Portfolio Semester 1, 2017 x 2018 Belinda Taylor
email: belinda.taylor.1991@gmail.com
Education: 2017 - current
Bachelor of Design, Architecture University of Melbourne
The Field
Bachelor in Nursing
Generating Design Through Group Field
Queensland University of Technology
Terrain vs Surface
Generating Design Through Digital Processes
Introduction to Technical Drawing
Work Experience: 2016- present
Currently working as an anaesthetic nurse, St Vincent’s Private Hospital
Awards / Exhibition:
Foundations of Design: Representation Exhibition, AFLK Gallery
Global Foundations of Design Exhibition, AFLK Gallery
Skills: Rhino Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Fabrication
I am motivated by pushing creative boundaries and exploring the spatial relationship between human experience and the surrounding environment. I have a particular interest in the ‘in-between’ space and localized connections and relationships. My work as a nurse has provided me with a unique understanding of human experience and individual qualities which is inherent in my design projects. Studying architecture at the University of Melbourne has created a good foundation in design but most importantly taught me that there are several approaches to design and several alternatives to achieve a goal. This is a challenging concept that I am currently exploring, along with enhancing my digital and representational skills. Knowing that my creative drive is in interior design and architecture, I want to study the Bachelor of Interior Design at RMIT, as it is more specialized in my interest and celebrates conceptual and abstract design approaches.
The Field
This became an important concept for designing a garden estate as an overall group field and organisational scheme.
Belinda Taylor Studio B eta 3 Studio 12 l Shirley Kwan l Sem 1, 2018
Field Conditions and Design Precedent Study
Sou FUjimoto, Children’s Centre for Physciatric Rehabiliation at Plan
The reconfiguration and alteration of elements at plan
The idea of the field being more systemic and the development of a field as a combined structure allows for flexibility and lacks the need for an overall strong structure. The field is dynamic, expandable, diverse yet indivually unique and coherent. As seen in Sou Fujimoto’s, Children Center for Physiciatric Rehabiliation, the reorganisation or taking or adding of peices doesn’t effect the overall composition.
‘‘G r o u p f o r m o f f e r s a s y n t h e s i s b e t w e e n g r o u ps o f b u i l d i n g s ’’ Stan Allen
Generating Ideas Through Process
Diagram 01
Collage was intially used as an intuative approach. The other forms explored in collage presented more of a cluster formation or mega structure. The compositional collage playing with positive and negative space was the strongest idea to explore further. The compositional element became the most interesting and devloped into the idea of blending the landscape and the built envionment.
The use of rules generated a more oganised plan compared to the original collage. I chose rules that defined the way in which I intended the use of space. The overal scheme of the ‘Garden Estate’ lead to the concept of ‘The Courts’ and creating a blended garden with a multitude of private and public courts. The rules incorporated the concept of positive and negative space, intersection, distance and interval and repetition to create intricate connections and intimate space. The overall shape was more fluid and coherent, yet each form is indiviually unique. The critique from here required more organisation at plan from site boundaries and how to now devlop the negative space.
Isolating interesting moments to devlop ideas from.
Plan and Materials
The elements from the rule formation was developed into an onrganised Garden Estate, facilitating public and private zones, including Air BnB Stay. Vegetation and trees was used in interior and exterior space, as a means to improve circulation and to create the aesthetic of a pleasant courtyard garden.
Isometric The system of group composition is a condition of balance and distribution that allows for interesting local conditions with no dominant focus point, ‘a condition of non-movement but continually alive.’ Alex Salenilsch
This Isometic view exhibits the final stage where the ground condition was manipulated to achieve cohesiveness of the group elements. The use of passages and the ground determined the programme and circulation. 7
Section Drawings The section drawings explore the use of interior and exterior environment and display the final design and idea of ‘blending.’ There is a clear synthesis between the landscape and the buildings. The system composition is distributed in a way that there is different interesting local connections yet no main focus; encompasing the idea of group form.
P h ot o s o f M o d e l Key Section
Surface verse Terrain
Exploring digital and physical model fabrication
Generating Ideas Through Digital Process
Exploring variable 2D patterns and problem solving for underlying surface.
Understanding devlopable surface allows for the formation of architectural geometry to be utilised. Digital fabrication allows for the collaboration between the digital model and physical artefact enabling exploration of concepts; enhancing the process from design to construction.
Precedent Study ‘The Greenhouse’, courtesy of Plasma Studio is an example of the utilisation of triangular panels of various sizes to develop a panel that can form a flat panel for construction. Together the small triangular panels formed to create larger triangular sections which formed the overall construct.
First Attempt at creating custom 2d using a hexaganal pattern was not symetrical.
Fabricated custom 2D Panel with hexaganal pattern.
Final custom Pattern using 3D Variable at a low offset grid of 1-4 mm. X’ian Greenhouse, Plasma Studio
The Digital Process
The concept behind the terrain was to create a patternedcrystal formation with inherent 2D and 3D qualities. Original terrain meshed using Rhino program
3D Variables created in Rhino
Four variable used to custom 3D panel the terrain. Three curve attractors were used to develop and build up the surface towards the centre to create crystal design concept.
Intergation of 2D and 3D panelled terrain.
Photo of terrain model. Created using unrolled surfaces in Rhino program.
Techn ical Drawing Skills
Technical Drawing Techniques
Although the drawing of a croissant is a simple task at hand, it shows the understanding of the origin of line-notion, section and construct of orthographic projection which is an important exploration of internal and external views in the design process and representation.
The construction of the axonmetric projection required the plan and section elevations to form a three-dimensional projection. A technical drawing skill that can be utilised in future design projects.
Sketching and Hand Drawing
Multiple levels for interaction
Semi-sheltered by facade frame Exposed to climate
Hand drawing and sketching is an important tool for quick representation of ideas and in the exploratory phase of design. I find drawing in section and material studies helpful and playful; focusing on key interactions, moments and exploring ‘in-between’ space and identifing microclimates that can become interesting components of the design. 17