Spectrum Female Sale Full

CCC Rebel Queen 13M is an exceptional female, built thick and wide with a smaller frame but substantial weight for her size. She is from the first set of offspring off of our renowned bull Lehne Lawless 11F, and combined with our donor female, Pic-A-Spot Royal Queen 4G -arguably the perfect cow- she is a standout. This girl would perform beautifully on a halter and go on to become a powerhouse cow. She is ready to produce heavy, masculine bulls and equally heavy, feminine females. “Heavy” truly defines this remarkable lassie.

CCC 20L | AR31515 | May 27, 2023 | Polled | Blue Roan

This heifer is a must-see! From the heart of our keeper pen, she offers style, thickness and comes wrapped in a stunning roan package. “Sabrina” was AI’d this spring to Coldstream Pendleton 9K, a proven calving ease sire with his first crop due in 2024. She is expected to calve February 27, 2025.
CCC Blue Baddie 20L is a fleshy, smaller-framed May heifer with exceptional cow potential. Sired by the renowned Creekside Moonlight Crush 12C, she boasts excellent feet, great fleshing ability, efficiency, and an extra boost of milk production. Her dam is a solid 1200 lb cow with outstanding feet and a wellstructured udder. 20L is expected to mature at around 1200 lbs, and having been AI’d to JSF Foreplay 168J, her first calf should be an easy birth and wean off as big as her. If you’re seeking a super efficient, highly desirable blue that will generate returns, she’s the one to watch. Approximate calving date is March 17, 2025.
Flush and Semen

PIC 4G | F698708 | February 18, 2019 | Polled | White BELL M FOREMAN 30A
Pic-A-Spot Royal Queen 4G was added to the sale just the day before her photos were taken -straight off pasture and blown out. That should tell you all you need to know. 4G has been a herd-shaping cow from the start, with her perfect udder, exceptional feet, superior body shape, fleshing ability, and calving ease. She truly embodies the ideal cow. The buyer could flush her in any direction and see success. For a glimpse of her potential with power bulls, take a look at her calf, featured as the opening lot in this sale. Selling rights to one flush post calving in 2025. Buyer pays all flush expenses. Seller guarantees 6 transferable embryos after which remaining embryos will be split between buyer and seller.

| M488092 | March 22, 2010 | POlled |
Kilkee Rising Sun F02 is a dynamic imported sire known for his versatility as a wellrounded, “bull for any cow” type. Alongside his remarkable growth statistics, Rising Sun also measured an impressive 13.64 in2 REA at 12 months of age. As a yearling, he earned both Junior and Grand Champion Bull titles at the 2011 Beef Spectacular in Dubbo, as well as Supreme Champion Bull at several local shows. Considered a bull ahead of his time, Rising Sun is trusted to add pounds to your fall calves and produce top-quality replacement females for your herd. Offering 2 packages of 5 straws of semen, qualified for use in Canada and the United States.
Pic-a-SPot royal queen 4G
KilKee riSinG Sun F02
Terms and conditions
• Cattle will be fed, free of charge until November 1st, 2024. Cattle remaining in the yard will require insurance at the cost of the buyer. Seller assumes no risk for animal after October 15, 2024. After November 1st, 2024 the buyer will be charged a yardage fee.
• Cattle will be delivered, free of charge, within 300km of Daysland, Alberta, Canada. Assistance for any cattle going into the United States will be provided. All health requirements/testing to be determined between the buyer and seller.
• Myostatin/defect positive animals(with current testing) are identified in the catalog or on the CSA Digital Beef platform.
• Money exchange will be in CAD. Exchange rate will be announced on sale date via AMS Online Sales.
• Animals will remain on farm until full payment is received by the seller from the buyer unless alternate payment conditions have been made between the seller and the buyer. Payment will be accepted via e-transfer, or wire transfer.
• Sold under the Terms and Conditions of the Canadian Shorthorn Association. Terms and Conditions can be found online at www.canadianshorthorn.com/formsandresources
• Sellers reserve the right to 1 flush on sale females in the future at sellers expense and buyers convenience.