Music Video Upload Guide Via Believe Backstage
STEP: Initial 1. 1. Go Go to to your your backstage: backstage: 2. 2. Log Log in in 3. 3. Click Click on on ‘Create ‘Create my my releases’ releases’
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Initial Choose Choose the the video video type type you you are are going going to to upload. upload. If you are uploading a music video or packshot, If you are uploading a music video or packshot, click click –– ‘Music ‘Music Video’ Video’
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Initial Type Type in in the the video video title title as as you you want want it it to to appear appear on on the the video video platforms platforms Note: Note: Include Include Artist Artist and and Track Track title title Click Click on on ‘Create ‘Create aa release’ release’
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Release
Music Video Upload Guide
1. 1. Fill Fill in in all all the the mandatory mandatory fields fields with with a* a* (These (These fields fields are are mandatory mandatory to to submit submit your your release) release) ATTENTION – The « Video Title » is automatically generated according to the release’s ATTENTION – The « Video Title » is automatically generated according to the release’s information information 2. 2. Import Import aa cover cover (.jpeg (.jpeg -- 1280 1280 xx 720 720 px) px) it it will will be be the the video video thumbnail thumbnail -- you you can can also also select select any any frame frame from from the the video video to to use use as as aa cover cover by by clicking clicking ‘from ‘from the the video’ video’ once once you you have have uploaded uploaded your your video video 3. 3. Insert Insert your your ISRC ISRC or or if if you you don't don't have have one, one, the the system system will will automatically automatically generate generate an an ISRC. ISRC.
STEP: Release
Music Video Upload Guide
To To optimize optimize the the ranking ranking and and SEO SEO of of your your videos videos in in the the search search engine engine (Youtube (Youtube Search Search etc...) etc...) We We advise advise to to fill fill in in your your fields fields with with the the following following data: data:
DESCRIPTION : DESCRIPTION : ‘Call ‘Call to to Action’ Action’ to to subscribe subscribe to to the the channel channel (Important (Important :: add add channel channel subscription subscription link link in in first first line line of of your your description description to to develop develop your your audience) audience) Artist Artist Name; Video Name; Video Name;… Name;… Buy Buy Links Links Social Social Media Media links links This This field field cannot cannot be be empty empty (maximum (maximum characters characters :: 5000).'<' 5000).'<' and and '>' '>' are are forbidden forbidden in in the the description. description.
STEP: Release
TAGS : TAGS : Artist, Artist, title, title, producer, producer, Genre, Genre, key-words key-words linked linked to to an an external external promotion promotion
ATTENTION: ATTENTION: -- Tags Tags have have to to be be separated separated by by commas, commas, singly singly or or as as groups groups of of words. words. ex ex :: michael michael jackson, jackson, michael, michael, jackson, jackson, thriller, thriller, epic, epic, pop, pop, king king of of pop, pop, grave, grave, full full moon, moon, -- A A tag tag must must have have minimum minimum 3 3 characters, characters, and and maximum maximum 30 30 characters. characters. Maximum Maximum 500 500 characters characters in in total total (special (special characters characters = =2 2 characters characters and and accents accents = =2 2 characters) characters) -- Insert Insert at at least least 2 2 tags. tags. -- ‘’ ‘’ or or « « are are forbidden forbidden in in tags tags and and titles titles
TIPS : TIPS : To To optimize optimize SEO, SEO, keywords keywords from from the the title title and and the the description description should should be be in in tags tags
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Release 4. 4. Choose Choose your your ℗ ℗ line, line, © © line line and and production production year year 5. 5. Choose Choose your your YouTube YouTube and and Dailymotion Dailymotion channel. channel. ATTENTION, ATTENTION, Do Do not not choose choose your your own own channel if you want to deliver the video only on a thematic channel. channel if you want to deliver the video only on a thematic channel. If If you you do do not not want want the the video video delivered delivered to to thematic thematic channels channels choose choose ‘No ‘No Music Music Thematic’ Thematic’ If you do not have options for “Thematic” field, please contact your Channel Manager If you do not have options for “Thematic” field, please contact your Channel Manager 6. 6. Choose Choose your your Content Content ID ID settings settings IMPORTANT Only choose ‘Yes’ IMPORTANT - Only choose ‘Yes’ if if you you have have the the full full rights rights to to the the release, release, do do not not select select ‘yes’ ‘yes’ ifif the the track track is is aa cover, cover, aa remix remix similar similar to to the the original original or or aa karaoke karaoke version. version. 7. 7. Then, Then, click click on on 'Upload 'Upload Assets Assets‘‘
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Upload Assets Click Click on on ‘New ‘New Uploader’ Uploader’ ATTENTION, ATTENTION, Maximum Maximum size size file file :: 10 10 Gb, Gb, You You can can upload: upload: AVI, AVI, MOV, MOV, MP4, MP4, MPG MPG
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Upload Assets
Music Video Upload Guide
1. 1. A A new new window window will will open. open. Click Click on on ‘Add ‘Add files‘ files‘ and and add add aa file file from from your your computer computer 2. 2. Select Select the the file file you you would would like like to to upload upload from from your your computer computer 3. 3. Click Click on on ‘Cancel’ ‘Cancel’ or or ‘Cancel ‘Cancel all all uploads’ uploads’ if if you you would would like like to to cancel cancel an an upload upload
The uploading process is divided in three steps that give you a full visibility of the file transfer process
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Error messages: as you roll over the error messages, you will get a message detailing the error
STEP: Upload Assets 4. 4. When When you you see see a a green green check check button button at at every every step step of of the the uploading uploading process, process, it it means means that that your your file file was was succesfully succesfully uploaded uploaded
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Cover Picture (from video) This This tool tool allows allows you you to to use use any any frame frame from from the the video video as as your your thumbnail thumbnail picture. picture. •• Once the video has uploaded click back to Release – Upload cover picture Once the video has uploaded click back to Release – Upload cover picture •• Select Select ‘from ‘from video’ video’ •• Play Play through through the the video video until until you you have have found found aa suitable suitable frame frame for for your your thumbnail thumbnail and and click click capture capture image image
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Cover Picture (from video) Check Check the the extracted extracted image image is is correct correct in in the the preview. preview. If If it it is is correct correct click click save. save. If If you you want want to to choose choose another another slide slide click click previous previous and and repeat repeat the the process. process.
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Territories Go Go to to the the "Territories" "Territories" tab tab and and select select all all locations locations where where you you have have rights rights
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Release Date
Music Video Upload Guide
1. 1. Choose Choose the the release release date date and and the the exact exact time time of of the the video video to to go go live. live. 2. 2. Choose Choose the the visibility visibility of of your your video video on on Youtube Youtube (you (you can can change change this this afterwards): afterwards): -- Public : everyone can watch it Public : everyone can watch it -- Unlisted Unlisted :: People People with with the the url url can can watch watch it it but but it it will will not not appear appear in in search search or or on on your your channel channel to to the the public public --Private Private :: Only Only you you can can watch watch the the video video
ATTENTION ATTENTION :: Unlisted Unlisted and and Private Private visibilities visibilities are are available available only only on on Youtube. Youtube. Your video will be delivered as a Public video Your video will be delivered as a Public video to to other other Video Video Platforms. Platforms.
STEP: Release Date
Music Video Upload Guide
3. 3. Choose Choose the the time time zone zone in in which which you’d you’d like like your your video video to to be be released. released. 4. 4. Set Set an an exclusive exclusive release release date date for for specific specific stores stores 5. 5. Click Click on on ’Delivery ’Delivery optimizations’ optimizations’
ATTENTION ATTENTION : : Unlisted Unlisted and and Private Private visibilities visibilities are are available available only only on on Youtube. Youtube. Your video will be delivered as a Public video Your video will be delivered as a Public video to to other other Video Video Platforms. Platforms.
STEP: Delivery Optimization Optimize Optimize your your video video metadata metadata (description, (description, tags) tags) for for YouTube YouTube only. only. Here Here you you can can add add subscription subscription links links directing directing viewers viewers to to subscribe subscribe to to your your YouTube YouTube channel channel
ATTENTION ATTENTION :: This This step step can can be be skipped skipped if if the the metadata metadata on on your your video video will will remain remain the the same same across across all all platforms. platforms.
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Promotion Write Write a a description description of of your your video video like like press press releases, releases, it it will will help help us us to to communicate communicate on your content to our media network. on your content to our media network. Fill Fill in in the the different different fields fields from from your your marketing marketing operation, operation, partnerships, partnerships, press press promo,...etc promo,...etc ATTENTION ATTENTION :: Fill Fill in in this this 'Promotion' 'Promotion' step, step, only only if if it it is is a a brand brand new new release release with with aa promo promo plan plan
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Promotion
Add Add your your Social Social Media Media and and website website links links Add your next events Add your next events Add Add your your sales sales volume volume if if applicable applicable Click Click on on 'Submission' 'Submission'
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Submission
Music Video Upload Guide
11- Check Check there there are are no no errors errors and and correct correct it it if if necessary. necessary. 22- Choose Choose your your file file from from the the drop drop down. down. 33- Click Click on on 'Submit 'Submit my my release'. release'. 44- Your Your video video has has been been submitted, submitted, this this product product is is now now in in your your catalogue. catalogue. It It will will then then be be validated by your Channel manager and sent to your channel scheduled for the release validated by your Channel manager and sent to your channel scheduled for the release date date you you have have requested requested
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STEP: Manage My Releases â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Pending Releases You You can can stop stop your your release release creation creation process process at at anytime anytime and and go go through through it it later later to to add add more more info. info. 1-Click 1-Click on on pending pending releases releases 2In the following windows: 2- In the following windows: select select your your release, release, and and follow follow the the steps, steps, and and then, then, submit submit your your product. product.
Music Video Upload Guide
STEP: Manage My Releases – Releases To Be Corrected New New window window is is opening: opening: File problem: click File problem: click on on ‘Choose ‘Choose file...' file...' (Maximum (Maximum 4 4 Gb Gb and and format format 1280 1280 x x 720) 720)
Music Video Upload Guide
Music Video Upload Guide
For any questions, please contact your Channel Manager