Bellelli Engineering - Brochure

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EPCC Projects

Ep Epc

E Engineering


Bellelli Engineering can meet all your specs requirements and offer alternative solutions to cope with time or budgets constraints. From small-size equipment to complex EPC solutions, Bellelli Engineering offer its best capabilities and talents to find what is fit for purpose in your Project. Bellelli Engineering develop black boxes in process design, or re-design to apply cutting edge solutions that increase efficiency, productivity, HSSE or re-dimensioning of your

VALERIA RIZZI Managing Director



Engineering Procurement



• Air Driers, Twin Towers Type • Air Driers, Membrane Type (Under license of Air Products, USA) • Nitrogen Generation Packages (Under license of Air Products, USA) • Nitrogen Generation Systems, Cryogenic Technology • Hydrogen Production – Steam Reforming • Hydrogen Purification – Membranes • Hydrogen Purification – TSA • Gas/Liquid Refrigeration Systems

• Pressure Vessels & Heat Exchangers • Gas Dehydration Systems TEG, MEG & Molecular Sieves • Gas Filtering And Treatment Systems • Oil Filtering And Treatment Systems • Slug Catcher • Well Manifolds Skids • Oil & Gas Metering Skids (ultrasonic type also) • Gas Stabilization Packages • Fuel gas compressors Packages (including compressors) • Chemical Injection Skids • Pumping Skids (with API pumps also)


Integration of process design and engineering with procurement and fabrication enables Bellelli Engineering to control quality, HSSE performance, cost efficiency and respect of commissioning timing. Bellelli Engineering worldwide supplier allows us flexibility of choice and plenty of alternatives to meet the most urgent requirements of our clients.


Process Water4Oil

Water4Oil • Water Treatment Systems • Water Desalination Systems Contacts

Rovigo (Italy): | Ph. +39-0425 595074 | Fax +39-0425.590372 Novazzano (Swiss): | Ph. +39-02 87366502 | Fax +39-02 87366503 Abu-Dhabi (UAE): | Ph. +971-02 4455830| Fax +971-02 4455839 Houston (USA): | Ph. +1-281 953.7490 | Fax +1-281 953.7499 México D.F. (México): | Ph. +52-55.88511221 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): | Ph. +60-19 2973619 | Ph. +60-3 22020313 Medellin (Colombia): | Ph. +57-310 452.6309 | Fax +57-4 581.1163 Campinas (Brazil): | Ph. +55-19 3294.1121

No matter of the size, the volumes, the purity or the location, we offer a plug and play solution to meet your needs. Bellelli Engineering fabrication yards in Italy, middle east and United States will let us reach your site and make today’s problem tomorrow’s success story for your Project.


Made in Italy

Copyrights Bellelli Engineering - All rights reserved

• Filter Separators • Three Phase Separators And Production Separators • Gas Scrubbers • Gas Heaters Skid • Heater Treater Skid • Utility Gas Skid • Flash Drum Skids • Pressure Reducing • Water Bath Heaters Skids • Gas Sweetening Packages • Demercaptanization Packages • Pig Launchers / Receivers • Double Pipe Heat Exchangers • Reaction Columns For Petrochemical Plants

modules and plants. Worldwide presence and experience in the top Upstream and Downstream projects allow Bellelli Engineering to share our know-how with you and bridge any project gaps. Bellelli Engineering have a proprietary 3-D CFD (Computer Fluid Dynamics) simulation system, developed with the University of Ferrara (Italy), which will help us giving a perfect fit dimensioning of your systems in a very short time.

Engineering Procurement Construction In order to supply an integrated service, Bellelli Engineering have local partners worldwide with the capacity to provide to the customer a turnkey solution to fit every needs. Bellelli Engineering developed an “ultra-fast track delivery schedule” organization, able to halve delivery time with respect to a traditional EPC project development.

This is without compromising HSSE, quality control and client’s most stringent requirements. When the customer need a reliable partner to develop their most critical project, Bellelli Engineering are there with you.

After sales

Brown-field Revamping

Wherever in the world, we provide process guarantee for your modules and systems, and we optimize production downtime with planned maintenance since process conceptual design, through full after-sale support during the lifetime of our systems.

When becomes critical for you to re-think the way to produce your field, we are there with you to analyse, and redevelop the process to maximize field-lifetime efficiency and productivity, while minimizing revamping and production costs.


coMplete solutions for the natural gas & crude oil developemen

Well manifold Oil and gas manifold diverts oil or gas, without flow interruption, from the separator to crude oil burner for disposal, to surge tank or gauge tank for measurements or storage, or to a production line. Oil and gas manifold also isolates the test equipment to prevent flow interruption if the testing equipment is pulled out of service temporarily.

Test and tHree phase separators The separators are used successfully as production separators, test separators and three phase separators. Bellelli Engineering can provide many different solutions for internals in order to maximize performance and minimize the operating costs. Design and construction are made under internal quality control and the guarantee of the equipments covers the process, the mechanical and all other issues. The equipments are delivered turnkey. Technical solutions adopted allow to have shortest delivery time than other competitors.

Gas pressure Reducing and metering stations Gas pressure reducing and metering stations Installed along or aside gas or oil pipelines, are used to have fiscal measure and pressure reduction, prior commercial use. This type of systems ate installed on Power stations also, prior use on burners or turbines. The systems are supplied fully automated, with monitoring devices like computers, DCS, etc.

slug catcher They provide the first separation between the fluids of the wells. Designed based on the international standards and on the Know How of Bellelli Engineering. The Scope may include the 3D fluid dynamics analysis. Designed and produced in modules for easy transportation and site erection, minimizing cost and time.

Instrument Air Compressor Packages Nitrogen Generators The Bellelli Engineering nitrogen generator is a well-proven unit built to internationally acceptable codes and standards. Key features include: • Modular design major plant modules are supplied as pre-assembled, skid mounted packages and include ready mounted instrumentation, electric wiring and pre-fabricated pipe-work. The result is a proven product requiring minimal re-engineering, available on a short delivery and packaged to reduce installation time.

Off - Shore design need special attention to the details. Bellelli Engineering has special know-how in designing packages and modules for FPSO installation. The design take into consideration the movements of the vessel, the assembly, the erection requirements and the maintenance needs. Designing systems for the FPSO needs to be based on modular concept, need to have special attention to the assembly procedure and to the on-time delivery of the several parts of the modules. Safety is taken as top priority during all phases, from the concept to the execution and the start-up. Bellelli Engineering can execute the assembly in northeast Italy, United Arab Emirates or in South Texas (USA). Other option, time by time, may be evaluated.

Desalinization Packages The Desalinization packages remove some amount of salt and other minerals from saline or ground water. Salt water is desalinated to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption, irrigation or technical water for plans in offshore and onshore site. The principal processes use membranes to desalinate, principally applying reverse osmosis technology. Membrane processes use semipermeable membranes and pressure to separate salts from water. Reverse osmosis plant membrane systems typically use less energy than thermal distillation, which has led to a reduction in overall desalination costs.

Gas Dehydration, Gas sweetening, H2S Removal Systems Gas Dehydration and sweetening is one of the key treatments made on natural gas, before having is suitable for commercial use. The systems can be designed and supplied for fixed installation or mounted on a truck for temporary use. The systems can also be suitable for on-Shore or off Shore installation. The packages include special heat exchangers, burners, pumps, etc. The design is based on the most advanced know-how and available technology for this type of application.

With more than one hundred systems built worldwide Bellelli Engineering is a highly respected manufacturer on the nitrogen generation field. The systems have been supplied for offshore and onshore application. Based on Air Products Prism® membranes or PSA technology, Bellelli Engineering works closely with the client to select the optimal nitrogen supply solution for the needs. The nitrogen generator systems are designed for simple and automated operation. PLC controls and HMI are standard product offerings. Product purity is automatically monitored and controlled for ease of operation. Bellelli Engineering can supply nitrogen generators based on membranes or on PSA technology. Membrane systems can produce nitrogen having a purity variable from 95% up to 98,5%. PSA systems can produce nitrogen with purity above 99,5% and can reach very high flow rate.

Reserve Osmosis plants Required for production of high quality demineralized water, suitable for oil and gas processes and site services. These skid mounted plants cover every treatment phase, necessary to process inlet effluent and protect Reverse Osmosis membranes themselves. Sand and activated carbon filtering, high pressure pumping, reverse osmosis, deionization and chemical dosing can be managed with a complete automatic system, also working on different trains alternatively or simultaneously. We offer a wide range of customization according to client’s exigencies, from GRP, PE and PVDF, until finest Duplex and 6mo.

Filter Separators Required to protect gas turbines and gas compressors, they are capable removing liquid droplets and dissolved steam from the gas. Sizing and internals are made to maximize performance and operating time, minimizing maintenance. The standard configuration includes the Quick Opening Closure and is skid mounted. From Bellelli Engineering’s workshop to the operation without need of intervention.

Gas & Crude Oil heater Gas and Crude Oil Heaters may be Direct or Indirect. Heating medium may be a water bath or Diathermic Oil. From simple Water bath heaters to complex crude oil heaters with Diathermic Hot oil loop with forced circulation. Meeting all end Users standards and all international standards (API, ASME, etc.)

Air Cryogenic Nitrogen Generator Bellelli Engineering design and produce cryogenic nitrogen generators. The company know how include the capacity to design the whole process, to size and define all components, to fabricate the main and key equipments like cold box and the PSA portion. Bellelli Engineering is able to define all technical details of the air compressors and to manage the complete supply of the system. Air Separation Unit (ASU) usually includes: Compressor Unit, Chilling Unit, Air Drying Unit (PSA), Air Surge Unit, TSA Pre-Purifying System, Cold Box & Expanders Unit, LIN Storage Tanks and Vaporization Module. Bellelli Engineering is also able to manage erection, commissioning and start-up activities on site. water treatment packages/systems for re - iniection, shale gas & shale oil Water re-injection refers to the method in the oil industry where water is injected back into the reservoir, usually to increase pressure and thereby stimulate production. Water injection wells can be found both on- and offshore, to increase oil recovery from an existing reservoir. Water is injected to support pressure of the reservoir, and to sweep or displace oil from the reservoir, and push it towards a well. Normally only 30% of the oil in a reservoir can be extracted, but water injection increases that percentage and maintains the production rate of a reservoir over a longer period.

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