Legals May 6, 2015

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Legal Notices NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE CARVER COUNTY ZONING CODE COUNTY OF CARVER CHASKA, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 19th day of May 2015, as soon as possible after 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the Social Services wing, in the Commissioner's Meeting Room of the Carver County Government Center, Chaska, Minnesota, the Carver County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing to consider various text amendments to Carver County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 152. The proposed changes to the Zoning Code include, but may not be limited to: adding or revising definitions; addressing additional road accesses when they are part of a conditional, interim or accessory use permitting process; adding clarification to the renewable solar energy section related to conditional uses and the installation of foundation posts; clarifying that occasional special events are not to exceed three requests per year per parcel; allowing consolidation of conditional use requests which may include more than one activity or conditional use permit category; adding additional language related to conditional and interim use permits for agri-tourism and clarifying the activities allowed; addressing the certification of zoning compliance section related to Township land use permits; and updating the variance language related to the grounds for a variance. Copies of draft language (as it becomes available) may be obtained from the Carver County Land Management Department at the address listed below or may be requested by phone at 361-1820. Information may also be obtained by going to the Planning Commission page at departments/LWS/planning_comm. asp All persons interested are invited to attend the hearing and be heard on this matter. Written comment may be mailed to: Dept. of Land Management Carver County Government Center 600 East 4th St Chaska, MN 55318-2102 (952) 361-1820 Carver County Planning Commission By: Steve Just Land Management Dept. Manager Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, May 6, 2015.

Notice of Public Hearing To Authorize A County Sales Tax You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held by the Scott County Board of Commissioners in the County Board Room of the Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota on: May 12, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. PURPOSE OF HEARING To receive public comments on the imposition of a County sales tax with the proceeds dedicated to specific transportation projects or improvements within Scott County. If you would like to be heard in reference to this matter, you should attend this meeting. Oral and written comments will be accepted by County Administration. For more information, contact Scott County Administration at 952-496-8100. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 2015.

State of Minnesota County of Scott First Judicial District District Court Probate Division Court File No: 70-PR-15-6927 Notice and order of hearing on petition for probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Kenneth Elmo Moen, Decedent It is Ordered and Notice is given that on May 20, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at 200 Fourth Avenue West, Government Center -JC115, Shakopee, Minnesota, 55379 for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the Will of the Decedent dated, January 20, 2014, ("Will"), and for the appointment of Sherry B. Pekarna (Moen), whose address is 6550 W 250th Street, Belle Plaine, MN, 56011 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an Unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to

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PAGE ten the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: April 14, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts April 14, 2015 By the Court Ann M. Offermann Judge of District Court Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner Virtus Law, PLLC Charles W. Naughton 7040 Lakeland Ave. Suite 100 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Attorney License No: 0354181 Telephone: (612) 888-1000 Fax: (763) 447-3591 Email: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 2015.

State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court First Judicial District Court File No: 2004-26565 In Re: Estate of Thomas F. Stocker, Decedent Notice of and order for hearing on petition for determination of descent Filed in Scott County Courts April 27, 2015 State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court First Judicial District Court File No: 70-PR-08-20639 In Re: Estate of Maureen F. Stocker, Decedent Notice of and order for hearing on petition for determination of descent Filed in scott County Courts April 27, 2015 I, Peter Scheffler, state the following: I have filed a Petition for Determination of Descent. It is Ordered that on June 4, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Government Center, 200 West Fourth Avenue, Shakopee, MN 55379, on the petition. The petition represents that the decedents both died more than three (3) years ago leaving property in Minnesota. The petition requests the Court probate the decedent's Wills, determine the descent of such property and assign the property to the persons entitled. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the petition will be granted. Notice shall be given by publishing this Notice and Order as provided by law and by: Mailing a copy of this Notice and Order to each interested person by United States mail at least 14 days before the time set for the hearing. Dated: April 27, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts April 27, 2015 By the Court Ann M. Offermann Judge of District Court Phil Bird Deputy Court Administrator Jaspers, Moriarty & Wetherille, P.A. Dennis P. Moriarty (MN# 7519X) 206 Scott Street Shakopee, MN 55379 Telephone: (952) 445-2817 Facsimile: (952) 445-0812 e-mail: Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 6 and 13, 2015.

Advertisement for Bids Scott County Jordan, MN Project Name: Phase 1 Development CTGCEDDEV01 Project Location: Cedar Lake Farm 25875 Juniper Avenue New Prague, MN 56071 Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received in the office of the County Engineer of Scott County, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352, until 2PM, on May 26, 2015, for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and skill required for work as described in the Bidding Documents. The Project generally includes, but is not limited to, architectural improvements: a new Maintenance Building, a renovated Pavilion and a Barn Building restoration. Additionally, the Project generally includes, but is not limited to, site improvements: site demolition, grading and seeding, ~3,800/ LF of trail (bituminous and concrete), ~ 500/LF of aggregate drive, utility service installation, site lighting, and beach improvements. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on May 11, 2015, 2015 at the project site at 1PM. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE ( TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. The current minimum wage rate per hour to be paid for each classification of work shall be the local prevailing rate, including fringe benefits as defined in Minnesota Statute 177.41-177.44. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with the County Engineer before the stated bid time and accompanied by a Bidder's Bond or Certified Check made payable without recourse to Scott County in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total base bid. A Performance Bond and a Labor and Material Payment Bond, each in the full amount of the Contract Sum, will be required of the successful

bidder. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after bids are opened. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive defects, irregularities and formalities in order to award the contract in the best interests of Scott County. Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Courthouse 200 4th Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 Scott County Engineer Physical Development 600 Country Trail East Jordan, MN 55352 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6 and 13, 2015.

State of Minnesota County of Scott District Court Probate Division First Judicial District Court File No: 70-PR-15-7822 Notice of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Teresa Aureli Van Buskirk, aka Teresa Van Buskirk, Decedent Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated February 9, 2005, ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Trudy T. Van Olson, whose address is 474 Roundhouse St., Shakopee, MN 55379 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: April 24, 2015 Filed in Scott County Courts April 24, 2015 Vicky L. Carlson Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 6 and 13, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: February 11, 2010 MORTGAGOR: Pamela J. Siedow, unmarried woman. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for PHH Home Loans, LLC, a limited liability company its successors and assigns. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded February 17, 2010 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A847336. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated December 23, 2013 Recorded December 31, 2013, as Document No. A951706. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100652000000215763 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: PHH Home Loans, LLC, a Limited Liability Company RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 317 Wagner Way, New Market, MN 55054 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 230080410 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 17, Block 3, Whispering Creek 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $191,290.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $198,695.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be

sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: May 28, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: February 27, 2015 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 14-008374 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6 and 13, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That default has occurred in the conditions of the mortgage dated March 20, 2008, executed by Tilak K. Gurusinghe and Manik M. Gurusinghe, husband and wife, as mortgagors, to TCF National Bank, a national banking association, as mortgagee, recorded in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Scott County, Minnesota, on April 3, 2008, as Document No. T189518, which mortgage conveyed and mortgaged the following described property, which property is registered land, situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, which property has a street address of 5885 Hidden Oaks Circle Southeast, Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372, and tax identification number 250730190: Lot 2, Block 2, Hidden Oaks First Addition, revised according to plat thereof of record and on file in the Scott County Recorders Office That the original principal amount secured by said mortgage was $119,700.00; that there has been compliance with any condition precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by said mortgage and foreclosure of said mortgage required by said mortgage, any note secured thereby, or any statute; that no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; that there is claimed to be due upon said mortgage and is due thereon at the date of this notice, the sum of $134,270.29 in principal and interest. That by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by the sale of the above described premises with appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at the Sheriff's office in the Law Enforcement Center, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on June 4, 2015, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, to pay the amount then due on said mortgage, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys' fees as allowed by law, in accordance with the provisions of said mortgage. The time allowed by law for redemption by the mortgagors, their personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: Tilak K. Gurusinghe THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. If the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. §580.30 or redeemed under Minn. Stat.

§580.23, the mortgagor must vacate the mortgaged property by 11:59 p.m. on December 4, 2015, unless the foreclosure is postponed pursuant to Minn. Stat. §580.07, or the redemption period is reduced to five (5) weeks under Minn. Stat. §582.032. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT BY A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED: April 22, 2015 TCF National Bank FOLEY & MANSFIELD, P.L.L.P. By: Karl K. Heinzerling Atty. No. 142475 Attorneys for Mortgagee 250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 2015.

NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: July 24, 2012 MORTGAGOR: David A Hicks, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Navy Federal Credit Union. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded August 2, 2012 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A911806. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Navy Federal Credit Union RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Navy Federal Credit Union MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4680 Tower Street Southeast #107, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 254390080 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit 107, CIC 1151, a Condominium, Tower Place Condominiums, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $110,412.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $108,608.26 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: June 25, 2015 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on December 28, 2015, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: April 21, 2015 Navy Federal Credit Union Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 134 - 15-003275 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015.

NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Ridgewood Condominiums Association (henceforth the “Declaration”) recorded in the office of the Recorder for Scott County, Minnesota on January 29, 2004, as Document No. A643716, which covers the following property: Unit No. 137, Common Interest Community No. 1129, Ridgewood Condominiums, a condominium, Scott County, Minnesota WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of April 21, 2015, from Gbedor Harriet Shannon, title holder, to Ridgewood Condominiums Association, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, the principal amount of Twelve Thousand, Seven Hundred Thirty-five and 13/100ths Dollars ($12,735.13) for assessments, late fees and related charges, plus assessments, collection costs, attorneys’ fees and other amounts will be incurred since said date, including costs of collection and foreclosure; WHEREAS, no action is now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof; WHEREAS, the owner has not been released from the financial obligation to pay said amount; WHEREAS, pursuant to the Declaration and Minn. Stat. §515B.3-116(h), said debt created a lien upon said premises in favor of Ridgewood Condominiums Association as evidenced by the Amended Lien Statement recorded on April 16, 2014, in the office of the Scott County Recorder as Document No. A956623; WHEREAS, pursuant to the power of sale granted by the owner(s) in taking title to the premises subject to said Declaration, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said property by the sheriff of said county at the Scott County Sheriff’s Department, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota, on June 18, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorneys’ fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owners, their personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months from the date of said sale. The following information is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 580.025 and 580.04: (1) Street Address of Property: 7552 Southridge Court, Savage, MN 55378 (2) Name of Transaction Agent, Residential Mortgage Servicer, Lender &/or Broker: N/A (3) Tax Parcel Identification Number of the Property: 26-3691370 (4) Transaction Agent’s Mortgage Identification Number, if known: N/A (5) Name of Mortgage Originator, if stated on mortgage: N/A (6) Date on which Occupant must vacate Property, if mortgage is not reinstated under Section 580.30 or property redeemed under 580.23: 11:59 p.m. on December 18, 2015. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. REDEMPTION NOTICE THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Dated: April 21, 2015 TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. By: Jennifer C. Toohey, I.D. #343742 Attorneys for Lienor 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 Lienor: Ridgewood Condominiums Association By: Jennifer C. Toohey Its: Attorney in Fact THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: TOOHEY LAW FIRM, P.A. 11108 Zealand Avenue North, Suite 203 Champlin, MN 55316 (763) 746-0845 File No. 5500.013 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, April 29 and May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3, 2015.

Legal Notices

(continued on the next page)

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Today is 50th Anniversary of One of This Area’s Worst Weather Days May 6, 1965 is a date that many people in the Twin Cities region remember as one of the worst tornado outbreaks in Minnesota history. Six tornadoes carved a path of destruction across the western and northern Twin Cities metro region. The following is a quick summary by the National Weather Service of the tornadoes that occurred that day: – Tornado #1 touched down at 6:08 p.m. just east of Cologne (Carver County). It was on the ground for 13 miles and dissipated in the northwestern portion of Minnetrista (Hennepin County). It was rated an F4, killed three people and injured 175. – Tornado #2 touched down at 6:27 p.m. near Lake Susan in Chanhassen (Carver County) and traveled seven miles straight north to Deephaven (Hennepin County). It was rated an F4 but resulted in no injuries or fatalities. – Tornado #3 touched down at 6:34 p.m. about 3 miles east of New Auburn (Sibley County) and moved to just west of Lester Prairie (McLeod County). The F4-rated tornado was on the ground for 16 miles but there were no injuries or fatalities. – Tornado #4 touched down at 6:43 p.m. about two miles east of Green Isle (Sibley County). It was on the ground 11 miles and dissipated about two miles southwest of Waconia (Carver County). It was rated an F2, killing one person and injuring

Legal Notices

(continued from previous page) NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Declaration for Prairie Bend Condominiums (henceforth the Declaration) dated May 31, 1995 and recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota on May 31, 1995 as Document No. 353122 as amended by Doc. Nos. 353750, 354269 and 357113, which said Declaration covers the following described property situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Unit No. 1607, CIC Number 1024, Prairie Bend, a Condominium, located in Scott County, Minnesota. Street Address: 656 Roundhouse Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 Property ID #27-1990780. WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice by Juan Guerrero, as unit owner, to Prairie Bend Association the principal amount of Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty-four Dollars and 50/100 ($2,544.50) for condominium assessments, interest and past due attorney fees through April 2015; and no action being now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, and the statute in such case made and provided, said debt creates a lien upon said premises in favor of Prairie Bend Association. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale created by statute, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at the Scott County Law Enforcement Center, Civil Division, 301 Fuller Street South, in the City of Shakopee in said County on July 14, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said condominium assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorney's fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owner, their personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied single family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the unit owners must vacate the property if the lien is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on January 14, 2016. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate the property is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. Dated: May 1, 2015 Prairie Bend Association FULLER, SEAVER, SWANSON & KELSCH, P.A. By: Timothy D. Fuller 32694 12400 Portland Avenue South, Suite 132 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-0888 Attorneys for Prairie Bend Association Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, May 6, 13, 20, 27 and June 3 and 10, 2015.

175. – Tornado #5 touched down at 7:06 p.m. in the southwesternmost corner of Fridley (Anoka County), moved across the Northern Ordnance plant and dissipated just northeast of Laddie Lake in Blaine (Anoka County). It was on the ground for seven miles, reached F4 intensity, killing three people and injuring 175. Tornado #6 touched down at 8:14 p.m. in Golden Valley, moved across north Minneapolis (Hennepin County) and into Fridley (Anoka County), then Mounds View (Ramsey County), and finally dissipated just west of Centerville (Anoka County). It was on the ground for 18 miles. It was rated an F4, killing six people and injuring 158. Below is the headline and localized story that appeared in the Belle Plaine Herald on Thursday, May 13, 1965: One Killed, $4 Million Damage As Tornado Rips Hamburg Area The awesome funnel cloud accompanied by a mighty roar gave little warning to most Sibley and Carver county residents in the path of Thursday evening’s tornadoes, which left devastation a quarter-mile wide across Washington Lake and Young America townships. It was one of at least four separate tornadoes that struck this area Thursday night, hitting on three sides of Belle Plaine ranging in distance from less than 10 to 35 miles away, and leaving a total of 13 dead in its wake. There was no damage in the immediate Belle Plaine area. However, huge hailstones caused by the storm pelted farms in the area and the funnel from the Hamburg tornado could easily be seen from Belle Plaine. The nearest tornado swooped down in Mud Lake east of Green Isle about 6:45 and left almost total destruction as it traveled north toward Hamburg, Norwood, Young America, finally lifting from the ground in the Hydes Lake area about 7:00. The Carver County sheriff estimated total damages of $4 million, six injured and one killed. Killed was Raymond Perbix, 56, of Hamburg. Injured were Mrs. Perbix, Jim Green, Sharon Thiesfeld, Mrs. Ray Zellmann and her two sons. The first building lying in its path was the James Mullen home off Highway 25. Mrs. Mullen saw it coming. She hustled her five children into the basement and ran outside to warn her father, Ed Mulligan, who lives in a trailer house on the farm. They reached the house just in time but were blown back from the basement door. The trailer house was whipped into the air, smashed into the roof of the 8-year-old home and came down in pieces 200 feet away from where it originally was located. Mr. Mullen was working at their barn about a half-mile away and didn’t see the twister coming but luckily was out of its path. He rushed back to the house to find his family uninjured. The next set of buildings in its path was the Arthur White farm about a mile from Highway 25, which was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kooner and family. They saw it approaching across the plowed field and rushed to the basement. Their barn, corn crib, two machine sheds and garage were demolished and the house damaged. Down the road a little way was the Ron Oelfke farm. He

was home alone and in the barn milking when he heard the dogs barking. He came out to see what the fuss was about and saw it coming through the woods. He ran to the house for refuge in the basement. His barn was completely destroyed along with all the other buildings as well as his car and two corn pickers. The house was still standing but heavily damaged. The Orville Kloempken farm in the Hamburg area was the next storm victim. The children saw it coming and the family went to the basement. He was in the barn and stayed in the cement block milk house as the barn was carried away from above him. The Raymond Perbix farm was next in line. Mr. and Mrs. Perbix were caught outside. They were running to the house when the storm hit. They were both found outside about 25 feet and 100 feet from the house. He was dead and she critically injured with a broken collar bone, shoulder and rib fractures. She was recovering in Glencoe hospital. Perbix, 56, was a well known Holstein breeder. The Elmer Kroells farm was just a little distance from the Perbix home. They saw the storm approaching and got in their car and drove away from it. As they drove out of the driveway, they could see their barn going. Their house was only slightly damaged but all the other buildings were lost. The storm just missed St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church. The only damage was a few grave markers knocked over in the cemetery behind the church. The entire house was lifted off the John Kuenzel family as they huddled for protection in the basement. The house traveled about 150 feet and smashed into the machine shed. Everything on the farm was completely demolished. A car and truck were carried about 60 feet. Even the brick house on the Rosella Wolters place had the upstairs torn away and the interior left in shambles. The barn and all the other buildings were also destroyed. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sellnow live on his mother’s farm a few miles south of Norwood. They saw in coming and each grabbed one of their children into a car and drove away. When they returned they found everything was demolished. Their house, barn and all other buildings. Fifteen head of cattle and eight hogs were dead. All they had left were the clothes on their backs and their two cars. The storm continued along toward Norwood where three homes were destroyed, all less than 3 years old. Jack Budahn, manager of Bongards creamery, had just finished a beautiful $50,000 home last year that was completely destroyed. Budahn also lost three of his racing horses. Across the street, Hall Green lost his 2-year-old home and his neighbor Hillard Thiesfeld had their 1-year-old home torn away. About a mile away, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zellman’s farm home was located on the north shore of a little lake. After the storm passed, there was nothing left. The entire farm home and buildings were demolished. All along the storm’s path there were dead livestock. It was a miracle that more people were not injured or killed. It hit at milking time and most farmers were in the barns. Had they not had a few seconds warning, there would surely have been far greater personal injury.

TORNADO -- Above photo of the tornado was taken from seven miles away as it approached Norwood.

ONLY THE FOUNDATION remained where John Kuenzel’s home once stood (above). The family huddled in the basement when the entire home lifted from the foundation. Below -- the Kuenzel home crashed into the grounds about 150 feet away with a car and truck on top of rubble.

Raymond Perbix was killed when he and his wife were racing from the barn to the house and were caught outside by the tornado. Mrs. Perbix was seriously injured.

Only one wall stood after a tornado hit Jack Budahn’s $50,000 home in Young America.

Even the solid brick home of Rosella Wolters was a victim of Ron Oelfke was in the barn when warned by barking dogs of the approaching tornado. the storm’s fury.

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