on his legacy. “We look forward to sharing the news.”

Highly commended: EDGE Innovate and Henderson Retail

Drew Nesbitt of Wilson Nesbitt presents the Best Large Company Award to Catherine Harrison, HR manager, First Derivatives

From left, Julie Conlon, Kathy Kearns and Ciaran Conlon outside Conlon House in Newry, which was named after the late First Derivatives founder Brian Conlon



Tuesday October 20 2020

Hendersons Wholesale rewarded for raising over £1m for NI children’s cancer charity since 2011

Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Henderson Wholesale


he name behind Spar, Eurospar and Vivo stores has been working hard in the background to support the Cancer Fund for Children over the past 11 years, successfully raising £1.2m in funds. It was rewarded for its contribution to the charity at this year’s event. Bronagh Luke, head of corporate marketing said: “Since 2011, mountains have been climbed, we have participated in interna-

tional treks, and our annual Community Coffee Morning have all been instrumental in reaching this fantastic total, of which every penny makes a difference in the lives of those living with cancer, and their families. “We had a target of £1m and we reached it two years early and that’s thanks to our staff and the community. “Hendersons have stores right in the heart of communities, 450 stores and it’s in our DNA to play a part and give back because

those people who get those diagnosis are in our communities. “Covid-19 has put many of our charity partners on their knees and while a lot of events have gone virtual, it shows how important it is for a charity to partner with a business. “We’re really delighted to win this award. It’s brilliant for the team. “We will continue to support the Cancer Fund for Children and the rest of our corporate charity partners.”

Bronagh Luke, head of corporate marketing, Henderson Wholesale receives the Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility award from Jonathan McKeown, CEO Crash Services

Belfast aesthetics business proves that beauty is more than skin deep with winning ad campaign

Excellence in Marketing Beyond Skin


multi award-winning aesthetics clinic in Belfast, Beyond Skin won this year’s marketing category because of its laser treatment campaign aimed at the transgender community. That campaign gently fed out a message to the community that the business was there to support them on their journey. It said: “Androgen-driven hair, especially facial hair, is an almost universal problem for transgender women and getting rid of it

can be considered a priority for some.” The campaign was positively received said Jennie Wallace, managing director. “Laser hair removal is mostly always targeted at women but we noticed an organic growth in our transgender customer based and we instigated a campaign to reach out to them but also educate and train our staff on how we can help them. “Then we did a target campaign to let them know that we

exist and it was really successful. “Some of the small changes that we made in our clinic made that community feel safer coming here. “The Belfast Telegraph Awards are so well regarded and we were shortlisted last year which was great to be among the titans in business but to have won this year means a lot. I think a lot of people in traditional businesses don’t take the beauty industry seriously but we are a really successful business and this proves it.”

Louise Denver, sales and marketing co-ordinator Titanic Hotel, presents the Excellence in Marketing award to Jennie Wallace, managing director, Beyond Skin

Tuesday October 20 2020



New recruitment firm revolutionising how we find work takes Emerging Start-up award

Emerging Start-up of the Year See Me Hired


et up to disrupt the traditional recruitment market, See Me Hired is digitalising how the world finds work, it says. Founded at the start of the year, the platform and app allows candidates and employers to connect directly while the business’ technology “reduces the reliance on the outdated and frustrating traditional recruitment model”. Gary Irvine, chief executive said: “It’s very challenging in the world of recruitment but it’s

been convenient for us. It’s actually been very Covid-19 friendly and our platform has become very relative during social distancing. “The company was in development for three years, kicking off just before the pandemic. “It simplifies the tech ecosystem of recruitment. It covers sourcing, engagement, selection and hiring. “The app was integrated during Covid.” A forward-thinking tool on the

platform is aimed at firms who want to prove their diversity, allowing a search for skills only but masking identity. “This is a brilliant accolade for us to win and it’s recognition for the hard work that we’ve put in over the years. “Everyone wants to be part of this event and to be recognised at the early part of our growth is brilliant. We feel very honoured to be selected and hopefully it will help us get recognised further.”

Caroline McSorley, sales manager, Glandore presents the Emerging Business/Start-up of the Year award to Gary Irvine, CEO, See Me Hired

Titanic Hotel, Belfast hosted presentation for the first socially-distanced Business Awards

Business editor Margaret Canning, J Comms’ event specialist Jane Wells and events manager Karen McGarvey

Margaret Canning talks business with Economy Minister Diane Dodds

Economy Minister Diane Dodds gears up for her social-distanced video interview

Temperature checks at the entrance of Titanic Hotel

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