pg 2 | LADIES OF THE FALL Sale Day Contacts Gary Kiziak ................... (780) 974-5793 Devon Kiziak .................. (780) 242-2555 Barry Ducherer ............... (780) 205-2478 Cory Ducherer ............... (780) 870-7584 Auctioneer Bryon Wolters ................. (780) 581-8396 Insurance Heather Barr ................... (780) 853-7067 On-line Bidding Mark Shologan ............... (780) 699-5082 Location 10 miles east of Edmonton on Hwy 16. From Hwy 16, turn north on Range Rd 214. 3/4 mile, farm is on the left. (53258 Range Rd 214) GOOGLE MAPS: enter ‘Codiak Acres’ Accomodations HAMPTON INN 950 Emerald Drive, Sherwood Park, AB (780) 974-1609 (mentionSpeckleParkSaleforspecialrate) Parking As farm yard space is very limited, ALL parking will be in the marked lot south of Codiak Acres. Shuttles will run back and forth. 5:30 P.M., MST, Saturday, October 1, 2022, at Codiak Acres, Ardrossan, Alberta Sale Schedule FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Cattle available for viewing. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 4:30 p.m. - Dinner will be served. 5:30 p.m. - Ladies of the Fall Sale Your Host CODIAK ACRES Gary & Nancy Kiziak and family 53258 Range Road 214, Ardrossan, AB (780) 974-5793 | codiak@albertacom.com www.codiakacres.com WITH GUEST CONSIGNOR RIVER HILL FARM Barry & Elaine Ducherer Cory & Katlin Ducherer Barry (780) 205-2475 | Cory (780) 870-7584 Neilburg, SK | riverhillfarm@hotmail.com www.riverhill.ca STAY CONNECTED @ladiesofthefallwww.ladiesofthefall.com#ladiesofthefall Cover image taken by Sammy June Photography ig: @sammyjunephotography Welcome to the 2022 edition of the Ladies of the Fall Sale. We continue to be humbled by the interest shown in our respective breeding programs. It is truly a labor of love for us and the friendships we have made because of the Speckle Park cattle are ones we cherish. We look forward to hosting you once again on October 1st. Have a look through the book and should you have any questions at all, please reach out. You are also welcome to come out to view the cattle at their respective farms anytime leading up to the sale. Cheers, Gary

See him on display at the Ladies of the Fall sale.
Codiak Del Ray 302H

pg 4 | LADIES OF THE FALL GNK 14X - Dam of Lot 01 GNK 75F - Daughter of Lot 01 The first time Don Miller saw her, he suggested she belonged on a postcard. A flush cow that has flushed over 200 embryos in the last 3 years. Not so bad. These all exported to Australia. If you like her, buy her.... she will certainly pay for herself. SERVICE SIRE: Open ready to flush Codiak Carlie 37C MAY 10, 2015 | GNK 37C | [CAN] 5894 | PB sire CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK SAMBO GNK 14X CODIAK TIMOTHY GNK 22T A & W 7U dam 01 ED/ED08/10BW601570MYONONH/PPPCC

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 5 GNK 8R - Dam of Lot 02BED 85F’s 2022 heifer calf DONOR FEMALE. From the matriarch of Codiak’s herd we picked a female that we know can produce the top end. It really hurt putting this female up for auction but the best must be presented. One of three Yager 99Y females being offered. Never been flushed but ready to go to center. SERVICE SIRE: Open ready to flush River Hill 99Y Fantasia 85F MAR 5, 2018 | BED 85F | [CAN] 8423 | PB sire RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y RIVER HILL TRAFFIC JAM 26T PRAIRIE HILL HEARTBREAKER 99L CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK MR. BLACK RKW 13M CODIAK RKW 07J dam 02 ED/ED08/10BW841370MYONONH/PPPCC BED 99Y - Sire of Lot 02

pg 6 | LADIES OF THE FALL GNK 1T - Dam of Lot 03 GNK 7A - Maternal sib to Lot 03 GNK 207C - Maternal sib to Lot 03 Foxy is right. Genetics are a killer. These genetics are sure to attract many breeders. Bred for a fall calf-either GDB 113F or by a dark horse (AI’d) Codiak Thumper GNK 1A. He was absolutely gorgeous. River Hill Exporter + GNK 53W - you decide. SERVICE SIRE: AI TO CODIAK THUMPER GNK 1A Codiak Foxy 25F APR 2, 2018 | GNK 25F | [CAN] 8987 | PB sire CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S NORTHERN LIGHTS 14N CODIAK TILLEY GNK 1T CODIAK MR. BLACK RKW 13M MISS ATIM 10F dam 03 ED/ED08/10BW791350MYONONH/PHPCC

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 7 GNK 88A - Sire of Lot 04GNK 12H - Son of Lot 04 A solid producing, clean, shiny female. She has great feet and a great udder. Thumper could again show up. Her daughter sells as Lot 35. SERVICE SIRE: AI TO CODIAK THUMPER GNK 1A, EXPOSED TO RAVENWORTH DISTINCTION GDB 113F Codiak Always A Lady 15D APR 2, 2016 | GNK 15D | [CAN] 6926 | PB sire CODIAK SCAPE GOAT GNK 88A RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y A & W 15U SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 31U HWY.4 SPECKLE PARK 20K SPOTS’N SPROUTS 11M dam 04 08/10BW651550MYON/AH/PN/ACCN/A

pg 8 | LADIES OF THE FALL BED 2G’s 2022 bull calf BED 2U - Dam of Lot 05 BED 005H - Service sire to Lot 05 A Capitaine daughter that pushes down the scale in a moderate frame. Beautiful front end with a cow family that is proven generation over generation. Proven genetics and quality will keep this female producing for many years to come. SERVICE SIRE: River Hill L11 Horatio 005H April 13 - July 15, due end of January River Hill 5C Gin-Dandi 2G FEB 4, 2019 | BED 2G | [CAN] 10557 | PB sire CODIAK CAPITAINE GNK 5C CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK COUGAR GNK 54R RIVER HILL 64R DANDY 2U NOTTA ROMEO 64R PRAIRIE HILL DANDY 2E dam 05 SINGLE08/10BW881425MYOH/PPPCCED/ED

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 9 BED 54F’s 2022 bull calf BED 55B’s 2022 heifer calf River Hill 99Y Foto-Finish 54F MAR 15, 2018 | BED 54F | [CAN] 8425 | PB sire RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y RIVER HILL TRAFFIC JAM 26T PRAIRIE HILL HEARTBREAKER 99L NOTTA PHO-FINISH 54P STAR BANK LACERTA 68L STAR BANK LEONID NIGHT 54L dam 06 ED/ED08/10BW901485MYONONH/PPPCC DONOR FEMALE. We dug deep this year to offer some of the best from our program. We went to our flush pen and picked out 2 never-been-flushed-before females. Out of the legendary PhoFinish 54P female that has brought progeny to the top of herds world wide and by Yager 99Y. You have a stacked pedigree for style, longevity, production and all around great females. SERVICE SIRE: Open ready to flush. River Hill Blaze of Fire 55B APR 17, 2014 | BED 55B | [CAN] 4983 | PB sire RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y RIVER HILL TRAFFIC JAM 26T PRAIRIE HILL HEARTBREAKER 99L RIVER HILL SAFIRE 55S P.A.R. MOO FASSA 03M CODIAK PRAIRIE FIRE RKW 05J dam 07 ED/ED08/10BW711290MYONONH/PPPCC Coming right from the heart of the herd a very stylish female that has out-performed herself with progeny in Alberta and BC. Structured well with a proven pedigree. Due early February. SERVICE SIRE: April 13 Watson Crusher Lonestar 11F / May 2 Colgans Jagermeister 44J

pg 10 | LADIES OF THE FALL BED 261H’s 2022 heifer calf BED 261C - Dam of Lot GNK 5C - Sire of Lot 08 This female goes back to a line of moderate females with great udders in structure, teat size and milking ability. Capitaine has done a phenomenal job for us in producing high quality bulls and females. Due mid January. SERVICE SIRE: Spots ‘N Sprouts Fury 109F / River Hill Godzilla 916G April 14 - May 17 River Hill Hiavanna 261H JAN 27, 2020 | BED 261H | [CAN] 11505 | PB sire CODIAK CAPITAINE GNK 5C CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK COUGAR GNK 54R RIVER HILL 036A CUTE-TEE 261C RIVER HILL 5Y ANCHOR 036A RIVER HILL 101U ZWIFFER 61Z dam 08 ED/ED08/10BW811360MYONONH/PPPCC

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 11 BED 5X - Maternal great grand damTrade Mission 41F - Sire of Lot 09BED 502H’s 2022 heifer calf A Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F daughter that goes back to the Cinder line of females on the bottom side. Calving ease with high growth and performance is what we have experienced out of both the sire and dam sides. A beautiful first calver that is bred back for January, a hard one to pass up. Due end of January. SERVICE SIRE: Spots ‘N Sprouts Fury 109F / River Hill Godzilla 916G April 14 - May 17 River Hill 41F Harlee 502H FEB 5, 2020 | BED 502H | [CAN] 11171 | PB sire WOLF LAKE TRADE MISSION 41F JSF TRADE SECRET 11A CODIAK IDA GNK 33Z RIVER HILL 5C FELISHA 502F CODIAK CAPITAINE GNK 5C RIVER HILL 54Z CINDER 5C dam 09 ED/ED08/10BW721150MYONONH/PPPCC

pg 12 | LADIES OF THE FALL Codiak Lavender 90H MAY 29, 2020 | GNK 90H | [CAN] 11916 | PB sire CODIAK MONUMENT GNK 107D CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R UNLIMITED SPOTS EBONY 07E CLADDAGH CONN LSA 06C UNLIMITEDSPOTS BRITTANY 01B dam 10 ED/ED08/10BW761350MYONONH/PPPCC We do not have a bunch of Unlimited Spots genetics, however the maternal characteristics of Ebony 07E have certainly risen to the top. She is a sweetie. Monument as her sire is a bonus. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J US Palooza 12H JAN 30, 2020 | US 12H | [CAN] 10935 | PB sire UNDERHILL ALL OUT 1D RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 10S COLGAN’S CARISSIMA 25C CODIAK TYCOON CAT GNK 12Z CODIAK GNK 24T dam 11 ED/ED08/10BW731250MYONONH/PPPCC Bought this little lady from Wally at Strawberry Creek. Really like her. Nancy says cut back, so here she is. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J GNK 37G - Maternal sib to Lot 10 Underhill All Out 1D - Sire of Lot 11

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 13 Conchita 67C - Maternal Grand damAcadia 112B - Paternal grand-damCOD 91G - Maternal sib to Lot 12 Well looky here! If she doesn’t catch your eye you must be looking at the wrong page! Deep bodied, fresh fronted, fluid moving and with that great color pattern to boot! One of the favorites from visitors and the picture crew, it is hard not to keep looking. Due mid January. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1 RH Elegante 3J JAN 20, 2021 | BED 3J | [CAN] 13439 | PB sire OUTBACK GREAT SOLUTION 9G CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y RAVENWORTH ACADIA 112B PURA VIDA ELEGANTE 91E RIVER HILL 54Z CO-PILOT 54C PURA VIDA CONCHITA 67C dam 12 ED/ED08/10BW701040MYONONH/PPPCC

pg 14 | LADIES OF THE FALL Trade Mission 41F - Service sire to Lot 13 Cordoba 69C - Maternal grand dam Hard to turn pass this dark sided should-be-in-a-show-ring female. Out of a no-miss donor female that has another heifer coming up that will demand your attention. Out of a very stylish and powerful Outback bull that will only have a couple offspring as we lost him to injury way to early on in his career. Due end of January. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1 RH Elecuente 9J JAN 25, 2021 | BED 9J | [CAN] 13444 | PB sire OUTBACK GREAT SOLUTION 9G CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y RAVENWORTH ACADIA 112B PURA VIDA ELECUENTE 86E RIVER HILL 54Z CO-PILOT 54C PURA VIDA CORDOBA 69C dam 13 ED/ED08/10BW781065MYONONH/PPPCC

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 15 RH 03M Guilty Pleasure 1J JAN 5, 2021 | BED 1J | [CAN] 13437 | PB sire P.A.R. MOO FASSA 03M P.A.R. KING PIN 1K ASPEN ACRES 3A RIVER HILL GUILTY PLEASURE 75G PREMIER 101Y LOGIC L11 RIVER HILL 26T ALYNDA 025A dam 14 ED/ED08/10BW741020MYONONH/PPPCC Do not pass this female by! A little green in the picture but her maternal side really explodes after they have their first calf. The only black female we are offering this year. A direct Moo Fassa daughter backed by Logic and Crusaders dam, this female is sure to give you many years of sale topping progeny. Due mid January. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1 RH 354E Xcel 4J JAN 22, 2021 | BED 4J | [CAN] 13440 | PB sire RIVER HILL 60A EL-BEARDO 354E RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A RIVER HILL AVET-CINDER 54A CODIAK XCEL GNK 36X C.A.M.Y. TORQUE 03T CODIAK DEVON’S DELIGHT DKC 48S dam 15 ED/ED08/10BW721065MYONONH/PPPCC A fresh looking, long sided female. An El-Beardo 354E female which are few and out of the great Codiak 36X line. This heifer has unlimited potential and will really come into herself. SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Rockstar 306H April 4 - June 10. Due mid January. BED 75G - Dam of Lot 14 (pictured as a heifer calf) BED 36F - Maternal sib to Lot 59

pg 16 | LADIES OF THE FALL Look no further - Trump x 42Y. The genetics that this heifer is made from are the foundation of the Codiak program. She has all the same potential to be the foundation in another herd and bring them as much success as her dam & sire did here. A maternal sister by Banjo sells as Lot 23! SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J Codiak My Dear Lady 12J MAR 7, 2021 | GNK 12J | [CAN] 14093 | PB sire CODIAK TRUMP GNK 20T HWY. 4 SPECKLE PARK 20L EL RANCHO NO GOTTO SHANS 02J CODIAK AMANDA GNK 42Y CODIAK CRIKEY GNK 13U CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R dam 16 ED/ED08/10BW741010MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 42Y - Dam of Lot 16 GNK 46C - Maternal sib to Lot 16 GNK 201C - Maternal sib to Lot 16

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 17 Another Trump combination. An embryo out of the great 30B donor. Another great one being offered. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J Codiak Whosthewiser 14J MAR 10, 2021 | GNK 14J | [CAN] 14101 | PB sire CODIAK TRUMP GNK 20T HWY. 4 SPECKLE PARK 20L EL RANCHO NO GOTTO SHANS 02J CODIAK MARUSA GNK 30B CODIAK SUMMIT SUPREME GNK 10Z CODIAK BLACK MAJIC GNK 40W dam 17 08/10BW771000MYONONH/PPPCCED/E GNK 48H - Maternal sib to Lot 17 GNK 20T - Sire of Lot’s 16 & 17

pg 18 | LADIES OF THE FALL A deep bodied female from the timeless Cinder cow family that carries power and style to be appreciated. An El-Beardo daughter that has all the potential to be a donor female one day. January calf by Trade Mission 41F will make an awesome pair come next fall. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due mid January. RH 354E Felicity 17J FEB 8, 2021 | BED 17J | [CAN] 13453 | PB sire RIVER HILL 60A EL-BEARDO 354E RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A RIVER HILL AVET-CINDER 54A RIVER HILL 5C FELICITY 501F CODIAK CAPITAINE GNK 5C RIVER HILL 54Z CINDER 5C dam 18 ED/ED08/10BW961080MYONONH/PPPCC BED 354E - Sire of Lot 18 Trade Mission 41F - Service sire to Lot 18

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 19 A female that is following is her maternal footsteps! Going back to the Ultimate Joy line there is generations of show and sale toppers. A shot of Sailor Boy and All In will make this deep bodied, well structured easy moving pen topping female. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due end of January. RH 354E Jump For Joy 24J FEB 20, 2021 | BED 24J | [CAN] 13459 | PB sire RIVER HILL 60A EL-BEARDO 354E RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A RIVER HILL AVET-CINDER 54A RIVER HILL 20Y BEL OF JOY 2B CODIAK SAILOR BOY BOY GNK 20Y RIVER HILL 26T ZEST OF JOY 2Z dam 19 ED/ED08/10BW901095MYONONH/PPPCC BED 2B - Dam of Lot 19

pg 20 | LADIES OF THE FALL RH Duchess 7J JAN 25, 2021 | BED 7J | [CAN] 13443 | 87.5 % sire OUTBACK TRENDSETTER 4G RIVER HILL 60W LINE DRIVE 54Z AMPED UP OF MX 154A RIVER HILL 60A DUCHESS 111D RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A RIVER HILL LASSIE 11L dam 20 08/10BW771180MYON/AH/PN/ACCN/A Longevity and fertility are built in this bigger framed white female. Length of spine and performance exude from this female as she moves around. Line Drive on the top and All In on the bottom will provide the presence and growth for her progeny. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due mid January. RH L11 Jezebel 50J JAN 27, 2021 | BED 50J | [CAN] 13476 | PB sire PREMIER 101Y LOGIC L11 SIX STAR 82U ROYAL FLESH 101Y SPKNZ H2 RIVER HILL 99W YSABEL 65Y RIVER HILL 03M WILD CARD 99W PRAIRIE HILL 65M dam 21 ED/ED08/10BW841145MYONONH/PPPCC Future donor from the heart of our replacement’s, Jezebel is out of one of our highest producing cows. Extra bone and frame while still staying soft hided. A beautiful dark sided female that is bred to the next outcross mega sire, Graham Creek Justice 9J for January. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J April 4 - May 17. Due end of January. BED 60A - Maternal grandsire of Lot 20 BED 65Y - Dam of Lot 21

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 21 RH L11 Show Me Jay 54J FEB 5, 2021 | BED 54J | [CAN] 13480 | PB sire PREMIER 101Y LOGIC L11 SIX STAR 82U ROYAL FLESH 101Y SPKNZ H2 RIVER HILL SHOW ME Y 60Y RIVER HILL TRAFFIC JAM 26T RIVER HILL SHOW ME OFF 60S dam 22 ED/ED08/10BW881095MYONONH/PPPCC If you like them soft-hided, easy doing while retaining that cow look then this will be your female. Out of one of Cory’s favorite cows and by the frame-and-style adding Logic, this heifer will top a donor pen in the very near future. When we decided to buy her service sire Justice, we knew only a few bred to him would leave the yard. The excitement around this young sire is real and it would be a shame to miss your opportunity on this January calver. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J April 4 - May 17. Due mid January. BED 60Y - Dam of Lot 22 BED 60S - Maternal grand-dam of Lot 22

pg 22 | LADIES OF THE FALL Here is a female that catches your eye for her stylish and correct structure. She is deep bodied and pretty fronted. Stemming from the great Codiak Amanda GNK 42Y and by Banjo, she has all the tools to become the same prolific and influential producer that her mother has been for us. One of only three Banjo’s to sell! SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Distinction 113F CONSIGNED BY CODIAK ACRES AND TAILOR MADE CATTLE COMPANY KKC Jolene KKC 42J MAR 17, 2021 | KKC 42J | [CAN] | PB sire AVERY CREEK BANJO 01B ZORRO MATTERS 1Z TUMBLEWEED ACRES LULU 18Y CODIAK AMANDA GNK 42Y CODIAK CRIKEY GNK 13U CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R dam 23 ED/ED08/10BW82975MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 42Y - Dam of Lot 23 Avery Creek Banjo 01B - Sire of Lot 23 GNK 24G - Paternal sib to Lot 42J

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 23 As pretty as they come. Some interesting out cross genetics here. She is made about as correct as you’d like, beautiful front end, great structure, and a head like a super model. Keep in mind most of these Codiak heifers were brought home from pasture not long before picture day. They are in breeding shape, not show-ring shape. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 JASPER 155J Codiak Dolly 41J MAR 17, 2021 | GNK 41J | [CAN] 15484 | PB sire WRANGLER MR PIONEER 42F NOTTA 101Y BARCODE 113B RIVER HILL 60W CELEBRITY 42C CODIAK MISS CAELIDH JO GNK 3G RIVER HILL 12X A’MAN 94A CODIAK ATTITUDENOUS GNK 15Y dam 24 ED/ED08/10BW74950MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 15Y - Maternal grand-dam to Lot 24

pg 24 | LADIES OF THE FALL Codiak Dolly 506J FEB 2, 2021 | GNK 506J | [CAN] 15552 | 93.8 % sire CODIAK MONUMENT GNK 107D CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK LUCKY LADY 22S CODIAK PHLEP GNK 3P LIGHTNING LADY 4B dam 25 ED/ED08/10BW79940MYONONH/PPPCC Here is a very unique lot. 506 is an embryo baby going back a long ways. Heaps of old style genetics smattered with a bit of the new. This heifer intrigues me with her potential. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Moovin Zpotz Julia 99J FEB 25, 2021 | BMZ 99J | [CAN] 13221 | PB sire MOOVIN ZPOTZ GRAVY 3G MOOVIN ZPOTZ EVERET 90E BETH OF P.A.R. 74P MOOVIN ZPOTZ EVA 73E CN ZPOTZ ZAZU 2Z MOOVIN ZPOTZ ICY GALAXIE 29X dam 26 ED/ED08/10BW661060MYONONH/PPPCC Outcross Female! A dark sided heifer from the renowned Moovin Zpotz herd. By the Gravy bull out of a Zazu daughter there is great potential for this well structured free moving heifer. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due end of January. GNK 107D - Sire of Lot 25 ZAZU 2Z - Maternal grandsire to Lot 26

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 25 Oh my! A Geaza daughter out of a hard working So Long George daughter. A solid, super attractive female destined to make a statement. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Codiak Alvira 30J MAR 30, 2021 | GNK 30J | [CAN] 15491 | PB sire CODIAK GEAZA GNK 105D RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK TRIXIE GNK 83F CODIAK SO LONG GEORGE GNK 6Z CODIAK CELTIC GNK 18C dam 27 ED/ED08/10BW73850MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 6Z - Maternal grand-sire to Lot 27 GNK 105D - Sire of Lot 27

pg 26 | LADIES OF THE FALL She is genetically my pick of the Codiak sale heifers. Buy with confidence. Her dam, GNK 430T, a picture-perfect cow, produced until 2021. Great udder, feet and disposition. Throw in Banjo....look at what a package you’ve got. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Codiak Okie Dokie 65J APR 4, 2021 | GNK 65J | [CAN] 15654 | PB sire AVERY CREEK BANJO 01B ZORRO MATTERS 1Z TUMBLEWEED ACRES LULU 18Y CODIAK GNK 430T CODIAK KOSMO GNK 17R CODIAK CDK 26P dam 28 ED/ED08/10BW821000MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 430T - Dam of Lot 28 Banjo 01B - Sire of Lot 28

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 27 A really solid young Geaza daughter. Proud to be presenting her, we think she has a big future. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155JCodiak Aria 70J APR 26, 202 1 | GNK 70J | [CAN] 15494 | PB sire CODIAK GEAZA GNK 105D RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK FAUN GNK 260F RIVER HILL 101U XPORTER 55X CODIAK NICE LADY RKW 25N dam 29 ED/ED08/10BW69890MYONONH/PPPCC RKW 25N - Maternal grand-dam to Lot 29 GNK 105D - Sire of Lot 29

pg 28 | LADIES OF THE FALL We put in 3 IVF embryos from this mating and got 3 wonderful females. One speckled, one white and one black. The great ones need to be shared and that is why we are offering 2 from this great mating. Wall Street has been leaving his mark around the world while the all-time record setting female has settled in nicely to a donor program in Missouri. If you like them stylish, deep bodied and with great structure, here is the pair for you! Both are bred for February by the very exciting Ravenworth Rockstar 306H. SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Rockstar 306H April 4 - June 10. Due early February. RH WS SP Choice 57J MAR 14, 2021 | BED 57J | [CAN] 13707 | PB sire JSF WALL STREET 36E ASPEN ACRES T.N.T 4Y REDNECK WHISKEY 7W RIVER HILL 60A FIRST CHOICE 6F RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 6Z dam 30 ED/ED08/10BW711065MYONONH/PPPCC

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 29 SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Rockstar 306H April 4 - June 10. Due early February.RH WS WHT Choice 58J MAR 16, 2021 | BED 58J | [CAN] 13708 | PB sire JSF WALL STREET 36E ASPEN ACRES T.N.T 4Y REDNECK WHISKEY 7W RIVER HILL 60A FIRST CHOICE 6F RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 6Z dam 31 ED/ED08/10BW771125MYONONH/PPPCC Wall Street - Sire of Lot’s 30 & 31 BED 6F - Dam of Lot 30 & 31

pg 30 | LADIES OF THE FALL A Capitaine daughter that goes back to the perfect udder-making line of females. Throw in the crazy cool-fronted Crusader with the power of this female and the offspring will be ones to admire. Strong hipped and level bellied, take an extra gander at this female. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due mid January. RH 5C Mindy 29J MAR 9, 2021 | BED 29J | [CAN] 13464 | PB sire CODIAK CAPITAINE GNK 5C CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK COUGAR GNK 54R RIVER HILL FOOLISH PRIDE 11F RIVER HILL 50T CRUSADER 025C RIVER HILL 03 AVETTE-MINDY 11A dam 32 ED/ED08/10BW831002MYO1H/PPPCC GNK 5C - Sire of Lot 32 BED 025C - Maternal grandsire

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 31 RH 354E Mindy 14J FEB 1, 2021 | BED 14J | [CAN] 13449 | PB sire RIVER HILL 60A EL-BEARDO 354E RIVER HILL 50U ALL IN 60A RIVER HILL AVET-CINDER 54A RIVER HILL 03 AVETTE-MINDY 11A P.A.R. MOO FASSA 03M MOOVIN ZPOTZ YVETTE 1Y dam 33 ED/ED08/10BW891025MYONONH/PPPCC Here is an El-Beardo daughter out of one of the best uddered females in the breed. Fluid movement and great structure with rocket front end. Bred to the great heifer bull Trade Mission 41F for an early Feb calf. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1 RH Just Chillin 20J FEB 14, 2021 | BED 20J | [CAN] 13455 | PB sire NOTTA 110B JUS CHILLIN 302F SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS BART 110B NOTTA 300X THETA 11A RIVER HILL 54Z CHYNA-ANGEL 45C RIVER HILL 60W LINE DRIVE 54Z RIVER HILL YOUR MY ANGEL 45Y dam 34 ED/ED08/10BW901095MYONONH/PPPCC A heifer that always caught your eye in the replacement pen that makes you admire her structure and do-ability. A big ribbed pretty heifer by Jus Chillin 302F.... the potential is intriguing. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due mid March. BED 354E - Sire of Lot 33 BED 54Z - Maternal grandsire of Lot 34

pg 32 | LADIES OF THE FALL Seems like we seldom sell many lots from Geaza. Here is one. Have a look at mom. She is also being offered in this sale as Lot 4. Time to cut back.... Nancy says either they go or I go. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Codiak Arctic Angel 58J APR 19, 2021 | GNK 58J | [CAN] 15447 | PB sire CODIAK GEAZA GNK 105D RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK ALWAYS A LADY GNK 15D CODIAK SCAPE GOAT GNK 88A SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 31U dam 35 08/10BW85880MYON/AH/PN/ACCN/A GNK 15D - Dam, sells as Lot 4 GNK 88A - Maternal grand-sire to Lot 35

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 33 We can’t keep them all; sure would have liked to keep her! SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155JCodiak Bella 102J JUN 8, 2021 | GNK 102J | [CAN] 15644 | PB sire RIVER HILL 54Z ENTERPRIZE 315E RIVER HILL 60W LINE DRIVE 54Z PB A & W 15U DDR ELLY 01E LEGACY GUS SPOT-R-NONE23BPRINCESS 4Z dam 36 ED/ED08/10BW80900MYONONH/PPPCC BED 315E - Sire of Lot 36

pg 34 | LADIES OF THE FALL Codiak Arctic Angel 98J MAY 27, 2021 | GNK 98J | [CAN] 15495 | PB sire CODIAK MONUMENT GNK 107D CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK HIDDEN MAIDEN GNK 10C NOTTA FRONTLINE 303X CODIAK TAMMY GNK 48Z dam 37 08/10BW71910MYONONH/PHPCCEE A smooth clean-cut, deep heifer. Monument doesn’t strike out too often. It’s been a while since Frontline originally surfaced. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Codiak Moscow Mule 103J JUN 1, 2021 | GNK 103J | [CAN] 15635 | PB sire CODIAK MONUMENT GNK 107D CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK SASHA GNK 50A NOTTA FRONTLINE 303X CODIAK URSULA GNK 3U dam 38 08/10BW74850MYONONH/PHPCCEDe She’s a young one but sweet like Moscow Mule and carrying a hell of a punch! SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J GNK 10C - Dam of Lot 37 GNK 50A - Dam of Lot 38

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 35 Here is a heifer that attracts you the moment you see her. She is clean through her lines and don’t let her age fool you. She comes from a pedigree that is proven and continues to make great females. SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Distinction 113F CONSIGNED BY CODIAK ACRES AND TAILOR MADE CATTLE COMPANY KKC Emily KKC 1J JUN 13, 2021 | KKC 1J | [CAN] | PB sire AVERY CREEK BANJO 01B ZORRO MATTERS 1Z TUMBLEWEED ACRES LULU 18Y CODIAK EMILY GNK 1E CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK GNK 430T dam 39 ED/ED08/10BW70960MYONONH/PPPCC GNK 430T - Maternal grand-dam to Lot 39 Distinction 113F - Service sire to Lot 39

pg 36 | LADIES OF THE FALL A female that has a presence that can not be looked passed. From the great Samtia herd of females & by the CWA Champion Mr Perfect 8D, this heifer has unmatched potential to be one of the greats. Look out for this female next fall. SERVICE SIRE: Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F April 4 - July 1. Due end of January. RH Perfect Poppy 32J MAR 27, 2021 | BED 32J | [CAN] 13467 | PB sire WRANGLER MR PERFECT 8D MOOVIN ZPOTZ AVENGER 28A ANGEL OF P.A.R. 8Z SAMTIA POPPY 61E WOLF LAKE CASANOVA 8C BEBLOW FARMS LILY 218X dam 40 08/10BW941005MYONONH/PPPCCED/e Mr Perfect 8D - Sire of Lot 40 Avenger 28A - Paternal grandsire of Lot 40

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 37 RH Freedom Balboa 22J FEB 18, 2021 | BED 22J | [CAN] 13458 | PB sire SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS FURY 109F SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS CAJUN 114C SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 32B PURA VIDA ESTUPENDO 94E RIVER HILL 54Z CO-PILOT 54C PURA VIDA BALBOA 46B dam 41 ED/ED08/10BW791020MYONONH/PPPCC Distinguishable markings are always fun to play with! Here is a colored up, only Fury 109F female out of the great Pura Vida herd. Sweet fronted, strong topped and deep hipped it is hard not to take a harder look at this tremendous heifer. SERVICE SIRE: Ravenworth Rockstar 306H April 4 - June 10. Due mid January. Codiak Jenny 32J MAR 31, 2021 | GNK 32J | [CAN] 14091 | PB sire CODIAK GEAZA GNK 105D RIVER HILL 26T YAGER 99Y CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK EMILY GNK 48E CODIAK SO LONG GEORGE GNK 6Z STYALS MISS LIGHTNING 16M dam 42 ED/ED08/10BW72900MYONONH/PHPCC Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. A little taller and a little longer. Going to be a large female. A sweetie. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J Fury 109F - Sire of Lot 41 GNK 6Z - Maternal grandsire of Lot 42

pg 38 | LADIES OF THE FALL Codiak Little Sister 48J APR 16, 2021 | GNK 48J | [CAN] 15434 | 96.9 % sire CODIAK MONUMENT GNK 107D CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK UNIQUE GNK 8R CODIAK SWEET PURSUIT GNK 4C CODIAK SAILOR BOY GNK 20Y MOOVIN ZPOTZ ZOLA 23Z dam 43 08/10BW821000MYON/AH/PN/ACCN/A We all wish we had a little sister like this. Clean, square and destined to be a good mama. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J Codiak Kassidy 62J APR 21, 2021 | GNK 62J | [CAN] 15400 | 100 % sire WRANGLER MR PIONEER 42F NOTTA 101Y BARCODE 113B RIVER HILL 60W CELEBRITY 42C CODIAK HEIDI WHO GNK 87D CODIAK CAPTAIN CAT GNK 77B RAVENWORTH ACADIA 121B dam 44 ED/ED08/10BW90950MYONONH/PPPCC A very tidy Mr. Pioneer calf. Had Mr. Pioneer not gotten hurt, he would still be in our herd. SERVICE SIRE: Graham Creek Justice 9J GNK 20Y - Maternal grandsire of Lot 43

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 39 Codiak Jade Anne 67J APR 24, 2021 | GNK 67J | [CAN] 14085 | 100 % sire CODIAK HEZCASHIN GNK 39G WRANGLER MR PERFECT 8D CODIAK EAZY GIRL GNK 21E CODIAK FREDA GNK 16F CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK BLACK WIDOW GNK 501C dam 45 ED/ED08/10BW72900MYONONH/PPPCC Just a tad different genetics. Exposed to River Hill RH 155J. SERVICE SIRE: RH L11 Jasper 155J GNK 39G - Sire of Lot 45 RH Commercial Heifers sire RIVER HILL 5C FIRST RATE 859F ANGUS X SPECKLE PARKdam46ATAG #201 sire INC TAF 64H 3/4 SPECKLE X ANGUSdamB TAG #202 sire CODIAK WALKIN TALL 49A PB BLACK ANGUSdamC TAG #203 sire SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS FURY 109F ANGUS X SPECKLEdamD TAG #204

Pick of the 2022 heifer calves FROM CODIAK ACRES and RIVER HILL FARM This is just a small sample of the type of quality that has come out of these two programs. Codiak & River Hill ask that the buyers pick be made by October 31, 2022. Heifer’sthatareownedinpartnershipsareexcluded. Codiak Acres - PICK OF THE 2022 HEIFER CALVES47 River Hill - PICK OF THE 2022 HEIFER CALVES48

pg 42 | LADIES OF THE FALL Codiak Del Ray 302H JAN 25, 202 0 | GNK 302H | [CAN] 12053 | PB sire CODIAK OSCAR GNK 8S CODIAK PHLEP GNK 3P CODIAK MATEUSA RKW 63M CODIAK GNK 53W CODIAK KOSMO GNK 17R CODIAK NICE LADY RKW 25N dam 49 ED/EDNONMYO985WWBW84H/PPHCC Every breeder has a claim to the best bull they have ever raised. Stop by at any time or on sale day and evaluate him for yourself. Christine and Peter Boake both consider him to be the best they have pictured at Codiak. Del Ray comes from a long list of genetics that have put some fire into both domestic and export market. It was a joint decision between Wattle Grove and Codiak to share some of Del Ray’s genetics. This will be the only sold in 2022. GNK 301H - Full sib to Lot 48 GNK 802E - Full sib to Lot 48 GNK 53C - Maternal sib to Lot 48A 5 UNITS B 5 UNITS C 5 UNITS SEMEN QUALIFIES FOR NORTH AMERICA

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 43 Wattle Grove Dust N Smoke P07 JUNE 25, 20 18 | WGS P07 | PENDING | PB sire WATTLE GROVE SMOKE & MIRRORS L275 CODIAK PUTNAM GNK 61Y CODIAK GOOD GOLLY GNK 11U WATTLE GROVE STARDUST E2 PRAIRIE HILL JOHN WAYNE 50S CODIAK RKW 07J dam 50 ED/EDNONMYOWWBW84N/AH/PPPCC A Smoke & Mirrors son that has the legendary WGS E2 on the dam side. Structurally outstanding. Length, depth and a whole lot of presence. Grand Champion bull at Beef Australia 2021. Wattle Grove Player P201 MAY 5, 20 18 | WGS P201 | PENDING | PB sire AVERY CREEK BANJO ZORO MATTERS 1Z TUMBLEWEED ACRES LULU 18Y WATTLE GROVE E41 STARDUST J33 WATTLE GROVE ALMIGHTY E41 WATTLE GROVE STAR DUST E2 dam 51 ED/EDNONMYOWWBW84N/AH/PPPCC A white Banjo son that just keeps getting better with the Star Dust line on the maternal side. Growth, frame, power and capacity! A 5 UNITS B 5 UNITS C 5 UNITS A 5 UNITS B 5 UNITS C 5 UNITS SEMEN QUALIFIES FOR NORTH AMERICA SEMEN QUALIFIES FOR NORTH AMERICA

pg 44 | LADIES OF THE FALL Service Sires Graham Creek Justice 9J APRIL 1, 2021 | MLM 9J | [CAN] 13129 | PB sire NOTTA 151A CAUSE N EFFECT 309C SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 14Xdam Wolf Lake Trade Mission 41F FEB 5, 2018 | DHB 41F | [CAN] 9219 | PB sire JSF TRADE SECRET 11A CODIAK IDA GNK 33Zdam RH L11 Jasper 155J FEB 6, 2021 | BED 155J | [CAN] 13475 | PB sire PREMIER 101Y LOGIC L11 RIVER HILL 26T SHOW ME Y 60Ydam Spots ‘N Sprouts Fury 109F MARCH 24, 2018 | JKH 109F | [CAN] 9209 | PB sire SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS CAJUN 114C SPOTS ‘N SPROUTS 32Bdam Ravenworth Rockstar 306H JAN 27, 2020 | GDB 306H | [CAN] 11865 | PB sire RAVENWORTH INVICTUS 103C RAVENWORTH PRAIRIE LILY 124Ddam

ON LINE BIDDING Visit www.dlms.ca, fill out the registration form by clicking “reg ister” and create your free user account by selecting a username and password. BIDDERS - After you have created an account, log in and click BUYER APPROVAL tab, select the sale name and SIGN UP to be approved for bidding. For more information or for help getting approved call: Mark Shologan via email mark@dlms. ca or call (780) 699-5082.
Knowing the free, carrier or affected status of cattle in a herd helps reduce and/or eliminate risk of propagating the disorders in future generations. If cows are free, you can choose a bull based on his genetics and/or phenotype that best fits your breeding objectives, whether or not he is a carrier. If cows are carriers or from carrier lineages, mate them only to non-carrier bulls. Replacement heifers from these matings should be DNA tested and/or mated to a non-carrier bull. in
Conditions Trait Report Description
Horned - Polled (H/P/S) P - Homozygous Polled S - Heterozygous Polled (Scurred) The polled allele causes animals to have an absence of horns and polled animals also may have a narrower skull. Polled is a dominant trait.
Myostatin (MYO) C - Carrier NON - Non Carrier (Free of Myostatin) “Double Muscling” - muscle hypertrophy, may have larger birth weights, increased dysto cia and increased tenderness. Animals are extremely muscled, with abnormally large, wide and rounded rump and thighs with prominent creases between muscles.
What to do with the data?
U.S. BUYERS All females that sell are guaranteed exportable to the US. Export costs are the responsibility of the purchaser. The rate of exchange will be announced sale day from the block. EMBRYO & SEMEN LOTS Proper settlement must be made in order for embryos/semen to be released. Shipping arrangements and costs are the responsibil ity of the buyer. Contact the consignor directly within 30 days of the sale to make shipping arrangements. Consignors cannot be expected to store embryos/semen for you longer than 30 days un les you have personally made arrangements with them. Embryo guarantees are between buyer and consignor. Contact the seller directly to inquire. If a guarantee is offered by the consignor, embryos must be implanted within one year of this sale.
The Ladies of the Fall sale will be conducted using video only. No animals will go through a sale ring. Please ensure you arrive early to view the offering in their display pens on the farm. Videos will be available online after September 13, 2022 at www.ladiesofthefall.com or www.dlms.ca or www.cattlevids.ca.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 | pg 45
Genetic Testing Video Sale
INTERESTED IN TEST RESULTS ON HERD SIRES? Many of the sires represented by offspring in this catalogue have been tested for a variety of genetic markers. Please contact any of the owners to request results for homozygous polled, red carrier, Myostatin, Leptin, PMCH, igf2, or chH4.
INSURANCE Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser at the time of sale. Arrangements for delivery or pick up must be made with the seller on October 1, 2022. Animals returning to the seller’s farm must be insured. HEALTH GUARANTEES All females are guaranteed breeders and in good breeding condition.
Trait Inheritance
ANNOUNCEMENTS All announcements made from the auctioneer’s stand take priori ty over printed or catalogued material.
We will assist in arranging delivery as quickly as possible after the sale. Many reliable truckers are based in the Edmonton area. All deliveries are the purchaser’s risk. LIABILITIES All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents that occur.
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque payable in Canadian Dol lars. All settlements must be made with the sale clerk before the animals will be released, unless there has been an agreement made between the seller and purchaser prior to the sale.
DISPUTES In case of disputes the bidding will be reopened between the par ties. If there are no further bids, the buyer will be the person the auctioneer accepted the last bid from. The auctioneer’s decision in such matters will be final.
Coat Colour (CC) HB - Homozygous Black HETB - Heterozygous Black RC - Red Carrier Coat Colour genes determine red or black coat. Black is the dominant trait. With Homo zygous Black animals, all the progeny will be black even when mated to recessive red animals. With Heterozygous Black animals, 1/2 of progeny will be black and 1/2 will be red when mated to recessive red animals.
Offspring Mating Free Carrier Affected Free x Free 100% Free x Carrier 50% 50% Carrier x Carrier 25% 50% 25% Free x Affected 100% Carrier x Affected 50% 50% Affected x Affected 100% Interpreting The Data

Image taken by Sammy June Photography ig: @sammyjunephotography

pg 48 | LADIES OF THE FALL 0008292718 bella spur creative PO Box 135 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Time Sensitive Material 5:30 P.M., MST, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2022 AT CODIAK ACRES, ARDROSSAN, ALBERTA