All-MRC Speech, Girls’ Hoops Teams
BPHS Choir Headed South for Spring Break
Area Townships Hold Annual Meetings, Set Levies
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Developer Interested in City Property Near Where Bridge is Proposed to be Built by Dan Ruud Following Monday night’s regular meeting, the Belle Plaine City Council went into closed session, during which the media and general public is not allowed to attend. The purpose of the closed session was to discuss negotiations and what the next steps should be pertaining to interest the city has received for the purchase of city-owned land located in the northwest quadrant of Highway 169 and County Road 3, near where an overpass is proposed
to be built. According to City Administrator Holly Kreft, the city owns approximately 12 acres of land in that area (north of Highway 169), about eight acres of which is developable. No information has been made public about the asking price or offer, or who the developer is, although the Herald has received unconfirmed information that Ridgeview Medical Center has expressed interest in building a clinic on the site. When contacted Tuesday, Bob
Stevens, president and CEO of Ridgeview Medical Center, said “Ridgeview is in discussions with several area landowners, however, we have no definitive plans at this time.” During Monday night’s regular meeting, the city council held a public hearing regarding the right-of-way for plat No. 4 for the proposed bridge over Highway 169 near County Road 3/ Meridian Street. The plat was
(continued on page 6)
City Council Okays Projects and Equipment Purchases
Biggest Dumping of the Season
FEMA to Pay for Local Flood Relief Project
Much of the Twin Cities area received only a little over 3 inches of snow from Sunday’s spring storm but Belle Plaine was among the communities in a swath that received close to 10 inches, give or take an inch or two in some spots. The storm came on the heels of an unseasonably mild stretch of weather, during which temperatures sometimes approached 70 degrees. The above photo was taken late Sunday afternoon from the bridge over Highway 169 in Belle Plaine. Among those who were back to winter chores Monday morning was 79-year-old Dave Grosser, right, who was busy shoveling snow outside his home at 200 East Main Street.
by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine City Council Monday night unanimously accepted the final plans and authorized the advertisement of bids for the South Creek drainage way project. City Administrator Holly
Kreft reported that the city recently learned that FEMA will provide funding for the project, which following the floods last June was identified as a mitigation project to minimize future flooding and impacts to private property. FEMA has awarded the city the necessary funding for the project, which is estimated to cost $300,000. South Creek is a small waterway that borders much of the southern portion of the city.
The focal point of the work will be an area south of Daniel Drive and Sunrise Lane. Kreft said the small creek sometimes overflows during heavy rains, which is a hazard to nearby properties. The final plans and specifications for the project have been prepared. Bidding will begin April 2 with an opening date of
City Council
(continued on page 12)
New Auditorium Will be Costly Investment For B.P. Schools Discussions Will Continue at April 13 Workshop
If the Belle Plaine School Board is truly serious about the construction of a new auditorium, the investment is one that will require a significant investment and buy-in from throughout the district. Monday (March 23), the board saw a feasibility report on the proposal. Lee Meyer of DLR group prepared it with assistance from Gary Benson of Kraus-Anderson, a construction management firm. The report indicates a 500-seat auditorium will cost anywhere from $7.35 million to $8.45 million, depending on where it will be built. The report offers the district the option of building a standalone building or one that can be attached to an existing school building at a similar price. “It verified that adding the facility to an existing building would be just as expensive as building a free standing facility,” said Director Matt Lenz. Increasing the size of the auditorium to 600 seats would add between $300,000 and $400,000 to he cost of the proposal. The existing auditorium at the District Center seats 230. The board has considered four locations – on the south side of the junior-senior high school building ($7.65 million), at the Belle Plaine Schools District Center ($8.45 million), at Oak Crest Elementary School
($7.35 million) and as a freestanding building on property west of the football-track complex ($7.4 million). Meyer noted the typical classroom in a new school costs about $190 a square foot to build while an auditorium, because of its size, equipment and technology involved in the project, could cost about $250 a square foot. During the finance committee meeting before the board meeting, directors also saw two potential funding options for discussion. Both will require voter-approved bonds. One op-
tion calls for a schedule of immediate payments on principal and interest over 20 years. The other option pays only interest on the bonds until the district’s debt on its buildings is retired in about 10 years. Then, payments would cover principal About 40 Blakeley and area residents inspected Scott County’s plans to reconstruct County Road 60 during an informational open house Thursday (March 19) at the Belle Plaine Liand interest. The second option would re- brary. duce the annual tax impact on property while back loading the payments. It would increase the overall cost of the project by
School Board
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Hope Residence Hosting Event to Celebrate 35 Years Hope Residence, a ministry of The Lutheran Home Association, is celebrating its 35th anniversary this month. The community is welcome to join in the celebration at Hope Residence on Saturday, March 28 from 2-4 p.m. where there will be a reception, silent auction, refreshments, hors d’oeuvres and a dance. Hope Residence opened its doors on March 13, 1980 to two residents. Since then, Hope Residence has served more than 204 residents with developmental and intellectual disabilities and is currently home to 52 individuals. Hope Residence provides an extensive array of services to support and enhance the lives of residents dealing with disabilities such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, ataxia and epilepsy. The care the staff
provides to the residents is tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual, focusing on their own personal growth and enrichment. From social activities to recreational programs, Hope Residence provides the kind of supportive environment that allows individuals to increase their self-sufficiency, be active members of the community and develop meaningful friendships. “The residents here become your second family and it’s a joy to be greeted by them everyday,” said Sally Koepp, an employee at Hope Residence. “The work is very rewarding and I’m happy to be a part of Hope Residence.”
County’s Plans for Road Fix in Blakeley Get Positive Reviews Finals Details Will be Ready by Summer
If Thursday night’s informational meeting of Scott County’s plans for returning County Road 60 through Blakeley Township to useable condition were a movie, reviews would have mostly been a thumbs-up. Over 40 people attended the informational presentation at the Belle Plaine Library (March 19). A late-spring storm June 19 created a mudslide from the walls of ravines on both sides of County Road 60, leaving the road unsafe and unusable. The county closed it with concrete barriers on both sides of the washout area. The closure left Scott County roads 1 and 6 as the routes to travel between Highway 169 through Blakeley township and village. The county’s plan is to rebuild County Road 60 – potentially up to a half-mile -- slightly to the north and well below the existing roadbed. It will take out the curves in the road and reduce the grade from 12 to
about 8 degrees, said Curt Kobilarcsik, Scott County’s assistant highway engineer. The majority of concerns he heard from residents regarding the project came from issues “off County Road 60,” Kobilarcsik said. Those concerns ranged from apprehension over the state of County Road 6 between Blakeley village and Belle Plaine, a request to trim back trees along County Road 1 and the ability to turn left from County Road 60 to northbound Highway 169.
“That’s got to be addressed,” said Lee Schmidt, a township resident. “It ain’t very good up there.” Schmidt’s only concern for the County Road 60 project is the expectation that will likely increase the amount of traffic on the roadway. He said for years, Blakeley Township has been quiet, free of roads with excess
County’s Plans
(continued on page 12)
Kroells is All-American Belle Plaine High School graduate and University of Minnesota sophomore Michael Kroells received All-American honors after placing eighth in the heavyweight class at last week’s NCAA Wrestling Championships in St. Louis. As a team, Minnesota finished in eighth place with 59.5 team points, led by fourth-place finishes from seniors Chris Dardanes, Logan Storley and Scott Schiller. In all, five of the eight
Gophers who wrestled in St. Louis earned AllAmerica medals, with Kroells and Dylan Ness joining the trio of fourth-place finishers on the podium at their respective weight classes. The first-place team was Ohio State, which won its first national title.
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wednesday, MARCH 25, 2015
Welcome Home Set for Navy Reservist The Belle Plaine Vets Club is hosting a welcome home celebration for 1st Class Petty Officer Bruce Nielsen Sunday (March 29, 2 p.m.). Nielsen and his family will receive a ride from his house around town and eventually to the club aboard a Belle Plaine fire truck to Vets Club on North Meridian Street where he can be greeted and thanked for his service, said Kris Otto, secretary with the Belle Plaine Vets Club. Otto hopes people waving American flags will line streets downtown for the welcome home event. They also ask participants bring a plate of sweets to share. A U.S. Navy reservist, Nielsen is a member of a Seabees construction battalion. He recently returned from a deployment overseas as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Otto said.
Performing at B.P. Library Saturday Singer and songwriter Amanda Grace of Winona will perform her “family-friendly” music show this Saturday (March 28) at the Belle Plaine Public Library from 11-11:45 a.m. The show is free and open to the public. Grace’s show is described as fun for the whole family and full of whimsical songs. She’s on a music mission to create, inspire and strike awe in the hearts of her listeners of all ages.
Beauty, Work and Fun Heavy snow in late March, especially following a two-week stretch of warm, April-like weather, means different things for different people. Some see beauty in it as displayed in the above photo. Others, such as Donny Morrison pictured below driving his snowblower near West Main Street, doesn’t always see the beauty in winter’s return. But then there are others like cousins Presley Volek and Lily Leistiko, pictured at the bottom, who view a late-spring dumping as “fun” as they built this “Tiger” snowman along West South Street. Close to 10 inches of wet snow, perfect for snowman building, fell Sunday and Sunday night.
Late Results Online Results from Belle Plaine High School varsity sports that take place after press time on Tuesdays can be found on the Herald’s Facebook page.
Green Isle Joins Cities That Will Bond for R-S Fiber Optics
With no spoken public opposition, the Green Isle City Council placed its bonding authority squarely behind the R-S Fiber Optics proposal, opening the door to fiber optics service for residents and businesses. At its March 17 meeting, the council voted 4-1 in favor of issuing a 20-year taxable general obligation abatement bond for $495,841.50 covering the city’s share of for development and construction of the service that will bring high-speed Internet, TV and telephone service via a fiber optic cable. Councilor Shawn Harms voted against the measures, citing the potential impact on city taxpayers. Under the worst-case scenario, the city could be on the hook for operational shortfalls. “It’s just too big a risk,” he said. “I’ve said that from day one.” Mayor Dale ZumBerge and the other council members supported joining the nine other cities in Renville and Sibley counties that previously approved bonding authority to help fund R-S Fiber. ZumBerge said the fiber optic line would benefit the community, especially if it helps attract businesses to Green Isle to diversify the city’s tax base and additional families. The R-S Fiber joint powers board represents the 10 cities and 17 townships in the two counties providing the financing for a portion of the project. The cities will provide about $8.75 million through a public project revenue bond. The 17 townships will eventually be asked to approve $4.9 million via the sale of a similar bonding.
The rest of the $42 million fiber optic project will be financed through bank loans and private investment, said Jacob Rieke, a member of the fiber cooperative’s board of directors. The bonding will help fund the fiber optic service in the participating cities and townships, 13 in Sibley County (including Faxon, Washington Lake, Arlington and Henderson) and four in Renville County. In 2016 the cooperative will construct a fiber to the home network in Green Isle. Until the fiber is in the ground, residents will be serviced via a wireless signal transmitted off a tower fed by a fiber optic line later this year. The wireless signal will serve residents five to seven miles from the tower, Rieke said. The fiber optics project will be brought to the cities first to generate the cash flow the system needs to get off the ground, said Dave Trebelhorn, a co-op board member from Winthrop. City councils in Green Isle, Winthrop, Gibbon, Fairfax, Lafayette, Gaylord, Stewart, New Auburn and Brownton all passed similar resolutions of support earlier this month. The service through the underground fiber network will be made available to potential customers in the townships. Construction and service to township residents will begin in 2018 and should be completed by 2021. “It’s a massive undertaking. It’s going to take some time,” Rieke said. Henderson and Arlington are the two Sibley County cities re-
maining on the sidelines. They may be allowed in later should their respective city council request participation, but at a higher cost than the existing cities, Trebelhorn recently told the Green Isle City Council.
Thanks, But No Thanks
Dan Richter from MVTV Wireless, presented information on his company at the March 10 city council meeting. Richter explained the history of the company, bringing broadband wireless Internet service to cities in townships in southwestern and south-central Minnesota. He offered the city $100 per month to have equipment on the city’s water tower to provide subscribers with wireless Internet service. But after months of consideration of the R-S Fiber project, the council wasn’t interested in a lengthy presentation on the MVTV Wireless. It declined his 11th-hour offer. “I won’t say (I’m) annoyed, but we’ve never heard of you,” said Councilor Mark Wentzlaff. In other action at its March 10 meeting, the Green Isle City Council: • Paid bills totaling $19,268.83. • Discussed with Sheldon Mathews the city’s ongoing concern over infiltration to its sanitary sewer system. • Heard a presentation from Darin Haslip of Community Development Partners on potentially providing the city with building inspector services.
Rotary Members Flip Cakes Sharon Blume, Jim Koonst, center, and Ashton Pankonin were among the Belle Plaine Rotary Club members working in the kitchen at St. John Lutheran Church in Belle Plaine for Sunday’s Pancake and Sausage Breakfast. All proceeds from the fund-raiser will be donated to the Belle Plaine Food Shelf and to residents of the Cardinal Ridge Apartments to assists with the costs of their transition to a remodeled facility. Supplemental funding is being provided by the Southern Dakota-Scott County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
100 ‘Allyhoos’ & Counting Belle Plaine’s Ally Doucette (foreground) and her friends (standing, from left: Jennifer He, Haley Johnson, Patrick Selly and Allison Hennes) recently made and donated their 100th Allyhoo doll to Paul Rootkie of Pine City, Minn. to celebrate his 100th birthday. The team began making the dolls last year. They sell the dolls for $45 for the large owl-shaped custom designed doll ($35 for the mini Allyhoos). One goes to the buyer and the other to a child in the hospital. Children’s Hospital will recognize the group for its work in its annual report to be published this spring.
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wednesday, march 25, 2015
giver. She was a very kind lady who put everyone else before herself. Lucille was a wonderful mother, loving grandma and dear friend to many. She will be missed and remembered always by her children, Gerald (Lynn) Mollenhauer and Marlene (Arvey) Eeg; grandchildren, Serena (Grant) Schleusner and Dianna Mollenhauer; greatgrandchildren, Carter and Sophia Schleusner; other loving relatives and friends. There to greet Lucille in Heaven is her husband, Harold C. Mollenhauer; parents, Henry and Selma Hell; siblings, Gertrude Harder, Ezra Hell and Melvin Hell. Pall bearers were Gerald Mollenhauer, Arvey Eeg, Grant Adeline Hoefs, 95, of Le CenLucille Mollenhauer passed Schleusner, Neal Harder, Dave ter, passed away Sunday, March away at the age of 92 on Preuhs and Leon Volek. 22, 2015 at Mayo Clinic Health Albert B. Overline, 83, of Wednesday, March 18, 2015 System New Prague. Belle Plaine, passed away on with her family by her side. Funeral Service will be held March 21, 2015 at Kingsway A Celebration of Life Service Friday, March 27 at 11 a.m. at Retirement Living in Belle was Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Plaine. with visitation one hour prior Funeral service was at 11 a.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, on Tuesday, March 24 at St. Jordan. Reverend Jeremy GloJohn Lutheran Church in Belle wicki presided. Lucille was laid Plaine. Rev. Mark Johnson offi- to rest at Spirit Hill Cemetery, Our Lady of The Prairie Catholic Church - Belle Plaine ciated. Visitation was from 4-8 Jordan. Fr. Brian Lynch p.m. on Monday at the Kolden On November 19, 1922 Henry 952-873-6564 Funeral Home in Belle Plaine and Selma (Osterman) Hell celWednesday, March 25 and continued one hour prior to ebrated the birth of their beauti8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass the service at church on Tues- ful baby girl, Lucille. She was 9am–10p.m. Eucharistic Adoration day morning. Interment was in the youngest of four children Thursday, March 26 Ft. Snelling National Cemetery and loved growing up in Hen8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass in Minneapolis. derson with her siblings, Ger7am–10p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Albert was born in Minne- trude, Ezra and Melvin. Lucille Friday, March 27 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass apolis on December 5, 1931 always had the heart of a care9 am, 1 & 7 pm Stations of the to Albert and Beatrice (Herch- taker. She had a pet cat named Cross enroder) Overline. He grew up Felix that she took wonderful Saturday, March 28 in Osseo and Minneapolis and care of. As a child Lucille loved 4:15 p.m. Mass graduated from Washburn High playing the piano and played Sunday, March 29 School. He then enlisted in the for her church. She also taught Palm Sunday Air Force where he served from Sunday School there. Lucille 8 & 10 am Mass 1951-1955. Upon his return, he attended a small country school Tuesday, March 31 Lois Lane, 86, of Belle Plaine, completed training to become a through 8th grade. 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass Minnesota Highway Patrol of- After school, Lucille moved passed away on March 19, 2015 9am–11p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, April 01 ficer. He served in the Air Force to Le Sueur where she lived in at The Lutheran Home in Belle 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass and Highway Patrol with honor, a boarding house and worked Plaine. distinction and integrity. in the Green Giant canning Memorial service will be at 11 9am–10p.m. Eucharistic Adoration On April 2, 1958 he married factory. On her days off she a.m. on Friday, April 17 at the St. John Lutheran Church Violet Aseneth Lindgren at Pil- enjoyed going to local dances West Union Lutheran Church. 148 S. Chestnut Street Rev. Wolfgang Laudert will ofgrim Lutheran Church in Rob- with friends. Belle Plaine, MN 56011 ficiate. Visitation will be one binsdale. At one of these dances she met Pastor Mark Johnson He was a Minnesota State the love of her life, Harold Mol- hour prior to the service at the Trooper Sergeant for many lenhauer. Soon after they met, church on Friday morning. In952-873-6492 years until his retirement. Al Harold was called to serve his terment will be at a later date at Wednesday, March 25 4:30 p.m. 3-12 Choir later worked various jobs with country. They exchanged let- the Tofte Public Cemetery. the state and county. ters while he was serving over- Lois was born in Duluth on 5:30 Soup & Sandwich Al is survived by his chil- seas. When he returned home July 11, 1928 to Clifford and 6:30 Lenten Service dren, Eugene (Barb) Overline they were married. Harold and Anita Johnson. She grew up 7:15 Worship Choir Saturday, March 28 of Eden Prairie, Cindy (David) Lucille exchanged wedding in Duluth and graduated from 7:00 Weight Watchers Denfield High School in DuSchultz of Minneapolis, Brian vows on December 16, 1945 at Sunday, March 29 (Wanda) Overline of Belle Centennial Lutheran Church in luth. She studied nursing at Holy Communion St. Mary’s in Rochester and Plaine, Alan (Susan) Overline Henderson. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship of Litchfield, Tammy Lannoye Together Lucille and Harold worked as a nurse for over 40 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Monday, March 30 (Chuck Adams) of Belle Plaine; farmed land between Le Sueur years. 14 grandchildren; five great- and Henderson. They eventu- She had lived in many areas 8:00 Men’s Bible Study grandchildren; many nieces and ally bought their own dairy around the United States before 6:30 Boy Scout Tuesday, March 31 nephews. farm where they raised their settling in the Washington D.C. 1:00 Quilting area. He is preceded in death by his children, Gerald and Marlene. parents; three brothers; two sis- Lucille took care of the house, She has been living at KingSt. Joseph Catholic Church ters; and wife, Violet. made clothes for the children sway and The Lutheran Home 213 South 6th Street and did all of the cooking. She in Belle Plaine for the last five Henderson, MN 56044 years. also helped with chores around 507-248-3550 B.P. Fire Department Weekday Mass: Tuesday, the farm, grew vegetables and She is survived by her daughThursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Relief Association raised chickens. She truly did ters, Jan (Tom) Effinger of Lewis, DE, Karen (Joe) Witt of Mass: 5:00 p.m. it all. 52 CLUB RAFFLE Lucille and Harold enjoyed Belle Plaine, MN; two grand- Saturday Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Winner - $100 playing cards and spending children, Alex and Shelby Witt; St. John-Assumption Parish Linda Ernst time with friends. Lucille was and brother, Alan (Donna) 26523 200th Street Johnson of Lonsdale, MN. an excellent cook. She loved Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Lois is preceded in death by having the family over for big Father Sam turkey dinners. Lucille also en- her parents. 507-248-3550 Sundays: 10 a.m. Mass joyed sewing, crocheting and quilting. Over the years she First Presbyterian Church made some really beautiful 219 W. Main Street, Belle pieces that she’d give as gifts to Plaine Senior Dining family and friends. 952-873-2966 In 1967 Lucille and Harold Pastor Don Genereux Seniors 60 years and older are sold their farm and moved to invited to join us for Lunch at Jordan. Harold worked for the 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. state highway department, and Inspirational Message Line For dining reservations please Lucille started an in-home up952-583-3302 call 952-873-6311 three days Sunday, March 29 holstery business. She was an prior between the 9 a.m. & 12:30 9:00 am Worship Service & Sunday excellent seamstress and was p.m. weekdays. School able to turn her talents into a A contribution of $3.75 is Please Join Us at an requested for each meal. full-time job. Sand Creek Baptist Church Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Open House to Celebrate Once Harold and Lucille reLoving Serving and Obeying Cardinal Ridge Apartments tired they spent winters in Christ Ernie Stumpf’s CAP Agency Senior Dining Arizona. They loved the warm Currently Meeting at weather and the many wonder80th Birthday 312 Water St., Jordan Wednesday, March 25 ful friends they made. Even af9 a.m. Adult Bible Fellowship & Birthday Meal Sat., March 28th Sunday School ter Harold died in 1995, Lucille Beef Pot Roast, Mashed Po- 10 a.m. Worship Service continued wintering in Arizona. 2:00-6:00 pm She also took many other road tatoes w/Gravy, Carrot Coins, at the KC Hall trips around the country. Lucille Dinner Roll w/Marg., Pumpespecially liked driving through kin Cake w/Cream Cheese New Prague MN Founded 1882 by J.E. Townsend the country side and visiting her Frosting RCD Unfrosted Cake No Gifts Please C.Edward Townsend, Publisher & Editor Thursday, March 26 daughter in Tennessee. Lucille was the ultimate careChicken Strips w/Honey Mustard Packet, Mac & Cheese, The Belle Plaine Herald (USPS Marinated Vegetables, Wheat 260730) is published every Bread w/Marg., Diced Pears, Wednesday at Belle Plaine, MN 113 Apple Cinnamon Cookie East Main, P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Periodicals postage paid Friday, March 27 Almond Dusted Tilapia OR: at the Belle Plaine Post Office. Grilled Chicken Breast, Rice (952) 873-2261 Pilaf, Normandy Blend Vegetables, Pineapple Tidbits, Legal Newspaper of Independent Sugar Cookie School District #716, City of Belle Monday, March 30 Plaine and Scott County. Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes w/Marg., Parsley SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Baby Carrots, Wheat Bread w/ $26 Per year in Minnesota Marg., Plum Halves $30 Per year out-of-state Tuesday, March 31 75¢ Single copy Chicken Cacciatore, Whole Grain Penne Pasta, Green Advertising Deadlines: COME CELEBRATE 75 YEARS OF Beans, Breadstic w/Marg., Golden Nugget Insert: 12 p.m. Friday LIFE-LOVE-LAUGHTER Apricots, Toffee Bar Display & Classified Ads, Belle Plaine Herald: 12 Noon Monday Wednesday, April 1 April Fool’s Day email us: Sausage & Chicken Gumbo (formerly Neil’s Pub) OR: Chicken Gumbo, Steamed’s a secret! Brown Rice, Okra, Fresh Red No. 13 Vol. One-Hundred & Thirty-Third Grapes, Key Lime Tart w/TopWednesday, March 25, 2015 ping
Albert B. Overline
Adeline R. Hoefs
Lucille Mollenhauer
PAGE three
in New Prague with Reverend Erick Thompson officiating. Visitation will take place Thursday, March 26 from 4-8 p.m. at Bruzek Funeral Home and Friday morning from 10-11 a.m. at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Burial will occur at St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery in Montgomery. She was born to Alois and Mary (Shambour) Kocina on January 20, 1920, on a farm near New Prague. She attended Country School District 45 and New Prague High School, graduating in 1936. She attended Teacher’s Training School in New Prague and after graduating, she taught for four years in the same country school that she attended in her childhood. She married Arthur Hoefs on May 17, 1941 and together they operated a dairy, hog, and grain farm until her husband’s death on January 28, 1989. She continued to live at the farm and
with the help of her children, operated the farm until her retirement. She enjoyed gardening and taking care of the many tasks at the farm. She was a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New Prague and a member of a bible study group and the sewing group at Holy Trinity. Adeline is survived by two daughters, Dianne (Tom) Binczik of Le Center and Sandra Anderson of Eden Prairie; sisters-in-law, Evelyn Kocina of Shoreview and Alice Hoefs of Belle Plaine; many nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her husband, Art; parents; sister, Marcella Jirak; brother, Joseph Kocina; sisters-in-law, Philomena Hoefs, Lois Hoefs, and Estelle Krocak; brothersin-law, Gilbert, Norbert and Leland Hoefs, Eugene Jirak, and Stanley Krocak.
Oratory of St. Thomas the Apostle - Jessenland Father Sam Perez 507-248-3550 Thursdays: Mass at 5 p.m.
Redeemer Lutheran Church 14226 W. 280th Street, Henderson, Pr. Diane Goulson 507-665-2932 On Highway 19, 2 miles East of Highway 169 Wednesday, March 25 5:30-6:30 p.m. Soup Supper: Free Will Offering 7:00 p.m. Service: Sabbath Sunday, March 29 8:30 a.m. Sun. School, Teen Times, Adult Ed 9:30 a.m. Worship w/Comm. Wednesday, April 1 5:30-6:30 p.m. Soup Supper: Free Will Offering 7:00 p.m. Service: Sabbath
Church News
Lois Lane
Belle Plaine Herald
Mike & Shirley Fogarty’s
75th Birthday Celebration!
Open House Sat., April 11 • 1-5pm Neisen’s Corner Bar
River Rock Church PO Box 184, Belle Plaine, MN Worship at Chatfield Elem. @ 330 S. Market Street Ministry Center: 124 W. Main Street, BP (952) 873-5453 Lead Pastor Chris Teien Associate Pastor Dan Jetto * denotes 330 S. Market ** denotes 124 W. Main St. Wednesday, Mar 25 6:30pm Kids Adventure Club* 6:30pm Jr. High Youth Group* 7:00pm Sr High Youth Group** Saturday, March 28 8 a.m. Prayer Meeting** 9:30 a.m. Philippians Bible Study in Jordan Sunday, Mar 29 9:30am Coffee, Food and Fellowship Time 10am Worship Service** Tuesday, Mar 31 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study Wednesday, April 1 6:30pm Kids Adventure Club* 6:30pm Jr. High Youth Group* 7:00pm Sr High Youth Group** West Union Lutheran Church 15820 Market Ave. Cologne, MN 55315 Church: 952-466-5678 Pastor: Wolfgang Laudert Wednesday, March 25 10 a.m. The Story 6 p.m. Lenten Dinner 7 p.m. Lent Service A: Alex Mika 8 p.m. Choir Thursday, March 26 7 p.m. The Story Saturday, March 28 7:30 a.m. Men’s Group Sunday, March 29 9 a.m. Worship 8 a.m.-noon Pancake Breakfast R: Joy Heimark A: Carter Kienholz Wednesday, April 1 10 a.m. The Story 6:30 p.m. Confirmation 7 p.m. Choir
Holy Family Academy & Chapel Traditional Latin Mass 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2582 or 873-6613 (coord.) Fr. Otto Keiser Sundays 2:15 p.m. Confessions 2:40 p.m. Rosary / 3 p.m. Mass Academy Mass - call for times St. Paul’s United Church of Christ 111 S. 6th Street, Henderson Pastor-Deb Meyer 507-248-3594 (Office) Wed., March 25 6:15 Lenten Supper 7-7:45 p.m. Worship/Drama Thursday, March 26 4 p.m. Healthy Habits Bible Study Sunday, March 29 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship & Confirmation Sunday Palm Sunday Monday, March 30 6-7 p.m. Little Giants Registration Tuesday, March 31 10:30 a.m. Clergy meeting Wed., April 1 6:15 Lenten Supper 7-7:45 p.m. Worship/Drama
Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 500 West Church Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-6545 Pastor John H. Meyer Pastor Timothy Redfield Wednesday, March 25 5:30 p.m. Lenten Supper (Pancakes hosted by Church Council) Zion Lutheran Church & 6 p.m. Midweek Catechism Class School 7 p.m. Midweek Lenten Service 14745 County Road 153 (Usher Team 4) Cologne, MN 55322 8 p.m. Easter Choir Practice 952-466-3379 Thursday, March 26 e-mail: brendathompsonzion@ 8:25 a.m. School Chapel 7 p.m. Men’s Choir Pastor: Eric Zacharias Friday, March 27 Wednesday, March 25 End of 3rd Quarter 2:15 p.m. The Story (26) 1 p.m. Spelling Bee 3:30 & 7 p.m. Lenten Service Sunday, March 29 4:30 p.m. Lenten Supper Palm Sunday 5:30 p.m. Confirmation Class 8 a.m. Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Supper 9 a.m. Palm Sunday Worship Thursday, March 26 Service with Procession of Palms Basketball at Hamburg (Usher Team 5/Video: Anderson) Friday, March 27 Junior Choir sings 8:10 a.m. Chapel 7:30 p.m. Confirmand & 10 a.m. Palm Sunday Brunch 10 a.m. Sunday School Questioning 5:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult Sunday, March 29 8:45 a.m. Sunday School for Volleyball 7:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult Families 9:30 a.m. Palm Sunday/ Basketball Monday, March 30 Confirmation No School - Spring Break 10:45 a.m. Bible Study Tuesday, March 31 Wednesday, April 1 No School - Spring Break 5:30 p.m. Confirmation Class 7 p.m. Trinity Knotters Wednesday, April 1 No School - Spring Break
Easter A Time to Rejoice
2015 Holy Week Services
Sunday, March 29 - 9:30am - Palm Sunday Thursday, April 2 - 7:00pm - Maundy Thursday with Holy Communion Friday, April 3 - 7:00pm - Good Friday Service Sunday, April 5 7:00am - Sunrise Service with Holy Communion 8:15am - Brunch 9:30am - Easter Service with Holy Communion
Redeemer Lutheran Church 14226 West 280th Street, • Henderson, MN on Hwy 19, two miles east of Hwy 169 • 507-665-2932
Scott County Ag Society Seeking More Members deadline to enter is July 10 Check out our premium entry list at http://scottcountyfair. com/forms/premium-entrylist/.
Easter Kids Kraft at SCHS Enjoy Easter stories and songs, plus make your own Easter craft to take home at the Scott County Historical Society’s Easter Kids Kraft on Saturday, March 28 from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. This free program at the SCHS concludes with an Easter egg hunt in the Stans Garden (weather permitting). Registration is required for supplies. Call 952-445-0378. Admission to the museum is free, too. This program introduces children to museums, supports literacy and provides an opportunity for great family fun.
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The next area Separated and Divorce Support Group meeting will take place Tuesday, April 7 from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church (lower level), 215 East Main Street in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob at 952-7580463 or Mary at 952-873-6781 for more information.
Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great listener and will guide you every step of the way.
Area Separated, Divorce Support Meeting April 7
more and more authority that would have been better handled by local elected officials who are accountable to the local citizens who elect them. Further compounding this problem is the Met Council has now grown into a bureaucracy with 4,200 employees and a budget of more than $900 million, which puts it in control of more financial resources than nearly every governmental entity it has jurisdiction over. This leaves little doubt why the cities and counties in the metro area have a wide variety of concerns over mandates stipulated by the Met Council. Not only do these stipulations cause strain on local budgets with administration expense, but often they place unreasonable and excessive expectations on them in exchange for receiving the funds they deserve for things like transportation, housing and other regional programs. So the bill I have introduced, although targeted at a more immediate issue that needs to be addressed now (intervening for the protection of local governments relating to their choice and type of housing), it ideally also may prompt some discussion on how much influence any non elected body should have on local control of any local governmental unit. As always Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the above, or any other issues facing the Legislature. The best way to reach me is by emailing or by calling 651-296-7065.
Consider joining the Scott County Agricultural Society. Membership is $20 for the year for individuals and $30 for businesses. Members get a free annual parking pass to the Scott County Fair and can vote at the annual meeting for new board members. The Scott County Ag Society owns the fairgrounds and runs the Scott County Fair and other events at the fairgrounds. Upcoming fair board meetings are: Wednesday March 25, Tuesday April 28, Tuesday May 26 and Tuesday June 23. Please consider joining us at an upcoming meeting. We are planning a much bigger, better fair than ever. Make plans to come out and enjoy the great county get together at the Scott County Fair this July 22-26. We are looking for entries for the Scott County Fair. Please consider entering your quilts, crafts, needlework, woodworking, canning, jams, vegetables, flowers and photography. The
peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s needs and beliefs should come before political leaderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desires. I also believe the potential for success of that mantra seems to increase the closer to home we make decisions. That is a key reason I have authored a bill (H.F. 1969) that states housing plans developed by the Met Council must receive approval from the Legislature before being implemented. This issue has come to the forefront recently, with reports of standing-room-only crowds pleading with city councils on the metro areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fringe, to oppose a Met Council plan that would basically mandate new housing types and projects. This is a big issue in the northern part of our District 20A, which lies in Scott County and falls under the Met Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s auspices. However, since we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t live in a vacuum, plans such as this can also have a â&#x20AC;&#x153;ripple effect,â&#x20AC;? so I believe this bill potentially protects the concerns for all the people in the southern part of our district as well. When the Met Council was legislated 50 years ago it was set up to plan for regional infrastructure â&#x20AC;&#x201C; mainly roads and wastewater â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for the sevencounty metro area. Now itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not uncommon to talk with people who believe it has gone far beyond that initial charge, and even to the point of unwanted social engineering. This concern is magnified by the fact that it is an unelected body, with taxing authority, and for the most part lacks oversight and accountability to the Legislature, which put it into place. Now after decades of â&#x20AC;&#x153;mission creepâ&#x20AC;? it looks as if we have an unappointed governing body
portunity to purchase varieties of gladiolus flowers not found at garden centers at a price they will set. For more information, call Roger Storms at 612-618-8365. Cologne Community Center is located at 1211 Village Pkwy., just southwest of the intersection of Highway 212 and Carver County Road 53.
The Minnesota Gladiolus Society will hold its annual bulb/ corm auction Saturday, March 28 at Cologne Community Center. The auction runs from 1 p.m. to about 3 p.m. A brief program on growing and presenting gladiolus begins at 12:30 p.m. The event is open to anyone at no cost. Participants will have the op-
A proposed ban on smoking electronic cigarettes in public places failed at a recent Jordan City Council meeting. But the issue is not yet snuffed out for good. The proposed ban failed on a 3-3 vote March 16. The council voted 4-2 to have more discussion on the topic during an upcoming workshop. Discussion during the meeting included concerns e-cigarettes are aimed at children. Erin Simmons, program manager for the American Lung Association in Minneapolis, noted flavors like bull red and bubblegum, the Jordan Independent recently reported. Simmons told council members of surveys indicating 28 percent of high-schoolers and 8 percent of middle schoolers have tried e-cigarettes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even an electronic device with Hello Kitty on it,â&#x20AC;? she told councilors. Other debate touched on whether electronic cigarettes are bona-fide smoking cessation devices. The council was asked to add a provision allowing sampling in e-cigarette stores if the proposal to ban e-cigarette smoking was to pass. Councilor Terry Stier believes e-cigarettes should be smoked outside, but likes the idea of allowing sampling in stores.
State Gladiolus Society Holding Annual Auction in Cologne
Belle Plaine Library 125 W Main St 952-873-6767 website: Library Hours: Saturday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday & Monday Closed Tuesday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Events at Your Library EVENTS AT YOUR LIBRARY TAXES: We have a few federal and MN forms remaining at the library. Information about ordering, downloading and tax assistance services can be found at the library. LOOKING AHEAD: FAMILY EARLY LITERACY CLASS BUGS Friday 3/27 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. THREE RIVERS STORYTIME Sensational Snakes Tuesday 3/31 at 10:30 a.m. NO SCHOOL, NO STORYTIME Friday, April 3. ECFE STORYTIME Frogs Friday 4/10 from 10:30-11 a.m. Children of all ages and their parents/caregivers are welcome to ECFE family storytime. Free! No registration required. Our Booked music series comes to the Belle Plaine Library on Saturday, March 28. Kindie rocker, Amanda Grace will perform at 11 a.m. The Scott County Library Newsletter is now digital! Visit our website at to sign up for email delivery. Our Calendar of Events is online on our website. There you can see upcoming events and sign up for programs at all of the Scott County Libraries. DIGITAL LIBRARY: Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget we have a number of resources to assist students of all ages with schoolwork. HOMEWORK RESCUE--has oneon-one live online tutoring for subjects including math, science and writing, practice tests and more. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a free service and is easily accessed from our website. All you need is your library card and PIN. NEW ARRIVAL HIGHLIGHTS: Adult Fiction When grace sings by Kim Vogel Sawyer Always on my mind by Susan May Warren Miracle at the Higher Grounds CafĂŠ by Max Lucado Plague Land by S.D. Sykes Adult Non-Fiction Hit It: The Fitnessistaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Get More from Less Workout and Diet Plan to Lose Weight and Feel Great Fast by Gina Harney Noloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home by Ilona Bray Winter Knits Made Easy: 40 Fabulous Patterns by Anne Hildyard You Can Conquer Cancer: A New Way of Living by Ian Gawler Colorful Crochet: Afghans and Pillows by Kristel Salgarollo Easy Crochet Weekend: 30 Quick Projects to Make and Wear by Nikki Trench Drawing Secrets Revealed: Basics by Sarah Parks 3 Skeins or Less: Fresh Knitted Accessories by Tanis Gray Easy Weekend Crochet Hats: A Ski-Style Collection for the Entire Family by Jennifer J. Cirka First Time Crochet: The Absolute Beginnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Guide by Deborah Burger Be our guest: Perfecting the art of Customer Service by Disney Institute with Theodore Kinni Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only slow food until you try to eat it: Misadventures of a suburban hunter-gatherer by Bill Heavey.
Registration includes a handout package with user-friendly star maps and constellation charts, a telescope-buying guide and a free ticket to visit the SCHSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s X Marks the Spot exhibit. Call 952-496-5029 to register or get more information.
Enjoy an evening under the stars with WCCO meteorologist Mike Lynch as the Scott County Historical Society will hold an astronomical event on from 7:30-9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25 at Eagle Creek Elementary School in Shakopee.
wednesday, March 25, 2015
Jordan City Local Governments Should Council Have More Influence Than Says No to Broad, Unelected Body E-Cigarette by Rep. Bob Vogel that has Ban taken on I have always believed that
SCHS to Hold Evening Under the Stars Event March 25
PAGE four
Thirty Years Ago This Week
90 Years Ago (1925)
A large crowd of parents, members and guests turned out in spring of 1985 for the annual Belle Plaine Future Farmers of America Parent-Member Banquet at Belle Plaine Elementary School. speech team finished third in the conference meet, which was won by Mankato Loyola. Winning first place for Belle Plaine were two seniors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Stephanie Kellogg (Prose) and Kari Lockrem (Extemporaneous Speaking). Rich Halquist was selected Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representative on the 1984-85 all-conference basketball team. He led the Tigers with 12 points a game and was also tops in assists and steals. Bill Fogarty was honorable mention. The BPHS girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; track and field team opened the season by placing second in the sixteam Minnesota River Conference Meet at Mankato State University. Laurie Wolpern led the Tigers in scoring with two firsts â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the 400-meter dash and the high jump. She was second in the long jump. Brenda Bessel was the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second-leading scorer. The meet was won by Norwood. The Belle Plaine boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; placed fourth in their six-team conference indoor meet at Mankato State. First-place finishers for the Tigers were Maury Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien in the pole vault, Pat Clymer in the high jump and Chris Jacobs in the high hurdles.
60 Years Ago (1955)
A business transfer of more than usual size took place that week with the purchase by Bill Steffen of Ivanhoe of Molitorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hardware stock and the purchase by Mr. Steffen from Mr. and Mrs. T.H. Lynch of the building the store occupied. Archibald Cottier, 70, died at the hospital in Rapid City, S.D. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cottier, pioneer settlers of this community. An egg to end all egg contests was laid at the farm of Clarence Klaustermeier in Hancock Township, and displayed in town by Virgil Herrmann. It measured 9 inches the long way
and 7 1/2 inches around the middle. When broken open, it had three eggs inside, two with hard shells. The following were confirmed at Zion Lutheran Church, Benton Township: Dennis Buehler, Dorine Gruenhagen, Dorothy Gruenhagen, Geraldine Herrmann, Harold Hoernemann, Marlene Jaekel, Sylvia Klaustermeier, Lois Melchert, Corrine Radtke, Elaine Rolf and Karen Stuewe. As a further service to its farmer customers, Hoelz Flour & Seed of Belle Plaine invested in a Champion portable feed mill and feed mixer. It not only ground feed but carried a twoton mixer. Mrs. Bessie Taylor Brown died at the home of her sister at Enderlin, N.D. She was 76 years old and a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lester Taylor. John A. Gosewisch, wellknown resident of this community for nearly 40 years, died at the age of 66. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schmitt and child moved to Shakopee. Norb had been appointed deputy sheriff for Scott County. On Palm Sunday, a class of 13 was confirmed at St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lutheran Church. They were Carol Ann Bergs, Elaine Busch, Joyce Brenke, Gloria Gohlke, Robert Halquist, Carol Ann Latzke, Gary Lindquist, Darrell Noll, Darlene Ortoloff, Forrest Schmidt, Lorayne Stier, Marlin Stier and Eleanore Zellmann. Leonard Flicek of New Prague took over operation of the Standard Gas Station formerly operated by Norb Schmitt. Funeral services were conducted at St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Catholic Church at Union Hill for Frank J. Hauer. He was 68 years old. Freddy Lehnert, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lehnert, Blakeley, suffered a cracked pelvis when a chunk of frozen silage broke loose from a silo and struck him. Don Jorissen, the young Cologne farm boy who developed into a promising pitcher, reported to the Brooklyn Dodgers spring training camp in Vero Beach, Fla. Top hog prices reached $18.50 with most selling between $16.25 and $17.75.
120 Years Ago (1895)
John Meade planned to retire from the farm in Belle Plaine Township and bought three lots in town and made ready to erect a dwelling. There were 223 ballots cast at the borough election. F.C. Irwin was elected mayor, J.C. Morrison and Peter Hahn councilmen, J.E. Townsend clerk, Jacob Schmitt treasurer and Wm. Fitzgerald assessor. Young Dan Sullivan of St. Thomas bought the 80-acre farm of Thos. Sherlock Jr. north of town for $3,200. Miss Raymond came from St. Paul and opened a millinery store.
100 East Main St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011
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Carver residents who threatened litigation against the city if it approved a 68-unit apartment building apparently wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be taking their opposition to court after all. But they aim to keep an active eye on city council land use decisions. A citizensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; group known as Carver Coalition retained legal counsel to help it fight council approval of the workforce housing (also known as affordable) apartment complex. The complex is to be built on 2.13 acres just west of County Road 11 and south of Highway 212 and the new transit station. But the 25 members of the group seemingly donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the money to fund a lawsuit. Joe Thissen, an organizer of the coalition, said it likely canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t raise the money from the existing membership.
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â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a hard thing to ask people for all the money we would need for that,â&#x20AC;? he recently told the Chaska Herald. The coalition opposed the apartment complex and its subsidized rents claiming that it would devalue residential property in the area and trigger an increase in crime. Council members unanimously supported the apartment building, claiming the project fit the intended use of the land, that the city needed a diversification of housing in Carver, and that more housing was needed for people who would work in the area. Thissen said the group would stay together and continue to monitor land use decisions in Carver. City Administrator Brent Mareck welcomed the interest in city issues.
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M P A s from the O p e n Meeting Law and the Data Practices Act. This is why I have authored a bill to clarify Minnesotansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; expectations for these agencies, requiring them to follow the same laws that allow the public and media to access school board meetings, the city council and even the state legislature. As the dissenting opinion from that same case argued, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cities are not required to join together to form publicly-owned electrical utilities, but if they do, those publicly-owned entities should not automatically be entitled to a level of secrecy in doing business that other government entities are not accorded.â&#x20AC;? Increasing opportunities for discussion and public input in a utility that is formed by other elected bodies can only further the goal of serving the public good. My bill has the support of many in the Senate, but unfortunately the House version of the bill has not been granted a hearing, stalling the bill in both chambers. This inaction is perpetuated by the widespread belief that Minnesotans do not face a problem in this regard. In fact, the website of the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association (the organization that lobbies for MPAs) falsely claims they are subject to the very transparency laws they ignore. The core of good government is accountability and transparency, and from my perspective these organizations have neither. Anything can happen behind closed doors, and the checks and balances so critical to our democracy cannot happen without transparency. This should not be a partisan issue; it is time for legislation to correct this oversight, and to make sure these government agencies are truly accountable, especially to the people they serve.
Carver Residents Say They Lack Funds for Lawsuit With City
Tax Preparation
Easter Menu
Call the Clubhouse 507-665-2291- for Reservations
by Sen. Kevin Dahle Often times, good bills come to me from a constituent who shares their concerns or ideas on how to improve our communities and our state. Recently, I have been working on an issue that came to me after a few concerned citizens brought it to my attention. Publicly-owned municipal utilities, including the Municipal Power Agencies (MPAs) that provide energy to Le Sueur and New Prague in our district, do not have to comply with the Data Practices Act or Open Meeting Law that keeps public entities transparent and accountable. Under current law, municipal utility companies are not regulated by the Public Utilities Commission or any other state body when it comes to public access. While perfectly acceptable for a private company, this can present a problem in a public setting: for example, publicly-elected officials appointed to the Minnesota Municipal Power Agency board for Le Sueur, Shakopee, North St. Paul and other cities are required to sign strict confidentiality agreements and cannot share anything discussed at board meetings with their constituents. This government-sponsored censoring of our elected officials and public servants should not be allowed to continue. I am not alone in my concern. Several mayors of Minnesota cities and representatives from Minnesota newspapers have reached out to me in support of municipal utility company transparency. Municipal power agencies provide an invaluable service to dozens of Minnesota cities, and can be a good option for a city looking to provide affordable energy to their citizens. Certainly not all MPAs have engaged in dubious behavior, but the public should be allowed to examine the actions of those who are ultimately accountable to the voters. It is true that MPAs are technically following the law, as a 1998 Minnesota Supreme Court decision narrowly ruled to exempt
HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Fri 8am-5:30pm â&#x20AC;˘ Sat. 8am-4pm â&#x20AC;˘ OPEN LATE THURS. 8am-7pm
4PVUI .BJO -F 4VFVS ./ 100 East Main St. â&#x20AC;˘ PO Box 105 â&#x20AC;˘ Belle Plaine, MN 56011 t '"9 Phone 952-873-4497 â&#x20AC;˘ Fax 952-873-2290
BBQ Pit Ham, Roasted Turkey, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Baby Red Potatoes. Green Beans Almondine, Glazed Carrots, Sage Dressing, Ceasar Salad,Assorted Dinner Rolls, Fresh Fruit, Dessert
Dahle Promotes Transparency in Public Agencies
During the first 120 years of Belle Plaineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s municipal existence, it was classified as a borough. In fact, it became the only borough in Minnesota and the only one west of the Mississippi. In 1973, the Minnesota Legislature decreed that all Minnesota municipalities, whether they be cities, villages or boroughs, must henceforth be called a city. Twelve years later (1985), Belle Plaine wanted its borough designation back and a bill was campaigning to the legislature to try and make that happen. The Belle Plaine City Council ordered studies to determine the feasibility of constructing two service roads paralleling Highway 169. About 20 miles of hiking trails that were part of Minnesota Valley Trails Park three miles north of Belle Plaine were underwater due to flooding of the Minnesota River. A grand opening for the new Belle Video firm that opened in the former Lloydâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CB Radios building at 104 East Main Street would be held that coming Saturday. Wally Bastian of Shakopee, owner of Belle Video, rented video movies and video cassette recorders. Joe Ott would be retiring from teaching that spring after 34 years as a teacher, including 28 in Belle Plaine. Otto, who currently held dual responsibilities as work program coordinator and special education director for the educable mentally handicapped, began teaching in Belle Plaine in 1957. Mathias â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mattâ&#x20AC;? Meyer, 85, of Belle Plaine, passed away March 22 at the Belle Plaine Lutheran Home. Mr. Meyer was born to Mathew J. and Anna (Verkinnes) Meyer. He married Pauline Fuhrman on Feb. 25, 1920 at St. Peter and Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church in Belle Plaine. He was employed with the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad for 44 years. The Belle Plaine High School
The wheat market continued to drop; top grade only $1.27 in the local market. The 80 acres in Jessenland Township owned by Frank Kruschke of Belle Plaine was sold to Robert Doheny. This was formerly the James Doheny farm. After spending the winter at the home of her brother, Edward C. Johnson, Miss Esther Johnson returned to Minneapolis. The month of March went out like a lamb after it came in like a lion. It was the mildest March that local residents could remember. John Drager sold his farm near town to Ernst Stier. The occupant on the farm, M.C. Weldon, was going to hold an auction with view of moving to the city. G.H. Sanberg, whose boyhood home was Blakeley, became the new head of the Rochester schools at a salary of $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Stratton were back from Santa Monica, Calif., where they had spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. James Collins returned from Le Sueur and took occupancy of the Joe Walker farm near the Jessenland church. The confirmation class at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Blakeley Township, had five members: Florence Woestehoff, Angela Dahn, Alinda Bergman, Hilda Schroeder and Adolph Schultz. Bert Ward of Emily was back for a visit in his boyhood home of Keystone after an absence of 40 years. Mrs. Mary Kelly, 65, died from burns she suffered when her clothing caught fire while burning rubbish in her yard at Henderson. Her remains were interred in her old parish of Jessenland. It cost $8,000 to operate the borough the preceding year, chief items being $1,900 for streetlights, $1,200 for street maintenance and $1,100 for police. Water receipts from patrons came to $2,231. From Minneapolis and all the neighborhoods came relatives and friends to help Mrs. Peter Hall celebrate her birthday at East Union.
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wednesday, March 25, 2015
201 S. Meridian St. Belle Plaine
(952) 873-6766
Family Dentistry
Scott County Receives $550,000 in Aid for Flood Damage
The Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources (BWSR) recently announced Scott County Soil & Water Conservation District would receive $550,000 of the $2.2 million it released to help repair damage from last June’s torrential rains. Scott County was deluged with rainfall June 19. Ravines in the Blakeley Township and village areas washed away, damaging roads and roadbeds. Similar damage was reported in eastern Shakopee, along County Road 16 between county roads 21 and 18. Minnesota experienced historic, widespread summer flooding for the second time in the past three years. Fifty-five of the state’s 87 counties reported damages and impacts from high rains and resulting flooding. Thirty-seven counties were in-
cluded in the presidential disaster declaration last year. “We’ve received damage reports from around the state,” said John Jaschke, BWSR executive director. “Soil and water conservation districts are ready to get out and repair the damage done to the local conservation practices to protect the land and the water. This funding helps make that possible.” On Jan. 27, Gov. Mark Dayton signed legislation that allocated funding to BWSR to assist local governments in repairing conservation practices damaged during the flooding. BWSR activated its Disaster Recovery Assistance Program (DRAP) and began immediately working with local governments to determine need and start the allocation process. Seventeen counties were awarded disaster relief funds.
Union Hill by: Edna Weiers St. John’s Catholic Church St. Scholastica Church Father Dave and Deacon Bob Saturday Mass at 8:15 p.m. at St. John’s, Servers: Joseph & Trenton Huebl Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. at St. John’s, Servers: Alex & Katelyn Brezina and Mitchel & Hunter Pomije Sunday Mass, 8 a.m. at St. Scholastica, Servers: Julia & Joe Schoenecker St. John’s Wednesday: Mass at 5 p.m. Confessions after. ***** Sunday March 29 Breakfast and Bake sale at St. Scholastica 8:30 am to 12 pm. Adults $8, children 3-12 $4. Come and enjoy. Katrina Weiers and friend Joe Schetker spent several days camping and hiking with friends at the beautiful, scenic Whitewater State Park
Belle Plaine Police Report
The week of March 16-22, search warrant at an apartment Belle Plaine police responded on the 100 block of West Main to the following selected calls: Street. A man was charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana. Monday, March 16 Scott County probation called A person on the 500 block of police at 11:27 a.m. seeking as- West Forest Street called for sistance arresting a man on the medical help at 8:26 p.m. A 600 block of West Main Street. woman suffering chest pain was The man was wanted on an ar- transported to an area hospital. rest warrant. Sheriff’s deputies Wednesday, March 18 took the man into custody. A man on the 900 block of Two men were arrested after Deer Creek Parkway called for police executed a search war- medical help at 10:22 a.m. A rant at an apartment on the woman fell. She was transport100 block of North Meridian ed to an area hospital. Street at 11:29 a.m. They were A woman on the 800 block charged with second- and fifth- of East Court Street called for degree drug possession. medical help at 1:32 p.m. A A man on the 300 block of man suffering side pain was West Main Street reported at transported to an area hospital. 3:38 p.m. criminal damage to A search warrant at a house property. He discovered dents on the 300 block of South Walin his truck and told police the nut Street was executed at 7:37 dents were administered over- p.m. Occupants of the house night. were cited for underage possesA man on the 700 block of sion of alcohol, a small amount East State Street reported at 7 of marijuana and drug parap.m. several children hanging phernalia. out at a house on the block and Thursday, March 19 throwing screws and nails in A student at the senior high the driveway. school on the 200 block of Tuesday, March 17 South Market Street was cited An employee at a business on for theft at 9:46 a.m. the 1000 block of East Enter- The driver of a vehicle that acprise Drive reported at 10:02 celerated gratuitously fast from a.m. receiving a bogus $10 a stop sign at the intersection of bill. The counterfeit cash was East Enterprise Drive and South handed over to the U.S. Secret Laredo Street was stopped at Service. 10:54 p.m. The driver was cited Police received a report at for speeding and driving with10:20 a.m. from the Minne- out a valid license. apolis Police Department of a Friday, March 20 woman in Belle Plaine wanted A person on the 900 block of on an outstanding arrest war- South Chestnut Street called rant. She was located and trans- for medical help at 1:48 p.m. A ported to the county jail. woman was transported to an A woman on the 100 block of area hospital. West Church Street was arrest- A man on the 1000 block of ed at 11:19 a.m. on outstand- East Enterprise Drive reported ing warrants from Ramsey and at 4:01 p.m. damage to propHennepin counties. erty. His car was dented, most Police executed at 2:33 p.m. a likely by the vehicle parked next to it. A woman on the 500 block of West Forest Street reported at
Birth Announcement
7:44 p.m. a four-person fracas. All four were cited for disorderly conduct/brawling. A woman on the 300 block of East Enterprise Drive called for medical help at 8:51 p.m. A man fainted twice. He was transported to an area hospital after the second episode. Saturday, March 21 A person on the 900 block of South Chestnut Street called for medical help at 12:40 p.m. A woman enduring sciatic nerve pain was transported to an area hospital. A person on the 900 block of West Main Street called for medical help at 10:56 p.m. A man fell and broke his nose. Sunday, March 22 After witnessing vehicles nearly crash, the driver of one car was pulled over on the 400 block of East Main Street at 3:02 a.m. Two occupants, boys, were cited for curfew violations. A woman at a business on the 1000 block of East Enterprise Drive called for medical help at 12:01 p.m. A man slipped, fell and suffered a head injury. He was transported to an area hospital. A person on the 900 block of South Walnut Street called for medical help at 3:55 p.m. A woman was enduring respiratory distress. She was transported to an area hospital. A person on the 800 block of West Prairie Street called for medical help at 4:38 p.m. A woman suffering a deteriorating skin condition was transported to an area hospital.
Fire Calls
The week of March 16-22, Belle Plaine firefighters responded to the calls that included:
Tuesday, March 17 Firefighters were dispatched at 10:39 a.m. to a construction site on West State Street. Dust set off the alarm. Sunday, March 22 Firefighters responded at 10:22 a.m. to a smoke alarm Benefit Dinner & Fundraiser at a church on the 100 block of South Chestnut Street. Smoke from someone cooking pancakes set off the alarm. A fireHenderson RoadHaus Event Center fighter reset the alarm. Henderson, MN 56044
Spring Fling
Saturday, April 18 Featured speaker:
Stan Tekiela
Naturalist, photographer Joel and wildlife Hannah Jerabek and of author, Tekiela has created state-specific field guides on birds, wildflowers and trees. Glencoe are proud to announce Brian Jaster and Kim Koepp the birth of their baby daugh- are excited to announce their Auction & Raffle Ticket Sale ter, Elsie Lea Jerabek, who engagement and upcoming - 9:30 p.m. was born at Ridgeview Medical 5:30 marriage. $35 Member • $50 non-Member (includes 2015 membership) Center on December 15, 2014. Brian is the son of Lyle and Elsie weighed Reservation 3 pounds, 13 Jaster April of St.6.Peter and due Carol by Monday, ounces and 16-3/4 inches long. Kim is the daughter of Marilyn Becky Ney Nature Center Grandparents Contact are Gary andat the and the late Norman Koepp of 507-248-3474 • Joyce Jerabek of Silver Lake Belle Plaine. and Tom and Sarah Beckius of An April 18, 2015 wedding is Belle Plaine. planned.
Spring Fling Benefit Dinner & Fundraiser
Saturday, April 18 RoadHaus Event Center Henderson, MN 56044
Featured speaker:
Stan Tekiela
Naturalist, wildlife photographer and author, Tekiela has created state-specific field guides on birds, wildflowers and trees.
Auction & Raffle Ticket Sale 5:30 - 9:30 p.m.
$35 Member • $50 non-Member (includes 2015 membership)
Reservation due by Monday, April 6. Contact Becky at the Ney Nature Center 507-248-3474 •
Campground near Rochester. A baby shower honoring Samantha (Metzdorff) Shimota was hosted by Simone and Sophia Metzdorff at their home Saturday afternoon. Delicious pastries and wine were enjoyed. Audrey Zurn went to St John’s University to attend meetings for the Study Abroad program this past Saturday. Katelyn Zurn will be studying the fall quarter of her upcoming junior year in the Greco Roman program. They will spend the first seven weeks in Athens, Greece, and the second seven in Rome, Italy. The meetings were interesting with slide shows of the colleges in Greece and Italy, sites that the group will travel to, and basic living in the countries. While there, Audrey ran into Joe and Mary Widmer of New Prague. Their son Thomas will also be going on the same trip as Katelyn. Another classmate of Audrey’s, Barb Chromy Mader, was also at the meetings. Barb’s daughter is also going to study abroad in a different country. The Travel Abroad program at St John’s and St. Ben’s is very popular with 500 students studying in various countries around the world. The fall semester travelers will be home in time for Christmas with their families but will spend Thanksgiving in Florence, Italy with their college ‘family”. Humor Corner: Sven had a plan to elope with his girlfriend, Frieda. In the dark of night Sven climbs a ladder on the side of the house. Frieda comes to the window and whispers, “Shhhhhh, Sven, don’t make so much noise, you’ll vake up my father”. Sven replied, “You don’t have to vorry, Frieda, your father is holding the ladder.”
by: Loni Graham Mass is scheduled at St. Thomas with Father James Burns Easter Sunday, April 5 at 9 a.m. The masses scheduled at St. Anne’s in Le Sueur with Father George Grafsky are Saturdays at 5:15 p.m., and Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Renee Retka is a grandma, and Jerry and Catherine Retka great-grandparents! Little Harris Neirengarten was born March 21 at Abbott Hospital to Brianna and Brett Neirengarten. Harris does not have Renee’s dark Sullivan hair, he’s a blondie, folks. Each spring more than 500,000 sandhill cranes gather along the Platte River in Nebraska during their annual migration. Last week Alice Retka and Tami Wenthold were in Kearney, Nebraska to witness this 10,000 year old tradition. Tami called it “the last great migration” and added that the cranes threatened habitat needs our protection. The migration will continue for the next few weeks. It can be watched live via a webcam on the website for Rowe Sanctuary. “During the day the cranes are spread out for miles, feeding in nearby fields,” Tami explained, “but as night descends, they return to the river.” So the best times to watch the webcam is sunrise or sunset. Alice can’t explain it, but reports, ”there is something about seeing and hearing the cranes that is incredibly moving. Just go.” Congratulations to Gabe Fogarty, a Jordan resident of Jordan and graduate of Jordan High School, who has recently gained All-American status for the third consecutive season and helped the St. Cloud State University wrestling team win first place honors at the 2015 NCAA Division II champions on March 13-14 in St. Louis, Missouri. Gabe is Bob and Sarah Fogarty’s, and on the Burns branch of our St. (continued from page 1) Thomas tree. unanimously approved. Brianna Rutt, McKenzie Although he voted in favor of O’Connell, Erin Budin and the plat, Council Member Paul Lauren Chadderdon were Chard went on record stating that he still would prefer the bridge be built on a direct line with County Road 3/Meridian Street. The necessary property for the right-of-way involves pieces of land owned by Phil Morris, Robert and Lois Hafermann, Area residents and business Chatfield on the Green and the owners are invited to attend city of Belle Plaine, the latter an open house to learn about a of which owns most of the af- major improvement project on fected property for the right-of- Highway 169 between Highway. way 282 and Highway 21 in No one from the audience Jordan. spoke during the public hearThe open house will be held ing. Tuesday, March 31 from 4-6 In November, the council p.m. at the SCALE Regional okayed a purchase agreement Public Safety Training Facilwith Eric and Lisa May for ity, 17706 Valley View Drive in the acquisition of their home Jordan. at 702 South Meridian Street Open house attendees will be for $277,000 for replacement housing and relocation costs. able to ask questions of project The property is part of the right- staff and view exhibits showing of-way for the proposed bridge significant traffic impacts, several detours and revised routes. project. During the project, crews The plan involves the construction of a bridge over Highway 169. However, rather than build it at the point where County Belle Plaine Road 3 directly intersects with CITY WIDE Highway 169, it would be loGARAGE cated a short distance down SALE the southbound lane of HighDAYS way 169 with access from West Commerce Drive on the north side of Highway 169 and County Road 3 on the south side. to be on map is April 10. The city is hopeful that con- Deadline Maps available after April 14th at struction of the bridge can gin this fall.
APRIL 17 & 18
Send name, address, sale hours, list of items and $10 to: Diane Skelley 106 E. Main, Suite 105 Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Questions: 952-873-2467 An announcement of sale dates will be in 25 local publications
Professional Tax and Accounting Service
• Tax Preparation � E-filing � Direct Deposit
• Small Business Consulting
� S Corp, Partnerships, LLCs
• Complete Payroll Service Daly Office Building 119 W. Main Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011
(952) 873-2213
Open Monday through Saturday Evening appointments available Fax: (952) 873-4237 • e-mail:
among the TCU Choir and band members who enjoyed the trip to Ireland. Brianna is Gary and Shirley Rutt’s granddaughter, Bill and Sue’s daughter. McKenzie is Dick and Carol Jean O’Connell’s granddaughter, Jim’s daughter, and Warren Connelly’s granddaughters Erin Budin and Lauren Chadderdon and Warren’s granddaughterdaughter Connie Budin was among the chaperones. The lucky students toured Blarney Castle, Cliffs of Mohr. St. Patrick’s Day they performed “Patriot Solution” and the TCU School song was played in Kilkenny, Ireland. They got a lesson in Irish dance. Brianna’s treasured souveniers include jewelry, shirts and chocolates. She would definately go again, given the chance. Many from St. Thomas enjoyed the Open House Bridal Shower honoring Anne Stafford and Tim O’Connell at the American Legion in Le Center on Sunday, March 21. The Legion was beautifully decorated, food was delicious, and the happy couple received many nice gifts. “Anne Frances Cecilia” is the daughter of Mathew and Carla Stafford, and “Timothy John Gregory” is Kenny and Debbie’s lad, and the late John and Elizabeth’s grandson. St. Thomas will be celebrating along with Anne and Tim when they are married here in St. Thomas by Father James Burns in May. Attending mass with our 18 year-old grandson recently sparked a memory. Sixteen years ago, I carried Cole to communion with me. After receiving Communion, turned to return to our pew only to find his tiny fingers cupped beneath my chin, he stated firmly, “Grandma, share!” To whom this concerns: There is no Wolf, Wolff or Wolves among our dearly departed here at St. Thomas. Sore throats, coughs, runny noses...bronchitis is making the rounds, folks. Careful out there. If bronchitis didn’t knock the spring fever from my sails, this last snow storm did.
Open House on Hwy. 169 Project in Jordan March 31
Daly & Daly Inc.
wednesday, March 25, 2015
St. Thomas
PAGE six
will reconstruct the pavement on Highway 169 from north of Highway 21 to south of Highway 282/County Road 9 in Jordan. Crews will also replace bridge joints, add center median barrier and resurface Highway 169 bridges over Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), Sand Creek and Highway 21. Work will also include replacing bridge joints and resurfacing the Highway 282 bridge over Sand Creek. Work on Highway 21 will include applying a protective coating over Sand Creek and repairing bridge joints over UPRR. For more information about this project visit metro/projects/hwy169jordan/.
Le Sueur Family Dental David Tycast, DDS
219 S. 2nd Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 (507) 665-6812
Latest technology Small town atmosphere Complete Adult or Child Check Up New Patients Special $75 Exam, Cleaning (routine) & 4 X-ray Films or $50 off any Dental Service
wednesday, March 25, 2015
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Superintendent’s Update
Community Services
Nelson Ladd • Community Services Director 130 S. Willow St., Belle Plaine • Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone 873-2411 Pre-registration is needed for all programs and activities
Summer Registration Now Open
Kids Company is accepting registration for the 2015 summer! If you are looking for summer childcare, or just a few fun filled days for your child this summer Kids Company is the place for you! Kids Company is a before and after school care program, the program operates out of Chatfield Elementary School. Kids Company’s mission is to provide before and after school care for children K-6th grade in an environment that is safe, enjoyable and caring while supporting children’s individual educational and social development. This summer Kids Company is going to be active! Kids Company plans to be involved with recreational theme weeks, projects, games, and field trips. Kids Company is going to spend the summer getting involved and having fun doing it. Summer Hours: 6am-6pm Fee: $3.75 an hour One Time Registration fee: $25. For more information dsaulsbury@belleplaine. or 952-873-2411
under the heavens. Get to know the constellations like The Big Bear, Gemini the Twins, Leo the lion, and some of their great stories behind them. We’ll also have two large telescopes that are among the biggest mobile telescopes in Minnesota for close up views of the plant Jupiter, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies and other wonders in our early spring skies. You’ll also get a great handout package with user-friendly star maps and constellation charts, websites, a telescope-buying guide, and more! Mike Lynch is a meteorologist at WCCO Radio and has been hosting star watch parties and teaching astronomy classes for over 40 years. He also writes a weekly stargazing column for the St. Paul Pioneer Press and is the author of the book; “Mike Lynch’s Minnesota Star Watch” that’ll be available for purchase at a discount. Even if it’s cloudy you’ll learn a great deal, have a great time and get a Mike Lynch “Cloud Check” for a future Minnesota Starwatch Class. Your universe is waiting! Make the Stars Your Old Friend! You’re invited to bring lawn chairs to make yourself comfy! DATE: Thursday, April 9 TIME: 8-10 pm LOCATION: Ney Center, Henderson INSTRUCTOR: Mike Lynch COST: $10.00 per adult $6.00 per child
under Community Education for start days. The camp will follow the normal program dates: Monday & Wednesdays for girls and Tuesday & Thursdays for boys. The camp will continue until individual teams are formed. Cost of the camp is included in the Little League registration fee. Stations will include: *Hitting – (tee, soft toss, machine, live) *Throwing *Catching *Fielding (infield, outfield) *Base Running *Pitching
$10 late fee for registrations after the deadline SQUIRTS AGE: 7-8 year old Boys and Girls DATES: Mon & Wed, June 8-July 15 TIME: 6:30-8 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 $10 late fee for registrations after the deadline GROTTO OF REDEMPTION “A Miracle In Stone.” (West Bend, Iowa)
We will depart at 7:45am with a coffee stop in Fairmont enroute to West Bend. Grotto of the Redemption & Softball Coaches Organizational Meeting is a composite of nine separate Grottos, each portraying a scene in All parents interested in coaching the life of Christ. The Grotto includes their sons or daughters (grades 3-6) the largest collection of precious team are asked to attend this meeting. stones and gems found anywhere Tuesday, April 7 Baseball - 7 pm in one location. The artistry has to Thursday, April 9 Softball - 7 pm be seen to be appreciated, plus the High School Room 206 Discussion message it gives is beyond words. items will include: Determination It is frequently considered as the of team numbers, season schedule, “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Father playoff schedule, rules review and Paul Dobberstein, began the work establish dates for team selection and in 1912. The magnificent structure equipment handout, etc For further of the Grotto covers more than one information please call Community city block and includes hand-carved Services at 952-873-2411 Italian marble statues, petrified wood, Belle Plaine Community LITTLE LEAGUE SOFTBALL quartz crystals and semi-precious Spring Youth Fair Little League Softball is the first stones from around the world. The Belle Plaine High School April 11, formal softball program for girls Grotto, a composite of nine separate 2015 9:00 am - 12:00 noon 9-12 (grades 3-6) years old. The 3rd grottos, tells the beautiful story of & 4th grade league uses both players Christ’s life and our Redemption BELLE PLAINE SOCCER and coaches as pitchers and the 5th in stone. Since the construction PROGRAM ART CLUB & 6th grade uses just player pitchers. began in 1912, the Grotto has drawn The youth soccer program is for Join the Oak Crest Art club. We’ll The player-pitchers are introduced to thousands of visitors each year boys & girls who are in Kindergarten meet for 3 Mondays and 3 Tuesdays softball pitching fundamentals. Little who come to experience the unique – 8th grade. The program will have creating a variety of projects and League Softball attempts to continue beauty and peace of this spectacular both skill development and organized learning interesting art knowledge the development of softball players, treasure. The Grotto was placed on games. The children will be divided along the way. Connect with other continuing the basic structure and the National Register of Historical into teams. Time will be spent within students your age that love to create the skills needed to enjoy success. Places in 2001. The 1 ½ hour guided the team structure on the fundamentals and learn about art. AGE: Grades The emphasis is on fun rather tour will also talk about the church. of dribbling, passing, receiving and 3-6 DATES: Mondays and Tuesdays, than competition in this program. Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church - In scoring and playing games. There are April 6-21 TIME: 3:15-4:30 pm Both divisions will do some local 1927, Father Dobberstein built the opportunities for more competitive LOCATION: Oak Crest Elem., Art traveling. Parents are responsible for Christmas Chapel in Sts. Peter and play against surrounding districts Room COST: $50.00 child’s transportation. Coaches are Paul Church in to which he placed that will be determined at a later volunteer parents. DATE: Mondays some of the finest mineral specimens, ABRAKADOODLE – ARTS, date. Volunteer Coaches Needed *No & Wednesdays, May-July TIME: which he thought were too delicate to CRAFTS, & CLAY Soccer Saturday, May 23rd TIME: 6:30 pm GRADES: 3-6 LOCATION: be used in the out-of-doors grottos. 8U (K, 1st, 2nd) 9am 10U (3rd, 4th) Come and join us for a fun and 3rd & 4th-Oak Crest Fields 5th & Additionally, Father Dobberstein’s 10am 12U (5th , 6th) 11am 14U (7th, colorful spring session. We’ll make 6th - Meadow Park COST: $60.00 brother, Bernard, painted the 8th) 11am LOCATION: Athletic colorful Ukrainian Eggs on canvas DEADLINE: April 11 ($10 late fee Ascension mural on the ceiling in the sanctuary in 1929. After the guided Complex, Football Practice Field board, create flying pigs out of clay for registrations after the deadline) tour, guests can take time for a selfCOST: $40 (Includes T-Shirt and and learn how to draw bunnies, LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL guided tour through the museum. MYSA registration) DEADLINE: create a colorful spring scene with March 1st SESSION 2 Summer torn papers and more. We’ll make Little League Baseball is designed The Grotto Museum includes a large Session of Soccer intended to be two lots of colorful art during this fun to continue the development of young display of precious and semiprecious days a week in June and July. This spring session! Abrakadoodle is the baseball players. The 3rd & 4th grade stones from throughout the world. session is for 12U’s and 14U’s COST: leader in children’s art programming. league uses pitching machines and the Early pictures and news articles have Abrakadoodle has taught art classes 5th & 6th grade league uses players been reproduced for your viewing. $60.00 DEADLINE: March 1 to over 1 million students throughout as pitchers. Although advanced skills The Museum also includes tools TAE KWON DO the world! For more information go and strategies will be introduced, the used by Father Dobberstein in the This is the Korean martial art of to AGE: primary focus is still to have fun. All construction of the Grotto. At 12:30 Tae Kwon Do. Students will learn Grades K-5 DATE: Wednesdays, players are requested to wear gray pm we will have lunch in the Grotto self defense, self control, history, April 22–May 20 TIME: 3:15–4:15 pants. Most sporting goods stores carry Cafeteria. Menu includes: Marinated sparring and techniques needed pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elem. PS these. Coaches are volunteer parents. Chicken Breast, Baby Red Potatoes, to test in the beginning level of Rm 1 INSTRUCTOR: Abrakadoodle The older division will do some local Coleslaw, Corn, Tea Biscuits, Dessert Tae Kwon Do. Advanced students Staff COST: $64.00 traveling. Parents are responsible and Coffee. After lunch, spend time will continue on at their own pace. at special areas of interest to you, LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL/ for their own child’s transportation. Students attending class in BP are DATE: Tuesdays & Thursdays, May- meditate at the lakeside settings or SOFTBALL SKILLS CAMP also welcome to train at other Kroells July TIME: 6:30 pm GRADES: 3-6 visit the Gift Store. We will depart Karate Club locations at no additional All youth 3rd – 6th grade interested LOCATION: Oak Crest Fields (3rd West Bend at 2:15 pm with an cost. SESSION 3: Wednesdays, April in playing in the LLBB/SB programs & 4th Grades) Chatfield Rec Fields optional comfort stop near Fairmont 8-May 13 SESSION 4: Wednesdays, should attend the skills camp. LLBB/ (5th & 6th Grades) COST: $60.00 enroute home. DATE: Friday, May 15 May 20-June 24 TIME: 6:30–7:30 SB will start with the skills camp prior DEADLINE: April 11 ($10 late fee TIME: Depart at 7:45 am Return at pm AGES: 6 years old and up to teams being formed and league for registrations) approximately 5:15 pm COST: $75.00 LOCATION: Chatfield Elem. play beginning. This camp will begin (includes transportation, coffee/treat, T-BALL & SQUIRTS Activity Room COST: $39.00/session late April/early May depending on lunch & guided tour) DEADLINE: weather conditions. Please watch the T-ball is a low-organized game April 30 INSTRUCTOR: Linda Kroells Belle Plaine School District website designed for youth skill development. MIKE LYNCH NEY CENTER Learn the basic fundamentals of STARWATCH PARTY baseball/softball. In this program Make the stars your old friends as the emphasis is on fun rather than we watch the great celestial show competition. In Squirts, the basic in the skies over Henderson. We structure of the game will be start off with an indoor orientation introduced as well as the skill of followed by quality time outside College News hitting a coach pitched ball. We will have 1-2 coach meetings prior to the Alex Lorenz of Belle Plaine start of the program and coaching CLASS DATE: has been accepted for admis- resources will be provided. Coaches are volunteer parents. T-BALL AGE: sion for the 2015-16 academic April 12 Parents Welcome Everyday year to Luther College. He has 5-6 year old Boys and Girls DATES: NEW PRAGUE LUNCH *New students or anyone who has a renewal date been awarded the Founders Tues & Thurs, June 9-July 16 TIME: within the next year is elgible 6:30-7:30 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Scholarship. Rec Fields COST: $35 ($25 if paid Wednesday, March 25 Emily Tucker of Belle Plaine by April 11) DEADLINE: May 8 Little League Baseball
Thanks to our 7-12 band students for a wonderful band concert on Monday night featuring guest saxophone artist Greg Keel. It was a great concert with a great variety of music from all groups. The concert band performs next at the annual Pops Concert on Friday, May 8th. I was able to catch the 2nd half of the concert after attending our March school board meeting. Watching the concert in the North Gym of the high school had me contemplating the discussion that had taken place at our meeting regarding an auditorium project for the Belle Plaine community. We have had a strong tradition of music and drama programs in Belle Plaine but have had limiting facilities in which to hold these events. (For example - holding our band and choir concerts in the North or South Gym at the high school.) The school district hired an architect to do a feasibility study on auditorium options for the district and that report was received on Monday night by the school board. We looked at four options for an auditorium including an addition onto our current auditorium at the District Center, an addition between the high school and Chatfield elementary, an addition onto Oak Crest Elementary and a stand-alone facility on the site of the future high school. Each of the options presents numerous pro and con issues both in the short term and the long term. The cost for the various options ranged from just over $7.3 million for options at Oak Crest and on the future high school site to over $8.4 million for the addition to the current District Center. The school board will be reviewing these options and the financing costs of each option in the coming weeks. I anticipate that there will be several opportunities for community input into this matter as we try to determine a best-fit option for providing a wonderful auditorium for the Belle Plaine community. The Minnesota legislature is nearing the Easter/Passover break with policy bills having been completed in both the House and Senate. This week, spending targets for the committees within each body are expected to be announced. The establishment of spending targets set the stage for the negotiations between the House and Senate as to how to spend the money in the final budget. With a projected $1.9 billion surplus, there are many competing issues seeking funding. Governor Dayton has come out with his supplemental spending plans after the new budget surplus amount was announced. He has remained at 1% increase in general education funding for education for each of the next two years and has increased the funding level for his mandatory pre-school program for 4 year olds. He has proposed $348 million for this new, expanded program. While I support pre-school programming for all 4 year old children, the proposal presents several issues for Belle Plaine and other communities. Many districts have just added to facilities in an effort to accommodate all day every day Kindergarten and have no extra room for expanded pre-school programs. It is my hope that a compromise is reached on this proposal that targets dollars to need based programs and moves the remaining funds to increase the general education formula by 3% or 4%. It should be an interesting last six weeks of the session as this all plays out. As always, if you have any questions about school matters, please feel free to call me at 873-2400 or check our website at You may also find me on Twitter at @BPTiger716. Go Tigers!
Belle Plaine VFW Holding H.S. Art Contest
Belle Plaine students in grades 9-12 are asked to submit an art Legal Notices project either 8” by 10” or 18” by 24”. The artwork is to have a patriotic theme and turned in to either Connie Zurn (873-2342) or Pat O’Laughlin (873-6477). The artwork may be inspired by other artists but not to the degree that it is easily recog-
K-6 School Menu
Beef Shepard’s Pie, Cinnamon Roll, Chicken Patty on WG Bun, Green Beans, Tomato Wedges, Celery Sticks, Choice of Fruit Thursday, March 26 Salsa Chicken Bowl (chicken, bean, rice, chips), BBQ Rib on WG Bun, Carrots w/Dill Dip (HOM), Cauliflower, Romaine Lettuce, Choice of Fruit Friday, March 27 Pizza Parlor Cheese Pizza, Fish Fillet on Bun, Garlic Herb Broccoli, Cole Slaw, Celery Sticks, Choice of Fruit Mon., March 30-Fri., April 3 No School
made the Dean’s List at Normandale Community College. Zachery Juaire, Shelby Klipple, Kayla Krick, Montana Meyer and Kayla Raines of Belle Plaine made the Dean’s List at South Central College. Cody Sieben of Belle Plaine has been selected to this year’s edition of Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. The honor is based on a student’s academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities and potential for continued success. Sieben is a student at Murray State University in Murray, Ky.
2015 SWIM LESSON REGISTRATION Register Online Starting APRIL 1 Beginning April 11th during the Youth Fair, the City will begin accepting other forms of registration. &ODVVHV DUH ¿OOHG LQ RUGHU RI UHJLVWUDWLRQ UHFHLYHG Payment is due at registration.
By Dr. Kelly Smith
(continued from previoius page)
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure
that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: “It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.” “It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).” A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County
Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the “Search Projects” page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.
INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $666,034.73 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding, mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said County as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 13, 2006 at 10:00 A.M. PLACE OF SALE: Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Scott County Sheriffʼs Office, Civil Unit, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 to pay the debt secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneysʼ fees allowed by law, subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor, their personal representatives or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGORʼS PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BANK, Mortgagee LINDQUIST & VENNUM, P.L.L.P. By John J. Bowden Attorneys for Mortgagee 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 (612) 371-3968 THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 18, 25 and November 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2006.
nized as being derivative by other artists’ work. The recomScott County mend use is colored pencils or Board Proceedings oil paint. Sign the back of the paper so that your name is not shown on the front of the artwork for judging. The art project must be turned in by March 30. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2006
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT NOVEMBER 7, 2006 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:01 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Marschall, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Vogel, and Commissioner Hennen. (2) Chair Ulrich noted the addition to the agenda of the appointment of Aldeen Goehring to the Board of Adjustment/ Planning Advisory Commission. (3) On a motion by Commissioner Hennen, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the Minutes of October 24, 2006 were approved. (4) On a motion by Commissioner Vogel, moved, seconded by Commissioner Hennen, the following items were approved unanimously. A copy of each resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and made a part of this record by reference. A. Application to Sell 3.2 Malt Liquor at Retail for 2007 of Ronald L. Edmiston DBA Superamerica #4439 in Jackson Township, Jams R. Hupp DBA Holiday Stationstore #246 in Jackson Township, and Joleen Yong DBA Suzette Inc. in St. Lawrence Township. B. Application for Precious Metal Dealer License of Mark A. Smith, DBA PawnXChange in Shakopee. C. Receipt of funding from the MN Department of Public Safety for administration of the Safe Communities Grant in the amount of $40,300 effective October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007 to be shared by the Safe Communities Coalition. D. Resolution No. 2006-160; Authorizing Final Payment on the 2005 Overlay Projects to Buffalo Bituminous Inc. in the Amount of $25,000.00. E. Resolution No. 2006-163; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Agreements With the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake for Phase 2 Construction of the Southbridge Transit Station. F. Resolution No. 2006-164; Honoring Joseph Graham Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. G. Resolution No. 2006-165; Honoring Joshua Gunter Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. H. Resolution No. 2006-166; Honoring Sam Ringstad Upon Receiving the Eagle Scout Award. I. Payroll processing of personnel actions indicated below and certified by the Employee Relations Director and the Appointing Authority to be in compliance with provisions of Minnesota Statutes 375.56 - 375.71 and the Scott County Merit Personnel System:
1. FTPR employment of Alan Evenson, Highway Maintenance Worker, Public Works Division, effective 10/30/06. 2. FTPR employment of Michael Turek, Sheriffʼs Deputy, Sheriffʼs Office, effective 11/06/06. 3. FTPR employment of Sherri Smith, Fraud Prevention Investigator, Community Services Division, effective 11/01/06. 4. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Additions Deletions Ethel Carlson Jacqueline Clary Jennifer Edwards Augustine David Lisa Meyers Christopher Kettler Rochelle Kovac Kevin McCann J. Resolution No. 2006-161; Approving Long Term Disability (LTD) and Short Term Disability (STD) Insurance Provider and Plans and Rescind Resolution No. 2001-105. K. Appointment of Aldeen Goehring of Commissioner District 3 to the Board of Adjustment and Planning Advisory Commission effective November 7, 2006 through December 31, 2007. (5) Create Safe, Healthy, and Livable Communities: A.On behalf of the Board, Vice Chair Marschall presented an Outstanding Service Award to Connie and Terry Lonto for their dedicated service as volunteers for Scott County for 30 years working in the areas of weather spotting, sand bagging, search and rescue, traffic control, and command post activities. Commissioner Wagner left the meeting from 9:21 to 9:25 a.m. B. Community Services Director Tim Walsh updated the Commissioners on the County Board goal to implement the Community Corrections delivery system, Public Services Manager Jennifer Deschaine reviewed the goal to monitor the Community Health statistics and trends, Deputy County Administrator Gary Shelton provided information on the shared information systems, training facilities and 800 MHz strategy, County Administrator Dave Unmacht highlighted the status of County Highway projects, and Chief Information Officer Marilyn McCarter reviewed the goal to complete phase one of the Countyʼs Business Continuity Plan. (6) County Administrator Update: Mr. Unmacht reviewed upcoming schedule items. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Vogel, the meeting adjourned at 10:24 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair David J. Unmacht, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Tracy A. Cervenka, Deputy Clerk to the Board Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, November 22, 2006.
Belle Plaine High School
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,
Cassidy Burkman. Family: Parents: Jeff and Robin Burkman. Activities: Student Council, Tiger Target Team, National Honor Society, Choir, and Pep Club. Involvement Benefit: I have opportunities to be involved in school activities and volunteer in the community. Role Model: My role model is my mom because she works very hard and is very friendly and caring. Favorite Class: My favorite class is English because I loved to read and write. Future Shop the Stores Advertise Plans: I plan tothatbe a high school ";SM NCF !BLCMNG;M English teacher. I hope to attend in this Newspaper. University of St. Thomas. Place Your Orders NOW: "?<_M #G<LIC>?LS OMCH?MM
They want
your business. LETTERMAN JACKETSErica, Alec. Activities: Patrick Selly. Family: Rob, Shelly, Aaron, CHRISTMAS GIFTS GALORE • Prompt • Professional Fall plays/musicals, one act, andDebPersonal speech. Involvement Benefit: I Koepp, Owner • 952-873-5688 VISIT SHOWROOM BELLE PLAINE! have made more friends within thisDOWNTOWN school, and from other towns. you a Happy Thanksgiving! It allows me to get out of theWishing house and be more social with people who are just like me. It lets me beyoumyself. Role Thank to the voters of Model: My grandpa Belle Plaine for your support is my role model because he and I are very alike. Everyone knows and confidence in voting him, and I have to hear of one person who doesn't like him! WHATyet BENEFITS for me for City Council. YOU MOST? Favorite Class: Algebra 2 B: Mr. Seifert makes it enjoyable. He does &RIDAY $ECEMBER ST not just AM ^ PM stand around and talk monotone. He is active and allows for some fun. Future Tim O’Laughlin Plans: I plan on joining the army reserves while I go to college at Vermillion. Once I 3OUP #HILI #OOKIES #OFFEE graduate, I hope to have a degree in theater and forestry. Finally, I hope to be able to #IDER WILL BE SERVED continue a military career for a few more years.
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Thursday, March 26 Basketball Open Gym 6:45-8:00am Basketball Open Gym 6:45-8:00am south gym south gym Track: Varsity game 10:00am @ St. Peter, Gustavus Friday, March 27 END OF THIRD QUARTER Wednesday, April 1 SPRING BREAK Monday, March 30 Solo/Ensemble 10:45-11:15am St. TEACHER WORKSHOP Peter, Gustavus Tuesday, March31 SPRING BREAK GO TIGERS! Please call the Belle Plaine High School with any questions 873-2403
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WednesDAY, MARCH 25, 2015
Cologne City Council OKs Offer to City Administrator Candidate If the offer is accepted by this afternoon (Wednesday, March 25), Cologne will have a new city administrator, one who apparently ready to go to work. Monday evening (March 23), the city council approved a conditional offer to Jesse Dickson to become the city’s next administrator. If he wants the job, Dickson must let the city know by 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. If Dickson does not respond, the offer is automatically withdrawn, according to a letter signed by Mayor Scott Williams. “He was in last Thursday and Friday and asked very good questions,” City Administrator John Hendel said of his potential replacement. “I think he’ll do a good job.” The job offer includes a $60,000 starting salary plus benefits. Dickson graduated from Winona State in 2013 with a degree in political science and public administration. This will be his first public sector job. He has
since worked at First Choice Merchant Services in La Cross, Wis. as a sales representative. During a recess in Monday’s (March 16) meeting, Mayor Scott Williams and council members called Dickson and offered him the job. He enthusiastically accepted. The council OK’d the commencement of contract talks and a background check. They expect Dickson’s starting annual salary will increase following a successful performance review after six months on the job. That evening, the council also OK’d its attorney conducting a background check on Dickson. He was one of three finalists the council selected but did not identify until just before the trio was interviewed last week. The other two were Adrian Welle, the finance, human resources director and clerk for Mexico Beach, Fla., and Karin Elhard. She last served as administrator/clerk-treasurer for the City of Blackduck, Minn.
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School Board (continued from page 1)
just over $1.3 million. If voters approved a 20-year bond for $7.5 million paying interest only for 10 years, the additional tax impact on a house valued for taxation at $200,000 would be $150 per year. The impact on the same house would be an additional $192 annually if the district paid principal and interest. The presentation was informational and directors did not vote on whether they want to move forward with the project. The board will discuss the proposal again at its April 13 (6 p.m., District Center) workshop meeting. A handful of supporters of a new auditorium attended the board meeting to encourage additional consideration of the proposal. Chris Meyer, a Belle Plaine resident with a child in the district, encouraged further discussion. His father, Gerry, and Warren Wolf, approached the school board recently to encourage the board to consider expanding its theater facility. Chris Meyer told the board the school district and city are “starting to lag” behind its neighbors when it comes to school district facilities. “We haven’t turned a shovel in quite some time,” he said. “As a board and as a community, I think we have an opportunity.” Director Mike Ludvik, the school board’s chairman, said the issue is part of a bigger conversation around how Belle Plaine is positioned for the future as it grows. “As people evaluate where they want to live and raise a family, the schools and offering the schools have is a big part of
that decision,” he said. “I believe the board is evaluating our position as it compares to surrounding communities and trying to educate itself of the costs and benefits of some of the offerings.” If directors decide to continue consideration of the proposal, Superintendent Kelly Smith said the discussion would eventually include a wide array of community members ranging from supporters to people with concerns about the need and/or cost of building a new auditorium. “We as a board have to continue to gather as much information about the costs and plans and then share it all with the community,” Lenz said. “The community will then have to decide if they are willing to spend the money needed to build a facility. They should listen because it will only make the community a better place with all the things that could be done and performed in the new space.” Smith also stressed the auditorium would be used by more than just the drama department. It could host concerts, visual arts presentations, large-scale meetings and potentially even church services.
Building a Budget
balance reserve minimum of 10 percent, a 1 percent increase to the $5,889 the district received per student from the state in each of the next three years, and no increase in special education aid in each of the next five years. The assumptions also include $181,000 in spending on staff development ($50,000 of it from the district pending agreement from the union representing teachers) and union contracts that will increase salary and benefits for all employees will increase 1½ percent next year and beyond. The district is also assuming all health insurance district costs will increase at 3 percent for next year and into the future. Its assumptions include no change in tuition costs for special education services for each of the next five years. Given its investment in technology, the district’s operating budget will be based on the assumption textbook expenses will be $50,000 for next year and thereafter. Technology expenses will be $150,000 annually will remain the same moving forward. It assumes equipment lease annual expense for iPad program at $278,000 through 2017-18. It is assuming all other expenses will increase at 2 percent per year for each of the next five years. New teachers added will cost the district an average of $54,000 with increases of $1,000 per year. Equipment lease annual expense for iPad program is $278,000 through 2017-18.
1. New this year, the program aims to better prepare children academically and socially for entering kindergarten next year. • Approve the hiring of Jenna Eder as special education coordinator beginning July 1 at a salary of $72,000 for 201516 and $74,250 for 2016-17. Eder previously served as a psychologist with the Jordan School District. The position is shared with Jordan schools. • Accepted John Wellner’s resignation as varsity basketball coach. • Approved a ninth-grader from Jordan attending school in Belle Plaine effective Feb. 23. Approved two Belle Plaine students in first and fourth grades attending New Prague Area Schools effective Feb. 2. Approved a Belle Plaine 10th-grader attend Minnesota Virtual Academy effective Jan. 27. Approved a Belle Plaine seventh-grader attending Le Sueur-Henderson Schools effective Feb. 23. Approved a Belle Plaine eighth-grader attending Eastern Carver County Pioneer Ridge Middle School in Chaska effective Feb. 23. Approved a Belle Plaine kindergartner attending school in Jordan effective Jan. 5. • Approved the operating capital budget for the 2015-16 school year. It calls for $412,447 in income and $600,092 in spending, reducing the fund balance to $132,439.87.
In preparing the operating budget for 2015-16, the school board will discuss the proposed budget and potential spending cuts at its April 13 workshop. The amount of the potential reduction has yet to be deter- In other action Monday, the Belle Plaine School Board: mined, Smith said. bills totaling The 2014-15 general fund • Paid $1,548,885.56. budget is approximately $16.5 • Recognized members of the million. district’s co-op floor hockey Board members approved a team. The team recently finseries of assumptions Monday ished fourth at the state tournanight district staff will use when ment. formulating a proposed 201516 operating budget and prop- • Recognized members of the erty tax levy. Smith recognized Scott-West wrestling team and some or all of the assumptions individuals who placed at the may not come to fruition. Much state meet. The Panthers finof it will depend on legislative ished third in team competition. action or inaction. The assumptions include a kin- • Heard an informational preon the ‘Begindergardergarten 130 students to run class ONEof TIME, the sentation week beginning 3/22/2015 ten’ program that serves 15 and a total enrollment (pre-K to 12th grade) of 1,600, a fund 5-year-olds students with birthdays between May 1 and Sept.
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2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads 2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 3/22/2015
Independent Authorized Dealer
Haferman Water Conditioning, Inc. (952) 447-8120
What’s Happening
• Belle Plaine Run Club, an informal running club for participants who desire to run, socialize, and motivate. For more information and times, call (952) 486-1903. • City Council Meeting on April 6 at 6 p.m. at Belle Plaine Government Center. • School Board Meetings at Junior High Library ~ 2nd Monday of each month: meetings are scheduled as a work session; 4th Monday of each month: Regular business meetings for the board, Finance starts at 5:30 p.m. and regular at 6 p.m. For more information or if a holiday interferes, call (952) 873-2400 or go online at • Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women now has free on-site childcare available during weekly evening and daytime women's support groups. If you or someone you know is or has been a victim of domestic violence, please call SVA at (952) 873-4214 for more information regarding the times and locations of the groups. Mondays: Mom's/Women's Prayer Group: Meeting from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call Amy for details and location (952) 484-9100. Tuesdays: Wednesdays: BP Rotary at 12 noon at Kingway Retirement Living (Ratzkeller Room • Senior Citizens Meet Cards are played at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Ridge Apts.) Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays: AA Closed Meetings on Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Also, NA Meeting open on Tuesday at 7 p.m. and Al Anon Wednesday nights 8 p.m. (The Little Brick School House kitty korner from St. John Lutheran Church) Thursdays: Belle Plaine Knitting Group meets at Kingsway Living Center from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room or in the Art Gallery. Open to all ages and skill levels. Knitters and crocheters welcome. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month: Support Groups for Families meet at the Valley Green Workforce Center in Shakopee at 6:30 p.m. and is for families who have a relative with a mental illness. The group is led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness. The support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing experiences. For information, call (952) 890-1669. 1st Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/Board of Directors meet at Borough Bowl in Belle Plaine, at 6:30 p.m. • Area Separated & Divorce Support Group from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob Wagner (952) 758-0463 or Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Area Separated and Divorce Support Group meets at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, New Prague 7-8:30 p.m. Call Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st Wednesday of each Month: B.P. Borough Riders Snowmobile Club meets at Sparetime Tavern in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month: Support Group: Women's Connection for Cancer. For more information contact the 'Ask St. Francis' info. line @ (952) 403-2000 2nd Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/General Membership Meeting at Duets in Belle Plaine, at 7 p.m. • Minnesota Valley Riders Saddle Club (MVR) monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Neil's Pub Rustic Room. Join in planning and participating in area horse related activities. • Valley Garden Club: meets monthly. Location varies, see bpgardeners.blogspot. com or call Anne Buesgens (507) 248-3666. 2nd Wednesday of the Month - Scott Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at their office in the Scott County Extension and Conservation Center at the Scott County Fairgrounds in Jordan. For more information, call Shelly at (952) 873-5412. • The Belle Plaine Friends of the Library meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Library. 2nd Thursday of the Month: Sons of the American Legion, American Legion & Auxiliary Mtg. at 7 p.m. at the Vet's Club. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each Month: New Prague Area Toastmasters meet from 7-8 p.m. at the New Prague City Hall, 118 Central Ave. No. Join to develop and enhance your speaking, communication, and leadership skills. For more information, call Carolyn at (952) 873-4489. 2nd Friday of the Month: Steak Fry at the Belle Plaine Vet’s Club, Steak or Shrimp, 5:30-8 p.m. 2nd Saturday of the Month: B.P. Historical Society Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Historical House Muesum. 3rd Monday of the Month: Vet's Club Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Club. 3rd Tuesday of the Month: Sportsman's Club Meeting at the Vets Club in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. For more information, call Maynhardt (952) 873-4395. 3rd Thursday of the Month: VFW Auxiliary meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vets Club. VFW Men at 7:30 p.m. at the Club.
Me Me
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St. Patrick’s Day 2015 2x2, 2x4 & 2x8 ads to run ONE TIME, the week Thank You’s
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Belle Plaine Festival and Events Belle Plaine Police Department Belle Plaine Fire Department • Belle Plaine Herald Miss Shamrock and Princesses 2014: Marisa Worrell, Devin Lehman, Rebecca Johnston Grand Marshal’s 2015: John and Tom McPartlan Master of Ceremony’s: Wayne Meger • Mayor: Mike Pingalore Miss Shamrock Candidate’s 2015: Courtney Fogarty, Felicity Mecredy, Jenna Seaver, Alyssa Wentworth Belle Plaine Vet’s Club • Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) Twin City Metro Pipes Miss Belle Plaine: Hannah Preusser, Kaylee Shields, Rylee Pumper, Kylee Pass Miss German Day’s: Alyssa Meierbachtol,Amelia Kahle, Karlee Becker, Alyssa Wentworth Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Irish Lads: Dylan O’Brien, Carter Piche, Joe Hankins, Derek May Father Brian Lynch, Msgr.Callahan, Bob Raleigh, OLP Staff Marilyn Murphy • Jill Leonard Laurie Fogarty and Belle Plaine School District • Dan Rudd Townsend Photography • Golden Touch Jewelry Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minnesota Display Ad Network program by running North American Safety • MN Festivals Your newspaper has agreed to participate the Minnesota Ad Network by running these ads in the main news section of yourinnewspaper (not Display the classified section program of your newspaper). Rectory Bed and Breakfast: Brenda and Ken Engelbrecht these ads in the news section your newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). At times, advertisers may request specific section. the decision is ultimately up to each Johan’s Sports Barmain & Grill • Corner Bar •aof Neisen’s Red Door However, FREE INSERT SPECIAL!! At times, advertisers may request a specific section. However, the decision is ultimately up toPlease each newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased/increased slightly in size to fit your column sizes. Spare Time Tavern • Huck’s Shipwreck Saloon Annie’s Café Ads & Catering •ads. Andy’s Bar and Grillquestions, • AG Power please do not bill for these If have call at 800/279-2979. Thank you. newspaper. may need to you be decreased/increased slightly inMNA size to fit your column sizes. Please ONLY ONCE A MONTH!! Mankato Motors: and Floralplease call MNA at 800/279-2979. Thank you. do not bill for Dale theseSchmitt ads. •IfEmma you Krumbee’s have questions, Town And Country: Shane Buesgens • College City Beverage Call or email today for Locher Bros. Dist. • Elsies Clothes Patch • Waste Management more information Matt Saxe Chevrolet Buick Inc. • The McPartlan Clan Gary Krant: A & J Concessions • Prairie Liquor • Coborns 952-873-2261 Deb’s Embroidery Business • Dave Einertsen American Legion Post #144 • KCHK Radio
The Minnesota
The Minnesota
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wednesday, March 25, 2015
Full Time Position
cards of thanks â&#x20AC;&#x153;We pay top wagesâ&#x20AC;?
Foreman Le Center A ThankShop You from the Family of Albinlocation Kubiszewski QualiďŹ cation/requirements to have:
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We would like to espress our heartfelt Thanks & Appreciation â&#x20AC;˘ Post high school training at college or vocational level on mechanicsLicensed in-home dayfor all your comforting thoughts, words & prayers, and all the care for 21 years has â&#x20AC;˘ 3-5 years mechanical experience cards, flowers, & license food following the loss of our husband, relocated two miles â&#x20AC;˘ Ableplants to obtain for DOT inspections father, andâ&#x20AC;˘ Able grandpa. Special Thanks the McNearney Funerto obtain CDL license withtoendorsements north of Belle Plaine al Home, â&#x20AC;˘Father Lynch, Deacon helpful Bob Raleigh, Our Lady PreviousBrian supervisory experience on Hwy. 25 and is now of the Prairie open. Openings for â&#x20AC;˘ Ag Catholic backgroundChurchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a plus Choir, Luncheon Volunteers & Staff. Extra special Thanks to the Staff at Heartland Hospice ages 2 and older. Call application Care who lovedOnline & cared for Albinat over the past year. Angie Stiller (507)
Or call Chris at 507-357-6868, ext.2 Pat Kubiszewski Bernie & Shirley Kubiszewski Galaxy Sarah & Chad Vizecky
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help wanted
help wanted Drivers Wanted:
FullDump Time truck/endPosition dump
HELP WANTED: Full TimeManufacturing
Small Manufacturing company in Northern Le Sueur County currently has 2 Full Time positions pay top Genesisâ&#x20AC;&#x153;We in Le Center, Lewagesâ&#x20AC;? Sueur & Belle Plaine is open for light assembly/product preparation/ currently seeking spring part-time help. press operation The successful candidate will Positions available are: Shop Foreman Le Center perform a variety of duties in the manufacturing to have: â&#x20AC;˘ TruckQualiďŹ cation/requirements driver, Class A or B CDL license and process. Experience in assembly, packaging, Mechanic/Shop health card high required. â&#x20AC;˘ Post school training at college or vocational level on mechanics chemical preparation and/or hydraulic press â&#x20AC;˘ 3-5 years mechanical experience â&#x20AC;˘ Anhydrous Ammonia tank puller, Class A Help WANTED: operation beneficial but not necessary. Benefits â&#x20AC;˘ Able to obtain license forand DOT inspections CDL license, health card, Tanker Hazmat Molnau Trucking LLC is include medical, dental, IRA, paid vacation, paid â&#x20AC;˘ Able torequired. obtain CDL license with endorsements endorsement holidays. Background check will be performed â&#x20AC;˘ Previous supervisory experience helpful looking for an individual on chosen candidate. Be prepared to provide to assist in truck repairs, Apply â&#x20AC;˘on-line at or in person. Ag background a plus working references. If interested email resume welding and metal fabriContact to: cation. exp preferred but Chris Baker at the Le Center Online application at, Or call Chris at 507-357-6868, ext.2
drivers, class A & B lic, current health card, exp. preferred but not location necessary.
office at 507-357-6868 Marc Chevalier at the Le Sueur office at 507-665-6277 or Bill Menke at the Belle Plaine Nuggetoffice at 952-873-4244
downtown Office in B.P. two rooms on Main Street. Easy access and large window visability. Immediate availability. Call (952) 873-2261. TF
AmeriCorps Reading Tutors:
AmeriCorps Math Tutors:
Eagle View Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available
Falcon Ridge Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available
Raven Stream Elementary 2 full-time (40 hour) positions available
Raven Stream Elementary 1 part time (20 hour) position available
Falcon Ridge Elementary 1 full-time (40 hour) position available
Interested candidates should apply online at:
1BR/2BA, upstairs or downstairs apartment in duplex. Call (612) TF 385-8833.
Now Hiring Apartment maintenance position at Belle Plaine Apartments Part time hours/flexible. Maintenance background preferred.Please email Kelly@ if interested or call 507-345TF 1290 ext 103.
help wanted Mechanic (Diesel- All Levels) Opening: Sign-On Bonus! Competitive Pay, Comprehensive Health Benefits, 401k & More! Certifications & skilled knowledge to repair, troubleshoot Engines / Electrical / Brake / Cooling Systems / Transmissions call today, Penske Truck Leasing: 1-855-9754370. 4/1/15
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Come Join Our Winning Team
Interested in becoming a Teacher Substitute but have not completed a teacher education program?
Training and employment will be provided by AmeriCorps and will be compensated according to AmeriCorps policies. Positions begin August 10, 2015 through May 26, 2016. Last day to apply is April 7, 2015 or until filled. See for further information.
228 S. Elk St., Come Live with Us! Belle Plaine. Units ready to move in 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath North and South Oaks ($1,150/mo.), in duApartments plex. C/A. 1-car gaIn Northfield, MN rage. Call Allan (612) We currently have 1 and 599-2595. 4/1 2 bedrooms available. Call Anguel at
help wanted
not necessary for the rite applicant. Molnau Trucking LLC Anna 952-240-0688
New Prague Area Schools
PAGE nine
The City of Belle Plaine is accepting applications for seasonal positions to assist in the Public Works Department: 3 positions up to 40 hrs per wk, salary DOQ. Duties include the care and maintenance of city property. Must be at least 18 yrs. old and have valid MN Class â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dâ&#x20AC;? driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license. For app., contact Belle Plaine City Hall, 218 N. Meridian St., P.O.Box 129, Belle Plaine, MN 56011, 952-873-5553, or download an app. at App. must be recâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d by April 10, 2015.
You can obtain a two-year Short-Call License from the Department of Education allowing you to become a Teacher Substitute! OR If you have completed a teacher licensure program, but do not wish to apply for a full-time teaching license at this time, you can apply for a five-year Short-Call License allowing you to become a Teacher Substitute. Salary is $110/day. You would be able to sub Pre-K through Grade 12. Please contact Human Resources at 952-758-1708 or for more information.
Behavioral Health Services, LLC Licensed Psychologist 200 N. Meridian St, Belle Plaine, MN 56011-1828
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Great job for â&#x20AC;&#x153;retiredâ&#x20AC;? people! Will train. Must have a valid driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s license, like working with kids and have a clean driving record.
Counselor Middle School Position begins the 2015/2016 school year Last day to apply is March 31, 2015. Choir Teacher- .5 fte Middle School Position begins the 2015/2016 school year Last day to apply is March 27, 2015.
Apply At 130 S Ash Street Belle Plaine, MN 7:30 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 4:30 pm M-F No Phone Calls Please Pre-Employment Drug Screen Required
William â&#x20AC;&#x153;Billâ&#x20AC;? Paige-Evans, M.A., L.P.
Interested candidates should apply online at:
Physical Therapist District wide Position begins the 2015/2016 school year Last day to apply is April 10, 2015.
General Laborer Pre-cast Concrete Top Pay & Benefits Team Oriented Concrete Experience (Training Provided) a Plus.
Construction & Repair Services
Jeff Bauer
Quality Work at a Reasonable Price!
BETH FLAHERTY PAYROLL SERVICE 305 South Market Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011
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Week of March 22, 2015 Dr. Gregory Dvorak, D.D.S. BELLE PLAINE Central South North MetroHENDERSON HERALD INDEPENDENT
Apply online at: or call Steve Trcka, Transportation Supervisor at 952-758-1480 for more information. I.S.D. 721 is an equal opportunity employer
Band Teacher- .5 fte Middle School Position begins the 2015/2016 school year Last day to apply is March 27, 2015.
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PAGE ten
Legal Notices STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Probate Division Court File No. 70-PR-15-4501 NOTICE of and order for hearing on petition and formal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Judith Ellen Welter, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 14, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be a copy of the decedent's Will dated March 20, 1997, and for the appointment of Josh E. Welter, whose address is 8636 Ridgewood Lane, Savage, Minnesota 55378, as personal representative of the estate of the decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the estate, including the power to collect all assets; pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; sell real and personal property; and do all necessary acts for the estate. Notice is also given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 13, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 13, 2015 By The Court Caroline H. Lennon, Judge of District Court By: Delores A. Beussman, Deputy Court Administrator John P. Van Valkenburg (MN# 196241) Gerten & Van Valkenburg, P.A. 303 East Little Canada Road Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 Telephone: ( 651) 484-7000 Facsimile: (651) 484-6174 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18 and 25, 2015.
State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court Judicial District: First Court File Number: 70-FA-13-6475 Case Type: Domestic Abuse Notice of Hearing by Publication (Minn. Stat. 518B.01, subd. 8) In the Matter of: Twilah Jean Bergeson obo Joyce Deloys Anderson, Ty David Anderson, Petitioner vs. Jason Ty Anderson, Respondent To Respondent named above: An order has been issued directing you to appear at Scott County District Court, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, MN 55379 on April 8, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. and explain why the relief sought in the Application for Extension Of Order for Protection should not be granted. You may obtain a copy of the Application and any order issued from the Scott County Court Administrator’s Office. If you do not appear at the scheduled hearing, the Petitioner’s request may be granted as a default matter. Failure to appear will not be a defense to prosecution for violation of the Court’s Order. Dated: 3/17/15 Filed in Scott County Courts March 17, 2015. signed: Jessica Thorp, Court Administrator/Deputy Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, March 25, 2015.
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 7, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE OF BID FOR SALE AND REMOVAL OF BUILDING - Sealed written bids for the sale and removal of a house will be accepted until a deadline of 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 7, 2015, by Anthony J. Winiecki, Interim County Engineer Physical Development Department, Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352 for and on the behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County. A sealed bid may be submitted for the sale and removal of a house described as follows: CP 17-32 SP 70-617-024 One and half story house, built circa 1988, which has a gross living area of approximately 2,058 SF above grade with 3 bedrooms (1 above grade & 2 below grade) 2 ½ bathrooms, and an attached two stall garage. The building described above is located in the City of Shakopee, Scott County, Minnesota at a street address of 1401 Wood Duck Trail, Shakopee, Minnesota. The Contract for the building will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in the amount of $500.00 made payable to the Scott County Treasurer. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. Dated March 5, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Courthouse 200 4th Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 Anthony J. Winiecki Scott County Engineer Physical Development 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 11, 18 and 25, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. 70-PR-15-4495 NOTICE of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Bernice A. Kuechle, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated April 23, 2013. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Corrine V. Hampton, whose address is 1915 225th Street, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent.
Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 6, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 6, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson Registrar By: Delores A. Beussman, Deputy Court Administrator Christopher E. Morris Wornson, Goggins, Zard, Neisen, Morris & Brever, PC MN# 212209 119 East Main Street New Prague, MN 56071 Telephone: (952) 758-4161 Facsimile: (952) 758-4085 e-mail: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18 and 25, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Probate Division Court File No. 70-PR-15-4496 NOTICE of informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors (intestate) Estate of Brandon Daniel Demers, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the Registrar. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Roxana Demers, whose address is 601 Thomas Avenue, Shakopee, MN, 55379 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 6, 2015 Filed In Scott County Courts March 6, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson Registrar By: Delores A. Beussman, Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Anne Heimkes Tuttle Tuttle Family Law & Mediation, P.A. 287 Marschall Road, Suite 104 Shakopee, MN, 55379 Attorney License No: 216872 Telephone: (952) 746-2350 Fax: (952) 746-2353 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18 and 25, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT Probate Division FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. 70-PR-15-3163 NOTICE of informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Frederick E. Hille Jr., a/k/a Frederick Edward Hille Jr., a/k/a Frederick E. Hille, a/k/a Frederick Hille, a/k/a Fred E. Hille, a/k/a Fred Hille,
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2015 Street & Utility Improvements City of Belle Plaine Belle Plaine, MN RECEIPT AND OPENING OF PROPOSALS: Sealed proposals for the work described below will be received at the Office of the City Administrator, City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 until 10:00am on April 9, 2015 at which time the bids will be opened and publicly read. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: The work includes the construction of approximately: Common Excavation 5,900 CY Hydrant 6 EA Aggregate Base 2,900 CY Construct Sanitary Manhole 72 LF Bituminous Mixture 2,400 TON Casting Assembly 29 EA 4” Perf. Pipe Drain 4,300 LF 4” - 27” Pipe Sewer 5,000 LF Curb & Gutter 4,500 LF 15” x 4” Wye 26 EA Concrete Walk 7,400 SF Construct Drainage Structure 106 LF 8” Watermain 1,900 LF Seed, Mulch, Fertilizer 4,800 SY together with numerous related items of work, all in accordance with Plans and Specifications. COMPLETION OF WORK: All work under the Contract must be complete by June 17, 2016. PLANHOLDERS LIST, ADDENDUMS AND BID TABULATION: The planholders list, addendums and bid tabulations will be available for download on-line at or www.questcdn. com . Any addendums may also be distributed by mail, fax or email. TO OBTAIN BID DOCUMENTS: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at www. or You may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project #3730503 on the website’s Project Search page. Documents may be downloaded for $20.00. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, viewing, downloading, and working with this digital project information. An optional paper set of project documents is also available for a nonrefundable price of $30.00 per set (non-refundable), which includes applicable sales tax and shipping. Please make your check to payable to Bolton & Menk, Inc. and send it to 1960 Premier Drive, Mankato, MN 56001, (507) 625-4171, fax (507) 625-4177. BID SECURITY: A certified check or proposal bond in the amount of not less than 5 percent of the total amount bid, drawn in favor of City of Belle Plaine shall accompany each bid. OWNER'S RIGHTS RESERVED: The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities and informalities therein and to award the Contract to other than the lowest bidder if, in their discretion, the interest of the Owner would be best served thereby. Dated: March 2, 2015. /s/ Holly Kreft City Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, March 11, 18 and 25, 2015.
Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal appointment of personal representative has been filed with the Registrar. No will has been presented for probate. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Robin M. Hille, whose address is 13924 Maryland Avenue, Savage, Minnesota 55378, as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as Personal Representative or may object to the appointment of the Personal Representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the Personal Representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 2, 2015 Filed In Scott County Courts March 2, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson Registrar By: Delores A. Beussman, Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Mary Frances Price Long, Reher & Hanson, P.A. 5881 Cedar Lake Road Minneapolis, MN 55416-1492 (952) 542-9210 Fax: (952) 542-9210 Atty. Reg. #0347085 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18 and 25, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Probate Division Court File No. 70-PR-15-4493 NOTICE of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Doris Muriel Lehman a/k/a Doris M. Lehman a/k/a Doris Lehman, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Will, dated November 15, 1996, ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Laurence V. Butler, whose address is 3081 168th Street West, Jordan, MN, 55352, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the Will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 6, 2015 Filed In Scott County Courts March 6, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson Registrar By: Delores A. Beussman, Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative Marcus L. Urlaub Monroe Moxness Berg, P.A. 7760 France Avenue S., Suite 700 Minneapolis, MN, 55435 Attorney License No: 395712 Telephone: (952) 885-5999 Fax: (952) 885-5969 Email: MUrlaub@MMBLawFirm. com Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18 and 25, 2015.
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 23, 2005 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $320,000.00 MORTGAGOR(S): Daniel W Kluever and Heidi K Kluever, husband and wife as joint tenants MORTGAGEE: New Century Mortgage Corporation SERVICER: Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC LENDER: New Century Mortgage Corporation.
wednesday, March 25, 2015 DATE AND PLACE OF FILING: Scott County Minnesota,Registrar of Title , on May 6, 2005, as Document No. T 166726. ASSIGNED TO: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, for Carrington Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-NC4 AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates Dated: April 27, 2011, and recorded September 30, 2011 by Document No. T211265. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 3, Dufferin Park 12th Addition, Scott County MN PROPERTY ADDRESS: 15028 Valley View Pl, Savage, MN 55378 PROPERTY I.D: 262910270 COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott THE AMOUNT CLAIMED TO BE DUE ON THE MORTGAGE ON THE DATE OF THE NOTICE: Three Hundred Twenty-Seven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Nine and 65/100 ($327,259.65) THAT no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there has been compliance with all pre-foreclosure notice and acceleration requirements of said mortgage, and/or applicable statutes; PURSUANT, to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: 10:00 AM on October 23, 2014 PLACE OF SALE: in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 to pay the debt then secured by said mortgage and taxes, if any actually paid by the mortgagee, on the premises and the costs and disbursements allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6.00 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Section580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Section580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on April 23, 2015, or the next business day if April 23, 2015 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. “THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED.” Dated: September 3, 2014 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, for Carrington Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-NC4 Asset-Backed PassThrough Certificates Randall S. Miller and Associates, PLLC Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgage/Mortgagee Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone: 952-232-0052 Our File No. 13MN00049-1 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. A-4481373 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, September 3, 10, 17 and 24 and October 1 and 8, 2014. NOTICE OF POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE The above referenced sale scheduled for March 23, 2015 at 10:00 AM, has been postponed to April 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM, located at in the lobby of the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, 301 S. Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN 55379, Scott Minnesota The time allowed by law for redemption by said mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns is 6.00 months from the date of sale. If Mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Section580.30 or the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Section580.23, the Mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. on May 21, 2015, or the next business day if May 21, 2015 falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Dated: March 23, 2014 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, for Carrington Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-NC4 Asset-Backed PassThrough Certificates Jennifer K Fischer (0311248) Attorneys for Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee, for Carrington Home Equity Loan Trust, Series 2005-NC4 AssetBacked Pass-Through Certificates Randall S. Miller and Associates, PLLC Canadian Pacific Plaza, 120 South Sixth Street, Suite 2050 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (952) 232-0052 Our File No. 13MN00049-1 PURSUANT TO THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT, YOU ARE ADVISED THAT THIS OFFICE MAY BE DEEMED A DEBT COLLECTOR ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT AND DOES NOT IMPLY THAT WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT MONEY FROM ANYONE WHO HAS DISCHARGED THE DEBT UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. A-4517056 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, March 25, 2015.
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 14, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE OF BID FOR SALE OF BUILDING AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY - Sealed written bids for the sale of a house and its removal from the property will be accepted until a deadline of 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 14, 2015, by Anthony J. Winiecki, Interim County Engineer Physical Development Department, Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352 for and on the behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County. A sealed bid may be submitted for the sale and removal of a house described as follows: CP T169-06 A rambler-style, single-family house, built circa 1962, with a main level gross living area of approximately 1,152 square feet with 3 bedrooms & 1½ bathrooms on main level, ¾ bathroom in basement and an attached two (2) stall garage. The building described above is located in Shakopee, Minnesota at a street address of 12915 Johnson Memorial Drive, Shakopee, Minnesota. The Contract for the building will be awarded to the highest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be sealed, identified on the envelope and accompanied by a Bidder’s Bond or Certified Check in the amount of $500.00 made payable to the Scott County Treasurer. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities thereof. March 13, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Courthouse 200 4th Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 Anthony J. Winiecki Scott County Interim County Engineer Physical Development Department 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 18, 25 and April 1, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT probate division FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-15-4795 NOTICE AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, and APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Albert Pieper, a/k/a Albert H. Pieper, a/k/a Albert Henry Pieper, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 15, 2015 at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held at the Scott County Government Center, 200 West Fourth Avenue, Shakopee, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of: Ellen Brinkman, whose address is 2321 E. 195th Street, Jordan, Minnesota 55352 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must6 be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 13, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 13, 2015 By: Ann M. Offermann District Court Judge, Probate Division By: Delores A. Beussman Attorney for Personal Representative Kevin J. Wetherille (033036X) Jaspers, Moriarty & Wetherille, P.A. 206 Scott Street Shakopee, MN 55379 (952) 445-2817 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
Belle Plaine Herald Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
wednesday, March 25, 2015
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) Important Information Regarding Assessment and Classification of Property This may affect your 2016 property taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeal and Equalization for St. Lawrence Township in Scott County, Minnesota, shall meet on Thursday, April 16, 2015at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at the Office of the Clerk in said Township, 7500 Old Highway 169 Blvd., Jordan, MN 55352. The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether taxable property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor, and to determine whether corrections need to be made. If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns. If you are still not satisfied with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local board of appeal and equalization. The board shall review the valuation, classification, or both if necessary, and shall correct it as needed. Generally, an appearance before your local board of appeal and equalization is required by law before an appeal can be taken to the county board of appeal and equalization. Ramona Bischof Clerk of the Township of St. Lawrence Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5144 NOTICE OF informal appointment OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Lawrence Denis Vance, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Maryann Vance Green, whose address is 1305 Rivercrest Blvd., Allen, TX 75002, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objections to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters of general administration, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 16, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 16, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson, Registrar By: Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Prepared by: William H. Henney Attorney for Personal Representative 5101 Thimsen Avenue, #200 Minnetonka, MN 55435 (952) 474-4406 (phone) (952) 474-5270 (fax) Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5143 NOTICE OF AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL probate of lost will and APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Kenneth Anders Larson, also known as Kenneth A. Larson, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 15, 2015 at 9:00a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be a copy of the decedent's Will dated June 2, 2003, and for the appointment Brian K. Larson, whose address is 4928 32nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 as personal representative of the estate of the decedent in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the estate, including the power to collect all assets; pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; sell real and personal property; and do all necessary acts for the estate.
Notice is also given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 16, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 16, 2015 BY THE COURT /s/ Rex D. Stacey Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Peter M. Hendricks (MN#: 0336798) Maser, Amundson, Boggio & Hendricks, P.A. 6601 Lyndale Avenue South Suite 320 Richfield, MN 55432 (952) 925-4147 (952) 925-1926 (Fax) Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-15-5142 NOTICE OF AND ORDER FOR HEARING ON PETITION FOR FORMAL ADJUDICATION OF INTESTACY, DETERMINATION OF HEIRS, FORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Mary Jean Rehaume, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on April 16, 2015 at 9:00a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at the Scott County Justice Center, 200 4th Ave. W, Shakopee, MN 55379, on a Petition for Formal Adjudication of Intestacy, Determination of Heirs, and Formal Appointment of Personal Representative, to appoint Michele M. R. Bischel, whose address 17570 Heidelberg Way, Lakeville, MN 55044, as Personal Representative of the decedent’s estate in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the decedent’s estate, including the power to collect all assets; to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; to sell real and personal property; and to do all necessary acts for the decedent’s estate. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. BY THE COURT Dated: March 16, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 16, 2015 /s/ Rex D. Stacey Judge of District Court /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner Jason P. Hoffman, Esq. MN Atty. Reg. No. 0320407 Hoffman, Carlson, Lundblad, Zrimsek, Crosby & George, Attorneys at Law 414 Central Ave. N., Suite A Faribault, MN 55021 Telephone: (507) 332-4001 Facsimile: (507) 332-7800 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT probate division FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-15-4810 NOTICE OF informal probate of will and APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Sharon Louise Kondes, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated Feb. 13, 2008, ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Stephanie Kondes Pearson, whose address is: 1405 Horseshoe Cir., Eagan, MN 55122 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: March 16, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts March 16, 2015 By: Vicky L. Carlson Registrar /s/ Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 817432900020 Filed March 16, 2015 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Precious Time Cleaning 2. Principal Place of Business. 1794 Colonial Street Shakopee, MN 55379 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. YDP, LLC 1794 Colonial Street Shakopee, MN 55379 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: March 12, 2015 signed, Michele P. Smith, Chief Manager Contact Person (952) 583-7777 Daytime Phone Number Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S EXECUTION SALE – REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of an Execution issued out of and under the seal of the District Court of the State of Minnesota, in and for the 1st District and County of Scott. On the 15th day of March A.D. 2013, upon a judgment rendered and docketed in said court and said County in an action therein, between Biersdorf and Associates, PA Plaintiff(s) and Jill Fisette-Kess Defendant(s) in favor of said Plaintiff(s) and against said Defendant(s), for the sum of $36,259.64 Dollars as appears by the judgment roll filed in the office of the Clerk of said District Court for said County, and whereas, said judgment was docketed in said Court on the 3rd day of April, A.D. 202013, at 10:13 o’clock A.M. and the sum of $36,259.64. Is now actually due thereon with interest of $3.97 per diem from the day of April 3rd A.D. 2013, and up to and including the date of sale, also for $5,431.17 increased cost and for all Sheriff’s fees, costs, and disbursements of levy and sale, which said Execution has to the Sheriff of said County been duly directed and delivered, said Sheriff has levied upon and will sell at public auction to the highest cash bidder, in the lobby of the Scott County Sheriff’s Office, 301 Fuller St S, in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota. In said County, on the 5th day of May A.D. 2015 at 10:00 o’clock A.M. all right, title and interest that the above named judgment debtor had in and to the real property, hereinafter described on the 15th day of March, A.D. 2013, that being the date of rendition of said judgment or any interest therein which said judgment debtor(s) Jill Fisette-Kes have since that day acquired, the description of the property being as follows, to wit: EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION The North 60 Acres of the NW ¼ of Section Four (4), Township OneHundred Thirteen (113), Range Twenty-one (21), less the North 470 feet of the East 1390.2 feet of said NW ¼ of Section 4, Township 113, Range 21, EXCEPT that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 113, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the North 60.00 acres of said Northwest
Quarter and the West line of the East 1320.00 feet of said Northwest Quarter; thence Northerly along said West line, a distance of 320.72 feet; thence Westerly parallel with said South line of the North 60.00 acres of the Northwest Quarter to the West line of the Northwest Quarter; thence Southerly along said West line of the Northwest Quarter to said South line of the North 60.00 acres of the Northwest Quarter; thence Easterly along said South line to the point of beginning, according To the United States Government Survey thereof and situate in Scott County, Minnesota. according to the plat thereof and on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles in and for said County. Dated this 26th day of February, 2015 Kevin Studnicka, Sheriff Scott County, Minnesota By: Duane J. Jirik, Deputy Sheriff Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 and 8, 2015.
NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Ridgewood Condominiums Association (henceforth the “Declaration”) recorded in the office of the Recorder for Scott County, Minnesota on January 29, 2004, as Document No. A643716, which covers the following property: Unit No. 111, Common Interest Community No. 1129, Ridgewood Condominiums, a condominium, Scott County, Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of March 2, 2015, from Jozef Jan Trzos, title holder, to Ridgewood Condominiums Association, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, the principal amount of Five Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety-nine and 52/100ths Dollars ($5,399.52) for assessments, late fees and related charges, plus assessments, collection costs, attorneys’ fees and other amounts will be incurred since said date, including costs of collection and foreclosure; WHEREAS, no action is now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof; WHEREAS, the owner has not been released from the financial obligation to pay said amount; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Declaration and Minn. Stat. §515B.3116(h), said debt created a lien upon said premises in favor of Ridgewood Condominiums Association as evidenced by the lien statement recorded on February 4, 2015, in the office of the Scott County Recorder as Document No. A973203; WHEREAS, pursuant to the power of sale granted by the owner(s) in taking title to the premises subject to said Declaration, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said property by the sheriff of said county at the Scott County Sheriff’s Department, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on April 30, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys’ fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owners, their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of said sale. The following information is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 580.025 and 580.04: (1) Street Address of Property: 7619 Southridge Court, Savage, MN 55378 (2) Name of Transaction Agent, Residential Mortgage Servicer, Lender &/or Broker: N/A (3) Tax Parcel Identification Number of the Property: 26-3691110 (4) Transaction Agent’s Mortgage Identification Number, if known: N/A (5) Name of Mortgage Originator, if stated on mortgage: N/A (6) Date on which Occupant must vacate Property, if mortgage is not reinstated under Section 580.30 or property redeemed under 580.23: 11:59 p.m. on October 30, 2015. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close April 21, 2015 Jordan, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 for construction of the following: Scott County 2015-SC BITUMINOUS SEAL COAT County Project 2015-SC. Major items are approximately as follows: Qty 161,208 48,338 504,371 361,329
Item Bituminous Material for Seal Coat (CRS-2P) Bituminous Material for Fog Seal (CSS-1h) Bituminous Seal Coat Striping - Paint (various sizes and colors)
The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE ( FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects therein. Dated March 20, 2015 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Tony Winiecki Courthouse Interim Scott County Engineer 200 4th Avenue West Physical Development Shakopee, MN 55379 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25, and April 1 and 8, 2015.
PAGE eleven day at 11:59 p.m. REDEMPTION NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: March 2, 2015 TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. By: Jennifer C. Toohey, I.D. #343742 Attorneys for Lienor 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 Lienor: Ridgewood Condominiums Association By: Jennifer C. Toohey Its: Attorney in Fact THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 File No. 5500.015 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1 and 8, 2015.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 15, 2007 MORTGAGOR: Emily J. Frame and Adam B. Frame, wife and husband. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 3, 2007 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A776901. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Dated June 15, 2007 Recorded January 28, 2008, as Document No. A792398. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100418400125708830 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Tradition Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 507 Main Street West, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 200011290 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lots 7 and 8, and the West Half of Lot 9, Block 50, Belle Plaine, according to the map or plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the county recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $139,200.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $133,709.18 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 7, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 9, 2015 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032,
DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: February 26, 2015 Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 135 - 15-002049 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8 and 15, 2015.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposals will be received by the Scott County Purchasing Department GC218, Scott County Government Center, Shakopee, Minnesota, 55379-1220 until 2:00 o’clock p.m., Friday, May 1, 2015 for Correctional Food and Laundry Services at the Scott County Jail and Juvenile Alternative Facility. Copies of the RFP may be obtained at the Scott County Purchasing Department by emailing at or calling at 952.496.8568. Specifications may also be obtained by visiting the Scott County Government Center, Purchasing Department GC218, Shakopee, Minnesota, 55379-1220 or online at the official Scott County website at www. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals in the complete discretion of the County. Advertisement of proposals is pursuant to Minnesota Statues Sections 375.21, 471.345, and 471.35. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, March 25 and April 1, 2015.
Scott County Board Minutes BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT MARCH 3, 2015 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:00 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Ulrich, presiding, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Wolf, Commissioner Beard, and Commissioner Marschall. (2) Amendments to the Agenda Chair Ulrich announced the addition of an agenda item requesting approval of an amended Application and award of cost share funds to Jim Jeurissen. (3) Minutes: On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Wagner, the Minutes of February 17, 2015 were approved on a vote of four ayes with Commissioner Marschall abstaining. (4) Recognition of Interested Citizens: Newly appointed Court Administrator Vicky Carlson introduced herself to the Board of Commissioners. (5) Consent Agenda: On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Beard, the following actions were approved unanimously. All resolutions are available in the office of the County Administrator and are made a part of this record by reference. A. Approve the request for Conditional Use Permit #1369-C-7 for Dem-Con Companies, LLC, Mark Pahl, applicant to construct and operate a metals recycling center in Section 21 of Louisville Township, zoned I-1. B. Approve the renewal of a Contract with the State of Minnesota for the Sentencing to Service program effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017. C. Approve the renewal of Joint Powers Agreements with the Cities of Shakopee, Prior Lake, and Jordan effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 for services provided by the Sentencing to Service program. D. Adopt Resolution No. 2015016; Authorizing Scott County Highway Department to Accept a Bid for the Sale and Removal of a Rambler Style Single Family House Located at 1376 Heron Court, Shakopee. E. Adopt Resolution No. 2015036; Authorizing Entering Into a Grant Agreement for $300,000 to Scott County SmartLink Transit From the Minnesota Department of Transportation. F. Adopt Resolution No. 2015038; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000184 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Cost Participation and Management of the Highway 169 Transitway and MnPASS Managed Lane Study G. Adopt Resolution No. 2015025; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000173 With the
Board Minutes
(continued on the next page)
Board Minutes
(continued from previous page) State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Construction Engineering to Provide Permanent Pavement Repairs to County Highway 1 Due to the 2014 Flood Event. H. Adopt Resolution No. 2015027; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000174 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Preliminary Engineering for a Project to Repair Pavement Damage to County Highway 6 Due to the 2014 Flood Event. I. Adopt Resolution No. 2015028; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000175 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Construction Engineering for the Project to Stabilize Slopes Damaged Along County Highway 6 Due to the 2014 Flood Event. J. Adopt Resolution No. 2015029; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000176 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Construction Engineering for a Project to Repair Pavement Damage to County Highway 6 Due to the 2014 Flood Event. K. Adopt Resolution No. 2015030; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000177 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Preliminary Engineering for a Project to Stabilize Slopes Damaged Along County Highway 6 Due to the 2014 Flood Event. L. Adopt Resolution No. 2015031; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000166 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Preliminary Engineering for a Project to Repair Flood Damage to County Highway 16. M. Adopt Resolution No. 2015032; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000167 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Right of Way Acquisition for a Project to Repair Flood Damage to County Highway 16. N. Adopt Resolution No. 2015033; Authorizing Entering Into Agreement No. 1000168 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Federal Participation in Construction Engineering for a Project to Repair Flood Damage to County Highway 16. O. Approve the 2015 Renewal Application for a 3.2 Malt Liquor License for St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Church in Louisville Township. P. Set a public hearing date of March 17, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. to receive public comments on the amendments to Scott County Ordinance No. 10. Q. Separation of employment for Maria Andrade, FT Probationary Social Worker I, Health and Human Services Division, effective 02/06/15. Separation of employment for Claudia Alvarez, FT Financial Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/04/15. Separation of employment for Jennie Hjerpe, Intermittent (34% FTE) Driver, Community Services Division, effective 12/17/14. FT Probationary employment for Brittani Schmidt, Public Health Nurse, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/09/15. FT Probationary employment for Lori Brown, Social Work Case Manager, Health and Human Services Division, effective 03/09/15. FT
Bowling Results
Deadline for bowling results is Monday at 12 noon.
Tuesday Nite Ladies Meierbachtol’s 29 Hairs 2 U 25 Sparetime 25 G&H Ready Mix 23 Ron’s Mechanical 23 Charlie’s Angels 19 High Game: Jodi Fahey 198 High Series: Joanne Zwart 535, Jeanette Gloege 510, Lois Davis 503 Friday Night Owls Hair by Paula 18 Jody’s Daycare 15 Just Throwin Balls 12 Napa Auto 14 Johan’s 11 Men’s High Game: Dan Dhaene 254 Men’s High Series: Dan Dhaene 671, Ted Malz 646, Stuart Haefner 536 Women’s High Game: Deb Fahey 197 Women’s High Series: Bonnie Malz 514, Deb Fahey 511, Lisa Yahnke 484 Monday Mini’s State Bank of BP 10 VFW Aux. 8 Boy’s High Game: Jack Hamen 101 Boy’s High Series: Jack Hamen 197, Jack Gwozdziewicz 180, Carson Mulroy 153 Strikers Rainbow Discovery 20 Cenex C-Store 17.5 Curtis Koepp Acct. 15 Prairie Farm Supply 15 Dairy Queen 12.5 State Bank of BP 12 Behnke Auto Center 10 Genesis Town & Country 10 Boy’s High Game: Aaron Lenzmeier 214 Boy’s High Series:
wednesday, March 25, 2015
PAGE twelve Probationary employment for Gina Flanigan, Child Care Assistance Specialist, Health and Human Services Division, effective 02/25/15. FT Probationary employment for Paula La Frenierre, Library Coordinator, Community Services Division, effective 02/23/15. PT (75% FTE) Temporary employment for Feyeso Ombe, Unclassified Driver, Community Services Division, effective 02/24/15. The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers which will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Jane Breeggemann, Connie Kochlin, Zachary Schroeder, Brenna Thom, Mark Vierling, and Robert Wood. (6) Provide a Supportive Organizational Culture Which Enhances the County Mission: Vice Chair Marschall presented Nursing Director Merrilee Brown with a plaque in recognition of her upcoming retirement from her employment with Scott County. Chair Ulrich recessed the meeting at 9:31 a.m. for a reception honoring Ms. Brown and reconvened the meeting at 9:50 a.m. (7) Develop Strong Public Partnerships: A. Commissioner Wolf moved, seconded by Commissioner Beard to adopt Resolution No. 2015034; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With Conservation Corps Minnesota to Assist With Forest Enhancement Services at Spring Lake Regional Park for a Total Not to Exceed Amount of $29,400 and to Authorize Scott County to Serve as a Project Host for Conservation Corps Minnesota. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. B. Commissioner Beard moved, seconded by Commissioner Marschall to adopt Resolution No. 2015-037; Authorizing Submittal of Comments on the Metropolitan Council’s Draft Water Resources Policy Plan. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. C. Commissioner Wagner moved, seconded by Commissioner Beard to adopt Resolution No. 2015-040; Approving an Amended Application and Award Cost Share Fund to Jim Jeurissen for the Grade Stabilization Structure in the Amount of $26,489.11. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. D. Metropolitan Mosquito Control District (MMCD) Executive Director Stephen Manweiler presented the annual MMCD update. Mr. Manweiler’s report focused on governance, the 2015 levy and budget, mosquito biology and control, disease prevention, and plans for 2015. On a motion by Commissioner Wolf, seconded by Commissioner Marschall, the meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m. Jon Ulrich, Chair Gary L. Shelton, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Debra K. Brazil, Deputy Clerk to the Board This is a summary of the Board proceedings (M.S. 375.12). The full text is available at www. (which can be accessed at any public library), and in the office of the County Administrator. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Aaron Lenzmeier 580, John Glynn 565, Tyler Salden 554 Girl’s High Game: Madison Brown 198 Girl’s High Series: Madison Brown 451, Faith Lenzmeier 396, Ciara Fahey 360 Commercial League Neil’s 15 Ag Power 11 D Lee Guns 10 Johan’s 10 Little Dandy 10 Prairie Farm 9 Source Machine 9 Coldwell Banker 6 High Game: Leon Vinkemeier 247, Joe Burmeister 247 High Series: Brooks Burmeister 688, Chad Holicky 671, Leon Vinkemeier 655 Thursday Foxes Deb’s Embroidery 34 Wild Night Karaoke 27.5 Johan’s 22 Sparetime Tavern 20.5 High Game: Krissy Voss 209, Deb Fahey 200, Nancy Giles 200 High Series: Krissy Voss 591 Wednesday Afternoon Delights Huck’s 19.5 St. Gert’s Gardens 18.5 Mankato Motors 17 Renewable Resources 16 Siegle’s Concrete Pump. 13.5 Dahlgreen Golf Club 12 Paparazzi 9.5 High Game: Joanne Zwart 212 High Series: Joanne Zwart 598, Connie Zurn 502, Carol Barlage 499 City League Co-op Tire & Auto 27 Foline Auto 24 Ag Power 18 Neil’s Pub 13 Borough Bowl 9 Johan’s 5 High Game: Tom Otto 299, Jerad Zwart 279 High Series: Brian Vizenor 717, Jerad Zwart 706
City Council Okays Projects and Equipment Purchases April 28. In other business Monday night, the council unanimously authorized the purchase of generators and the necessary electrical work for the city hall, public works and police department buildings. Public Works Superintendent Al Fahey reported that a recent power outage in the city raised the issue of standby power for essential city buildings “per the city’s emergency operations plan.” Fahey added that the public works and public safety committees discussed the need for the generators and recommended purchasing them. The city received three quotes for the generators and accompanying electrical work, and has agreed to go with Gregory Electric of Belle Plaine at a total cost of $84,962 – $58,300 for the generators and $26,662 for the electrical work. *Unanimously approved the renewal of lease agreements between the city and Metro Sales for Ricoh copy machines at city hall and the public works and police departments. City Administrator Holly Kreft said the city currently has three lease agreements and one maintenance agreement for the machines. She added that by renewing the existing leases into one lease, there would be a monthly savings of $203.53 and annual savings of $2,442.36. The 36-month renewal cost is $1,595.69 per month. *Unanimously approved the purchase of a tire changer and wheel balancer for the public works department at a state bid price of $7,860. Public Works Superintendent Al Fahey reported that he has received requests from council members and other departments to consider doing more of this type of work inhouse. “As you know, we saved a fair amount of money purchasing the used vehicle lift last month. With a tire changer and wheel balancer, we will be able to move towards the goal of servicing all city vehicles inhouse,” Fahey reported. “This transition has to be gradual as it will require more shop time for the public works crew.” *Unanimously authorized staff to advertise to seek bids for the city’s annual seal coat project. Staff reported that the main focus of this year’s work will be Enterprise Drive, which was paved in 2010. The other areas are in the O’Brien Subdivision that were last seal coated about 12 years ago. The estimated cost of the work is slightly below the $90,000 seal coat budget for 2015. *Unanimously awarded the repainting/refurbishing of the city’s park signs to Promotion Graphics at the low quote of $6,750. One other quote was received for $19,300. Public Works Superintendent Al Fahey reported that staff identified six signs in need of repainting and/or refurbishing at this time, including Fountain Park, Union Square Park, Century Park, Heritage Square Park (both signs) and Hickory Park. *Unanimously approved a
(continued from page 1)
resolution modifying the job description of patrol sergeant to investigator/detective sergeant within the Belle Plaine Police Department and updating the job duties. Police Chief Tom Stolee reported that the BPPD had a sergeant position since he was promoted to that job in February of 1994. The position was then vacated with the resignation of Sergeant Rick Olsen in February of 2011. “This position is necessary for items and day-to-day operations,” Stolee reported. He added that the structure and nature of the sergeant position has changed over time, and the position description and duties were last updated in October of 2009. In a separate resolution, at Stolee’s recommendation, the council unanimously appointed officer Terry Stier to the position of investigator/detective sergeant, which will result in an increase in his salary of 32 cents per hour for 2015. *Unanimously accepted the resignation of part-time police officer Shelby Stemig. *Unanimously authorized the public works department to advertise for seasonal employees to help with the care and maintenance of city property this
$26.00/in state or $30.00/out of state pays for one year subscription
consultant position. *Unanimously approved a large assembly permit for this year’s Belle Plaine German Days celebration downtown, which will take place Friday and Saturday, June 19-20. Main and Meridian streets will be closed much of both days. *Unanimously approved a 3.2 percent intoxicating liquor license for the Belle Plaine Softball Association at Prairie Park for this upcoming season. The next regular meeting of the Belle Plaine City Council is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. April 6 in the City Hall building at 218 North Meridian Street downtown.
Archery and Disc Golf Parks
Belle Plaine Community Development Director Chelsea Alger reported that targets are being replaced for the upcoming Archery Park season and the elevated platform is currently under construction. Alger also reported that June 11 has been established as the date for the grand opening of the new Disc Golf Park that has been established at Court Square Park.
County Road 60’s new alignment will be slightly north of the existing roadbed. The realignment will be straighter than the existing road.
County’s Plans for Road Fix in Blakeley Get Positive Reviews traffic volumes. “I guess that’s progress,” Schmidt said. Scott County estimates the overall project will cost about $2.6 million. The county expects approximately $2.05 million will come from the federal government with the county adding $552,000. County Road 60 serves between 350 and 400 vehicles a day. Scott County will be spending plenty of time in 2015 and ’16 in Blakeley Township repairing roads damaged by the storm. This summer, it will be working on an overlay of County Road 1. The county also plans to complete a report on the failures of slopes along County Road 6 (Union Trail, also known as the Blakeley road). A pavement reclamation project along County Road 6 is slated for this summer and fall. The at
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spring and summer. The three seasonal employees will work up to 40 hours per week. There will also be one seasonal employee working up to 20 hours per week who will be returning this year. *Unanimously accepted a $4,999 donation from the Belle Plaine Fire Relief Association for the purchase of tracks for the John Deere Gator. The Belle Plaine Fire Department uses the vehicle on a number of calls. The council also accepted a donation from the Belle Plaine Fire Relief Association of $3,238.50 for the purchase of new helmet flashlights. *Following a presentation by Brad Falteysek of the city’s auditing firm of Abdo, Eick and Meyers, the council unanimously accepted the city’s 2014 audit report. In summary, Falteysek said the city overall remains in strong financial shape and acknowledged the council and staff for that achievement. *Unanimously reappointed Kelsey Hutchins as Belle Plaine Arts in the Parks program consultant for the 2015 season. Hutchins will be compensated $62.50 per activity meeting, not to exceed $750 for the summer. In 2014, the council authorized compensation of $750 for the
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(continued from page 1)
final details of the plan will be ready for county board approval by summer, Kobilarcsik said. The County Road 60 project is scheduled for construction in 2016. “Reconstruction is the right thing to do,” said Ralp Malz, a Blakeley Township farmer and former county commissioner. If you have any long-term vision at all, this needs to get done.” Robert Wagner, a Blakeley Township supervisor, said the presentation was impressive. The open house included video representation of the damage to County Road 60 on one laptop screen and an illustration of
what the new alignment would be like on another. “I think we can live with it,” Wagner said. “It creates a very direct route through the township to (Highway) 169. It’s a very friendly road.” John Busse, another of the three Blakeley Township supervisors at the informational open house, said the realignment would complement the investment in the river bridge. “It’s definitely worth the money,” Busse said. “Right now, they don’t have a road (in Blakeley Township) that’s worth a darn.”
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wednesday, March 25, 2015
Mariena Hayden Named to All-MRC Girls’ Hoops Team
Belle Plaine’s representatives on this year’s All-MRC speech team are, from left, Patrick Selly, Felicity Mecredy, Alec Lorenz and Max Hughes.
Four BPHS Students Earn All-MRC Speech Honors Belle Plaine High School’s representatives on the 201415 All-Minnesota River Conference speech team are Max Hughes, Felicity Mecredy, Patrick Selly and Alec Lorenz. Teammate Dylan O’Brien is honorable mention. MRC coaches selected Evan Coakley of Le Sueur-Henderson as the Most Valuable Speaker. Peter Jacobson of Belle Plaine and Amy Mandt of WatertownMayer were named conference Coaches of the Year. Belle Plaine placed second behind champion Jordan in the third annual MRC Championship Meet held March 16 at BPHS. Jordan finished with 116 points, followed by Belle Plaine (54), Le Sueur-Henderson (46), Norwood Young America (10), Watertown-Mayer (9), Mayer Lutheran (8) and Sibley East (7). The winners from each of the 13 categories were named AllConference. Seven of them are from Jordan, four from Belle Plaine, two from LS-H and one from Mayer Lutheran. Belle Plaine Hughes, a senior in Discus-
sion, was a five-year speech participant, and section and state participant in 2014. He is a two-time All-Conference performer who includes in his interests science and math, cross country, track and drama. Mecredy, a senior in Duo Interpretation, was a four-year speech participant and first-time All-Conference winner. Previously in the Prose category, she expanded her horizons this year by adding Duo Interpretation to her resume. She is also in fall play, one-act play, yearbook and choir. Selly, a junior in Duo Interpretation, has been in speech two years, sharing Duo Interpretation All-Conference honors with Mecredy. His main interest in school is drama. Lorenz, a senior in Storytelling, is a repeat All-Conference performer. He has been a state participant twice, placing fourth in 2014. He is also a member of the school football team, student council, National Honor Society, Big Brother/Big Sister program, Tiger Target Leadership Team, one-act play and fall musical.
Jordan Jr. Nolan Sundey, Creative Expression. Sr. Katie Kreuser, Dramatic Interpretation. So. Allyssa Stadler, Extemporaneous Reading. Sr. Ted Colling, Humorous Interpretation. Sr. Annika Sidhu, Informative Speaking. Sr. Michelle Jablonsky, Original Oratory. So. Alli Moriarty, Poetry Reading. Le Sueur-Henderson Sr. Evan Coakley, Extemporaneous Speaking. So. Hannah Allen, Prose Reading. Mayer Lutheran So. Samantha Kadle, Great Speeches, Honorable Mention Sr. Dylan O’Brien BP Jr. Savita Sidhu JOR Sr. David Pioske LSH So. Katelyn Stanley ML Jr. Dani Tordsen NYA So. Samantha Raghu SE Fr. Howard Simar WM
Spring Sports Previews Next Wednesday Previews and photos for Belle The BPHS boys’ and girls’ Plaine High School springs track and field teams were sports teams will be published scheduled to begin the spring in next Wednesday’s (April 1) season at the annual Minnesota Herald.
Raise the Bar on Your Print & Promotional Products lts u s e ice R y t Serv i l a Qu Fast teed ery seqrvuiocete. ! & arankup & deelpivroject Gue offerapy icfor a fre W l tod Cal
River Conference Indoor Meet at Minnesota State University Mankato. The meet took place Tuesday night after this edition of the Herald went to press.
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Mariena Hayden is Belle Plaine High School’s lone representative on the 2014-15 AllMinnesota River Conference girls’ basketball team. Point guard Elizabeth Johnson is honorable mention. MRC coaches selected Kaylie Brazil of MRC champion Norwood Young America as the conference’s Most Valuable Player and her coach, Gary Lembcke, as Coach of the Year. NYA, Jordan and Mayer Lutheran each had three players named to the team, while Watertown-Mayer had two. Belle Plaine, Tri-City United, Sibley East and Le Sueur-Henderson all had one. Hayden, a sophomore post, was Belle Plaine’s leading scorer at 22.6 points per game and leading rebounder at 12.6 a game. She is a repeat All-Conference selection and is a dominating inside player who also has very good perimeter skills. She consistently draws double teams every game. As a good inside defender, she blocked two shots per game and is an aggressive, hard-working player. She scored her 1,000th career point this year. Norwood Young America Brazil, a senior guard, finished her career at Central as the Raiders’ all-time leader in points, assists, steals and threepoint field goals. She earned All-Conference three times and led the Raiders in scoring, assists and steals this season. She averaged 19.6 points, 5.8 assists and 4.8 steals per game. Kali Grimm, a freshman guard, is a two-time All-Conference performer. She is a strong offensive player with great shooting range. This past season she was the team’s second-leading scorer, averaging 13.7 points a game. She also averaged four rebounds, three assists and 2.6 steals a game. Bren Fox, a freshman center, provided the Raiders with strong inside play this past season. She averaged 11.1 points per game, shooting 55 percent from the field. She led the Raiders in rebounds and blocked shots, averaging close to nine rebounds and three blocked shots a game. Watertown-Mayer Claire Killian, a sophomore guard, completed her third varsity season, during which she scored her 1,000th career point. In addition to her scoring ability, she exhibits a great inclination to share the basketball. She averaged 20.4 points and 2.9 assists per game and had a two-point shooting percentage of 57.6 percent. She was second on the team in three-point shooting percentage at 35.4 percent. She led the team in steals, with 77 of them coming in conference play. She also led in free throw shooting percentage at 87 percent and rebounding, averaging 8.0 per game. Kirstin Klitzke, a sophomore guard, has played the point guard position for the Royals for the last three seasons. As a sophomore this year, she scored her 1,000th career point. She averaged 17.1 points per game in conference play and ranked second on the team with a two-point shooting percentage of 55.5 percent. She led the Royals in assists, averaging 3.9 per game. She was third on the team in rebounding, averaging 5.2 a game. She was tops on the team in three-point shooting percentage at 42.4 percent and second in free throw shooting at 84.4 percent. Jordan Karli Nielsen, a junior post, averaged 12.7 points, 6.1 rebounds and 2.9 blocks per game, and shot 49 percent from the field in MRC games this season. She impacts games on offense in the post area, but she also has the ability to attack the basket off the dribble. Brooke Sievers, a sophomore point guard, averaged 10.1 points, 5.0 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 2.0 steals per game during the conference season. She has developed into a real floor general for the Jaguars. She has the ability to get by defenders off the dribble, which allowed her to finish at the rim, or set up her teammates for easy shots. She is also an impact player on defense. Ashley Freund, a sophomore guard, averaged 9.1 points, 4.1 rebounds, 1.8 steals and 1.3 blocks per game, and shot 36 percent from the three-point
Mariena Hayden, left, is Belle Plaine’s representative on this year’s All-MRC girls’ basketball team. Teammate Elizabeth Johnson is honorable mention. Both are sophomores. line this season. She also averaged 11 points per game overall. She has the ability to impact games defensively as well with her athleticism and ability to anticipate away from the ball. She also led the Jaguars in steals. Mayer Lutheran Maria Kuntz, a senior post, led the Crusaders in scoring (10.9 points per game) and blocked shots (1.6 per game), while also contributing 6.5 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1.3 steals a game. Her presence and leadership by example were key ingredients to the team’s success. Mya Chmielewski, a freshman guard, led the team in steals, averaging 3.7 per game, setting a new school record. She also contributed 9.1 points, 6.1 rebounds and 2.6 assists per game in conference play. Her nose for the ball and high energy level was infectious, pushing her teammates to work hard. Brenna Larsen, a senior guard, finished her senior season as the owner of the school record for three-pointers in both a season and career. She averaged 7.7 points, 2.6 rebounds, 1.5 assists and 1.3 steals per MRC contest. Her ability to shoot the ball drew attention every game from opposing teams. Tri-City United Joslyn Vargo, a sophomore guard, led the Titans in conference play in scoring (17.1) and steals (2.4) per game. She did
an excellent job rebounding from the guard position, as she finished the conference season averaging 7.1 per game. She also led the team in free throw percentage, shooting 70 percent for the year. She is a very talented player that puts forth tremendous effort on both ends of the floor. Sibley East Alyssa Weber, a junior guard, has been a two-year starter at Sibley East. She started as a freshman and had to sit out last year with a back injury. She came back this season stronger than ever. She is a tremendous leader who pushes her teammates every practice and every game. She averaged 9.5 points, 6.5 rebounds, two assists and two steals per contest. Le Sueur-Henderson Kayla Stowell, a senior guard, was the floor leader for the Giants. She averaged 11 points, six rebounds, three assists and two steals in conference games this year. She also was one of the team’s best defenders and improved immensely year after year. Honorable Mention So. Elizabeth Johnson BP Sr. Megan Geis NYA Sr. Ashley Wiswell WM Fr. Paige Johnson JOR So. Emilee Gustin ML Sr. Sarah Holicky TCU Sr. McKenzie Sommers SE Jr. Carlie Brandt LSH
Comments Sought on Deer Population Goals Comments on proposed deer population goals recommended by citizen advisory teams in 40 of Minnesota’s 128 deer permit areas will be accepted Thursday, April 2, through Wednesday, April 15, on the Department of Natural Resources website. The DNR will evaluate advisory team recommendations and public comments on those recommendations before determining the final deer population goal for each of five goalsetting blocks. Once goals are established, the DNR will announce those goals, and wildlife managers will implement
harvest strategies to meet and maintain them. Revisiting deer population goals began in 2012, when similar area teams helped set new goals for some permit areas in the Windom, Floodwood and Tower areas. Last year, new goals were set for southeastern Minnesota. The DNR plans to have new goals in place for all Minnesota deer permit areas before the 2016 firearms deer season. More information on the process is available on the DNR’s deer management Web page.
Indoor Triathlon April 18 The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community invites triathletes of all abilities to its indoor triathlon at Dakotah Sport and Fitness (DSF) on Saturday, April 18. Registration is now open for the event that features a seven-minute swim, a 30-minute bike ride and a 20minute run/walk. “Dakotah! Sport and Fitness started the indoor triathlon in 2002 to help local triathletes warm up for triathlon season,” DSF Director Tad Dunsworth said. “It also offers first-time triathletes a chance to get in winning shape.” From 8-10 a.m., groups of six will take off about every 15 minutes. Competitors will swim in the DSF pool, ride a stationary bike and then finish
with a dash on the track, while volunteers record distances. Winners will be determined through a pacemaker scoring system. The triathlete who marks the longest distance in each of the three areas will be the pacemaker. All of the other contestants’ times are calculated by how long it would have taken them to reach the pacemaker’s distance in each event. Awards will be given to the top three men and top three women overall. To register, visit dakotahsport. com. For more information, call 952-496-6875. The cost is $28 for Dakotah Sport and Fitness members and $38 for nonmembers. Participants must be 12 years of age or older to compete.
Katelyn Hesse
Carley Vinkemeier
Anna Broll
Samantha Wickenhauser
Laura Grimm
Amy Broll
Carver County Dairy Day Dinner April 11
The Carver County Dairy Day Dinner Committee and the Carver County ADA invite you to attend the Dairy Day Dinner on Saturday, April 11 at the Cologne Community Center. This year marks our 63rd year of recognizing outstanding local dairy farmers, as well as individuals and businesses that support the continuation of dairying in Carver County. It also marks the eighth year of our young Dairy Ambassador program and the 63rd year of crowning the lovely young ladies who will serve as Carver Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dairy Princesses. All six candidates will be equally crowned as 2015 Carver County Dairy Princesses as
all are equally eligible to compete at the Minnesota Statewide Princess Training Workshop â&#x20AC;&#x153;May Event,â&#x20AC;? May 15-17 at St. Cloud State University. While there, they have the opportunity to interview to become one of 12 Princess Kay of the Milky Way Finalists. The four that get that opportunity will be selected by a panel of impartial judges at the Judging Luncheon, sponsored by the State Bank of Hamburg, and will be announced at the Dairy Day Dinner on April 11. We are encouraging all past DHIA award winners, ADA award winners, and any former Dairy Ambassadors and Princesses, as well as anyone else
interested in what is happening in Carver County dairy farming, to attend this event. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening is Dave Elling, local businessman and parttime radio host/celebrity. Also in attendance will be the 2014 Carver County Dairy Princesses Madeline Beuning, Krianna Boelke, Lauren Manteuffel, 2014 Princess Kay Finalist Christine Leonard, and Carver Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3rd Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Princess Kay Jeni Haler. Social hour starts at 6:30 p.m, dinner at 7:15 p.m. and the program at 8 p.m. Tickets for this event are available for $12 advance purchase until April 1
BPHS Choir Trip a Chance to Make Memories of a Lifetime BPHS Group Leaves for Tennessee Tomorrow
For Belle Plaine High School students making their first choir trip, the journey to Tennessee is an opportunity to learn and make memories that will last for years to come. For the students whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve traveled before, the trip is a chance to renew the experience. The choir leaves tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, March 26) for Tennessee. The 139 students and 34 chaperones will return in five days, hopefully inspired by the eclectic forms of music on display and the formal and informal lessons. Nashville is labeled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Music Cityâ&#x20AC;? in our country today, said BPHS Choir Director Cheryl Gorton. Memphis is the home of founders and pioneers of various American music genres, including Memphis soul, Memphis blues, gospel, rock nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; roll, Buck, crunk, and sharecropper country music as opposed to socalled rhinestone country sound of Nashville, she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a hub of country music - a genre that America can call its own unique music. Music permeates every street and establishment. Walking down the main drag students will hear not just country music, but music of every type from young arising artists to older hoping-to-get-abreak artists,â&#x20AC;? Gorton said. Jackie Miller has always wanted to visit Tennessee. As one of the chaperones, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll enjoy a visit unlike most any tour available through a travel agency. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of the first-time chaperones. Her son, Christian Roell, a junior, is likewise making his first band trip. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see more things in those four days,â&#x20AC;? Miller said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What better way to see Tennessee then with my son.â&#x20AC;? Deb Thomas, who has made band trips before, is another of the chaperones. Her daughter, McKenzie, is a sophomore. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking forward to access to places, like the Country Music Hall of Fame and performing at Graceland, activities the typical tourist likely wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enjoy.
Jackie Miller
Krista Peltonen, a senior whose making her second choir trip, sees the choir trips as much more than spring break getaways. She was on the 2012 trip to Kansas City/Branson, Mo. In Tennessee, students will enjoy styles of performing they likely might not experience in Belle Plaine and the upper Midwest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re great learning experiences,â&#x20AC;? she said. Students fund-raised for the $855 for the trip, excluding their own spending money.
Nashville & Memphis
The tour includes stops in Nashville and Memphis. Friday, stops on the trip include a visit to a former plantation in Nashville, a visit to the Country Music Hall of Fame, a stop at a recording studio, live music and dance at the Wildhorse Saloon. Saturday, (March 28), students will visit Vanderbilt University and enjoy a clinic with a choir professor, a visit to the Parthenon (a replica of the ancient Greek temple), a visit to the Ryman Auditorium, the former home of the Grand Ole Opry, where the BPHS choir will perform. The visit to Vanderbilt University and the chance to learn from David Binn Williams, director of Vanderbiltâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concert choir, is one of the highlights Peltonen is looking forward to enjoying. Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been on band trips before and finds the input worthwhile. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You get great advice. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good to have that critique,â&#x20AC;? She said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a wonderful learning experience.â&#x20AC;? McKenzie Thomas, a sophomore, is looking forward to the experience, especially in a warmer climate. She looks forwards to visiting a portion of the South and experiencing styles of music â&#x20AC;&#x201C; jazz, spirituals, various forms of country music and blues â&#x20AC;&#x201C; she doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear often in Belle Plaine. The group will also visit the current home of the Grand Ole Opry and perform at Opry Plaza for guests arriving for an evening concert. The students will also be part of the concert audience. Much to her daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chagrin, Deb Thomas is planning her own performance of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Crazy,â&#x20AC;? a ballad composed by Willie Nelson and performed by many artists. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to bring a shock collar,â&#x20AC;? the younger Thomas said, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Sunday (March 29), the group will return to the Grand Ole Opry for a behind-the-scenes tour of country musicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most famous venue. Students will also tour the mansion home and 1,120 acre plantation of Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States. The tour includes stops at slave cabins and the Jackson family cemetery.
Deb Thomas
After the 3½-hour trip to Memphis, the choir group will visit Elvis Presleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home, Graceland, Monday morning (March 30). The visit includes a tour of the mansion and its archives. Following the tour and visit to the meditation garden where Presley and members of his family are buried, the choir will perform at Graceland Plaza. Before performing, students will tour Beale Street, a colorful area where students â&#x20AC;&#x153;will hear most every kind of music imaginable,â&#x20AC;? Gorton said. Beale Street is a national historical landmark, and shows the impact Memphis has had on American blues, particularly after World War II as electric guitars took precedence, Gorton said. Sam Phillipsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Sun Studio, the most seminal recording studio in American popular music, still stands, and is open for tours. Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Roy Orbison all made their first recordings there, and were discovered by Phillips. Gorton said many great blues artists recorded there, such as W. C. Handy, who some call, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Father of the Blues.â&#x20AC;? The Belle Plaine students will also visit Sun Studio, where Presley recorded his first album in 1954 and many other famous artists (Johnny Cash, B.B. King, Roy Orbison and pothers) made recording history before beginning the 12½-hour bus ride home. Miller hopes the trip provides her son and the other students gain a broader view of the world, especially as performers. Roell looks forward to using his voice after graduating from BPHS, either in a community choir or in his studies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I feel theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re very blessed to have this opportunity,â&#x20AC;? she said.
from many local dairy farmers, any ADA board member, any Dairy Day Dinner Committee member, KleinBank-NYA, Carver County Extension Office, or by contacting Mark Wickenhauser at 952-442-2803 or Barb Grimm at 952-6572476 or bar_gri@frontiernet. net. Tickets will also be available at the door for $16 at the Cologne Community Center on April 11. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidates are: Amy Broll, 17, Chaska. Parents Dan and Kathie. Sponsored by: AMPI, Dan Broll Custom Baling, Chopping & Bagging, Larry Ruehling Trucking, Semex-Dale Schmidt, Waconia Veterinary Clinic.
Anna Broll, 17, Chaska. Parents: Dan and Kathie. Sponsored by: AMPI, Dan Broll Custom Baling, Chopping & Bagging, Lange Ag Systems, Inc., Murphy Dairy Supply, Inc., Norwood Veterinary Clinic, PA. Laura Grimm, 17, Waconia. Parents: Joel and Barb. Sponsored by: B&R Dairy Equipment, Inc., Bongardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Creameries, Carver County Farm Bureau, Countryside Vet and Feed-Lyle Braun, First Minnesota Bank-Mayer. Katelyn Hesse, 18, Cologne. Parents: Mark and Julie. Sponsored by: ABS-Rick Haler, Hastings Co-op Creamery Co.,
KleinBankNYA/Cologne, Munson Lakes Nutrition, Scott Schmitz Custom Bagging. Carley Vinkemeier, 18, NYA. Parents: Jeff and Tina. Sponsored by: Citizens State Bank NYA, Jim Hoen Trucking, Kyleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bovine Hoof Care, LLC- Kyle and Jill Grams, Mid-County Coop, Rob-SeeCo/GCS- Michael Buckentine. Samantha Wickenhauser, 20, Cologne. Parents: Greg and Andrea. Sponsored by: Bob Fritz Trucking, Lano Equipment of Norwood, Inc., Lester Prairie Veterinary Clinic, Mackenthunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fine Foods, UFC-Waconia.
Townships Make Little Change in Levies at Annual Meetings
Belle Plaine area township residents were seemingly in no hurry to raise their property tax levies March 10 at the annual meetings. Most made little or no change. Few townships still hold spring elections, favoring the cost savings and greater turnout enjoyed by electing town board officers in the fall. But the meetings were not complete exercises in grass roots government as residents raised issues of concern focusing on roads and potential developments in the area. In St. Lawrence Township, supervisors left the 2015 levy at $191,000 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the same as in 2014. Board Chairman Ted Kornder had raised concern about increasing costs from road projects and fire service. Eleven township residents attended the meeting. St. Lawrence residents discussed the state of the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roads and the possible purchase of land in the township (north of Highway 169 and southwest of the fairgrounds) as a future site of the Renaissance Festival. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There were some concerns raised, but nobody has heard anything,â&#x20AC;? Kornder said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We talked about the process (if a purchase occurs).â&#x20AC;? Belle Plaine Township set its levy at $290,300 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a $2,000 increase. Residents and the board discussed and approved chang-
Man Killed in Crash on 169 A 51-year-old Volga, S.D., man was killed following a rollover crash approximately 4 a.m. Saturday on Highway 169 south of Marystown Road in Shakopee. According to the State Patrol, Volgaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car was travelling southbound on Highway 169 when it lost control, entered the median and rolled. Authorities say Bennett was not wearing his seat belt and alcohol was not a factor in the crash.
ing the policy on cleaning ditches. Previously, if a ditch needed cleaning, the township paid the cost. The change will depend on why the ditch needs cleaning. If it is caused by drainage and farming, the landowner and township will negotiate a cost. If the cleaning is caused by gravel, the township will pay the cost of the work, said Supervisor Gary Schmitz, chairman of the town board. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got 44 miles of road, so that means we have about 88 miles of ditches,â&#x20AC;? said supervisor Bob Koenig. In Blakeley Township, an aggressive advertising campaign drew 32 residents. They OKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d a $10,000 increase in the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s levy, from $180,000 to $190,000, said Maureen Busse, the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clerk. The increase was divided between roads and general government spending, she said. Discussion topics included land Scott County is buying for Blakeley Bluffs Regional Park Reserve and possible costs for new sign reflectivity. In Sibley Countyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Faxon Township, residents and the board set the 2015 levy at $90,000 -- the same as in 2014. The biggest issue discussed
was the R-S Fiber project and its planned arrival in the township in 2016 or 2017. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will probably be a few years before it comes to the townships, and then there will be public hearings to see what the residents want,â&#x20AC;? said Jim Witt, Faxon Townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clerk. In Carver County, San Francisco Township, Doug Weber was elected to replace outgoing Supervisor Maidie Felton. Denise Anderson was elected the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s treasurer. Township residents OKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d placing two questions on the ballot -whether to appoint its clerk and whether to switch from spring to fall election. Residents OKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d the levy from $287,900 to $304,500. Dust control and fire service were the primary drivers of the increase, Felton said. Dahlgren Township maintained its 2015 levy at the 2014 level, $350,000. The primary discussion topic was dust control on township roads. Currently, residents pay 100 percent of the dust control, a change a few years ago. Dahlgren Township residents voted to go back to paying for onethird the cost beginning in 2016.
B.P. Businessman Dies Shawn Reynolds, who owned Reynolds Custom Hearing offices in Belle Plaine and Mankato, died at his home March 22. He was 50 years old. The cause of death was not known prior to Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s press time. Reynolds Custom Hearing office in Belle Plaine is located in the Professional building at 106
East Main Street, Suite 101. Funeral services are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. this Thursday at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in North Mankato.
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NAMI Support Group Meets Twice a Month
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NAMI (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill), Scott County, has an adult support meeting on the first and third Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Anchor Center at the Valley Green Workforce Building, 750 Canterbury Road, Shakopee. The meeting is for family members and those living with the illness. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s facilitated by a trained mental health professional. For more information, call Kevin at 952-496-8513 or Janet at 952-890-1669.â&#x20AC;?
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