The Vine
The Newsletter of Bellaire United Methodist Church ISSUE 52.7
April 20, 2016
Pastor’s Note Dear Friends, I almost hate to say it—as if saying it will make it come true. But I know there’s no way to avoid it. We’ve already made it to April, which means that there’s no stopping it now. Soon, the temperature will be 93… 94…95, or more. The humidity will be in the millions. That’s right—summer is coming. Summer is a pretty exciting time in the life of the church. The pace (almost) slows down a little, and a lot of really exciting ministry happens in our building and through the people of Bellaire UMC all around the city, state, and world. Since I’ve been thinking about summer and all that it brings, I thought I would share with you just a few of the reasons that I’m excited about this summer. 1.
Children’s Ministry — For a total of five weeks this summer, our building will be FULL of children from our community who are attending either Power Camp or Vacation Bible School. We will have dozens of adults leading these children in games, crafts, bible learning, and faith formation. These young disciples bring such energy and creativity, and I’m awfully excited to spend time with them in worship, service, and learning this summer. College Pastoral Intern — You may have seen in various BUMC publications already, but this summer our congregation has the great privilege of hosting a student as part of our Annual Conference’s College Pastoral Intern Project. We will host Abbey Weaver, a rising senior at Abilene Christian University. Abbey grew up in Lufkin, is majoring in family and youth ministry, and spent last summer interning with her home youth group. Abbey will work throughout the whole range of ministries at BUMC, and I am excited about working alongside her as she explores God’s call to ministry in her life. Confirmation Sunday — On May 22nd, we will confirm a number of BUMC students. Confirmation is an opportunity for our students to learn more about our Christian faith and to claim this faith as their own. These students have been preparing all year as part of their confirmation class and will publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ during the 9:00am worship service on Sunday, May 22. I hope you will make it a priority to be there and support these students as they profess their faith and acknowledge the claim that God made on their lives in baptism.
What are you excited about as summer approaches? I would love to hear from you if you are willing to share. As always, you can reach me at or (713) 666-2167. In Christ, Pastor Seann
Coming Up
Friday, May 6 | 5:00-7:00pm Come join this fun-filled evening for the whole family on the front lawn of the church! This is another great opportunity to connect with and serve our neighbors.
Local Food Trucks Pho-Jita Fusion | Curbside Sliders | Friohana
Live Music by Bellaire Jazz Activities and Contests for Children Want to help? We need volunteers for set-up and clean-up crew. Contact Kenneth at
For Children Vacation Bible School June 13-17 | REGISTER NOW!
Sign up now for this year’s Vacation Bible School. We will go on a “Cave Quest,” following Jesus who is the light of the world. Forms are available in the church office. If you would like more information, or want to know how you can help, contact Margaret Miller at
Power Camp — Register Now! Power Camp is a summer day camp ministry of BUMC for children pre-K (4) through entering grade 6 whose mission is to provide a positive Christian environment which includes education, recreation and fun, while also providing a safe sanctuary for children in Bellaire and its surrounding communities. We look forward to spending time with your children this summer! For session dates, more information, or to register, please visit
For Youth Sign Up Now for Summer Mission Trips JUNIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP — FYSH CAMP June 9-12 | Richmond, Texas Open to all students sixth grade through eighth grade. We will join junior high students from other churches in the Houston area and will serve our brothers and sisters in Christ through yard work, painting, and other hands-on activities. The cost is $130 for students and $50 for adults. Scholarships available. SENIOR HIGH MISSION TRIP — UMARMY June 26-July 2 | Orange, Texas Open to all students ninth grade through twelfth grade. The cost is $300 for students and $100 for adults. Scholarships available. Contact Jordan at for more information, to register for a trip, or to learn how you can serve as an adult volunteer.
MinistryCorner Blessing of the Animals
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s Blessing of the Animals such a wonderful event! It was great to see so many BUMC members out serving and connecting with our neighbors. Blessing of the Animals grew by over 20% from last year, and hundreds of people and their pets were blessed. Check out these pictures from the day.
BUMC NEWS In service to our friends and neighbors at the SEARCH housing facility, Bellaire UMC has been collecting toilet paper to donate. As you can tell, our congregation was very generous in providing this basic necessity, and our friends at SEARCH have already reached out to express their gratitude. Pictured here are members of our K-1st Sunday school class who helped with this project. If you would like more information about SEARCH or how you could participate in this or other BUMC mission projects, please email Barbara at Photo Credit: Kay Burns
Opportunities to Serve
There are always a number of opportunities to serve at BUMC or through the ministries of BUMC. Take a look at the list below to see how you might get involved. Serve on Sunday mornings: There is always opportunity to serve as a greeter or usher on Sunday mornings. Contact Pastor Seann Duffin at to learn more. Donate to CCSC: This Mother’s Day, we will be having a “baby shower” for CCSC, our ministry partner here in Houston that serves individuals and families in need. They are always in need of new items for babies and their mothers. We will be collecting diapers (sizes 3-6), baby wipes, and brand new children’s underwear. Please drop off your donations in the Connection Center between now and May 8th. Contact Pastor Seann Duffin at to learn more. Become a CanCare Volunteer: Do you know a cancer survivor and/or caregiver of a cancer survivor who wants to help others who are fighting cancer by providing hope through one-on-one emotional support? Consider attending the next CanCare volunteer training from June 24-26 in The Woodlands. For more information, please visit Participate in the 2016 March of Remembrance: On Sunday, May 1st, people from all over Houston will participate in the March of Remembrance, a memorial walk taken annually to honor and remember Holocaust survivors, and to educate and engage entire communities today. Our neighbor, Christ Church Presbyterian will hold the opening service at 12:30pm. The walk will pass right by Bellaire UMC on the way to Congregation Brith Shalom. If you’d like to participate in the walk, contact Pastor Seann Duffin at or learn more at Learn More About Our School Partnerships: If you’re interested in learning how you can become a mentor at a local elementary school or serve local students and teachers in other ways, contact Pastor Jim Love at
BUMC NEWS Confirmation Sunday
News from the BUMS
Students from this year’s confirmation class will profess their faith in worship as part of our Confirmation Sunday celebration. Join us on Sunday, May 22 in the contemporary worship service at 9:00am as these students witness to their faith.
Thursday, May 5, 2016: The BUMS need to experience the new programming at the Burke Baker Planetarium in Hermann Park. It opened in mid March, and the ads for it look amazing! We will board the bus by 9:15 AM to see the brand new show called “The Dark Universe.” The show costs only $6.00. With state of the art projectors, the resolution is the finest that the human eye can see. This show is really Are you looking for a place to volunteer? Would you something to see! like to learn more about the Houston Methodist Hospital Auxillary? Their next meeting is Thursday, After the show our group sales rep will walk us into April 21 at 10:00am at Houston Methodist Hospital the general exhibit for free for an hour or so before Downtown (Fondren Room 100). Members and going to lunch at Cleburne’s Cafeteria. Lunch will be guests will receive complimentary valet parking and a on your own. Remember, Cleburne’s only takes cash complimentary lunch. If you would like more or check, no credit cards. Sign-up sheets are in your information, please contact the church office. Sunday school classes. You may also call Tom & S a n d ra a t 7 1 3 - 7 0 3 - 1 1 5 3 , o r e m a i l u s a t
Houston Methodist Auxillary
First Quarter Financial Update January — March Snapshot Income Budgeted: $280,001.44 Actual: $288,717.18 Expenses Budgeted: $299,979.66 Actual: $300,636.98 Income Less Expenses
BUMC Prayer List The following names are on this week’s prayer list. Please join us in praying for these individuals.
Mary Ann, Harriet, Charles, Robert, Chelsea, Thomas, Hope, Eugene, Betty, Jeffrey, Casey, Larry, Geraldine, Misty, Ella, Charles, Mollie, Humberto, Anita, Kelley, Lynnlea, George, Men’s Ministry, $288,717.18 Prayer Team, BUMC Pastors and Staff, Taylor, Sarah, -$300,636.98 Anne, Keith, Leonard, Kris, Shirley, Valerie, Pam, Jo, -$11,919.80 Linda, Kathleen, Julie, Charles, Tony, Diane, Notes: • We are current on district and conference apportionments. Benavidez Elementary School, Janet, Kate, Clara, Ivo, All are paid in full to date. Good work! • Our total annual budget is $1,197,119. A weekly average Annetta, Stephanie, Van, Mary, Jim, August, Emma, income of $23,021 will allow us to meet that budget. Luke. Currently our total weekly average income is $21,914, which is slightly below our need. • Summer typically brings a “dip” in weekly giving. Online giving is one way to remain consistent in your financial stewardship and in your membership vow to support BUMC with your gifts even when you are unable to attend worship. Consistency in giving also helps greatly with the church’s cash flow. You can give online today (one-time or recurring gifts) at Contact Elizabeth Lloyd at with questions.
In the hospital: Mary Ann C. (Sugarland), Johanna T. (Barton House Hospice), Pat W. (Cornerstone). If you have prayer concerns or would like to add your name to the prayer list, please contact Margaret Miller, our Director of Caring Ministry at (713) 666-2167 or
4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church
THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401