Believe Inner vision

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Believe & Achieve Foundation Sponsored by

NARRATIVE BACKGROUND AND QUALIFICATIONS Believe & Achieve Foundation, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to educating and empowering the youth by means of recording, producing and promoting recording artists: primarily those who are disabled and/or disadvantaged. UNDERSTANDING NEEDS Many disabled or disadvantaged, talented artists miss the chance to follow their dreams due to finances and/or low self-esteem. Believe & Achieve Foundation recognizes this need and strives to see their dreams become a reality. Disadvantaged: Finances – Individuals are not financially comfortable in leaving their homes and moving to cities that exploit musical gifts. Believe & Achieve Foundation trains artists to perform in their communities through Inner Vision Records. Then, they are further prepared for that chance to be discovered. Assistance is offered as a stepping-stone to take them to their next potential level. Living in low-income neighborhoods makes a person want to do anything to “GET OUT”. To get out, some turn to gangs and drug dealers to fund their dreams. We give promising artists a chance to choose the right path and learn how to work for their success. Disabled: Motivation – Some go through life thinking they “should have, would have, could have,” but didn’t. Believe & Achieve Foundation staff takes out the “Didn’t” and puts in “Did!” The staff at Believe & Achieve Foundation believes in these artists and gives them that spark of hope and willingness to go the extra mile. They are encouraged to believe that they can do all things if they put their minds to it.

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