Gran fondo 2015

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4 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

CONTENTS  06 

Gran Fondo has arrived

 10 

The Giro in Northern Ireland

 12 

Maps of the route

 14 

History of the Gran Fondo

 16  Halfords

 18 

Martyn Irvine and Wendy Houvenaghel

 20 

Stephen Roche

 22  Richie Porte

 24 

Challenge and preparation

 26 

…And the fun doesn’t stop

 28 

Message to sponsors

 30 

Garmin – Thank you

PUBLISHED BY Belfast Telegraph 124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast, Co. Antrim BT1 1EB ADVERTISING Jackie Reid – Senior Advertising Manager Tel: 028 90554685 EDITOR Steven Beacom CONTRIBUTORS Steven Beacom Jonathan Bradley DESIGN Robert Armstrong INM Design Studio, Belfast PRINTING INM, Newry




Buon fortuna a tutti! Darach McQuaid Shadetree Sports

Mauro Vegni Giro d’Italia Director

Jonathan Bell Enterprise Minister

Welcome to the inaugural Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland, the Official Legacy Event of the 2014 Giro d’Italia

Big Start. We are delighted to have signed a threeyear agreement with our Government partners Tourism NI and our friends in RCS Sport to promote this mass participation event. The Gran Fondo is part of a growing global series of official Giro d’Italia events and marks the continuation of an excellent working relationship with RCS Sport. We must thank our local stakeholders, without whom an event such as this could not happen — PSNI, Newry, Mourne & Down Council, Ards & North Down Council, Volunteer Now, Sport NI and countless other groups. Our commercial partners are playing a big part in making the event a success — Moy Park, Menabrea, Garmin, Topflight, Fantini Wine, Shelbourne Motors and Halfords. Find out more in this supplement created by our official media partner, the Belfast Telegraph.

The Giro d’Italia is the world’s toughest race in the world’s most beautiful place — and this is why we are proud of our history and our traditions. Everyone who has links to our beloved Giro, in particular when it travels outside of Italy, becomes an integral part of it and enters, rightfully, into its history. The 2014 Big Start took place in Northern Ireland, and the fantastic reception we received means this is especially true here. The most stunning thing was the love we received on the roads from the local fans, both at the start and finish of each stage. The Corsa Rosa will never forget this great adventure. We lived together with all of you and don’t want to leave it as a single episode of our shared history. This is the reason why we wanted to organise something as soon as possible. On Sunday, June 21, the first Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland takes place. I wish all the participants the best of luck and I hope that this strong bond will keep growing steadily for many years to come.

Just over a year ago, Northern Ireland welcomed the world’s cycling elite for the Giro d’Italia Grande Partenza, or Big Start. It was a tremendous success, exceeding all expectations in terms of community participation and global exposure. While our Big Start was hailed as the best ever by race organisers, we were only getting started. With closed roads, mechanical support, fully stocked food and hydration stations on both routes and finishers medals, the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland ticks all the right boxes in terms of giving cyclists the authentic race experience. Starting and finishing at Titanic Belfast, the Mourne and Strangford routes will showcase Northern Ireland’s beautiful landscape to the 3,000 riders and international media, creating a lasting legacy event. I wish all the participants well and know that they will enjoy what promises to be a very special occasion on the global sporting calendar.

6 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

Northern  Irelandgetson itsbikeagain

The Orica GreenEdge team start their Giro d’Italia time trial at Titanic Belfast Credit ©INPHO/Presseye/William Cherry


The Gran Fondo is coming to Northern Ireland... and what a wonderful sporting event it promises to be. On Sunday, June 21, around 3,000 cyclists will ride around Northern Ireland, bringing back memories of last year’s hugely successful Giro d’Italia. Some will be out to win the race. Others will just want to have fun. It’s the mixture of elite and amateur riders pedalling over the same roads that makes the Gran Fondo so special. And one of those elite stars will be Australian Richie Porte, up there with the best riders in the world at the moment. There will be many of you reading this who will be taking part in the Gran Fondo at the weekend and know what it is all about. There will also be people who aren’t as well versed. Explanation time? The Gran Fondo is a mass participation cycling event. They have been a big deal across Europe and North America for some time now. Basically, a Gran Fondo can be a competitive race or simply an enjoyable


Giant-Shimano’s Marcel Kittel succeeds in Belfast Credit ©INPHO/Donall Farmer ride. That depends entirely on each participant. Invented in Italy in the early 1900s, the event has been an important part of Italian cycling culture for over a century and now on the back of the Giro d’Italia in 2014, the Gran Fondo is coming here. With the Italian connection you will not be surprised to learn that the Gran Fondo is

19 June 2015 | Belfast Telegraph

Gran Fondo – June 20-21 | 7

Tinkoff-Saxo’s Nicolas Roche and (below) the group of riders Credit ©INPHO/Presseye/Matt Mackey

Nairo Quintana Credit ©INPHO/Presseye/William Cherry

Team Colombia make their way through Stormont Estate Credit ©INPHO/Presseye/Darren Kidd

like the fun little brother of the big cycling giant that is the Giro. Last year, most people in Northern Ireland were touched in some way by that particular event. This country of ours has become adept at not only bringing huge sporting events here, but making them a massive hit too. Think of the Irish Open golf tournaments

in Portrush in 2012 and Newcastle this year, think of the World Police and Fire Games and rugby’s PRO12 final. All were staged superbly in our own backyard. As was the Giro d’Italia when everyone in Northern Ireland savoured the opportunity to think pink for a week rather than the normal colours that spring to mind. The Giro, the second biggest cycling race

on the planet with only the Tour de France considered grander, was a monumental success in Northern Ireland. Who can forget those iconic scenes when riders were pumping their legs like crazy as they made their way up the hill at Stormont during The Big Start on opening night? Or those breathtaking television pictures beamed around the world when horses

galloped along Carnlough beach as the riders whizzed by on the nearby road? Or the joy and surprise of the riders, including Irishman Nicolas Roche and opening stage winner Marcel Kittel, blown away by the incredible support they received across Northern Ireland in the first three days of competition? I remember talking to the great Colombian rider Nairo Quintana, who went on to win last year’s Giro, about his astonishment and delight in equal measure at how many people in Northern Ireland turned out to roar him and everyone else on.


8 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

The Giro has adopted pink as its official colour

Alberto Contador lifts his second Giro d’Italia crown after triumphing this year The Giro was magical. Having the memories of the feelgood factor it generated would have been just fine. Thankfully, though, we have been given something more with Northern Ireland getting on its bike all over again. Legacy is a word often used in relation to sport these days and those behind what is officially called the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland see the event as just that. Following the huge success of the 2014 Giro, the Northern Ireland Tourist Board entered into negotiations with RCS Sport and partners Shadetree Sports to secure the Gran Fondo. With around 3,000 people taking part, all of whom should receive medals handmade in Italy, organisers have been overwhelmed by the response. Most of the riders will be from Northern

Ireland but they are also coming from far and wide to get involved. Racers from England, Scotland, Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Malaysia have put their names down to be at the starting point at Titanic Belfast on June 21. There are two routes... one long (173km) called the Mourne route and one not so long (58km) labelled the Strangford route, which will see the cyclists tackle some of the most historic climbs in Northern Ireland. The top riders will be speeding all the way but for the rest of the not so serious competitors, what a chance to see some of our most majestic sights, be it the Mourne Mountains or Lough Neagh. No doubt the riders will relish the experience. They won’t be alone.

Competitors share a kiss after completing a Gran Fondo in Miami With so many taking part, it should be excellent for the economy of the country with hotels, restaurants and shops among those sure to benefit. There’s also that feelgood factor which never gets old. And of course there is the impact it could have on the children of Northern Ireland. At a time when there are constant worries about youngsters and obesity, getting out on a bike is good for them and

seeing riders in their colourful lycra suits on local roads may just inspire them to do it. And perhaps in years from now because of the Gran Fondo coming to Northern Ireland, we may have another world champion to follow in the footsteps of our cycling heroes Martyn Irvine and Wendy Houvenaghel. The Gran Fondo may have been made in Italy but come Sunday, the people of Northern Ireland will make it their own.



Cyclists participating in the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland will have an authentic taste of Italy to reward them for crossing the finishing line on June 21. The celebrated premium Italian birra, Menabrea, is being brought to Northern Ireland by Tennent’s NI, launching just in time to take on the role of official beer sponsor for the post-ride Gourmet Pasta Party at Belfast Titanic Slipways. The ride, which is a major legacy event arising from last year’s hugely successful Giro d’Italia, offers cyclists a choice of tackling either the 58 or 173-kilometre route. Even the shorter option promises some tough going, so, across the country, cyclists are already saddling up and donning their lycra in preparation for the big day on Sunday. The testing cycle will be rounded off with a big afternoon with participants invited to rest their weary limbs and re-live the excitement of the ride over an Italian feast and an ice-cold Menabrea. It’s a Mediterranean-style match made in heaven, according to Brian Beattie,

Marketing Director for Tennent’s NI. He is delighted to introduce Menabrea to the Northern Ireland marketplace by partnering with an event which shares the product’s long-standing reputation for sociability and notable Italian heritage. He said: “Menabrea is all about appreciating life to the full, so it’s the perfect partner for the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland post-ride party.

“The ride will be nothing short of amazing, reflecting the famous Italian zest for life, and giving cyclists with a range of abilities an opportunity to see our beautiful natural landscape from the saddle. Participants will be riding alongside some great names in the world of cycling and enjoying the craic with local cyclists who want to be part of this great occasion. By the time they get back to Belfast, they’ll be

more than ready to finish off the day with a Menabrea and pasta! “It has been a real coup for us to secure this superb, award-winning premium lager for the expanding Tennent’s NI world beers portfolio. Menabrea has, famously, been made by the same family since 1846 in Italy’s oldest brewery, located deep in an underground cave system in the foothills of the Italian Alps. “Menabrea is aged for a month in those caves, two storeys underground in a unique maturation process known as ‘lagering’. This ensures the birra acquires its signature taste — complex, malty and hoppy with citrus undertones.” The Gran Fondo’s Event Director, Darach McQuaid, added: “We’re delighted to be saying ‘Ciao’ to Menabrea, welcoming the brand on board as official beer sponsor of the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland. We know that many of our participants will work up a thirst as well as an appetite and they’ll be looking forward to the social end-of-cycle celebrations with some great-tasting Italian food and beer. “The prospect of the post-ride Gourmet Pasta Party will, I am sure, put some extra power in the pedalling!”

10 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

The Giro d’Italia riders took in some breathtaking scenery during their time in Northern Ireland, including here on the Antrim coast


We came, we cheered, we even painted our sheep pink but what did the competitors think of the Belfast beginning for last year’s Giro d’Italia? Tens of thousands of people lined the race route in Belfast, the Antrim coast and County Armagh, with the sizeable throng certainly making an impression on some of the world’s top cyclists. Marcel Kittel won both of the race’s opening road stages here before illness forced his withdrawal but, speaking upon his arrival in Belfast, the German star admitted that he couldn’t wait to get on his bike after the greeting he and his GiantShimano team-mates had received. “When I see and hear that welcome, I am really looking forward to the first days here in Northern Ireland,” he enthused “Everyone is very excited and is ready to give their best. “We are looking forward to the next days.” While there had been the usual murmurs and misconceptions when the decision to make Northern Ireland the first country outside mainland Europe to hold the Grande Partenza was announced, Cadel Evans, winner of the Tour de France in 2011, spoke out early to declare that there was little concern over the province’s troubled past and quickly announced that he felt comfortable in Belfast. “We understand all countries have had

OUR GIRO WAS A SIGHT TO BEHOLD ✱ BY JONATHAN BRADLEY their troubles over the past,” reflected the Australian. “I feel safe and not every country we race in across the world is that safe.” One man in particular who will never forget his trip to this part of the world is Svein Tuft, the Canadian who donned the Maglia Rose after the stage one time-trial. The Canadian, whose Orica-GreenEDGE team-mates made way for the veteran, won the stage on the day of his 37th birthday and took time to thank the crowds from the podium. “For a guy like me, it’s a once in a lifetime experience, and I’m really thankful to my team for that gift,” he said. “It’s a really special thing, it hasn’t really sunk in yet.

“I never expected something like this in my cycling career. I have had some good moments and this is something I never imagined. “The entire course was lined four or five deep with people wearing pink and screaming. “I never thought that people would be into it that much, but I have to admit I’m really impressed.” While riders of all nationalities garnered considerable support, the cheers were especially warm for Irish riders and Nicolas Roche, son of the Giro’s only Irish winner Stephen Roche, could not quite get over having the race right on his doorstep. “When you’re a kid growing up you think, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if a big event came to Ireland?’ but you are thinking more of the Tour of Ireland coming down,” he said. “Eventually, when you realise it is one of

the biggest sporting events in the world, it’s unreal.” Roche’s cousin, Dan Martin, was another quick to praise the crowds and said that Belfast was “showing Europe how to put on a riders’ presentation”. Summing up the unique atmosphere of the event, he added: “It is probably going to be the biggest crowds that the race sees for the entire three weeks. “This is the biggest attendance we have had at a team presentation for a long time, which is fantastic to see and makes me incredibly proud to be Irish. “It is great to see the people of Ireland give the race such a warm welcome. It is going to be a weekend that everybody involved remembers for years to come.” With the crowds sure to turn out in force again, the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia is set to provide another unforgettable event.

2015GranFondo ROUTEMAP

12 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

19 June 2015 | Belfast Telegraph

Gran Fondo – June 20-21 | 13 MOURNE GATEWAYS


Lough Neagh

START/FINISH Titanic Belfast
































Strangford Lough





A 55





A Gateway is a controlled crossing point which facilitates traffic across the intended cycle route. The Gateway’s activations will be dictated by the time zone within which each Gateway is located. • 1 Albertbridge Road/Mountpottinger Street/ Castlereagh Street • 2 Beersbridge Road/Castlereagh Street • 3 Ladas Drive/Castlereagh Road/Grand Parade • 4 A55 Outer Ring/Castlereagh Road/Ballygowan Road • 5 Ballygowan Road/Manse Road/Upper Braniel Road • 6 Ballygowan Road/Knockbracken Road/Gransha Road • 7 Belfast Road/Ballygowan Road/Comber Road • 8 Carryduff Road/Creevytennant Road/Middle Road/ Saintfield Road • 9 Lisburn Road/Burn Road • 10 Burren Road/Bawn Hill Road • 11 Kilnhill Road/Ribadoo Road/Legananny Road • 12 Ballydrumman Road/Lighthouse Road/ Derryneill Road • 13 Moneyslane Road/Ballyward Road/Dromara Road • 14 Tirkelly Road/Whitegate Road/Ballyroney Road • 15 Ballyroney Road/Dromore Street/Banbridge Road • 16 Dromore Street/Main Street/Newry Street • 17 Castlewellan Road/Downpatrick Street/Hilltown Road • 18 Hilltown Road/Lisnamulligan Road/Cross Road • 19 Hilltown Square • 20 Spelga Dam-Emergency Services Access Only • 21 Newcastle Road/Bryansford Road/Carnacaville Road • 22 Millhill/Station Road/Drumbuck Road • 23 Clarkhill Road/Drumbuck Road













Irish Sea


















22 RD RD












































Mourne Mountains ROSTREVOR A2

•1 •2 •3 •4 •5 •6 •7 •2 •1



















Carlingford Lough



START/FINISH Titanic Belfast










3 5


















A2 4




























Titanic Belfast to Moneyreagh Moneyreagh to Balloo Crossroads Balloo Crossroads to Comber By pass A21/A22 Comber By pass to Moneyreagh Moneyreagh to Titanic Belfast

Close 07:00

Open 09:00





08:45 09:30

11:00 16:00






















Open 09:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:15 13:00 15:00 15:30 16:00

A Gateway is a controlled crossing point which facilitates traffic across the intended cycle route. The Gateway’s activations will be dictated by the time zone within which each Gateway is located. • 1 Albertbridge Road/Mountpottinger Street/ Castlereagh Street • 2 Beersbridge Road/Castlereagh Street • 3 Ladas Drive/Castlereagh Road/Grand Parade • 4 A55 Outer Ring/Castlereagh Road/Ballygowan Road • 5 Ballygowan Road/Manse Road/Upper Braniel Road • 6 Ballygowan Road/Knockbracken Road/Gransha Road • 7 Balloo Crossroads - Saintfield Road / Comber Road • 8 Cherry Valley Roundabout - Killinchy Road / Belfast Road

•1 •2

Strangford Lough


4 A2



Close 07:00 07:00 08:00 08:15 08:30 09:45 10:00 10:45 09:30



Titanic Belfast to Moneyreagh Moneyreagh to Dree Hill Dree Hill to Leitrim Leitrim to Hilltown Hilltown to Spelga Dam Spelga Dam to Castlewellan Castlewellan to Dree Hill Dree Hill to Moneyreagh Moneyreagh to Titanic Belfast



Closures &Gateways

14 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

A rich history

Cyclists such as Italian Damiano Cunego have been inspired to take up the sport by the Giro d’Italia and Gran Fondo


The Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland is being marketed as a wholly Italian affair and that should come as no surprise, given the history of the event that stretches all the way back to the first edition of the Nove Colli race. It is said that it all began back in 1965 alongside the famous harbour Leonardo Da Vinci a Cesenatico on the banks of the Adriatic Sea. It was there, not far from the city of Cesena, in the Bar del Corso that the amateur cycling group G.C Fausto Coppi was formed. The collective took their name from the legendary Italian cyclist who won the Giro a record five times, captured two Tour de France titles and was crowned World Champion in 1953. Back in 1960, ‘Il Campissimo’ died aged just 40 after a bout of malaria and the group chose his name five years later in an effort to honour both his career and spirit.

✱ BY JONATHAN BRADLEY It was with this ethos, in 1970, that they travelled to Switzerland for a 200km amateur meeting. Upon returning from the exhausting but rewarding race, the group endeavoured to establish a similar event in their home of Cesenatico, a port town in northern Italy also famous as the birthplace of Marco Pantani, the last man to win both the Tour de France and Giro d’Italia during the same year back in 1998. With a founding member of the club, Gianfranco Casali, undertaking the organising, the very first Nove Colli took place on May 21, 1971 with 19 enthusiastic amateurs bunched along the starting line at 5.00am. Credited as the oldest Gran Fondo in the world, the race still takes place every spring in Cesenatico and now annually attracts over 12,000 riders and has helped to inspire current Italian cyclists, such as Damiano

Cunego of Nippo-Vini Fantini The idea of an amateur outing with a competitive twist proved hugely popular and the closed-road sportives spread rapidly throughout Italy. In the present day, there are events taking place each weekend throughout the cycling season, attracting competitors of all ages and abilities in large numbers. Far from just a localised phenomenon, the races now take place all over the world and are especially popular in the USA, where the first two Giro d’Italia Gran Fondos took place. While we are all well versed in the subject of the Grand Tour after last year’s memorable visit, its amateur equivalent is a far more recent concept than the professional race with which it shares its name. Similar to the Giro, the series is owned and organised by RCS Sport, a media company formed in 1989 to act as the organisational arm of the Italian sports daily La Gazzetta dello Sport.

A fan and promotion girl (above) get into the spirit of the Gran Fondo by wearing pink during a previous staging in Miami, Florida

19 June 2015 | Belfast Telegraph

Gran Fondo – June 20-21 | 15

The Gran Fondo gets under way in Miami, which was one of the first cities to stage the event in 2012 The famous pink tabloid — the colour of the winner’s jersey is taken from the pages of the paper — were the original group behind the Giro after taking inspiration from the way L’Equipe had benefited from their running of the Tour de France. However, while the original Giro was first held over a century ago back in 1909, the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia series was only born in 2012. The stated aspiration of the races is

“strictly linked to Giro d’Italia and aims at making the Giro d’Italia experience more accessible to fellow cyclists and spread out its values and history worldwide.” The launch three years ago saw a pair of races held in Pasadena and Miami before expansion over the following 12 months. In 2013, the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia returned to Pasadena and Miami but also took in New York, Beverly Hills and Jerusalem.

The decision to bring the race to Northern Ireland this summer, and for a further two years thereafter, is an effort to capitalise on the success of last year’s Giro d’Italia Grande Partenza. With cycling tourism on the rise in the aftermath of last year’s historic opening stages, it is hoped that the Gran Fondo will provide a tangible legacy to the race’s visit while also increasing amateur participation across the province. Northern Ireland will be the third and final race of the series this year — earlier events took place in Vienna and the Alps — while, as well as two returns to these shores, there are also plans in place for trips to Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia and Brazil. As is the custom for the sportives, the Giro d’Italia Gran Fondo now generally has two routes and that will be the case this weekend. Both begin and end at the Titanic Belfast building with the Mourne Route a 173km ride set to pose a challenge for even the most experienced of riders and the Strangford Route a 58km loop designed for more novice cyclists. In the recent Vienna edition, 2,000 cyclists undertook the challenge with a host of well-wishers lining the route, but there are hopes to double that number here. With a target of 8,000 participants by the third visit in 2017, organisers aim to hold not just a race, but a festival of cycling with a distinctly Italian theme meaning a street velodrome, pasta parties and a Giro expo will be held in the Titanic Quarter for those content to maintain a watching brief. Last year we painted the town pink as Giro mania took hold but the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia is ready to capture the imagination once again.

B/EAerospace FestivalofFlight


B/E Aerospace Festival of Flight has become one of the largest spectator attended events in Northern Ireland with over 100,000 people having already travelled to Newcastle, County Down to enjoy the spectacular two-hour air show. This year, on Saturday, August 8, as well as the fabulous Red Arrows and Typhoon, we are delighted that the Blenheim aircraft will be making its first appearance since undergoing restoration work. In addition to this, there will be other aerobatic displays and solo performances from must-see aircraft. Families will have a great FREE day out in Newcastle and there will be lots of entertainment and activities from 10am in the Aviation Village, Castle Park including a climbing tower, assault course, stilt walkers, Ulster Military Vehicle display, model aircraft and planes and much more. Why not make a day of it? Sit back, relax and enjoy the magnificent Dolly Parton tribute open air concert on the festival stage following the air show. A Park and Ride system is available to help facilitate the flow of traffic in the town and allow spectators ready access to the air show. Provisions are also in place for motor home and disabled parking. To get a FREE copy of the Festival Programme contact Newcastle Visitor Centre on 028 4372 2222 or check out Down Festivals Facebook page to hear all the latest announcements.

16 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21




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We are the market leader for the Cycle to Work scheme, working in conjunction with local councils, government bodies, and private businesses to offer complete packages with peace of mind guarantee with the UK’s largest bicycle shop – your local Halfords.


Recently we have rolled out specialist Cycle Repair Hubs, with Repair Technicians who can do advanced repairs and cycle services. Colleagues such as Davy Tommins at the L/Derry Store and Jeremy Martin at Halfords Newtownabbey are both keen cyclists themselves and well regarded locally. Davy trained with Shimano, supported competitors at the London Olympics, and was a former technician for Team Sky. Jeremy loves advances in cycle technology. He has two Cervelos a P3 with SRAM red and zipp 808’s and a S5 with ultegra di2, a strages power meter and Mavic SLE wheels, he started doing triathlons in 1989 and raced in all distances from sprint to ironman. In 1997 he did ‘the marathon de sables’ which is a 160 mile foot race through the Sahara. In 2005 he did the ‘Race across America’ which is a 3000 mile bike race coast to coast. He still races cycles and competes in time trials events. He will be racing in the Grand Fondo himself, while Davy will be assisting with the technical support crew.



Come visit either Davy at our L/derry Store or Jeremy in our Newtownabbey Store which will be relaunching soon with a brand new look. Alternatively you can now come and visit our new Connswater Store now open to avail of our extended clothing ranges, try before you buy facility with cycle sizing, and see some stunning new cycles on offer or simply reserve via for your local store pick up. Halfords Boucher Road is our exclusive stockist of Pinarello cycles.


To help celebrate Halfords support for the Grand Fondo Giro D’Italia NI – Halfords will be running a special promotion: An EXTRA 10% off all Road Bike from 18th June – 20th July on top of up to Half Price Apollo Cycles from £129, 30% off Carrera ranges, and some great deals like the Boardman Road Sport Limited Edition Cycle for only £499. Hurry down to your local Halfords, help celebrate the Grand Fondo Giro D’Italia NI, and let your journey into summer begin at Halfords.


01. Boardman Clothing, from £4.99


Chris Boardman, Olympic Gold medallist and MBE, has designed his first capsule collection of cycling wear exclusively for Halfords to complement his best-selling range of Boardman Bikes. The Boardman Collection includes 14 pieces designed for performance and style for men and women, and includes a 360 degree reflective Wind Jacket, gel-padded Cycle Mitts and a Qwick-Dri Jersey.

02. Pendleton Briary Hybrid Bike, £299.99


Ideal for riding on light trails and the road, the Pendleton Briary Hybrid Bike is a classic hybrid bike that’s perfect for ladies looking for a comfy all-rounder. 16 speed gears offer the perfect range for both tackling hills and getting up speed, which is helped by the lightweight alloy frame. Reliable stopping power is provided by the Tektro V-brakes, and the large 700c wheels cover more ground with less effort.



03. VooDoo Soukri Mountain Bike, £449.99


Be sure to stand out from the crowd with the new VooDoo Soukri Women’s Mountain Bike. Boasting a matte black frame with a pop of hot pink it delivers on both style and substance. The Soukri is a serious powerhouse and is perfect for adventure seekers who love getting off the beaten track. With women’s specific geometry, Suntour forks and Shimano Altus 27 speed gears it has the range to deal with steep climbs and fast trails. Speed junkies will love the impressive stopping power of its hydraulic disc brakes. Thanks to the high volume Maxxis Ardent tyres, no matter the weather or terrain, you’ll always feel in control. Made for hitting those trails hard and fast, this mountain bike shouldn’t be judged on looks alone.

04. Minions Helmet, £20


We’re a little obsessed with Despicable Me, and with the launch of the Minions movie next week, this helmet couldn’t come at a better time.


05. Hiplok Original V1.50, £64.99


When it’s not locked securing your bike the Hiplok Original can be worn comfortably around your waist. Adjustable to a wide range of waist sizes, the Hiplok Original sits comfortably on your hips while cycling. Under the stylish yet tough nylon sleeve, lies a strong Sold Secure rated 8mm chain which is long enough to secure a bike and front wheel.

06. 13 Intrinsic Beta Road Bike, £749.99


With a razor sharp design, sleek matte grey finish and full carbon frame, the 13 Intrinsic Beta Road Bike delivers on style and substance. The Intrinsic Beta Road Bike is built for speed and has hidden brakes, a dropped seatstay and internal cable routing. Weighing just 9.5 kg and with a Shimano Sora gearset, this bike adds up to the complete package, making it the smarter choice for the savvy cyclist.

19 June 2015 | Belfast Telegraph

Gran Fondo – June 20-21 | 17


09 13 08

12 10



07 11. Apollo Wham Boy’s Mountain Bike, £109.99


Make an impact on the Apollo Wham Boys’ Mountain Bike – with its striking design and great features, it will really get you noticed! Enjoy tackling those off road trails with full suspension that absorbs the bumps you may encounter, with 6 speed gearing that lets you easily make your way uphill, before you enjoy racing all the way back down.

12. Carrera Luna Girl’s Mountain Bike, £229.99

07. VooDoo Bizango, £599.99


The award-winning VooDoo Bizango 29er, Mountain Bike is a serious powerhouse, and is perfect for adventure seekers who love getting off the beaten track. The VooDoo Bizango boasts a 27-speed Shimano Deore drivetrain which has the range to deal with steep climbs and fast trails. Speed junkies will love the impressive stopping power of its hydraulic disk brakes. Thanks to the high volume Maxxis Ardent tyres, no matter the weather or terrain, you’ll always feel in control. Made for hitting those trails hard and fast, this MTB isn’t an award-winner for nothing.

08. Pendleton Somerby, £279.99


Boasting a stylish, sprung leather vintage-style saddle and coming in a choice of either mint green, deep red, dashing blue or classic ivory, the bike is sure to turn heads. The lightweight alloy frame and 7-speed Shimano gears promise a super smooth ride every time.

09. HardnutZ Stealth Hi Vis, £29.99


The HardnutZ Stealth HiVis™ Bike Helmet is virtually undetectable in daylight but highly reflective in car headlights or street lights! It features 15 panels of reflective 3M Scotchlite which means not only will you look cool in this helmet but it will also keep your head protected from any bumps, perfect!

10. Go Pro Hero, £109.99


The GoPro Hero is one of GoPro’s most user friendly cameras, making it easy to capture and share your world. It features high-quality 1080p30 and 720p60 video and 5MP photos up to 5 frames per second and the QuikCapture mode means you can start recording with the press of a single button. Overall this camera is perfect for capturing all of your adventures!


The Carrera Luna Girls’ Mountain Bike has a lightweight frame with 21-speed gears and a Zoom suspension fork to help take on all terrains. It has components especially for kids including short reach brake levers, cranks and stem and a great set of brakes.

13. Selle Royal Performa Suez Saddle, £59.99


The Selle Royal Performa Suez Saddle is ideal for athletic and endurance cyclists! This high performance saddle has been hand-built to minimize perineal pressure over long distances or during high pedaling frequencies! It features a Flex Foam structure and Manganese Rails which make this saddle one of Selle Royal’s most lightweight and durable saddles.

14. Selle Royal Lookin Moderate Saddle, £39.99


The Selle Royal Lookin Moderate Female Saddle has been specifically made for women cyclists! It features a sealed surface that is partially transparent, allowing riders to observe how the Royalgel™ padding flexes and reacts, ensuring the reduction of pressure peaks by up to 40%.

15. Boardman Road Sport Limited Edition, £499.99


The Boardman Road Sport Limited Edition features all of the incredible performance characteristics of the award winning Road Sport, including the beautiful, smooth welded 7005 alloy frame and 16 speed Shimano Claris gearing, but with the added benefit of a carbon fibre bladed fork for greater steering precision and traction. All these features combine to provide an efficient, versatile, exciting and comfortable road riding experience that’ll be sure to keep you smiling all day long.

16. Boardman Road Pro Carbon SLR, £1799.99


The super light and super-fast Boardman Road Pro Carbon SLR Bike is designed for one thing: Performance. This class-leading frame has been developed to ensure that strength, stiffness and weight are maximised by putting material where it’s needed and removing it where it isn’t.

18 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

Ourworld champions  As a legacy event, the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia aims to inspire more young people than ever before to get on their bike and into cycling. Should they do so, they won’t have too far to look for their newest heroes after the recent achievements of local riders Martyn Irvine and Wendy Houvenaghel. Newtownards man Irvine has his name forever etched in the history books after he clinched Ireland’s first track gold in 117 years at the World Championships back in 2013. In the Minsk Arena velodrome two years ago, the then 27-year-old gave the performance of his career, beginning the day by claiming silver in the individual pursuit. Rather than bask in the glory, and having had just enough time to collect his medal, Irvine was back on his bike less than an


hour later and riding his way to the rainbow jersey in the 15km scratch race. His success, however, has not just been limited to that memorable day in Belarus. A seven-time Irish Track & Road National Champion, Irvine, who is an advocate for Northern Ireland to have its own velodrome, had previously won two silver medals at the Track World Cup and bronze in the team pursuit at the 2010 Commonwealth Games. Shortly after his World Championship success, Irvine broke his hip and missed most of the rest of the season, but was back in time to claim bronze at the European Track Championships before ending another lengthy drought for the Irish cycling team by becoming their first gold medallist in a World Cup event for nearly two decades.

Wendy Houvenaghel. Credit – Ian MacNicol – Presseye

Ireland’s Martyn Irvine celebrates winning gold. Credit ©INPHO/Guy Swarbrick And, while he was unable to defend his world title in Colombia just over a year ago, Irvine did add to his impressive medal haul by finishing second only to Russia’s Ivan Kovalev. There have been disappointments too, however. Irvine was not able to ride in last year’s Giro after his then-team, UnitedHealthcare, were not selected as a wild-card entrant, while he was severely frustrated by his 13th place at the London Olympics in 2012, a setback that the man who turned 30 this month intends to use as motivation in his quest to reach Rio next year. If Irvine is Northern Ireland’s most feted male cyclist, then the recently-retired Wendy Houvenaghel is undoubtedly his female equivalent. A latecomer to the sport, she only began cycling at the age of 27 having previously been serving in the Dental Branch of the Royal Air Force. Displaying a natural aptitude, she quickly set about making her mark. She won three World Championship golds for Great Britain in the team pursuit event and brought an individual pursuit Olympic silver medal back to County Londonderry from Beijing in 2008. She was unable, however, to realise her dream of Olympic gold in 2012 after being controversially excluded from the recordbreaking GB side for each of the team pursuit races. Riding in any of the three would have landed her a gold medal but coach Shane Sutton selected Dani King, Laura Trott and Jo Rowsell each time. It was a cruel blow for Houvenaghel, who had been led to believe she would be competing at the Games before travelling after giving so much to the sport, but she

did not let it end her ambitions. She persevered and fought her way back into the GB national squad mere months later and was set to represent Northern Ireland in the road time-trial at last summer’s Commonwealth Games. Injury ensured she could not participate in Glasgow, however, and she subsequently retired, but she leaves behind quite the legacy. While their successes have been formidable, Northern Ireland’s cycling triumphs extend beyond Irvine and Houvenaghel. Irvine was joined by Sean Downey, David McCann and Philip Lavery in earning his Commonwealth team pursuit bronze, medals that were Northern Ireland’s first in the sport since Alistair Irvine finished third in the points race event when competing at the 1990 Games in Auckland. That was a second medal for Alistair who, riding with Cormac McCann, Joesph Barr and Martin Quinn, had won the team timetrial four years prior in Edinburgh. While a Commonwealth Games medal has eluded Belfast-born Michael Hutchinson to date — fourth place in the 2006 road time-trial is his best finish — he has amassed a huge number of national time-trial titles while also proving that not all accolades are won on the track or road. The Cambridge-educated former lawyer turned his attempt to set a new mark for the Hour Record, a recent accomplishment of Sir Bradley Wiggins, into a book entitled ‘The Hour: Sporting Immortality The Hard Way’ which earned him the Best New Writer award at the British Sports Book awards. With cycling seemingly set to grow and grow throughout the province, the Gran Fondo aims to inspire the next generation of Irvines and Houvenaghels.

20 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

Stephen Roche, pictured wearing the Giro pink jersey, is one of only two men to win the Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and World Cycling Championship in the same year



Legendary Triple Crown winner Stephen Roche is thrilled to see Giro fever continue to grip Northern Ireland. The Dubliner, who is one of only two men to win the Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and World Cycling Championship in the same year (Eddy Merckx is the other), acted as an ambassador for the Grande Partenza in Belfast last year and fills a similar role for this weekend’s Gran Fondo where he will also ride the roads alongside the 3,000 enthusiastic entrants. Remembering the spirit engendered by the event last year, he recalled: “The Giro was a fabulous thing to have in Northern Ireland, especially when you saw the way that everybody turned pink and everybody embraced the whole event. “We talked about Yorkshire and London


being a huge success for the Tour de France (also last year) but a lot of those things were taken straight from the way Belfast did the Giro. “Belfast went pink and all of a sudden the UK went yellow. I think the UK looked at the way Belfast handled the Giro and made a success out of their own event. “I think Northern Ireland invented a lot of things that were transported back to the UK and to France which says a lot in itself. “Having it being hailed as the most successful Partenza in the history of the Giro, it makes you very proud to be associated with it.” And Roche hopes to see the Gran Fondo maintain the strong work of those previous efforts. “Having the Gran Fondo as a legacy for

that is just great,” Roche said. “I believe there’s over 3,000 signed up for the weekend and, for the first go, that’s great to have such big numbers turning out. “It will give more people the opportunity to ride the roads in the same conditions and it’s a great opportunity for people who love their cycling.” Roche is not the only star attraction this weekend as Team Sky’s Richie Porte will also make his way along the route. The Australian will be a huge draw with Roche believing the big-name rider can inspire the next generation of Northern Ireland’s cycling stars. “The young kids today can relate to the big names and with the television coverage they can look into the likes of Bradley Wiggins, Christopher Froome and Richie Porte,” he said. “They know their icons and that puts into perspective for them what the likes of

myself, Sean Kelly and Martin Earley were able to do so hopefully having the two of us (himself and Porte) there is a double coup for the event. “Having any big star involved in a sportive is a big plus and Richie Porte is undoubtedly the big star of the day. “It’s great having a guy like him involved as not too many of the big names are doing it these days, they’re kept busy with their own stuff. “It’s a great coup for the organisers and the tourist board as well.” Of course, as well as attempting to emulate Porte, kids inspired to take up cycling during the series can also take motivation from the tale of Roche’s historic 1987 season and he has already witnessed a changing attitude to cycling among today’s children. He said: “I met a kid at an event in Belfast last year, a sort of charity event, and asked him what he wanted to be when he grows up. “He said he wants to be the next Irish Tour de France winner. “Not a doctor or a dentist or a plumber or a fitter but at 11-years-old wants to be the next Irish Tour de France winner. “That shows the feeling that’s there now and it’s great to see it.” With the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia here to stay until 2017, long may it continue.

22 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21


Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

Ulster-bound Aussie Richie Porte in the pink


Richie Porte is a crucial Team Sky rider. Credit ©INPHO/Presseye/Matt Mackey

Those keeping a keen eye on social media lately may have noticed the campaign urging Northern Ireland to adopt the Australian Richie Porte as one of their own but the Team Sky man has long since confirmed his status as an ally of the cycling fans in this part of the world. Porte will be the star attraction of this weekend’s Gran Fondo as he rides the roads alongside a host of amateur cyclists, but it is his work in aid of Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome at the Tour de France where he forged his reputation. A key lieutenant of the only Britons to have won cycling’s most famous race, Porte’s invaluable contribution as a domestique in 2012 and 2013 was integral to the memorable triumphs. Indeed, given his importance to Sir Dave Brailsford’s outfit, it is easy to forget that, after only taking up the sport in 2006, it is just a few short years ago that he was working as a lifeguard on the beaches of Tasmania. A former triathlete, he gave up the multi-discipline endeavour to focus on cycling and made early strides with the Avanti team, then known as Praities, in his homeland but his breakthrough would come with a first professional contract from what has become Tinkoff Saxo. He burst onto the scene at the 2010 Giro

✱ BY JONATHAN BRADLEY d’Italia when, after spending three days in the pink jersey, he finished seventh overall to take the Young Rider classification by a sizeable margin of more than seven minutes. A year later at the same race, he helped team-mate Alberto Contador to victory before a move to Team Sky in 2012, where he shepherded Wiggins and then Froome to glory, consolidating his billing as the most supportive of domestiques. But what of his own more personal career ambitions? He remains Froome’s most trusted deputy, and will be relied upon heavily by his team leader once again at next month’s Tour, but Porte is a rider with a burning desire to shake his tag as the best of the peloton yet to taste success in a Grand Tour. He admitted: “As much as I love being there and being the wingman, it’s not what I always want to do. “For me, the dream is to win a Grand Tour, any Grand Tour. “Looking ahead, there’s not too many guys who have won a Grand Tour in their career and I guess that’s always been the dream.” As a climber, he stands in the company of only Froome and Nairo Quintana, while his ability against the clock is also formidable and yet, now into his thirties, the most

19 June 2015 | Belfast Telegraph

Gran Fondo – June 20-21 | 23

Portadownwinefirm ishopingforapositive chainreactiontothe anticipatedGranFondo


Portadown-based wine wholesalers Robb Brothers Wine Merchants are hoping that glasses will be raised in response to a successful inaugural Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland, taking place on Sunday, June 21. As local distributors for Italian wine company Fantini Farnese, one of the official sponsors of the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland, the company will be at the forefront of the ‘Made in Italy’ promotions that are being held in conjunction with this major sporting event. It also allows the family-run business to continue its association with the Giro legacy having been involved in the hugely successful 2014 Giro d’Italia Grande Partenza (Big Start). race, are going to limit his career ambitions “In association with Fantini Farnese we and his best finish at a Grand Tour remains are delighted to be involved with this major that seventh place at the Giro in his debut cycling legacy event,” said Charles Robb, season as a pro. director of Robb Brothers Wine Merchants. Speaking after the disappointment, Porte “Gran Fondo events take place throughout

notable victories of his career have came in the Paris-Nice, a race he won in both 2013 and earlier this year. That was all meant to change at the Giro last month, described by many during the preamble as the defining race of Porte’s career, and in an ideal world he would be coming to these shores as the proud owner of a Maglia Rosa, but his best laid plans came to nothing. While Froome’s injury-enforced withdrawal led to a brief spell as team leader at last year’s Tour, the Giro saw him finally handed the chance to chase success for himself on the biggest of stages. Entering the race in the form of his life after nine wins in the season, he was well placed in third come the end of the first week before the wheels, both literally and figuratively, came off and a disastrous three days saw Porte withdraw before ever reaching what was supposed to be the site of his coronation in Milan. A two-minute penalty for receiving a wheel change from compatriot Simon Clarke of rival team Orica-GreenEdge provided a considerable setback before injuries sustained in a stage 13 crash and a poor time trial showing saw him abandon the race on the second rest day. It all meant another frustrating experience for the Monaco-based rider who has been dogged by the idea that his occasional jour sans, the dreaded “off-days” that will derail aspirations in a three-week

said: “The Giro has been my main goal this year and I’ve worked incredibly hard all season with this race in mind. “The plan for me now is to take some time off the bike, get the medical treatment that I need and reset my goals for the rest of the season and come back fighting. “Hopefully I can get myself ready for the Tour team.” When the 2015 Tour de France begins in Utrecht on the first Saturday in July, Porte will once again be a member of the supporting cast as he attempts to put his close friend, training-mate and fellow Monaco resident Froome in the best position to don a second yellow jersey. Should he get another chance to be a team leader in the future, few will have served a more notable apprenticeship in recent years but Porte knows the opportunity is unlikely to come at Sky. “I think Chris Froome is the rider of this generation,” he said. “I think he’s going to win more than one Tour in his career and it’s unrealistic for me, in a British team, when he’s got a British passport.” Porte’s contract with Team Sky ends at the conclusion of this season and, while three-time Tour winner Greg LeMond has warned that such moves have their risks, he has already been strongly courted by OricaGreenEdge, the only ProTour team based in Porte’s home of Australia. If the difference between the good and great of the sport is defined by success in the Grand Tours, few would begrudge Porte his ascension into the elite after helping others to join the ranks and thanks to the Gran Fondo, if he does so, many of Northern Ireland’s most ardent cycling enthusiasts will be able to regale friends and family with the story of the day they rode together side by side.

Europe and the rest of the world and this mass participation format is one of the fastest growing sectors in cycling tourism. “The Grand Fondo enables amateur cyclists to experience the Giro stages that the professionals undertake and it helps to promote cycling, Northern Ireland and indeed all things Italian.” The Gran Fondo will cover two different routes, one 173 kilometres in length and the other 58 kilometres, with both stages commencing and finishing at Titanic Belfast. “The Big Start in 2014 was an amazing event for us and we are pleased to be working in partnership once again with Darach McQuaid and his team at Shadetree Sports,” continued Charles. “Hopefully the weather will be kind for everyone participating at the event, both in and out of the saddle.” For further information contact Alan Bailie, Robb Brothers Wine Merchants. Telephone: 028 3833 2306. Mobile: 07517 463460.

24 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

Stephen Gallagher, right, digs deep to keep ahead of his opponents

Challengingroadliesahead forGranFondoparticipants


As with any major endurance event, each participant in the Gran Fondo will be met with their own personal challenges along with those facing the collective group. Notably, the first hurdle that everyone needs to overcome is the basic aerobic fitness to be able to complete their chosen route, either 58km or 173km. Depending on each individual’s level of fitness and experience, these distances will test their limit and resolve to complete the event. For any novice who is perhaps taking their first steps in cycling events, the 58km loop will

✱ BY STEPHEN GALLAGHER Director, Dig Deep Coaching be a perfect stepping stone into the world of cycling and one which will enable them to enjoy the sport on a rolling terrain. The 173km loop is a distance which will require a very high level of fitness and something that should be taken on by the more experienced cyclist with a history in taking part in longer endurance events. The prospect of sitting on a bike for over six hours can be somewhat daunting to many but the essence of a Gran Fondo event is to

push the limits and set personal challenges to overcome. Those taking on this route will no doubt face many personal challenges on the day but it will be comforting to know that each rider will be facing the same obstacles. The Strangford route (58km) is the distance for those who are new to cycling and the terrain is relatively flat compared to the longer option, apart from the incline out of the City as they begin the route towards ‘Monte Braniel’. After the major obstacle of the day, the riders will be seeking to pace their efforts sufficiently on the flatter terrain to enable them to continue on an even pace for the

remainder of the journey. The Mourne route (173km) has the major challenges of longer and steeper climbs mixed with a distance that can push even the most experienced cyclist. The climbs participants will tackle on the day are some of the steepest in the country and significant preparation will be essential. The ability to pace the event will be crucial and knowledge of the route will help this. Each climb will bring a new challenge and one that will be met with determination by each individual. Outside of the terrain, the competitors will face the climate and weather conditions which can play a role on the days’ cycling and build-up to the event. Each participant should ensure they have the required clothing to complete the route in a variety of conditions. This will be essential to help maximise their physical ability and something each person needs to pre-plan as much as possible prior to the day. In conclusion, I believe that each route contains significant challenges to match every level of ability and the satisfaction of each participant as they finish this event will be one of elation and pride. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable journey on the day. #digdeep

26 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015



Saturday 20th – Open 10am-5pm Sunday 21st – Open 7am-6pm Key Times StreetVelodrome: 10am-6pm (both days) Sustrans ‘The Big Pink Pedal’: Finish at noon, Saturday Gran Fondo Mourne Route: Start at 7.30am, Finish from 12.30pm, Sunday Gran Fondo Strangford Route: Start at 8.00am, Finish from 10.30am, Sunday Closing Ceremony: 5.00pm, Sunday


The Giro Paddock at Titanic Belfast will be turning pink again for the first official Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland this weekend. This will be the start and finish site for those cyclists fulfilling their dreams of riding on closed roads, through stunning countryside and some of the most historic and iconic climbs in Northern Ireland. Why not come down to Titanic Belfast with friends and family to soak up the atmosphere and savour a little taste of Italy on your doorstep? Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and support the Gran Fondo cyclists taking on their challenge. You could even get your photo taken alongside the Giro d’Italia trophy and some celebrity cyclists, who’ll be around on both days. On Sunday, you’ll need to get down early to the Start to see the spectacle of 3,000 riders setting off from Titanic Belfast (at 7.30am), or if you’d prefer a leisurely morning, get out and cheer them along the route and then come down later to roar them on as they cross the finish line (from 11.00am). The closing ceremony is at 5.00pm.

Hereiswhat’s onofferdownatTitanicBelfastovertheweekend… Scarpello & Co. Wood Fire Pizzeria


‘Ruby Red’, the affectionately named mobile wood fire pizza oven of Scarpello and Co. Artisan Bakery, will be setting up home at Titanic Belfast for the Gran Fondo weekend. Serving scrumptious sourdough pizzas to the public on Saturday and the registered Gran Fondo cyclists on the Sunday, they have a passion for doing things just right and using the best ingredients. They make pizzas the original Neapolitan way and you won’t taste any better this side of Naples.

Fitzers Family BBQ


Working alongside Tony O’Neill of Coppi restaurant to create the gourmet pasta party menu for the registered Gran Fondo cyclists at the Finish Line on Sunday, Fitzers will also be hotting up the coals with a family BBQ open to everyone on Saturday and Sunday, serving up delicious gourmet burgers, hot dogs and Moy Park chicken wraps, as well as sweet treats — not forgetting the gelato and espresso! The café bar will be well-stocked with cool refreshing Menabrea beer and Fantini Wines, as well as something for the kids.

North Down Physio


A sports injury clinic based in Holywood and no strangers to covering sporting events, they will be at the finish

zone providing a well-deserved post-race massage to those weary legs. Their team of 30 highly skilled massage therapists and physiotherapists, headed up by Julia Webster and Steve Spence, will be on hand throughout Saturday and Sunday for treatment and advice. They are accepting £5 donations for chosen charity, Sustrans.

Halfords Base Camp – Get your Gran Fondo bike checked over by mechanics. Garmin – with full tech squad that can update your Garmin equipment. Moy Park – they’ll be dishing out the chicken goujons! StreetVelodrome


Titanic Quarter Cycling Club (TQCC) is hosting the world’s only StreetVelodrome as part of the Giro legacy event, Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland. StreetVelodrome is a new and unique cycle sport event, which delivers the excitement and drama of track cycling via a ‘pop up’ style velodrome. It’ll be set up near the Start/Finish Line of the Gran Fondo on Saturday and Sunday and will be live from 10am until 6pm. Both budding and experienced cyclists — young and old — are encouraged to come along and try it. It’s completely free, bikes and helmets are supplied and free pro coaching is also provided. For more info on TQCC

Piccolo Fondo


First there was the Giro d’Italia, then the Gran Fondo, now it’s the Piccolo Fondo… Sustrans is calling for you to put on your pink shirts, wacky wigs and accessories from last year and get on yer bike! On Saturday, we are organising four led bike rides for all the family along

radial routes into the Titanic Quarter for the Northern Ireland Festival of Cycling as part of the Gran Fondo weekend. The Piccolo Fondo is expected to attract around 400 cyclists along greenways and quiet roads into Belfast for a family festival of food, drink, entertainment and the exciting centrepiece — a velodrome open to the public. Numbers are limited so registration is required on piccolo-fondo-led-rides

Community Cycle Training and Bike Check


Want to get on your bike but it’s been a while? Interested in free cycle training to improve your skills and confidence on the road? Perhaps you, family or friends have an old bike in the shed that’s been rusting away with a flat tyre. Register for a free session of cycle training and a bike check in Comber, Holywood, Lisburn, north Belfast or Newtownabbey at www.sustrans. The training offered is for all ages to undertake Levels 1 and 2 National Standard cycle training, which will improve your ability to travel by bike. Please note, for cycle training sessions children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult and be able to cycle unaided.

Titanic Belfast


Treat your Dad to the ultimate Titanic experience this Father’s Day at Titanic Belfast, taking in the excitement of the Gran Fondo, before enjoying either the delights of the world’s largest Titanic visitor experience, the SS Nomadic and Discovery Tour with the White Star Premium Pass or a sumptuous afternoon tea. Afternoon tea will run from 12:20 until 16:00, prices start at £25 per adult and £10 per child. To book, visit or call +44 28 9076 6399.

28 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015

ShelbourneMotorstakethechequeredflagin racetosupplyrangeofvehiclesforGranFondo


One of Northern Ireland’s longest established car dealerships, Shelbourne Motors, is to supply a fleet of vehicles for the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland 2015 which takes place on Sunday. Shelbourne Motors, which is based in Portadown, will provide cars, vans and mini buses to be used as official transportation and support vehicles during the event. Paul Ward, Director at Shelbourne Motors, commented: “I am delighted that we have been selected as the Official Vehicle Supplier for this year’s Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia. “Our location, size and ability to react quickly has allowed us to offer a comprehensive vehicle solution for the Gran Fondo event.” Darach McQuaid, from event organising company Shadetree Sports, added:

“Shelbourne Motors have an impressive ability to provide the specific vehicles we need for an event like this. “I would like to thank them for coming on board and working so efficiently with us over the past few weeks.” The Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia Northern Ireland is the legacy event from the 2014 Giro d’Italia Grande Partenza which started in Northern Ireland and was a huge success. Two routes, one 173 kilometres and the other 58 kilometres, commence and finish at Titanic Belfast — the iconic location where the 2014 Giro d’Italia started before travelling throughout the country. For more information on Shelbourne Motors or to find out more about car and van rental as well as special offers, visit

Giro dItalia Gran Fondo Vehicle Suppliers Shelbourne Motors directors Paul and Richard Ward pictured with Darach McQuaid

30 | Gran Fondo – June 20-21

Belfast Telegraph | 19 June 2015


UCI Garmin Pro Cyclist Dan Martin knows all about the challenges of racing in Northern Ireland. In 2014, the Irishman crashed out of the Giro d’Italia at the very first stage, the team trial in Belfast. Dan was one of four members of his team who fell midway through the 21.7km time trial, suffering a broken collarbone which ended his hopes for a place on the podium. “It was really unfortunate, but that’s the way it goes sometimes,” said Martin. “I won’t be there for the Gran Fondo Giro d’Italia NI, but I wish everyone well and look forward to getting back to Belfast when the next opportunity arises.” Martin, who was born in Birmingham and now lives in Girona, Spain, comes from top British and Irish racing stock. He is the son of Neil Martin, a former English professional, and Maria (nee Roche), sister of the legendary Irish 1987 Tour de France winner Stephen Roche, whose son Nicolas is a professional cyclist. “My very first memory of riding a bicycle is taking my stabiliser wheels off and rolling down the grass bank outside our house with my grandfather when I was about threeyears-old,” said Martin. “The lines are blurred between professional and amateur races now, but for me my first race was the GP Marseillaise in 2008 with this very team. My favourite race was a three-way tie between Fleche Wallone, Liege Bastogne Liege and Il Lombardia.” Martin says his proudest accomplishment in the sport was bouncing back after a rough year in 2014 (with that fall in Belfast preceded weeks earlier by a crash in the final left-hand corner of the Liege-Bastogne-Liege classic) to keep his place in the world’s Top 10. “I think that was a real achievement, especially since I effectively missed half the season,” he said. “My overall performance showed true consistency — in the races I didn’t fall off in that is! “The lure is always there. I just love

Dan Martin crashed in the Giro d’Italia in Belfast last year but can’t wait to return to the city in the future

DANTHEMAN the way the tension and the nerves build throughout a long race day, with it all coming down to a crucial moment of tactics and strength with no room for the slightest mistake.” His advice to riders in the Gran Fondo NI, where Garmin is the official GPS Activity Partner, is to focus on the job in hand — and maybe a good luck charm wouldn’t hurt either. “I’m very easy going in my choice of music, I like a bit of everything to be honest — but even when I do listen to music during my TT warm-up, it’s very much in the

background,” Martin said. “I usually put my numbers on in the bus on the way to the start and I like to have a shamrock on my bike or helmet, preferably both. “It seems to bring me good luck — a few times when I haven’t had one on my bike, disaster has struck.” Martin has a retentive memory for facts and statistics and says history and languages came easily to him at school. If he wasn’t a cyclist, however, he simply has no idea what other choice of career he would pursue.

“When I am not cycling, I spend time with my girlfriend, even as support crew as she is a competitive international runner,” he said. “It’s a bit different being on the other side of the fence though…”

Garmin supplies the Cannondale-Garmin Pro Cycling team with all its GPS devices. In 2015, the team will use various products including the Garmin Edge 510, 810 and Vector Power Meter from their extensive line of fitness products. More at

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