BPHS Baseball Team Backed Into Corner
BPHS Graduate Photos and Plans Pages 7-10
Many Tigers Qualify for State Track Meet Page 17
Page 17
Class of 2015 Set to Commence
Peter and Allison Jacobson and their family are leaving their jobs with the Belle Plaine School District to teach in an American school in India.
B.P.’s Jacobsons Headed to a Different World to Teach, Learn Teachers, Parents Prepare for Life in India
They are at a point in their lives when it’s time to put their children and each other first. The next performance will be on the other side of the world. But for Allison and Peter Jacobson, they aren’t telling their friends goodbye, but rather, they’ll see them later.
The Jacobsons are leaving Belle Plaine for teaching positions at an American International School in Chennai, India. Allison will teach English as an additional language to elementary-schoolers. Peter will teach media science. Earlier this year, the Belle Plaine School Board OK’d a five-year leave of absence for the couple. They are required to notify the school district early in the calendar year if they plan to return for the following year. The Jacobsons have been in Belle Plaine since the 2004-05
school year. They came from Blooming Prairie, Minn. and needed little time fitting in to the community. Allison is a high school English teacher. Peter taught English and media studies for most of his tenure in Belle Plaine and until last year worked with the school’s budding technology initiative. He is, in the words of Superintendent Kelly Smith, one of the district’s “early adopters.” Allison Jacobson is well
(continued on page 12)
Engineer Reports to Council That Overpass Plans Are Progressing In the Belle Plaine City Council’s packet Monday night was an update from City Engineer Joe Duncan on the planning process for the proposed start of construction this fall of the bridge over Highway 169 near the intersection of Country Road 3/Meridian Street. Duncan stated that the final design work is nearing completion and the layout drawing has been reviewed and approved by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT). Duncan added that Mn/DOT has concluded that the there be a full removal of the left turnins on Highway 169, while the right turn-ins will remain mostly as they currently exist with only a few modifications to coincide with the removal of the left turn-ins. Duncan said the overpass plans will also be submitted to
Scott County for the approval of the components associated with County Road 3. In other business Monday night, the council unanimously awarded the contract for site preparation at 702 South Meridian Street to Chard Tiling and Excavating at the low bid of $7,800. In November, the council okayed a purchase agreement with Eric and Lisa May for the acquisition of their home at 702 South Meridian Street for $277,000 for replacement housing and relocation costs. The property is part of the right-ofway for the bridge project. The city has opted to let the fire department burn down the home as part of a training exercise, which is scheduled to occur in September. Once the house is burned, the debris and basement will have to be re-
Belle Plaine Girl Scouts Hosting Hair Donation Event The Belle Plaine Girl Scout Service Unit is hosting a hair donation event at Oak Crest Elementary School Saturday, June 6, to benefit the non-profit organization, Children With Hair Loss (CWHL). The event will run from 3 to 5 p.m. Organizers are hoping for 100 or more people to donate eight inches or more of hair. Stylists are donating their time for the event. Photographers will be available to take beforeand-after pictures, a face painter, balloon animals, and other fun activities will be available. Belle Plaine Girl Scouts lead-
ers selected CWHL because they don’t charge families for wigs. However, they also provide wigs for children up to the age of 21, they treat all childhood hair loss; whether its due to an illness, or other life altering disease, they accept a minimum of eight inches of hair, and they accept color treated, permed, highlighted, or grey hair. CWHL opened in September of 2000. CWHL’s mission and goals are to never charge a fam-
Girl Scouts
(continued on page 6)
moved and backfilled in order to prepare the site for the bridge project. *Unanimously awarded the bid for the South Creek Drainage Way project to Schneider Excavating and Grading for $156,730, which is well below the city’s engineer’s estimate of $200,000. City Administrator Holly Kreft reported that following the floods of last June, the South Creek Drainage Way project was identified as a mitigation project to minimize future flooding and impacts to private property. Kreft added that a small portion of the pond north of Orchard Street was found to have slightly elevated levels of arsenic, requiring the dredged material (about 200 cubic yards) to be placed in a landfill. FEMA has awarded the city the necessary funding for the project and will also reimburse engineering costs. *Unanimously accepted the resignation of part-time police officer Allison Barrineau, who has accepted a full-time position with a private company in Vancouver, Wash. *Unanimously accepted the donation of an automated external defibrillator valued at $1,900 from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community to be used by the BPPD. *Unanimously approved large assembly and street closure permits for the Belle Plaine
(continued on page 4)
by Dan Ruud Just weeks after the first day of kindergarten in 2002, the Belle Plaine High School class of 2015 would be forever impacted by the results of what was Belle Plaine’s largest voter turnout ever up to that time, which included a $36 millionplus school building bond referendum. Despite a long and hard campaign by the school district and members of the Facilities Improvement Task Force, all three questions of the referendum failed, the biggest being what would have provided $36 million to build and equip a new grades 7-12 high school. It failed by a vote of 1,478 yes to 1,654 no. Eventually, voters did approve a revamped referendum that provided the district with the funding to “expand” the existing high school and build a “second” elementary school to house grades 3-6. The school would become known as Oak Crest Elementary School and the class of 2015 occupied the school (as fifth-graders) when it opened in 2007. So, the class of 2015 did benefit from a spacious new building for its final two years of elementary school and an expanded building for its junior and senior high years. On the first day of school in 2002 (Sept. 3), the BPHS volleyball team, led by Cassie Wolpern and Anna Huls, swept Waconia in the season opener at the BPHS gym. Wolpern went on to break the “national” high school volleyball record for career kills later that month in Apple Valley. Not that many class of 2015 members stayed up to watch, or cared to, but the second night of their first week in kindergarten was when Kelly Clarkson won the First American Idol contest
to become known as The Original American Idol. Over 90 members of the class of 2015 are set to receive their diplomas at Sunday’s 2 p.m. ceremony in the school’s south gymnasium. Principal Dave Kreft will welcome the class and the choir will perform “Homegrown” by the Zac Brown Band. Rylee Pumper will be the student speaker. Her speech is called “Class of 2015: Writing Our Stories.” Allison Jacobson will be the staff speaker with the title of her speech being “The Things They Carried.” Belle Plaine Dollars for Scholars President Tricia Ruud will recognize this year’s scholarship recipients. School Super-
intendent Dr. Kelly Smith will present the class and School Board Chair Mike Ludvik will hand out the diplomas. The ceremony will close with the song “Anchors Aweigh.” The school had not yet publicly announced who this year’s high honor and honor students are when this edition of the Herald went to press Tuesday. The class officers for 2014-15 are President Maxwell Hughes, Vice President Alyssa Meierbachtol, Treasurer Anthony Lovejoy and Secretary Katelyn Schmit. The class song is “I Lived” by
Class of 2015
(continued on page 4)
B.P. School Board, Teacher’s Union Open Contract Talks With the level of its funding from the state during the next two years still uncertain and the board strongly considering an excess levy referendum this fall, the Belle Plaine School Board and the school district’s teacher’s union opened talks on a new two-year contract Monday (June 1) evening. The brief meeting gave both sides the opportunity to get together and exchange preliminary issues for discussion. They addressed some technical language details of the existing contract. Once ratified by the union’s rank-and-file and approved by the school board, the two-year contract (2015-16 and 2016-17) will address working conditions, the number of days teach-
ers will work, compensation and other “terms and conditions of employment,” said Superintendent Kelly Smith. Compensation (salary and benefits) for the BPEA amounts to 52 percent of the district’s $15.3 million general fund budget this year. Support staff union members earn 10.8 percent of the money in the general fund, Smith said. Talks between the school board (represented by directors Matt Lenz, Mike Ludvik, Dan Giesen and Smith) and the teachers (represented by negotiators Luke Audette, Mary Beth Rauh and Rose Simones) will continue Mondays June 29
School Board
(continued on page 18)
Sun About to Set on Meuleners’ Long High School Career, But Will Soon Rise in North Dakota by Dan Ruud Janessa Meuleners has covered a lot of ground in her six years as a Belle Plaine junior and senior high school student. That ground has included long gallops through golf courses, fields, prairies, woods and paved oval tracks, in conditions ranging from frosty to sultry. Meuleners, who graduates this Sunday, has been a member of the BPHS “varsity” girls’ cross country and track and field teams since seventh grade. In the process, she has become one of the school’s most decorated athletes of all time, earning all-conference honors in cross country all six years, including three conference championships, and qualifying for the state meet each year. She’s also qualified for state multiple times in track and field. Meuleners’ runs through the years have taken her from the ponds and agricultural fields of serene courses such as Ney Nature Center in Henderson to a stone throw away from the hustle and bustle of St. Paul’s Snelling Avenue. It will be the latter that Meuleners will wrap up her long high school running career at this Friday’s and Saturday’s state Class 1A track and field meet at Klas Field on the campus of Hamline University (next to Snelling). At this past Saturday’s section meet in Mankato, Meuleners qualified for state in three events. She won the 800-meter run and anchored the victori-
ous 4x800-meter relay team. in the Blakeley area, said her She will also compete at state most memorable cross country in the 4x400-meter relay, which Meuleners placed second at section. (continued on page 2) Meuleners, who lives on a farm
Belle Plaine High School senior Janessa Meuleners signed a letter of intent last fall to run cross country and track and field at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Meuleners is pictured with her parents, Rob and Renee Meuleners.
Swimming Pool Opens Friday The Belle Plaine Community Swimming Pool is scheduled to open this Friday at 1 p.m. Season pool passes can be purchased for $60 ($125 for the family) at Belle Plaine City Hall, which is open extended hours through Thursday this week to accommodate buyers (see pool add inside this edition
of the Herald). There will be 2015 Pool Kick-Off Party, sponsored by Belle Plaine Festivals and Events, this Thursday from 5-7:30 p.m. There will be an inflatable water slide and more. The pool itself will not be open for this event, which is open to the public.
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wednesday, JUNE 3, 2015
A Generous Donation The Belle Plaine Rotary Club hosted a pancake breakfast in March and earmarked the proceeds to benefit the Belle Plaine Food Shelf and displaced residents of Cardinal Ridge. The Rotary Club presented a $1,200 check to the food shelf at its May 27 meeting. Proceeds from the B.P. Rotary Club’s annual pancake breakfast, along with supplemental funding provided by the Southern Dakota-Scott County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, were used made the donation possible. Pictured above are (from left) Kelly Smith, Rotary secretarytreasurer; Tom Meger, Rotary president; Pat Ollhoff, food shelf facilities manager; Sharon Blume, Rotary public relations director and food shelf volunteer.
Scott County Planning Commission to Review Cell Tower Proposal on Sue & Brad Schultz’s Property Scott County’s planning commission will take a look at a proposal to build a 134-foot monopole cellular tower along Highway 169 in St. Lawrence Township Monday (June 8, 6:30 p.m.) at the Scott County Government Center in Shakopee. The planning commission will address a request from Verizon Wireless to build a tower and equipment shelter within a 75by-75 foot leased land area at 21385 Highway 169 owned by Sue and Brad Schultz. Aiming to improve the consistency of its service in a more rural area, Verizon Wireless is looking to build a 125-foot
monopole tower (plus a 9-foot tall lightning rod) along Highway 169 just outside of Belle Plaine. County zoning ordinance caps a cell tower at 150 feet. Beyond 150 feet, a conditional-use permit is required for the tower to be built. The tower will be on land within the 10-acre farmstead on the northeast corner of the Schultz’s property. It will be gray in color, made of a noncorrosive metal. The support building will be 12-by-30 feet. Scott County staff is recommending conditional approval of the Verizon Wireless tower. The proposal comes with the
approval of the St. Lawrence Township Board of Supervisors. It supports the proposed tower as long as the rights of the neighboring grass airstrip are not violated, according to Ted Kornder, the town board’s chairman. The planning commission will also conduct public hearings at the Monday meeting on a proposed addition to Lydia Zion United Methodist Church in Spring Lake Township and a rezoning of land in New Market Township. The rezoning, if approved, will allow the development of 19 residential lots on 70.62 acres.
Now and Then Janessa Meuleners (No. 1) is pictured above on her way to winning the MRC track and field championship in both the 800- and 1,600-meter runs on May 15 in Montgomery. At right is Meuleners, then a seventh-grader, competing in the 2009 MRC Cross Country meet in Henderson. She placed fourth in the race, which earned her the first of what would become six all-conference honors. She claimed three conference cross country championships, those coming in 2011, 2012 and 2014. Meuleners will run her final high school races at this Friday’s and Saturday’s state Class 1A track and field meet in St. Paul. She graduates on Sunday.
Meuleners (continued from page 1)
race was placing fourth at state last fall. The feat took place at St. Olaf College in Northfield, the site of Meuleners’ first 4K race for BPHS back in the fall of 2009. Her fastest 4K time ever came in 2012, when she won the second of her three conference championships in 14:39. As for her most memorable moment in track and field, Meuleners said it’s probably when she was in eighth grade competing in the 2011 section meet, during which she qualified for her first track and field state meet by edging Cheyanne Bowers of St. James in the 3,200-meter run by barely a step (11:39.35 to 11:39.55). Meuleners’ time was a school record. In 2012, Bowers signed a letter of intent to run cross country and track and field for South Dakota State University. Meuleners, who is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall, said she has probably had to work a little harder over the years than many of the runners with longer strides. “I just push myself harder and take the longest strides possible to make up for it,” said Meuleners, adding that she normally runs some 30 to 40 miles per week. Meuleners said an athlete she has always looked up to is the late Steve Prefontaine. He was an American middle- and longdistance runner who competed in the 1972 Olympics. Prefontaine once held the American record in seven different distance track events from the 2,000 meters to the 10,000 meters. He died in an auto accident in 1975 at the age of 24. Meuleners opted not to compete in the 3,200 run this postseason, a distance she has experienced most of her track success in through the years. For sections this year, she opted instead for the middle distances and long sprints, most notably the 800-meter run and 4x800 and 4x400 relays, all of which she advanced to state in. When asked if she has any pre-race rituals, Meuleners said she sleeps on the bus to almost every race. Once she gets to the starting line, she makes sure she’s wearing her blue headband. Unlike many runners she competes against, Meuleners in recent years has worn colorful sunglasses (see now and then photos accompanying this article). But she doesn’t attribute all her running success to prerace naps, headbands and fancy
shades. “My coaches (Steve Schroeder, Rich Foust and Brad Peterson) have helped me so much,” Meuleners said. “They have always been there for me.” Her coaches were glad to have her. “Janessa came on as an enthusiastic seventh-grader and just kept coming,” said Belle Plaine cross country coach Steve Schroeder. “She is one of those rare talents that backs it up with hard work and true study of the sport. Janessa has a thoroughbred mentality that is usually affective. As far as a team member, you couldn’t ask for a better one. She was running with the incoming seventh-graders every summer and making it fun for them; then going out afterward to run her own workout to ensure her teammates could count on her. “It will be strange perhaps not having that front-runner on the team but her work ethic and enthusiasm have made an impact on the rest of the team and they, like her, will persevere,” Schroeder continued. Foust also praised Meuleners. “Janessa has been a significant contributor to the track team for six years. This season, she has asserted herself as a leader of the team and is running with much confidence. During her races, she has a big smile on her face and she is really enjoying the moment.” After Saturday, all that will be left for Meuleners to do at BPHS is to participate with her classmates in Sunday’s commencement ceremony. Although the sun is about to set on her high school career, Meuleners still has plenty of snoozes on buses and races ahead of her. She will attend the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks starting this fall, where she will compete in cross country in the fall, indoor track and field in the winter and outdoor track and field in the spring.
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Ground to Air
While at UND, Meuleners will be doing much more than just running. She plans to mix her ground talents with pursuing a career in aviation. She said she wants to become a commercial pilot and/or pilot of unmanned crafts, such a drones. “I went to UND for a college visit and they talked about the program and I got real interested in it (aviation),” said Meuleners, who has been a honor student throughout her junior and senior high years.
Janessa Meuleners’ Career Highlights
Cross Country (4K) All MRC Six Times Year Grade Place/Time 2009 7th 4th/17:06 2010 8th 2nd/16:17 2011 9th 1st/15:37 2012 10th 1st/14:39 2013 11th 4th/15:43 2014 12th 1st/15:06 State Qualifier Six Times Year Grade Place/Time 2009 7th 31st/16:00 2010 8th 47th/15:58 2011 9th 13th/15:18 2012 10th 14th/15:12 2013 11th 40th/15:48 2014 12th 4th/14:58 Track and Field MRC Championships 2010 3,200 Run/12:36 2011 3,200 Run/11:57 2012 3,200 Run/12:03 2013 3,200 Run/12:09 4x800 Relay/10:08 2014 4x800 Relay/10:21 2015 1,600 Run/5:30 800 Run/2:21 4x400 Relay/4:14 State Meets 2011 3,200 8th Place/11:25 2012 3,200 8th Place/11:32 1,600 7th Place/5:23 2014 3,200 6th Place/11:38 2015 Three events TBD
Best Prices
wednesday, june 3, 2015
son-in-law, Tom Deutsch; grandsons, Ryan Laabs and Derrick Schmidt. Taking him to his finally resting place is John Klehr, Mark Klehr, Jeff Klehr, T.J. Deutsch, Matt Kahle, Josh Klehr, Missy Fahey, Aaron Thomason, Jerry Laabs, Adrian Koepp and Honorary pall bearer Derrick Schmidt.
Richard “Dick” N. Klehr Richard “Dick” Nicholas Klehr, 83, of Belle Plaine passed away on Sunday May, 31, 2015 at his home surrounded by his wife, children and siblings. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, June 5 at Our Lady of the Prairie Catholic Church in Belle Plaine. Fr. Brian Lynch and Deacon Bob Raleigh will officiate. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday at the Kolden Funeral Home in Belle Plaine and continue at church on Friday morning from 9-10:30 a.m. Interment will be in Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery in Belle Plaine. Richards was born on his family farm in St. Lawrence Township on March 26, 1932 to Felix and Agnes (Pauly) Klehr. He attended St. Peter and Paul Parochial School. He enlisted in the Air Force from 1951 to 1955 and proudly served in the Korean War. He specialized as a mechanic on the B29. The loves of his life were his wife Mary of 62 plus years. Also, being a farmer for over 60 years, bird watching, coffee with his buddies, large family gatherings, bowling, being an active VFW member, traveling, working the land. But his most important highlight of his life was spending time with Mary and having his grandchildren around him and spending Saturday date night listening to Mollie B. Left to honor his life and mourn his death is his wife, Mary; and his 10 children, Nancy Deutsch of New Prague, Patty (Dick) Laabs of Henderson, Jean (Roger) Thomason of Belle Plaine, Barb (Curt) Koepp of Belle Plaine, Rick (Pam) Klehr of New Prague, John (Kim) Klehr of Winthrop, Mark (special friend Shelly Reed) Klehr of Belle Plaine, Ann (Todd) Kahle of Belle Plaine, Jeff (Wendy) Klehr of Arlington, Jenny (Terry) Schmidt of Belle Plaine; daughter in-law, Linda Klehr of Le Sueur; 38 grandchildren; and 24 greatgrandchildren; siblings Savern (Don) Guertin of Belle Plaine, Cliff (Mary) Klehr of Jordan, Marilyn (Tom) Johnson of Kingman, AZ and Karen (Roland) Evans of Fridley. Richard was welcomed home in heaven by his son, Stephen Klehr; parents, Felix and Agnes Klehr; parents-in-law, Henry and Elizabeth Breeggemann;
Mildred C. Honebrink Mildred C. Honebrink, 96, of Belle Plaine passed away on May 26, 2015 at The Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine. Funeral service was at 11 a.m. on Friday, May 29 at St. John Lutheran Church in Belle Plaine. Rev. Mark Johnson officiated. Visitation was one hour prior to the service at the church on Friday morning. Interment was in Oakwood Cemetery in Belle Plaine. Millie was born in Belle Plaine on April 28, 1919 to Ernest and Fernie (Paulmann) Schlingmann. She was baptized and confirmed by Rev. Haupt at St. John Lutheran in Belle Plaine. Millie married Gilbert Quaas on July 23, 1938 and this union was blessed with two children, Gerald and Carol. Following Gilbert’s death, she married Louis Honebrink on June 11, 1955. Millie worked various jobs including the Gedney plant in Chaska, 23 years at the Plastics Plant in Belle Plaine and for Scott County as a bus assistant. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, VFW Auxiliary and the Seniors Club at Cardinal Ridge and the Belle Plaine Historical Society. She is survived by her daughter in law, Annette Quaas of Norwood-Young America; siblings, Alice Triplett of Belle Plaine, John Schlingmann of Kingsport, TN; brother-in-law, Harold Kruschke of Milaca; sister-in-law, Leona Schlingmann of Belle Plaine, Lila Quaas of Mayer, Sylvia Quaas of Chaska; stepchildren, Elaine Klaustermeier, Eunice Kramin and Louis (Melba) Honebrink Jr.; stepdaughter-in-law, Arlys Honebrink; many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents; two husbands; both of her children; sisters, Marian, Martha, Ella, Gladys, Grace, Dorothy and Erna; brother: Robert; and stepson, Curtis Honebrink.
St. John-Assumption Festival AND
St. John-Assumption Parish Grounds Located at 26523 200th St. • Rural Belle Plaine, MN
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Douglas L. Sconberg
Douglas L. Sconberg, 61, of Belle Plaine, passed away on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at The Lutheran Home in Belle Plaine. Memorial services will be on Monday at 10 a.m, June 8 at the Kolden Funeral Home in Belle Plaine. Visitation will be one hour prior to the services. Douglas was born October 4, 1953 to Leo and Joyce (Olson) Sconberg in Olivia Village, Renville County, MN. He grew up in the Renville area and attended Renville Schools. He later worked for Bell Pharmaceuticals in Belle Plaine, MN. He is survived by his mother, Joyce Olson of Belle Plaine; siblings, Daniel Sconberg, Idella Curtis of Belle Plaine, Sharon Madden of Chaska and James (Carol) Sconberg of Jordan; many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his father; and brothers, Allen and Jerome.
Richard “Andy” M. Anderson
Former Sibley County Sheriff Doug Schulte passed away at his home in Gaylord. He was 67. Schulte served as county sheriff from 1999-2002. Before that, he served as the county
(952) 873-2261 Legal Newspaper of Independent School District #716, City of Belle Plaine and Scott County.
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Display & Classified Ads, Belle Plaine Herald: 12 Noon Monday email us:
bpherald@frontiernet.net No. 23 Vol. One-Hundred & Thirty-Third Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Becky DeLuca, nurse practitioner, treats you as a whole person, providing health education, disease prevention strategies and treatment for common to complex women’s needs — emotional and physical. Whether it’s a routine exam, prenatal care or pelvic floor rehabilitation, DeLuca and the rest of the Mayo Clinic Health System team are here to care for every part of you. Mayo Clinic Health System in New Prague 212 County Road 37 • mayoclinichealthsystem.org
sheriff’s office’s chief deputy for 25 years. He also served as an Arlington Police Department officer before joining the county sheriff’s office. Schulte’s funeral was held
Tuesday (May 19). He was laid to rest at the Gaylord Municipal Cemetery. Two adult children, one brother and six grandchildren survive Schulte.
Church News
Our Lady of The Prairie Catholic Church - Belle Plaine Fr. Brian Lynch 952-873-6564
St. John Lutheran Church 148 S. Chestnut Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Pastor Mark Johnson sjlc@frontiernet.net 952-873-6492 Wednesday, June 3 6:00 Worship Friday, June 5 6:00 Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, June 6 7:00 Weight Watchers 1:00 Wedding-Johnson/Wolf Sunday, June 7 Holy Communion 9:00 Worship Monday, June 8 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 Boy Scouts Tuesday, June 9 9:30 Women’s Bible Study 7:30 Childrens Ministry Wednesday, June 10 6:00 Worship St. Joseph Catholic Church 213 South 6th Street Henderson, MN 56044 507-248-3550 Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m. & St. John-Assumption Parish 26523 200th Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Father Sam 507-248-3550 Sundays: 10 a.m. Mass
Belle Plaine Herald
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Former Sibley County Sheriff Doug Schulte Passes Away
Richard “Andy” Mark Anderson, 58, passed away in San Diego, California on Friday, May 22, 2015 of melanoma and complications. He requested that there be no memorial service. He was born December 22, 1956 and grew up in the Blakeley and Belle Plaine area of Minnesota. He graduated from Belle Plaine High School in Oratory of St. Thomas 1975. the Apostle - Jessenland His parents were Kenneth Father Sam Perez Ronald Anderson and Wilma 507-248-3550 Olson Anderson Seewald. He Thursdays: Mass at 5 p.m. had four siblings, Lola (Dale) Dobesh of Savage, Linda (John) Holy Family Academy & Bisek of Albert Lea, Roger Chapel (Joan) of Cambridge, and RodTraditional Latin Mass ney (Joanne) of San Diego. 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2582 or 873-6613 (coord.) Founded 1882 by J.E. Townsend Fr. Otto Keiser Sundays C.Edward Townsend, Publisher & Editor 2:15 p.m. Confessions 2:40 p.m. Rosary / 3 p.m. The Belle Plaine Herald (USPS Mass 260730) is published every Academy Mass - call for times
Wednesday at Belle Plaine, MN 113 East Main, P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Periodicals postage paid at the Belle Plaine Post Office.
PAGE three
Sand Creek Baptist Church Loving Serving and Obeying Christ Currently Meeting at 312 Water St., Jordan 9 a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship & Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship Service
Senior Dining Seniors 60 years and older are invited to join us for Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. For dining reservations please call 952-873-6311 three days prior between the 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. weekdays. A contribution of $3.75 is requested for each meal. Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Cardinal Ridge Apartments CAP Agency Senior Dining
Wednesday, June 3 Citrus Herb Chicken Breast w/Orange Cranberry Sauce, Scalloped Potatoes, 4 Way Veggie Blend, Wheat Roll/ Marg., Chocoloate Chip Cookie Thursday, June 4 Roast Sliced Pork & Apple Rhubarb Glaze OR: SR Sliced Turkey, Baby Red Potatoes, Buttered Corn, Dinner Roll/ Marg., White Cake w/White Frosting Friday, June 5 Chicken Stir Fry, Oriental Vegetables, Brown Rice, Mandarin Oranges, Cookie Monday, June 8 Best Friends Day! Crispy Breaded Cod on Bun w/Tartar Sauce OR: Chicken Patty/Bun, Potato Salad, Peas & Carrots, Banana Bar Tuesday, June 9 Baked Penne Pasta in Meat Sauce, Mixed Green Salad w/ Ranch Dressing, Breadstick/ Marg., Fresh Fruit, Vanilla Pudding Wednesday, June 10 Country Fried Steak/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Benas, Pull-a-part Roll w/Marg., Chocolate Cupcake
Zion Lutheran Church & First Presbyterian Church School 219 W. Main Street, Belle 14745 County Road 153 Plaine Cologne, MN 55322 952-873-2966 952-466-3379 Pastor Don Genereux e-mail: brendathompsonziwww.fpcbelleplaine.org on@gmail.com fpcbelleplaine@frontiernet. Pastor: Eric Zacharias net Thursday, June 5 Inspirational Message Line 7:00 p.m. Ladies Aid/LWML 952-583-3302 Sunday, June 7 Wednesday June 3 9:00 a.m. Worship Visitations Sunday, June 7 River Rock Church 9:00 am Worship Service PO Box 184, Belle Plaine, Church council meets followMN ing worship service www.riverrockchurch.com Wednesday, June 10 info@riverrockchurch.com Visitations Worship at Chatfield Elem. @ 330 S. Market Street St. Paul’s United Ministry Center: Church of Christ 124 W. Main Street, BP 111 S. 6th Street, Henderson (952) 873-5453 Pastor-Deb Meyer Lead Pastor Chris Teien 507-248-3594 (Office) Associate Pastor Dan Jetto Sunday, June 7 * denotes 330 S. Market 9 a.m. Worship ** denotes 124 W. Main St. Friday, June 5 West Union Lutheran 9-10:30am Women’s Bible Church Study @ Belle Plaine 15820 Market Ave. Saturday, June 6 Cologne, MN 55315 8:00am Prayer Meeting @ 124 Church: 952-466-5678 W Main St westunion1@juno.com Pastor: Wolfgang Laudert 9:30am Generosity Bible Study in Jordan Wednesday, June 3 Sunday, June 7 7 p.m. Choir 9:30am Coffee, Food and Friday, June 5 Fellowship Time 4-7 p.m. Wedding Rehearsal 10am Worship Service @ 124 Saturday, June 6 9-6 Reserved for Roepke/ W Main St Glberto Wedding Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church Sunday, June 7 500 West Church Street 9 a.m. Worship/Graduation Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Sunday 952-873-6545 R: Ruth Labo Pastor John H. Meyer A: Carter Kienholz Pastor Timothy Redfield Monday, June 8 www.trinitybelleplaine.org 6:00 p.m. VBS Meeting Thursday, June 4 Tuesday, June 9 Last Day of School 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting 11 a.m. School Chapel Closing Redeemer Lutheran Church Service 12 p.m. Early Dismissal 14226 W. 280th Street, 1 p.m. Teachers’ Workshop Henderson, 7 p.m. Midweek Worship Pr. Diane Goulson Service with Communion 507-665-2932 Friday, June 5 On Highway 19, 2 miles East 9 a.m. Teacher Workshop of Highway 169 Sunday, June 7 Sunday, June 7 8:00 a.m. Monthly Council 8 a.m. Bible Study 9 a.m. Worship Service with Meeting 9:30 am Worship with Communion (Usher Team 6/ Video: Kaletka/Communion Communion Team 2) Mon.-Thur., June 8-11 10 a.m. Congregational Voters’ 9-11:30 a.m. VBS Celebrating & Learning about Meeting Advent & Christmas in June! 6-8 p.m. Bible Basketball Children ages 3 yrs - 6th grade Camp Monday, June 8 welcome. Walk-ins welcome! 6-8 p.m. Bible Basketball Tuesday, June 9 Camp 7:00 p.m. Bible Study 7:45 p.m. WELCA & 7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at Kathy Fredrich’s House Brotherhood mtgs. Tuesday, June 9 8:15 p.m. Coffee 1p.m. Trinity Knotters 6-8 p.m. Bible Basketball Camp B.P. Fire Department 6 p.m. Elders Meeting Relief Association 7 p.m. BOSE Meeting Wednesday, June 10 52 CLUB RAFFLE 6-8 Winner - $100 Campp.m. Bible Basketball Stephen Lyons 8 p.m. Marketing Committee Meeting
Tom and Loni Graham are celebrating 30 YEARS OF WEDDED BLISS! along with their grandson,
Cole Vlasak’s graduation from Eden Prairie High School. Join us in helping them celebrate • Let’s party and have a good time
SUNDAY, JUNE 14th • 2-5 pm
A memorial mass for Mary Ryan (McCue) will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 13th, at St. Brendan’s Catholic Church, 221 McGrann Ave., Green Isle, MN; Burial to follow at St. Brendan’s cemetery. After the burial, please join the family for refreshments at Our Lady of the Prairie Church, 200 E. Church St., Belle Plaine, MN in the “Gathering Room”.
Call 952.873.2261 to place your ad Here!
The beautiful sunshine after some well-timed rain is making for great gardens. The plants are enjoying spring. At the market today (Wednesday) expect to find fresh, yummy lettuce, radishes, asparagus, rhubarb, bunching onions and more. The strawberries are blossoming so it shouldn’t be long until they make an appearance. Last week, there were some awesome hostas at a great price ready for planting; also a nice variety of perennials to enhance any garden.
Fresh eggs, honey, salsa and many other canned goods are available, too. Come to the market and check it out. You just Belle Plaine Library never know who will be there 125 W Main St and what theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be selling. 952-873-6767 Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for vendors! If website: www.scottlib.org you or someone you know has Library Hours: something to share, come to the Saturday, Sunday & Monday market. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great time at the Closed park and you meet new people. Tuesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The market runs every Wednesday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, May through Oct. Thursday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. 14 from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at Court Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Square Park. For more infor- LIBRARY HOUR CHANGES mation, contact Lisa Fahey at Library will be closed Satur952-873-5665 or Diane Skelley days Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. at 952-873-2467. LOOKING AHEAD Bookawocky Summer Reading - Begins June 9 at the Belle Plaine Library Tuesday, June 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:30 & 11:30 Como Zoo â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bugawockyâ&#x20AC;? show and Crafty Science 1:002:00 Thursday, June 11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2:00-3:00 Teen Program â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Art Card Follies New Prague High School stu- terms of improving academic (Registration required) dents and staff will enjoy a dif- performance, enhancing con- Friday, June 12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 10:30 Celebferent wrinkle in the schedule sistency and making sure the rity Storytime with Georgine next fall when school ends ear- coursework is aligned with the Gansen and 1:00-2:00 K-1 Book Club â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Amelia Bedelia (Regisly each Thursday in the name of curriculum. academic improvement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right now,â&#x20AC;? he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;you tration required) Starting in the fall, school at could have two students taking Sign up for book clubs and fun New Prague High School will the same course from differ- classes at our website at www. end Thursdays at 1:50 p.m. and ent teachers and not getting the scottlib.org or contact the library for assistance. not 2:30 p.m. The additional 40 same experience.â&#x20AC;? minutes will be dedicated to Previously, the district has NEW PRINT ARRIVAL improving the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s curricu- struggled with scheduling staff HIGHLIGHTS Adult Fiction: lum and staff instruction. meetings and workshops. Each Whenever you come Around Superintendent Tim Ditt- class will be slightly shorter by Robin Lee Hatcher - â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just berner described the change to accommodate the early de- when Charityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wild imaginaas â&#x20AC;&#x153;mandatory collaboration parture. The district decided to tion failed her, a flesh-and-blood time,â&#x20AC;? the New Prague Times end 24 Thursdays early during hero walked into her life. Bestrecently reported. Teachers will the school day because many selling author Charity Anderlook at test results to determine teachers have responsibilities son returns to her hometown of Kings Meadow to defeat a what has and hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worked in before and after school. bad case of writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s block. She imagines sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll spend lonely summer writing and then return to her home in Boise. She soon finds herself caring for Buck (continued from page 1) Malone, a wilderness guide -German Days celebration that scheduled for 6:30 p.m. June 15 and the object of her unrequited will take place June 19-20 in the City Hall building at 218 teenage crush. Buck and Char(Friday and Saturday). Numer- North Meridian Street down- ity have gone different ways ous events will take place, be- town. since high school, and at first it ginning with the Community seems they have little in comCookout from 4-8 p.m. on June mon. Home of Our Hearts by 19. The festivities will continue Robin Jones Gunn Liarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bench throughout the night Friday and by Kim Michele Richardson Juon Saturday. The council Monday night ac- venile Fiction When Life Gives *Unanimously approved the cepted the resignation of Belle You O.J. by Erica Perl - For annual renewal of liquor li- Plaine Economic Develop- years, 10-year-old Zelly Fried censes for local establishments. ment Authority (EDA) member has tried to convince her parents Staff reported that Police Chief Mike Jacobs, who is moving to to let her have a dog. After all, Tom Stolee performed the nec- Burnsville. Jacobs has served practically everyone in Vermont essary background checks and on the EDA since Feb. 1, 2013. owns a dog, and it sure could go recommended approval for all The council authorized staff to a long way helping Zelly fit in applicants. advertise for candidates for Ja- since moving there from Brooklyn. But when her eccentric The next regular meeting of cobsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; replacement. grandfather Ace hatches a rithe Belle Plaine City Council is diculous plan involving a â&#x20AC;&#x153;practice dogâ&#x20AC;? named OJ, Zellyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not so sure how far sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s willing to go to win a dog of her own. Is He doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just sell windows, doors, Aceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan so crazy it just might roofing, and everything you could work . . . or is it just plain crazy? possibly need for your home projects... Erica S. Perl weaves an affecHeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great listener and willBELLE guide PAGE TWELVE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2006 PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA tionate and hilarious tale that you every step of the way. Scott County Legal Notices captures the enduring bond beBoard Proceedings (continued from previoius page) tween grandparents and grandchildren. Even when theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re driving each other nuts. Escape 14555 Galaxie Ave ¡ Apple Valley, MN from Mr. Lemoncelloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Library Randy.Koepp@LampertLumber.com by Chris Grabenstein DVDs: Contact Randy Koepp today! (952) 292-4416 Reading Rainbow: 4 Classic Episodes Chuggington: Fire Patrol Rescue NEW DIGITAL ARRIVALS: OneClick Digital eAudiobooks Dry Bones: A Walt Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson The Kidney Hypothetical or how to ruin your life in 613 East Main â&#x20AC;˘ Belle Plaine seven days by Lisa Yee Garden of Lives by Amanda Quick 3M I take you by Eliza Kennedy Meet Lily Wilder: New Yorker, lawyer extraordinaire, blushing bride. And totally incapable of being faithful to one man. * Lilyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fiancĂŠ Will is a brilliant, handsome archaeologist. Lily Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Greeting Cards in stock. is sassy, impulsive, fond of a Store Hours good drink (or five) and has no business getting married. Lily 8:30 am-5:00 pm â&#x20AC;˘ Monday-Friday likes Will, but does she love him? Will loves Lily, but does Thank you for your patronage over the years. he know her? As the wedding *80% Off on remaining merchandise excludes sale priced items. approaches, Lilyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nightsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and Cannot be combined with any other offers/specials. All sales are final. mornings, and afternoonsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;of Shop the Stores that Advertise booze, laughter and questionin this ";SM NCF !BLCMNG;M able decisions become a growNewspaper. Place Your Orders NOW: ing reminder OMCH?MM that the happiest "?<_M #G<LIC>?LS Thanks, dairy farmers, They want EMBROIDERY & SCREEN PRINTING day of her life might turn out to yourcommitment business. for your to LETTERMAN JACKETS GIFTS GALORE be CHRISTMAS her worst mistake yet. Memproducing the quality dairy Personal â&#x20AC;˘ Prompt â&#x20AC;˘ Professional ManOwner byâ&#x20AC;˘ David products we enjoy every day! ory Deb Koepp, 952-873-5688Baldacci The VISIT SHOWROOM DOWNTOWN Bone TreeBELLE by PLAINE! Greg Iles. $5 OFF any order of $50 or more offer valid thru 12/1/06
N.P. High School Students Will Get Out Early One Day a Week
Opening Arises on EDA
Meet Randy.
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure
that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).â&#x20AC;? A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County
Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Browse Projectsâ&#x20AC;? page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Search Projectsâ&#x20AC;? page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or info@questcdn.com. Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or gfelt@co.scott.mn.us Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.
INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $666,034.73 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding, mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said County as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 13, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Scott County SheriffĘźs Office, Civil Unit, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneysĘź fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor, their personal representatives or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORĘźS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BANK, Mortgagee LINDQUIST & VENNUM, P.L.L.P. By John J. Bowden Attorneys for Mortgagee 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 371-3968 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 18, 25 and November 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2006.
Store will be closing soon!
80% off NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT NOVEMBER 7, 2006 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:01 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Marschall, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Vogel, and Commissioner Hennen. (2) Chair Ulrich noted the addition to the agenda of the appointment of Aldeen Goehring to the Board of Adjustment/ Planning Advisory Commission. (3) On a motion by Commissioner Hennen, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the Minutes of October 24, 2006 were approved. (4) On a motion by Commissioner Vogel, moved, seconded by Commissioner Hennen, the following items were approved unanimously. A copy of each resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and made a part of this record by reference. A. Application to Sell 3.2 Malt Liquor at Retail for 2007 of Ronald L. Edmiston DBA Superamerica #4439 in Jackson Township, Jams R. Hupp DBA Holiday Stationstore #246 in Jackson Township, and Joleen Yong DBA Suzette Inc. in St. Lawrence Township. B. Application for Precious Metal Dealer License of Mark A. Smith, DBA PawnXChange in Shakopee. C. Receipt of funding from the MN Department of Public Safety for administration of the Safe Communities Grant in the amount of $40,300 effective October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 to be shared by the Safe Communities Coalition. D. Resolution No. 2006-160; Authorizing Final Payment on the 2005 Overlay Projects to Buffalo Bituminous Inc. in the Amount of $25,000.00. E. Resolution No. 2006-163; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Agreements With the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake for Phase 2 Construction of the Southbridge Transit Station. F. Resolution No. 2006-164; Honoring Joseph Graham Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. G. Resolution No. 2006-165; Honoring Joshua Gunter Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. H. Resolution No. 2006-166; Honoring Sam Ringstad Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. I. Payroll processing of personnel actions indicated below and certified by the Employee Relations Director and the Appointing Authority to be in compliance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes 375.56 - 375.71 and the Scott County Merit Personnel System:
1. FTPR employment of Alan Evenson, Highway Maintenance Worker, Public Works Division, effective 10/30/06. 2. FTPR employment of Michael Turek, SheriffĘźs Deputy, SheriffĘźs Office, effective 11/06/06. 3. FTPR employment of Sherri Smith, Fraud Prevention Investigator, Community Services Division, effective 11/01/06. 4. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Additions Deletions Ethel Carlson Jacqueline Clary Jennifer Edwards Augustine David Lisa Meyers Christopher Kettler Rochelle Kovac Kevin McCann J. Resolution No. 2006-161; Approving Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Provider and Plans and Rescind Resolution No. 2001-105. K. Appointment of Aldeen Goehring of Commissioner District 3 to the Board of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Commission effective November 7, 2006 through December 31, 2007. (5) Create Safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities: A.On behalf of the Board, Vice Chair Marschall presented an Outstanding Service Award to Connie and Terry Lonto for their dedicated service as volunteers for Scott County for 30 years working in the areas of weather spotting, sand bagging, search and rescue, traffic control, and command post activities. Commissioner Wagner left the meeting from 9:21 to 9:25 a.m. B. Community Services Director Tim Walsh updated the Commissioners on the County Board goal to implement the Community Corrections delivery system, Public Services Manager Jennifer Deschaine reviewed the goal to monitor the Community Health statistics and trends, Deputy County Administrator Gary Shelton provided information on the shared information systems, training facilities and 800 MHz strategy, County Administrator Dave Unmacht highlighted the status of County Highway projects, and Chief Information Officer Marilyn McCarter reviewed the goal to complete phase one of the CountyĘźs Business Continuity Plan. (6) County Administrator Update: Mr. Unmacht reviewed upcoming schedule items. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair David J. Unmacht, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Tracy A. Cervenka, Deputy Clerk to the Board Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, November 22, 2006.
Scott County Board OKs â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Stellarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Performance Review for Shelton Increases Administratorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Salary by $14,073
Deeming his performance as â&#x20AC;&#x153;fantastic,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;stellarâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;driven,â&#x20AC;? the Scott County Board approved the performance of County Administrator Gary Shelton during 2014 and 2015 yesterday morning (Tuesday, June 2). The commissioners also increased Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual salary by $14,073 to $154,803. The 10 percent increase is intended to cover the lack of an increase in 2014, when commissioners did not formally review Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance, as well as 2015.
CornerStone State Bank
by Janet Roper If you have never watched a horse, you might be astounded at how sensitive they are for such large creatures. They are able to feel a bug that is simply hovering above them and their big lips are able to forage their favorite pellets out of a bucket filled with different feed. Not only are they sensitive, as prey animals they are always aware of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening around them. They keep tabs on us humans, ever vigilant of our body language, the look we have in our eyes and our intentions when we approach them. I know this about horses; my horse has trained me well. So it came as no surprise to me to learn that horses are quite receptive to the practice of Reiki. Not customarily taught in Western traditional veterinary schools, Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing in both humans and animals. As a matter of fact, animals are often more open to receiving it than humans. Belle Plaine resident and Reiki Master/Teacher David Thomas
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It is up to the individual to decide when to begin receiving Social Security beneďŹ ts. A person can take a reduced beneďŹ t as early as age 62. Or, a former employee can claim a full beneďŹ t at what the Social Security Administration considers to be full retirement age, which, for example, is 66 for anyone born between 1943 and 1954. Otherwise, a person can wait until age 70 for yet a larger beneďŹ t. Bear in mind that, once you elect to receive a reduced beneďŹ t, you remain at that level for the rest of your life (with normal cost-of-living increases). The longer you are apt to live, the more you beneďŹ t from waiting for the larger check. The current generation of retirees is more likely than the last generation to have active retirement years ďŹ lled with a mix of travel, sports, and education. How will you spend your retirement years, and how can you fund those years? Social Security may ďŹ ll only a limited amount of your ďŹ nancial demands. Visit VALLEY BANK MINNESOTA at 200 Creek Lane North, Jordan, to learn about our savings programs. Our home equity loans help you tap into extra cash for your personal needs. Call us at 952492-2666.
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me in invitation when he was ready to resume his session. The session lasted about an hour, and afterwards Manny was led back to his stall to rest and to allow the Reiki to continue to soak into his body. There are numerous reasons horse owners turn to Reiki practitioners for help with their horses. Reiki can help reduce stress, increase energy levels, provide relief from pain and soothe highly strung, hypersensitive animals. While Reiki is not the same as massage, it may help you to think of it as having some of the same beneficial results that a good massage will give you. Reiki for animals is not exclusive to only horses. Pets of all kind can benefit from a Reiki session. Reiki is not intended as a replacement for qualified veterinary care for your horse, but rather as a complement. When Reiki is used in combination with traditional veterinary care, your horseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chances for optimal health and well being are maximized.
(continued from page 1) OneRepublic. The motto for the class of 2015 is from Iranian writer and professor Azar Nafisi: You get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place. Like you will not only miss the people you love but you will miss the person you are now at this time and place, because youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll never be this way ever again.
College Plans
At least 21 members of the BPHS class of 2015 will continue their education in Mankato Land. Of those who have announced their plans, at least 10 will attend South Central College, eight Minnesota State University, Mankato and three Bethany Lutheran College. At least seven will head to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and six will take to the shores of Lake Superior for the University of Minnesota Duluth. At least five have selected South Dakota State University and three Hennepin Technical
College. Other schools attracting at least two members of the class include St. Cloud State University, Hamline University, Normandale Community College, College of Saint Benedict and University of Wisconsin-River Falls.
Two students plan to head West â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Raja Arts plans to attend Montana Academy of Salons in Great Falls, Mont., and Brady Johnson the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. #OMMITTED TO 9OU Several members of the class will join the military #OMFORT #ARE
s #LEANINGS s &ILLINGS #OMMITTED TO 9OUR s #ROWNS Committed to Your Comfort & Care #OMFORT #ARE s "RIDGES â&#x20AC;˘ Cleanings â&#x20AC;˘ Fillings â&#x20AC;˘ Crowns â&#x20AC;˘ Bridges â&#x20AC;˘ Dentures s #LEANINGS s $ENTURES s &ILLINGS s #ROWNS s "RIDGES s $ENTURES
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&RIDAY $ECEMBER ST Come celebrate Dairy Days with CornerStone AM ^ PM Tim Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Laughlin State Bank during the month of June! David Tycast, DDS
offers classes in Reiki. I had enrolled in his Level II class that covers, in part, animals and Reiki. Part of the class included a visit to Belle Cheval Training and Boarding, run by Karen Bessel. There class members were able to practice Reiki on selected horses. My equine partner was Manny, a 7 year old black Morgan stallion. Before being rescued as a 3 year old, he had been thrown into a herd of stallions, starved, had objects hurled at him and as Bessel says, he was â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;3-legged lame.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Under Besselâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tutelage and training, Manny has come a long way. Even so, when the class walked into his barn, Manny pinned his ears and prepared to execute a threatening kick. Reiki is a gentle practice and does not harm the animals. I worked on Manny in the cross ties; once he got used to me, he would position himself under my hands. At times, I stepped away from Manny to give him some time to soak in the restorative energy. Manny consistently extended his foreleg towards
Class of 2015
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to the voters of Belle Plaine for your support and conďŹ dence in voting Le Sueur Family for me for City Council.
tribal leadership in the county to develop positive, collaborative relationships through Scott County Leadership and Efficiency (SCALE). Commissioner Michael Beard of Shakopee credited Shelton for his leadership running Scott County. The former state representative from Shakopee noted Scott County made prudent funding requests of state lawmakers and was known within the state capitol as one of Minnesotaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best-run counties. Commissioner Joe Wagner of Sand Creek Township, Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representative on the county board, opposed the size of the salary increase.
Is Reiki Right for Your Horse or Pet?
Check Here for 1MFBTF KPJO VT GPS B Easy Banking
It is also intended to bring Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual salary in line with his colleagues in local government administration. County commissioners reviewed Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance during the past two years during a closed-door meeting May 19. Tuesday, Commissioner Jon Ulrich of Savage, the county boardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chairperson, lauded Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance the past two years. He credited Sheltonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exemplary handling of county finance, of minimal increase in property tax levy and efficient deployment of Scott County resources. Ulrich also credited Shelton for working with the cities, townships, school districts and
Farmers Market Corner
wednesday, June 3, 2015
PAGE four
Belle Plaine Herald
wednesday, June 3, 2015
Thirty Years Ago This Week 60 Years Ago (1955)
Generations of Doctors Dr. Herman M. Juergens, left, who practiced medicine in Belle Plaine for 56 years, was pictured in 1985 with Dr. Timothy Halloran, who Juergens had delivered 31 years previous. Halloran had on occasion treated Dr. Juergens in turn. According to a report by the Citizens League, Belle Plaine ranked lowest in taxes on an average-priced home in any city with a population of 2,500 or more in the metropolitan area. Belle Plaine was 95th among 95 communities with a tax of $421 on an average-valued home of $55,449. The city of North Oaks, where former presidential candidate Walter Mondale had a home, ranked first in the survey with an averaged-priced home valued at $199,893 and an estimated property tax of $3,940. There was a fresh groundswell of support among city and community leaders in getting metro line telephone service in Belle Plaine. A meeting with the Department of Public Service and possibly Central Minnesota Telephone Company was planned for June 18 at the Civic Center. The Belle Plaine City Council that Monday night ordered the bituminous surfacing of South Street from Oakwood Drive to the city limits at a cost of $33,235, which did not include curb and gutter. The city council that Monday night also approved the return to a four-man police department after Police Chief Joe Lenz said the incidence of burglaries had increased from zero to 13 during a three-month trial period of using a part-time officer. Mark Hartmann would be hired to full-time status at a starting salary of $17,740. Other fulltime officers were Lenz, Steve Rost and Jim Johnson. The Belle Plaine School Board accepted the resignation of firstgrade teacher Becky Lipp, who started teaching at the school in 1970 and had been on a longterm leave-of-absence since the end of fall semester in 1981. The Belle Plaine School administration planned to make a special effort over the next few weeks to explain to the public the specifics of the June 20 referendum to be decided by voters. Up for vote was a 4 mill referendum, which if approved would raise $124,440 that school officials said was needed to continue all the educational programs the district
Riverland Riverland 139 Month MonthCD CD
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currently had. Belle Plaine youngsters were likely to be tossing a safety message around that summer. The State Bank of Belle Plaine would be distributing 1,000 Frisbees with “Stranger Danger” printed on them. Olga E. Hene, 72, of Belle Plaine, passed away May 30 at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park. Mrs. Hene was born Feb. 26, 1913 in Norwood to Arnold and Bertha (Proehl) Ische. She married Harold Hene on Sept. 10, 1936. Sister Rosemary Kelly, 93, died May 26 after a short illness. Sister Kelly was born in Belle Plaine on Sept. 28, 1892 to Richard and Catherine (Corcoran) Kelly. She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph in St. Paul on Feb. 14, 1919. She taught in schools in Minnesota, Montana and the Dakotas. Donald H. Molitor, 66, of Farmington, passed away on May 31. He was a former Belle Plaine businessman, having operated a hardware store here after World War II until 1955, when he sold the business to William Steffen. The Belle Plaine Community Swimming Pool was scheduled to open June 7 with Melanie Martin as manager. The listed lifeguards were Mike Daly, Molly Daly, Joe Edberg, Sally Halbmeier, Sheral Kahle, Kathy Koepp, Mary Leonard, Troy Martin, Sharon Meger, Judy Miller and Margy Schmit. Pool maintenance workers would be Brian Clymer and Mike Roberts. Laurie Wolpern won the high jump championship at the rainsoaked Region 4 Track and Field Meet at Brooklyn Park with a height of 5-4. She also advanced to the upcoming state meet in the 400-meter dash after placing second in the region. The state meet would be held at Carl Tonn Field House in Osseo. The Belle Plaine town baseball team won three straight games that week, defeating New Prague 10-8, Young America 6-2 and Shakopee 8-1. Tom Miller had a grand slam for the Tigers against Young America.
Riverland Riverland MonthCD CD 6022Month
1.00 2.00
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The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Blakeley Township, celebrated its 100th anniversary of organization. It was in 1855 when the first pioneers came from Hanover, Mecklenburg and Pomerania, Germany and settled in “The Big Woods.” John E. Effertz died at his home in Faxon Township after a long illness. He was 60 years old. Mary Margaret Burns, daughter of Mrs. Ann Burns and the late George Burns, and Joseph Ecker of South St. Paul were married at St. John’s Catholic Church in St. Paul. Joseph S. Melchior died in a hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after a long illness. He was 64 years old. Lois Kochlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kochlin of Jordan, became the bride of Stanley Dahlke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dahlke of east of Belle Plaine. The remains of Mrs. Tom Dyer arrived here by train from Omaha, Neb., for burial in Sacred Heart Cemetery. Roger J. Hessian graduated from Nazareth Hall, completing his high school and two years of college. John Madden, one of the oldest residents of this locality, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Margaret Carroll, in Arlington. He attained the age of 95. A graduation and farewell party for John Savage was held at the home of his brother, Leo Savage. John graduated from Jordan High School and was to leave for the Great Lakes to begin his enlistment in the Navy. About 500 persons were present at St. John’s Lutheran Church for the ordination of Robert H. Herder. Pastor O.F. Herder, father of Robert, preached the ordination sermon. Rev. Thomas Coleman, a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. M.C. O’Neill, formerly of Belle Plaine, was ordained at St. Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Sass arrived back from Arlington, Wash., where they had made their home for six months. Lorenze E. Mellgren, son of Mrs. Elphie Mellgren and the late John A. Mellgren of East Union, was ordained into the holy ministry of the Augustana Lutheran Church. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Schultz observed their golden wedding with an open house at the St. John’s Lutheran Church parlors. Maureen Moriarty was chosen Miss Mankato princess for 1955. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Moriarty, she was a student at Mankato Teachers College. Virginia Ann Lenzen, daughter of William Lenzen of Chaska, became the bride of Leslie P. Bessel, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bessel of Belle Plaine. Edward J. Dwyer, 59, formerly of Green Isle and known to many in this community, died in Minneapolis.
90 Years Ago (1925)
The DeSoto creamery and produce company of Minneapolis was opening a cash-and-carry grocery store in the Mrs. Nick Neubeiser building. Dr. and Mrs. F.J. von-Bohland and their guest, Miss Emma Keuhn, had a narrow escape from serious injury when their car was struck by a hit-run driver near the river at the Jack Carter corner. The car was thrown down an 8-foot embankment and rolled over twice, imprisoning the occupants in the vehicle until a stranger stopped about 15 minutes later and freed the badly bruised trio. In a game repleted with heavy hitting and fast fielding, the “Gesundheits” of Minneapolis
nosed out a ninth-inning win over Ed Eckert’s champs on the Belle Plaine diamond. At a meeting of the community club, there was discussion regarding roads, streets and parks, and a special committee on parks consisting of J.S. Effertz, C.A. Christenson and J.A. Schoell was appointed by Chairman Connolly, to cooperate with the council committee in seeing that our parks were given more attention. The marriage of Miss Marie Smith to Francis L. Lynch was solemnized at the Cathedral in St. Paul. Miss Irene Smith, sister of the bride, carried the ring on a white satin pillow. Eli Southworth died at age 81. He had come to Belle Plaine in 1856. After serving in the Civil War, he became a druggist in Belle Plaine until 1874, when he was admitted to the bar and located in Shakopee. The Mrs. Kelleher house on East Main Street was bought by Mr. M.L. Foldesi of Le Center. He planned to demolish the house and erect a gas station on that corner. Confirmation exercises were held at the West Union Lutheran Church for the following class: Frances Holmberg, Irene Larson, Kila Johnson, Verna Olson, Angeline Wanquist, Laura Williams, Reuben Anderson, Harold Johnson, Kenneth Johnson, Clinton Johnson and Arnold Paulson. At Redeemer Lutheran Church took place the marriage of Miss Mae Ernsting to Walter Reinitz, Rev. Janzig officiating. Attendants were Helen Ernsting and Elizabeth Moenke, Gilbert Reinitz and Leo Ernsting. Henry Eikenbusch took over as man in charge of the tailoring shop at the Model Store. Funeral services and burial of Mrs. Like Martz, nee Ross, took place at Green Isle. Two surviving sisters were Mrs. N. Walerius and Mrs. Frank Wagener of Belle Plaine. The windstorm that hit the area caused three deaths at Carver – the mother and brothers of the school superintendent and a teacher in the Carver school. They were holding a picnic in the village park and sought shelter from the storm in the pavilion. The pavilion was blown down and they were buried under structure debris and fallen trees. One of the victims, Christine Nelson, was buried at East Union. All of Carver County was badly hit by the storm. At Assumption, barns of Pat Colbert, Pat Welch, Robert Peipper, Peipper and Effertz and John Miller were blown down. Not far distant the barns of Adam Rolf, William Effertz and Bellquist Brothers were also down.
120 Years Ago (1895)
Announcement was made that saloons would not be allowed to open on any part of Sunday. Forty-five persons took part in the shooting contest at the August Tesch farm. Chris Kahle proved to be the best shot. J.H. Johnson, the Belle Plaine miller, added another mill to his string, opening a new one in Buffalo. He also had mills in Cokato and Delano. James Jackson, who came to this locality in 1854, died at age 81. A county seat war was about to start in Sibley County. Arlington thought it could wrest the courthouse from Henderson.
PAGE five
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am writing with regards to the May 6 letter to the editor from Allen Frechette of Shakopee, MN. The climate scare has become ridiculous. For example, take the claim by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), cited by letter writer Allen Frechette in his May 6 letter, that, “The globally averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for 2014, was the highest among all years since record keeping began in 1880.” Ignoring that the duration of the record in question is only three ten-millionths the age of the Earth, NOAA’s data shows that the record for 2014 was set by 0.04 degrees Celsius, while the uncertainty is 0.09 deg C. Seven previous years—2013, 2010, 2006, 2005, 2003, 2002, and 1998—are all within 0.09 deg of 2014’s level, so they all tie. NOAA cannot rationally say that last year had the highest temperature. This is not just an academic point. President Obama is determined to reshape America’s energy infrastructure based on mistakes like this. In particular, even though coal-fired electricity generation (which accounts for 46% of Minnesota’s power) can be made to emit little pollution, Obama is focussed on clos-
ing coal stations across the U.S. so as to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, a non-toxic gas he blames for global warming. Like Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL), a chapter of which will be launched in Scott County on June 6, Obama seems to believe that we can forecast weather trends decades in advance and even control climate as if we had a global thermostat. This overconfidence is leading to a moral tragedy. Across the world people suffer due to climate change. Yet aid agencies are unable to secure sufficient funds to help them because, of the $1 billion spent globally every day on climate finance, only 6% of it is goes to helping vulnerable people adapt to climate change today. Because activists like CCL have convinced governments that we control global climate, the remaining 94% is poured into mitigation, trying to stop phenomena that might someday happen. This is immoral, valuing the lives of people yet to be born more than those in need today. Scott Country residents should ask CCL representatives about this ethical problem at the very first meeting of the new chapter in your region. Sincerely, Tom Harris, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Belle Plaine Recognized by MPCA for Perfect Compliance Record The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recently recognized the city of Belle Plaine for maintaining a perfect compliance record with its wastewater treatment permit during 2014. This year, the city of Belle Plaine wastewater treatment facility was among 116 wastewater facilities statewide to receive this recognition. MPCA Assistant Commissioner Rebecca Flood had high praise for the award recipients. “These men and women work diligently, each and every day, to protect our lakes, rivers and streams,” she said. “Meeting these high standards helps ensure that Minnesotans can enjoy clean water today and in years to come.” To be eligible for the award, facility operators were required
to correctly submit all monitoring reports to the MPCA on time, demonstrate consistent compliance through monitoring or surveys and employ staff certified by the MPCA in wastewater operations. The city of Belle Plaine first received this award in 1980 and has earned it 11 times since then. The awards were presented at the 78th annual Wastewater Operations Conference in early spring. The annual conference brings together wastewater operators throughout the state for training and professional education. There are about 1,360 municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities in Minnesota. Community, institution or treatment plant size was not a factor in awarding the certificates of excellence.
Polaris Moving Into Much of Vacant Kmart Warehouse Much of Shakopee’s largest vacant warehouse spaces will soon be filled when Polaris leases space in the vacant warehouse Kmart used to occupy. Minnesota-based Polaris Industries is consolidating its vehicle and raw-material storage operations in Shakopee from leased warehouses in and around St. Paul. The company is leasing 850,000 square feet of the 1.1 million-square-foot Kmart facility, the StarTribune recently reported. Vacant for more than two years, the Kmart facility is on
96 acres at 901 Canterbury Road S. (County Road 83, across from Canterbury Park). The move will allow the company’s operations to become more efficient, said Marlys Knutson, a Polaris spokesperson. The move should be completed by the end of the summer, she said. The approximately 130 employees who handle the stored products work for Superior Brokerage Services. That arrangement will continue after the move to Shakopee.
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PAGE six
Town & Vicinity “Big Don” Edberg of Cologne attended a spur of the moment Memorial weekend party hosted by Joe and Laurie Behnke. The long time friends had also invited other friends. Those who were able also to attend included Jake Behnke, Chris Hoho, Dale and Kim Meierbachtol and Don and Shatzee Meierbachtol.The group discussed world problems, farming issues, like why
do rocks keep appearing in the fields, family and friends topics, like who’s graduating and getting married, plus a few stories and jokes were also told, which created a powerful thirst and appetite. Laurie grilled on Joe’s new used grill he got from Axle who missed out on all the tasty food. We appreciate all the Veterans who made it possible for all of us to have this weekend together.
St. Thomas by: Loni Graham Upcoming Masses at St. Thomas are Saturday, June 13, Saturday, July 11 and Saturday, August 15, all at 5 p.m. These masses will be officiated by Father Roger Hessian. Masses at St. Anne’s in Le Sueur are scheduled on Saturdays at 5:15 p.m., Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. On Memorial Day, as Father Hessian was nearing the finish of Blessing the Graves of our dearly departed here in St. Thomas, Todd Sullivan handed him a bottle. Father sprinkled the precious contents, soil from Ireland, on the grave of Bobby Sullivan with a blessing. Mary Jean Halloran took first place in the Senior category at Keystone Communities sponsored ‘MOVE TO INSPIRE’, inspiring the way Minnesota ages - 5K, Saturday in Prior Lake. Gwen Case coming in along side of Mary Jean. Congratulations Mary Jean! and Gwen! Max Sullivan from St. Thomas and Milt Lowe from Mounds View, attended the wedding of Molly Relander and Adam Ristamaki in Stillwater on Saturday, May 30. Adam is a work associate of Milt’s, and former neighbor. Jim, Ray, and Jerry Wolff, sons of Madelyne Burns Wolff, were in Scottsbluff, Nebraska to visit their cousin Leo Hoehn and see the “Big Roundup.” The Wolff brothers enjoyed touring Yellow Stone Park, Deadwood and Mount Rushmore in Jerry’s new Ford truck. Members of the Burns clan including Dianne Palmstein, her daughter and granddaughter, Debbie and Jazmine Talon, were in Rochester for the graduation reception of another granddaughter, Natalie Elfstrand, daughter of Dave and Dawn at the Elfstrand home, Saturday afternoon. Natalie graduated from the Mayo High School and plans to attend the University of
Minnesota-Duluth this fall. Lucas Graham, Dan and Becky’s lad, graduated from Jordan High School, and hosted his graduation reception Sunday afternoon at the Graham farm, northwest of Henderson. Luke’s future plans include “attend the same school his dad attended.” Luke and his younger brother Lance are the grandson of Ralph Graham, and great-grandson of Mildred Burns Graham. Jodi, Andy and Anna Baumgard of Buffalo, and Jesse and Sherry Vlasak of Ostrander visited the St. Thomas cemetery along with Loni Graham before attending the graduation reception of Amber Brokl, who graduated from Montgomery High School. Amber’s future plans include the United States Navy at the Naval Air Station at Pensacola, Florida in September. Amber is the daughter of Sheila and Dan. Not St. Thomas but...Simona Krejcova, of the Czech Republic, has befriended many in the Czech areas of Montgomery and New Prague. She came to the United States after Kolacky Days late last summer, stayed with Carol Kotasek at her home and sometimes accompanied by Carol’s son and daughter-in-law to many of the events. She attended TCU High School, even though it didn’t count, Simona has to take this year over again in the Czech Republic when she returns home. The bubbly teenager made public appearances and sang, among others “Song of Bohemia,” an alltime favorite of many Czechs. She enjoyed experiences while here, sang on KCHK, and at the Dale Pexa Memorial at the Park Ballroom, most recently, she enjoyed the Valley Fair experience. Simona left Sunday morning at 5 a.m., and will be spending three weeks with her aunt in New York, before heading back to the Czech Republic. Her plans include returning to the United States in a couple years.
Scott County Relay for Life Seeks Volunteers for Event The American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Scott County is looking for volunteers to assist with the annual fund-raiser. Organizers are seeking people willing to help fill and place luminaries, assist with facilities setup, working the kids activities, concessions and helping with the survivor’s dinner. Interested persons – an individual or a group -- should contact Joey Skogrand (jskogrand@
gmail.com or 612-816-7983), Ruby Winings (rwinings@ comcast.net or 952-240-9536) or Tyanne Breimhorst (tyanneandhorse@yahoo.com or 952-210-3095) to volunteer their time. The relay will be held Friday, July 10, 5 p.m. to 2 a.m., at Vaughan Field on the Shakopee West Junior High School campus, 200 10th Avenue E. As in years past, a memorial tribute video is in the planning
the highest performance rating the city council has available when rating the work of its administrator, the Chaska Herald recently reported. He was lauded for handling of information on the Carver Crossings apartment debate and his work
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stages. To submit photographs of a loved one who lost their cancer battle, create your own PowerPoint slide with a message and submit it along with the submission. Submit three photos or PowerPoint slides (.jpeg or .tiff format) by e-mail to danika.anastasi@gmail.com by June 30. The video will be held during the luminaria ceremony at 10 p.m.
FISH Offering Help for Those Facing ‘Hoarding Disorder’ Families and Individuals Sharing Hope (FISH) is hosting an information session about hoarding disorder next Thursday, June 11, at the former Public Works facility between Jordan and Prior Lake. “Hoarding is a complex disorder that is made up of three connected problems, collecting too many items, difficulty getting rid of items, and problems with organization,” according to the International OCD Foundation. “These problems can lead to significant amounts of clutter which can severely limit the use of living spaces, pose safety and/or health risks, and result in significant distress and/or impairment in day-today living.”
The FISH second Thursday session will provide a basic level of understanding of the multidimensional nature of hoarding disorder development as well as challenges related to recovery, and communication techniques to help approach someone you are worried may be struggling with a hoarding disorder. The presentation, led by Scott County Public Health Nurse Brittani Schmidt, will be hosted at the Scott County Public Works building, and will include guidelines for disposing of household waste. An optional tour of the facility will be offered for those interested at the conclusion of the meeting.
Home Repair Loans and Grants With warmer weather upon us, USDA Rural Development is gearing up to help local homeowners finance home improvements through low-interest loans and grants. “Now is a good time for homeowners to evaluate the need for necessary repairs or replacement of items such as a roof, electrical, plumbing and siding,” said Tom Traetow, Area Specialist for Rural Development’s Southeast Area. “Energy efficiency improvements through replacing windows and insulation also qualify. Funds can also be used to replace a furnace, sanitary disposal system and to make homes handicap accessible.” Traetow said applicants must own and occupy the home, and their income may not exceed guidelines established by county and household size. Income limits vary by county
and average $25,000 for a oneperson household and $28,500 for two-person household in Southeastern Minnesota. Income limits increase for larger sized households. Traetow recommends checking with the local USDA Rural Development office for income limits in your county. Applicants must also have an acceptable credit history, show repayment ability, be unable to afford a conventional loan and live in a community with a population of 20,000 or fewer. Faribault, Northfield, and Owatonna are eligible for the program as they are currently “grandfathered” in. Grants are limited to elderly homeowners over the age of 62, and can only be used to remove health or safety hazards or remodel dwellings to make them accessible to household members with disabilities. The maximum grant is $7,500. For assistance in the following counties: Scott, Blue Earth, Dakota, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca and Winona, contact the USDA, Rural Developwith budget and managing six ment office at 1810 30th St, NW #3, Faribault, MN 55021. employees. The council then approved (507.332.7418, ext. 4.). a 3.4 percent salary increase, raising Mareck’s annual salary by $3,503.19 to $105,276.18. Mareck has been Carver’s city administrator since 2010.
Carver City Administrator Earns High Marks, Raise Carver City Administrator Brent Mareck earned an excellent performance rating and raise following his annual performance review. The Carver City Council rated Mareck’s performance during a recent closed-door performance review. The excellent rating is
wednesday, June 3, 2015
“We know that hoarding disorder can lead to multiple concerns for those who suffer and their loved ones, and the issue can be a difficult one to broach,” said Beth Loechler, director of FISH. “We hope that participants gain a better understanding of the issue so that they can positively and effectively support recovery.” The session is open to the public at no cost Thursday (June 11), 9:30-11 a.m., at the Scott County Physical Development Department (formerly Public Works/Highway), 600 Country Trail E. (Highway 282), Jordan. Space is limited. RSVPs can be called into (952) 440-3600 or emailed to fish@fishgroup.net
Girl Scouts (continued from page 1) ily at a time when it needs the most help. After years of intense fund-raising, CWHL bought its building in 2005. The headquarters is in South Rockwood, Mich. in an old renovated fire station. Originally, CWHL’s focus was on children fighting cancer. But organizers learned children lose hair through alopecia, burns, Trichotillomania and other rare diseases and disorders. Currently, it provides a customized human hair replacement and care kit to over 300 children a year. Children With Hair Loss was created as a resource for all children who have medicallyrelated hair loss. It is the organization’s mission to empower children to become whole again by making hair replacement available to those who may be financially challenged and might otherwise not have a means of obtaining the hair they want and need. Children With Hair Loss’s goal is to assist as many of these children as possible in changing their lives by improving their outlook and empowering them with a degree of selfconfidence that will allow them to face the world with renewed self-esteem.
Town Tigers (continued from page 16) league game and was solid again, going six innings, giving up only one run with six strikeouts. Chase Emmers threw the next two-plus innings without giving up a run. He battled his control a little bit and was lifted in the top of the ninth with nobody out and runners on first and second. Josh Terrio came in and recorded the save with an assist from catcher Pat Schultz, who threw behind the runner at second and picked him off for the second out. A failed bunt attempt and a groundout sealed the deal on a perfectly pleasant night for baseball. The Tigers struggled a bit offensively, only coming away with four hits, but they made the most of them, as two came with a runner in scoring position. Matt and Pat Schultz both had a hit and a RBI. Travis Latzke didn’t have any hits but he did score both of the Tigers runs to go along with two stolen bases. Zach Juaire and Tyler Hartman had the other hits for Belle Plaine. A rousing Kangaroo court session was also held after the game and several rookies learned the nuances of the court system. Jonny Vinkemeier appears well on his way for challenging the all-time fine amount record, so if you see him on the street he may need to borrow a quarter or two. 2015 Town Tigers Results and Remaining Schedule May 1 vs. Prior Lake L 6-3 May 3 at Chaska L 12-2 May 8 vs. Plato L 12-1 May 10 vs. Gaylord ppd May 22 vs. Shakopee L 9-1 May 23 at Henderson W 10-4 May 29 at Chanhassen ppd May 31 vs. Fairfax W 2-1 June 2 at Victoria June 5 vs. Henderson June 7 at St. Peter June 12-14 Tigertown Classic June 16 vs. Prior Lake June 19 at Cologne June 21 at New Ulm K June 25-28 at Hamburg/ Green Isle Tourn. July 5 at Arlington July 7 vs. Green Isle July 10 RVL/DRS All-Star Game at Monty July 11 at Milroy July 14 at Jordan July 16 at Le Sueur July 24 vs. Jordan July 26 vs. Le Sueur July 27 vs. Chanhassen Aug. 2 vs. Arlington Aug. 5 Begin Region Tourn. Aug. 21 Begin State Tourney Cold Spring/Watkins Promotional Dates June 5 Coborn’s Night June 16 Little League Night June 20 Tiger Open Golf July 24 Pork Sandwich Night July 26 Cambria and Senior Citizens Night July 31 Fan Appreciation Night
Le Sueur County
Tire, Appliance, & Electronics Collection
Le Sueur Co. Hwy Shop, in Le Center Sat., June 13th, 2015, 8 am -1 pm
Foster Pet Care Needed Volunteers are needed to provide temporary foster pet homes for puppies, cats, rabbits, kitten litters and dogs in Carver, Scott, Le Sueur and Hennepin counties. The Society provides medical care, food and litter. Volunteers provide a safe, loving home for an average of three to six months. Twice a month, the foster family comes with the pet to a three-hour public adoption day held in Eden Prairie and Chaska. If you could help a needy pet by fostering or by donating litter or pet food, please call the Society at 952-368-3553, line 4, and check the website www. carverscotths.org.
This is a collection for Tri County residents only. Proof of County residency maybe requested. NEW ITEMS MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS & KIDS CAR SEATS
Kids Car seats will be FREE Disposal Mattress & Box springs will be $10 per item
Mattresses & Box Springs WILL NOT be accepted if wet from being outside OR is deemed infested Disposal cost for each appliance is $10.00
The following appliances will be accepted: •clothes washers & dryers •dishwashers •hot water heaters •furnaces •garbage disposals •trash compactors •microwave ovens •ranges & stoves •dehumidifiers •freezers •refrigerators • air conditioners
The contractor has the right to reject any and all appliances that do not conform to their state permit requirements. Extra fees will be charged for appliances that are not empty. Car/ light truck tires . . . . . . . . . $2.00 each Semi/ small implement tires . . $5.00 each Large Implement tires . . . . . .$10.00 each
*Tires on rims will be charged double*
Electronics accepted: TV, computer equipment, stereo, VCR/ CD/ DVD player, copier, cell phone, boombox, fax machine, etc. Electronics and TV’s 19” and larger . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Items smaller than a 19” TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 Computer hard drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00
Classified Ads Sell Call the Belle Plaine Herald
For more information, call the Tri-County Solid Waste Office at 507-381-9196 www.co.nicollet.mn.us/180/Tri-County-Solid-Waste
WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2015
Shawn Anderson Parents: Amy and Bill Anderson Future Plans: Undecided
Joshua Buck
Raja Arts
Parents: Brandon and Kendra Arts Future Plans: Attend Montana Academy of Salons in Great Falls Montana
Riley Cermak
Parents: Clifford and Jennifer Buck Future Plans: Hennepin Technical College for Automotive Technician
Parents: Grandparents, Debbie and Myron Cermak Future Plans: Enter the workforce
Courtney Fogarty
Kasey Gallentine
Dana Baker
Parents: Jane and Bruce Baker Future Plans: Attend the U of M, Duluth to study Criminology and minor in German
Megan Berger
Parents: Kevin and Cindy Berger Future Plans: U of M, Duluth, Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for PreMed.
Nicholas Covington Autumn Crimmins Parents: Jim and Paula Covington Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University
Adam Glisczinski
Courtney Bristlin
Parents: Tim and Jodi Bristlin Future Plans: Attend Carroll University for Radiologic Technology
Breck Dorsher
Parents: Jim Lindsey and Bobbi Kittelsen Future Plans: Attend University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Parents: Sheila Martin and Barry Dorsher Future Plans: Attend a Technical School
Duane Good
Jamison Grapentine
Parents: Kelly and Mike Good Future Plans: Going into Military and become a Mechanic
Missy Bromley
Parents: Clifford and Jennifer Buck Future Plans: Own a Gunsmith shop/Gun Club
Shannon Egan
Tiffany Jo Ennis
Parents: Bill and Pam Egan Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University
Kat Halenbeck
Parents: Jen and Nathan Grapentine Future Plans: Attending University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Parents: Debra and Michael Halenbeck Future Plans: Undecided
Katlyn Jeurissen
Janessa Johnson
Parents: Emmett and Karen Fogarty Future Plans: Attending College of Saint Benedict
Parents: David and Tammy Gallentine Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota, Morris
Alesia Hastings
Alexander Hazzard Parents: Charlie Hazzard Future Plans: Air force Knowledge Operations Management
Parents: Russel and Kathy Hillstrom Future Plans: Go into Agriculture
Parents: Martha Kurtz and Dale Hughes Future Plans: Attend U of M, Twin Cities College of Science and Engineering
Parents: Glen and Lisa Jeurissen Future Plans: Attend the UW River Falls Major in Speech Language Pathology.
Parents: Angela Johnson Future Plans: Attend College, become a Chemical Dependency Counselor.
Nick Johnson
Rachel Johnson
Gabriel Juaire
Amelia Kahle
Victoria Kellogg
Savannah Kirsch-Swanson
Parents: Paul and Sarah Hastings Future Plans: Attending University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Parents: Jean and Eric Johnson Future Plans: Attend U of M, Twin Cities
Jacob LaTour
Parents: Janice and Randy LaTour Future Plans: Attend South Central College
Parents: Tony and Jennifer Johnson Future Plans: Attend the U of M, Duluth, PreMed
Taylor Lenz
Parents: Matthew and Julie Lenz Future Plans: Bethany Lutheran College
Parents: Amy and Steve Glisczinski Future Plans: Attend South Central for two years and earn a degree in Civil Engineering.
Andrew Hillstrom
Parents: Christine and Aaron Juaire Future Plans: Attend Hennepin Tech and transfer to preMed School; Surgeon, Physician or Pharmacist.
Emmett Luetmer
Parents: Martin and Linda Luetmer Future Plans: Attend Hennepin Technical College for Audio Production and Recording
Maxwell Hughes
Parents: Todd and Ann Kahle Future Plans: South Central College
Alec Lorenz
Parents: Steve Lorenz and Betty Jo Lorenz Future Plans: U of M, Twin Cities
Parents: Greg and Michelle Kellogg Future Plans: Saint Cloud State University
Anthony Lovejoy
Parents: Amy Parmelee and Shawn Lovejoy Future Plans: Go to college to receive a bachelor’s degree in either Math or Economics
Class Motto 2015
Joseph Buck
Parents: Jeff and Tina Bromley Future Plans: Transitions Program
Parents: Angela Kirsch and Robert Swanson Future Plans: Attend University of Wisconsin River Falls
Matthew Ludvik
Parents: Anne and Mike Ludvik Future Plans: St. Cloud Technical College, Earn an Associate’s Degree
Parents: Tammy Ennis and Jeffrey Ennis Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato
Joe Hankins
Parents: Bob and Lori Hankins Future Plans: South Dakota State University
Brady Johnson
Parents: Brad Johnson and Melissa Johnson Future Plans: Academy of Art University, San Francisco
Marcus Klehr
Parents: Mark Klehr and Angela Klehr Future Plans: Farm and Motorcross
Brady Lunow
Parents: Scott and Stacie Lunow Future Plans: Attend South Central College
“You get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place. Like you will not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again” -Azar Nafisi These photos of the Belle Plaine senior class are published through the courtesy of the following businesses:
Ag Power Enterprises Annie’s Cafe & Catering Behnke Auto Center, Inc. Belle Plaine Auto Belle Plaine Chiropractic Belle Plaine Family Dentistry
Belle Plaine Herald Berger Interiors Beth Flaherty Payroll Service Borough Bowl The Canopy Group Chard Tiling
Corner Stone Advisors, LLC CornerStone State Bank Crosby Construction Curtis Koepp Accounting, LTD Dairy Queen of Belle Plaine Daly & Daly, Inc. Tax, Accounting & Financial Services
WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2015
Alex McCarty
Parents: Michael and Nancy McCarty Future Plans: Undecided
Dylan O’Brien
Parents: Jeff O’Brien and Deb and Rex Stacey Future Plans: Attend Gustavus Adolphus College to major in Political Science
Hailey Preston
Parents: Jenny Preston and Jeff Preston Future Plans: Attend Normandale Community College and transfer to MN State University, Mankato
Lilya Sagan
Parents: Petr and Nadia Sagan Future Plans: Dental Assistant
Megan Schmitz
Parents: Lowell and Brenda Schmitz Future Plans: Hennepin Technical College and then pursue Occupational Therapy Asst. or Theraputic Recreation
Trisha McGovern
Parents: Kelly Ploumen Future Plans: Work with kids
Carter Olson
Parents: James Olsen (Jim) and Bev Olson Future Plans: Attending Art Institute, Minneapolis for VFX Artist and Digital Matte Painter
Hannah Preusser
Parents: Davis and Susan Mecredy Future Plans: College
Kylee Pass
Parents: Renee and Doug LeMieux and Greg Pass Future Plans: U of M, Duluth, Major in Social Work and Gender, Women & Sexualities Studies with a minor in LGBT studies.
Rylee Pumper
Olivia Meger
Parents: Ron and Renee Meuleners Future Plans: Attend University of North Dakota for Aviation
Parents: Gene and Cindy Nowak Future Plans: Attending Hamline University for Criminal Justice
Krista Peltonen
Lauren Peterson
Branden Pickar
Taylor Ponath
Parents: Bruce Peltonen and Myrna Peltonen Future Plans: UMD and major in Human Behavioral Science and eventually have a family.
Cade Raskovich
Parents: Jodie Raskovich and Jamie Raskovich Future Plans: South Central College
Taylor Sanders
Leah Schaefer
Patrick Schaefer
Parents: Jon and Deb Schaefer Future Plans: Bethany Lutheran College
Jane Schnieder
Tyler Schumacher
Parents: Sandy Fjelde and Greg Schneider Future Plans: Attend MN State University, Mankato to major in Accounting and Business
Parents: Michael (sr) and Jennifer Szaroletta Future plans: Elementary Education MN State University, Mankato
Parents: Randy and Debi Schumacher Future plans: Attend MN State University, Mankato to study Business
Taylor Tesch
Julie and Dale Tesch Future Plans: U of M, Twin Cities College of Education and Human Development
Robert Nowak
Parents: Dale and Kim Meierbachtol Future Plans: Attend University Wisconsin, River Falls and major in Business
Parents: Kelly and Joe Pumper Future Plans: Attend UW, LaCrosse and major in Psychology
Parents: Danell Eklund Future Plans: Animation
Alyssa Meierbachtol Janessa Meuleners
Parents: Tom Meger and Theresa McDaniel Future Plans: Undecided
Parents: Martin and Karen Preusser Future Plans: Attend St. Scholastica for Nursing
Benjamin Delmar Stier Michael Szaroletta Parents: Brian Stier and Precious Stier Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato
Felicity Mecredy
Parents: Tina Turek and Jeff and Dana Heine Future Plans: Attend a 4 year University in Computer Science
Brittany Sell
Parents: Lori and Kelly Peterson Future Plans: Normandale Community College and transfer to MN State Univ., Mankato for Elementary Education
Kaitlyn Rathe
Parents: Adam Retzer and Susan Anderley Future Plans: South Central College and transfer to MN State University, Mankato to major in Business Management
Kala Schmidt
Samuel Schmidt
Parents: Cory and Nikki Schmidt Future Plans: Attend South Central College
Parents: Dale Schmidt and Gail Schmidt Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University
Parents: Candice Sell and Jerry Schulenburg Future Plans: Attend MN State University, Mankato
Parents: Rob and Shelly Selly Future Plans: Army
Devin Traxler
Gillian Trog
Angie Traxler and Tom Speeding Future Plans: Work for MT Bucking Bulls Rodeo Co.
Parents: John and Shanie Trog Future Plans: Attend Saint Cloud State University
Parents: Bruce and Stephanie Ponath Future Plans: Attend St. Thomas University
Kincade Karl Retzer Zachary Rothbauer
Parents: Rebecca and Karl Rathe Future Plans: U of M, Twin Cities and major in Economics
Alec Selly
Parents: Tammy and Al Pickar Future Plans: Military
Kaylee Shields
Parents: Kerry Shields and Brody Hennen Future plans: Attend University of MN Twin Cities
Emily Tucker
Parents: Dana and Scott Tucker Future Plans: U of M, Duluth for Graphic Design
Class Motto 2015
Parents: Leon and Sabrina Rothbauer Future Plans: Attend Bemidji State University along with the National Guard
Katelyn Schmit
Parents: Jay and Lori Schmit Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University, Mankato for Political Science
Emilyn Siemon
Parents: Mark and Laurie Siemon Future Plans: South Dakota State University
Olivia Turmes
Parents: Paul and Marlene Turmes Future Plans: Attend Alexandria Tech. College for Law Enforcement
“You get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place. Like you will not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again” -Azar Nafisi These photos of the Belle Plaine senior class are published through the courtesy of the following businesses:
Emma Krumbee’s Foline Automotive Service Front Porch Photography Genesis Gopher Heating & Air Conditioning
Hennen’s Home Furnishings Jabs Family Dentistry JD’s Auto Service Johan’s Bar Kolden Funeral Home Lange’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Lisa Fahey Insurance Agency The Lutheran Home Campus Meierbachtol Trucking Napa Auto Parts of Belle Plaine
WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2015
Laura Urista
Matthew J. Usher Parents: Chuck and Tina Usher Future Plans: Attend South Central
Parents: Candi Valentine and John Coops Future Plans: MN State Univ., Mankato to study Early Childhood Development
Parents: Brandt and Brenda Vinkemeier Future Plans: Bethany Lutheran College
Mitchell Wiebold
Ryan Wolke
Daniel Wyman
Brady Yahnke
Parents: Cristi and Mike Urista Future Plans: College for Physical Therapy
Parents: Steven and Michelle Wiebold Future Plans: Attend South Central College
Parents: Kathy and Darren Wolke Future Plans: Undecided
Breanna Valentine
Parents: Chris and Terry Wyman Future Plans: Start a used car dealership and automotive shop.
Jacob Vinkemeier
Ben Wagner
Parents: Kimberly and David Wagner Future Plans: Attend Hamline Univ. to study Media Arts and play Baseball
Alyssa Wentworth Parents: Mike and Carol Wentworth Future Plans: Attending College of St. Benedict for Occupational Therapy
Cheyane Westin Parents: Amy and Justin Westin Future Plans: Become a Veterinarian
Parents: Lisa and Ron Yahnke Future Plans: South Central College
Sunday, June 7, 2015 • 2:00 p.m. in the South Gym of the High School
School Board Chairman Mike Ludvik will be Welcoming the Class Choir Song: “Homegrown” by Zac Brown Band Senior High Choir Directed by: Cheryl Gorton Guitarist: Emmett Luetmer Bass: Alex Hazzard Band Song- “Atlas” arr. Michael Brown Senior High Band Directed by: Jeanine Kruschke Trumpet Soloist: Anthony Lovejoy
Class Officers President: Maxwell Hughes Vice President: Alyssa Meierbachtol Treasurer: Anthony Lovejoy Secretary: Katelyn Schmit
School Mascot: Tiger School Song: Anchors Aweigh Class Song: “I Lived” by OneRepublic Class Flower: White Rose
Class Motto 2015 “You get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place. Like you will not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again” -Azar Nafisi
These photos of the Belle Plaine senior class are published through the courtesy of the following businesses: Natural Fitness Neisen’s Red Door Bar Nesbit Agency Prairie Farm Supply Progressive Printing RDH Drywall
Ruck’s Meat Market & Processing Center Ruehling Trucking Salon 129 Skelley Towing State Bank of Belle Plaine State Farm Insurance
Steffen Do It Best Hardware Stier Bus Company Stier Trucking, LLC Strait Smiles Family Dentistry Wolf Motors ~ Jordan & Le Sueur
s n o i t a l u Congrat Belle Plaine Students Graduating Elsewhere
WEDNESDAY, June 3, 2015
CLASS OF 2015 Sarah Feldermann Parents: Jim and Julie Feldermann Graduating from: New Prague High School Future Plans: Attending Brigham Young University Idaho in the fall of 2015
Andrew Fogarty
Parents: Bob and Sarah Fogarty Graduating from: Jordan High School Future Plans: NDSU, wrestle in college and win a couple national titles
Anthony Dvorak Parents: Dr. Marty and Peggy Dvorak Graduating from: Holy Family Academy Future Plans: St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona
Philomena Dvorak
Parents: Larry Dvorak and the late Teresa Dvorak Graduating from: Holy Family Academy Future Plans: Associates degree in massage therapy at Northwestern Health Science University in Bloomington, MN
Remember When... Pictorial Flashback
This year’s BPHS FFA officers were, from left, Secretary/Reporter Emily Smith, President Sam Schmidt, Treasure/Sentinel Megan Glisczinski and Vice President Caitlyn Schoon.
This year’s BPHS homecoming king and queen candidates were, from left, queen candidates Kaylee Shields, Megan Berger, Shannon Egan, Emilyn Siemon and Rylee Pumper. The king candidates were, from left, Dylan O’Brien, Ben Wagner, Joe Hankins, Alec Lorenz and Kincade Retzer.
Making themselves at home upon entry to Mall of America for prom last month were guys, from left, Dylan Sexe, Nathan Herman, Dylan Johnson, Andrew Kutscher and Jared Kalal. This year’s BPHS SnoFest Royalty were back row, from left, Robert Nowak, Adam Glisczin- The gals kneeling/standing are Danielle Taylor, Taylor Irwin, Kaylee Rudell and Autumn Erdski, Ben Wagner, Nick Johnson and Matthew Ludvik. In the front are Amelia Kahle, Alesia mann. Up front are Kimmy Mohrbacher and Madison Hartmann. Hastings, Autumn Crimmins, Kala Schmidt and Courtney Fogarty.
14 BPHS Seniors Earn All-MRC Academic Honors Fourteen Belle Plaine High School seniors have been named to the 2014-15 All-Minnesota River Conference Academic Team. To be selected, student/athlete’s must be: – Senior student in good standing involved in an MRC sponsored activity. – Earned a minimum of four varsity letters in grades 9-12 Have a cumulative gradepoint-average of 3.5 or higher. – Have no MSHSL violations during their high school career. Receiving All-Academic honors from Belle Plaine are: Adam Glisczinski, son of Amy and Steven Glisczinski. He earned four varsity letters combined in football, wrestling and as football manager. Twelve seniors wrapped up their BPHS one-act play careers in February following their roles Alesia Hastings, daughter in the 2015 production of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Standing, from left, are Felicity of Paul and Sarah Hastings. Mecredy, Nick Johnson, Dylan O’Brien, Patrick Schaefer, Max Hughes, Nicholas Covington, She earned eight varsity letters Anthony Lovejoy and Ben Wagner. Kneeling are Alec Lorenz, Rylee Pumper, Kate Schmit and Matthew Ludvik.
combined in dance and track. Maxwell Hughes, son of Dale Hughes and Martha Kurtz. He earned seven varsity letters combined in speech, track and cross country. Katelyn Jeurissen, daughter of Glen and Lisa Jeurissen. She earned six varsity letters combined in track and basketball. Nicholas Johnson, son of Eric and Jean Johnson. He earned a total of nine varsity letters in speech, football and baseball. Alec Lorenz, son of Steve and Betty Jo Lorenz. He earned seven varsity letters combined in speech, football and track. Janessa Meuleners, daughter of Ronald and Renee Meuleners. She earned 13 varsity letters combined in cross country, track and speech. Robert Nowak, son of Gene and Cindy Nowak. He earned five varsity letters combined in track and football.
Dylan O’Brien, son of Jeff O’Brien and Deb Stacey. He earned 10 varsity letters combined in speech, football, football manager and baseball. William Ponath, son of Bruce and Stephanie Ponath. He earned a total of six varsity letters in football, basketball and track. Hannah Preusser, daughter of Martin and Karen Preusser. She earned four varsity letters combined in tennis and basketball. Katelyn Schmit, daughter of Jay and Lori Schmit. She earned a total of six varsity letters in softball and tennis. Jane Schneider, daughter of Greg Schneider and Sandy Fjelde. She earned a total of nine varsity letters in dance and tennis. Alec Selly, son of Rob and Shelly Selly. He earned four varsity letters combined in football and baseball.
wednesday, June 3, 2015
Community Services
Nelson Ladd • Community Services Director 130 S. Willow St., Belle Plaine • www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone 873-2411 Pre-registration is needed for all programs and activities
Summer Registration Now Open
Kids Company is accepting registration for the 2015 summer! If you are looking for summer childcare, or just a few fun filled days for your child this summer Kids Company is the place for you! Kids Company is a before and after school care program, the program operates out of Chatfield Elementary School. Kids Company’s mission is to provide before and after school care for children K-6th grade in an environment that is safe, enjoyable and caring while supporting children’s individual educational and social development. This summer Kids Company is going to be active! Kids Company plans to be involved with recreational theme weeks, projects, games, and field trips. Kids Company is going to spend the summer getting involved and having fun doing it. Summer Hours: 6am-6pm Fee: $3.75 an hour One Time Registration fee: $25. For more information dsaulsbury@belleplaine. k12.mn.us or 952-873-2411 T-BALL & SQUIRTS
T-ball is a low-organized game designed for youth skill development. Learn the basic fundamentals of baseball/softball. In this program the emphasis is on fun rather than competition. In Squirts, the basic structure of the game will be introduced as well as the skill of hitting a coach pitched ball. We will have 1-2 coach meetings prior to the start of the program and coaching resources will be provided. Coaches are volunteer parents. T-BALL AGE: 5-6 year old Boys and Girls DATES: Tues & Thurs, June 9-July 16 TIME: 6:30-7:30 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 $10 late fee for registrations after the deadline SQUIRTS AGE: 7-8 year old Boys and Girls DATES: Mon & Wed, June 8-July 15 TIME: 6:30-8 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 $10 late fee for registrations after the deadline WEE CAMP
This three day camp is for 3 and 4 year olds that want to meet some new friends. Our day will include projects, games, stories, songs, & much more. Sign up now and don’t miss out on the fun. Participants must be potty trained and bring a backpack or bag to bring home their projects. Sign up for one or more sessions. Each session will have a different theme and activities.AGE: 3 & 4 Year Olds DATES: Tuesday - Thursday Session 1: June 23-25 Session 2: July 7-9 Session 3: July 14-16 TIME: 9-11 am LOCATION: Chatfield Elem, PS Room 1 INSTRUCTOR: Becky Luskey & Tracy Witt COST: $25.00 per session ARTS AND CRAFTS
Looking for something to do? Come and enjoy some fun and unique projects with us. We might do something with sand, paint or glue; Legal Notices you will have to wait and see. Each session will be different, so call now to reserve your spot! GRADES: 1 - 4 DATES: Tuesday & Thursday Session 1: June 23 & 25 Session 2: July 7 & 9 Session 3: July 14 & 16 TIME: 12:00-2 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elem, PS Room 1 INSTRUCTOR:
(continued from previoius page)
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure
that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: “It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.” “It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).” A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County
Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the “Search Projects” page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or info@questcdn.com. Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or gfelt@co.scott.mn.us Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.
Becky Luskey & Tracy Witt COST: $25.00 per session MINNESOTA TWINS
Enjoy an evening of outdoor baseball. Twins vs the Kansas City Royals. Seats are located in Section 136. DATE: Wednesday, June 10 TIME: Depart at 4:30 pm Return at 11 pm COST: $34.00 (includes transportation & ticket to the game) DEADLINE: May 20 Join us for an afternoon at the ballpark; Target Field. Park & Rec Day....Twins vs Texas Rangers. Seats are located in Section 317. DATE: Thursday, August 13 TIME: Depart at 10:30 am Return at 4:00 pm COST: $30.00 (includes transportation & ticket to the game) DEADLINE: July 23 TENNIS
Session 1: This session will cover the basic game rules and fundamentals of the forehand, backhand, volley and serve. Games rules & knowledge of the court will be covered. Ball & racket skills will be included with alternative game play scenarios. Learning game play, skill work, scoring & having fun go hand & hand in this session. Pre-test and post-test drills will be conducted at this camp. Session 2: This session will include everthing covered in Session 1, along with more advanced techniques & drills. Tradional & alternative scoring will be taught. Specific game strategies will be discussed & demonstrated. Players will be taught according to their current ability & introduced to skill sets to bring them to the next level. Pre-test and post-test drills will be conducted at this camp. Session 3: This session will include all of the above sessions, along with advanced techniques in each area of play. The introduction to spin control will be drilled every day. Double strategy, top-spin, under-spin, and slice serves will be worked on. Players will be taught advanced strategy at their current level, with introduction & drills to advance their game to the next level. Pre-test and post-test drills will be conducted at this camp. DATES: Monday - Thursday, July 1316 (Friday, July 17 - rain make-up) GRADES/TIME: Session 1 (Grades 2-4): 8:30-9:45 am COST: $35.00 Session 2 (Grades 5-7): 9:45-11:30 am COST: $40.00 Session 3 (Grades 8 - 12): 11:30-1:15 pm COST: $45.00 LOCATION: Tennis Courts (Oak Crest) INSTRUCTOR: Dana Otto and the BPHS Tennis Team ENGINEERING: CRAZY ACTION CONTRAPTIONS
Unleash your imagination as you journey through the wide-ranging world of LEGO building. Students working in pairs will build models, and discuss the engineering science behind each. This fun, hands-on class shows students how engineering can be fun and silly, yet still educational. Students will then be challenged to improve the model and customize their creations. Possible models include never look back machine, skittletops, Do-Nothing Machine, Scott County Coat Hanger Daredevil, Trapdoor Board Proceedings Cable Car Parachute Machine, Rubber band Racer, Balloon Powered Car, and other Crazy Action Contraptions. Please bring a drink & snack daily. GRADES: 1–5 DATE: MondayThursday, June 15-18 TIME: 10 am–12 noon LOCATION: Chatfield Elem, Library INSTRUCTOR:
INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $666,034.73 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding, mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said County as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 13, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Scott County Sheriffʼs Office, Civil Unit, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneysʼ fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor, their personal representatives or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORʼS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BANK, Mortgagee LINDQUIST & VENNUM, P.L.L.P. By John J. Bowden Attorneys for Mortgagee 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 371-3968 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 18, 25 and November 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2006.
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT NOVEMBER 7, 2006 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:01 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Marschall, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Vogel, and Commissioner Hennen. (2) Chair Ulrich noted the addition to the agenda of the appointment of Aldeen Goehring to the Board of Adjustment/ Planning Advisory Commission. (3) On a motion by Commissioner Hennen, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the Minutes of October 24, 2006 were approved. (4) On a motion by Commissioner Vogel, moved, seconded by Commissioner Hennen, the following items were approved unanimously. A copy of each resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and made a part of this record by reference. A. Application to Sell 3.2 Malt Liquor at Retail for 2007 of Ronald L. Edmiston DBA Superamerica #4439 in Jackson Township, Jams R. Hupp DBA Holiday Stationstore #246 in Jackson Township, and Joleen Yong DBA Suzette Inc. in St. Lawrence Township. B. Application for Precious Metal Dealer License of Mark A. Smith, DBA PawnXChange in Shakopee. C. Receipt of funding from the MN Department of Public Safety for administration of the Safe Communities Grant in the amount of $40,300 effective October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 to be shared by the Safe Communities Coalition. D. Resolution No. 2006-160; Authorizing Final Payment on the 2005 Overlay Projects to Buffalo Bituminous Inc. in the Amount of $25,000.00. E. Resolution No. 2006-163; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Agreements With the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake for Phase 2 Construction of the Southbridge Transit Station. F. Resolution No. 2006-164; Honoring Joseph Graham Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. G. Resolution No. 2006-165; Honoring Joshua Gunter Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. H. Resolution No. 2006-166; Honoring Sam Ringstad Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. I. Payroll processing of personnel actions indicated below and certified by the Employee Relations Director and the Appointing Authority to be in compliance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes 375.56 - 375.71 and the Scott County Merit Personnel System:
1. FTPR employment of Alan Evenson, Highway Maintenance Worker, Public Works Division, effective 10/30/06. 2. FTPR employment of Michael Turek, Sheriffʼs Deputy, Sheriffʼs Office, effective 11/06/06. 3. FTPR employment of Sherri Smith, Fraud Prevention Investigator, Community Services Division, effective 11/01/06. 4. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Additions Deletions Ethel Carlson Jacqueline Clary Jennifer Edwards Augustine David Lisa Meyers Christopher Kettler Rochelle Kovac Kevin McCann J. Resolution No. 2006-161; Approving Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Provider and Plans and Rescind Resolution No. 2001-105. K. Appointment of Aldeen Goehring of Commissioner District 3 to the Board of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Commission effective November 7, 2006 through December 31, 2007. (5) Create Safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities: A.On behalf of the Board, Vice Chair Marschall presented an Outstanding Service Award to Connie and Terry Lonto for their dedicated service as volunteers for Scott County for 30 years working in the areas of weather spotting, sand bagging, search and rescue, traffic control, and command post activities. Commissioner Wagner left the meeting from 9:21 to 9:25 a.m. B. Community Services Director Tim Walsh updated the Commissioners on the County Board goal to implement the Community Corrections delivery system, Public Services Manager Jennifer Deschaine reviewed the goal to monitor the Community Health statistics and trends, Deputy County Administrator Gary Shelton provided information on the shared information systems, training facilities and 800 MHz strategy, County Administrator Dave Unmacht highlighted the status of County Highway projects, and Chief Information Officer Marilyn McCarter reviewed the goal to complete phase one of the Countyʼs Business Continuity Plan. (6) County Administrator Update: Mr. Unmacht reviewed upcoming schedule items. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair David J. Unmacht, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Tracy A. Cervenka, Deputy Clerk to the Board Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, November 22, 2006.
Belle Plaine High School
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,
Madison Hartmann. Family: Mary Hartmann, Mariah Hartmann, Jon Beberg. Activities: Choir and golf. Involvement Benefit: Helped me stay involved with the school and stay active. Role Model: My role model is my aunt Laurie Green because I have always looked up to her and her family. She has always provides such a stable environment and she's Shop the Stores Advertise always setting thatgoals and striving to achieve them. Favorite in this ";SM NCF !BLCMNG;M Class: English because I enjoyNewspaper. writing. Future Plans: I am Place Your Orders NOW: planning on going "?<_M #G<LIC>?LS OMCH?MM 1MFBTF KPJO VT GPS B want to a 4 year university to get myyourThey degree in nursing. business. EMBROIDERY & SCREEN PRINTING
New Builds! From the hit video game, Minecraft, comes our awesome Lego and Papercrafts class. Student builders will be creating mob figures, custom blocks, torches, mcustom biomes, and terrains from the MineCraft Video Game! We will use both cardboard papercrafts and Legos to create our worlds. Builders will be challenged to bring their virtual designs from the game to life and get to take home a daily project. Most materials will be for class use only. Take-homes include: a mini handcrafted LED lit Redstone torch, 2 Lego micro-figs, and 2 papercrafts. GRADE: K–3 DATE: MondayThursday, June 15 - 18 TIME: 1–3 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elem, Library INSTRUCTOR: Computer Explorers COST: $75.00 BOYS & GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP
This camp is for boys and girls in grades K - 2. Participants will learn basic skills and techniques, build self-esteem, encourage teamwork and fair play - all in a fun and challenging environment. T-shirts will be given to all participants. BOYS Grades K - 2 June 22-25 8:3010 am GIRLS Grades K-2 June 2225 10:30-12 noon COACH: Doug Anderson LOCATION: Oak Crest Elem, Gym COST: $30.00 Players will be working on the fundamentals of basketball every day. Skills such as passing, shooting and dribbling will be emphasized. Players will be coached on improving their individual skills. An off season program of skill improvement will be introduced and stressed. Participants will have opportunities to work individually and in groups. Also, full court play will be utilized daily for the opportunity to carryover their skills into games. This camp is meant to be a fun experience for potential BPHS basketball players to improve. All campers will receive a t-shirt. GIRLS Grades 3-5 July 13-16 12-1:30 pm GIRLS Grades 6-8 July 13-16 10-11:30 am GIRLS Grades 9-12 July 13-16 8:30-10 am COACH: Randy Carlson LOCATION: BPHS, South Gym COST: $50.00 TRACK CLINIC
This week long clinic will be held at the track, at Oak Crest Elementary School. Goals will be to gain and foster an interest in the activity of running and provide individual instruction on various track & field events. These events include sprints and distance running, relays, shot put, discus, long jump, triple jump, high jump and hurdles. Individuals may specialize in one event or try several events. Emphasis will be on participation, learning track & field techniques and having fun. We will have a track & field meet on Friday in Belle Plaine from 8:30 - 12:00 noon. Track T-shirts will be given to all participants. DATE: Monday Friday, July 27-July 31 AGES/TIME: Session 1: 8:30-10 am (5 & 6 years olds) Session 2: 8:30-10:30 am (7-12 years olds) LOCATION: Athletic Complex (Oak Crest) INSTRUCTOR: BPHS Track & Field Coaches COST: $25.00 PRAIRIE FIRE CHILDREN’S THEATER
Do you want to be an actor this summer? Join the Prairie Fire Children’s Theater in performing “Aladdin” for the Belle Plaine area community. Register with Community Education. Parents and volunteers are needed for makeup and tickets on show dates and sound and lights during rehearsals and performances. Please bring a water bottle and snack to rehearsals. GRADES: 3-8 DATES: Monday-Saturday, July 20-25 LOCATION: Oak Crest Elementary COST: $55.00
Personal • Prompt • Professional
Ryan Bremseth-Vining. Family: Jan Bremseth, Teresa Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving! Activities: Baseball, Vining, and Samuel Bremseth-Vining. Benefit: Being basketball, and cross country. Thank youInvolvement to the voters of for your involved in these activities Belle hasPlaine made mesupport a harder worker. Role and confidence in voting BENEFITS Model: My roleWHAT models areformy family because they always me for City Council. YOU MOST? &RIDAY $ECEMBER ST work hard at what they do and support me. Favorite Class: AM ^ PM Science because I want toTim go O’Laughlin into the medical field. Future 3OUP #HILI #OOKIES #OFFEE Plans: I want to go to college, then to graduate/medical school, and then #IDER WILL BE SERVED hopefully become a doctor. Deb Koepp, Owner • 952-873-5688
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Superintendent’s Update
By Dr. Kelly Smith
Congratulations to the Class of 2015 as they complete their final days of school this week and conclude their school career on Sunday. The Graduation Ceremony is always such a special event as we recognize the hard work and perseverance of the graduating seniors. Congratulations to all of you and best wishes in your future plans! Congratulations to our Girls Track team as they earned first place in the Section 2A Meet this past Saturday. Belle Plaine easily outdistanced second place Tri-City United by a 118.5 to 85 margin. Here are the girls who will be advancing to state: Jenna Gatz – Long Jump (2nd), 200 M Dash (1st) and 400 M Dash (1st); Bridget Egan – Pole Vault (2nd); Selin Dikmen – 100 M Hurdles (2nd); Janessa Meuleners – 800 M Run (1st); 4 x 800 M Relay (1st) – Emily Berger, Haley Leger, Alissa Schultz & J Meuleners; 4 x 400 M Relay (2nd) – A Schultz, J Meuleners, H Leger & J Gatz; 4 x 100 M Relay (2nd) – S Egan, Anna Donkhong, S Dikmen & Ally Fink. Congratulations to everyone and good luck to those advancing this Friday and Saturday! The Boys Track team placed 5th in the team competition and advanced two individuals to the state meet. Those advancing are: Ryan Wolke – 400 M Dash (2nd), 200 M Dash (1st) and 100 M Dash (1st); and Brady Johnson – Triple Jump (1st). Good luck to both of you at the State Meet this week! Our baseball team continued play on Tuesday this week needing wins against Norwood-Young America and Albert Lea to advance to the finals against undefeated Glencoe-Silver Lake on Thursday. Good luck guys – let’s have a great finish to an outstanding season! With the end of the school year, our school district office hours will be adjusted beginning next week. Our regular office hours will be 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday – Thursday and 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Friday. These hours will remain in effect until the end of August. Our community education offices will be moving to the high school office at the end of June as we make a transition in staffing with the retirement of Nelson Ladd on June 30th. Two positions – the 7-12 Activities Director and the Community Services Director – have been combined into one position and will now be called the Activities & Recreation Director. Chad Eischens, currently the Activities Director at New Ulm Public Schools, has accepted the position as Activities & Recreation Director for Belle Plaine and will begin his duties on July 1. He, along with Pandy Anderson, will be located in the high school office. Welcome to Belle Plaine, Mr. Eischens! Late word on Monday was that a tentative agreement had been reached between the Governor and Speaker of the House to resolve the education funding impasse. The Governor has dropped his request for pre-school programming for all 4 year olds and the Republicans have agreed to raising the amount of new money for education to $525 million. It appears that the general education funding formula will be increased by 2% each year of the biennium. As the final details of the agreement are hammered out, a special session will be called for next week and the State will avoid a potential shutdown on July 1. As always, if you have any questions about school matters, please feel free to call me at 8732400 or check our website at www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us. You may also find me on Twitter at @ BPTiger716. Go Tigers!
College News
South Dakota State University announced that Luke Zilverberg of Belle Plaine will receive the Lake Campbell Wildlife Club scholarship for the upcoming year. Zilverberg, who will be a junior this fall, is the son of Dan Zilverberg and Kim Zilverberg. He is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in wildlife and fisheries science. Lisle Garcia, School of Health and Human Services, Community Psychology; and Ann Siemon, School of Health and Human Services, Communication Sciences and Disorders, both of Belle Plaine, were named to the Spring Dean’s List at St. Cloud State University. To be eligible for the honor, students must have a grade-point-average of 3.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Rebecca Robinson, Undeclared Major - CLS; and Casey Schneider, Theatre Arts, Music Theatre Emphasis, both of Belle Plaine, have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse for the spring semester. To be eligible, students must have earned not less than a 3.5 semester gradepoint-average and have carried a minimum of 12 semester credits. Zachery Juaire, Kayla Krick and Montana Meyer of Belle Plaine were named to the Spring Semester President’s List at South Central College. The recognition is given to students in good academic standing who maintain a grade-point-average of 3.5 or better, while earning 12 credits or more during the semester period. Kelsey Stender of Belle Plaine earned a spot for spring 2015 on the Central College dean’s list. The honor is awarded to fulltime students who achieve a 3.5 grade-point-average or higher on a 4.0 scale while taking 12 or more graded credit hours for the semester.
b le In f lata id e er Sl
Belle Plaine High School
Wednesday, June 3
Senior Picnic 12:00 @ Union Square Park Graduation Practice 1:00 @ BP HS Awards Night 5:30-6:15 South Gym Dollars for Scholars
Thursday, June 4
Softball: Varsity State Tourn TBD vs TBA @ Caswell Park, North Mankato END OF FOURTH QUARTER Baseball: Varsity Sectional Tourn 5:00 vs TBA @ St. Peter HS Baseball: Varsity Sectional Tourn 7:30 vs TBA @ St. Peter HS
Friday, June 5
Teacher Workshop Track: Varsity State Tourn TBD vs TBA @ Hamline College
Saturday, June 6
Track: Varsity State Tourn TBD vs TBA @ Hamline College
Sunday, June 7
Graduation 2:00 in South Gym Basketball open gym 6:30-8:30 pm @ BP JH/SH South Gym
Tuesday, June 9
Golf: Varsity Golf & Boys Tourn TBD vs TBA @ Ridges at Sand Creek
Wednesday, June 10
Golf: Boys & Girls State Tourn TBD vs Softball: varsity State Tourn TBD vs TBA @ Ridges at Sand Creek TBA @ Caswell Park, North Mankato GO TIGERS! Please call the Belle Plaine High School with any questions 873-2403
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Jacobsons (continued from page 1)
known for her work with the school’s fall musicals. Peter is also known for his work with the school’s one-act play program. BPHS’s musical productions regularly perform to standing-room-only audiences. The Belle Plaine one-act play troupe is well known throughout the state, earning 11 star ratings (the highest rating possible) in the past 13 years. He has also led a speech program that is among the area’s finest. The Jacobsons will be in Belle Plaine for much of the summer, leaving after Bar-B-Q Days. They’re looking forward to their last taste of Belle Plaine culture for the next few years. They are comfortable here. They are both well known in the community. “We had talked about this being an end stop,” Peter said. The end of the year is never an easy time for Allison. She sends the seniors off from their last class with a hug. “In some schools, you might get fired for hugging a student. If I get fired for that, so be it,” she said.
Two Families
WednesDAY, JUNE 3, 2015
envisioning what he wants the audience to see, hear, and feel,” Hartmann said. “He does a great job getting the cast and crew to understand his vision and gets them very excited about the overall production. Peter is talented in all areas of theater. His vision has brought great ideas to all aspects of our productions from blocking, costuming, make-up, set design, light and sound effects,” Hartmann continued. Photographs of casts from previous productions are close at hand. Peter, always the tech. guy, has the electronic versions close at hand. Allison keeps photos of previous cast and crew members on the wall of her classroom. “It’s like giving up a part of yourself,” she said. They know the drama department is in good hands with talented people. Allison worked closely with Ali Burmeister to present plays annually. Burmeister refers to Jacobson as a good friend and mentor. “Alli (Jacobson) had a way with recruiting kids and growing the program. Those kids stayed because they cared so much about our drama program and cared about Alli as a teacher and director,” Burmeister said. “Alli created a collaborative environment. If a student/ actor had an idea they wanted to try, whether it was on stage, sound and lights or stage crew, she would always let them try it.”
The couple has two families – the students they know through the drama department and their own children. They are close to their students they have watched grow on stage. Peter Jacobson worked closely with elementary school teacher Tony Hartmann. They co-directed the one-act plays. “Peter has all the leadership qualities that make him an exceptional director. Peter has ‘Max & Norah’ creative vision. He has a way But the time has come to spend of looking at written scripts and more time with their own chil-
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dren, Norah, 8, and 12-year-old Max. There have been too many events in their lives that have been pushed to the back burner because of a play practice or a speech competition. “For 17 years, we’ve put other peoples’ kids first,” Allison said. “Now it’s time for Max and Norah.” The Jacobsons look forward to having their own children in class at the school in India. The school also has impressive facilities for its upstart drama program. Allison expects they will graitate toward the program. Peter is also interested in working with the school’s new forensics program. “The campus there is beautiful. The facility is state-of-theart,” Peter Jacobson said. “We got a real good sense they want their employees to be happy.” Allison wishes there was more time here. She’d like to see the sophomores and juniors who are taking college in the schools classes complete the program. But there is comfort leaving on their terms. “We’re not leaving under duress,” Peter said. Both Allison and Peter are 40. They are at a point in their lives when the time to teach abroad is now. They have considered teaching in various European countries and even Japan. They visited Japan a few years back with their children and looked at the country, its people and their country as a place that one day could be their home. India wasn’t a country they has spent a lot of time considering. “It wasn’t on our ‘no’ list, but it wasn’t on our ‘top-10’ list, either,” Peter said. They strong proponents for experiencing other cultures and stepping out of a comfort zone. The pace of life in India is much more relaxed than here. Their life in India will be like nothing they have experienced previously. “We have to hire a driver,” Allison said. “If 106 degrees doesn’t appeal to us, we’ll see.”
Bomb Threat Hoax Shuts Down Carver County Government Center A bogus threat of a bomb hidden somewhere at the Carver County Government Center in Chaska had deputies searching and workers removed from the building Thursday (May 28) morning. At 6:05 a.m., 911 dispatchers received a call from an anonymous person who stated, “There is a bomb in your building. Have fun.” The caller then hung up. Over the next hour, dispatchers received several additional calls from a caller referencing a bomb in the building that was set to explode “soon.” In some of the calls, the caller(s) referenced ISIS and recent events in Baltimore, Md. The Carver County Govern-
ment Center was locked down and employees were directed to a safe location while deputies and police officers from Bloomington, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office and Minneapolis St. Paul Airport Police departments searched the government center with specially trained bomb detection dogs. There were no bombs or other threats located during the wide-ranging search. Employees were allowed to return to work at about 10:30 a.m. and the morning court calendar was rescheduled. Carver County Sheriff Jim Olson said, “These types of calls create a significant disruption to operations. We locked the facility because our first prior-
ity was the safety of the citizens and employees in the government center. Now that we know it’s safe, we can conduct our investigation.” Sheriff’s deputies are actively investigating the source of the threats. The technologies of the 911 Dispatch Center allow for law enforcement to capture caller data, which will aid in the investigation. Early information suggests this incident is a prank or hoax commonly called “swatting,” wherein the caller(s) provide a false report of a crime in progress or threat of violence to cause a disruption to peace and civil order. “This is no joke,” Olson said. “This is a serious crime.”
Jordan School Board Picks Chromebooks for Student Learning
Scott County Mobile Clinics
Jordan students will use Google Chromebooks as the school district’s educational technology tool of choice next year. The Jordan School Board recently approved a $360,000 lease that will provide Google Chromebooks for fifth-graders through high school seniors to use to enhance learning. By comparison, Belle Plaine opted for Apple iPads for all K-12 students this year. Jordan School District staff and board members favor the Chromebook Flip, but the exact model students receive will be determined by the district’s technology budget and finalized in an agreement between a vendor and the school district. About half the financing will
come via the district’s FFE (furniture, fixtures and equipment budget) from the middle school referendum with the other half financed from operating capital, the Jordan Independent recently reported. The district is considering a three-year lease with a $1 per device buyout at the end of the lease. It could sell them to another district to help finance an upgrade. The district favored Chromebooks after a six-month study. Half the Jordan students and staff used iPads and the other half used Chromebooks. They switched devices after winter break and then offered their opinions on the pros and cons of the two devices before selecting the Chromebook.
Scott County Public Health holds the Scott County Mobile Clinic two times per month from 2-5 p.m. at various locations in Scott County in partnership with the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community. The clinic serves uninsured and underinsured children and adults from Scott County. Free services available include adult and child medical visits, health screenings, including cholesterol screens, blood pressure checks and blood glucose screens, assistance with obtaining affordable prescription medication, ongoing health care and other community resources. No appointments are needed. Call Scott County Public Health at 952-496-8555 or log onto www.co.scott.mn.us for information on dates and locations.
2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/31/2015
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(952) 873-3343 On Your 1st Order! • School Board Meetings at Junior High Library ~ 2nd Monday of each Call toll-free: 1-800-259-1096 Website: Call www.andersonskubitz.com the number below and save an additional $10 plus get free shipping on you month: meetings are scheduled as a work session; 4th Monday of each prescription order with Canada Drug Center. Expires June 30, 2015. Offer is val Are You Still Paying Too Much For Your Medications? month: Regular business meetings for the board, Finance starts at 5:30 p.m. Hours: M-F 9:00am-5:00pm or by appointment prescription orders only and can not be used in conjunction with any other offers. and regular at 6 p.m. For more information or if a holiday interferes, call You can save up to 93% when you fill your prescriptions for new customers only. One time use per household. (952) 873-2400 or go online at www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us at our Canadian and International prescription service. Order Now! Call Toll-Free: 1-800-259-1096 • Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women now has free on-site childUse code 10FREE to receive this special offer. e c i e r c i P r care available during weekly evening and daytime women's support groups. Their Our P If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of domestic violence, Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a val Better water flows prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. please call SVA at (952) 873-4214 for more information regarding the times Prescription price comparison above is valid as of November 1, 2014. All trade-mar TM and locations of the groups. Celecoxib from better Celebrex rightsthinking! associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective o Mondays: Mom's/Women's Prayer Group: Meeting from 9:30-11:30 a.m. $64.00 $761.35 Bottle B Bottle A Softeners • Filtration Call Toll-free: 1-800-259-1096 Call Amy for details and location (952) 484-9100. Generic equivalent of Celebrex Typical US brand price Tuesdays: Drinking Systems Generic price for 200mg x 100 for 200mg x 100 Wednesdays: BP Rotary at 12 noon at Kingway Retirement Living • Non-Electric (Ratzkeller Room • 24/7 Soft Water • Senior Citizens Meet Cards are played at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Ridge Apts.) • Unmatched Efficiency Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays: AA Closed Meetings on Get An Extra $10 Off & Free Shipping • Iron - Rust - Odor Removal Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Also, NA Meeting On Your 1st Order! open on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Al Anon Wednesday nights 8 p.m. (The Little • Free Water Analysis Call the number below and save an additional $10 plus get free shipping on your first Brick School House kitty korner from St. John Lutheran Church) prescription order with Canada Drug Center. Expires June 30, 2015. Offer is valid for • We Service All Makes prescription orders only and can not be used in conjunction with any other offers. Valid Thursdays: Belle Plaine Knitting Group meets at Kingsway Living Center for new customers only. One time use per household. from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room or in the Art Gallery. Open to all ages Order Now! Call Toll-Free: 1-800-259-1096 and skill levels. Knitters and crocheters welcome. Use code 10FREE to receive this special offer. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month: Support Groups for Families Independent Authorized Dealer meet at the Valley Green Workforce Center in Shakopee at 6:30 p.m. and is Please note that we do not carry controlled substances and a valid for families who have a relative with a mental illness. The group is led by Haferman Water Conditioning, Inc. prescription is required for all prescription medication orders. trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness. The Prescription price comparison above is valid as of November 1, 2014. All trade-mark (TM) rights associated with the brand name products in this ad belong to their respective owners. (952) 447-8120 support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing experiences. For information, call (952) 890-1669. www.hafermanwater.com Call Toll-free: 1-800-259-1096 1st Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/Board of Directors meet at Borough Bowl in Belle Plaine, at 6:30 p.m. • Area Separated & Divorce Support Group from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob Wagner (952) 758-0463 or Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Area Separated and Divorce Support Group meets at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, New Prague 7-8:30 p.m. Call Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st Wednesday of each Month: B.P. Borough Riders Snowmobile Club meets at Sparetime Tavern in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month: Support Group: Women's Connection for Cancer. For more information contact the 'Ask St. Francis' info. line @ (952) 403-2000 2nd Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/General Membership Meeting at Duets in Belle Plaine, at 7 p.m. • Minnesota Valley Riders Saddle Club (MVR) monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Neil's Pub Rustic Room. Join in planning and participating in area horse related activities. • Valley Garden Club: meets monthly. Location varies, see bpgardeners.blogspot. com or call Anne Buesgens (507) 248-3666. Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minnesota Display Ad Network program by running 2nd Wednesday of the Month - Scott Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at their office in these ads in the main news section of your newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). The Minnesota the Scott County Extension and Conservation Center at the Scott County At times, advertisers may request a specific section. However, the decision is ultimately up to each Fairgrounds in Jordan. For more information, call Shelly at (952) 873-5412. • The Belle Plaine Friends of the Library meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Library. newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased/increased slightly in size to fit your column sizes. Please 2nd Thursday of the Month: Sons of the American Legion, American do not bill for these ads. If you have questions, please call MNA at 800/279-2979. Thank you. Legion & Auxiliary Mtg. at 7 p.m. at the Vet's Club. Display Ad Network 2nd and 4th Thursday of each Month: New Prague Area Toastmasters meet from 7-8 p.m. at the New Prague City Hall, 118 Central Ave. No. Join to develop and enhance your speaking, communication, and leadership skills. For more information, call Carolyn at (952) 873-4489. 2nd Friday of the Month: Steak Fry at the Belle Plaine Vet’s Club, Steak or Shrimp, 5:30-8 p.m. 2nd Saturday of the Month: B.P. Historical Society Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Historical House Muesum. 3rd Monday of the Month: Vet's Club Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Club. 3rd Tuesday of the Month: Sportsman's Club Meeting at the Vets Club in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. For more information, call Maynhardt (952) 873-4395. newspaper agreed participate in the Minnesota 3rd has Thursday of theto Month: VFW Auxiliary meeting at 7 p.m. atDisplay the Vets Ad Network program by running Club. VFWnews Men at section 7:30 p.m. atof theyour Club. newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). ads in the main The Manufactured By PfizerTM.
, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/31/2015
Manufactured By PfizerTM.
Manufactured By Generics Manufacturers
Manufactured By Generics Manufacturers
wednesday, June 3, 2015
help wanted
help wanted
Drivers: Owner Operators Teams. $25,000 SignOn Bonus, $1.10/Mile + Fuel Surcharge. Consistent Miles. Dedicated Routes. Open House Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Friday 8:00am-5:00pm, 2160 Mustang Dr., Mounds View, MN 55112. 866-700-7582 6/3
Family Owned shop looking for Truck Mechanic with expr. in Light and Heavy Duty truck work. Must have strong ability to diagnose modern electrical systems, and ability to run diagnostic testing equip. Will need to have your own basic tools, but all specialty tools are supplied. Very competitive wage; easy going small shop. Medical and dental ins. offered after 90 days. Ability to have flexible hours. Please email or fax resume to: nikk3t@yahoo.com â&#x20AC;˘ fax 952-233-4999
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Wolf Motors is hiring for: Automotive Service Advisor Position. Have you always wanted to work in the auto industry but didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think you had the technical skills? If so, keep reading. We have an opening for a Service Advisor. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for someone with excellent communication skills, attention to detail, a strong customer service orientation, and the ability to work independently and efficiently. We are willing to train the right person! We offer: ¡ Medical benefits ¡ Great pay ¡ 401K ¡ Discounts on vehicles ¡ NO Sunday hours
Caretaker/on site manager wanted at Cardinal Ridge in Belle Plaine. PT duties include office work, building & ground maintenance. Couple preferred live on-site and be able to work with the elderly.
Call 507-775-2109 ext. 2...M-F www.besslermanagement.com
Librarian-Subject Specialist (Youth Services) The Librarian-Subject Specialist position will provide specialized/professional information services; assists in planning, coordination, & delivery of library programs, services, &/or projects within a functional area (youth services). MQs: Requires equivalence of a bachelorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree & 2 years of library experience. A masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s degree in Library & Information Studies or a related field is preferred. A minimum of 2 years experience working with youth services (e.g., programming, outreach, etc.) is highly desired. One must possess a valid class D driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license & a reliable means of transportation for the performance of work responsibilities. Hiring Range: $22.22/hr. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; $27.79/hr. - DOQ. Closing: 06/08/15. Apply Online: www. co.scott.mn.us. EEO Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work together.
Beautiful black dirt: Reasonable Price. Delivery Available. (952) 873-6866. TF Single Bed with mattress, box spring & headboard plus Memory Foam pad. Call (952) 8736/3/15 2718.
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Full time position on dairy farm Experience preferred. Call (952) 467-3705 or 467-2805. 6/3/15 Carr's tree SErvice: Taking applications for full-time employment on our tree crews. Applicants must be 18 years of age and have a clean valid driver's license. Benefit package available. Qualified applicants, call 1-888-4703355. 6/3 Drivers: $2,000 Sign-On Bonus! Great Pay, Benefits! Rogers, MN Regional Flatbed. CDL-A w/1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: w w w. g o e l c . c o m 1-866-336-9642 6/10
Cooks and Bartenders Night shifts available during the week Both day and night shifts available on the weekends
952-758-4239 Part Time Driver/ Service Porter
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Skilled Cooks and Nutrition Aides â&#x20AC;&#x201C; advance your career goals by becoming part of an enthusiastic and dedicated Nutrition team! We are looking for dependable, quality driven, motivated colleagues to join us. If you like variety and the opportunity to grow your culinary skills, this is the position for you. Prepare high quality, safe, attractive, nutritious food for patients, visitors, and hospital employees; clean and care for equipment and work area; follow recipes; complete basic math calculations; follow oral and written directions. Previous food service experience preferred.
Orchard Street Townhomes Belle Plaine, MN
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In loving memory of
Sharon Laabs
who passed away one year ago on June 2, 2014. When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it. You just learn to slowly go on without them. But always keeping them tucked safely within your heart. Sadly missed by her family and friends.
Behavioral Health Services, LLC William â&#x20AC;&#x153;Billâ&#x20AC;? Paige-Evans, M.A., L.P. Licensed Psychologist
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(952) 847-0410
Buesgens Septic Services
Septic Pumping/Maintenance 952-873-2208 Portable Restrooms
Classified Ads Sell Call the Belle Plaine Herald
Gift Ideas
Let Mary Kay help with your yearround gift ideas, wrapping and delivery! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy! Call Kathy Thomason, Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant, 873-6120
BETH FLAHERTY PAYROLL SERVICE 305 South Market Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011
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507-665-3732 Mikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Window Washing Service Phone: (507) 665-3201 Cell: (507) 327-5539
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If you want your windows done right, Call Mike for affordable window cleaning.
Matthewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Roofing and Renovations L.L.C.
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PAGE thirteen
401 S. CEDAR ST.
753 East Enterprise Drive, Belle Plaine
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If your skills match one of our current job opportunities, we invite you to send your resume to Ron Maye, Talent Acquisition Consultant at ronm@bongards.com, or we invite you to apply online at www.bongards.com/aboutus/ careeropportunities. You can also stop by our office at 13200 County Road 51 Bondgards, MN 55368 to complete an application for consideration. Bongards is currently seeking people for the following opportunities on all shifts: â&#x20AC;˘ Machine Operators â&#x20AC;˘ Plant/Machine Sanitation â&#x20AC;˘ Maintenance â&#x20AC;˘ Robotic Palletizer Operators For additional information regarding our career opportunities, please contact: Ron Maye Talent Acquisition Consultant Office (952) 466-3594 ronm@bongards.com EEO/AA Veteran Friendly Employer
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PAGE fourteen
Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND INTENT TO ENACT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE COUNTY CODE, CHAPTER 152 ñ ZONING CODE COUNTY OF CARVER CHASKA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 16th day of June, 2015, as soon as possible after 4:00 p.m. upstairs in the Social Services wing, in the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Carver County Government Center, Chaska, Minnesota, the Carver County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing to: ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 80-2015, AMENDING THE CARVER COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 152 ñ ZONING CODE. Ordinance No. 80-2015 provides for a number of text amendments to the Zoning Code including, but not limited to: adding or revising definitions; addressing additional road accesses when they are part of a conditional, interim or accessory use permitting process; adding clarifying language to the renewable solar energy section related to conditional uses and the installation of foundation posts; stipulating that occasional special events are not to exceed three requests per year per parcel, and recognizing permitted events in the County parks ; allowing consolidation of conditional use requests which may include more than one activity or conditional use permit category; adding additional language related to conditional and interim use permits for agri-tourism to clarify the activities allowed; addressing the certification of zoning compliance section related to certain land use permits issued by townships; and updating the variance language related to practical difficulty and the grounds for a variance. Copies of the proposed Ordinance No. 80-2015 are available at the Land Management Department, or by calling (952) 361-1820. Information may also be obtained by going to the Planning Commission page at: http://www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/LWS/planning_comm.asp All persons interested are invited to attend the hearing and be heard on this matter. Written comments or requests may be mailed to: Land Management Department Carver County Government Center 600 East 4th St Chaska, MN 55318-2102 (952) 361-1820 Carver County Public Health & Environment By: Steve Just Land Management Dept. Manager Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, June 3, 2015.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 24, 2012 MORTGAGOR: David A Hicks, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Navy Federal Credit Union. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded August 2, 2012 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A911806. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Navy Federal Credit Union RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Navy Federal Credit Union MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4680 Tower Street Southeast #107, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 254390080 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit 107, CIC 1151, a Condominium, Tower Place Condominiums, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $110,412.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $108,608.26 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: June 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal repre-
sentatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on December 28, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: April 21, 2015 Navy Federal Credit Union Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 134 - 15-003275 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott First Judicial District District Court Probate Division Court File No: 70-PR-15-9261 Notice of informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Daniel Stephen Strunk, a/k/a Daniel S. Strunk, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the Registrar. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is also given the Registrar has informally appointed Deanna Strunk, whose address is 1567 Jackson Court, Shakopee, MN, 55379 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: May 22, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 22, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Barbara J. Weckman Brekke Brekke, Clyborne & Ribich, L.L.C. 287 Marschall Road, Suite 201 Shakopee, MN 55379 Attorney License No: 0349434 Telephone: (952) 402-9410 Fax: (952) 402-9417 Email: bbrekke@bcrlawyers.com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 27 and June 3, 2015.
NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Ridgewood Condominiums Association (henceforth the “Declaration”) recorded in the office of the Recorder for Scott County, Minnesota on January 29, 2004, as Document No. A643716, which covers the following property: Unit No. 137, Common Interest Community No. 1129, Ridgewood Condominiums, a condominium, Scott County, Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of April 21, 2015, from Gbedor Harriet Shannon, title holder, to Ridgewood Condominiums Association, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, the principal amount of Twelve Thousand, Seven Hundred Thirty-five and 13/100ths Dollars ($12,735.13) for assessments, late fees and related charges, plus assessments, collection costs, attorneys’ fees and other amounts will be incurred since said date, including
costs of collection and foreclosure; WHEREAS, no action is now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof; WHEREAS, the owner has not been released from the financial obligation to pay said amount; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Declaration and Minn. Stat. §515B.3-116(h), said debt created a lien upon said premises in favor of Ridgewood Condominiums Association as evidenced by the Amended Lien Statement recorded on April 16, 2014, in the office of the Scott County Recorder as Document No. A956623; WHEREAS, pursuant to the power of sale granted by the owner(s) in taking title to the premises subject to said Declaration, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said property by the sheriff of said county at the Scott County Sheriff’s Department, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on June 18, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys’ fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owners, their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of said sale. The following information is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 580.025 and 580.04: (1) Street Address of Property: 7552 Southridge Court, Savage, MN 55378 (2) Name of Transaction Agent, Residential Mortgage Servicer, Lender &/or Broker: N/A (3) Tax Parcel Identification Number of the Property: 26-3691370 (4) Transaction Agent’s Mortgage Identification Number, if known: N/A (5) Name of Mortgage Originator, if stated on mortgage: N/A (6) Date on which Occupant must vacate Property, if mortgage is not reinstated under Section 580.30 or property redeemed under 580.23: 11:59 p.m. on December 18, 2015. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. REDEMPTION NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: April 21, 2015 TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. By: Jennifer C. Toohey, I.D. #343742 Attorneys for Lienor 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 Lienor: Ridgewood Condominiums Association By: Jennifer C. Toohey Its: Attorney in Fact THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 File No. 5500.013 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015.
NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration for Prairie Bend Condominiums (henceforth the Declaration) dated May 31, 1995 and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota on May 31, 1995 as Document No. 353122 as amended by Doc. Nos. 353750, 354269 and 357113, which said Declaration covers the following described property situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Unit No. 1607, CIC Number 1024, Prairie Bend, a Condominium, located in Scott County, Minnesota. Street Address: 656 Roundhouse Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 Property ID #27-1990780. WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice by Juan Guerrero, as unit owner, to Prairie Bend Association the principal amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty-four Dollars and 50/100 ($2,544.50) for condominium assessments, interest and past due attorney fees through April 2015; and no action being now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, and the statute in such case made and provided, said debt creates a lien upon said premises in favor of Prairie Bend Association. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale created by statute, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Civil Division, 301 Fuller Street South, in the City of Shakopee in said County on July 14, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said condominium assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorney's fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owner, their personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale.
TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied single family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the unit owners must vacate the property if the lien is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 14, 2016. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate the property is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. Dated: May 1, 2015 Prairie Bend Association FULLER, SEAVER, SWANSON & KELSCH, P.A. By: Timothy D. Fuller 32694 12400 Portland Avenue South, Suite 132 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-0888 Attorneys for Prairie Bend Association Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3 and 10, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court First Judicial District Court File No: 70-PR-15-7907 Notice of informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Kathleen Ann Hamilton, Decedent Notice is given that an Application for Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Dana Hamilton, whose address is 610 Roberts Street SW, Hutchinson, MN 55350, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters of general administration, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: May 15, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 15, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Melchert Hubert Sjodin, PLLP Neil J. Jensen MN# 50088 22 North Main Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Telephone: (320) 587-2046 Facsimile: (320) 587-1061 e-mail: njjensen@mhslaw.com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3 and 10, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court First Judicial District Probate Division Court File No: 70-PR-15-9948 Notice of informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Ernest James Sprecher, Decedent Notice is given that an Application for Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Susan Sprecher, whose address is 320 Canvas Back Trail, Locust Grove, Georgia 30248, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters of general administration, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: May 27, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 27, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson Court Administrator Teresa Molinaro (MN#0388660) Molinaro Davis Law PLLC 2809 Cliff Road East Suite 100 Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Telephone: (651) 705-8800 Facsimile: (651) 705-8003 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3 and 10, 2015.
wednesday, June 3, 2015 State of Minnesota County of Scott First Judicial District District Court probate division Court File No: 70-PR-15-9711 Notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Cindy Louise Garbe aka Cindy L. Garbe, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated 06/20/2013 ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Phillip Martin Garbe whose address is 1852 13th Avenue West, Shakopee, MN 55379 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. A charitable beneficiary may request notice of the probate proceedings be given to the Attorney General pursuant to Minn. Stat. 501B.41. subd. 5. Dated: May 29, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 29, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson, Court Administrator Attorney for: John M. Skubitz Anderson, Skubitz & Coryell, PLLC 108 South Main Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 Attorney License No: 279419 Telephone: (507) 665-3349 Fax: (507) 665-6180 Email: skubitz@andersonskubitz. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3 and 10, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott First Judicial District District Court probate division Court File No: 70-PR-15-9262 Notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Marcella M. Peterson, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Will, dated February 22, 2000, and ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed James A. Larson, whose address is 7501 Park Avenue South, Richfield, MN, 55423, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. A charitable beneficiary may request notice of the probate proceedings be given to the Attorney General pursuant to Minn. Stat. 501B.41, subd. 5. Dated: May 22, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 22, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Susan A. King Moss & Barnett 150 South Fifth Street Suite 1200 Minneapolis, MN, 55402 Attorney License No: 0390435 Telephone: (612) 877-5362 Fax: (612) 877-5017 Email: susie.king@lawmoss.com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3 and 10, 2015.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: October 12, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Haley Fox, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, as Nominee for Advisor's Mortgage, LLC. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded October 23, 2006 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A754630. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc. Dated November 21, 2008 Recorded November 25, 2008, as Document No. A812984 and by Document Dated 3/29/2011 and Recorded 4/12/2011 as Document No. A878399. And thereafter assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for CMALT REMIC 2006-A7-REMIC Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-A7. Dated November 14, 2013 Recorded December 2, 2013, as Document No. A950020. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100199600000132585 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Advisor's Mortgage, LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 17355 River Birch Lane Southeast, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 253791270 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit No. 127, Common Interest Community Number 1079, Deerfield Condominium, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $129,600.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $152,668.11 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: July 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 7, 2016, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: May 1, 2015 U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10-15-003413 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 10 and 17, 2015.
Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
wednesday, June 3, 2015
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Glynwater West (henceforth the Declaration) dated July 27, 1998 recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota on July 28, 1998 as Document No. 421598 which said Declaration covers the following described property situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot 11, Block 3, Glynwater 2nd Addition, C.I.C. 1053 according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota. Street address: 3327 Glynwater Trail Northwest, Prior Lake, MN PID #25-3650270 WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice by Vanessa Stroh as unit owner, to the Glynwater West Association the principal amount of Four Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-five Dollars and 99/100 ($4,435.99) for condominium assessments, interest and past due attorney fees through May, 2015;
and no action being now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, and the statute in such case made and provided, said debt creates a lien upon said premises in favor of the Glynwater West Association. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale created by statute, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at the Sheriff’s Main Office, Scott County Sheriff’s Department, 301 South Fuller Street, in the City of Shakopee in said County on July 30, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said condominium assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorney’s fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owner, her personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied single family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the unit owners must vacate the property if the lien is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 30, 2016. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close June 30, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 30, 2015 for construction of the following: Scott County State Project SP 070-617-024 Minn Proj No STPM 7015 (096) County Project CP 17-32 County Project Number CP 17-32/SP 070-617-024, CSAH 17 from CSAH 42 to CSAH 78 in the City of Shakopee. The project consists of, Grading, Aggregate Base, Bituminous Surfacing, Storm Sewer, Striping, Signing, Watermain and appurtenant work. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS PROJECT The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: "It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency." "It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3)." A minimum goal of 8.2% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. The approximate quantities of the major work for Contract CP 17-32/ SP 070-617-024 are as follows: 89,828 SF 3” BITUMINOUS WALK 61,953 CY COMMON EXCAVATION (P) 42,046 SY EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS 14,709 LF CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B424 13,108 LF 4” PERF PE PIPE DRAIN 19,023 LF 4” SOLID LINE - EPOXY 6,530 TN TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (3,E) 4,216 SY SODDING, TYPE SALT RESISTANT 1,862 LF 15” RC PIPE SEWER DES 3006 CL V 1,840 LF 16” WATERMAIN DUCTILE IRON CL 52 The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE (https://eadvert.dot.state.mn.us) FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE (https://egram.co.scott.mn.us) TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects therein. Dated May 28, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Anthony J. Winiecki, P.E Courthouse Interim Scott County 200 4th Avenue West Engineer Shakopee, MN 55379 Physical Development 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, June 3, 10 and 17, 2015.
BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA date to vacate the property is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. Dated: May 11, 2015 GLYNWATER WEST ASSOCIATION FULLER, SEAVER, SWANSON & KELSCH, P.A. By: Timothy D. Fuller 32694 12400 Portland Avenue South, Suite 132 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-0888 Attorneys for Glynwater West Association Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 20, 27 and June 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2015.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the mortgage dated September 19, 2001, executed by William R. Schroeder, unmarred, as mortgagor, to TCF National Bank, a national banking association, as mortgagee, recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota, on October 10, 2001, as Document No. A 521665, which mortgage conveyed and mortgaged the following described property, situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, which property has a street address of 914 5th Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, and tax identification number 270014860: Lot 7, Block 65, City of Shakopee That the original principal amount secured by said mortgage was $101,999.90; that there has been compliance with any condition precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by said mortgage and foreclosure of said mortgage required by said mortgage, any note secured thereby, or any statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there is claimed to be due upon said mortgage and is due thereon at the date of this notice, the sum of $88,382.60 in principal and interest. That by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the above described premises with appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at the Sheriff's office in the Law Enforcement Center, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on July 14, 2015, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, to pay the amount then due on said mortgage, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys' fees as allowed by law, in accordance with the provisions of said mortgage. The time allowed by law for redemption by the mortgagor, his personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: NONE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat. §580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on January 14, 2016, unless the foreclosure is postponed pursuant to Minn. Stat. §580.07, or the redemption period is reduced to five (5) weeks under Minn. Stat. §582.032. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT BY A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: May 27, 2015 TCF National Bank FOLEY & MANSFIELD, P.L.L.P. By: Karl K. Heinzerling Atty. No. 142475 Attorneys for Mortgagee 250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 27 and June 3, 10, 17, 24 and July 1, 2015.
NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration for Prairie Bend Condominiums (henceforth the Declaration) dated May 31, 1995 and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota on May 31, 1995 as Document No. 353122 as amended by Doc. Nos. 353750, 354269 and 357113, which said Declaration covers the following described property situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Unit No. 3907, CIC Number 1024, Prairie Bend, a Condominium, located in Scott County, Minnesota. Street Address: 2058 Parkway Avenue, Shakopee, MN 55379 Property ID #27 1992120. WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice by Shareif K. Eisa, as unit owner, to Prairie Bend Association the principal amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirtyfive Dollars and 50/100 ($2,335.50)
for condominium assessments, interest and past due attorney fees through May 2015; and no action being now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, and the statute in such case made and provided, said debt creates a lien upon said premises in favor of Prairie Bend Association. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale created by statute, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Civil Division, 301 Fuller Street South, in the City of Shakopee in said County on August 13, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said condominium assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorney=s fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owner, his personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied single family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the unit owners must vacate the property if the lien is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on February 13, 2016. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate the property is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. Dated: May 29, 2015 FULLER, SEAVER, SWANSON & KELSCH, P.A. By: Timothy D. Fuller 32694 12400 Portland Avenue South, Suite 132 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-0888 Attorneys for Prairie Bend Association Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3, 10, 17, 24 and July 1 and 8, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT CASE TYPE: MECHANIC’S LIEN FORECLOSURE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER JUDGMENT AND DECREE Court File No. 70-CV-14-11645 Carlstad Construction, Inc., Plaintiff, v. Georgette Garvin, Ho-Chunk Nation/Home Ownership Program, ABC Company, XYZ Company, John Doe, and Mary Roe, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order for Judgment and Judgment dated April 7, 2015, in the above entitled action, a certified copy of which has been delivered to me directing the sale of the premises hereinafter described to satisfy the amount found and adjudged and due to said Plaintiff in the above entitled action from Defendant Georgette Garvin. The Sheriff of Scott County, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on July 16, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at the Scott County Sheriff's Office, Law Enforcement Center, 301 Fuller Street, Shakopee, Minnesota, 55379, said county and state, the premises and real estate described in said Order located at 1265 Shakopee Avenue E., Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 to wit: “The East 75 feet of the South 142 feet of Lot 2, Nehl’s Addition to Shakopee, Scott County, Minnesota” Dated on this 18TH day of May, 2015. SHERIFF OF SCOTT COUNTY, MINNESOTA By: Duane J. Jirik Deputy Sheriff MESSERLI & KRAMER P.A. Creig Andreasen Creig Andreasen #334832 1400 Fifth Street Towers 100 South Fifth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402-1217 Telephone: 672-3663 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3, 10, 17, 24 and July 1 and 8, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott First Judicial District District Court probate division Court File No: 70-PR-15-9713 Notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Lowell William Otto, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated 04/29/1980 ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Lynne Brueggemeier whose address is 20320 401st Avenue, Arlington, MN 55307 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has
PAGE fifteen full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. A charitable beneficiary may request
notice of the probate proceedings be given to the Attorney General pursuant to Minn. Stat. 501B.41. subd. 5. Dated: May 29, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts May 29, 2015 By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Registrar Vicky L. Carlson, Court Administrator Attorney for: Alan M. Albrecht Anderson, Skubitz & Coryell, PLLC 108 South Main Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 Attorney License No: 887 Telephone: (507) 665-3349 Fax: (507) 665-6180 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, June 3 and 10, 2015.
Belle Plaine Police Report The week of May 25-31, Belle 8:12 p.m. a hit-and-run properPlaine police responded to the ty-damage accident. following selected calls: Friday, May 29 Police office staff performed 13 criminal backgrounds checks Monday, May 25 At 1:37 p.m., an officer stopped on city seasonal employees. a vehicle on the 1000 block of A crash was reported at 12:56 East Enterprise Drive. The p.m. near the intersection of vehicle and the license plates Old Highway 169 Boulevard did not match. The driver was and East Main Street. One vecited for driving after license hicle cut off another vehicle. A revocation, violating the igni- driver was cited for failing to tion interlock requirements and yield. driving a vehicle with someone A woman on the 200 block of else’s license plates. North Cedar Street reported at A search warrant at a house 3:11 p.m. the theft of checks. on the 200 block of East Main Police are investigating. Street was executed at 11:48 A woman on the 600 block a.m. A man was arrested. Stolen of West Main Street called for items and methamphetamines medical help at 5:05 p.m. A were recovered. man coughing up blood was transported to an area hospital. Tuesday, May 26 A vehicle was stopped near Saturday, May 30 the intersection of North Wil- A person on the 1000 block low and West Forest streets at of Provence Lane called for 1:41 p.m. A woman passenger medical help at 12:03 a.m. A was arrested on two outstand- man was passed out, inebriated. ing warrants. The driver was Transport to an area hospital warned about an inoperable was recommended, but the famrear light. ily decided to look after him. Belle Plaine police assisted A person on the 300 block of Scott County Sheriff’s deputies East Main Street reported at at 9:07 p.m. when they stopped 11:48 p.m. a drunken woman the driver of a vehicle reported lost in Belle Plaine. Police stolen near the intersection of found her and transported the Helena Boulevard and West woman to a detoxification fa230th Street. Deputies arrested cility. the driver. Sunday, May 31 Wednesday, May 27 Police stopped a speeding veA person on the 900 block of hicle at 2:14 a.m. near the interPark Drive called for medi- section of East Main Street and cal help at 4:33 a.m. A woman North Aspen Lane. Along with enduring chest pain was trans- the speeding ticket, the driver ported to an area hospital. was arrested for fourth-degree A person on the 100 block of DWI. East Court Street reported at A man on the 800 block of 9:06 a.m. someone cut the lock West Prairie Street called for on a trailer and stole power medical attention at 9:30 a.m. tools from the trailer. A woman was having difficulA woman on the 600 block of ty moving her arms. She was West Forest Street called for transported to an area hospital. medical help at 1:38 a.m. A man A woman on the 300 block took too much of a prescription of South Market Street was armedication and suffered a sei- rested at 1:54 p.m. for violating zure. He declined transport to a court-issued order for protecan area hospital. tion. At 3:08 p.m., an officer cited The mother of a girl on the 300 a girl on the 100 block of North block of East Evergreen Street Meridian Street for smoking. reported an assault. Police are A man on the 400 block of investigating. West Prairie Street called for medical help at 6 p.m. A woman fell in a pothole. She was hurt. A woman on the 100 block of West Main Street reported The week of May 25-31, Belle at 8:30 a.m. a case of financial Plaine firefighters responded to card fraud. Her card was taken the calls that included: and being used without her permission. Tuesday, May 26 Thursday, May 28 At 8:22 a.m., firefighters rePolice assisted county sher- sponded to a report of a singleiff’s deputies at 5:22 a.m. with vehicle crash near the interseca two-vehicle property-damage tion of Highway 169 and County crash on Highway 169 at Coun- Road 53 (Delaware Avenue) in St. Lawrence Township. They ty Road 53. A person on the 400 block of were cancelled en route. South Chestnut Street called Friday, May 29 for medical help. A woman was Firefighters were dispatched having trouble breathing. She at 12:59 p.m. to a two-vehicle was transported to an area hos- crash near the intersection of pital. Old Highway 169 Boulevard Sibley County Sheriff’s depu- and East Main Street. They asties executed a search warrant sisted with minor injuries and at 2:38 p.m. on the 200 block directed traffic. of East Commerce Drive. They Saturday, May 30 were looking for stolen prop- Firefighters responded at 3:50 erty. They found none. p.m. to a fire alarm on the 800 A man on the 100 block of block of West Main Street. South Elk Street reported at Burnt popcorn.
Fire Calls
wednesday, June 3, 2015
PAGE sixteen
H.S. Softball
Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Six-Game Run in Section Tournament Comes to End The Belle Plaine High School softball team came up with one of the most timely rallies in program history at North Mankato last Wednesday but the Tigers had little time to savor the moment as right up next was a second elimination game. The Tigers scored three runs in their final at-bat to rally from a 4-2 deficit and beat Norwood Young America 5-4 in the first game. Then came along St. Peter, which overcame an early 1-0 deficit by scoring the gameâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s final nine runs for a 9-1 victory, sending the Tigers home for the season. The next day, St. Peter lost to Le Sueur-Henderson 3-0, a team the Saints would have needed to beat twice in one night to make it to state. It was LS-Hâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second section championship in a row. Belle Plaine finished the season 12-2 in the Minnesota River Conference, 18-5 overall.
In last Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dramat- Rathe. ic victory over NYA, Kenzie 2015 BPHS Softball Koepp led the Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 10-hit atResults tack with two. Having one hit Apr. 10 vs. TCU W 4-1 apiece were Hailey Witt, Kate- Apr. 13 vs. JCC W 3-2 lyn Schmit, Elizabeth Johnson, Apr. 14 vs. NYA W 8-3 Kaylee Hentges, Maddi Lark, Apr. 16 at W-M W 7-2 Maddi Haller, Kaylee Shields Apr. 21 at LS-H L 3-2 and Taylor Mullen. Apr. 23 at TCU W 3-0 Haller and Hentges shared Apr. 24 vs. St. Peter W 5-0 the pitching chores for Belle Apr. 27 vs. N. Prague L 12-5 Plaine, with the latter picking Apr. 28 vs. Mayer L. W 13-0 up the win. Apr. 28 vs. Mayer L. W 13-2 Coming back from such an Apr. 30 at Jordan W 6-1 emotional win so soon is not Apr. 30 at Jordan L 4-1 always easy and that was defiMay 4 vs. W-M W 9-1 nitely the case against St. Peter, May 5 at NYA W 5-3 which Belle Plaine had beaten W 1-0 5-0 in a nonconference game May 11 vs. LS-H W 5-0 earlier in the season. No indi- May 12 vs. S.E. W 27-8 vidual statistics from the game May 12 vs. S.E. Section Tournament were available before Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s May 19 vs. G-SL W 6-3 press time. W 9-8 Playing their final high school May 21 vs. NYA May 23 vs. LS-H L 6-2 softball game for Belle Plaine W 10-4 were seniors Schmit, Shields, May 23 vs. TCU W 5-4 Alyssa Wentworth and Kaitlyn May 27 vs. NYA May 27 vs. St. Peter L 9-1
H.S. Golf
Tigers Finish Season at Section The Belle Plaine High School boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; golf teams completed the season at this past Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Section 2AA Meet at New Prague Golf Club. The Tigers advanced three boys and two girls to the section meet from last Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s subsection meet. None of the five Belle Plaine section qualifiers made it to state.
Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Results
Three Tigers placed in the top 10 at last Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 18-hole subsection meet at Ridges at Sand Creek in Jordan to qualify for this past Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s section meet. Included and their scores were Carter Piche (87), Cole Haller (89) and Justin Stauffacher (89). Taking first individually was Jake Pieper of Jordan with a 71.
Jordan and Shattuck-St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s topped the team standings with scores of 325 and 328, respectively. St. Peter was third at 344, followed by Belle Plaine (358), Sibley East/Norwood Young America (366), Le Sueur-Henderson (402), TriCity United (416) and GibbonFairfax-Winthrop (433). Among those joining Piche, Haller and Stauffacher on the course for Belle Plaine and their scores were Kellen Bergs (93) and Jake Pingalore (97). At Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s section meet, Stauffacher and Haller had Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top scores, both with 88. Piche had 97. Winning the section individual championship was Carson Haley of Mankato East with a 75.
Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Results
Qualifying for section from the Belle Plaine girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; team were Maddie Hartmann (103) and Kate Haege (119). Also on the course for Belle Plaine at subsection were Brandi Blomgren (134), Ali Davis (136), Caitlin Preusser (137) and Aryanna Mulroy (170). Only six schools qualified for team scores, the top two being St. Peter (405) and Jordan (415). Rounding out the field were Le Sueur-Henderson (432), Belle Plaine (492) and Gibbon-Fairfax-Winthrop (531). At Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s section meet, Hartmann shot 104 and Haege 137. Winning the section individual title was Liz Theis of Sibley East/Norwood Young America with an 88.
Town Team Baseball
Tigers Find Another Victory by Brett Kruschke and Mike Schultz The Town Tigers had a rainout and a one-run victory this past week, improving to 2-4 overall and 2-0 in River Valley League Class C play. Last night (Tuesday), the Ti-
gers honored the RVL master schedule by venturing to Victoria. After BP picked up its first win of the season at Henderson on May 23, the men of Mosquito Days will be looking for blood when they invade Tigertown 7:30 p.m. this Friday. For Co-
Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Basketball Camp Nears June 10 is the deadline to register for the Belle Plaine Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Basketball Camp that will take place June 29 to July 2 (Monday through Thursday) at BPHS. The camp is for boys who will be entering grades 3-12 next fall. The camp for grades 3-5 will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. each day; for grades 6-8
itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10 to 11:30 a.m. and for grades 9-12 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. The cost is $50 and each camper will receive a T-shirt. The instructors are Randy Carlson, Pete Fogarty and Paul Fogarty. Registration forms are available at the high school office. For more information, call 8732403. - Insurance - For Price - For Coverage - At Claim Time
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bornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Night, fans are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the local food shelf. Last year, fans donated 91 pounds of food and $92 in cash donations â&#x20AC;&#x201C; pack up an extra can of French-cut style green beans so we can beat that mark. Anyone who donates to the food shelf on Friday will be entered into a drawing for a Cobornâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gift card, and they will also give away some T-shirts. The last time Team Tigertown traveled to St. Peter, the Saints beat Ryan Diers and Co. 1-0 in the Region 6C playoffs. The Tigers will face the best of the RVL West this Sunday at 6 p.m. again in St. Peter. June 12-14 is the 17th annual Tigertown Classic and the following weekend, the heralded Tiger Open golf tournament fund-raiser at CreeksBend Golf Course in New Prague will take place. Businesses are asked to sponsor a hole. Fans and friends of the program can put together a foursome. Click the big white golf ball on the front page of bptigertown.com for more details. Tigers 2, Fairfax 1 After a rainout of the Friday tilt against Chanhassen, your hometown nine squared off against the Cardinals of Fairfax in a River Valley League contest and came away with a fairly well-played 2-1 win. Zac Dahlke got the start on the mound for the second straight
Town Tigers (continued on page 6)
Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Emily Berger (in front), a seventh-grader, was a member of Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winning 4x800-meter relay team Saturday in Mankato.
Track & Field hind the Bucs. The squad consists of Shannon Egan, Anna Donkhong, Selin Dikmen and Ally Fink. Dikmen will also be competing in the 100 hurdles as she placed second at section with a time of 15.94, which was one-half second behind Sierra Schultz of Fairmont. The Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; other state qualifier is Bridget Egan, who took second in the pole vault with a height of 9-11. Samantha Petry of Waterville-Elysian-Morristown was first with 10-2. The Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Shannon Egan placed third at 9-5. Other top 10 finishers for Belle Plaine Saturday were Dikmen (fifth in the 200 dash), Donkhong (sixth in the 100 dash), Emily Krautkremer (seventh in the 400 dash), Berger (eighth in the 1,600 run), Leger (eighth in the high jump and ninth in the 800 run), Jaylen StruckSchmitz (10th in the 300 hurdles) and Fink (10th in the triple jump). The Tigersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 4x200 relay team of Taylor Kruger, Katlyn Jeurissen, Rylee Pumper and Krautkremer finished seventh. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We really had a great meet with no significant downers,â&#x20AC;? said Tigers coach Rich Foust. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only negative was the cool start to the day that may have made the pole vault a little more difficult to get the poles to bend. We knew that in order for Shannon Egan to move on in the vault she would need to make the state qualifying mark of 10-2, but the coolness may have hampered that opportunity.â&#x20AC;? It was the Belle Plaine girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; fourth section team title in a row and sixth in eight years. Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Section Team Standings Belle Plaine 118.5, TCU 85, Fairmont 67, WEM 61, BEA 59, St. Peter 55.5, Waseca 43, St. James Area 41, Jordan 41, G-SL 41, LS-H 40, MCW 36, LCWM 27, Medelia/Truman 24, Maple River 13, Sleepy Eye 13, St. Clair 12, USC 11, Sibley East 11, NYA 10, NRHEG 9, GFW 5, Mankato Loyola/ Cleveland 4, JWP 1.
Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Section Results
Belle Plaine senior Ryan Wolke qualified for state in all three sprints. He won the 100meter dash in 11.48, which was 20/100th of a second ahead of Brady Halvorson of St. James Area. Wolke was also the section champ in the 200 dash with a time of 22.90, just ahead of John Schuster of United South Central (23.02). Schuster won the 400 dash in 48.91, followed closely by Wolke (49.71). Both will ahead to state in the event. Wolkeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s teammate and fellow senior Brady Johnson will also compete in St. Paul this weekend after winning the section triple jump title with a distance of 44-04, 1 inch further than second-place Kelly Nordling of
Johanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10:00am
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BAR & GRILL Food-DrinksService-Smoking PATIO OPEN! WE HAVE WIFI!
(continued from page 17)
Tri-City United. Johnson missed out on qualifying for state in the long jump as his distance of 20-07.75 was fourth best Saturday. Prince Bade of Maple River was first with 21-03.75. Johnson was ninth in the high jump at 5-8. TCUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nordling was the victor at 6-3. Other top 10 finishers for Belle Plaine at section were Robert Nowak (seventh in the 110 hurdles), Taylor Witt (seventh in the triple jump), Taylor Ponath (eighth in the 400 dash), Ruben Baltierrez (eighth in the 300 hurdles) and Noah Reutzel (ninth in the 300 hurdles). Belle Plaine also placed in three relays. Included were the 4x100 team of Jack Larson, Ben Dvorak, Max Ponath and Marcus Walsh (fourth); the 4x400 squad of Max Ponath, Carter Olson, Witt and Nate Loegering (sixth); and the 4x200 team of Johnson, Ben Dvorak, Taylor Ponath and Walsh (seventh). The Tigers were fourth in the team standings, which was topped by Waseca with 107 points. Tri-City United was a distant second almost 30 points
Friday, June 5
117 N. Meridian St. Belle Plaine
including four in both the fourth and fifth innings. After TCU took a 1-0 lead in the top of the first inning, Ladd tied the score with a home run in the bottom frame. Luke Narveson drove in two runs with a single in the second inning and the rout would soon be on. Joe Hankins started on the mound and lasted three innings, giving up two runs on four hits and three walks. Vinkemeier pitched the final two innings, giving up two hits and no runs to earn the save. The Tigers finished with 14 hits, with Mancini collecting four and driving home four. Narveson also had four RBI with three hits. Hankins and Vinkemeier both added two hits. Ladd had one other RBI to go with his solo home run. Stier and Wagner both had one hit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The guys really came to play
today and showed they are not ready to have their season end yet. We need to keep this intensity and focus as we fight back through the loserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bracket Tuesday and Thursday,â&#x20AC;? Schultz said.
Baseball Camp Augustana head baseball coach and Belle Plaine native Tim Huber will hold his annual Little League and Advanced Baseball camps next Monday and Tuesday. The Little League Camp is for ages 7-11 and will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. both days in the fields behind Chatfield Elementary School. The Advanced Camp is for ages 12 and up and will take place from 1-5 p.m. at Tiger Park. For more information, call 605-370-8675 or email thuber@augie.edu. at
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The Class 1A state meet for both boys and girls will take place this Friday and Saturday at Hamline University in St. Paul. Events both days will start at approximately 3:30 p.m. A complete schedule of times for each event, including updates, is available on the MSHSL website.
(continued from page 17)
Sunday, June 7
Only flat bread pizza in town! KRISSY BURGER â&#x20AC;˘ JOHAN BURGER
State Meet Schedule
H.S. Baseball
Saturday, June 6 Wednesday, June 3 50¢ WINGS Until 9 p.m. LIVE BAND Afterburner Thursday, June 4 5-10 p.m. BANKO 7:30 p.m.
behind. The Streich runners of Waseca were the big difference-makers as Shane Streich won the 800 and 1,600 runs, while Cole Streich was second in the 3,200 run. The Bluejays also won one relay and placed second and third in two others. Boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Section Team Standings Waseca 107, TCU 77.5, Jordan 75, Belle Plaine 68, GFW 63, Fairmont 48, St. James Area 46, Minnesota Valley Lutheran 42.5, USC 42, G-SL 40, BEA 35, LS-H 33, St. Clair 28, LCWM 26, MCW 26, Maple River 25, NRHEG 15, NYA 14, Sibley East 13, St. Peter 6, Mankato Loyola/Cleveland 3.
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wednesday, JUNE 3, 2015
H.S. Baseball
Tigers Try to Stay Alive in Playoffs by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School baseball team had itself a big postseason sandwich last week, defeating Holy Family Catholic 5-0 last Wednesday in Victoria and Tri-City United 12-2 on Saturday in St. Peter. It was the middle part of the sandwich that didn’t taste well as the Tigers lost to Glencoe-Silver 8-0 in Glencoe on Thursday. The Tigers needed loser bracket wins this past Tuesday against Norwood Young America and Albert Lea to keep their state tournament hopes alive. Those games took place in St. Peter after this edition of the Herald went to press. Whichever team of that trio survived Tuesday will try to beat Glencoe-Silver Lake twice this Thursday in St. Peter to make it to state. G-SL has yet to lose a game in the double-elimination tournament. Check the Herald’s Facebook page for tournament updates. Tigers 5, Holy Family 0 Belle Plaine, which had opened the postseason with an 8-5 victory over Jordan the previous week at Tiger Park, got a huge pitching outing by Ben Wagner, who shutout the Fire after allowing just three hits and one walk while striking out five in going the distance. “Ben Wagner was phenomenal on the mound, said Belle Plaine coach Pat Schultz. “He attacked the zone all day and did a great job keeping the Holy Family hitters off balance. Our defense played a very nice game behind Ben and it was great to see all phases of our game come together.” The Tigers scored one run
in the first inning, three in the sixth and one in the seventh. Wagner also contributed with the bat as he had two hits and two RBI. Jon Vinkemeier also had two hits and drove in a run. Aaron Mancini had a double, while Aiden Ladd and Marcus Giesen rounded out Belle Plaine’s seven-hit attack. Glencoe-SL 8, Tigers 0 The top-seeded and host Panthers scored three runs in the third and five in the fifth to rout the Tigers, who had just one hit. “We never got our bats going all game,” Schultz said. “We put the ball in play but hit a lot of ground balls, and just never squared up on the ball or put good swings on it. “Mitchel Stier started out
strong on the mound for us but in the third inning a batter reached on a strike three in the dirt and eventually scored on a first and third double steal that was a bang-bang play at home plate,” Schultz continued. It was all downhill for Belle Plaine from that point on. Stier had the Tigers’ only hit. Tigers 12, TCU 2 The Tigers showed the Titans the gate to the tournament exit in St. Peter Saturday by a 12-2 score in a game that was shortened to five innings due to the 10-run rule. It was a big turnaround from two days earlier. The Tigers scored at least one run in all five of their at-bats,
H.S. Baseball
(continued on page 16)
As she’s done often the past couple of years, the Tigers’ Jenna Gatz distanced herself from the pack during the 200-meter dash preliminaries at Saturday’s section meet in Mankato. Gatz went on to win the section title in both the 200 and 400 dashes, the latter of which she broke the school and section record in with a time of 57.51.
H.S. Track and Field
Belle Plaine Girls Qualify for State in Nine Events; Boys in Four
by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School girls’ track and field team will be represented well at this weekend’s state Class 1A meet at Hamline University in St. Paul. In running away with the Section 2A team title on Saturday, the Tigers qualified for state Ben Wagner, playing first base, made the long stretch but the in nine events. Leading the charge to St. Paul this Friday base runner was safe during Thursday’s game in Glencoe. and Saturday for Belle Plaine will be junior Jenna Gatz, who took first place in the 200- and 400-meter dashes in the section meet at Mankato West High School, and in doing so broke the school record in the 400dash with a time of 57.51. The record had been held by Laurie Wolpern-Fogarty since the 1980s. Gatz’s time was good enough to also break the section record that was set in 1993 by Kris Hansen of Lake Crystal-Wellcome Memorial. Gatz is the defending state Class 1A champion in the 400. Gatz’s time of 26.14 in the 200 dash Saturday was 11/100th of a second faster than 100-meter champion Kayla Stowell of Le Sueur-Henderson. With the top two in each event earning a state berth, Gatz will also compete at Hamline in the long jump as her leap of 16-08.75 was good for second place behind Jordan’s Jenna Kes (17-03.50). Belle Plaine’s Ryan Bremseth-Vining fielded a throw to second base that was in time to get the A fourth event Gatz will compete in at state is the 4x400 out on this play Thursday in Glencoe. relay, which placed second to Blue Earth Area Saturday with a time of 4:07.89. The other team members are Alissa Schultz, Janessa Meuleners and Haley Leger. Meuleners will be competing in two other events at state as she took first place at section in the 800 run (2:22.05), which was just over a second ahead of Abbie Schnabel of Norwood Young America. Meuleners was also a member of the Tigers’ victorious 4x800 relay team that finished in 9:35.80, which was 10 seconds ahead of second-place Fairmont and a new Belle Plaine school record. Emily Berger, Schultz and Leger are the other members of the squad. Belle Plaine’s 4x100 relay team also qualified for state as it placed second to WatervilleElysian-Morristown with a It was a tough game for Belle Plaine catcher Aiden Ladd and the rest of the Tigers Thursday at time of 51.08, half a second beGlencoe. In the above photo Ladd tried to make a swipe tag at home but the runner was called Track and Field safe. In the photo below an errant throw sailed past Ladd. (continued on page 16)
The Tigers’ Haley Leger took off after receiving the baton from teammate Alissa Schultz during Saturday’s section 4x800-meter relay in Mankato. The Tigers easily won the event. The team, which also consisted of Emily Berger and Janessa Meuleners, set a Belle Plaine school record in the event.
The Tigers’ Brady Johnson won the triple jump at Saturday’s section meet in Mankato.
Belle Plaine’s Ryan Wolke, right, had a banner day at Saturday’s section meet in Mankato. He qualified for state in three events after winning the 100- and 200-meter dashes and finishing second in the 400. At the far left is fellow Tiger Marcus Walsh.
Now That’s Talent! The foursome of (from left) Ava Weiring, Isabelle Fahl, Mikayla and McKenzie Hoff performed a dance routine for a near-capacity crowd at Oak Crest Elementary School Thursday evening. It was part of a talent show Wednesday and Thursday night (May 27-28) featuring a wide variety of student acts with proceeds going toward funding for students attending Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center. Tickets from the two shows and pizza dinner raised about $10,000.
Union Army, 101 Arn Kind of Le Sueur offered sixth-graders at Oak Crest Elementary School a detailed look at life in the Union Army during the American Civil War Monday at the school. His presentation included detailed information on what soldiers ate, how they dressed, the equipment they carried and how they managed the elements. In addition to the information, students learned to march in formation. Kind’s presentation was funded through a Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative grant.
Chatfield Track-and-Field Fun Conference Champs
Chase Jaworski, an Oak Crest student, demonstrated his abilities on a pogo stick during Thursday’s evening’s talent show.
Pet Adoption June 6
Volunteers for the Carver-Scott Humane Society will hold a pet adoption on Saturday, June 6 from noon to 3 p.m. It will be hosted at PETCO in Chaska, which is located off old Highway 41 and Pioneer Trail. CSHS is without its own building and all pets are housed in foster care. All cats and dogs have been mi-
cro ID implanted, vet checked, wormed, had shots updated, checked for friendly temperaments and age appropriately spayed/neutered. Adoption fees are $175+ for cats and $210+ for dogs. Call the Society for more information on adopting a homeless pet at 952-368-3553 or visit www.carverscotths.org.
Students at Chatfield Elementary School enjoyed a trackand-field day Monday (June 1) afternoon at the football-track complex following lunch. First-graders Owen Hink (left) and Morgan Lockwood were among the kindergartners through The Belle Plaine seventh grade fast pitch softball team won second-graders participating in a water bucket relay race and the conference championship. They were undefeated in tournament play, placing first out of seven teams in Le Center on many other fun games. May 2. Pictured above in the back row, from left, are Vivian Hermann, Morgan Kruger, McKayla Coops and Avery Rapacz. In the middle row are Madeline Ochoa, Kimberly Teal, Rachel Schmidt and Hannah Schwingler. Up front are Alaina (continued from page 1) Buesgens and Lizzy Hilgers. The team’s coach is Randy Carlson. and July 13, 6 p.m., at the Belle The two unions represent about Plaine District Center. the overwhelming majority of The agreement with the Belle the school district’s staff. Plaine Education Association, The financial component of which represents 132 members, the contract will likely take is traditionally a forerunner to time to come into sharp focus. Nominations from county June 1, 2015. They will be hona contract agreement with the The district won’t know specifunion representing the district’s ic levels of state funding for the residents are now being sought ored at the Scott County Fair on clerical, custodial and para-pro- 2015-16 school year until the for the 2015 Outstanding Se- Friday, July 24. Official nomifessionals, Smith said. Leaders completion of a special session nior Citizen Award for Scott nations forms are available by calling the fair office 492-2436 of that union and its approxi- of the Minnesota Legislature County. mately 60 members have re- and Gov. Mark Dayton signing The award recognizes out- or gotten off the Scott County quested the onset of contract a K-12 education funding bill standing senior citizens who Fair website. talks in late-July, Smith said. into law. have contributed their time and Winners at the county level talent to benefit their communi- will move on to compete at ty after reaching the age of 65. the state level at the Minnesota Nominees must be age 70 by State Fair if they wish to.
School Board
Nominees Sought for Scott County Senior Citizen Award
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