Belle plaine herald april 8, 2015

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Jim’s Apple Barn Eyes Expansion; Commission Weighs Plant Requests

B.P.’s Valek Honored at Augsburg

Cyber Tigers Gain Valuable Experience Page 2

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City Council Still Looking at Welcome to B.P. Signage City Will Tell School District it Won’t Care for Ball Fields After May 1

Easter Egg Hunt Hundreds of children from Belle Plane and the area claimed a annual egg hunt is a popular Easter weekend attraction at bevy of Easter eggs filled with treats Saturday (April 4) after- Emma’s for local children and out-of-town visitors. noon at Emma Krumbee’s General Store in Belle Plaine. The

B.P. School Board to Discuss Where to Go With Expanded Theater Proposal Now that Belle Plaine School Board members have seen the potential price tag of an expanded theater, they have to decide what’s next. The options include nixing the idea as too expensive, or continue discussions on ways to transform the idea from suggestion to reality. Monday (April 13, 6 p.m.), the board will meet in a workshop at the District Center Building. Its agenda includes the theater proposal. Workshops are not meetings where formal votes are taken. But the board can make its plans on an issue known. The board could decide to continue discussing the proposal internally, deciding what it might want to propose to the community. Directors might also decide the time is right to take the public’s temperature on what residents want or will

be willing to pay for through a bond. “Spring is usually not a great time for a community meeting. People are busy with activities,” said Superintendent Kelly Smith. “The question is, OK community, what are you thinking?” March 23, directors took a look at a feasibility study on the proposal. The study indicates a 500-seat auditorium will cost anywhere from $7.35 million to $8.45 million, depending on where it would be built. Increasing the size of the auditorium to 600 seats would add between $300,000 and $400,000 to the cost of the proposal. The report offers the district the option of building a standalone building or one that can be attached to an existing school building.

“The report was a good starting point,” said Director Dan Gardner. “As anything that will make our district better usually does not come without some cost attached.” The board has considered four locations – on the south side of the junior-senior high school building ($7.65 million), at the Belle Plaine Schools District Center ($8.45 million), at Oak Crest Elementary School ($7.35 million) and as a freestanding building on property west of the football-track complex ($7.4 million).

ticipation. “I also think this has to be a joint project between the school and the city to build a community center. We have to talk with the city to see if this is something they are willing to partner in and then start a joint committee of school and city officials along with a few

B.P. School Board

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After five years of reviewing and researching signs welcoming people to Belle Plaine, the City Council is seemingly setting its sights on one of three designs. But once again, the council is looking for more information that includes how to pay for the signs to be placed at the south and north entrances to the city along Highway 169 and entering Belle Plaine from the north along Highway 25. During a workshop that followed a concise council meeting, councilors reviewed three sign options. They include one made of limestone ($14,600 each) from Monuments by Miller of Mankato, an aluminum sign mounted on concrete block ($13,500 apiece plus surveying and engineering costs) from Dahlen Sign of Shakopee, or a solid foam core sign attached to steel posts on footings (ranging from $5,973 to $8,883 each) from CD Products Inc. of Waconia. Councilors Scott Schneider and Gary Trost seemed concerned whether the solid foam

polystyrene core signage from CD Products would stand up to the elements. Mayor Mike Pingalore said he’s seen the company’s signage at a business in Chaska. He said the stucco appearance “looks pretty cool” after a few years outdoors. Council members asked if other companies manufacture a similar product. Pingalore encouraged council members to look at community signs during their travels over the next few weeks before revisiting the issue at an upcoming workshop. The council will be taking a more active role in the process after Rick Krant, a member of the design committee that has worked on the project, expressed frustration the committee has provided the council with plenty of information over the years only to have the council ask for more information rather than make a decision. “We’ve been spinning our wheels on this for a long time,” Krant told the council, referencing inefficient use of the committee’s time. “We need time to figure this out,” said Council member Scott Schneider. “The design committee’s been working on this for a long time and that’s

City Council

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City Participation?

There is some support among board members that a larger theater/auditorium could be expanded into a community center. Director Matt Lenz said a proposal of that magnitude would likely require city par-

Lori and Dale Otto opened Otto Drug in 1986. This week, they closed the pharmacy. After an inventory reduction sale, they’ll shut the doors on the business.

‘It’s Time’

Otto Drug Owners Decide to Retire A grass fire that started near Curran Lake west of Green Isle last Wednesday (April 1) charred between 500 and 600 acres. Firefighters from Belle Plaine and other area communities answered the call for mutual aid.

Grass Fire Burns Over 500 Acres West of Green Isle The conditions were just right for a grass fire -- plenty of dry grass and high winds. All that was needed was ignition. Last Wednesday (April 1), between 500 and 600 acres of parched grass and cattails around Curran Lake west of Green Isle went up in smoke. Firefighters got the call of a grass fire around 4:25 p.m. What ignited the flames is unknown, said Green Isle Fire Chief Scott Vos. It started around County Road 15, just east of County Road 9 in Green Isle Township. High winds and a lack of significant moisture allowed the

fire to quickly consume fuel in the area. “Green Isle Fire was having difficulty fighting the fire and it spread around the west, south and east side of the lake,” Vos said. Dozens of firefighters from Belle Plaine, Arlington, Gaylord, Glencoe, Hamburg, New Auburn, Norwood Young America, and Plato fire departments responded to the mutual aid call. There were no injuries reported in the fire and no structures – houses or barns – were damaged, Vos said. The smoke was visible half-

way between Belle Plaine and Green Isle. The flames sent deer and raccoons hiding amidst trees and tall grass scurrying for safety. Around the fire, onlookers parked along gravel and paved roads to watch the spread of the flames and efforts to snuff out the blaze. Firefighters gained the upper

Grass Fire

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There have been too many baseball games missed, too many times when the couple spent an evening doing something other than relaxing. The time for Lori and Dale Otto to retire has come. Yesterday (April 7), the Ottos closed the pharmacy at Otto Drug, a store they’ve operated since 1986. They’ve merged the operation with the pharmacy at Coborn’s Superstore in Belle Plaine. They’ll spend the rest of April and part of May selling off the remaining inventory. Officially, their final day in business is to-be-determined. The Ottos own the building the drug store and day care center has been housed in since 1986. They shared the space with Belle Video before it moved downtown. They built the 6,750-square-foot drug store at 613 Main Street E. in 1994 and moved in over Memorial Day weekend that year. The Ottos plan to lease or sell the drug

store portion of the building and the 3,000-square-foot day care center where the drug store was initially housed. The future of the building is also TBD. “We’ve reached out to some people. We’ll see what happens,” Lori Otto said. “Nothing is in ink yet.” What has been determined is that the couple has decided it is the right time to retire. They have two adult daughters. Amber is married and Brittani will be getting married next month. Their son, Eli, is an eighthgrader. Lori and Dale look forward to catching up on missed time with grandchildren and watching Eli’s baseball games, wrestling matches and other activities. Lori is looking forward to taking time to spend with her mom, Geraldine Bell, will be celebrating her 91st birthday April 23. “We’ve missed a lot of events. There has been a lot of times

work has come first,” she said. “Dale has missed more than I have.” Running a drug store, she said, affords the couple little time for weekday birthday parties and sitting in the stands for baseball games. “It’s time. It’s just time,” Lori said. They plan to travel some and take the time to enjoy life. Lori is 55 and Dale 59. Their health is good, she said. Dale won’t miss long days on his feet filling prescriptions and tending to the details of working with interns and health-care paperwork.


In retirement, Dale’s looking forward to starting his day a little later. “I’m not a morning person,” he said. They OK’d a merger deal with

Otto Drug

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wednesday, APRIL 8, 2015

OLP Hosting Spring Clothing Swap Our Lady of the Prairie’s Council of Catholic Women is hosting a spring clothing swap Saturday, April 18, at the church and school. The event offers people the opportunity to clean out their closets and donate gently used extra men’s, women’s and children’s clothing to help people in their community.

Shoppers can visit the swap to purchase items they can use, even if they don’t donate anything for purchase. Proceeds from the sale benefit the Belle Plaine Good Samaritan Fund, helping transient visitors to Belle Plaine in need. All extra items after the swap will be donated to Joseph’s Coat, a free store in St. Paul. (www. jo- Our Lady of the Prairie Catholic Church is located at 200 Church Street E. in Belle Plaine. Contact Loree Heinkel, 873-3942, for more information and/or to volunteer time at the swap. Set-up is Friday (April 17) from 3 to 7 p.m. and takedown is from noon to 1 p.m.

Jim’s Apple Barn Eyeing More Expansion; Concrete, Asphalt Plant Requests on Commission’s Agenda County Planning Commission Meets Monday

With Scott County’s blessing, Jim’s Apple Barn, the popular yellow candy store along Highway 169 northeast of Belle Plaine, may grow even larger next year. Monday (April 13), the Scott County Planning Commission will also hear requests for approval to operate a concrete and asphalt mixing plants in the RJS pits in St. Lawrence Township and the construction of an indoor riding arena in Helena Township. The commission’s recommendations will be forwarded to the county board for inclusion on a future agenda. Robert Wagner, general manager of Jim’s Apple Barn, is asking the county for a variance to side yard setback rules. He wants to build a 2,000-squarefoot addition on the west side of the property along Highway 169. Wagner is seeking permission to build within a 20foot setback from the western property line. If the variance is granted, the expansion will be five-feet from the actual property line, he said. If the variance is granted, Wagner will seek a building permit later this year and build the additional 2,000-squarefoot expansion in 2016.

The additional space will house “enhanced” family restroom facilities, “much-needed storage space,” candy prep and possibly office space,” Wagner said. Jim’s Apple Barn plans to open the 2,000-square-foot retail space on the east side of the building later this summer. Wagner tried to avoid the variance process. Last year, he asked the federal government – the owner of land adjacent to Jim’s Apple Barn – if it would sell him an acre of land. Wagner offered the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service $50,000 for one acre. The government bought the land in the early-2000s for $500 per acre, he said. “I was told it would take, ‘an act of Congress.’ They said no,” Wagner said.

240-Hour Plant Requests

The commission’s April 13 agenda also includes requests to operate asphalt and concrete mixing plants in the RJS (Schmitz) gravel pits in St. Lawrence Township. Knife River Corp. is seeking approval to run an asphalt plant in the pit near the intersection of County Road 59 and Old Highway 169 Boulevard (County Road 66) for up to 240 hours during the 2015 construction season. The company wants the OK to run the plant 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Fri-

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day and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays with approval for 24-hour maintenance work as needed. The request is in anticipation of jobs the company hopes to win through the bidding process, said Ted Kornder, chairman of the St. Lawrence Township Board of Supervisors. The township supported conditional approval. “Just because they get the approval doesn’t mean they’ll operate the plant,” he said. C.S. McCrossan is seeking Scott County’s OK to operate a concrete mixing plant for up to 240 hours in the pit near the intersection of county roads 59 and 66. The company plans to use the plant Monday through Saturday, 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., during the length of the Highway 169 improvement project in Jordan between highways 282 and 21. The other request on the commission’s agenda comes from Kim and Matt Henke of Helena Township. They are requesting a conditional-use permit that will allow them to build a private indoor riding arena on land along Red Wing Avenue (County Road 89). The property already has a house and 1,792-square-foot accessory building on it. County staff is recommending approval as long as the owners use the proposed stable as a private facility, with no commercial boarding of horses.


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Belle Plaine robot drivers Justin Entinger and Noah Stiemke (upper left) worked to stack as many bins and a plastic garbage containers atop each other to earn points during the team’s third round of competition Friday at the regional robotics competition at Mariucci Arena on the U of M campus.

BPHS Robotics Team Faces Challenges at Regional, Takes 55th

‘Luck of the Draw’ Wasn’t on Cyber Tigers’ Side at Mariucci Regional

Although the overall results were better than a year ago, the Belle Plaine High School Robotics team didn’t enjoy the kind of finish it hoped for at the regional competition Friday and Saturday. The Cyber Tigers finished 55th of 60 teams at the regional competition at Mariucci Arena on the University of Minnesota campus. The effort was an improvement over a year ago. where the team finished at the bottom of the standings at the Lake Superior regional in Duluth. Competing against more experienced teams with far greater budgets and with dozens of members, the Cyber Tigers accomplished all their goals. They handled the stacking portion of the competition, despite some challenges in managing traffic with other teams’ robots. The Cyber Tigers averaged about 30 points a round during the preliminary competition Friday, but that was well behind the top teams that averaged 200 or more points in a round. The top teams, said Jeff Heine, the Cyber Tigers’ lead mentor, were from Oshkosh, Wis., Ames, Iowa, Owatonna, Minn., Edina and South St. Paul. Saturday, the Tigers didn’t get paired up with any of the top teams during random forming of alliances – groups that pitted teams working together. “It was

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just the luck of the draw,” Heine said. “Our robot operated the way we wanted it to. It did what we wanted it to do.” The Cyber Tigers and its 10 members worked through technical challenges during Friday’s preliminary rounds of competition. They struggled with congestion, technical issues involving the camera on the robot and

interpreting some of the details of game’s rules. Heine said the Cyber Tigers kept a positive attitude throughout the weekend. They plan to spend more time studying other teams’ designs and participate in scrimmage events next year. “Everybody was looking forward to next year when we got back Saturday,” Heine said.

Otto Drug

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Coborn’s because of its proximity to their existing customers, but also because the company has demonstrated a sense of community involvement. “It’s a good fit. It seems the logical choice,” Lori said. ‘We want to make sure our friends are taken care of.” Though Dale recalls the day when a pharmacy would not be located in a grocery store. The couple’s children have grown up in the drug store. Lori recalls Amber running the aisles, sneaking an occasional candy treat and counting M&Ms as if they were tablets in a pill bottle. The family still plans to run the liquor store and Belle Plaine Motorsports operations at the east end of Main Street. When they started the operation in the mid-1980s, Dale enjoyed taking the time to talk with patients, building a relationship built on a service not always found in a fast-paced operation. A graduate of the University of Minnesota Pharmacy School, he’s always enjoyed taking time with patients Emma Krumbee’s is ready for

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Congested traffic, technical difficulties and “the (unfortunate) luck of the draw” kept the Cyber Tigers from earning more points at the regional. They finished 55th in a field of 60 teams.


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when he could. They won’t miss the 50-plus hour workweeks. Still, closing the doors and walking away, Lori said, will be “very odd.” Dale Otto is Belle Plaine, born and raised. Lori grew up in New Prague but has family in the Belle Plaine area on her mother’s side of the family. Belle Plaine seemed a good place for the couple to raise a family. The community has supported the business nicely, Lori said. The couple has watched people go through life and deal with the up-and-downs of changing health. They are frustrated by the sometimes-rigid constraints of insurance coverage. They are frustrated, Dale said, that when a patient needs a specific medication and an insurance company wants more documentation from a physician before he can fill a prescription. He won’t miss the bureaucracy. They won’t miss the “jungle of red tape,” Lori said. “You see people go through life and their health changes. You cheer the victories and

morn the losses,” she said. “We’ve had lot of people who have battled bad things.” The family made the decision late last year 2015 would be their last year for Otto Drug. The merger with Coborn’s impacted the timing of closing Otto Drug. They recently sent out a letter to customers indicating April 7 would be their last day operating the pharmacy. Lori and Dale have been barraged by telephone calls and visits from longtime customers expressing sorrow and congratulations for their decision to retire. “I told Dale I didn’t realize we were that loved,” Lori said, admitting she’s a little surprised by the outpouring of support and appreciation. “’Sad’ has been the common word we’ve heard” Dale and Lori plan to stay in Belle Plaine. They look forward to seeing more of their friends and former customers away from Otto Drug. “The relationships have been priceless,” she said. “They’re the best.”

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wednesday, april 8, 2015


Robert Ricard “Bob” Anderson Robert Ricard “Bob” Anderson, 95, of Belle Plaine passed away on March 20, 2015 at Minnesota Masonic Home in Bloomington. Masonic service and memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 11 at 11 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church in Belle Plaine, with a remembrance an hour preceding the service. Private interment for Bob and Sidonia will be at Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis. He was born at Swedish Hospital in Minneapolis on September 25, 1919 to Dr. Gustave and Elsie (Carlson) Anderson. Bob grew up in Cambridge, MN and was an Eagle Scout with Three Palms. After graduating from Cambridge High School, he enrolled in the School of Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota, and during this time, he was drafted into the U.S. Army for service in World War II. He was a member of the “Greatest Generation”. He was sent to Officer Candidate School in Texas, and upon completion of his training, he was assigned to the 475th Infantry in CBI (China-BurmaIndia Theater), serving as a medic, and as aide to General Joseph W. Stillwell. Bob was commissioned a First Lieutenant, and during the course of his service was awarded four battle stars and a Purple Heart. Upon completion of his military service, Bob returned to the University, where in addition to his Pharmacy studies, he was a member of the Golden Gopher Marching Band, and he played with the Alumni band for many years. He also belonged to the Kappa Psi pharmacy fraternity at the U of M. Bob met his future life-partner, Sidonia Chott, at Spectacle Lake, near Cambridge. They were married in the Chapel at Fort Snelling on October 12, 1943. After graduation from the U of M, Bob worked in Albert Lea and Crookston. Bob and Sidonia eventually settled in Belle Plaine, where they purchased and ran Anderson Drug Store for nearly 40 years, retiring in 1989. Bob and Sidonia had four children, Ann-Marie (Edgar) Webster of Tampa, Florida; Robert, Jr. (Sherrie) of Merriam Woods, Missouri; Thomas (Becky) of Eagan; and Mark (Jeanette) of Eden Prairie. They celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary on October 12, 2014. He was active in the Belle Plaine community, having served as Commander of the American Legion Leo B. Neubeiser Post No 144, a member of the VFW post, the Belle Plaine Commercial Club, Rough Ashlar Masonic Lodge #177, and the First Presbyterian Church. Also he remained active in Boy Scouts, having served as Institutional Representative for many years. He was awarded the “Scouter of the Year” from


Indianhead Council, the “Silver Beaver” from the Boy Scouts of America, and the Daniel Carter Beard National Masonic Scouter Award. A man of deep faith, he was a member of the First Presbyterian Church for over 60 years and held the positions of Ruling Elder and Clerk of Session for several years. Bob had a deep love of music and was active in church music, where he served for a time as choir director. He played baritone horn for many years with the Minnesota Over 60 Band. He served several terms on the Scott County Selective Service Board, was a member of the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD), and a Charter Member of the Belle Plaine Rotary Club. Additionally, he was a founding Advisory Council member of Rose Of Valor DeMolay Chapter in Shakopee, was its Chairman and was awarded the Honorary Legion of Honor (HLOH) from DeMolay International. Bob’s involvement in Freemasonry was extensive both on the local and state level. A member for nearly 64 years, he was Worshipful Master of Belle Plaine’s Rough Ashlar Lodge No 177 in nine different years, and later served as the Lodge’s Secretary. He was the District Representative of the old District 19 of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, and was also a member of Minnesota York Rite, including the Order of Knights Templar, a Christian Masonic Order, the Order of Eastern Star in Belle Plaine, and Zuhrah Shriners in Minneapolis. In 1997 Bob was elected Most Illustrious Grand Master of Cryptic Masons of Minnesota and was the presiding officer of numerous York Rite Appendant Organizations, earning the distinction Knight York Grand Cross of Honour. Bob was the Grand Secretary of the Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota for nearly 20 years. Survivors include his four children; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; and sisterin-law, Dorothy Rosnow Anderson of Mount Dora, Florida. Bob is preceded in death by his parents, Dr. Gustave and Elsie Anderson; brother, James; and his beloved Sidonia, who died on January 21, 2015. Memorial gifts are recommended to First Presbyterian Church of Belle Plaine or Minnesota Masonic Charities.

Belle Plaine Herald Founded 1882 by J.E. Townsend

C.Edward Townsend, Publisher & Editor

The Belle Plaine Herald (USPS 260730) is published every Wednesday at Belle Plaine, MN 113 East Main, P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Periodicals postage paid at the Belle Plaine Post Office.

(952) 873-2261 Legal Newspaper of Independent School District #716, City of Belle Plaine and Scott County.

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Lawrence Jabs On the night before Easter of Saturday, April 4, 2015, Lawrence Elmer Jabs, 87, passed away suddenly at his Jordan home and now is eternally risen with Jesus. Lawrence will be honored with a time of gathering on Wednesday, April 8, from 4-7 p.m., at Ballard- Sunder Funeral and Cremation, 104 West First Street, Jordan and one hour prior to the service at church. A Celebration of Life Service will be on Thursday, April 9 at 11 a.m., at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 100 Sixth Street West, Jordan. Pastor Jeremy Glowicki will preside. Interment will be at Spirit Hill Cemetery, Jordan, with full military honors provided by the Jordan Vets Honor Guard. On the family farm in Louisville Township, MN, Gustave and Lillian (Klingberg) Jabs proudly announced the birth of their third of six children, Lawrence born on October 29, 1928. From his first breathe, farming always remained a big part of Lawrence’s life. He attended a one room school house, graduating from the eighth grade. Being old enough, Lawrence was needed on the farm, plowing fields with a team of horses, tended to the animals and worked long, hard hours. This work ethic and experi-

Our Lady of The Prairie Catholic Church - Belle Plaine Fr. Brian Lynch 952-873-6564 Wednesday, April 8 8:00 am Rosary 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, April 9 8:00 am Rosary 8:30 am Mass 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Friday, April 10 8:00 am Rosary 8:30 am Mass Saturday, April 11 4:15 p.m. Mass Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass Divine Mercy Celebration noon to 3:30 pm Tuesday, April 14 8:00 am Rosary 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am – 11:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, April 15 8:00 am Rosary 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration St. John Lutheran Church 148 S. Chestnut Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Pastor Mark Johnson 952-873-6492 Wednesday, April 8 4:30 3-12 Grade Choir 6:00 Connect 6:00 Huddle 6:30 Worship Choir Thursday, April 9 7:00 Executive Committee Saturday, April 11 7:00 Weight Watchers 8:00 Landscape Project 10:00 Shower: Johnson 4:30 Congregational Potluck Sunday, April 12 8:00 & 10:30 Worship 9:15 Sunday School Monday, April 13 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 Boy Scout Tuesday, April 14 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 7:00 Women’s Advisory Board Wednesday, April 15 4:30 3-12 Grade Choir 5:30 Pizza 6:00 Conf. & Connect 6:30 Worship Choir Holy Family Academy & Chapel Traditional Latin Mass 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2582 or 873-6613 (coord.) Fr. Otto Keiser Sundays 2:15 p.m. Confessions 2:40 p.m. Rosary / 3 p.m. Mass Academy Mass - call for times

ence of farming, prepared Lawrence to be the man of success. On May 18, 1951, he proudly served the in the United States Army, delivering meals and supplies to the troops during the Korean War. Lawrence was honorably discharged on April 27, 1953. For over 17 years, he worked for Hofferman and Stark doing anything needed including plowing snow. Lawrence then moved to the City of Jordan Public Works Department. A hands on man, he worked his way up to Street Superintendent, until age of 65. At the same time, the city made it possible for Lawrence to drive afternoon school bus for Stang Bus Service. For over 20 years, he relished driving the students to their sporting events, especially the girls’ softball team, until retiring at the age of 70. Still having the drive of success, Lawrence worked Thursday’s at the Ediger’s Belle Plaine Auction, moving cattle to be sold and buying up all the fruit. Lawrence’s success of a man was enriched with meeting the love of his life, Dianne Marie Hall at a dance at Schlief’s Little City in South St. Paul. On August 26, 1967 at Lutheran Memorial Church in Minneapolis, they declared their love for each other. Lawrence and Dianne welcomed Donna and Lowell to the family. Their heart was delighted with the birth of Christine and broken when she passed a few months later. As a family they enjoyed vacations sightseeing one year and fishing the next. Lawrence continued to enjoy his hobby farm, raising beef, pigs and chickens, with his family at his side. He could be found cheering on Donna and Lowell at all of their sporting events. His true success of a man came to light when he became grandpa to six grandchildren. Lawrence treasured transporting them to preschool and stopping for spe-

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cial treats. He enjoyed playing Skip-Bo and seeing their faces light up showing him pictures. An avid outdoorsman, Lawrence enjoyed fishing and hunting deer and turkeys with his son and son-in-law. An intense reader, he loved reading anything from cover to cover. A man of great faith, Lawrence supported St. Paul’s Lutheran Church as an usher and a leader for the Lutheran Pioneers. For nearly 20 years, he was an active member of the Scott County Agricultural Society and Fair Board. Lawrence also volunteered at the American Red Cross and Meals on Wheels. The last 13 years, Lawrence carried a cross just like Jesus did when it came to his health. He endured two major strokes, six knee surgeries and heart issues. But through it all, he never lost hope and kept on smiling. Lawrence was loyal, caring and loving, who was always honest and there supporting you. Left to honor Lawrence’s life and mourn his death is beloved wife of 47 years, Dianne; daughter, Donna (Andy) Breeggemann; son, Lowell (Nicole) Jabs; grandchildren, Danielle Breeggemann, Mikaela Breeggemann, Karly Breeggemann, Elizabeth Jabs, Lane Jabs, Samantha Jabs; sisters, Dolores (Dennis) Griffith, Cordelia (Lester) Milbrand; sister-in-law, Betty Jabs; other relatives and friends. Lawrence was welcomed home in heaven by infant daughter, Christine; parents, Gustave and Lillian; brothers, Clarence (Darlene) Jabs, Henry Jabs; and infant sister, Evelyn Jabs. The pall bearers will be his godchildren, Steve Jabs, Mark Jabs, Janet Sanford, Debra Eberts, Terrell Hubbard, Nicole De Boer, Laurie Thomas and Mark Schleski. Memorials are preferred and will be distributed in his memory by the family.

Church News

St. Joseph Catholic Church 213 South 6th Street Henderson, MN 56044 507-248-3550 Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m. & St. John-Assumption Parish 26523 200th Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Father Sam 507-248-3550 Sundays: 10 a.m. Mass

Redeemer Lutheran Church 14226 W. 280th Street, Henderson, Pr. Diane Goulson 507-665-2932 On Highway 19, 2 miles East of Highway 169 Wednesday, April 8 6:30 p.m. Confirmation Sunday, April 12 7:00 am Quarterly Council Meeting 8:30 am Sun. School, Teen Times, Adult Ed 9:30 am Worship with Communion Wednesday, April 15 6:30 pm Confirmation

Phyllis K. Hillstrom

Phyllis K. Hillstrom, 89, of Bloomington, passed away March 30, 2015. Memorial service is Saturday, April 11 at 2 p.m. at Portland Avenue UMC, 8000 Portland Ave. S., Bloomington. Visitation is one hour prior to service at church. Phyllis is a retired employee of Walker Methodist Home. She volunteered at VEAP. She was a longtime member of Portland Avenue UMC and an avid Twins and Vikings fan. Phyllis is survived by numerous nieces and nephews and sister-in-law, Harriet Bakehouse. She is preceded in death by husband, Lorenzo; and brother, Donald Bakehouse. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to Fairview Hospice or VEAP.

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Bonnie Vinkemeier Join us in Wishing

Mary Lou Stier a Happy 80th Birthday Cards and letters can be sent to Mary Lou Stier 815 West Main St., Room 327 Belle Plaine, MN 56011

Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 500 West Church Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-6545 Pastor John H. Meyer Pastor Timothy Redfield Wednesday, April 8 5 p.m. Combined WELS Spelling Bee 6 p.m. Catechism Class 7 p.m. Anniversary Committee Meeting Thursday, April 9 8:25 a.m. School Chapel 6 p.m. Men’s Choir First Presbyterian Church 7 p.m. Worship Service 219 W. Main Street, Belle Sunday, April 12 Plaine 8 a.m. Bible Study Zion Lutheran Church & 952-873-2966 9 a.m. Worship Service (Usher School Pastor Don Genereux Team 3/Video: Kaletka) Men’s 14745 County Road 153 Choir sings Cologne, MN 55322 fpcbelleplaine@frontiernet. 10 a.m. Coffee Hour (Hosted by 952-466-3379 net Lutheran Girl Pioneers) e-mail: brendathompsonziInspirational Message Line 10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study 952-583-3302 and Sunday School Pastor: Eric Zacharias Silent Auction Donation Wednesday, April 8 River Rock Church Deadline 9 a.m., 1 & 7 p.m. The Story 12 p.m. Highway Clean-up PO Box 184, Belle Plaine, (27) MN 1 p.m. Trinity School at 6:00 Story Supper “Celebrate Jordan” 7 p.m. Confirmation 5:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult Thursday, April 9 Worship at Chatfield Elem. Volleyball 10:15 a.m. Chapel at the 7:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult @ 330 S. Market Street Harbor Ministry Center: Basketball 1:30 p.m. Ladies Aid/LWML 124 W. Main Street, BP Monday, April 13 Friday, April 10 (952) 873-5453 Spring Pastoral Conference in 8:10 a.m. Chapel Lead Pastor Chris Teien New Ulm Saturday, April 11 Associate Pastor Dan Jetto 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study at 9:30 a.m. Spelling Bee at LHS Kingsway * denotes 330 S. Market Sunday, April 12 ** denotes 124 W. Main St. 7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at 8:45 a.m. SSFF Wednesday, April 8 Tricia Baumann’s House 6:30pm Kids Adventure Club* 9:30 a.m. Worship Tuesday, April 14 6:30pm Jr. High Youth Group* 10:45 a.m. Bible Study Spring Pastoral Conference in Monday, April 13 7:00pm Sr High Youth New Ulm 6:30 p.m. ZEL Meeting Group** 7 p.m. BOSE Meeting 8 p.m. Council Meeting Saturday, April 11 7 p.m. Women’s Spiritual Wednesday, April 15 8 a.m. Prayer Meeting** Enrichment at Kingsway 9:30 a.m. Philippians Bible 9 a.m., 1 & 7 p.m. The Story 7 p.m. Trinity Knotters (28) Study in Jordan Wednesday, April 15 6:00 Story Supper Sunday, April 12 Spring Pastoral Conference in 9:30am Coffee, Food and 7 p.m. Confirmation New Ulm Fellowship Time 6 p.m. Catechism Class St. Paul’s United 10am Worship Service** 7 p.m. Women’s Ministry Church of Christ Meeting in the Library 111 S. 6th Street, Henderson 7:15 p.m. Marketing Committee West Union Lutheran Pastor-Deb Meyer Church Meeting 507-248-3594 (Office) 15820 Market Ave. Wed., April 8 Oratory of St. Thomas Cologne, MN 55315 10 a.m. Membership Team the Apostle - Jessenland Church: 952-466-5678 7 p.m. Church Council Father Sam Perez Thursday, April 9 507-248-3550 Pastor: Wolfgang Laudert 4 p.m. Healthy Habits Bible Thursdays: Mass at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 8 Study 10 a.m. The Story Sunday, April 12 B.P. Fire Department 6:30 p.m. Confirmation 8 a.m. Worship 7 p.m. Choir Relief Association 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Thursday, April 9 52 CLUB RAFFLE 9a.m.-1p.m. Spring Brunch 7 p.m. VBS Meeting Tuesday, April 14 Winner - $100 7 p.m. The Story 10:30 a.m. Clergy meeting Saturday, April 11 Pat Ollhoff 7:30 a.m. Men’s Group Sand Creek Baptist Church Sunday, April 12 Loving Serving and Obeying 9 a.m. Worship/Baptism Get your Christ 10 a.m. Sunday School Wednesdays Currently Meeting at R: Wayne Mortensen off to a good 312 Water St., Jordan P: Lowell Christensen 9 a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship & start... A: Carter Kienholz Sunday School Tuesday, April 14 read the 10 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting Belle Wednesday, April 15 Plaine 10 a.m. The Story Herald 6:30 p.m. Confirmation 7 p.m. Choir


PAGE four

Historical Society Offering Clues to Be a House Detective Ever want to learn to solve mysteries? Local researcher and house historian Kathy Kullberg will teach you how to become a house detective April 16, 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the Scott County Historical Society. Discover her secrets for tracking down all aspects of house history, including architects and builders, past residents, period photographs, and more. The seminar is free with paid

museum admission ($4 Adults, $2 Students, free for SCHS members). The Scott County Historical Society is located at 235 Fuller Street S. in Shakopee, just south of the intersection of County Road 101 and Fuller Street. For more information, visit the society’s Web site -- www. -- or call 952-445-0378.

Mn/DOT Says Volunteers Save State Millions Volunteers helping Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) Adopt-a-Highway program picked up 970,000 pounds from along Minnesota’s highways last year. The volunteers collected more than 100 dump truck loads of litter in 2014, saving the state an estimated $7 million, according to Mn/DOT. The adopta-highway program is staffed by more than 48,000 volunteers representing schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, families and individuals who are helping to clean up more than 10,000 linear miles along Minnesota’s highways. Many of the volunteer groups have been picking up trash along Minnesota highways since the program began in 1990. Last year, volunteers spent more than 190,000 hours cleaning up Minnesota’s roadways. “They volunteer to pick up for many reasons, most take great pride in keeping our highways clean and beautiful,� said Ernest Lloyd, Mn/DOT’s Adopta-Highway program administrator. “Because of volunteers’ contributions, our crews can spend more time on crucial elements of highway safety. They can fix potholes and work on guardrail repair.� Even with these great efforts, Mn/DOT is looking for more volunteers to help with this public service campaign, Lloyd said. To become part of the pro-

gram, volunteer groups agree to adopt a selected section of highway for a minimum of two years. They will clean a segment of highway approximately two miles in length, pick up litter on both sides of the highway as often as needed from spring through fall, usually two to three times. Mn/DOT provides a safety video, trash bags for cleanup and safety vests for each volunteer. The high-visibility color and reflective tape make litter crews more visible to passing motorists. After the group completes its cleanup, Mn/DOT crews pick up the filled bags and large, heavy or hazardous items from the roadside. Only select sections of state highways are available for adoption due to safety concerns. State workers, not volunteers, are responsible for litter pickup along interstate highways. Another adopt-a-highway option is “pick-a-highway,� which allows an individual, family, business or group the option of trying out the program with a one-time pickup of litter along a section of state highway not yet adopted. Those interested in participating in the program can visit for local contact information.



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FISH Hosting Training on Spotting, Preventing Child Abuse Belle Plaine Library 125 W Main St 952-873-6767 website: Library Hours: Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday & Monday Closed Tuesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Events at Your Library EVENTS AT YOUR LIBRARY TAXES: We have a few federal and MN forms remaining at the library. Information about ordering, downloading and tax assistance services can be found at the library. LOOKING AHEAD FAMILY EARLY LITERACY CLASS: Storytime Friday, April 17. Children of all ages and their caregivers are invited to this special family early literacy class featuring the book Moo! by David LaRochelle! We’ll read fun stories, sing songs, play games, enjoy some milk and cookies, and every family will get their own FREE copy of the book Moo! ECFE STORYTIME Frogs Friday 4/10 from 10:30-11 a.m. Children of all ages and their parents/caregivers are welcome to ECFE family storytime. Free! No registration required. The Scott County Library Newsletter is now digital. Visit our website at to sign up for email delivery. Our Calendar of Events is online on our website. There you can see upcoming events and sign up for programs at all of the Scott County Libraries. You can choose to see programs and events by branch, audience or by event type. Send yourself a reminder email directly from our website so that you do not miss a thing. DIGITAL LIBRARY: Learning a new language is easy and fun with MANGO LANGUAGES and TRANSPARENT LANGUAGE ONLINE. Visit our website at Choose the Research & Resources link and the Language Learning tile. With Mango Languages you can learn over 40 languages and take more than 15 English courses for those who speak another language. Available online and in mobile applications. Transparent Languages Online offers more than 80 languages and a dozen courses for of English for speakers of other languages. You need your library card, PIN and to create an account with your email address. Contact the library to learn more. NEW ARRIVAL HIGHLIGHTS: Adult Fiction Someone to watch over me by Yrsa Sigurdardottir The Peripheral by William Gibson The Art of fielding by Chad Harbach Adult Non-Fiction The Keeney Place: A life in the Heartland by Dennis R. Keeney Small-space vegetable gardens: Growing great edibles in containers, raised beds and small plots by Andrea Bellamy OverDrive eBooks The Love Letters by Beverly Lewis Finding me by Kathryn Cushman Return to you by Samantha Chase Home automation for Dummies by Dwight Spivey 3M eBooks Spool of blue thread by Anne Tyler A touch of stardust by Kate Alcott All the old knives by Olen Steinhauer Believer: My forty years in politics by David Axelrod.

Families and Individuals Sharing Hope (FISH) is hosting an information session on services available to support parents and children in time of crisis tomorrow (Thursday, April 9, 9:30 to 11 a.m.) in Shakopee. The session is free and open to the public. It will be held in the City of Shakopee Police Training Center, 475 Gorman Street. Space is limited. RSVPs can be called into (952) 440-3600 or emailed to

Friends of Rush River News by Beverly Brandt The Friends of Rush River met on March 25 at the Henderson Roadhaus. It was called to order by President Tom Bender. The secretary and treasurer reports were read. The band Dakota Ramblers was paid $800 for the entertainment at the fund-raiser dance. Carrie Laabs won the $150 prize and returned $80 back to the treasury. The maintenance contracts for the year have been approved – septic (Shane Buesgens), garbage (Renville-Sibley) and lawn mowing (Allen Schmicking). All prices may be adjustable to the amount of work it takes to care for the park until it is up and running at full speed again. Mounds of black dirt have been hauled in by Sibley County and some of it has already been spread to prepare the ground for the seeding of grass. Clean up day will be Saturday, April 25 starting at 9 a.m. Lunch will be served at noon prepared by the Roadhaus and paid for in part by Thrivent Financial with a $250 amount given toward this. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m. Please note that this is the Wednesday before clean up day on April 25.

April is child abuse prevention month. Every child has the right to be safe and nurtured, said Beth Loechler, director of FISH. This session will provide a basic understanding of child abuse prevention programs available to families in Scott County, and how to get involved. Information on the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study from 2011 will be presented which links traumatic emotional childhood experiences and a broad-range of health implications, both acute and chronic that can occur longterm into adulthood. The effects of developing safe, secure, nurturing relationships with at-risk children and families is proven to make a significant long-term impact on the brain architecture of a child, Loechler said. Thirty percent of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the cycle of abuse. “It is imperative we take action and contribute to a child’s life experiences, opportunities, and health by working collectively,� said Melissa Gardner,

Le Sueur Man Charged With Identity Theft, Forgery in B.P. A man who lives in Le Sueur has admitted entering the United States illegally is charged with a felony case of forgery. Mario Figueroa, 21, is due in Scott County District Court May 11 to face a felony forgery and misdemeanor identity theft charges. Police say he used the forged identity of a disabled man from Le Sueur in obtaining a job at Cambria in Belle Plaine. The case started when a disabled man, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, received a letter from Le Sueur County asking him about income earned at the



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Cambria plant in Belle Plaine. He reported to Le Sueur Police March 26 that his identity had been stolen. Belle Plaine police went to Cambria to meet Gonzalez. A Cambria manager led them to the man they believed was Gonzalez. Instead, they met Figueroa. He had signed his W-4 tax withholding statement with the name Miguel Angel Gonzalez. The criminal complaint states that Figueroa admitted he purchased the false identity for $500 after illegally entering the United States.




licensed social worker and coordinator for the CAP Agency’s Crisis Nursery Program. “The long-term social and economic costs will far outweigh any intervention or program efforts made now. The financial burden of government and healthcare is reduced by providing prevention services, like the crisis nursery, resulting in a reduction of child protective service costs, decreasing the need and/or length of time accessing county supportive services, and reducing emergency health care costs and high-risk behaviors.� Scott County childcare licensing staff will be at the training to give an overview of licensing requirements for daycare and foster care. Childcare Aware will also provide information about their program for families and providers. “Our partners encounter families with significant challenges regularly. Our goal for this program is to help organizations network with services that can prevent the traumatic effects of child abuse or neglect,� Loechler said.



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Thirty Years Ago This Week

Highlighting the meeting of the Belle Plaine baseball club was the signing of George Bodmer to pitch and Gerry Miller to manage Belle Plaine’s 1955 MRL entry.

90 Years Ago (1925)

District Champs The Belle Plaine High School speech team placed first in the 1985 district meet at Le Center, scoring 102 points, which was well ahead of second-place Jordan (88 points) and third-place Le Sueur (54 points). Pictured in the front row are Scott Urista, Joanne Adelmann and Sheral Kahle. In the second row are Ann Raddatz, Molly Hartmann, Beth Jones, Joanne Boschee and Gretchen Koenig. In the third row are Ginny Glynn, Margaret Siegler, Corinne Gransee, Kari Lockrem, Kim Karnitz and Stephanie Kellogg. In the back row are Joe Hoelz, Scott Bergs, Chris Meyer, Bill Fogarty, Pat Clymer and Carrie Palmer. The annual German Day celebration would be observed in Belle Plaine on Saturday. April 13, with the local taverns booking bands and serving German delicacies. The Ray Ahrens band would play at Neil’s Pub in the afternoon and the Bobby Lee Band featuring Bob Wolpern would take over at night. German Day was scheduled in Belle Plaine to come about one month after St. Patrick’s Day to give people a chance to celebrate that heritage as well before getting into the field, said Neil Keohane, who started the observance here. The Belle Plaine Knights of Columbus would sponsor its annual German Day Fun Night on Saturday, April 13 at the Belle Plaine Vets Club. Polish sausage and sauerkraut would be served. The Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine was honoring its community volunteers in conjunction with “Volunteer Recognition Week� throughout Minnesota. The 14 volunteers who regularly help out at the Home were honored at a luncheon at the Home. Evelyn Schmitt and Florence Rusch have been active in the volunteer program more than 10 years. Other volunteers being honored include Barbara Elder, Exerine Tolzman, Harriet Schmidt, Lucille Possin, Jeanette Tolzman, Louise Braun, Excelsior; Renata Herrmann, Alice Blume, Mayme Bergs, Wendy Halquist, Lena Latzke and Carol Schultz. By the start of classes for the 1985-86 school year, a computer laboratory would be established in the junior high school, com-

pleting a three-year program to upgrade computer instruction programs in Belle Plaine. Parents of preschool children were urged to preregister their children for future preschool classes sponsored by Belle Plaine Community Services. These classes would be offered if sufficient interest was shown. The BPHS softball team was set to open the season with two away games at defending district champion Nicollet and at Le Sueur. Returning letter winners for the Tigers were Judy Koepp, Melissa Malz, Nola Heitkamp, Camille O’Brien and Julie Halquist.

60 Years Ago (1955)

Construction of the exterior of the new high school building was resumed that week and the building was expected to be completed by July 1. The cost was $1,500 to $2,000 less than the original estimate of $839,000, including equipment and architect fees. The average cost was to be less than a dollar per cubic foot. The old house that stood for many years on the corner across the street from the Arnold Stier implement building had been torn down. The property was acquired by Dr. John F. Fogarty, who was to erect on the site a new home and clinic building. Hahn’s store started a building expansion program that week that would add considerable to the store’s floor space. The addition was to be one story, 45 feet wide and 40 feet deep. A serious fire occurred at the Dale Edberg farm when the ma-

chine shed was burned to the ground. The cause of the fire was a grass fire that got out of control. Funeral services for Daniel A. O’Connell were held at St. Thomas Church, with burial in the parish cemetery. Mr. O’Connell was born on the family farm in Derrynane Township and lived there most of his life. He was 81 years old. Clyde Bristol, acting mayor of Belle Plaine until April 5, died suddenly at his home. Death was due to a heart attack. He was 60 years old. Announcement was made of the approaching marriage of Miss Arlene Schmidt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt, to Waldo R. Fahrenkamp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Fahrenkamp of Shakopee. Leo Albrecht Sr. and Jr. were presenting their dog act that week at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, the Mankato auditorium and Radisson Hotel in Minneapolis. The Belle Plaine Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star installed the following new officers: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Velma Smith; Worthy Patron, Allen Carpenter; Associate Matron, Mrs. Sidonia Anderson; Associate Patron, Robert Anderson; Conductress, Mrs. Helen Leise; Associate Conductress, Mrs. Grace Ploetz; Secretary, Mrs. Nellie Irwin; Treasurer, Fred Tillquist; Marshal, Edwin Ploetz. Frank Franciscus, native of Faxon, passed away at his home in Mankato at age 85.

It was an Easter up to everyone’s desires – temperature in the 70s and roads splendid. Robert Helle, formerly of Henderson, took over the blacksmith shop that had been owned by the late Matt Lawrence. The open field at the east side of town was used by a Minneapolis airplane owner who secured a lot of ride customers. Tariff was $3 a ride for one person, $5 for two. Grandma Vinkemeier, mother of the late Ernst Vinkemeier of Belle Plaine, died at age 88 at the home of her son, Edward, in Hancock Township. August J. Tesch bought a 140-acre tract from his father, Herman Tesch, in Blakeley Township, and immediately began erection of a set of buildings on the tract. Harry A. Irwin resigned his newly-elected office of mayor, and the borough council appointed John Feider to take the office, which Mr. Feider accepted. Frank McCue, 64, well-known former Belle Plaine farmer, died at his home in Minneapolis, and his remains were brought to Belle Plaine for services at Sacred Heart Church and interment in the parish cemetery. Three baseball leagues were in the process of organization in the area and Belle Plaine hadn’t made up its mind which one to join. After winning three preliminary oratorical contests (local, district and regional), Michael Moriarty lost out in the state contest. With construction work starting out what was then 169 highway, there was need for detours not yet established. Busses started using the Belle Plaine-Carver road. Trees, foliage and wild flowers came along with leaps and bounds under the balmy weather, earlier than during a normal spring.

120 Years Ago (1895)

An epidemic of mumps prevailed. After a couple of ladies had their skirts torn on barbwire displayed on store fronts, complaint was made to get all merchandise off sidewalks. Committees had been named for a conference respecting establishment of a judicial road on the Carver-Sibley county line north of Belle Plaine. The question of “free silver� was being argued on all sides. Most people who admitted not understanding the question, nevertheless took sides actively. The firemen gave the Easter Monday dance – 55 couples in attendance.

PAGE five

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, In April of this year the Scott County Board of Commissioners will begin reviewing RFP's for the privatization of its transit service, specifically its drivers. As a result, Scott County plans to replace its current skilled and knowledgeable transit drivers with drivers hired by a private company. These new drivers will not only be less skilled, they will also be paid low wages and will receive scant benefits, leaving them little incentive to give anything more than bare minimum performance while carrying out their job duties. There is little incentive for a private company to employ quality drivers, simply because they cost more. Increased staffing expenses cut into profits. Not only will this effort be detrimental to the current transit drivers, it will have a far larger effect on those citizens who rely on quality transit services and the personalized service offered by our current transit drivers. To ensure citizens continue to receive the quality transit services they have come to rely on, we encourage readers to contact their commissioner and request they consider options other than their privatization of a quality service. Barb Garrity

Dear Editor, Many years ago as a youth, I stood up on the bluffs south of town and admired the natural beauty of that setting. I thought to myself, “This would be a great place to build a home someday,� and years later, I did. My Dad Elmer Stier and I had always appreciated the beauty of the this piece of land with its trees, creeks, ponds, and spectacular view of the town and Minnesota River Valley, and decided to share that with others by building Valley View Golf Club. On opening Day in May of 1992, we dedicated the course to my late mother, Marvel Stier, and also as a gift to the community of Belle Plaine where people could work, play, and socialize. In the past 22 years, Valley View has contributed to the long history and tradition of the game of golf. It hosted two Pro Am tournaments in 1993 and 1994 benefitting Camp Courage. Nathan Ollhoff, the present head pro at the famed Interlachen Golf Club in Edina practically grew up on the course and driving range. Andy Stotereau, the present head pro at the John Deere TPC in the Quad Cities, was an assistant pro here in the 90’s. Valley View sponsored the Belle Plaine High School Golf Program which brought the only state high school athletic team championship this school has ever enjoyed, when the Girl’s Team won it in 1997. Hundreds of kids from as far away as Eden Prairie learned the game here in junior programs. Now, however, Valley View is closed. But you don’t play golf, you say, so why should you care? Here’s why. Valley View is arguably the only amenity this town has to offer. It makes this community more attractive to businesses and residents who may want relocate here. Eighty five percent of the play at Valley View came from outside the community,

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mostly from the south Twin Cities suburbs. This brought outside dollars into the community, not only to the golf course, but to the local restaurants, gas stations, car dealer, and other businesses. The rollover from payroll, purchases and taxes meant somewhere between 5 and 6 million dollars to the local economy. If you want a community center some day, if you want an expanded Performing Arts Center, if you want improved schools, you can’t afford to lose a piece of the local revenue base like this. Fundraisers benefited Dollars for Scholars, the Tiger Baseball town team, the Lutheran Home Association, the Belle Plaine Food Shelf and other organizations. It provided a social venue for people to hold weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other family gatherings. It was also just a great place to meet and hang out with your friends. But now that is all gone. The golf business is difficult these days with less people participating and five other golf courses opening in the area after 1992. The present owners deserve credit for keeping it operating through some very tough years. I am sorry that it didn’t work out for them. Increased competition, a slumping economy thru through the middle of the last decade, and some unfortunate decisions all contributed to the current situation. An analysis of the business completed by a National Golf Management Company last year showed that Valley View still could be operated profitably if it received a sizable capital infusion, was operated efficiently, and marketed effectively. The present owners have stated that they are unwilling to invest any more capital and I don’t blame them. Any potential new owner would have to have very deep pockets and long term commitment, more than the present owners, or I, are able to risk. There are people who have the means and have expressed their interest in the property, but not at the current asking price which is double what the market would allow. No negotiation will begin at those numbers. So there it is, sitting on the bluffs above us. The current owners have said they will let it grow, let the greens die, and wait for the next wave of development in 5 to 10 years or longer. The probability of the property being developed faces significantly long odds given the zoning and / or annexation hurdles currently facing the owners. In the mean time we can all watch it deteriorate. What kind of community do you want this to be, Belle Plaine? Back when my Dad and I were building the bridges on the course in the Spring of '92, he looked around at the beautiful thing we had helped create and he said to me. “ Just remember one thing, we come into this world with nothing, and we will leave with nothing. The only thing that counts is what we do in between. We are only stewards of this place for a little while and hopefully we will be remembered for leaving it a little better than we found it.�   Dale Stier #OMMITTED TO 9OU Change Course Consulting #OMFORT #ARE 612-201-0116 s #LEANINGS

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PAGE six

Dahle Backs ‘Responsible’ Budget by Sen. Kevin Dahle The Minnesota legislature has been on its Easter break this week, and I’ve been using the time away from the capitol to discuss the big issues of the year with constituents in our district. One of the biggest topics is the budget surplus and what to do with it. The House of Representatives and Gov. Mark Dayton has already put a number of plans forward. The Minnesota Senate has just outlined our proposal as well. Our targets deliver on a promise of taking a balanced, forward-looking approach to careful fiscal management by increasing the budget reserve, implementing thoughtful tax relief, paying back previous budget shifts, and investing in priorities shared by all Minnesotans. The Senate DFL is building on the successful approach of the past two years that brought structural balance to the state budget. The result is a $1.9 billion surplus, an increase in the state’s budget reserve, and fiscal stability while still finding ways to invest in education and health care. While the surplus is an undeniable sign that Minnesota is on the right track, those figures are not adjusted for inflation, meaning there is much less of a surplus than the numbers indicate. Proposals to dramatically increase spending or calls by Republicans to “give it all back� seem extreme given the uncertainty of any economy. That is why I believe the Senate has chosen a proper middle ground as we prepare to take on the difficult path of fiscal responsibility while making key investments in shared priorities. The Senate budget is a far cry from the fiscal instability the state suffered in the late 1990s and early 2000s, when years of major tax cuts and a lack of foresight led to a $4 billion structural deficit in 2003. I recall the challenges of those years, when

a limited budget reserve was not enough to save M i n nesota f r o m economic hardships and years of cuts to key programs. I am eager to avoid that kind of situation in the future. Gov. Dayton’s proposed budget invests in many essential programs throughout our state, while the House proposal spends down the surplus by spending $2.3 billion in tax cuts, $400 million more than the available $1.9 billion surplus. The idea to implement large tax breaks while we have a surplus is initially appealing, but in order to cut taxes at this scale and still invest in campaign promises means there are winners and losers. The House proposal cuts $1.1 billion from Health and Human Services, hurting our seniors and our most vulnerable Minnesotans. This approach, with a budget surplus, is not a responsible way forward for Minnesota. Both plans have good ideas and good intentions. The Senate proposal uses some of both to give back some of our hardearned surplus in tax cuts while still investing carefully in the schools, nursing home programs, and reforms that put us on steady financial footing in the first place. This is not a dramatic, headline-grabbing budget, but it is a responsible and sustainable one. I’m interested to learn what you think the Minnesota Legislature should do with the budget surplus. Please reach out to me if you have ideas or concerns about this or anything else on the Senate’s agenda. As always, I can be reached at my office at (651) 296-1279 or by e-mail at -- 22-

County Road Ditch Spraying County Road Road Ditch Ditch Spraying Spraying Sibley County will ONLY be spraying County County road road ditches ditches for for noxious noxious weeds. weeds. The The spray spray is applied directly to the noxious weeds. Chemicals used: Tordon K, Transline, Transline, Escort, Escort, Milestone, Milestone, Forefront Forefront and and 2-4D. 2-4D. Anyone wishing to NOT have a specific specific county county road road ditch ditch sprayed sprayed should should contact contact the the Sibley County Public Works Office at 507-237-4092 507-237-4092 before before May May 15, 15, 2015 2014 for for aa form. form. The No Spray Request Form Form is is available available from from the the Office Office via: via: E-mail: e-mail: Or or website:

wednesday, april 8, 2015

St. Thomas by: Loni Graham The masses scheduled at St. Anne’s in Le Sueur with Father George Grafsky are Saturdays at 5:15 p.m., and Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Our Easter Celebration in St. Thomas started with Mass for too many to count in St. Thomas. Father James Burns officiated Easter Sunday mass to a full house. Father gave an inspirational message on “Forgiveness, forgiving and the forgiver.â€? Will and Marvin Halloran were altar servers, Sam Burns and the choir filled the church with wonderful hymns. Bob and Becky Block and Kevin and Beth Halloran took up the gifts. Debbie O’Connell and Jim Oak were Eucharistic Ministers and the Easter Lilies on the altar were a gift from “the Burns family,â€? the O’Connell/Burns branch, I believe. Visitation and Mass of Christian Burial for Wayne McMillen, the husband of Kay Byrne, will be Saturday, April 11 St. Anne’s in Le Sueur starting at 10 a.m. Wayne graduated from Le Center High School and Dunwoody, served in the U.S. Navy during WWII and the Korean Conflict. Our sympathies to Kay, and their families David, Pat, Mark, and Kelly. Prayers and good thoughts for Mary Grace O’Brien. She’s been hospitalized in Le Sueur after a fall, recently... and for Aggie Gill who’s convalescing at The Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine for a couple weeks, after “she injured her back while scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees!â€? Time to get a mop or a maid, Aggie. Easter gatherings‌ Marian Halloran hosted Easter dinner for her family. Jim and Mary Jean Halloran hosted “for their whole crew.â€? John and Martha May hosted their families. Gene and Sharon Retka are taking their bunch to “The Blue Stoneâ€? in Eagan. Jim and Mary Walker‌ “not Lanesburghâ€? (laugh), gotta be a story there, and Jerry and Catherine were off to Lynn’s. Patty Sullivan, her husband Joe Eischens and their kids of Kansas City (Parkville) entertained the Sullivan family for a 3-day Easter celebration. Molly and Brent Olson and family, Jim Sullivan and fam-

Landowners/renters are required to flag flag the the no no spray spray zone zone with with “Owner “Owner Will Will Maintain� Maintain� flags provided by Sibley County Public Public Works. Works. The The use use of of these these flags flags will will aid aid Sibley Sibley County Public Works maintenance crews in identifying which areas landowners/renters crews in identifying which areas landowners/renters do not want sprayed. Flags are available available at at the the Public Public Works Works office office in in Gaylord Gaylord and and at at all all county highway garages in Arlington, Arlington, Gaylord, Gaylord, Gibbon, Gibbon, Green Green Isle, Isle, Henderson, Henderson, Winthrop and at the the Sibley Sibley County County Gravel Gravel Pit. Pit. By requesting that Sibley County does not not spray spray your your road road ditch, ditch, landowners/renters landowners/renters agree to maintain the noxious weeds and and brush brush in in the the specified specified road road ditches ditches in in their their entirety. When landowners/renters do not not respond, respond, we we will will assume assume itit is is acceptable acceptable to to spray. The County may begin spraying on on or or after after May May 15, 15, 2015. 2014. - 2-

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ily, Mickey Sullivan and Becca McLaughlin, and Milt Lowe and Grandma Max Sullivan all made the trip to KC. All the kids, both the adults and little ones cherish the times they spend together. Missing and missed from the gathering, Marsha Sullivan had to work and Laurie and Kelly Clasen, who is recovering from recent back surgery. After 30.5 years of teaching at Park Elementary in Le Sueur, Betty Olson is retiring. Betty is the oldest of nine in the Tim and Rosemary Burns Clan. Her loud clear teaching voice will echo to many who have been in her classroom or in the hallway where Mrs. Olson’s classroom is located. She’s a good instructor with firm discipline, a nod, a wink and a smile. Betty’s plans include some substitute teaching, traveling, and maybe some golfing. Betty’s mom, a former one-room school house teacher herself, often enjoyed volunteering when Betty needed her. Betty’s other half, Bruce, plans to retire this summer as well. Not St. Thomas but...Graham Trocke Fowler, Tom Graham’s sister’s 11-year-old grandson and his family were invited by President Obama to the White House for the 137th Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn, Easter Monday. On the outside, Graham is friendly, positive, and courageous. He’s been struggling with melanoma, 14 surgeries, lengthy hospital stays... He is assembling and selling colorful rubberband bracelets for Childhood Cancer research and has already made $50,000! A couple months ago, older brother R.J. sent Graham’s story, complimenting his brother’s efforts and bravery. Graham’s story has been covered by all the local T. V. channels. Needless to say, we support Graham, his cause and yeah, we’re wearing his bracelets, and we get excited each time we see him on T.V. Watching Graham on T.V. in D. C. ... too late, Tom said, “Oh, we should’ve sent a KCHK shirt with him!� Have a good one, folks

by: Edna Weiers St. John’s Catholic Church St. Scholastica Church Father Dave and Deacon Bob Saturday Mass, 8:15 p.m. at St. John’s Sunday Mass, 8 a.m. at St. Scholastica Sunday Mass, 10 a.m. at St. John’s St John’s Wednesday: Mass at 5 p.m., confessions after ***** The New Prague Area Community Band will be performing a concert on Sunday April 19, at 1:30 p.m. in the New Prague High School auditorium. A guest performance


will be given by the Tri-City United Jazz Band under the direction of Chad Bienick. Marty and Farrell Weiers and family from Parkville, KS visited here at the Flavian and Edna Weiers home over Easter. They were joined by the Weiers families on Easter Sunday. Margaret Metzdorff and girls of St. Paul entertained on Easter Sunday, her mom Genevieve Metzdorff and the Metzdorff families. Matt and Elaina and Jack Weiers from Grand Forks, ND, visited over Easter with their parents and families. Humor Corner: Ole: I heard dat Knute is in da hospital, vhat’s his problem? Lars: His knee, his vife found his secretary on it.

Birth Announcement

Corey and Lynn Johnson of Belle Plaine, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dominica Johnson, to Joshua Wolf, son of Kenneth and Theresa Wolf of Belle Plaine. Dominica and Josh are 2009 graduates of Belle Plaine High School. Dominica is employed as a dental assistant at Cosmopolitan Orthodontics and Josh is an automotive technician at Auto Pros. A June 6, 2015 wedding is being planned at St. John Lutheran Church in Belle Plaine. The couple will reside in Belle Plaine.

Dennis and Lindsay Schuette of New Prague are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Nolan Jon Schuette, who was born March 12, 2015 at Mayo Health Systems in New Prague. Nolan weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19-1/2 inches long. He is welcomed home by Collin, 22 months. Grandparents are Dennis and Kathy Palma of New Prague and Jon and Peg Schuette of Belle Plaine. Great-grandparents are Elmer and Rosie Palma of Veseli and Oscar and Ardelle Solheid of New Prague.

Belle Plaine Herald

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2015 DUST CONTROL NOTICE County Road Ditch Spraying • Offered to Sibley County residents on gravel surfaced public roads. Sibley County will ONLY be spraying County road ditches for noxious weeds. The spray • Costdirectly is $110.00 feet of treatment is applied to per the100 noxious weeds.for 2 applications and must be paid in advance. Tordon K, used Transline, Escort, Milestone, Forefront andmakes 2-4D. • Chemicals Dust control used: has been effectively by the County in the past. However, the County no

Belle Plaine Herald

guarantee as to the effectiveness of the material used or how long it will last.

Anyone towill NOT haveapproximately a specific the county road ditch sprayed should contact the • Firstwishing application be done first week of June. Residents need to accurately andPublic flag theWorks application area at with507-237-4092 orange flags on both ends May at the 15, edge2014 of the for road.a form. Sibleymeasure County Office before Maintain these flags the 2 weeks before each application until completed. The No Spray Request Form is available from the Office via: Flags are available at the Public Works office in Gaylord, all county highway garages in e-mail: Arlington, Gaylord, Gibbon, Green Isle, Henderson, Winthrop and the County Gravel Pit. or website: •

Applicants will not be notified of the application date unless you provide email address – or please call our office at 507-237-4092 or look for updates at

Landowners/renters are required to flag the no spray zone with “Owner Will Maintainâ€? Applications must be received by May 15, 2015. Sign up online by visiting flags provided by Sibley County Public TheService use ofCenter theseBuilding flags or will Sibley , in person at theWorks. Sibley County by aid mailing County Public Works crews in identifying which areas landowners/renters this form filled in with all themaintenance information below. do not want sprayed. Flags are available at the Public Works office in Gaylord and at all th • A late fee surcharge of $25.00 will be assessed to individuals who sign up after May 15 . county highway garages in Arlington, Gaylord, Gibbon, Green Isle, Henderson, Winthrop and at the Sibley County Gravel Pit.

Latest technology Small town atmosphere Complete Adult or Child Check Up New Patients Special $75 Exam, Cleaning (routine) & 4 X-ray Films or $50 off any Dental Service

Please mail in the following information:

Daytime By requesting that Sibley County does not spray your road ditch, landowners/renters Name: Telephone: agree to maintain the noxious weeds and brush in the specified road ditches in their entirety. landowners/renters do not respond, we will assume it is acceptable to ! I wouldWhen like to be notified by email of application date spray. The County may begin spraying on or after May 15, 2014. Email: ________________________________________________________________ Township:


Property Address:


*If mailing address is different than property address to be sprayed, please indicate on form.

Length sprayed:

Amount Paid:

(Make check payable to Sibley County Treasurer) Mail to: Sibley County Public Works, PO Box 897, Gaylord, MN 55334

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Southwest Eye Care offers services including eye exams, treatment of eye diseases and eye infections, eye glasses and contact lenses.


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Fertilizer & Weed Control Program starting at


$35.00 per application

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wednesday, april 8, 2015



Pre-registration is needed for all programs and activities

Kids Company is accepting registration for the 2015 summer! If you are looking for summer childcare, or just a few fun filled days for your child this summer Kids Company is the place for you! Kids Company is a before and after school care program, the program operates out of Chatfield Elementary School. Kids Company’s mission is to provide before and after school care for children K-6th grade in an environment that is safe, enjoyable and caring while supporting children’s individual educational and social development. This summer Kids Company is going to be active! Kids Company plans to be involved with recreational theme weeks, projects, games, and field trips. Kids Company is going to spend the summer getting involved and having fun doing it. Summer Hours: 6am-6pm Fee: $3.75 an hour One Time Registration fee: $25. For more information dsaulsbury@belleplaine. or 952-873-2411 BELLE PLAINE SOCCER PROGRAM

The youth soccer program is for boys & girls who are in Kindergarten – 8th grade. The program will have both skill development and organized games. The children will be divided into teams. Time will be spent within the team structure on the fundamentals of dribbling, passing, receiving and scoring and playing games. There are opportunities for more competitive play against surrounding districts that will be determined at a later date. Volunteer Coaches Needed *No Soccer Saturday, May 23rd TIME: 8U (K, 1st, 2nd) 9am 10U (3rd, 4th) 10am 12U (5th , 6th) 11am 14U (7th, 8th) 11am LOCATION: Athletic Complex, Football Practice Field COST: $40 (Includes T-Shirt and MYSA registration) DEADLINE: March 1st SESSION 2 Summer Session of Soccer intended to be two days a week in June and July. This session is for 12U’s and 14U’s COST: $60.00 DEADLINE: March 1 TAE KWON DO

West Bend. Grotto of the Redemption is a composite of nine separate Grottos, each portraying a scene in the life of Christ. The Grotto includes the largest collection of precious stones and gems found anywhere in one location. The artistry has to be seen to be appreciated, plus the message it gives is beyond words. It is frequently considered as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Father Paul Dobberstein, began the work in 1912. The magnificent structure of the Grotto covers more than one city block and includes hand-carved Italian marble statues, petrified wood, quartz crystals and semi-precious stones from around the world. The Grotto, a composite of nine separate grottos, tells the beautiful story of Christ’s life and our Redemption in stone. Since the construction began in 1912, the Grotto has drawn thousands of visitors each year who come to experience the unique beauty and peace of this spectacular treasure. The Grotto was placed on the National Register of Historical Places in 2001. The 1 ½ hour guided tour will also talk about the church. Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church - In 1927, Father Dobberstein built the Christmas Chapel in Sts. Peter and Paul Church in to which he placed some of the finest mineral specimens, which he thought were too delicate to be used in the out-of-doors grottos. Additionally, Father Dobberstein’s brother, Bernard, painted the Ascension mural on the ceiling in the sanctuary in 1929. After the guided tour, guests can take time for a selfguided tour through the museum. The Grotto Museum includes a large display of precious and semiprecious stones from throughout the world. Early pictures and news articles have been reproduced for your viewing. The Museum also includes tools used by Father Dobberstein in the construction of the Grotto. At 12:30 pm we will have lunch in the Grotto Cafeteria. Menu includes: Marinated Chicken Breast, Baby Red Potatoes, Coleslaw, Corn, Tea Biscuits, Dessert and Coffee. After lunch, spend time at special areas of interest to you, meditate at the lakeside settings or visit the Gift Store. We will depart West Bend at 2:15 pm with an optional comfort stop near Fairmont enroute home. DATE: Friday, May 15 TIME: Depart at 7:45 am Return at approximately 5:15 pm COST: $75.00 (includes transportation, coffee/treat, lunch & guided tour) DEADLINE: April 30

This is the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Do. Students will learn self defense, self control, history, sparring and techniques needed to test in the beginning level of Tae Kwon Do. Advanced students will continue on at their own pace. Students attending class in BP are also welcome to train at other Kroells Karate Club locations at no additional cost. SESSION 3: Wednesdays, April 8-May 13 SESSION 4: Wednesdays, LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL/ May 20-June 24 TIME: 6:30–7:30 SOFTBALL SKILLS CAMP pm AGES: 6 years old and up LOCATION: Chatfield Elem. All youth 3rd – 6th grade interested Activity Room COST: $39.00/session in playing in the LLBB/SB programs INSTRUCTOR: Linda Kroells should attend the skills camp. LLBB/ SB will start with the skills camp prior ABRAKADOODLE – ARTS, to teams being formed and league CRAFTS, & CLAY play beginning. This camp will begin Come and join us for a fun and late April/early May depending on colorful spring session. We’ll make weather conditions. Please watch the colorful Ukrainian Eggs on canvas Belle Plaine School District website board, create flying pigs out of clay under Community Education for and learn how to draw bunnies, start days. The camp will follow the create a colorful spring scene with normal program dates: Monday & torn papers and more. We’ll make Wednesdays for girls and Tuesday & lots of colorful art during this fun Thursdays for boys. The camp will spring session! Abrakadoodle is the continue until individual teams are leader in children’s art programming. formed. Cost of the camp is included Abrakadoodle has taught art classes in the Little League registration fee. to over 1 million students throughout Stations will include: *Hitting – (tee, the world! For more information go soft toss, machine, live) *Throwing to AGE: *Catching *Fielding (infield, outfield) Grades K-5 DATE: Wednesdays, *Base Running *Pitching April 22–May 20 TIME: 3:15–4:15 Little League Baseball pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elem. PS

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& Softball Coaches Organizational Meeting

All parents interested in coaching their sons or daughters (grades 3-6) team are asked to attend this meeting. Tuesday, April 7 Baseball - 7 pm Thursday, April 9 Softball - 7 pm High School Room 206 Discussion items will include: Determination of team numbers, season schedule, playoff schedule, rules review and establish dates for team selection and equipment handout, etc For further information please call Community Services at 952-873-2411 LITTLE LEAGUE SOFTBALL

Little League Softball is the first formal softball program for girls 9-12 (grades 3-6) years old. The 3rd & 4th grade league uses both players and coaches as pitchers and the 5th & 6th grade uses just player pitchers. The player-pitchers are introduced to softball pitching fundamentals. Little League Softball attempts to continue the development of softball players, continuing the basic structure and the skills needed to enjoy success. The emphasis is on fun rather than competition in this program. Both divisions will do some local traveling. Parents are responsible for child’s transportation. Coaches are volunteer parents. DATE: Mondays & Wednesdays, May-July TIME: 6:30 pm GRADES: 3-6 LOCATION: 3rd & 4th-Oak Crest Fields 5th & 6th - Meadow Park COST: $60.00 DEADLINE: April 11 ($10 late fee for registrations after the deadline) LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL

Little League Baseball is designed to continue the development of young baseball players. The 3rd & 4th grade league uses pitching machines and the 5th & 6th grade league uses players as pitchers. Although advanced skills and strategies will be introduced, the primary focus is still to have fun. All players are requested to wear gray pants. Most sporting goods stores carry these. Coaches are volunteer parents. The older division will do some local traveling. Parents are responsible for their own child’s transportation. DATE: Tuesdays & Thursdays, MayJuly TIME: 6:30 pm GRADES: 3-6 LOCATION: Oak Crest Fields (3rd & 4th Grades) Chatfield Rec Fields (5th & 6th Grades) COST: $60.00 DEADLINE: April 11 ($10 late fee for registrations) T-BALL & SQUIRTS

T-ball is a low-organized game designed for youth skill development. Learn the basic fundamentals of baseball/softball. In this program the emphasis is on fun rather than competition. In Squirts, the basic structure of the game will be introduced as well as the skill of hitting a coach pitched ball. We will have 1-2 coach meetings prior to the start of the program and coaching resources will be provided. Coaches are volunteer parents. T-BALL AGE: 5-6 year old Boys and Girls DATES: Tues & Thurs, June 9-July 16 TIME: 6:30-7:30 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 $10 late fee for registrations after the deadline SQUIRTS AGE: 7-8 year old Boys and Girls DATES: Mon & Wed, June 8-July 15 TIME: 6:30-8 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 $10 late fee for registrations after the deadline

Wednesday, April 8 Tex Mex Pork Bowl (pork,rice,salsa in “shell”), Beefy Nachos with Homemade Cheese Sauce, Romaine Lettuce, Carrots, Celery Sticks, Choice of Fruit Thursday, April 9 Parmesan Chicken Bites, Marinara WG Pasta, Hot Ham & Cheese on WG Bun, Green Beans, Salsa, Cucumbers, Choice of Fruit Friday, April 10 Stromboli with Marinara Sauce, Crispy Chicken Sub, Glazed Carrots, Baby Spinach, Corn, Choice of Fruit Monday, April 13 Popcorn Chicken Bowl, Salisbury Steak Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Cauliflower, Choice of Fruit Tuesday, April 14 Chicken Alfredo Pizza, Pulled Pork Sliders, BBQ Sauce, Baked Beans, Romaine Lettuce, Corn, Choice of Fruit Wednesday, April 15 Turkey BLT Flatbread, Chicken Nuggets, Whole Wheat Bread, Tator Tots, Peas, Celery Sticks, Choice of Fruit

Senior Dining Seniors 60 years and older are invited to join us for Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. For dining reservations please call 952-873-6311 three days prior between the 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. weekdays. A contribution of $3.75 is requested for each meal. Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Cardinal Ridge Apartments CAP Agency Senior Dining

Wednesday, April 8 Country Fried Steak/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes/Marg., Green Beans, Pull-a-part Roll/Marg., Chocolate Cupcake Thursday, April 9 Herb Roasted Quarter Chicken, Roasted Yukon Potatoes w/ Margarine, Buttered Corn, Potato Dinner Roll/Marg., Raspberry Fluff Friday, April 10 Chicken Stir Fry, Oriental Vegetables, Brown Rice, Mandarin Oranges, Cookie Monday, April 13 Chicken Salad on Kaiser Roll, Marinated Vegetable Salad, Fresh Fruit, Toffee Chip Cookie Tuesday, April 14 Tex Mex Beef Goulash, Chuckwagon Corn, Cornbread w/Marg., Mixed Fruit, Cinnamon Churro Wednesday, April 15 Chicken Cordon Bleu w Ham & Cheese Sauce OR: Mornay Chicken Breast, Wild Rice Blend, Green Beans, Diced Peaches, Applesauce Bar

Belle Plaine Community Spring Youth Fair Belle Plaine High School April 11, 2015 • 9am-12:00 Noon

Local Organizations • Interactive Booths • Fun Demonstrations Lollipop the Clown • Bouncy House • Face Painting Silly Hair provided by Great Clips Purchase Swimming Pool Passes

Register for Swimming Lessons

Preschool Registration for Fall of ‘15


45823 State Hwy 22 • Kasota

that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: “It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.” “It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).” A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County

Legal Notices (continued from previoius page) COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure

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Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the “Search Projects” page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.

INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $666,034.73 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding, mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said County as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 13, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Scott County Sheriffʼs Office, Civil Unit, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneysʼ fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor, their personal representatives or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORʼS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BANK, Mortgagee LINDQUIST & VENNUM, P.L.L.P. By John J. Bowden Attorneys for Mortgagee 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 371-3968 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 18, 25 and November 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2006.

Scott County Board Proceedings BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT NOVEMBER 7, 2006 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:01 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Marschall, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Vogel, and Commissioner Hennen. (2) Chair Ulrich noted the addition to the agenda of the appointment of Aldeen Goehring to the Board of Adjustment/ Planning Advisory Commission. (3) On a motion by Commissioner Hennen, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the Minutes of October 24, 2006 were approved. (4) On a motion by Commissioner Vogel, moved, seconded by Commissioner Hennen, the following items were approved unanimously. A copy of each resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and made a part of this record by reference. A. Application to Sell 3.2 Malt Liquor at Retail for 2007 of Ronald L. Edmiston DBA Superamerica #4439 in Jackson Township, Jams R. Hupp DBA Holiday Stationstore #246 in Jackson Township, and Joleen Yong DBA Suzette Inc. in St. Lawrence Township. B. Application for Precious Metal Dealer License of Mark A. Smith, DBA PawnXChange in Shakopee. C. Receipt of funding from the MN Department of Public Safety for administration of the Safe Communities Grant in the amount of $40,300 effective October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 to be shared by the Safe Communities Coalition. D. Resolution No. 2006-160; Authorizing Final Payment on the 2005 Overlay Projects to Buffalo Bituminous Inc. in the Amount of $25,000.00. E. Resolution No. 2006-163; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Agreements With the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake for Phase 2 Construction of the Southbridge Transit Station. F. Resolution No. 2006-164; Honoring Joseph Graham Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. G. Resolution No. 2006-165; Honoring Joshua Gunter Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. H. Resolution No. 2006-166; Honoring Sam Ringstad Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. I. Payroll processing of personnel actions indicated below and certified by the Employee Relations Director and the Appointing Authority to be in compliance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes 375.56 - 375.71 and the Scott County Merit Personnel System:

1. FTPR employment of Alan Evenson, Highway Maintenance Worker, Public Works Division, effective 10/30/06. 2. FTPR employment of Michael Turek, Sheriffʼs Deputy, Sheriffʼs Office, effective 11/06/06. 3. FTPR employment of Sherri Smith, Fraud Prevention Investigator, Community Services Division, effective 11/01/06. 4. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Additions Deletions Ethel Carlson Jacqueline Clary Jennifer Edwards Augustine David Lisa Meyers Christopher Kettler Rochelle Kovac Kevin McCann J. Resolution No. 2006-161; Approving Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Provider and Plans and Rescind Resolution No. 2001-105. K. Appointment of Aldeen Goehring of Commissioner District 3 to the Board of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Commission effective November 7, 2006 through December 31, 2007. (5) Create Safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities: A.On behalf of the Board, Vice Chair Marschall presented an Outstanding Service Award to Connie and Terry Lonto for their dedicated service as volunteers for Scott County for 30 years working in the areas of weather spotting, sand bagging, search and rescue, traffic control, and command post activities. Commissioner Wagner left the meeting from 9:21 to 9:25 a.m. B. Community Services Director Tim Walsh updated the Commissioners on the County Board goal to implement the Community Corrections delivery system, Public Services Manager Jennifer Deschaine reviewed the goal to monitor the Community Health statistics and trends, Deputy County Administrator Gary Shelton provided information on the shared information systems, training facilities and 800 MHz strategy, County Administrator Dave Unmacht highlighted the status of County Highway projects, and Chief Information Officer Marilyn McCarter reviewed the goal to complete phase one of the Countyʼs Business Continuity Plan. (6) County Administrator Update: Mr. Unmacht reviewed upcoming schedule items. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair David J. Unmacht, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Tracy A. Cervenka, Deputy Clerk to the Board Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, November 22, 2006.

Subscribe to the Belle Plaine Herald $26.00/in state or $30.00/out of state pays for one year subscription

Belle Plaine High School

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,


Madison Haller. Family: Cole Haller, Dean Haller, Kim Haller. Activities: Softball. Involvement Benefit: Keeps me involved with my community and school and teaches me life lessons as well as how to be a good role model. Role Model: My parents because they are both hard working and push me to be the best I can with everything I do. Favorite Class: Shop the Stores Sports management, because Sauff is an awesome teacher. that Advertise in this Future Plans: Newspaper. Attend a 4 year ";SM NCF !BLCMNG;M university, possibly UNI. Place Your Orders NOW: "?<_M #G<LIC>?LS OMCH?MM

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your business. Jonah Meyer. Family: Chris Meyer, Janene Meyer, Amara Meyer. Activities: Fall play, One act• 952-873-5688 play, Speech, Golf. Deb Koepp, Owner Involvement Benefit: Of course the plays and speech have Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! given me an opportunity to speech in front if a lot of people Thanktool you to to the voters of Role Model: The and I think that's a valuable have. Belle Plaine for your support hamburger helper mascot. Allconfidence he wants to do is give people and in voting WHAT BENEFITS me for City Council. a delicious and affordablefor meal. Favorite Class: History YOU MOST? &RIDAY $ECEMBER ST because it gives me a chance to look in the past and learn AM ^ PM Tim O’Laughlin about many great historical events around the world that shape everyday life. 3OUP #HILI #OOKIES #OFFEE Future Plans: To be honest I don't know. I will go to a four year college and see what #IDER WILL BE SERVED type of career ill be happy in. LETTERMAN JACKETS CHRISTMAS GIFTS GALORE

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Thursday, April 9

Basketball Open Gym 6:45-8:00am south gym Track: Varsity Invitational 4:00 @ BP Softball:B/V 4:00/6:00 vs @ Mayer Lutheran HS bus 2:50 Baseball: B/V 4:30/5:00 vs @ Mayer Community Center bus 2:50 Speech: Varsity Sectional Tourn 3:00 vs @ Mounds Park Academy HS bus 1:45 Golf: Boys/Girls 4:15 vs St. Peter @ Creeks Bend Golf Course

Saturday, April 11

Golf Course Track: Jr High 4:15 @ BP HS Baseball: B/V 4:30/5:00 vs NYA @ BP HS Softball: B/V 5:00 vs Jackson Country Central @ BP HS

Tuesday, April 14

Basketball Open Gym 6:45-8:00am south gym Golf: Jr High 5:00 @ Montgomery Golf Course Track: Varsity 4:15 @ Sibley East (Arlington) Softball: B/V 4:30/5:00 vs NYA @ BP HS Baseball: B/V 5:00 vs New Ulm @ BP HS

GO TIGERS! Please call the Belle Plaine High School with any questions 873-2403




Baseball: Squad/Varsity Tourn B/V 9:00am @ BP HS Wednesday, April 15 Track: Varsity Meet 10:00am vs @ Dollars for Scholars Evaluation 6:00Tri-City United HS bus 8:00am 10:00 HS Computer Lab #1 Monday, April 13 Golf: Girls B/V 4:00 @ Creeks Bend Senior Night - Twins Game 7:10 @ Target field bus 5:00

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There has been much discussion recently within local school districts, by state policy makers, and by federal education officials as to the proper amount of testing that students should be asked to do. On a local level, the Belle Plaine Schools has reduced some of the testing that we do as we begin to transition away from our NWEA Measures of Academic Progress this year. On the central point of amount of testing, there is bipartisan agreement: Minnesota studetnts in grades K-12 take too many required tests. “Although state lawmakers have different ideas about solutions — specifically, about which exams should be scrapped and why — their shared interest in streamlining testing offers a foundation for constructive debate and reasonable compromise. The goal should be to retain tests that are useful to educators, well aligned with state academic standards and most effective at measuring what students have learned. Gov. Mark Dayton has made test reduction a key component of his education platform. His administration recommends slashing the number of state and federally mandated tests by onethird. That would eliminate seven of 21 exams that students take between third and 12th grades. Dayton’s plan would do away with the math Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) in third and fourth grade, reading MCAs in sixth and seventh grade, and the Explore, Plan and Compass college readiness tests in high school. However, a working group convened by the state education commissioner recommended a more modest change. The group agrees that college readiness tests should be eliminated, but it recommends keeping reading and math MCAs in grades three through eight. Some members of the group say the Dayton plan goes too far. They argue that annual testing is essential for both measuring student growth as well as the performance of schools and teachers. Because some of the tests are federally mandated, they say dropping them would require a change in federal law or a waiver from the U.S. Department of Education. Yet securing federal approval shouldn’t be a major hurdle. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan supports cutting back on testing. And Dayton administration officials say that students will be tested enough so that year-to-year progress can still be measured. “Test creep’’ has occurred over the past two decades as educational trends and policies have changed. The federal No Child Left Behind law of the early 2000s called for more testing, as did state higher standards and accountability movements. It’s no wonder that many parents and students pushed back. Legislators and the governor heard those complaints and are rightly responding. Tests do play an important role in determining if students are learning. Though they differ on specifics, the plans offered by Dayton and the working group would reduce the testing burden and move K-12 assessments in the right direction. “ (Star Tribune Editorial, March 12, 2015) As always, if you have any questions about school matters, please feel free to call me at 873-2400 or check our website at You may also find me on Twitter at @BPTiger716. Go Tigers!

Friday, April 10

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Superintendent’s Update

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Community Services

Nelson Ladd • Community Services Director 130 S. Willow St., Belle Plaine • Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone 873-2411 Belle Plaine Community Rm 1 INSTRUCTOR: Abrakadoodle Staff COST: $64.00 Spring Youth Fair GROTTO OF REDEMPTION Belle Plaine High School April 11, “A Miracle In Stone.” (West Bend, 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Iowa) Summer Registration We will depart at 7:45am with a Now Open coffee stop in Fairmont enroute to

PAGE seven

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Scott County Promoting Severe Weather Awareness Week

Families, Schools, Businesses Should Participate in Tornado Drills

Spring weather can quickly change for the worse. Scott County residents were reminded of that last June when heavy rains June 19 caused landslides, washed out roads in Blakeley, Belle Plaine, Shakopee and Prior Lake, and led to record high levels on the Minnesota River. Are you ready for our next severe weather event? Minnesota’s Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 13-17, 2015. This is a time for everyone to review the safety plans and procedures of your home and workplace to make sure your family and co-workers are trained, prepared, and ready to respond to a weather emergency if necessary. The storms of June 19, 2014 caused evacuations, road closures, and millions of dollars in property damage. Luckily, no-

body was injured or killed. This year also marks the 50th anniversary of two of the worst severe weather disasters to affect the Twin Cities area. In April of 1965, spring snow melt resulted in record breaking seasonal floods across the state and especially along the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. The flood is still, by far, the largest flood on record for our area. Just a few weeks later, on May 6, 1965, a series of severe storms spawned the worst tornado outbreak in Twin Cities’ history when six tornadoes swept across the western and northern parts of the metro area, including the cities of Minneapolis and Fridley, killing 13 people and injuring hundreds more. Scott County Deputy Emergency Management Director Ron Holbeck said it would be fitting to take a moment to observe these tragic anniversaries, and to reflect upon them in a way that will leave citizens better prepared. What steps you can take to protect your family from a tornado, flooding, or other severe weather event? Each day during Severe Weather Awareness Week, Scott County Emergency Management will focus on a differ-

MEMORIAL In Memory of

Jim & Gladys Moriarty (4/10/1994) (5/1/2014)

Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day... unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved still missed and very dear.

ent topic as they partner with Minnesota Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) and the National Weather Service to reach out and educate the public about severe weather. The key topics for each day will be: Monday (April 13), alerts and warnings; Tuesday, lightning and hail; Wednesday, flooding; Thursday, tornadoes (with statewide tornado drills); Friday (April 17), extreme heat.

Be Prepared

Statewide tornado drills are scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 1:45 p.m. and 6:55 p.m. Sirens and NOAA Weather Radios are expected to sound, making this an excellent time for a safety drill both at your workplace and at home with your family. If you do not or cannot participate in the statewide drill, please use this opportunity to review your safety and emergency procedures. Making sure everyone clearly understands the potential threats and knowing what to do in an emergency can save lives and prevent injuries,” says Chris Weldon, director of Scott County Emergency Management. “Please take advantage of Severe Weather Awareness Week to make your co-workers and family members aware of the most common weather-related threats and how to prepare now to minimize their impact.” Today, science and technology have advanced to the point of being able to provide early, accurate, real-time warnings directly to threatened communities and even to send emer-

What’s Happening

• The Noteables "Star Spangled American Concert April 19 @ 4 PM at LeSueur-Henderson Middle/High School Auditorium • Belle Plaine Run Club, an informal running club for participants who desire to run, socialize, and motivate. For more information and times, call (952) 486-1903. • City Council Meeting on April 20 at 6 p.m. at Belle Plaine Government Center. • School Board Meetings at Junior High Library ~ 2nd Monday of each month: meetings are scheduled as a work session; 4th Monday of each month: Regular business meetings for the board, Finance starts at 5:30 p.m. and regular at 6 p.m. For more information or if a holiday interferes, call (952) 873-2400 or go online at • Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women now has free on-site childcare available during weekly evening and daytime women's support groups. If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of domestic violence, please call SVA at (952) 873-4214 for more information regarding the times and locations of the groups. Mondays: Mom's/Women's Prayer Group: Meeting from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call Amy for details and location (952) 484-9100. Tuesdays: Wednesdays: BP Rotary at 12 noon at Kingway Retirement Living (Ratzkeller Room • Senior Citizens Meet Cards are played at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Ridge Apts.) Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays: AA Closed Meetings on Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Also, NA Meeting open on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Al Anon Wednesday nights 8 p.m. (The Little Brick School House kitty korner from St. John Lutheran Church) Thursdays: Belle Plaine Knitting Group meets at Kingsway Living Center from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room or in the Art Gallery. Open to all ages and skill levels. Knitters and crocheters welcome. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month: Support Groups for Families meet at the Valley Green Workforce Center in Shakopee at 6:30 p.m. and is for families who have a relative with a mental illness. The group is led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness. The support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing experiences. For information, call (952) 890-1669. 1st Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/Board of Directors meet at Borough Bowl in Belle Plaine, at 6:30 p.m. • Area Separated & Divorce Support Group from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob Wagner (952) 758-0463 or Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Area Separated and Divorce Support Group meets at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, New Prague 7-8:30 p.m. Call Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st Wednesday of each Month: B.P. Borough Riders Snowmobile Club meets at Sparetime Tavern in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month: Support Group: Women's Connection for Cancer. For more information contact1-800-259-1096 the 'Ask St. Francis' info. line @ (952) Call toll-free: 403-2000 2nd Tuesday the Month: BelleMedications? Plaine Lions/General Membership You Still Paying Too of Much For Your Meeting Duets in you BellefillPlaine, at 7 p.m. You can save up to at 93% when your prescriptions • Minnesota Valley Riders Saddle Club (MVR) monthly meeting at 7:30 at our Canadian and International prescription service. p.m. at Neil's Pub Rustic Room. Join in planning and participating in area e Pric horse related activities. rice Their Our P • Valley Garden Club: meets monthly. Location varies, see bpgardeners.blogspot. com or call Anne Buesgens (507) 248-3666. 2ndCelebrex Wednesday of the Month - Celecoxib Scott Soil and Water Conservation TM District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at their office in $64.00 $761.35 Bottle Band Conservation Center at the Scott County Bottle A the Scott County Extension equivalent of Celebrex Typical US brand in priceJordan. For more Generic Fairgrounds information, call Shelly at (952) 873-5412. Generic price for 200mg x 100 for 200mg x 100 • The Belle Plaine Friends of the Library meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Library. 2nd Thursday of the Month: Sons of the American Legion, American Legion & Auxiliary Mtg. at 7 p.m. at the Vet's Club. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each Month: New Prague Area Toastmasters et An Extra Offp.m. & atFree Shipping meet $10 from 7-8 the New Prague City Hall, 118 Central Ave. No. Join n Your 1st Order! to develop and enhance your speaking, communication, and leadership skills. the number below saveinformation, an additional $10 plusCarolyn get free shipping on 873-4489. your first Forand more call at (952) cription order with Canada Drug Center. Expires June 30, 2015. Offer is valid for 2nd Friday of the Month: Steak Fry at the Belle cription orders only and can not be used in conjunction with any other offers. Valid Plaine Vet’s Club, Steak ew customers only. One time use per household. or Shrimp, 5:30-8 p.m. 2nd Toll-Free: Saturday of1-800-259-1096 the Month: B.P. Historical Society Open Meeting at 9:30 der Now! Call a.m.toatreceive the Historical Houseoffer. Muesum. e code 10FREE this special 3rd Monday of the Month: Vet's Club Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Club. lease note that do not carry controlled and Club a validMeeting at the Vets Club in 3rdweTuesday of the Month:substances Sportsman's prescriptionBelle is required prescription orders. Plainefor at 7allp.m. For moremedication information, call Maynhardt (952) 873-4395. ption price comparison above is valid as of November 1, 2014. All trade-mark (TM) Thursday of the Month: VFW Auxiliary meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vets associated with 3rd the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners. Club. VFW Men at 7:30 p.m. at the Club.

gency warnings to people’s cell phones who are in the path of danger, Weldon said. This technology also makes it easier for us to build a communications plan for our families and loved ones to help contact them quickly after an unforeseen event. Minnesota HSEM, along with the National Weather Service, sponsors Severe Weather Awareness Week annually to promote weather knowledge and planning. Its Web site -- www.severeweather. -- contains tornado safety information along with instructions on surviving thunderstorms, hail, straight-line winds, heat waves, floods and lightning. Links to the National Weather Service and the Red Cross provide weather facts and a variety of downloadable resources for families, teachers and children.

ROMEOS Planning Spring Get-Together

Belle Plaine men who have retired are invited to a special fall meeting of the ROMEOS Tuesday, May 5. The ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out Single) will meet for lunch at Andy’s Bar & Grill on North Meridian Street at 11 a.m. New members to the informal social club are welcome.

Emma Krumbees Now taking applications for greenhouse work starting in May Stop in for an application Open daily 8am-7pm. 952-873-2970


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A benefit dinner to help Don Trimbo deal with medical expenses is set for Sunday, April 19, at the Carver Village Hall. The fund-raiser will run from 1-6 p.m. Dinner includes sloppy Joes, coleslaw, potato chips, beverage and dessert. The cost of the dinner is $10 for adults, $5 for children age 10 and younger. A silent auction is also planned. Trimbo has been fighting significant health issues for over 30 years. A Vietnam War veteran, he is diabetic and also suffers atherosclerosis. He has endured many surgeries to repair veins and improve blood circulation.

Five years ago, Don lost one of his legs to infection and its inability to heal. He takes a powerful antibiotic to fight infection in the other leg. He has resided at St. Gertrude’s Health and Rehabilitation Center in Shakopee since September of 2014. Cash donations and items for a silent auction will be appreciated. To offer an item for the auction, e-mail ctrimbo@gmail. com or call 952-466-6579. Cash donations can also be made at Community Bank of Chaska, c/o Donald Trimbo benefit. Carver Village Hall is located at 316 Broadway Street.

Miss Czech Slovak Minnesota Pageant Set for Saturday The 26th Annual Miss Czech Paul and Emily Vikla of LonsSlovak Minnesota Pageant is dale. They will be judged on talset for Saturday (April 11) at ent, on-stage interviews, poise the Montgomery American Le- and appearance, ethnic folk 2x2, to run ONEinterviews. TIME, the gion Club.2x4 & 2x8 ads dress and private The pageant is intended to The winner will represent promote young women perpet- Minnesota during the Miss Call toll-free: uating their Czech Slovak heri- Czech Slovak 1-800-259-1096 U.S. Pageant in tage, culture and traditions. August in Wilber, Neb. Arefestivities You Still begin Paying Much For Your Medications? The at 5Too p.m. Advance tickets for the dinYou can up to 93% whenner, you pageant fill your prescriptions and include ansave ethnic dinner and dance are $18. at our Canadian and International prescription service. (pork dumplings, sauerkraut Tickets are available from Lorice PrAnne and kolacky). Jans will be raine riceand Jerry David at (507) r i e h T Our P the emcee for the after-dinner 364-5834, at Montgomery Oil program. The pageant begins at (507) 364-9370, or via e-mail 7 p.m. with Steve Flicek as TM the Celecoxib Celebrex emcee. Pageant and $64.00 dance tickets $761.35 Bottle B Bottle A The three candidates include are $5 and can be purchased Generic equivalent of Celebrex Typical US brand price Madison Jerde of Golden Val- the eveningGeneric of price theforevent 200mg x 100at the for 200mg x 100 ley, Elizabeth Kaliska of St. door. Manufactured By Generics Manufacturers



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Prescription price comparison above is valid as of November 1, 2014. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners.

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Celebrex $761.35

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Bottle A Manufactured By PfizerTM.

Typical US brand price for 200mg x 100

Bottle B Manufactured By Generics Manufacturers

Generic equivalent of CelebrexTM Generic price for 200mg x 100

Get An Extra $10 Off & Free Shipping On Your 1st Order! Call the number below and save an additional $10 plus get free shipping on your first prescription order with Canada Drug Center. Expires June 30, 2015. Offer is valid for prescription orders only and can not be used in conjunction with any other offers. Valid for new customers only. One time use per household.

Order Now! Call Toll-Free: 1-800-259-1096

Use code 10FREE to receive this special offer.

Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. Prescription price comparison above is valid as of November 1, 2014. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners.

Call Toll-free: 1-800-259-1096 2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 4/5/2015

Manufactured By Generics Manufacturers

Don Trimbo Benefit Set for April 19

Manufactured By PfizerTM.

Missed by Jim & DelMae Moriarty & family Anna & Rich Solheid & family

Manufactured By PfizerTM.

WednesDAY, APRIL 8, 2015



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Independent Authorized Dealer

Your newspaperWater has agreed to participate in the Minnesota D Haferman Conditioning, Inc. these ads in the main news section of your newspaper (not t (952) 447-8120 At times, advertisers may request a specific section. Howe newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased/increased slightl do not bill for these ads. If you have questions, please c

Open Houses


240 s. meridian BELLE PLAINE Beautiful 4BR 3BA 1-1/2 story home with all new updates. Sparkling hardwood floors, newer kitchen, fenced back yard & more. $217,900


833 s. walnut BELLE PLAINE 4BR split entry home, nice bright kitchen, 3 car garage, deck, large private fenced back yard. $209,900

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wednesday, april 8, 2015


help wanted

Small Manufacturing company in Northern Le Sueur County currently has 2 Full Time positions open for light assembly/product preparation/ press operation The successful candidate will perform a variety of duties in the manufacturing process. Experience in assembly, packaging, chemical preparation and/or hydraulic press operation beneficial but not necessary. Benefits include medical, dental, IRA, paid vacation, paid holidays. Background check will be performed on chosen candidate. Be prepared to provide working references. If interested email resume to:


help wanted

HELP WANTED: Full TimeManufacturing

Now Hiring Apartment maintenance position at Belle Plaine Apartments Part time hours/flexible. Maintenance background preferred.Please email Kelly@ if interested or call 507-345TF 1290 ext 103.

Your Local Mortgage Experts INNESOTA �MHome Purchase VALLEY HEALTH CENTER, INC. � New Construction � RuralHome Development LoansNurse Nursing Registered and Licensed Practical Nurse A Member of Essentia Health

24/7 ER

Whether busy harvesting your fields or Time Looking to addyou’re to our health care team! Full Time & Part encountering slow-moving farm equipment on the positions available, position will work every otherto weekend roadways, MVHC encourages everyone make and every other holiday. New grads encouraged to season. apply. SAFETY a priority throughout this harvest to access application, Trust that MVHC is here for you stop emergency in for an application. if you or need services. Please send completed applications to: MikeMinnesota Ludvik LoriCenterThaemert attn: Human Resources Bill Gatz Valley Health 621 4th Street, Le Sueur, MN 56058

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Equal Opportunity Employer

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AmeriCorps Literacy Tutors:


Community Clothing Swap only $1.00 a Bag! Saturday April 18, 8-12. OLP Church 200 E. Church St. Shop for only $1.00 a bag, Donate clothing, Volunteer your time. No need to donate in order to shop. Call Loree at 873-3942. All proceeds to benefit the Belle Plaine Good Samaritan Fund.

help wanted

Full-time & PART-TIME Counter Sales & Outside sales:

Experience preferred but not required. Napa Auto Parts, Belle Plaine. 4/15/15

Training and employment will be provided by AmeriCorps and will be compensated according24/7 Emergency Room • Level 4 Trauma Center 621 S. 4th Street • Le Sueur • 507-665-3375 • to AmeriCorps policies. Positions begin August Drivers Wanted: 10, 2015 through May 26, 2016. Ă“ä£ĂŠ7ĂŠ >ÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ-ĂŒ°ĂŠĂŠUĂŠĂŠ*°"°ĂŠ ÂœĂ?ĂŠnÇÊÊUĂŠĂŠ iÂ?Â?iĂŠ*Â?>ˆ˜iĂŠĂŠUÊʙxӇnĂ‡ĂŽÂ‡Ă“Ă“Â™ĂˆĂŠĂŠUĂŠĂŠ >Ă?ʙxӇnÇ·ÓnÇÇ Part-Time Teller Dump truck/end dump vĂŒiĂ€ĂŠÂ…ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜ÂľĂ•ÂˆĂ€ÂˆiĂƒĂŠV>Â?Â?ĂŠĂŠ ˆŽiĂŠ Ă•`Ă›ÂˆÂŽ]ʙxӇÓΙ‡nÇnn]ĂŠÂœĂ€ĂŠ ÂœĂ€ÂˆĂŠ/Â…>i“iĂ€ĂŒ]ʙxӇÓä£Â‡ĂŽÂ™{Ă“ See for further State Bank of Belle Plaine has an opening drivers, class A & B lic, loans subject to approval. Some restrictions apply. information. for aAllmotivated individual to join our Teller current health card, Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender Chatfield Elementary team 20-30 hours a week, including exp. preferred but not 4 full-time (40 hour) positions available a Saturday rotation. Candidates must necessary. possess excellent customer service skills Interested candidates should apply online at: and be able to work as a team to create Mechanic/Shop a friendly, professional environment. We Help WANTED: offer a competitive salary. Molnau Trucking LLC is Please stop in or visit our website looking for an individual at to fill out an to assist in truck repairs, Housing Specialist application. welding and metal fabriAn Equal Opportunity Employer of cation. exp preferred but The Scott County Community Development women, minorities, protected veterans not necessary for the Agency (SC-CDA) in Shakopee, MN, is acand individuals with disabilities. cepting applications for a detail-oriented professional with rite applicant. exceptional client-service skills to fill the position of full201 W Main St, PO Box 87 Molnau Trucking LLC time Housing Specialist. Responsibilities include, but are Belle Plaine, 952-873-2296 Anna 952-240-0688 not limited to, reviewing housing applications and verifying data to determine eligibility; conducting annual and interim recertification interviews with participants; and inputting and maintaining client information in CDA’s software systems. Bachelor’s degree and two years experience in assisted housing management, social work or a related field is required. May substitute equivalent combination of education and experience. Knowledge of rental subsidy programs is preferred. Minimum starting rate $22.94 per/ hour (exempt). To apply: Applications may be obtained on www.scottcda. org, picked up from 323 Naumkeag Street S., Shakopee, or mailed upon request by calling (952) 402-9022. Resumes without completed applications including the supplemental will not be accepted. If you require an accommodation under the American’s with Disabilities Act to apply for this position, contact the SC-CDA. Applications must be received NO LATER than 12:00 p.m. on April 22, 2015. AA/EEO

Looking for Caregivers

New Prague Area Schools

To Apply 1. Email resume to 2. Call Kayla @ 1-800-624-9024 or 320-587-5162 for more details. EOE/Drug Free

Looking for Caregivers Home Health Aides/CNA’s Friendly Working Conditions in a Supportive Atmosphere. We are Seeking Caring, Committed Caregivers. Join a wonderful Team Dedicated to Serve Our Customers with Compassion and Care. Hiring for Casual, PT, FT positions in Scott, Carver, and McLeod Counties. Sign on Bonus and benefits avail.

EOE/Drug Free

104 Oakwood Drive, Belle Plaine. Friday, April 10, 8am-6pm & Saturday, April 11, 4/8 9am-3pm. FOR RENT 1BR/2BA, upstairs or downstairs apartment in duplex. Call (612) 385-8833. TF

Apartment Now Available Cardinal Ridge Apartments

1 Bedroom 62 & Older or Disabled Rent Based on Income Optional Weekday Noon Meals Equal Housing Opportunity


downtown 2 bedroom apt. available w/garage. Office in “THANK YOU� $675/mo. Located at Belle Plaine 100 W. Main, Belle Immediate availabilThe family Plaine. (612)of Lowell 419- Otto would like to Call (952)to 8737449. express theirTFdeepest ity. appreciation all

Lic.# BC20609224

Falcon Ridge Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available

Construction & Repair Services

Raven Stream Elementary 2 full-time (40 hour) positions available

Raven Stream Elementary 1 part time (20 hour) position available


Falcon Ridge Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available

Interested candidates should apply online at:


Jeff Bauer


Shannon Shannon Bergs Bergs


Quality Work at a Reasonable Price!


BETH FLAHERTY PAYROLL SERVICE '# "" # % Â’ &%% " % ## Sfb ## Sfb #% #% '# "" # % Â’ &%% " % 305 South Market Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011



Week of April 5,Dr. Gregory 2015 Dvorak, D.D.S. Get your Wednesdays a good start... Central South North off to Metro

I.S.D. 721 is an equal opportunity employer



Eagle View Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available



Behavioral Health Services,

AmeriCorps Math Tutors:

Interested candidates should apply online at:

The family of Lowell Otto would like to express their deepest appreciation to all who have supported us during Dad’s hospital and nursing home stay & at the time of his death. No matter if it was with a visit, card, food, prayer or just a kind word – They all were greatly appreciated. Your support will never be forgotten! Thanks Again. Stephan & Cheryl Jaus Merlin & Lynne Brueggemeier Lowell & Brenda Schmitz Brian & Pam Bullert Glen & Lisa Jeurissen Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren

who have supported us during Dad’s SERVICES hospital and nursing home stay & at the Schmidt & Son time of his death. LLC No matter if it was with a visit, card, William “Bill� Paige-Evans, M.A., L.P. Licensedfood, Psychologist dethatching prayer or just a kind word – They 200 N. Meridian St, Belle Plaine, MN 56011-1828 power-raking, all were greatly appreciated. Your (952) 847-0410 support will never beClean-ups, forgotten! Mowing, Thanks Again. Fertilize & Matthew’s RoofingStephan and & Cheryl WeedJaus Control, Merlin & Lynne Brueggemeier Renovations L.L.C. Aerating, Lowell & Brenda Schmitz Overseeding, *LICENSED*BONDED*INSURED Bullert *FREE ESTIMATES* Brian & Pam Remulching Glen & Lisa Jeurissen 952-496-1365 Residential and Commercial Contracting, Subcontracting, New Construction, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren

AmeriCorps Reading Tutors:

136 West Main Street New Prague, MN 56071 (952) 758-3003 After Hours: (952) 758-4554 M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Early Morning or Evenings by appointment “Gentle Dental Care�

read the Belle Plaine Herald

Formerly O’Brien Heating

Furnace & Air Conditioning Sales & Service

Geothermal • Solar Air Filters • Duct Cleaning





NEED CLASS A CDL TRAINING? Start a career in trucking today! Swift Academies offer PTDI certified courses and offer “best-in-class� training. New academy classes weekly. No money down or credit check. Certified mentors ready and available. Paid (while training with mentor). Regional and dedicated opportunities. Great career path. Excellent benefits package. Please call: 866/975-8141

SOFTWARE ENGINEERS Programmers with C+, .NET or C# experience or training. High pay scale. Aatrix Software, Inc. A rapidly growing eFile provider

DO YOU OWE over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? You could get a settlement for as low as 25% of previous IRS settlements. Call now! 800/558-0486

RAILROAD VEGETATION CONTROL: Full-time traveling opportunity, 60-80 hours/week, $11-$15/hour, meal allowance, paid lodging & benefit package. RAW, Inc. in Cooperstown, ND – 888/700-0292 | |

GEOTHERMAL HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS Commercial, residential & shop buildings. Economical heating & cooling. Federal tax credits, electric rebates available. Earthloop Geothermal Systems, Fosston 218/435-6379

LINSMEIER TRUCKING A MN based company is now hiring Company Drivers & Owner/Operators to pull hopper bottom in the upper Midwest. Home weekends. Call 320/382-6644 NOW HIRING Company OTR drivers. $2,000 sign on bonus, flexible home time, extensive benefits. Call now! Hibb’s & Co. 763/389-0610

HELP WANTED CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS and arrest records expunged or sealed. Free one hour Consultation to discuss recent changes to the Expungement Laws and how they may affect your future. Duggins Law Firm 651/490-0222

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ATTN: COMPUTER WORK Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 part time to $7,500/mo. full time. Training provided


To Apply 1. Email resume to 2. Call Kayla @ 1-800-624-9024 or 320-587-5162 for more details.

Garage Sale:


Remodeling, Additions, Garages, Basements, Decks, Drywall, Gutters All types of Roofing, Siding and Windows Call Matthew Kes @ 612-207-4554

Training and employment will be provided by AmeriCorps and will be compensated according to AmeriCorps policies. Positions begin August 10, 2015 through May 26, 2016. Last day to apply is April 7, 2015 or until filled. See for further information.

RN Case Manager/ RN Visit Nurses Friendly Working Conditions in a Supportive Atmosphere. We are Seeking Caring, Committed Caregivers. Join a wonderful Team Dedicated to Serve Our Customers with Compassion and Care. Hiring for Casual, PT, FT positions in Scott, Carver, and McLeod Counties. Sign on Bonus and benefits avail.

PAGE nine

CUSTOM BUILD A new home in Twin Cities for 3% Down. Home/lot info at Sherco Const. North Metro 612/366-3472; South Metro 952/393-5030 Your ad here! Only $279 to reach a statewide audience of 3 million readers!!! 1-800-279-2979

EDUCATION MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES Needed. Train at home to process medical billing & insurance claims! No experience needed! Online training at Bryan University! HS diploma/GED & computer/Internet needed. 877/259-3880

FARM EQUIPMENT MINNESOTA HUNTING LAND Wanted. Earn thousands on your land by leasing the hunting rights. Free evaluation & info packet. Liability coverage included. The experts at Base Camp Leasing have been bringing landowners & hunters together since 1999. Call: 866/309-1507 Email: w w w. B a s e C a m p L e a s i n g . c o m

FARMS & LAND CORN FARMERS Did you harvest or sell corn between November 1, 2013 and the present? You may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 800/535-5727

FOR SALE STEEL BUILDINGS Must Go! 1-60’x101’, 1-75’x125’, 1-103’x250’. May Split. Call Today & Save Thousands!!! 800/411-5866

SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00 Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info/DVD: 800/578-1363 Ext.300N STOP OVERPAYING FOR YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS! Save up to 93%! Call our licensed Canadian and International pharmacy service to compare prices and get $15.00 off your first prescription and free Shipping. Call 800/259-1096 DISH TV RETAILER Dish TV Retailer -Save! Starting $19.99/ month (for 12 months.) Free Premium Movie Channels. Free Equipment, Installation & Activation. Call, compare local deals!! 800/297-8706 GOT KNEE PAIN? Back Pain? Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace -little or no cost to you. Medicare patients call health hotline now! 800/755-6807 DONATE YOUR CAR truck or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of 800/439-1735

Legal Notices TOWNSHIP OF BELLE PLAINE COUNTY OF SCOTT STATE OF MINNESOTA Important Information Regarding Assessment and Classification of Property This may affect your 2016 property taxes.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for BELLE PLAINE TOWNSHIP shall meet on THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at BELLE PLAINE TOWNSHIP HALL located at 25130 Hickory Blvd. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor's office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the county board of appeal and equalization. Kristy Bieder Belle Plaine Township Clerk Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1 and 8, 2015.

Notice of Local Board of Appeal and Equalization / Open Book Meeting When: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:00 PM Where: Jessenland Town Hall 32506 Scenic Byway, Henderson, MN Appointment requested call 507237-4078 by April 13th. Maynard Rucks, Clerk Jessenland Township Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 8, 2015.

NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S EXECUTION SALE – REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of and under the seal of the District Court of the State of Minnesota, in and for the 1st District and County of Scott. On the 15th day of March A.D. 2013, upon a judgment rendered and docketed in said court and said County in an action therein, between Biersdorf and Associates, PA Plaintiff(s) and Jill Fisette-Kess Defendant(s) in favor of said Plaintiff(s) and against said Defendant(s), for the sum of $36,259.64 Dollars as appears by the judgment roll filed in the office of the Clerk of said District Court for said County, and whereas, said judgment was docketed in said Court on the 3rd day of April, A.D. 202013, at 10:13 o’clock A.M. and the sum of $36,259.64. Is now actually due thereon with interest of $3.97 per diem from the day of April 3rd A.D. 2013, and up to and including the date of sale, also for $5,431.17 increased cost and for all Sheriff’s fees, costs, and disbursements of levy and sale, which said Execution has to the Sheriff of said County been duly directed and delivered, said Sheriff has levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest cash bidder, in the lobby of the Scott County Sheriff’s Office, 301 Fuller St S, in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota. In said County, on the 5th day of May A.D. 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M. all right, title and interest that the above named judgment debtor had in and to the real property, hereinafter described on the 15th day of March, A.D. 2013, that being the date of rendition of said judgment

or any interest therein which said judgment debtor(s) Jill Fisette-Kes have since that day acquired, the description of the property being as follows, to wit: EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The North 60 Acres of the NW ¼ of Section Four (4), Township One-Hundred Thirteen (113), Range Twenty-one (21), less the North 470 feet of the East 1390.2 feet of said NW ¼ of Section 4, Township 113, Range 21, EXCEPT that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 113, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the North 60.00 acres of said Northwest Quarter and the West line of the East 1320.00 feet of said Northwest Quarter; thence Northerly along said West line, a distance of 320.72 feet; thence Westerly parallel with said South line of the North 60.00 acres of the Northwest Quarter to the West line of the Northwest Quarter; thence Southerly along said West line of the Northwest Quarter to said South line of the North 60.00 acres of the Northwest Quarter; thence Easterly along said South line to the point of beginning, according To the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Scott County, Minnesota. according to the plat thereof and on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles in and for said County. Dated this 26th day of February, 2015 Kevin Studnicka, Sheriff Scott County, Minnesota By: Duane J. Jirik, Deputy Sheriff Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 and 8, 2015. Farming in the road right-of way (ROW) The Board of Supervisors has observed some instances where tillage is being done in the ROW. The ROW extends two rods, (33 feet) either side of the center of the road and exists in order that the roads may be properly maintained for the benefit of all who use them. Roadside mowing in the ROW is permitted for the purpose of weed control or making hay, but tillage or crop production is not permitted (M.S.160.2715), as it may adversely affect road structure and maintenance. Anyone who damages or alters the ROW will be held responsible for all costs of restoration. The Town Board has no desire or intention to go around checking every field with a tape measure, and appreciates the general good farming practices of our agriculture producers. However, those places, where excessive encroachment has occurred, will need to be dealt with. The township may be marking or seeding some areas and require that these be left undisturbed. Your full cooperation is anticipated and appreciated. Please feel free to contact any member of the Township Board with questions, or attend the regular Town Meetings. Maynard Rucks, Clerk Jessenland Township Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Ridgewood Condominiums Association (henceforth the “Declaration”) recorded in the office of the Recorder for Scott County, Minnesota on January 29, 2004, as Document No. A643716, which covers the following property: Unit No. 111, Common Interest Community No. 1129, Ridgewood Condominiums, a condominium, Scott County, Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of March 2, 2015, from Jozef Jan Trzos, title holder, to Ridgewood Condominiums Association, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, the principal amount of Five Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety-nine and 52/100ths Dollars ($5,399.52) for assessments, late fees and related charges, plus assessments, collection costs, attorneys’ fees and other amounts will be

COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 21, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 for construction of the following: Scott County 2015-SC BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT County Project 2015-SC. Major items are approximately as follows: Qty 161,208 48,338 504,371 361,329


wednesday, april 8, 2015


PAGE ten

Item Bituminous Material for Seal Coat (CRS-2P) Bituminous Material for Fog Seal (CSS-1h) Bituminous Seal Coat Striping - Paint (various sizes and colors)

The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects therein. Dated March 20, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki Courthouse Interim Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25, and April 1 and 8, 2015.

incurred since said date, including costs of collection and foreclosure; WHEREAS, no action is now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof; WHEREAS, the owner has not been released from the financial obligation to pay said amount; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Declaration and Minn. Stat. §515B.3116(h), said debt created a lien upon said premises in favor of Ridgewood Condominiums Association as evidenced by the lien statement recorded on February 4, 2015, in the office of the Scott County Recorder as Document No. A973203; WHEREAS, pursuant to the power of sale granted by the owner(s) in taking title to the premises subject to said Declaration, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said property by the sheriff of said county at the Scott County Sheriff’s Department, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on April 30, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys’ fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owners, their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of said sale. The following information is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 580.025 and 580.04: (1) Street Address of Property: 7619 Southridge Court, Savage, MN 55378 (2) Name of Transaction Agent, Residential Mortgage Servicer, Lender &/or Broker: N/A (3) Tax Parcel Identification Number of the Property: 26-3691110 (4) Transaction Agent’s Mortgage Identification Number, if known: N/A (5) Name of Mortgage Originator, if stated on mortgage: N/A (6) Date on which Occupant must vacate Property, if mortgage is not reinstated under Section 580.30 or property redeemed under 580.23: 11:59 p.m. on October 30, 2015. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. REDEMPTION NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: March 2, 2015 TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. By: Jennifer C. Toohey, I.D. #343742 Attorneys for Lienor 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 Lienor: Ridgewood Condominiums Association By: Jennifer C. Toohey Its: Attorney in Fact THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 File No. 5500.015 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 and 8, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6115 NOTICE and order for hearing on petition for descent of property Estate of Beverly Marlys Torborg, a/k/a Beverly M. Torborg, a/k/a Beverly Torborg, Decedent. A Petition for Determination of Descent has been filed with this Court. The Petition represents that the Descent died more than three years ago, leaving property in Minnesota and requests the probate of Decedent's last Will dated December 6, 2000, and the descent of such property be determined and assigned by this Court to the persons entitled to the property. Any objections to the Petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper, and no objections are filed or raised, the Petition may be granted. It is Ordered and Notice is further given, that the Petition will be heard on April 28, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., by this Court at 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota. 1. Notice shall be given to all interested persons (Minn. Stat. 524.1401) and persons who have filed a demand for notice pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-204. 2. Notice shall be given by publishing this Notice and Order as provided by law and by: Mailing a copy of this Notice and Order as provided by law. Dated: March 26, 2015 Dated: March 26, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 26, 2015 By the Court Michael A. Fahey Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner Angela M. Lutz Amann LeVander, Gillen & Miller, P.A. 633 South Concord Street, Suite 400 South St. Paul, MN 55075 Attorney License No: 249622 Telephone: 651-451-1831 Fax: 651-450-7384 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1 and 8, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 15, 2007 MORTGAGOR: Emily J. Frame and Adam B. Frame, wife and husband. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 3, 2007 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A776901. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Dated June 15, 2007 Recorded January 28, 2008, as Document No. A792398. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100418400125708830 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Tradition Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 507 Main Street West, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 200011290 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 7 and 8, and the West Half of Lot 9, Block 50, Belle Plaine, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the county recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $139,200.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $133,709.18 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof;

PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 9, 2015 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: February 26, 2015 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 135 - 15-002049 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5145 notice and order of hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Gerald M. Morrison, also known as Gerald Morrison and Gerald Michael Morrison, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 29, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Donald L. Morrison, whose address is 310 West Main Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an Unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 25, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 25, 2015 By the Court Michael A. Fahey Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner P. David Melchert Melchert Hubert Sjodin, PLLP 121 West Main Street, Suite 200 Waconia, MN, 55387 Attorney License No: 0249877 Telephone: (952) 442-7700 Fax: (952) 442-6166 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2015 Drainage Conveyance Improvements City of Belle Plaine Belle Plaine, MN RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received at the Office of the City Administrator, City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 until 10:30am on April 28, 2015 at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the construction of approximately:

Clear and Grub Excavation Erosion Control Seeding Erosion Blanket

1 6,000 1 3 2,500


together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Specifications. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by September 25, 2015. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at or www.questcdn. com . Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www. or You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #3783934 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available for a nonrefundable price of $30.00 per set (non-refundable), which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check to payable to Bolton & Menk, Inc. and send it to 1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4171, fax (507) 625-4177. BID SECURITY: A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Belle Plaine shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Dated: March 23, 2015. /s/ Holly Kreft City Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2015 Pavement Maintenance City of Belle Plaine Belle Plaine, MN RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received at the Office of the City Administrator, City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 until 10:00am on April 28, 2015 at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the construction of approximately:

Chip Seal Coat Crack Seal Striping Pavement Message

40,000 4,000 12,000 24


together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Specifications. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by June 26, 2015. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at or www.questcdn. com . Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www. or You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #3767373 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available for a nonrefundable price of $20.00 per set (non-refundable), which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check to payable to Bolton & Menk, Inc. and send it to 1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4171, fax (507) 625-4177. BID SECURITY: A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Belle Plaine shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Dated: March 23, 2015. /s/ Holly Kreft City Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

Legal Notices

(continued from previous page) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the mortgage dated March 17, 2006, executed by Mathew E. Rettinger and Suzette E. Rettinger, husband and wife, as mortgagors, to TCF National Bank, a national banking association, as mortgagee, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Scott County, Minnesota, on April 3, 2006, as Document No. T 175554, which mortgage conveyed and mortgaged the following described property, which property is registered land, situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, which property has a street address of 1263 Polk Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, and tax identification num-

ber 270840260: Lot 14, Block 2, Minnesota Valley 3rd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles, Scott County, Minnesota That the original principal amount secured by said mortgage was $44,600.00; that there has been compliance with any condition precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by said mortgage and foreclosure of said mortgage required by said mortgage, any note secured thereby, or any statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there is claimed to be due upon said mortgage and is due thereon at the date of this notice, the sum of $42,953.30 in principal and interest. That by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the above described premises with appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at the Sheriff's office in the Law Enforcement Center, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on May 21, 2015, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, to pay the amount then due on said mortgage, together with the costs of fore-

COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 28, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for construction of the following: State Project SAP 070-599-022 County Project CP-THE01 Construction Plans for Culvert 70J61 and Approach Grading Located on St. Benedict Road (TWP. RD. 179), 0.5 miles east of CSAH 11 Over West Bank Raven Stream Bridge Removal, Box Culvert Construction, Approach Grading, Aggregate Base, Bituminous Surfacing, and Turf Establishment The Major items of work are: 58 LF 12X10 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT 116 LF 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT 2 EACH 12X10 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT END SECTION 2 EACH 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT END SECTION 343 CY GRANULAR BACKFILL (CV) 546 CY AGGREGATE BEDDING (CV) 492 LS RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS IV 497 TN TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,E) 1 LS REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the total bid made payable to the Treasurer of Scott County. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. Dated March 27, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki, P.E. Courthouse Acting Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015. COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 28, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for construction of the following: Scott County 2015 Overlays-2 Aggregate Base, Aggregate Shouldering, Mill Pavement Surface, Bituminous Pavement Reclamation, Plant Mixed Asphalt Pavement, Permanent Pavement Markings, Concrete Walk, Concrete Curb & Gutter and APS Pedestrian Push Button Station CP 02-12-2, CH 2, located between CSAH 11 and CSAH 15; Township - Helena; length 3.35 miles CP 14-03-2, CH 14, located between CSAH 15 and CSAH 17; Township - Louisville & City of Shakopee; length 2.21 miles CP 17-37-2, CH 17, located between 10th Avenue and CSAH 101; City of Shakopee; length 0.95 miles CP 64-18-2, CH 64, located between CSAH 11 and TH 21; Township - Helena; length 1.01 miles CP 42-20, CH 42, located at Louisiana Avenue; City of Savage; length 120 feet CP 16-38, CH 16, located 0.14 miles east of CSAH 17; City of Shakopee; length 330 feet The Major items of work are: 3,957 75,096 75,358 4,384 21,056 1,309 (4,B) 25,506 (3,B) 1,157 34,800 16







The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in an amount equal to at least 5% of the total bid made payable to the Treasurer of Scott County. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. Dated March 27, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki, P.E. Courthouse Interim Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.

BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA closure, including attorneys' fees as allowed by law, in accordance with the provisions of said mortgage. The time allowed by law for redemption by the mortgagors, their personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: NONE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on November 23, 2015, unless the foreclosure is postponed pursuant to Minn. Stat. §580.07, or the redemption period is reduced to five (5) weeks under Minn. Stat. §582.032. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT BY A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: April 1, 2015 TCF National Bank FOLEY & MANSFIELD, P.L.L.P. By: Karl K. Heinzerling Atty. No. 142475 Attorneys for Mortgagee 250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6, 2015.

Important Information Regarding Assessment and Classification of Property This may affect your 2016 property taxes Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for Blakeley Township shall meet on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 7:00 PM at 15016 West 250th Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor's office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the county board of appeal and equalization. Maureen Busse Blakeley Township Clerk Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5763 notice of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Gesina Wilhemina Baumgard, a/k/a Gasenna Wilhemina Baumgard, a/k/a Gesina Wilhelmina Baumgard, a/k/a Gasenna Wilhelmina Baumgard, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated December 19, 2007. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Gary John Baumgard, whose address is 19529 Ewing Street, Farmington, MN 55024, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator

Attorney for Petitioner Michael Davey, #0388285 Chitwood & Davey, PLLC 821 Raymond Ave., #260 St. Paul, MN 55114 Tel: 612-239-6727 Fax: 888-375-8783 Email: Mike@ChitwoodDavey. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO REVIEW DRAFT CCWMO PLAN AMENDMENT CARVER COUNTY WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION CHASKA, MINNESOTA To Consider an Amendment to the Carver County Water Management Organization (CCWMO) Plan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 28th day of April, 2015 as soon as possible after 6:00 p.m. upstairs in the Social Services wing in the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Carver County Courthouse, Chaska, Minnesota, a public meeting will be held at the regular meeting of the Carver County Watershed Management Organization (CCWMO) Advisory Committee to consider an amendment to the CCWMO Plan. The Plan Amendment consists of an update to the implementation section of the plan and the proposed project list. This meeting meets the requirements of Minnesota Rule 8410.0140. Copies of the proposed amendment to the CCWMO Plan are available for viewing online at or from the Planning & Water Management Department. All persons interested are invited to attend the meeting and be heard on this matter. Written comment may be mailed to: Dept. of Planning & Water Management ATTN: Paul Moline Carver County Government Center 600 E 4th St. Chaska, MN 55318 Or emailed to: pmoline@ Date: 04/01/2015 By: Paul Moline Manager of Planning & Water Management Dept. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6300 notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Fernando Gallegos Perez, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Will, dated January 26, 2015, ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Sonia Maria Jean Perez, whose address is 4418 Grand Avenue South, Apt. 2, Minneapolis, MN, 55419, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Roy B. Henline Henline Law, P.A. 11300 86th Avenue North Maple Grove, MN, 55369 Attorney License No: 142487 Telephone: (763) 767-6200 Fax: (763) 971-8040 Email: RHenline@HenlineLaw. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

PAGE eleven STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-6117 notice of and order for hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirs, formal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Lawrence Dennis Vance, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 28, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirs of the decedent, and for the appointment of Mary Hicks whose address is 8133 Foxberry Bay, Savage, Minnesota 55378 as personal representative of the decedent's estate in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the estate, including the power to collect all assets; to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses; to sell real and personal property; and to do all necessary acts for the estate. Notice is also given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 30, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 30, 2015 By the Court Ann M. Offerman Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Teresa Molinaro (MN# 0388660) Molinaro Davis Law PLLC 2809 Cliff Road East Suite 100 Burnsville Minnesota 55337 Telephone: (651) 705-8800 Facsimile: (651) 705-8003 ATTORNEY FOR PETITIONER Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8 and 15, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: February 11, 2010 MORTGAGOR: Pamela J. Siedow, unmarried woman. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for PHH Home Loans, LLC, a limited liability company its successors and assigns. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded February 17, 2010 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A847336. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated December 23, 2013 Recorded December 31, 2013, as Document No. A951706. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.

TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100652000000215763 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: PHH Home Loans, LLC, a Limited Liability Company RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 317 Wagner Way, New Market, MN 55054 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 230080410 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 17, Block 3, Whispering Creek 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $191,290.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $198,695.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 28, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: February 27, 2015 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 14-008374 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6 and 13, 2015.

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wednesday, april 8, 2015


PAGE twelve

City Council (continued from page 1)

where we run into a snafu.� “The ball’s in our court now. They’ve done a good job,� Trost said. The council is still looking for how it would pay for the signs of its choice. The city has $3,000 from the Belle Plaine Economic Development Authority (EDA) and a $5,000 donation from the chamber of commerce for directional signage (way funding). There is no money in the city’s budget allocated for monument signs, said Chelsea Alger, the city’s director of Community Development. The city is also working to verify the availability of a $6,000 insurance settlement from a damaged entrance monument several years ago, said City Administrator Holly Kreft. Beyond those amounts, the city would need to incorporate funding for whichever monument signage the council selects into the city’s budget over the next year or two, Kreft said.

have the equipment or the staffing to handle dragging the eight infields. Fahey indicated his staff is busy handling street, alley and park work. With youth T-ball, baseball and softball programs on the horizon, maintaining the infields is a safety issue, Fahey said. He believes the city should take care of its parks and ball fields and the school district should take care of its ball fields. “Why should the city do the school fields during the school year?� Fahey said. Trost wanted the council to direct Fahey’s staff to stop caring for school ball fields immediately. “We told them that a year ago,� Trost said. “I coached for over 20 years and the city never did it once.� Without an agreement in place, Councilor Paul Chard noted caring for ball fields on school property is a school function. “If it isn’t on a piece of paper, it’s no good,� Chard said. “Drive around. We’ve got stuff that has to get fixed.�

The most pointed discussion of the workshop involved the maintenance of ball fields at Chatfield and Oak Crest elementary schools. The agreement on shared facilities use between the city and school district lapsed earlier this year and a new pact has yet to be signed. A joint powers agreement on the shared program is also nearing its end date. The council agreed by consensus the city would stop caring for school ball fields as of May 1. It will start again after the end of the school year. A proposed shared facilities agreement between the city and school district is similar to the former pact. One of the changes in it, Kreft said, calls for the school district to maintain the eight infields (four at each of the elementary schools) during the school year and the city will handle the infield maintenance during the summer. Public Works Superintendent Al Fahey said the school district has indicated it doesn’t

In other action at Monday’s council meeting and workshop, the Belle Plaine City Council: • Approved a large assembly permit and 3.2 percent liquor license for the Belle Plaine River Fishing Contest Aug. 15. • Authorized the submittal to the League of Minnesota Cities an application for a City of Excellence Award in Parks and Recreation Planning and Programs for the archery park. • Paid bills totaling $109,976.01. • Approved the purchase of a new fire truck from Rosenbauer America Fire Trucks for $593,545. The city will sell a 1990 truck and use the proceeds of the sale to help pay for the new truck. The rural fire association is also helping to fund the purchase. Overall, the city will pay for 49 percent of the purchase and the RFA will pay the remaining 51 percent. The new truck will be delivered in 12-14 months. • Approved amendments to

Bowling Results

Yahnke 176 High Series: Jan Korn 512 Congrats to Deb’s Embroidery for winning the second half Wednesday Afternoon Delights St. Gert’s Gardens 26 Huck’s 23.5 Renewable Resources 20 Mankato Motors 20 Siegle’s Concrete Pump. 19 Paparazzi 16 Dahlgreen Golf Club 13.5 High Game: Joanne Zwart 234 High Series: Joanne Zwart 596, Deb Shaughnessy 577, Sarah Moriarty 571 City League Co-op Tire & Auto 34 Foline Auto 28 Ag Power 21 Neil’s Pub 18 Borough Bowl 12 Johan’s 6 High Game: Rick Svihel 288, Tom Otto 287 High Series: Tom Otto 842, Rick Svihel 792

Shared Facilities

Deadline for bowling results is Monday at 12 noon.

Tuesday Nite Ladies Sparetime 32 Meierbachtol’s 29 G&H Ready Mix 28 Charlie’s Angels 27 Hairs 2 U 27 Ron’s Mechanical 25 High Game: Alissa Henning High Series: Alissa Henning 648, Jodi Fahey 516, Jeanette Gloege 509 Thursday Foxes Deb’s Embroidery 42 Wild Night Karaoke 29.5 Sparetime Tavern 26 Johan’s 22.5 High Game: Jan Korn 199, Krissy Voss 192, Deb Fahey 176, Miranda


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the city’s revolving loan fund to benefit economic development. The council also amended the city’s fee schedule reflecting changes in the revolving loan fund. • Discussed a private use agreement for equipment to be stored in city parks. The council agreed by consensus to allow the Belle Plaine Baseball Association to leave a storage shed in Meadow Park for a year. The issue will be revisited for possible changes at the end of a year. • Discuss potential changes to retiree health benefits. The issue will be included in negotiations with unions representing city staff. • Discussed removal of a house at 702 Meridian Street S. The house needs to be removed as part of the overpass project. Usable items will be removed from the house by Habitat for Humanity. The house will eventually be a fire department training site.

Job Fair Set for April 9 in Chaska Adults and students interested in finding the right job or a better job can attend the Southwest Job Fair April 9 at Chaska High School. The fair is open to students from 3 to 3:45 p.m. Adults can attend from 3:45 to 6:30 p.m. The job fair will include nocost workshops, including one on networking and branding 4 p.m. and another on writing resumes from 4 to 5 p.m. The job fair sponsored by Carver County Workforce Services and the Eastern Carver County School District. More than 70 prospective employers will be on hand. A complete list of the companies is online at departments/CSS/workforce and additional information is available from Gwen at (952) 3611713 or Emily at (952) 5563545. Chaska High School is at 545 Pioneer Trail.

wednesday, april 8, 2015

State Tournament Shows Interest in High School Archery Archers formed a long line over the length of an indoor athletic facility to shoot arrows at targets during the 11th state high school archery tournament in Minnesota. Yet this long line of competitors represented only a fraction of everyone in the tournament. The tournament has grown from 67 archers its first year to 1,313 this year. The growth reflects a booming interest in recreational archery, said Kraig Kiger, who oversees the Archery in the Schools Program for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). “Movie characters helped inspire some of the interest, but not all,� Kiger said. “Being a good archer requires concentration, focus, persistence and determination – all attributes that translate into success in other pursuits. Competitors have a great deal of control over developing their own potential. They don’t need to be the biggest, fastest or strongest. It’s all about practice and problem solving.� The DNR’s archery program is part of the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) that aims to train teachers and provide students with the best equipment, training and curriculum available for the lowest price. It’s NASP, rather than the Minnesota State High School League, that sanctions state and national tournaments where students’ scores contribute to individual and team results. Feeding the growth are clubs like the North Country Bow Hunters Chapter of Safari Club International, which has run and made the state tournament possible for the past six years. “By insuring, staffing and running the state tournament, we’re happy to provide an opportunity that might not otherwise exist for youth archers,� said Scott Talbot, a member of the chapter’s board of directors. “We enjoy seeing the tremendous growth of the sport through the NASP program here in Minnesota, and we see only growth from here forward.� In this year’s tournament held March 20-21, St. Croix Preparatory Academy won the team

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competition, with Grand Rapids High School coming in second. In overall individual standings, Allison Shorter of New Prague High School had the highest score for girls, with Jenna Amey of White Bear Lake Area High School second. Wesley Joarnt of St. Croix Prep was first overall for boys, and second place went to Mitch Munion of Mahtomedi Public Schools. All the results are online at In all, nearly 200,000 teacher-reported students in Minnesota participate in archery in the schools programs. Most

schools have only an in-school program, but about 10 percent of them have additional afterschool archery programs that develop into a competitive team. “Schools can receive DNR grant money for archery programs,� Kiger said. “Through the grant, we can help match a school’s contribution toward starting an archery program, with the school’s minimum financial contribution set at $1,600.� For more on the DNR archery grants program, see

Belle Plaine Police Report The week of March 30-April 5, A woman on the 300 block of Belle Plaine police responded East Century Street reported a to the following selected calls: domestic dispute at 2:23 p.m. A man was arrested. The driver of a vehicle stopped Monday, March 30 at 9:45 p.m. near the intersecA person on the 400 block of South Meridian Street called tion of East Main and North for medical help at 9:17 a.m. A Cedar streets for running a stop woman was suffering stomach sign was also cited for driving pain and was transported to an after license cancellation. At 10:45 p.m., police cited the area hospital. driver of a vehicle that did not A woman on the 200 block of move to an open lane near the South Pine Street reported at 12:33 p.m. someone violated intersection of Highway 169 a no-contact order. The person and Old Highway 169 Boulevard while passing an officer was cited. conducting a traffic stop. Tuesday, March 31 Saturday, April 4 A woman on the 800 block of West Main Street called A man on the 300 block of for medical help at 12:15 a.m. South Market Street reported at A man suffering shortness of 10:36 a.m. the theft of his e-cigbreath was transported to an arettes and flavor refills from an unlocked vehicle. area hospital. A woman on the 100 block of Sunday, April 5 Aspen Lane reported at 7:27 A woman stopped near the inp.m. the theft of a purse from tersection of Highway 169 and an unlocked, running vehicle. Meridian Avenue at 1:48 a.m. A man on the 1000 block of was cited for not pulling over South Chestnut Street was ar- to an open lane when passing rested at 10:55 p.m. on an out- an officer conducting a traffic stop. She was also cited for standing arrest warrant. driving without a license. Thursday, April 2 A person on the 800 block of Daniel Drive called for medical help at 8:25 a.m. A woman was experiencing heart issues. The week of March 30-April She was transported to an area 5, Belle Plaine firefighters responded to the calls that inhospital. cluded: A hit-and-run crash on the 100 block of North Meridian Street Wednesday, April 1 was reported at 12:52 p.m. A woman on the 200 block of Firefighters answered a muWest State Street reported at tual aid call at 5:10 p.m. to as7:20 p.m. an unlawful entry. A sist Green Isle Fire Department man was located in the building with a grass fire near Curran and cited. He was then arrested Lake. on an outstanding Hennepin Firefighters responded at 6:10 County warrant. p.m. to a property-damage crash on the 1000 block of West State Friday, April 3 A woman on the 700 block Street. They were cancelled en of East Forest Street called for route. medical help at 10:06 a.m. A At 8:07 p.m., firefighters were man suffering severe back pain dispatched for severe weather was transported to an area hos- spotting in the area. pital.

Fire Calls

wednesday, APRIL 8, 2015



For Valek, Coaching at Augsburg Weather PPDs Spring Season is the Next Best Thing Opener for BPHS Varsity Teams Weather-permitting – always a big if during the spring high school sports season – the Belle Plaine High School baseball and softball teams were slated to open their seasons yesterday, after the Herald went to press. If the weather permitted. Monday’s home baseball against St. Peter and the softball game against Tri-City United were shelved because

of cold weather and moved to Tuesday. Game-time temperatures Monday (April 6) was in the upper-30s. Tuesday’s temperatures were expected in the mid-40s, but forecasts had rain at game time as no better than a 50-50 proposition. Thursday (April 9), BPHS is hosting an invitational track meet at 4 p.m. The baseball

team is slated to play at Mayer Lutheran at 5 p.m. Thursday. The BPHS softball team is also set for a clash at Mayer Lutheran beginning at 6 p.m. Friday (April 10) at 4:15 p.m., the BPHS golf teams are slated to open their seasons at Creeks Bend northeast of New Prague on Highway 13.

High Island Rodeo Back for 12th Year April 17-18

by Wess McConville The High Island Rodeo, which began as a smaller fund-raiser for the Minnesota Rodeo Association, has grown to 150 riders competing in nine events. Now in its 12th year, the High Island Rodeo features the everpopular bull riding, along with roping events, steer wrestling, horse events, mutton bustin’ and a calf scramble for children. The riders, mostly from Minnesota and North and South Dakota, compete at High Island Rodeo along with dozens of other rodeos over the season and collect points for cash prizes at the end of the year. High Island Rodeo is part of the Minnesota Rodeo Association tour. Retired bull rider Travis Walstrom competed in 50 to 60 rodeos a year over his 19-year riding career, including High Island Rodeo. He said that rodeo riding goes far beyond being just a hobby for those in it. “It really is a lifestyle,” he said. “You have to have a love for the sport. I guess you can compare it to being an American biker; it’s the freedom of being with your buddies on the road and competing. You have to be OK with waking up sore in the morning. It’s just part of the game. And dealing with all of the hard things you learn along the way. It’s not all sunshine and roses.” High Island Rodeo starts at 7

Bull riding is one of the popular events at the upcoming annual High Island Rodeo April 17-18 in rural Henderson. p.m. on both Friday, April 17 and April 18 at High Island Arena, 26245 371st Avenue., Henderson. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Following the rodeo, a fundraiser dance featuring Hitchville and The Farmers Daughter

will take place at the Henderson Event Center. For more information visit Tickets can be purchased in advance in Belle Plaine at Berger Interiors on South Meridian Street.

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B.P. Native Honored for Coaching Work

A young wrestling coach with a bright future, Tony Valek isn’t sending his resume out in bunches to find a job coaching wrestling just anywhere. He’s quite content where he is, thanks. Valek, a 2008 Belle Plaine High School graduate, is an associate head wrestling coach at Augsburg College in Minneapolis. He recently earned both the promotion from assistant coach to the associate position as well as national honors for his work. Valek and his boss, Head Coach Jim Moulsoff were recently named Coach of the Year and Assistant Coach of the Year after the Auggies won the school’s 12th NCAA Division III national championship March 13-14 in Hershey, Penn. Augsburg had two individual national title winners and a national runner-up among its six All-Americans and qualifiers in all 10 weight classes. Augsburg finished 12-4 in dual meets and won the NCAA Division III West Regional title -- its 13th straight NCAA regional crown. “We have a winning combination in Jim and Tony, and it’s an incredibly positive team. They have the same philosophies, yet totally different skill sets that compliment each other,” said Augsburg Athletic Director Jeff Swenson. “I think that Jim and Tony have done an incredible job this year. Their studentathletes have great respect for them, and overachieved because of the trust and relationships the coaches have built with them.” Valek’s job as an associate coach includes more administrative work than it did as an assistant coach. He’ll spend time making sure the team’s student-athletes are participating in study groups, keep track of their weights and a larger role in the recruiting process. As a former three-time AllAmerica wrestler at 141 and 149 pounds who finished national runner-up twice and third one time, Valek is the poster boy for hard work and attention to academics. “Tony cares about every one of our student-athletes, both on the mat and academically,” Moulsoff said. “He relates well to them because he’d been there.” Valek is all about organization, making sure every ‘T’ is crossed and ‘I’ dotted. His office work during the season as a coaching is the more pedestrian part of Valek’s day. At 25 and almost in competition shape, he’s still quite willing to mix it up on the mat in a teaching mode with Augsburg wrestlers.

Belle Plaine native and Scott West wrestling alum Tony Valek (left) was honored for his work as Augsburg College’s top assistant wrestling coach. The Auggies won a NCAA Division III national championship last month. In his third year on the coaching staff, Valek hasn’t had to convince the Auggie wrestlers they should follow his lead. “He didn’t have to prove anything. They’ve seen his picture on the wall,” Moulsoff said, referring to the photographs of Augsburg’s All-America wrestlers. “It’s definitely a perk of the job,” Valek said of his practice time on the mat. “It’s fun to continue to compete every day.”

Teaching on the Mat

Just as former assistant coaches did during Valek’s collegiate wrestling career from 2009-12 at Augsburg, the assistants use their experience and strength to give the student-athletes the challenge they need to stay ahead of the competition. “Practice is definitely a release for myself,” he said. “It’s definitely good to have that workout. You remind them there’s still plenty they can work on.” Moulsoff knows Valek would love one day to succeed him as head coach. For now, Valek has to bide his time. He hopes that when Moulsoff retires, he’ll have earned consideration for the job. Moulsoff has been Augsburg’s head coach for 10 seasons and on the staff for 17 years. “It wouldn’t be fair to put him in that situation quite yet,” the

head coach said, noting Valek’s just a few years older than some of the student-athletes. “You want to keep him motivated. He’s a smart young man. Being part of the success he had in high school and college, Tony’s had a lot of good examples to follow.” Valek was a top performer in the classroom as well, as he was named to the Capital One Academic All-District (CoSIDA) men’s at-large team twice during his four-year career. The son of Monica and Chuck Valek, he earned National Wrestling Coaches Association Division III Scholar All-America honors his final three seasons, and was named as the recipient of the prestigious NCAA Elite 89 Award as the student-athlete with the highest cumulative grade-point average at the 2012 NCAA Division III Wrestling National Championships. Valek was the first Augsburg studentathlete ever to be named a first-team CoSIDA Academic All-America honoree twice. He earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting with a minor in business management from Augsburg in 2012, and his master’s degree in the art of leadership from Augsburg in 2014. Valek lives in St. Paul with his older brother, Ryan, a 2007 Augsburg College graduate. He was a three-time All-America wrestler at 165 pounds.

B.P. School Board (continued from page 1)

community members to explore the different options and to build support,” Lenz said. “It is something that can be done if we work together and keep it moving forward.” Director Dan Giesen likes the multi-functional aspect of a community center. “Some of the amenities that should be considered include a performing arts theater, a gymnasium, a walking track, and an indoor pool,” he said. “I’m sure there are other community members that would have further suggestions. From what I have witnessed, from my own family to others that live in Belle Plaine, there are many families that travel 20 to 30 minutes to attend community centers in Chaska, Prior Lake and other local cities.” But the support for a new building, either as an expanded performing arts facility or community center is not entirely universal. “My primary concerns now are the education of our students in the areas of math, language arts, and science,” said Director Joe Vandermark. “Our test scores indicate that we have a lot of work to do. If our administration and school board thinks that spending more to improve our K-12 programming will help the progress of our students, then we should be appealing for funding for those areas first. We have made a lot of changes in how we teach (standards-based teaching) and technology, but have not mas-

tered these changes as of yet. Planning for a new facility that is not tied to core learning and running a referenda campaign at this point could distract us from achieving our student learning and career/college readiness goals. While I believe we need to make improvements in our facilities to be competitive with our neighboring communities, it should not be done at the cost of educating our students.”

Financing a Plan

Meeting as a finance committee March 23, the board looked at two proposals on how to finance an expanded auditorium. Both financing plans will require voter-approved bonds. One option calls for a schedule of immediate payments on principal and interest over 20 years. The other option pays only interest on the bonds until the district’s debt on its buildings is retired in about 10 years. Then, payments would cover principal and interest. The second option would reduce the annual tax impact on property while back loading the payments. It would increase the overall cost of the project by just over $1.3 million. If voters approved a 20-year bond for $7.5 million paying interest only for 10 years, the additional tax impact on a house valued for taxation at $200,000 would be $150 per year. The impact on the same house would be an additional $192 annually if the district paid principal and interest.

If directors decide to hold community meetings, the board needs to determine if the input of people who attend one or more meetings is representative of the larger community, Smith said. “It is important to continue to provide the best we can for our students and families,” Gardner said. Another option is conducting a formal statistically valid survey of district residents. But that require hiring a firm that will bring back several hundred responses from across the district. “If a community center was built it would be used every day of the year,” Lenz said. “In my opinion, it is something that is needed to make Belle Plaine an even better place to live and as a chip to attract potential home buyers to consider moving to BP. We have to start to think about how to make our community a more attractive place not only for families to want to move here but to attract more businesses to move here. I am not saying that if we build a community center more businesses will move to BP but it cannot hurt.” Said Vandermark: “I am sure there will be many in our community that will support this, but I’m not certain if a referenda campaign would be successful unless we accommodate the needs of our students and community without a significant financial burden.”




Grass Fire (continued from page 1)

hand on the blaze by lighting “back fires” in the path of the flames. “When the fire gets there, there will be no fuel left for it to burn,” said Danny

Mugging With the Bunny! The Easter bunny offered parents and children a great photo-op. after the egg hunt Saturday at Emma Krumbee’s General Store in Belle Plaine.

The annual Easter egg hunt is a family affair, drawing many area parents and children.

Kroells, an assistant Green Isle fire chief. Kroells pointed to a shallow ditch north of County Road 15. The ditch led into a wooded area. On the other side of the wooded area was a barn and house. “We can’t let it get in there. This way, the flames

can’t spread any further,” he said, as he used a torch to ignite dry grass before a crew of four fighters squelched the flames. A much-welcomed thunderstorm passing through the area assisted the firefighters’ efforts. By 8:30 p.m., Vos said, the flames were under control.

Green Isle firefighters set backfires to use up the fuel that fed the spreading grass fire last Wednesday. High winds made staying ahead of the flames difficult.

Stop in and see Brandt Vinkemeier your hometown Belle Plaine boy born and raised here for the best deals around!

Cologne Academy Hosting ‘Vegas’ Night Fund-raiser The annual Sips & Dips gala fund-raiser hosted by Cologne Academy PAVE is Saturday, April 11, 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Norwood Pavilion in Norwood Young America. This Gala is an adult social event for parents and friends of Cologne Academy to meet, mingle, and support the school. This year’s Las Vegas themed night will include music, appe-

tizers, desserts, drinks, casino games with dealer, as well as a live and silent auctions. Admission to the event is $30 per person or $55 per couple. Auction raffle tickets may be purchased at the door for $5. The event is open to the community. To purchase tickets online, go to sipsdips2015

Money raised will directly benefit Cologne Academy. The event is planned and sponsored by Cologne Academy’s PAVE (Parents are Vital Energy). For more information, contact Shelly Machacek at Norwood Pavillion is located at 21 Main Street E., Norwood Young America.



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