The Vine
The Newsletter of Bellaire United Methodist Church ISSUE 52.5
March 16, 2016
Pastor’s Note Dear Bellaire UMC Family, We are approaching one of the high seasons of the church year. Beginning with Palm Sunday on March 20th, we will join Christians from around the world in observing Holy Week. This is a time during which we re-enter the story of Jesus’ last week of life before his crucifixion. As is our custom at Bellaire UMC, we will have a number of opportunities to worship God this Holy Week. Maundy Thursday offers us the chance to recall Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and share with one another the sacrament of Holy Communion. On Good Friday, we will read the story of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and death. The Easter Vigil holds a special place in my heart, as it was at an Easter Vigil that I first heard God calling me into ministry. This service offers us the chance to quietly reflect on the days that Jesus‘ lifeless body lay in the grave prior to his resurrection. Finally, on Easter Sunday, we will sing Hallelujah to God whose power raised Jesus from the dead. You will see the schedule for the various worship services on the following page, and I encourage you to be present for all of them. You will no doubt find that God is present and active during each service.
LOOKING FOWARD IN WORSHIP: For those of you who primarily attend an 11:11am worship service, you know that we have combined our International and Traditional services for Lent. That will continue through Easter Sunday. After Easter, we will return to our regular program of 9:00am Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary, 11:11am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary, and 11:11am International Worship in the Chapel. John Haw has been leading our combined choir at the 11:11am worship hour throughout Lent. After Easter, John will resume leading worship in the International Service. He will also continue to provide quality interim leadership to our sanctuary choir until we have secured a permanent leader for that service. We will begin the search for a new Traditional Music Director this week, and we will regularly update the congregation throughout that process.
EASTER OFFERING: Each year, the people of BUMC collect a special offering at Easter, above and beyond our regular giving, to support our connectional commitments (apportionments). This year, our Easter Offering will benefit the World Service Fund (WSF), a vital fund that supports United Methodist ministries throughout the country and around the globe. WSF enables ministry as diverse as planting new churches, feeding hungry people, preventing diseases, and training new pastors. Our goal for this year’s Easter Offering is $10,000, which represents just over half of our yearly commitment to the World Service Fund. Every dollar that we raise above and beyond our goal of $10,000 will go to support youth ministry at Bellaire UMC, primarily scholarships for UMARMY, our annual youth mission trip. Will you join us in this special offering? You can find special offering envelopes in the church office and the Connection Center. Or, you can give online right now at In Christ, Pastor Seann
Holy Week at Bellaire United Methodist Church Sunday, March 20 | 9:00 & 11:11am | Pastor Seann Duffin Preaching Join us for worship as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. As part of each worship service, all children will have an opportunity to reenact the festivity of that day with a procession of palms to begin our worship services.
Thursday, March 24 | 7:00pm | Pastor Elizabeth Duffin Preaching Come share in this remembrance of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples. A combined choir will lead us in this special worship service, which will close with Holy Communion and the stripping of the altar.
Friday, March 25 | 7:00pm | Pastor Jim Love Preaching The term “Good Friday” often seems like a misnomer. What could be “good” about this dark day? The phrase traditionally was “God’s Friday,” signaling that God is present and sovereign even in the dark moments of life. Join us for this Good Friday service of darkness with music led by Kenneth Scott Peters.
Easter Vigil | Saturday, March 26 | 8:00pm | Trey Burns Preaching It is a long tradition of the church to keep watch on the night before Easter Sunday in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. This year, scouts from Troop 222 will tend a fire on our front lawn as part of this Easter vigil. A brief service of worship, led by seminary student Trey Burns, will begin at 8:00pm.
Sunday, March 27 | Pastor Seann Duffin Preaching 6:00am Sunrise | 9:00am Contemporary | 11:11 Combined We look forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday morning. Join us for any of three worship services. Invite your friends and family to join you on this wondrous occasion. If you wish, please bring flowers from home to decorate the flowering cross.
Coming Up Sunday, March 20 | 12:15-1:45pm Join us on Palm Sunday for an egg hunt in the BUMC Family Life Center. There will be lunch for all and an egg hunt and activities for children ages 1-11. Invite your friends and neighbors to join in this familyfriendly time of fun and fellowship.
Vacation Bible School June 13-17 | REGISTER NOW!
Sign up now for this year’s Vacation Bible School. We will go on a “Cave Quest,” following Jesus who is the light of the world. Early registration ends April 1! Forms are available in the church office. If you would like more information, or want to know how you can help, contact Margaret Miller at
Easter Vigil — A Note from Trey Burns Saturday, March 26 | 8:00pm
The Easter Vigil is an ancient service of the Church. In its original form, Christians would gather all night long to hear Scripture, celebrate baptism, and receive Holy Communion. The service fell out of use in the Western church, but was kept alive by our Orthodox brothers and sisters in the East since that time. In recent decades, Catholic and Protestant churches have started to re-embrace the Vigil as a special way of welcoming the Easter season and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord. Our service will be based on this ancient model (don't worry, it won't be nearly as long!), and will celebrate Christ's resurrection through Scripture readings, prayer, baptismal remembrance, and Holy Communion. The scouts from Troop 222 will be participating in the service, and I'll be preaching; the service starts at 8pm on Holy Saturday. Please join us for this special service so that we can prepare ourselves for the joyful season of Easter together!
Azalea Dinner to Benefit CCSC Thursday, April 7 | 6:00-9:30pm | Post Oak Hilton
Please join us at CCSC’s annual Azalea Dinner on Thursday April 7, 2016. This is one of CCSC’s major fund raisers for the year. It’s a fun evening for a good cause. We are trying to fill at least two tables representing BUMC. Tickets are $95 for an individual or $180 for a couple. If you would like to sit with other BUMC members, we will turn in all the checks together. To make it easy, you can make out your check to CCSC with Azalea Dinner in the Memo, and leave it in the church office or collection plate. We will then take the checks to CCSC by March 28, 2016. For any questions please call 713-667-6310 or email We hope you will join us at the Azalea Dinner.
Coming Up Special Sunday School Presentation — Human Trafficking Sunday, April 3 | 10:05am | Family Life Center Gym
Human trafficking is modern day slavery and is a violation of basic human rights. Victims of human trafficking include young children, teenagers, men, and women who are often subjected to force, fraud, and coercion. On any given night, there are thousands of people enslaved in human trafficking. Sadly, Houston has become an international hub for this industry. Join us on Sunday, April 3 for a special presentation on human trafficking by The Rev. Diane McGehee, Director of the Texas Annual Conference Center for Missional Excellence. This event is sponsored by the Genesis Class, and all Sunday school classes and individuals are invited to attend.
Blessing of the Animals Saturday, April 9 | 2:00-4:00pm
If you love your pet, don’t miss this event! Bellaire UMC invites our congregation and the entire community to bring their pets to the “Blessing of the Animals” on the front lawn of the church. This tradition remembers and celebrates St. Francis of Assisi who was lovingly devoted to all creatures in the animal kingdom. Following a brief worship service led by Pastors Seann Duffin, Jim Love and Diane McGehee, attendees can present their pets to one of the pastors for an individual blessing, and they will receive a commemorative picture of that memorable moment, compliments of Nicky LaWell Photography. Attendees can also visit with BUMC’s Faithful Paws pet therapy group, veterinarian Dr. Garnett Von Eiff, pet nutrition experts from Natural Pawz, a professional dog trainer and a groomer from Rover Oaks Pet Resort, and more. Plus, you will see some adorable adoptable pets brought to this year’s event by Bassett Buddies, Westie and Scottie Rescue, and Houston Cocker Spaniel Rescue. Help us spread the word by inviting your friends and neighbors to join us on April 9 between 2:00 pm and 4:00pm! Remember that all pets should be friendly and either on-leash (dogs), in protective carriers (cats), or in cages (birds, small mammals), fish bowls, or terrariums (fish, reptiles). For more information, contact Steve Smith at (713) 703-1093 or
Power Camp — Register Now! Power Camp is a summer day camp ministry of BUMC for children pre-K (4) through entering grade 6 whose mission is to provide a positive Christian environment which includes education, recreation and fun, while also providing a safe sanctuary for children in Bellaire and its surrounding communities. We look forward to spending time with your children this summer! For session dates, more information, or to register, please visit
MinistryCorner The Flower Ministry at BUMC
Have you wondered why we have flower arrangements on the altar? As many of you know, they are placed there by a member of the congregation who wishes to honor a loved one, or celebrate a special event in someone’s life such as a graduation or an anniversary. Putting flowers in the church has a very long history, dating back to the Middle Ages. Flowers can be a way that we praise God as they remind us of the beauty of God’s creation and stand as symbols of hope and renewal. In a world where few could read and write, flowers became an important element of Christian iconography. Flowers are closely associated with the Resurrection. The white lily, or Easter lily, symbolizes Christ’s purity and divinity. Daffodils represent eternal life, and forsythia (which means anticipation) has swaying, lacy branches that represent the faithful praising God. It is said that the dogwood refused to grow straight after being used as a crucifix for Christ. The flower reminds us of the cross and the stamen looks like a crown of thorns. The United Methodist Altars: A Guide for the Congregation states, “Since flowers symbolize the resurrection . . . [they] should express to the worshiper the qualities of truth, integrity, simplicity and purity.” The Flower Ministry of Bellaire UMC is made up of volunteers. There are seven teams that rotate arranging the flowers. This way we are able to keep the cost of the flowers within the financial reach of our families. We also save money by taking flowers which our supplier has discounted on Friday morning. As a donor you are encouraged to tell Elizabeth Lloyd or me what color or type of flower you would like. Please do this a week in advance so we have time to tell the supplier. If we don’t hear from you, we depend on the supplier to make the flower selection and work with what we are sent. We also want you to know, that we would be glad to take the arrangement apart after the service and let you take home the flowers. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact me, Ellen Bell, Flower Ministry Coordinator at
Toilet Paper Drive to Benefit SEARCH The BUMC Community Service Group is holding a toilet paper drive benefitting the SEARCH Homeless Services housing community located off the North 610 Loop. This community houses approximately 120 people, and this is an opportunity to provide a basic necessity for these men and women. How you can help: When you are buying supplies for your home, buy some toilet paper to donate. You can drop off your donations in the marked collection box in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays through the end of March. If you have questions, please contact Kay Burns at (713) 667-7046.
“I believe in my heart that faith in Jesus Christ can and will lead us beyond an exclusive concern for our well-being, to a broader concern for the well-being of other human beings, to a broader concern for the well-being of the birds in our backyards, the fish in our rivers, and every living creature on the face of the earth. –John Wesley
BUMC NEWS Easter Lily Orders
BUMC Prayer List
Order your Easter Lilies now!
The following are the names on this week’s prayer list. Please join us in praying for these individuals.
Forms are available on Sunday mornings or in the church office. Lilies may be given “In Memory” or “In Honor” of loved ones. Please make checks payable to Bellaire UMC. Cost is $7 each, and forms are due by Monday, March 21.
Amanda, Betty, Kris, Julie, Diane, Shirley, Keith, Brannon, Elizabeth, Joyce, Mike, Mary Ann, Lynnlea, Ella, Charles, Mollie, Humberto, Anita, Kelly, Charles, Robert, Chelsea, Thomas, Jeffrey, Case, BUMC Men’s Ministry, Caron, Lori, Clara, Van, Melissa, Annetta, Ivo, Betsy, August, Emma, Luke, Leslie Kay, Debra, Riley In the hospital: Mary Ann C. (Memorial SW), Johanna T. (Barton House Hospice), Pat Wilson (Clarewood)
Ministry Grants Now Available Each year, the Bellaire UMC Council on Ministries (COM) provides grants that fund ministry and mission in our community. COM works to fund these ministries, because BUMC is a church of service, and we know that our members are committed to serving our neighbors near and far in a number of really amazing ways. We also know that service requires commitment – spiritual, physical and sometimes monetary. To that end, BUMC wants to help support your service work, and we encourage you to apply for a COM grant. If you have a service project or committee that would like to be considered for funding, please fill out a grant request form and return it by April 1, 2016. The forms are available in the church or via email at For questions, please contact Jim Love at or Cathy Beathard.
Financial Update & Faithfulness The work of ministry happens at Bellaire UMC because of your faithfulness in worship, service, and giving. Here is a brief overview of our giving so far in 2016. 2016 Giving to Date $ 203,332 2016 Expenses to Date $ 215, 817 Difference - $12,485 ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING On Sunday, March 6 we collected a special offering to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief. We collected a total of $1,384.65. Thank you, Bellaire UMC! Nice work!
4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church
THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401