The Vine
The Newsletter of Bellaire United Methodist Church ISSUE 52.2
January 27, 2016
Dear Friends, On Wednesday, February 10th, we will enter the season of Lent. This six-week season of the church year begins with worship that day at 7:00am and 7:00pm here at Bellaire UMC. At these Ash Wednesday services, we will recall God’s faithfulness and remember our fragility in life. We will confess our sins and ask God for a fresh start, a clean heart. And then we will mark our foreheads with ashes in the sign of a cross, a reminder to us and to the world that we have been created and claimed by a God who walks alongside us from birth until death. Now let’s take a step back. What is the season of Lent all about? Lent is intended to be a season of preparation in which we ready ourselves for the joy and amazement of Easter. Throughout the centuries, faithful Christians have prepared for the Easter celebration by seeking to grow in holiness. We do this through repentance by naming the ways that we know we have fallen short of God’s expectation for our lives; discipline in which we take on particular faith practices that help us encounter God; and self-denial, which often includes fasting, or giving up particular foods or activities. With each of these practices, we learn to put ourselves, and our own desires, aside and listen for God’s voice and guidance. Lent is also an opportunity to hear afresh the story of Jesus as he faces temptation, teaches his disciples, and embodies God’s love to the world. Throughout this season, we will seek to follow Jesus ever more closely as he walks a path that ultimately leads to the cross. In worship, we will be focusing on the stories of Jesus, and we will be talking about how we can practice repentance, discipline, and self-denial so that God might lead us all into deeper holiness. I look forward to this Lenten journey with you. Please see the next page for information on some of what is happening here during Lent. In Christ, Pastor Seann
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Food Drive — February 7
Remember to bring non-perishable food items on Sunday, February 7th! We are collecting donations for Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) in the Connection Center all morning.
Pancake Supper
Sundays During Lent
Join us at 9:00am or 11:11am as we walk together Tuesday, February 9 through the holy season of Lent. The Contemporary 5:00-8:30pm Worship service is at 9:00am, and for these six Scout Troop 222 will host a pancake supper in the weeks of Lent, our International and Traditional Fellowship Hall. Join us for this fun, traditional way Worship services will come together at 11:11am in of welcoming the Lenten Season. the Sanctuary for a unique Sunday morning worship experience. Here’s what you can expect. Sunday, February 14 Luke 4:1-13 Pastor Seann Duffin preaching Wednesday, February 10 Sunday, February 21 7:00am and 7:00pm Luke 13:31-35 Join us as we begin the season of Lent with worship Pastor Seann Duffin preaching and the imposition of ashes. Come at 7:00am before Sunday, February 28 you start the day and/or at 7:00pm to finish it well. Luke 13:1-9 Pastor Jim Love preaching
Ash Wednesday Worship Services
Lenten Dinners & Bible Study Wednesdays During Lent Join us on Wednesday evenings for dinner and conversation at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.
And don’t miss Pastor Seann’s Lenten Bible study and communion at 7:00pm in the chapel, beginning Wednesday, February 17.
Have a Heart for Others Dinner and Live Auction
Saturday, February 20 Along with the Fall Fun Festival, this event raises money for area charities and serving ministries of Bellaire UMC. From caring for the elderly with Alzheimer’s to feeding the hungry, these vital funds make a difference in our community! So come out, have a great time, and party with your church family for a good cause! We need your help! Do you have donation ideas for the live auction? Please share them with Fay Peters. Sunday School classes: start thinking about your one of a kind, super fun auction items. If you think you would like to help out in any capacity however small, please contact Fay Peters at 832-524-8173 or email at
Sunday, March 6 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Pastor Seann Duffin preaching Sunday, March 13 John 12:1-8 Pastor Jim Love preaching Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday Luke 19:28-40 Pastor Seann Duffin preaching Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday | 7:00pm John 13 Pastor Elizabeth Duffin preaching Friday, March 25 Good Friday | 7:00pm John 18:1-19:42 Pastor Jim Love preaching Sunday, March 27 Easter 6:30am, 9:00am, 11:11am John 20:1-18 Pastor Seann Duffin preaching
An Important Announcement
An email sent to the congregation on January 25, 2016 Dear Friends in Christ, In early 2014 the congregation of Bellaire UMC voted overwhelmingly to adopt five prescriptions recommended to the Church by the Vibrant Church Initiative (VCI) consultants. By the end of last year, we had completed work on four of the five prescriptions. Prescription Two on mission & vision required us to accept “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World� as our new mission; develop a new vision statement supporting this mission; and conduct ministry and staff audits. In the fall of 2015, after much prayerful consideration and hard work, we unveiled our new vision statement built around the four key themes of Welcome, Worship, Grow, and Serve. MINISTRY AND STAFF AUDITS As 2015 closed, we completed the prescribed ministry audit, bringing our ministries into closer alignment with our mission and vision statements. The pastors and Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) were also prayerfully considering how to complete the prescribed staff audit and bring our organization into closer alignment with the mission and vision statements. As we examined the challenges presented by our new mission and vision statements it became apparent that we also needed to establish the capacity to fund new ministries. FUNDING NEW MINISTRIES Over the last several years we have trimmed our expenses to match congregational giving. Last year was no different. Even with the mid-year "Step Up" campaign our giving covered little more than our apportionments, facility maintenance, salaries and benefits, and administrative expenses leaving little for outreach and ministries. The outlook for 2016 is similar as the total amount pledged is down modestly compared to 2015. To honor the financial commitments made by our members and live in a fiscally responsible manner, while simultaneously freeing up funds to invest in ministry, outreach, and growth, requires that we reduce our fixed expenses. With the two goals of mission and vision alignment and expense reduction in mind, the pastors and SPRC have been working diligently for many months to complete the VCI-prescribed staff audit. REORGANIZATION This morning we announced a reorganization that more closely aligns the Church with its mission and vision as required by our VCI prescription, reduces our fixed expenses to a more sustainable level, and increases our capacity to fund our welcome, worship, grow and serve ministries. The following changes are effective immediately: Pastor Jim Love will now be responsible for our Serve ministries, physical plant, and building staff. Pastor Love will continue to provide primary pastoral leadership of our International Worship Service. Whitney Joseph will continue as Building Staff Coordinator, assisted on weekdays by Jose Pacheco. Elizabeth Lloyd will continue to serve as our Business Manager.
Margaret Miller will serve as our Director of Congregational Care. In this position, Margaret will help lead our focus on welcoming and serving one another, our community, and the world. In addition, she will continue her leadership in children’s ministry. Jordan Payne will continue as our Director of Student Ministries. Kenneth Scott Peters will serve as Director of Contemporary Worship and Adult Discipleship. In this role he will continue to lead our 9:00 Contemporary Worship and will take on responsibility for equipping and resourcing our Men's Ministry, Women’s Ministry, and adult Sunday School classes. Rhonda Sampiere will continue as the Director of the School for Little Children. C. Anthony Pessarra will continue as the Organist in our Traditional Worship service. As part of the reorganization, four positions have been eliminated. These include the administrative assistant, two custodial staff positions, and the Director of Music and Worship Arts. Eliminating these positions was a difficult decision and was undertaken only after months of prayerful consideration and in depth consideration of all the alternatives. We will begin a search for a part-time traditional worship and choir director shortly. In the interim, current staff musicians and trained volunteers will continue to provide excellent musical leadership for our traditional worship service. We are also in the process of recruiting and training volunteers to handle important administrative and logistical duties. We want to thank Becki Flores, Helen Jackson, Beth Jurovcik, and Jose Pascual for their years of service to Bellaire UMC as part of our paid staff, and we wish them the best in their future employment. All remain beloved members of our church family, and we ask that you support them and lift them up in your prayers in this time of transition. CALLED TO SERVE GOD IN OUR COMMUNITY We know that God has called us to welcome all who seek a relationship with God, showing the love of Christ to all; to worship God with passion and creativity; to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ; and to serve one another, our community, and the world. We believe that this reorganization, while difficult and painful, is the right thing for this congregation. We believe that it will enable us to continue our vibrant and growing ministries and will help us to be the people God is calling us to be both now and for years to come. If you have any questions about this announcement, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the three of us. Yours In Christ, Seann Duffin Senior Pastor
Nancy Poblenz Chair, Staff-Parish Relations Committee
Steve Smith Lay Leader
December Music Ministry A Photo Review
Thank you to our many talented staff and volunteer musicians who helped fill the Christmas season with beautiful music here at Bellaire UMC! You are a blessing to this congregation and to our community. Enjoy these photos from December 2015!
Sunday Schedule
Bellaire Prays for
9:00am 10:05am 11:11am 11:11am
Shirley, Natalia, Frank, Kim, Diane, Julie, Joe & Carla, Roger, Marie, Hollie, Georganne, Janet, Russ, Ryan & Katy, TSU Wesley, Men’s Ministry, Kent, Ashlea & Dustin, Sue, Paul, Michael, Andy, Rosemary, Dixie, The Henderson family, Alys, Alex, Craig, Olivia, Ella, Lynnlea, Erika, Mollie, Kelley, Humberto, Gil, Charles, Joel, August, Emma, Luke. In the hospital: Mary Ann C. (Manor Care), Johanna T. (Barton House Hospice), T.K. K (Brookdale Post Oak), Diane M. (St. Luke’s)
Contemporary Worship in the Sanctuary All ages Sunday School Classes Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary International Worship in the Chapel
Wednesday Schedule 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm
Bible Study with Pastor Love, 123 God’s Children Sing Fellowship Dinner, Fellowship Hall Junior High Ministry, Youth Center Community Service Group, 123 2015 Recap Kids’ Chimes and Kids’ Choir, 232/208 Total 2015 Income: $1,301,551.05 Youth Food & Fellowship, Youth Center Total 2015 Expenses: $1,313,051.60 Women’s Bible Study, Parlor Difference: -$11,500.55 Prayer Partners, 131 2015 Tree of Lights Christmas Offering Senior High Ministry, Youth Center Total Received: $15, 615.00 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
Financial Update
4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church
THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401