BPHS Volleyball Team Wins Two More
Scott County Attorney Wants County to Pay His Legal Fees
Football Tigers Move Closer to MRC Title, Top Postseason Seed Page 15
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Page 15
Scenic Byway Races Saturday
Scott County Commissioner Joe Wagner of Sand Creek (right) and former State Sen. Claire Robling, now a lobbyist and member of the county’s communications staff, presented information on road and bridge transportation funding to Belle Plaine Rotary Cub members during last Wednesday’s monthly meeting at Kingsway.
Wagner Tells Group Funding for CR 3 Overpass is Doable Pingalore Plans to Ask Scott County for Commitment: ‘Hey, Let’s Go’
Belle Plaine’s representative on the Scott County Board says the best source for funding a local request for an overpass of Highway 169 at County Road 3 with access to and from the highway rests with county commissioners and not the state. At a time when the state is of-
fering a pool of $300 million in funding for selected highway projects that enhance economic development, Scott County commissioners are considering the use of a possible sales tax increase as the best possible option for an overpass project and other projects in the county. Last Wednesday (Oct. 2), Commissioner Joe Wagner of Sand Creek Township told members of the Belle Plaine Rotary Club he believes the majority of the county commissioners will eventually be willing to support a local sales tax increase of up to ½-percent dedicated to spe-
cific road and bridge projects the state will not fund. “We have a lot of need in Scott County and not enough money either locally or from the state,” Wagner said. He appeared at the meeting with the county’s lobbyist, former State Sen. Claire Robling. “It is something you don’t have to give up on,” Robling told the audience at the club’s monthly meeting at Kingsway Retirement Living. Commissioners discussed the
CR 3
(continued on page 8)
Council Approves Traffic Control Signal Agreement With Mn/DOT Numerous Other Issues Also Addressed by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine City Council addressed an assortment of issues Monday night, ranging from the installation of a fourway traffic signal system to earlier bar hours on Sunday to buying new playground equipment and firemen lockers to an expensive change order to the 2013 street improvement project. After Monday night, it appears certain that the four-way stop signs at the intersection of East Main Street and Old Highway 169 Boulevard next to the
west ramps of the interchange will be replaced by a permanent traffic signal system. There is currently no traffic signal system in place in Belle Plaine. The council unanimously approved an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) stating that the city’s share of the approximate $300,000 project will be $61,208.57. The city will also be responsible for initial electrical and monthly electrical service costs, minor signal system maintenance, pedestrian ramps and emergency vehicle preemption emitter units. In July, the council reviewed preliminary plans and party responsibilities regarding the project, which was initiated by Mn/DOT.
There Are 17 Applicants for City Administrator Job Interim Belle Plaine City Administrator Dawn Meyer said the city has received 17 applications for its vacant city administrator position, a job that was held by David Murphy for nearly 10 years before his release this past summer. Meyer said a subcommittee will begin to review the applications and schedule initial interviews within the next two weeks. The starting salary for the position is $74,356 to $81,252. Murphy’s salary at the time of his departure was $98,485. Shortly after leaving Belle Plaine, Murphy was hired to become the city administrator at East Grand Forks. Community Development Coordinator Resigns
The Belle Plaine City Council has accepted the resignation of Community Development Coordinator Brandon McCabe, effective Oct. 17. McCabe, who has worked for the city for about two years, has accepted the position of city planner with the city of Janesville. “I am pleased to have had the opportunity to work for the city of Belle Plaine. It has been a very professional and enjoyable atmosphere working with fellow city staff,” wrote McCabe in his letter of resignation. Community Development Director Chelsea Alger will review the position description and its role in the department before requesting authorization to advertise for the vacant position.
On Monday, City Engineer Joe Duncan reported that the final plans have been completed by Mn/DOT and the agency has presented formal agreement papers. He added that Mn/DOT is requiring that the traffic signal control system be installed regardless of whether construction of an interchange at the other end of the 169 corridor in Belle Plaine takes place. The traffic signal system is part of Mn/DOT’s overall plan for the interchange, which was constructed and opened several years ago. The agreement stated that when Mn/DOT determines a traffic signal system is deemed warranted, it will be installed. The system is scheduled for construction in 2014. In other business Monday night, the council unanimously approved change order No. 2 to the 2013 street improvement project in conjunction with the recent platting of Diversified Business Park (public works facility). The plan involves the extension of Maple Street north from South Street (County Road 5) and construction of a new driveway to access the public works facility. City Engineer Joe Duncan reported that Scott County has required that an eastbound turn lane on South Street be included and the Maple Street plan was modified to include the turn lane. “I have forwarded the plan to Chard Tiling for pricing. Hopefully, a fair cost can be secured with enough time to complete the project yet this fall. The alternative plan would be to bid the project along with the 2014
City Council
(continued on page 6)
Fall color in the Minnesota River Valley is near its peak, which coincides with the third annual Scenic Byway HalfMarathon, 5K and Kids Fun Run races set for this Saturday. All races will start and end at Court Square Park in Belle Plaine. The Kids Fun Run will begin at 8:45 a.m., followed by the half-marathon at 9 a.m. and the 5K at 9:20 a.m. Saturday’s forecast calls for a high temperature in the lower 60s, meaning runners can expect the mercury to be somewhere in the 50s as they make their strides up and down the river valley and Belle Plaine community during the morning hours. There’s also a slight chance of showers on Saturday. The inaugural Scenic Byway races in 2011 attracted 468 runners (243 in the half-marathon and 225 in the 5K). Last year, those numbers dropped to 387 racers (210 in the 5K and 177 in the half-marathon. Females significantly outnumbered males in both races last year – 101 to 76 in the half-marathon and 135 to 75 in the 5K. Organizers attributed the drop in participants last year to the forecast of storms for that day and construction on Court Street, Scott County Road 6 and Sibley County Road 6. According to Mary Anderson of Anderson Race Management, which is helping oversee this year’s races, as of Monday afternoon there were about 250 runners registered for the races – 125 for the half-marathon and 125 for the 5K. She said she’s hopeful that there will be a total of about 400 runners at the conclusion of race-day registration on Saturday. Last Friday was the last day to register for the races at discounted prices. Race-day registration, which will open at 7:30
a.m. at Court Square Park, will be $50 for the half-marathon, $30 for the 5K and $10 for the Kids Fun Run. You can register online up to the time you arrive at the race site on a computer, smart phone or tablet, anywhere you have internet. This will save time and reduce lines on race day. Online registration does not close. You can do so at www.belleplainefestivals.org or www.andersonraces.com.
Spaghetti Dinner at Oak Crest Friday
The Belle Plaine High School cross country team, in conjunction with the Scenic Byway races, will hold a pasta dinner and pre-race packet pick-up from 4:30-7:30 p.m. this Friday at Oak Crest Elementary School in Belle Plaine. The event is open to the public.
Harvest Festival
In conjunction with the Scenic Byway races, here will also be a Harvest Festival as Court Square Park featuring entertainment, food, kid-friendly activities and a craft show, the latter of which vendors can still sign up for. Vendors are being admitted on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can sign up by contacting Sony Mesenbring at 952-8734295 or belleplainefestivals@ gmail.com. Set up time will be from 6 a.m.
to 8 a.m. and the craft show will stay open until 1 p.m. The event will take place rain or shine.
Last Year’s Winners
There were two repeat winners in last year’s Scenic Byway races, both coming in the men’s races. Eric Thies, then 23, of Apple Valley (formerly of Arlington), won the halfmarathon decisively with a time of 1:18:51. His winning time in 2011 was 1:18.39. The next male finisher last year, Zach Fogarty of Rochester, did not cross the finish until almost eight minutes after Thies. But between them was then 16-year-old McKenzie Holt of St. Cloud, who covered the course in a time of 1:21:43, which was by far and away the fastest female time and second best overall. Repeating as the overall champion in the 5K race last year was Brent Giesen, then 32, of Cottage Grove. His time of 19:50 was 20 seconds faster than that of second-place finisher Chris Miller of Jordan (20:10). The first female finisher in the 5K was Holly Schmitz, then 23, of Lonsdale, who placed ninth overall in a time of 22:05. Brad Pederson, then 32, was the first runner from Belle Plaine to finish the half-marathon race, doing so in a time of 1:27:23, good for sixth place. The first female from Belle Plaine was Lisa Jamison, then 35, who was 21st overall in 1:41:12.
Two Hurt in St. Thomas Crash Two men were injured when the vehicles they were driving collided Monday morning near St. Thomas in Le Sueur County. Lance Olson, 41, of Faribault, was in critical condition at North Memorial Hospital, where he was being treated
for internal injuries. Michael Hounder, 48, of Le Center, was treated for back and neck injuries at Minnesota Valley Hospital in Le Sueur. The crash, which remains under investigation, occurred at the intersection of Le Sueur County roads 11 and 28.
Flag Campaign Bringing Awareness to Domestic Violence It’s a flag the staff at Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women wishes would never see the light of day. For when it flies, someone is mourning the death of a person killed in an act of domestic violence. The Belle Plaine-based alliance is part of a statewide effort to raise awareness of domestic violence homicides. The “Live Violence Free” flag campaign, an initiative of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, was launched Oct. 1. Domestic and sexual violence programs across the state flew the Live Violence Free flags the first week of October as this public awareness campaign begins. After the campaign is completed, the flag will only be flown when someone in the state has been killed in an act of domestic violence. So far this year, there have been 34 people killed in acts of domestic violence. “If we’d have had this flag since Jan. 1, it would have been up every day in 2013,” said Mary Ann Bigaouette, the executive director of the Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women. “That’s incredible.” This week, the flag will fly in memory of Anarae Schunk, the Burnsville woman allegedly killed by a former boyfriend Sept. 22. Bigaouette and the staff at Southern Valley joined the initiative to draw greater awareness to the Live Free campaign and the scourge of domestic violence. The areas Southern
Mary Ann Bigaouette, executive director of Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women, recently showed off a poster replica of the flag the alliance will fly at its Belle Plaine headquarters anytime a person is killed in an act of domestic violence. Valley Alliance serves have not seen a death related to domestic violence since Ruth Anne Maddox of Prior Lake was murdered five years ago next month. Reports to the alliance of domestic violence in Scott and Carver counties are down about 5.85 percent. Last year, 63,267 victims sought services from domestic violence programs in Minnesota. This represents only a small portion of the victims in
the state since the vast majority of domestic violence victims do not reach out for services. National statistics are that only about one out of every five domestic violence victims seek
(continued on page 9)
Nominations Open for Minnesota Teacher of the Year Everyone remembers a favorite teacher, someone who motivates and inspires students for a lifetime. Minnesotans have the opportunity again this fall to nominate that unique educator for Minnesota Teacher of the Year. Nominations are now open and will remain so through Nov. 15. Nominations can be submitted online by accessing a simple nomination form on www. educationminnesota.org. The Keup, Len Fogarty, Arvin Ernst, Mike O’Brien, Louis Lieske, 2014 Teacher of the Year will Maynhardt Bahrke, (front row, from left) Andy Meger, Glenn be named at a ceremony May 4, Oster, Dick Kliefoth, Bill Kliefoth, Phil Hespenheide, (seated) 2014. The Minnesota Teacher of the Year also becomes MinDave Laabs and Bill Lehman. nesota’s candidate for National
ROMEOS Get Together
Members of the Belle Plaine ROMEOS (Retired Old Men Eating Out Single) gathered for lunch Oct. 1 at Andy’s Bar & Grill in downtown Belle Plaine. The venerable group meets annually. They include (back row, from left) Dr. E.T. O’Brien, Fr. Roger Hessian, Francis Weldon, Jack O’Connell, Fred
Teacher of the Year. Eligible nominees must meet these criteria: – Teach in a public or nonpublic pre-K through 12thgrade school, working at least 50 percent of the time directly with students. – Hold a bachelor’s degree and a Minnesota teaching license. – Have completed three years of teaching by the nomination deadline. – Intend to teach during the 2014-15 school year. Anyone may nominate a teacher. Self-nominations are also accepted.
Fire Prevention Week Belle Plaine Fire Chief Todd Otto (right) spoke with second-graders at Chatfield Elementary School Monday morning and students at Oak Crest Elementary School later in the day about the dangers of fire and how to prevent fires, especially in kitchens and the house during the annual Fire Prevention Week. The chief’s presentation included showing children firefighter Dennis Aretz in turnout gear so they will know firefighters are there to help them in the event of a house fire. (Below) Students at the elementary school enjoyed an up-close look at a fire truck and the equipment it carries.
Hispanic Heritage Fair Wendy Everett of South St. Paul, a native of El Salvador, and Alicia Villegas of Inver Grove Heights (right), along with Jacqleen Cusik of Cottage Grove -- members of Los Alegres Bailadores (The Happy Dancers) performed traditional Mexican dances for students at Green Isle Community School Friday afternoon during the school’s inaugural Hispanic Heritage Fair. The day included students and visitors making traditional noisemakers and/or Day-of-theDead masks, a bilingual read-along featuring books read in Spanish and English, Loteria (Mexican bingo), a food station and piùatas. The heritage fair was made possible by a grant from the Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature.
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WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Mary “Betty” Elizabeth McLafferty
Mary “Betty” Elizabeth McLafferty, (nee Wherley), 88, passed away October 5, 2013. Visitation is from 4-8 p.m. Thursday, October 10 at O’Halloran and Murphy Funeral Home, 575 S. Snelling, with a Rosary vigil starting at 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 a.m., Friday at St Columba Catholic Church, 1327 Lafond Ave. Betty was born December 3, 1924. She graduated from Belle Plaine High School and went on to earn her RN degree from St Catherine’s. She is lovingly remembered by her children, Colleen, Tim (Wendy), Mary, Sheila, Peggy (Mike Yares), Kevin (Teresa) and Katie (Gary Winkler); grandchildren, Nicholas, Brenna, Andrew, Caitlin (Chandle Hamilton), Rory, Robert, Elizabeth, Kelly, Thomas, Lauren, Shannon and Kyleigh; great-grandchildren, Aidan, Caelan and Reilly; brothers, Robert (Marge) and Ronald (Twila); sisters, Joanne (Mel Schug) and Sheila (Oscar Reed); and many nieces and nephews. Betty is predeceased by her husband, Robert; brothers, John, Vincent (Joyce) and Edward; and special sister-inlaw, Eleanor “Babe” Meyer.
Winn Ann Simser Celebrating the life of Winn Ann Simser, 73, of Fairmont, MN, formerly of Belle Plaine, MN. Winn Ann passed away at home surrounded by her family after a long and courageous battle with cancer on Monday, September 30, 2013. Services were held Thursday October 3 at 10:30 a.m. at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Fairmont. Visitation was from 4-7:30 p.m. Wednesday October 2 at Lakeview Funeral Home in Fairmont and continued one hour prior to the service Thursday at St. John Vianney Church. Interment was at Ft. Snelling National Cemetery. Winn Ann was born on January 20, 1940 in Minneapolis to Edward and Alice Zaun of Belle Plaine. She graduated from Belle Plaine High School in 1958 and Mankato State College in 1961 with a degree in elementary education. She was united in marriage to Jim Simser on June 15, 1963 at St. John’s Catholic Church in rural Belle Plaine. Winn Ann and Jim lived in Honolulu, HI, San Diego, CA, Norwood, MN, New Richland, MN and Fairmont.
Winn Ann enjoyed gardening, traveling, and following the activities and sporting events of her children and grandchildren. Her teaching career spanned over 40 years and she touched the lives of many students who kept in touch with her long after leaving her classroom. She retired from St. John Vianney School in 2003 and continued substitute teaching for several more years. She was a dedicated volunteer at St. John Vianney church, Let’s Go Fishing, Salvation Army and many other organizations in the Fairmont community. Winn Ann will be lovingly remembered by her husband of 50 years, Jim Simser of Fairmont; sons, Bill (Amy) of Apple Valley, Mike (Lynette) of Northfield, Mark (Lisa) of Shoreview, and Dave (Becca) of St. Paul; brother, Dick (Mary) Zaun of Roseville; sisters-in-law, Carolyn (Tom) Fischer of Mason City, IA, Dee Ann Simser of Eagan, Mary Beth Simser of Mankato; brother-in-law, Tom (Jayne) Simser of South St. Paul; eight grandchildren, Andy, Adam, Allison, Ben, Nick, Jack, Luke and Dylan; and many nieces and nephews. Winn Ann is preceded in death by her parents and her brother, Bill. The family appreciates United Hands Hospice of Blue Earth, MN for their loving care, as well as her many friends in the community for their kindness and support. Memorials preferred to St. John Vianney endowment fund and United Hands Hospice of Blue Earth, MN. Visit Lakeview Funeral Home. com for information and guest book. Blessed be her memory!
Daniel (Lefty) Schultz Daniel James (Lefty) Schultz, 71, passed away Sunday, October 6, 2013 at Apple Valley Hospital in Apple Valley, California. Services are scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 12 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 16700 Green Tree Blvd., Victorville, CA. Dan was the third child born to Vernon and Sylvia (Heinisch) Schultz. He was born February 18, 1942 on a farm in East Union, Minnesota. He was baptized March 15, 1942 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Chaska, MN. The family moved to Belle Plaine, MN. Dan was confirmed at Trinity Lutheran Church March 25, 1956. In 1959 Dan moved to Victorville, CA and attended Victor Valley High School, graduating in 1960. As a Senior he played baseball and even gave basketball a try. After graduation Dan remained in California for a short time working for San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Office. He
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BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA returned to Belle Plaine and soon enlisted in the United State Air Force. He spent the next three years stationed at Clinton Sherman Air Force Base in Oklahoma. While there he played on the base’s traveling baseball team. When he was discharged he returned to Belle Plaine and started working for O’Brien Plumbing and Heating. He finished his apprenticeship and worked as a Sheet Mechanic for the next 30 years. As a young boy Dan fell in love with baseball. He started by playing in the Pee Wee league and continued to play into adulthood. Dan played many years for the Belle Plaine Tigers, and even coached for a few years. On August 2, 1968 Dan married Kathy Huettner at Trinity Lutheran Church. This union was blessed with four sons. The family moved to California in 1984. Dan continued to play softball and coach Little League. He retired from the sheet metal industry in 2002. He worked part-time for the Apple Valley United School District as campus security. The kids called him Grandpa. He retired in 2006. Besides baseball, he loved to bowl and sing in the choir. As a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, he held many church offices, but his favorite was trustee. Dan is survived by his wife of 45 years, Kathy; sons, James, Jason, Jeremy and Jonathan Schultz, all of Apple Valley; grandchildren, Marissa (Jesse) Beisner of Ewa Beach, HI, Kourtney Schultz, Haleigh Bowen of Apple Valley and Emily Vinkemeier and Jonathan Vinkemeier of Belle Plaine, MN, Emma Schultz and Ayden Schultz of Redlands, CA, Claire Schultz of Wisconsin; and one great-grandson, Ian Beiser of Ewa Beach, HI; brother, Bill (Judy) Schultz of Belle Plaine, MN; sister, Lori (Fred) Bohnsack of Belle Plaine, MN; and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents; sister, Gretchen Carlson; two nephews; and one niece. In lieu of flowers please donated to St. John’s or the Alzheimer’s Association. Life is not forever, but love is.
Birth Announcement
Church News
Our Lady of The Prairie Catholic Church Belle Plaine Fr. Michael Kaluza 952-873-6564 Wednesday, October 09 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass 9am–9p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, October 10 8:00 am. Rosary 8:30 am. Mass Friday, October 11 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass Saturday, October 12 4:15 p.m. Mass Sunday, October 13 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Mass Tuesday, October 15 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass 9am–9p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, October 16 8:00 am. Rosary / 8:30 am. Mass 9am–9p.m. Eucharistic Adoration St. John Lutheran Church 148 S. Chestnut Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Pastor Mark Johnson sjlc@frontiernet.net 952-873-6492 Wednesday, October 9 5:30 Pizza 6:00 7-8 Confirmation Class 6:00 5th & 6th Connect Class 7:30 Worship Choir Thursday, October 10 7:00 W/ELCA Advisory Board Saturday, October 12 7:00 Weight Watchers Sunday, October 13 Holy Communion 8 & 10:30 Worship 9:15 Sunday School Monday, October 14 8:00 Men’s Bible Study 9:30 Rachel Circle 6:30 Boy Scouts Tuesday, October 15 1:00 Quilting 5:30 Children’s Ministry Team Wednesday, October 16 7:30 Worship Choir Oratory of St. Thomas the Apostle - Jessenland Father Sam Perez 507-248-3550 Thursdays: Mass at 5 p.m. St. John-Assumption Parish 26523 200th Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 Father Sam 507-248-3550 Sundays: 10 a.m. Mass St. Joseph Catholic Church 213 South 6th Street Henderson, MN 56044 507-248-3550 Weekday Mass: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m. Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 8:00 a.m. St. Paul’s United Church of Christ 111 S. 6th Street, Henderson Pastor-Rev. Brigit Stevens 507-248-3594 (Office) Sunday, Oct. 13 9-9:50 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Worship
East Union Lutheran Church 15180 Cty. Rd. 40 Carver, MN 55315 952-448-3450 Sundays 9 a.m. Worship (Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays) 10 a.m. Fellowship Time & SS
Holly Trost and Cody Marsh of Belle Plaine announce the birth of their son, Izaak Marsh, who was born at 7:40 a.m. on September 17, 2013 at St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Shakopee. Izaak weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and was 21 inches long. He has blue eyes and blonde hair. Grandparents are Brian and Linda Trost of Belle Plaine and Doyle Schultz and Laurie Marsh.
Belle Plaine Herald Founded 1882 by J.E. Townsend
C.Edward Townsend, Publisher & Editor
The Belle Plaine Herald (USPS 260730) is published every Wednesday at Belle Plaine, MN 113 East Main, P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Periodicals postage paid at the Belle Plaine Post Office.
(952) 873-2261 Legal Newspaper of Independent School District #716, City of Belle Plaine and Scott County.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $26 Per year in Minnesota $30 Per year out-of-state 75¢ Single copy Advertising Deadlines:
Golden Nugget Insert: 12 p.m. Friday
Display & Classified Ads, Belle Plaine Herald: 12 Noon Monday email us:
bpherald@frontiernet.net No. 41, Vol. One-Hundred & Thirty-Second Wednesday, October 9, 2013
PAGE three
B.P. Fire Department Relief Association
52 CLUB RAFFLE Winner - $100 Nancy Erdmann
Senior Dining Seniors 60 years and older are invited to join us for Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. For dining reservations please call 952-873-6311 three days prior between the 9 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. weekdays. A contribution of $3.75 is requested for each meal. Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Cardinal Ridge Apartments CAP Agency Senior Dining
Thursday, October 10 Chicken Parmesan, Garlic Mashed Potatoes w/Marg., Carrot Coins, French Bread w/ Marg., Frosted Chocolate Chip Cake RCD Unfrosted Cake Friday, October 11 Ham Steak w/Honey Mustard Glaze OR: SR Grilled Chicken w/Honey Mustard Glaze, Baby Red Potatoes w/Marg., Mixed Vegetables, Pumpernickel Bread w/Marg., Apple Slices Monday, October 14 Columbus Day Holiday Site Closed Tuesday, October 15 Chicken Cacciatore, Whole Grain Penne Pasta, Italian Green Beans, Apricots, Breadstick w/Marg., Butterscotch Pudding Wednesday, October 16 Swiss Steak w/Stewed Tomatoes, Mashed Potatoes w/ Marg., Scandinavian Blend Vegetables, Wheat Bread w/ Marg., Blonde Brownie
Tree of Life Church & Ministry Center 312 Water St. Jordan, MN 55352 952-492-5277 www.treeoflifechurch.info Senior Pastors: Joseph and Colleen Thunker treeoflifejordan@yahoo.com Sundays 10 a.m. Contemporary Worship Childcare & Sunday School available Wednesdays 7 p.m. Youth Groups (Gr. 6-12) West Union Lutheran Church 15820 Market Ave. Cologne, MN 55315 Church: 952-466-5678 westunion1@juno.com Pastor: Wolfgang Laudert Wednesday, October 9 6p.m. Sweet hour of prayer 6:30 p.m. Confirmation 7 p.m. Choir Saturday, October 12 7:30 a.m. Men’s Group Sunday, October 13 9 a.m. Worship 10 a.m. Sunday School R: Selina Houska P: David Mellgren Monday, October 14 10 a.m. Newsletter articles due Wednesday, October 16 6 p.m. Sweet hour of prayer 7 p.m. Choir
River Rock Church PO Box 184, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 www.riverrockchurch.com info@riverrockchurch.com Worshiping at BP Chatfield Elem. School @ 330 S. Market Street Ministry Center: 124 W. Main Street, BP (952) 873-5453 Lead Pastor Chris Teien Associate Pastor Dan Jetto (Please call for locations) * denotes 330 S. Market ** denotes 124 W. Main St. Wednesday, Oct 9 6:30-7:40 PM Kids Bible Adv Club & Jr High Youth Group* 6:30-8 PM Sr High Youth Group** Thursday, Oct 10 7 PM Women’s “Stuck” Bible Study (call for location) Sunday, Oct 13 10-11:15 AM Worship Svc* 3:30-5 PM Bible Quizzing Practice** Monday, Oct 14 6:30 PM Women’s “Stuck” Bible Study (call for location) 7-8:30 PM Men’s Bible Study** Wednesday, Oct 16 6:30-7:40 PM Kids Bible Adv Club & Jr High Youth Group* 6:30–7:45 PM Sr High Youth Group** First Presbyterian Church 219 W. Main Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-2966 Pastor Don Genereux www.fpcbelleplaine.org fpcbelleplaine@frontiernet.net Worship-Learn-Serve Inspirational Message Line 952-583-3302 Wednesday, October 9th 1:00 pm Bible Study Sunday, October 13th 9:00 am Worship Service Wednesday, October 16 1:00 pm Bible Study Visitations
Zion Lutheran Church & School 14745 County Road 153 Cologne, MN 55322 952-466-3379 e-mail: brendathompsonzion@ gmail.com Pastor: Eric Zacharias Wednesday, October 9 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class 7:30 p.m. Choir Thursday, October 10 10:15 a.m. Chapel at the Harbor Volleyball at Howard Lake Friday, October 11 8:10 a.m. Chapel Volleyball Tournament at St. Joe’s (A) Sunday, October 13 8:30 a.m. Bible Study 8:45 a.m. SSFF 9:30 a.m. Worship/C Monday, October 14 8 p.m. Voter’s Meeting Tuesday, October 15 School Pictures Volleyball at St. Joe’s Wednesday, October 16 8:10 a.m. Chapel 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church 500 West Church Street Belle Plaine, MN 56011 952-873-6545 Pastor John H. Meyer www.trinitybelleplaine.org Wednesday, October 9 6 p.m. Midweek Catechism 7 p.m. Senior Choir Practice Thursday, October 10 8:25 a.m. School Chapel 6 p.m. Men’s Choir Practice 7 p.m. Midweek Worship Service Friday, October 11 4 p.m. STiC Outing to Martin Luther College Saturday, October 12 School of Outreach in Redwood Falls Sunday, October 13 8 a.m. Adult Bible Study 9 a.m. Worship Service with Communion (Usher Team 1/ Video: Kaletka) Senior Choir and Sunday School sing 10 a.m. Coffee Hour (Hosted by Sunday School) 10:30 a.m. Bible Study and Sunday School 12 p.m. Highway Clean-up 4:30 p.m. Martial Arts Class 6:30 p.m. Open Gym Adult Volleyball Monday, October 14 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study at Kingsway Tuesday, October 15 7 p.m. Council Meeting 7 p.m. Women’s Enrichment at Kingsway 7 p.m. Trinity Knotters Wednesday, October 16 7 p.m. Senior Choir Practice Redeemer Lutheran Church 14226 W. 280th Street Henderson, MN Pr. Diane Goulson 507-665-2932 On Highway 19, 2 miles East of Highway 169 Holy Family Academy & Chapel Traditional Latin Mass 10679 182nd St., Belle Plaine, MN 56011 (952) 873-2582 or 873-6613 (coordinator) Fr. Christopher Leith Sundays 2:15 p.m. Confessions 2:40 p.m. Rosary 3 p.m. Mass Academy Mass - call for times
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PAGE four
WEDNESDAY, October 9, 2013
Farmers Market Corner Four more Wednesdays to get to the Belle Plaine Farmers Market. Stock up on canned goods to get you through the long winter months. There’s a threat of frost in the forecast. Brussels sprouts, Romanesco and some apple varieties thrive in this weather. Watch for them to appear at the market in the coming weeks. If you have green tomatoes that are being stubborn, put them in a paper bag in the house and they should ripen within a few days. Tomatoes can be frozen for later use in sauces. Matt likes to dehydrate them, then grind them into a chunky pow-
der to sprinkle on various meat or potato dishes to add flavor and nutrients. As you prepare your garden for fall, be sure to remove diseased plants so you’re not putting that back into the soil. Be sure to keep them away from your compost site. The Belle Plaine Farmers Market is held every Wednesday May through October from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at Court Square Park. Vendors of homegrown and/or homemade items are welcome. For more information, contact Lisa Fahey at 952873-5665 or Diane Skelley at 952-873-2467, or like us on Facebook for seasonal updates.
Soybean Growers Support State Biodiesel Plan The Minnesota Soybean Growers Association (MSGA) has voiced its support for a recommendation by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to move the state to a 10 percent biodiesel inclusion rate in every gallon of diesel sold in Minnesota. The notice appears in the Sept. 30 edition of the Minnesota State Register. “Biodiesel has been shown to be great for the environment and the economy,” says George Goblish, MSGA president. “It’s common sense to keep moving forward with biodiesel because it has been proven to work. It’s a win for air quality, a win for consumers, a win for the industry and a win for agriculture.” Currently, every gallon of diesel fuel sold in Minnesota contains a blend of 5 percent biodiesel (B5), made primarily from soybean oil. The move to 10 percent (B10) is written into a statute passed in 2007, provided all necessary criteria have been met. Since they’ve been met, MDA is recommending
Grief Support Group to Meet For those grieving the death of a loved one, there will be a support meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in the parish office building of St. Wenceslaus Church, 215 East Main in New Prague. This is a non-denominational group welcoming people from all faith traditions. Please come and receive support during this difficult time in life. For more information, call Deacon Bob Wagner at 952758-0463.
the state move forward with its commitment to B10. The higher blends would only be available during summer months. Minnesota has three biodiesel production facilities producing over 60 million gallons of biodiesel each year. Overall, the industry supports more than 5,000 jobs and provides substantial revenue to the state. About 800 million gallons of diesel are used in Minnesota each year. Minnesota’s current B5 inclusion has been shown to reduce emissions equal to removing nearly 35,000 vehicles from the road. Use of B5 in Minnesota removes 644 million pounds of carbon dioxide annually. Expanding Minnesota’s biodiesel percentage to B10 would further reduce harmful air emissions. Metro Transit buses in the Twin Cities metropolitan area have recently begun running on a blend of 20 percent (B20) biodiesel. Biodiesel is recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as the nation’s only advanced biofuel. An advanced biofuel is a renewable fuel that has lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions that are at least 50 percent less than the greenhouse gas emissions from average petroleum. Biodiesel also boasts a very strong energy balance. For each unit of energy required to produce it, biodiesel returns 5.5 units. “Biodiesel has been used in Minnesota for more than a decade and the state leads the nation in biofuel acceptance,” Goblish adds. “Moving to B10 means cleaner air, more jobs and greater energy diversity. Whether you drive a diesel vehicle or use mass transit, this change is good for all Minnesota.”
Swing Dance Fund-raiser Oct. 12 Grab your sweetie, step into your dancing shoes and get ready to swing! The Roseville Big Band Orchestra sets the mood for an evening of great music and fun in support of the Scott County Historical Society. Join us at Ridges at Sand Creek Golf Course in Jordan Oct. 12 from 7-10:30 p.m. Enjoy live music, a swing dance contest, appetizers, full cash bar and silent auction. Proceeds will benefit the SCHS
exhibit and education programs. Pre-sale tickets are $15 and $20 at the door. The event is for those over 21 years old. Contact SCHS at 952-445-0378, info@scottcountyhistory.org. Order your tickets online at http://bit.ly/1drw2x9. The Scott County Historical Society works to search, save and share the history and cultural heritage of Scott County. We want you to get to know us and be a part of the celebration.
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On October 2, we lost another great popular author. Tom Clancy passed away at age 66. Tom Clancy’s book had a post cold war flavor to the plot lines. He wrote about epionage, military science, and military equipment in his novels. Some titles that may ring a bell are “The Hunt for Red October”, “Patriot Games”, “Clear and Present Danger” and “The Sum of All Fears”. Jack Ryan was a central character in his stories until the release of “Teeth of the Tiger” when Jack Ryan’s son and two nephews emerged as central characters. Some of these stories went to the big screen adding to the fame of Alec Barldwin, Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck. Mr. Clancy’s new novel, called “Command Authority”, is scheduled for release prior to Christmas of 2013. Mr. Clancy also wrote non-fiction books that covered different aspects of the military branches. In 1993, Tom Clancy became a partial owner of the Baltimore Orioles and if you think back about 15 years ago, he was trying to buy the Minnesota Vikings, but was unable to complete the deal. There are many news stories regarding Tom Clancy. The first one that I saw was at URL: http://www.foxnews.com/ entertainment/2013/10/02/tomclancy-dies-at-age-66-accordingto-multiple-media-reports/. If you go on the internet to URL: http:// www.scott.lib.mn.us/ and click on “Web Catalog/Account” followed by a simple search on Tom Clancy, you will be greeted with about six pages containing around 70 titles of Tom Clancy materials. These include DVDs, CDs, and books in the Scott County Library System. Tom Clancy fans may want to look over the list and see what they have possibly missed. If these stories sound like something that you’d like to try, we can help you. One of the other things that you may want to check out at your local library, is the lost and found box. I could not help but notice that it was getting rather full again and that we are approaching the time of year when some of these items may be welcomed back home. The next time that you drop in at the library, take a quick look through the box. You may find some lost treasure. Once a month adult book club/ discussion group meets in the Rose Room of the Belle Plaine Public Library at 7 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of the month. The group is small, but we are hoping more readers may be interested in participating. For October 24, the Book Club will be reading “A Moveable Feast” by Ernest Hemingway. Story Time on Friday, October 11 at 10:30 a.m. is a “Fall Fling” theme. There will not be Story Time on the Friday of MEA week but we are having “Craft Days” on both Thursday and Friday during Library hours. You may come in and make one, two or three of the crafts available to make, donated by your Belle Plaine Friends of the Library. Library Hours: Saturday: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday & Monday: Closed Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday 1-8 p.m. Thursday 1-8 p.m. Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. New Arrivals Oct 9, 2013 Adult Non-Fiction: After the Music Stopped the financial crisis, the response, and the work ahead by Alan S. Blinder The Plan eliminate the surprising healthy foods that are making you fat and lose weight fast by Lyn-Genet Recitas Easy GlutenFree healthy & delicious recipes for every meal by Good Housekeeping Adult Fiction The Bones of Paris by Laurie R. King W is for Wasted by Sue Grafton Rose Harbor In Bloom by Debbie Macomber Blindsided by Fern Michaels Evil Eye by Joyce Carol Oates Undead and Unsure by Mary Janice Davidson Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain A Wedding for Julia by Vannetta Chapman The Lemon Orchard by Luanne Rice Adult Paperback Fiction: The Trouble With Being A Duke At the Kingsborough Ball by Sophie Barnes Talking Books on CD Adult Fiction Never Go Back by Lee Child Juvenile Calendar Mysteries October Ogre by Ron Roy Emma Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice Cupcake Diaries #15 by Coco Simon Easy Click, Clack, Boo a tricky treat by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin Deductive Detective by Brian Rock Warning: Do Not Open This Book! by Adam Lehrhaupt DVD: Ghostbusters The Many Adventures of Winnie The Pooh.
Salary, Benefits Remain Hurdles in B.P. School Board, Teacher Talks The second contract proposal from the Belle Plaine Education Association squashed any interest negotiators for the Belle Plaine School Board had in extending Thursday evening’s bargaining session. The teachers’ latest contract offer for salary and benefits for the 2013-14 and 2014-15 school years had just decreased by the same amount the school district’s previous offer had increased. Superintendent Kelly Smith recognized at that rate the two sides would meet somewhere in the neighborhood of a 6.66 percent increase over the $7.31 million in salary and benefits the district spent during the 2012-13 school year. “It appears to be the effort is to meet midway, which is well beyond where we’re prepared to go,” Smith said. The union’s chief negotiator Randy Carlson, noting the district’s healthy fund balance, increasing per-student state aid and a growing enrollment, said the Belle Plaine Education Association is looking for the best possible health insurance package and salary increases. The union contends the district is
not keeping up with per-teacher spending on salary and benefits compared to like-sized unions statewide. Smith countered, reminding BPEA negotiators the union and school board have agreed to contracts containing salary and increased district contributions to insurance coverage at a time when the salaries of district building principals and administrators were frozen. Smith pointedly reminded the BPEA negotiators the Belle Plaine School District teachers are among the highest-paid in the Minnesota River Conference at a time when the school district is at the bottom of the conference in terms of revenue. “We did that because we value our teachers,” Smith said. “The legislature is not catching us up for the years when we got zero (per-student aid increases).” Both the school district and teachers’ union made two offers at the Oct. 3 meeting. The school board’s first offer was for an increase in salary and benefits of 5.419 percent over the existing contract. The BPEA countered, dropping its from a proposed increase of 7.7
percent to an increase of 7.38 percent. After a lengthy break where the two sides met separately, the board upped its offer to an increase of 5.66 percent, an increase of $827,000 to the existing contract. The teachers reduced their requested rate of increase to 7.13 percent, an amount equal to about $1.04 million more in salary and benefits. The two sides have reached agreement on all but two contract language issues. The district still wants some form of progressive discipline policy and is reviewing the union’s latest policy suggestion. The BPEA is seeking a more favorable policy addressing paid days off. Carlson proposed a system where a teacher could take four consecutive days off, a provision he said could only be used “for special occasions” and could only be used once every three years. The board balked at the proposal. “I have concerns it won’t just be used only for special occasions,” Smith said.
Grant Will Fund Art Program at Area Charter School Students at Cologne Academy will be playing with fire in school this year when they create original works of art using clay and are able to glaze and fire the creations in the school’s kiln. This “Kids and Clay” program was made possible by a $2,000 grant from the Target Corporation. The charter school will use the Kids and Clay program to support curriculum taught in the K-8 art classrooms. “The Target Grant has afforded our students with another
medium in which to create art,” said Lynn Gluck Peterson, the academy’s executive director. “A line with a marker is not changeable, however a simple coil of clay can be a creeping inch worm, a pinch pot, and then a flower. Children are free to create whatever they see or think of in a 3D manner.” The students will be encouraged to use the clay projects to describe how visual art communicates meaning and create their own form of expression through the clay.
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WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Thirty Years Ago This Week
right to go to the state tournament.
60 Years Ago (1953)
On National TV for Saving His Brother The Solheid family was ready to watch themselves on National TV on Oct. 10, 1983. Pictured are parents Judy and Dave on the couch with sons Chad, Bradley and Greg on the floor. For an 11-year-old boy (Chad) to learn enough CPR on a brief episode of a TV program to use that knowledge to save his brother’s life was incredible. That’s why the family was selected to be featured on the nationwide program “That’s Incredible.” The incident occurred the previous April when Mr. and Mrs. Solheid drove to Methodist Hospital to see her father who was critically ill. The three boys, Chad, 11, Brad, 10, and Greg, 18 months, were home alone. While the older boys were playing catch, Greg went missing. They ran to the pond behind the barn and eventually found Greg floating face down. He was not breathing and no pulse was detectable. Chad remembered that about a month earlier he was watching “That’s Incredible” where a police officer was giving instructions over the phone to a woman to try and revive a nearly drowned baby. Chad started administering what he learned from that show, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and timed pressure to the chest. A neighbor had called the ambulance but by the time it arrived, Greg had been revived. Emergency officials credited Chad with saving his brother’s life. Scott County commissioners were expected to endorse one of two proposed horse racing tracks in the county at its next meeting on Oct. 25. The previous week the board passed a resolution approving the “concept” of a plan for a pari-mutuel horse racing track in Shakopee at Valley Industrial Park near Valley Fair. The board stopped short of exclusively endorsing the $55 Shakopee site because they were waiting to hear a presentation from a group that favored a site in Savage. Farmers who lived across the river from Belle Plaine in the Gotha area were ready to put on a non-violent protest that coming week when testing was scheduled to begin on area farms for a hazardous waste dump. About 125 people attended a meeting that Monday night at the Norwood-Young America school to plan the protest. The Belle Plaine S.I.E.R.A.S. Club would host the 16th annual Belle Plaine Charity Drive from Oct. 16-31. The drive was sponsored by the Belle Plaine Chamber of Commerce. The Scott County Historical Society and the Belle Plaine Historical Society would host the annual Harvest Service at the old Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Belle Plaine on Sunday, Oct. 16. The public was warned to dress for the weather as this historic little church had only a wood stove for heat. As a result of a 2-inch rainfall, an estimated 20 rooms in the Scott County Courthouse received varying degrees of water
damage late that Monday night as a result of seepage from the third floor that was under construction. Participants were being asked to skate in the upcoming Scott County Association for Retarded Citizens’ Skate-A-Thon on Nov. 6 from 1-7 p.m. at Skateville in Burnsville. Elementary School children in Belle Plaine were invited to join the annual Halloween Poster Contest. Free tagboard could be picked up at the Sears store, taken home and painted. The completed Halloween posters could be returned to the Sears store and they would be displayed in downtown stores until after Halloween. The Belle Plaine High School football team lost to a fired up Mankato Loyola team that was playing its homecoming game that Friday night by a score of 23-14. Jeff Larson rushed for 143 yards for the Tigers, bringing his total to 581 yards in four conference games. Jeff Miller had a 20-yard run for a touchdown. The Tiger volleyball team defeated Mankato Loyola and lost to Arlington to bring its conference record to 5-5. Le Center had a firm grasp on first place at 10-0. Against Loyola, Sandi Schmidt had 12 kills and Laurie Wolpern delivered nine service points. The BPHS tennis steam was preparing for its upcoming regional semifinal match against Visitation at the Lilydale Racquet Club in St. Paul. The winner would play the winner between Mahtomedi and St. Paul Academy at Lilydale for the
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Charles Bowler, son of pioneer settlers, died of a heart attack at the age of 80. He served as secretary of the Belle Plaine Co-op Creamery for 32 years, was a county commissioner for one term, was a member of the board of the MinValley Milk Plant when it started, and also served on the Belle Plaine Township Board of Supervisors. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy Sr. were guests of honor at a dinner at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy Jr. The occasion was their 40th wedding anniversary. Emil Spandel, lifelong resident of this community, died of a heart ailment at the age of 72. At the convention of the Minnesota Creamery Operators and Managers Convention in St. Paul, Fred J. Heiland of the Belle Plaine creamery was elected to the board of directors. The current term of district court adjourned. Some 30 cases were disposed of. Those from Belle Plaine and vicinity who served on the jury were: Clara Beinhorn, Florence Wiese, Anna Ahrens, Faith Ashauer, Mabel Hessian, Gus Haas, Frank Schmidt and William Lucy. A $14,500 building improvement project had been completed by the Lutheran Home for the Aged, which gave the front of the original building a modernistic look. The old front porch and the high entrance steps were taken away, and in place was a glass and brick enclosure from the ground to the second-floor level. The Legion Auxiliary entertained one of their past presidents, Mrs. A.J. Matter (Clara Irwin) of St. Cloud in the Borough Hall. At Sacred Heart Church, Patricia Prendergast, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Prendergast, became the bride of James Bigaouette Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bigaouette. Mrs. Ned Eve, nee Florence Martin, stopped over in her native town for a visit. She was a guest at the home of Mrs. A.J. Irwin. Mrs. Harry Lawrence, nee Sarah O’Meara, passed away at her home in Belle Plaine at the age of 72. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Kerkow entertained a number of family at a farewell party for their son, A/3c Erwin Jr., who left for Parks A.F.B., Calif., and from there went to Alaska. Albert Trost of Blakeley Township was reelected president of the Scott County Farm Bureau Federation. Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of Derrynane Township, exhibited his Southdown lamb at the Tri-County Fair in Mankato, and won the grand championship. The senior candidates for homecoming king and queen were: Janet Mahoney and Dave Grosser, Mary Bailey and Tom Melchior, and Mary Trimbo and Lee Engfer. The king and queen who reigned over Homecoming 1953 were Mary Trimbo and Dave Grosser. Junior attendants were little Anna Moriarty and Dennis Moriarty. The Tigers bumped Waterville 31-13 to win their homecoming game. Special mention was given Dave Grosser, who once again was the standout on the field; also to Earl Olson, Lee Engfer and Lee Lynch. Gary Lockrem and Larry Hartman were two of the Belle Plaine Boy Scouts who took third place at a scout camporee at Shield’s Lake.
90 Years Ago (1923)
For the first time the World Series baseball games were heard locally as plays were made. The few sets in town had eager audiences during the series. There was an open season on quail, and the little brown birds were reported plentiful in this locality. Albrecht Bros. and J.E. Schmitt were erecting a building at the south side of town 25x30 feet. It was to be an automobile painting shop for the Albrechts. The marriage of Miss Minnie Hamre of Benson and Margin O. Hagen of Belle Plaine took place. Mr. Hagen was manager
of the Farmers elevator. Local farmers were cashing in on the corn crop by unloading their previous year’s corn, as well as the current season’s crop. During the first half of October, six carloads of new corn and five carloads of old corn were shipped from this station. The price ranged from 65 cents to 85 cents. The area was hit by an unusual October storm. Big hailstones fell and the wind had the velocity of a tornado. Most of the blow hit farms along the ScottLe Sueur county line. The marriage of George Johnson, son of Mrs. Minnie Johnson of near Belle Plaine, and Miss Dorothy Nelson of Shakopee took place. The couple established their home in Belle Plaine, where the groom was our state highway patrolman. W.C. Odell, one of the leading lawyers of Minnesota, died at
PAGE five his home in Chaska at the age of 73. Eighteen members of the Belle Plaine Masonic Lodge took part in the funeral march. Blakeley and Sibley County folks were interested in the success of Mrs. Charles Murray in her oil well operations in Oklahoma. She went to Tulsa in 1922, took a lease within 100 yards of a dry hole and brought forth a gusher and extended operations until she had 15 producing oil wells. She was the former Marion Downs, whose mother had run a general store at Green Isle. One of Shakopee’s most widely known citizens was Joe Ring. He died at the age of 57 and his funeral was one of the largest Shakopee had ever seen. A widely advertised ball game at Young America between Ed Eckardt’s team and the St. Paul league team produced only a $400 gate, which meant a loss
to Eckardt.
120 Years Ago (1893)
Nic Walerius Sr. reopened the old Union House to the traveling public again. Frank Werrick of Duluth concluded to make his home here and started a cigar manufacturing business with John Kreger as his assistant. Maurice Brown, pioneer settler at St. Thomas, died at his home in Minneapolis. The Valley Cornet Band was a busy organization. It turned out to serenade at the wedding of Jacob Krekelberg and Maggie Hally, and when Sam A. Hooper and Emma Pitheon were married, the band accompanied the couple to the depot to give them a farewell serenade. J.W. Cottier took over as buyer at Sam Bowler’s elevator.
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, To all the people of Belle Plaine who have the energy and wherewithall to run/jog around the city, I commend you and think that's great. However, there are some things you should know or think about as you attempt to cross some of our busier streets. There is a law in Minnesota that requires motorized vehicles to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. This verbage is taken directly from MN Statute 169.21, "(a) Where traffic-control signals are not in place or in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall stop to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with no marked crosswalk. The driver must remain stopped until the pedestrian has passed the lane in which the vehicle is stopped. No pedestrian shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to yield." In other words, if there is a large truck, semi or bus approaching, the distance required for them to be able to stop can be as much as 200-300 feet depending on it's load. Even an empty bus weighs 10,000 pounds and can take 100 or more feet to stop at 30 mph. While the idea behind the law was to protect pedestrians, it's unintended consequence was that it empowered people to run out in front of vehicles expecting them to stop even when their ability to stop might be impossible. If you run off the curb and into the street in front of a fully loaded semi (fully loaded semis look just like empty ones), you're going to get hit, and it won't be their fault. Once they pass the point of not be able to stop, whatever that distance is, there is not a thing that driver can do. It's simple physics. The moral of the story is, when you arrive at the curb of a street you want to cross, stop-lookand listen just like you used to do. You just don't know what's coming down that street. D. Fuhrman Belle Plaine
Dear Editor, The media is full of stories of difficulties, murder and mayhem in our society each day. It appears at times that we as a culture have become accustomed to the everyday violence. The word “desensitized” can describe the numbness that many experience to the continual barrage of violence. In 2012, violence led 741 known victims of domestic abuse to courageously step forward and ask for assistance from Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women. Domestic abuse does happen in your community. What comes to mind when one says” domestic abuse” is battering. However, domestic abuse is much broader and deeper. It manifests itself in many ways. Domestic abuse is all about power and control. An abuser controls a victim through verbal, emotional, physical, sexual and/or economic abuse. For the 741 victims who reached out to Southern Valley Alliance, their reality encompassed many of these factors. However, I ask you, the reader, have we become complacent, accepting that domestic abuse will always be with us, a dark secret that happens behind closed doors? We must look
deeply and introspectively, individually and corporately. Have we allowed the gradual seeping of violence in our media, the general acceptance of the crassness in our society and not holding accountable wrong behavior to permeate our society to a level that we no longer care? Do we no longer care that our neighbor is in distress, battered, and abused? Have we allowed our minds and emotions, but mostly our hearts to become desensitized? Hmm...We need a change of heart. A heart that says no to violence at all fronts. A heart that breaks at the statistics of 741 victims. A heart that will personally say, I will change in what I watch and allow into my home and my mind. The power of “I’, the power of one, collectively turns out to be “we”, then all of “us”. It eventually changes a society from the inside out. I ask you, what is the condition of your heart? Sincerely, Janice McCrady Community Outreach Coordinator Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women
Dear Editor, The Snit A couple dozen extremist Republicans are holding our economy hostage. Why? Because they, after 3+ years are still in a snit over a law passed by the House, the Senate, the President and decreed Constitutional by the conservative Supreme Court. For some reason they think they should be able to subvert the legislative process and Constitution in order to stop properly passed legislation. They are refusing to pass a budget unless “Obamacare” is defunded and that isn’t how legislating/governing is done. They are holding the full faith and credit of the U.S. hostage over their tantrum. Federal workers being affected can’t make payments. We know they hate government, but also want to force their minority opinion on America despite elections. That’s not how democracy works. If they’re allowed to get away with this, what will the next hostage be? Will it be Social Security (which they have wanted to end since FDR signed it into law), Medicare (which they have wanted to end since LBJ signed it into law), Veterans Benefits (an entitlement that they’d love to privatize), women’s suffrage, the Civil Rights Act, or some other vital piece of legislation? Where does it end if the President and Senate give into the demands of this group? Speaker Boehner isn’t being a leader in this. He’s sacrificing leadership on the altar of ambition. He’s being a coward, giving into the bullies’ demands that he “go-along to get-along“. It’s sad a leader is so weak he’s unable to control this minority faction of his party and is willing to put the country back into recession because he hasn’t the backbone to stand up and do a straight up or down vote on a clean budget bill. Unfortunately, the Tea Party’s “my way or the highway” approach to governing is doing damage to our country. Think about what happens when one negotiates with terrorists that have hostages, they win and the hostage taking behavior is reinforced, so they do it again. That’s why the government doesn’t negotiate with terrorists. And right now, the House Tea Party Caucus are acting
like terrorists. What is their end game? If they continue down this path, we’ll end up in Great Depression 2.0. Sanda Oslin Sturgeon Lake, MN
Dear Editor, Recently the USS Minnesota Stealth Nuclear Attack Submarine was commissioned. It is a high tech marvel and wizardry, powered by an ultra-efficient nuclear reactor. The nuclear material that powers the submarine is about the size of a human fist. It will power the submarine for over 35 years. Yes, you read that correctly, 35 years. Many people are unaware of the tremendous technological advancements in efficiency for nuclear energy. In addition, the nuclear waste currently stored in the U.S. can now be reprocessed under current technology to utilize more than 90 percent, leaving less than 10 percent of the nuclear waste to remain. Unfortunately, our nation has laws against reprocessing nuclear waste. President Carter passed this law in the late 1970’s. Republicans generally support building new nuclear power plants because they recognize the advancements in technology for nuclear power and waste. Generally the Democrats in our State and Nation have failed to recognize technological advancements in dealing with nuclear power waste and have refused to support the repeal of these laws. Instead, Democrats controlled by the radical extremist environmentalist movement, have supported the expensive agenda of wind turbines and solar power, which are only being built as a result of government mandates and huge subsidies per megawatt hour. As an example, natural gas receives a subsidy of 25 cents per megawatt hour. In contrast, wind turbines receive a government subsidy of over $23.37 per megawatt hour (source: Minnesota REA). New proposals by the Federal EPA and recently passed Minnesota solar mandates under Democrat leadership will raise the cost of electricity even higher. The radical environmentalists have also influenced some in the Republican Party, but the majority opposes these energy boondoggles, as does the Republican platform. Modern nuclear power is environmentally safe and soon we will be able to reprocess 99 percent or all of our nuclear waste. American ingenuity has always solved environmental problems when not encumbered by government ignorance. Informed and activated citizens can be influential, as they demand that legislators vote to repeal the nuclear power plant ban in Minnesota and the federal ban on reprocessing nuclear waste. Many readers will fondly remember the advertising jingle; “Electricity is penny cheap from NSP to you”. With the advancements of modern technology, electricity could once again be penny cheap and this could fuel an economic recovery that would create a prosperous future for our children and grandchildren. Remember, our country was founded on limited government because our founding fathers realized that whenever government becomes overly involved in almost any thing, it creates waste, fraud, abuse and higher costs. Sincerely, State Representative Glenn Gruenhagen
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Union Hill St. John’s Catholic Church St. Scholastica Church Father Dave Barrett and Deacon Bob Wagner. Sunday Mass at 10 a.m. at St. John’s Servers: Mitchel & Hunter Pomije and Sarah & Morgan Pint Mass Wednesday 4:30 p.m. and Confession at 5 p.m. Saturday evening Mass at 8:15 p.m. at St. Scholastica Sunday Mass at 8 a.m. at St. Scholastica Servers: Joseph & Trenton Huebl, Maura Seurer and Billy Odenthal ***** Thursday, October 10, is the Steak and Shrimp Fry at the Park Ballroom club room from 5-7:30 p.m. The funeral for Nan Eischens was held at St Wenceslaus on Monday. We extend our condolences to Dick and his family. Chloe, our canine child, received a blessing Sunday by Father Dave in honor of St. Francis the Patron Saint of Animals. The blessing of animals was given Sunday at the Basilica in Minneapolis.
Bridget Smith and Audrey Zurn ran and finished their first marathon Sunday at the Twin Cities Marathon. The race started at the Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis and finished in St Paul at the State Capitol. The 26.2 mile route was beautiful as it went around the chain of lakes, through neighborhoods, along the Mississippi River and finished on historic Summit Avenue past the Cathedral and on to the Capitol. Thousands of runners enjoyed the beautiful weather Sunday morning. Every mile of the run had thousands of spectators that cheered the runners on. The sidelines were filled with bands, DJs, drum and bugel corps, and signs that made running the miles more enjoyable. Bridget finished in 4 hours, 16 minutes, and Audrey’s time was 5 hours, 34 minutes. Humor Corner: Little Johnnie saw his Grandma coming up the walk. He ran to the door to let her in, telling her, “Daddy needs you.� “What does he need me for?� she asked. Johnnie said, “Daddy is working on the computer and when I told him you were coming Daddy said, “Just what I need!�
St. Thomas The next mass scheduled at St. Thomas Catholic Church is November 2, at 5 p.m. with Fr. Roger Hessian officiating. Mass schedule at St. Anne’s Catholic Church in Le Sueur, with Father George Grafsky officiating, is on Saturdays at 5:15 p.m. and Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Father Roger Hessian said mass at St.Thomas October 5 to about 80 people. Tom Connelly was the lector, Kevin Halloran and Jim Flaschpeter took up the collection. Gary and Shirley Rutt were gift bearers. The Retka girls were home to sing in the choir and Jim Oak and Debbie O’Connell were eucharistic ministers. St. Thomas is still reeling from the loss of Travis Reak. Father George Grafsky officiated at Travis’s funeral last Wednesday, thought to be one of the largest funeral masses held here at St. Thomas. Matt Reak, a cousin, gave a heartwrenching, heart-warming eulogy that friends had put together, “all fitting and all true.� Near the gravesite after the mass, between the church and lake, there was a sea of mostly young adults. A two-car crash just before 6 a.m. Monday morning, near the Minnesota Valley Electric
St. Thomas Substation, took both vehicles into the northeast ditch of intersection of County Roads 11 and 28. A Faribault man was air-lifted to a metro hospital with critical injuries. Michael Huonder, of Le Center, was transported to Le Sueur Hospital by ambulance and treated for neck and rib injuries. He was released by mid morning Monday. Corey Vlasak, his 6-year-old son Tyler, and mother Loni Graham, visited Corey’s daughter Camrie, who is attending Concordia College, in Fargo/ Morehead area. They enjoyed a campus tour and a Choirs and Bells Concert at the Knutson Campus Center where Camrie performed Saturday night. From the Archives: Not St. Thomas but, “Chuck Kajer was hired last week as news editor of the Le Sueur News-Herald, according to publisher William Clark. Kajer, a native of New Prague, comes to the NewsHerald from Renville, where he worked as an editor and salesman for Writer Publications. Prior to that, he taught Social Studies at Renville-Sacred Heart High School and coached basketball and volleyball. He is a graduate of St. John’s University at Collegeville.� LSH Oct 1988 Peek at the Past. Wow, who knew?
Green Isle Fire Hosting Annual Fund-raiser Dinner The 14th Annual Green Isle Fire & Rescue Relief Assoc. is hosting its annual pork chop dinner Sunday, Oct. 13 at the fire hall. The event, also billed as a fall get-together, includes Windsor pork chops, baked potatoes, corn, buns, coffee, milk and
dessert. To-go orders are available. Tickets are $10 in advance, $11 at the door and $6 for children ages 5-10. Tickets are available from any member of the Green Isle Fire Department. The Green Isle Fire Hall is located at 390 Parnell Street.
City’s EDA to Hold Forum
Belle Plaine highway commercial and industrial business owners are invited to an open forum to discuss ideas for enhancing economic growth and stability in Belle Plaine. It will take place Monday, Oct. 14 from 5:30-7 p.m. in the city council chambers at Belle Plaine City Hall, 218 North Meridian Street downtown. Food and refreshments will be available. You are asked to RSVP at cityhall@ ci.belleplaine.mn.us or by calling 952-873-5553.
Alzheimer’s Support Group Meets Oct. 15
The Lutheran Home: Belle Plaine and its Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association provide resources and a support group for community members whose lives are touched by Alzheimer’s Disease and other memory loss disorders. The monthly support groups are free and open to the public. The next meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Kingsway Retirement Center in the Ratzkeller Room (The Lutheran Home-Belle Plaine’s newest community for seniors). “Caring and Sharing� will be the topic. Anyone with questions can contact Sarah Beckius, LSW at The Lutheran Home: Belle Plaine at 952-873-2161. Note: Therapeutic Respite Care is available for your loved one with Alzheimer’s/Dementia for the hour while you attend Support Group Meeting.
SWCD Board Meets Monthly The Scott Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board meets the third Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Scott Conservation and Extension Building on the Scott County Fairgrounds in St. Lawrence Township.
City Council (continued from page 1) street and utility improvement project this winter,� Duncan reported. Interim City Administrator Dawn Meyer reported change order No. 2 will increase costs by over $98,500, and that staff proposes that the cost be covered by money refunded to the city in 2011 for the Highway 169/Main Street interchange project. The funds are currently in the capital fund marked for transportation. *Unanimously authorized the purchase from Minnesota/ Wisconsin Playground of a new play structure for Prairie Park at a cost of $38,298. Funding will come from the city’s park dedication fund, which has a balance of approximately $86,000. The new structure, for which the city received a grant from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground in the amount of $12,544, will be installed next spring. If not for the grant, the total cost of the project would have exceeded $50,000. *Unanimously authorized the purchase of a new locker system for the Belle Plaine Fire Department. Fire Chief Todd Otto reported that the current lockers are in need of repair and
We sell happiness by the pound six days a week. RUCKS’ Meat Market & Processing Center, LLC #OMMITTED TO 9OUR
WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Scott County Yet to See Impact of Federal Government Shutdown Although much of its human services budget comes from the federal government, Scott County has yet to see the financial impacts over the budget impasse focused around Republicans’ opposition to funding for the president’s Affordable Care Act (known as Obama Care) in Washington D.C. and its impact on continuing government debt. Tuesday, with no compromise in immediate sight, County Administrator Gary Shelton said the primary impacts to Scott County will be in the health and human services and or veteran’s services areas. At present, the Minnesota Department of Human Services is advising counties like Scott, Carver, Sibley and Le Sueur it does not anticipate any effect on benefits to clients for health care, cash, food and other hu-
man service programs for October. Scott County is currently still accessing federal funds from previous years or has state funding to cover these programs in the short term. “The larger question will be if it continues for any length of time,� Shelton said. Processing of claims for services from the Veteran’s Administration may, at some point, slow. “It has not become an issue yet,� Shelton said. Passports, MNsure (state health insurance coverage), and the Affordable Care Act implementation are not being impacted by the federal shutdown, he said. “We are uncertain at this point what will happen if the shutdown were to continue beyond October,� Shelton said. “Both
county and state staff are closely monitoring developments and receiving information from federal program representatives. If a shutdown continues, the state will provide us with information on program funding shortfalls that might directly impact clients,� he said, noting the county is “a pass-through agency� for these services. Scott County’s congressman, 2nd District U.S. Rep. John Kline, continues to support Speaker of the House John Boehner’s position of not allowing a vote in the House of Representatives on the budget as long as it funds the Affordable Care. Kline has voted for some bills to fund specific services that are not acceptable to President Obama or the Democraticallycontrolled Senate.
Ciliberto Asks Judge to Order Scott County to Pay Legal Fees Fourteen weeks after a district court judge ordered Scott County make good on its offer of an additional 5 percent raise to the county attorney’s 2013 salary, an offer some commissioners unsuccessfully tried to rescind, Pat Ciliberto is again asking the court to order the county pay his legal bills. Last week, commissioners learned Ciliberto filed a motion with District Court Judge Kevin Mark seeking an order Scott County pay Ciliberto’s legal fees of $6,521.63 resulting from his appeal of the county board’s decision on his 2013 salary. In December of 2012, the board increased Ciliberto’s salary for 2013 by 3 percent. Ciliberto appealed that decision, claiming it was not set within the guidelines of state law. State law allows Ciliberto to appeal the county board’s decision to district court on his salary and to seek recovery of reasonable legal fees. April 3, Commissioner and
County Board Chairman Tom Wolf of Credit River Township suggested an additional 5 percent increase and then rescinded the offer five days later. June 10, Mark ordered the county to add the additional 5 percent above and beyond the 3 percent salary increase commissioners approved Dec. 28, 2012. The additional 5 percent increased Ciliberto’s salary for all of 2013 to $138,432 -- $6,592 – more than the 3 percent salary increase commissioners OK’d six months earlier. Ciliberto also argues the county board acted in “bad faith� when it negotiated an agreement and then tried to rescind it because one of the commissioners, Wolf, “got cold feet.� He told the judge his request for legal fees would be unnecessary “if the board had simply adhered to the agreement it made.� Scott County plans to oppose
Ciliberto’s request though its outside legal counsel, Scott Lepak. He has yet to file that appeal. In his motion requesting the county pay his legal fees, Ciliberto argues ordering the county to pay Ciliberto’s legal fees should convince the county commissioners to “execute their statutory responsibilities in a lawful manner.� Ciliberto’s attorney, John Fabian, discounted his $375 per-hour fee to $300 to handle the appeal. An associate attorney’s hourly rate is $200 and a law clerk time is $125 per hour. Fabian argues the rates are “reasonable and representative in this legal community.� Ciliberto also has historical precedent on his side. Two years ago, after a judge ordered the county increase his salary when he deemed the county did not follow its statutory responsibility when setting his 2011 salary, the court ordered Scott County pay his legal fees of $13,930.94.
are not up to date for the needs of proper storage and ventilation. A committee researched several locker businesses and determined that GearGrid of Forest Lake had all the options suitable for the department’s needs at a cost of $16,514. Locker setup will be an additional $1,500 for a total cost of $18,014. Otto said the old lockers are still suitable for use elsewhere in the community. *Unanimously approved Police Chief Tom Stolee’s request that his previous years of employment be counted toward his years of service for the retiree health insurance benefit. The benefit states that eligible employees must be employed with the city for a minimum of 20 consecutive years. Stolee was employed by the city from February 1992 to May 2002 as a police officer. On Feb. 10, 2010, he was hired for the police chief position he currently holds. During a workshop on Sept. 23, the council discussed Stolee’s request and recommended that it be granted. Upon retirement, Stolee’s previous 10 years with the department will be considered as continuous years of service for eligibility purposes. *Unanimously accepted the resignation of part-time police
officer Logan Haskins, who left the department to accept a full-time position with the city of Buffalo. *Unanimously approved an ordinance amendment pertaining to Sunday liquor start time. The city had received a petition from Donald Savage of Sparetime Tavern on behalf of Johan’s Sports Bar, Huck’s Shipwreck Saloon, Red Door Bar and Andy’s Bar and Grill asking for earlier on-sale Sunday liquor. The city ordinance had stated a noon start time, which the petitioners wanted changed to 10 a.m., which the state statute allows for. A public hearing, at which no one spoke against the earlier start time, was held prior to the council’s approval. Savage said that one of the reasons for the 10 a.m. start time is to accommodate people who would like to come earlier to eat and drink before noon football games. *Received and accepted a report from Brad Falteysek of Abdo, Eick and Meyers on the
recently completed utility rate study for the city’s water and sewer enterprise funds. A copy of the lengthy report, which recommends rate hikes over the next five years (2014-18), is available for review at Belle Plaine City Hall. *Called for a Nov. 18 public hearing on the proposed renewal of Mediacom’s 10-year contract to provide cable service to Belle Plaine. The current contract with Mediacom expires in one year (Oct. 28, 2014). Although it is not mandatory, a sub-committee of the city council has recommended that a public hearing be held to allow input from residents regarding the franchise requirements. Among the topics up for discussion will be fees, term of contract, equipment and technical support. The next regular meeting of the Belle Plaine City Council is scheduled for 6 p.m. Oct. 21 in the City Hall building at 218 North Meridian Street downtown.
Stick to the Agreement
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WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Community Services
Nelson Ladd • Community Services Director 130 S. Willow St., Belle Plaine • www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Phone 873-2411 Pre-registration is needed for all programs and activities
TAE KWON DO This is the Korean martial art of Tae Kwon Do. Students will learn self defense, self control, history, sparring and techniques needed to test in the beginning level of Tae Kwon Do. Advanced students will continue on at their own pace. Students attending class in BP are also welcome to train at other Kroells Karate Club locations at no additional cost. SESSION 1: Wednesdays, Sept. 18– Oct. 23 SESSION 2: Wednesdays, Nov. 6–Dec. 18 (No Class Nov. 27) TIME: 6:30–7:30 pm AGES: 5 years old and up LOCATION: Chatfield Elem Activity Room COST: $36.00/ session INSTRUCTOR: Linda Kroells GIRLS/BOYS YOUTH BASKETBALL This recreational program is for boys and girls in grades 3-6. The program purpose is to introduce and develop the fundamentals of basketball; dribbling, defense, shooting, etc. Also this program will work to increase the basic knowledge of the game of basketball. Volunteer Coaches Needed 3rd Grade Information: DATES: Saturdays, Dec. 7 - Feb. 22 TIME: Girls 9-10 am Boys 10-11 am LOCATION: Oak Crest Elementary INSTRUCTORS: Volunteer Coaches COST: $35.00 (includes t-shirt) 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Information: SCHEDULE/LEAGUE: November - Introduction & Development December - Basketball League January - MRC Travel League or BPBA Traveling Teams. All players begin with Saturday, November 9th Introduction & Development program for a $50.00 fee. Practices will be Tuesdays and Saturdays. Basketball League games begin in December with Tuesday & Thursday practices and games on Saturday. In January, players may choose between a no cost in house travel schedule or a more competitive tournament league for an additional fee. Practice will continue to be on Tuesdays and Thursdays with weekend tournaments. All players will have the opportunity to improve their basketball skills from November thru February TIMES/ LOCATION: 4th GR. Girls 9:-10 am Oak Crest Elementary; 4th GR. Boys 10-11am Oak Crest Elementary; 5th/6th GR. Boys 11-12 noon Oak Crest Elementary; 5th/6th GR. Girls 11-12 noon BPHS, North Gym. Schedules will be updated as the season progresses INSTRUCTORS: Volunteer Coaches Needed COST: $50.00 DEADLINE: October 1: Need Numbers to Determine League Play JUST ONCE GUITAR FOR BUSY PEOPLE Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Bring your acoustic guitar. DATE: Wednesday, Oct. 16 TIME: 6:30–9 pm LOCATION: BPHS, Choir Room AGES: 13+ COST: $49.00 (includes workbook & practice DVD) WABASHA CAVE/GHOST TOUR We’ll have such Fun!! First we will enjoy our meal of Chicken Marsala. Cave Tour will include the history
Belle Plaine Herald
and stories of the sandstone caves. You will explore the original mined caves and see the finished caves (once a romantic night club called The Castle Royal). Hear the legends of the mobster massacres and ghostly lore in the most unique setting from Chicago to San Francisco. This is a 45-minute walking tour you will really enjoy. Next, we will go on the Ghost & Graves bus tour. On this ride around Saint Paul you will hear the tales of spirits, murders, ghost sightings and graveyards. Keep an eye on your hosts however, your tour guide might be a mad nurse, a fortune teller, or even a vampire! Guaranteed fun!! DATE: Friday, Oct. 25 TIME: Depart at 10:15 am Return at 5:15 pm COST: $62.00 (includes transportation, lunch & tours) DEADLINE: OCTOBER 18 CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRE “Fiddler on the Roof� Relive the Tradition! In the little village of Anatevka, Tevye, a poor milkman, is trying to keep his family’s traditions in place. Yet, times are changing. And when Tevye’s daughters want to make their own matches, he must choose between his own daughters’ happiness and those beloved traditions that keep the outside world at bay. Yet it is Tevye’s love of his family, pride and faith that help him face the dangerous forces in Anatevka which threaten to destroy the very life he and his fellow villagers are trying to preserve. “Fiddler on the Roof� has a rousing, heartwarming score, including: “Tradition,� “Matchmaker, Matchmaker,� “If I Were a Rich Man,� “Far From the Home I Love.� “Do You Love Me,� “Sunrise, Sunset� and many more. No other musical has so magically woven music, dance, poignancy and laughter into such an electrifying, unforgettable experience. DATE: Wednesday, Nov. 20 TIME: Depart at 10:45 am Return at 4:15 pm COST: $78.00 (includes transportation, lunch & show) DEADLINE: OCTOBER 28 OLD LOG THEATER “Rancho Mirage� A bitingly funny comedy about what happens when the fictions that hold our lives together are exposed starring James Denton . . . . . “Desperate Housewives�. In this sharp and surprising sojourn into the psyche of 2012 America – where affluence is perhaps our greatest mirage – three couples, long-time friends, find themselves at a dinner party where everyone finally decides to tell the truth. What remains between us when our youth, our dreams, and our last bottle of wine is gone? Contains adult situations and language. Please specify lunch choices: Walleye, Windsor Pork Chop, Chicken or Vegetarian. DATE: Thursday, Dec. 5 TIME: Depart at 11am Return at 4pm COST: $67.00 (includes transportation, lunch & show) DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 21 STAGES THEATRE “Llama Llama Holiday Drama� “Llama Llama holidays. Jingle music. Lights ablaze. How long till that special date? Llama Llama has to wait.� Everyone’s favorite chronicler of Llamas, Anna Dewdney, has created another magnificent story around little Llama Llama, who has so much trouble waiting for anything. DATE: Friday, Dec. 6 TIME: Depart at 8:45 am Return at 12:00 noon COST: $20.00 (includes school bus transportation & show) DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 22 ABRAKADOODLE Art Exploration – Everything from drawing to duct tape Do you like to create colorful and fun art? Do you like to paint, draw and
sculpt? Do you like to create things with Duct Tape? If the answer is yes then Art Exploration is the class for you! We will explore lots of media in this creative fall session. We’ll draw a giraffe, sculpt lizards or iguanas. We will paint on canvas and explore abstract art. We’ll even make a duct tape wallet or clutch and much more. 5 Fun Sessions. AGE: Grades K–5 DATES: Wednesdays, Oct. 9–Nov. 13 (NO CLASS Oct. 16) TIME: 3:15–4:15 pm LOCATION: Chatfield Elementary, Room 1 INSTRUCTOR: Abrakadoodle Staff COST: $60.00 YOUTH WRESTLING Tigers to the mat!!! Belle Plaine Kid Wrestling is getting ready to start. This program is open to all kids grades K – 6th. Kids will learn the fundamentals of wrestling in a fast paced practice that will be challenging and fun. Practices will begin Monday, Nov. 25 at 6:30 pm in Chatfield Elementary. Practice will be Mondays and Thursday, 6:30–8:00 pm. The cost is free and each wrestler will receive a t-shirt. Questions Call: Jeff Bahr (952) 873-5462, Jeff Hoen (952) 873-5424 RETIREMENT: MAKING YOUR MONEY LAST Have you retired recently? Are you planning to retire soon? This presentation discusses ideas to help build a reasonable and sustainable strategy for managing income and expenses during retirement. We’ll explore how to address key concerns such as inflation, health care expenses and market volatility as well as ways to prepare in advance for things that may not go as expected. DATE: Thursday, Nov. 14 TIME: 7–8:15 pm LOCATION: District Center, Room 202 INSTRUCTOR: Ashton Pankonin, Edward Jones Financial Advisor COST: FREE NINE LITTLE KNOWN WAYS TO FUND LONG TERM CARE New Content on Critical Illness! Ever wonder how you’re going to pay the high cost of long term care (LTC)? Then this workshop is for you. You already know the top-3 ways to fund LTC expenses: (1) spend your assets of farm, investments, CD’s, cash; (2) qualify for Medicaid; (3) purchase long term care insurance. Before you do any of these, there are at least 9 other strategies you should research. Each concept stretches your existing assets if you ever need to pay for long term care. None of the ideas are use it or lose it! like most traditional long-term care insurance policies. This educational workshop has helped previous attendees understand different ways to solve paying for long term care. Graduates rave about this class! Your presenter is a Minnesota-certified instructor in Long-Term Care insurance and someone knowledgeable with all nine strategies. DATE: Saturday, Nov. 23 TIME: 9-11:30 am LOCATION: District Center, Room 202 COST: $10.00 per person/couple JUST ONCE PIANO FOR BUSY PEOPLE Some music teachers may not want you to know this, but you don’t need years of weekly lessons to learn piano. In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords. And you can learn all the chords you’ll need to play any song in this one session. Any song, any style, any key. If you can find the middle C and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already know enough to enroll in this workshop. DATES: Monday, Nov. 25 TIME: 6:30–9:30 pm LOCATION: Oak Crest Elementary, Music Room COST: $25.00 (plus $29.00 material fee collected by instructor which includes workbook & practice CD)
Flu Vaccinations Available
Search On for Miss Teen Scott County If you are single, never been married between the ages of 13 to 18 years, applications are being accepted for the title of 2014 Miss Teen Scott County. Miss Teen Scott County will represent her county at the Miss Teen Minnesota pageant, which will be held at the Ritsche Auditorium March 8, 2014 in St. Cloud. The young lady chosen as Miss Teen Scott County will become an ambassador for the county and will receive an official title and sash. She will also receive a prize package and scholarship totaling $10,000 and the chance to represent Minnesota at the 2014 Miss Teen International pageant in Jacksonville, Fla. The American Heart Association’s’ Go for Red for Women� is the official charity of the Miss Teen Minnesota Pageant. The reigning 2013 Miss Teen Minnesota is Megan Muehlberg of Brooklyn Park. As Miss Teen Minnesota, Megan speaks out on The Silent Disability Auditory Processing Disorder. Having APD herself, Megan wants to be a positive example and to share with others how to recognize the symptoms and manage them. For more information about APD go to: www. ncapd.org. Teens will compete in Personal Interview, Fitness Wear, Fun Fashion Wear and Evening Gown. There is no talent or swimsuit competition. Young teen ladies living in Scott County interested in applying should write for bioform to: Miss Teen Minnesota International Pageant, P.O. Box 240537, Apple Valley, MN 55124-0537; or call 952-4326758 or e-mail pagunltd@frontiernet.net.
Motorists Need to be on Special Lookout for Deer Nearly one-third of car-deer collisions each year occur between now and November, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), citing a national report. Minnesota is ranked eighth when it comes to car-deer crash totals, according to State Farm Insurance, which tracks the trends nationwide. Most states, the company reports, are seeing a decline in their numbers. There are two exceptions – Wyoming and Minnesota. Though most people would expect these crashes to be more likely in rural areas, motorists in urban regions of the state also need to watch out for these dangerous and sometimes deadly accidents involving deer. Minnesota has 3 million drivers and 136,000 miles of roadway. More than 20,000 deer-vehicle accidents are reported annually, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. If a vehicle strikes a deer, motorists should report the crash by calling local law enforcement.
K-6 School Menu
Parents Welcome Everyday
Protect your family. Get a flu vaccination. One of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the flu is to receive a flu vaccination. Seasonal flu vaccinations are available at Mayo Clinic Health System sites.
Clinics Call 952-758-9355 to schedule your vaccination. Belle Plaine
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New Prague
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Wednesday, October 9 Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla w/Salsa, Hot Dog on Bun, Broccoli Florets, Refried Beans, Cucumber, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Thursday, October 10 Baked Chicken Leg w/Brown Rice & Roll, Cheesebread Dunkers w/Marinara Sauce, Firenze Corn Salad, Kidney Beans, Cauliflower, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Friday, October 11 French Bread Pizza, Hot Ham & Cheese on Bun, Romaine Salad, Baby Carrots, Cherry Tomatoes, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Monday, October 14 French Toast w/Syrup, Scrambled Eggs, Hamburger on Bun, Tri Tators, Tomato Slices, Shredded Lettuce, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Tuesday, October 15 Chicken Alfredo w/Pasta & Breadstick, Chicken Nuggets & Breadstick, Peas, Baby Carrots, Cucumber Slices, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit Wednesday, October 16 Beefy Nachos w/Cheese Sauce, Chicken Patty on Bun, Shredded Lettuce, Black Beans, Tomato Wedges, Fresh Fruit, Canned Fruit
PAGE seven
Brueske was Belle Plaine’s Top Runner at T.C. Marathon William Brueske was Belle Plaine’s fastest runner Sunday at the Twin Cities Marathon. Brueske, 34, finished the 26.2mile race in 3 hours, 36 minutes and 44 seconds. Averaging 8 minutes and 19 seconds per mile, he was the 1,533rd runner across the finish line and was 224th of the 815 men in his age group. There were 8,852 runners who took part in the marathon. Other Belle Plaine runners in the race included Quin Anderson. He finished just ahead his goal of a personal-best time of 4-hours with a time of 3:59.15. Neal Williamson, 37, finished in 4:41.52. Michele Giles, 31, finished in 5:32.22. Audrey Zurn, 54, finished in 5:43.36. The fastest man in the race, a 30-year-old from Flagstaff, Ariz., finished in 2:13.11. The fastest woman in the race finished in 2:30.52.
3:43.48; Matthew Colling, 4:17.17; Nathan Warden, 4:21.48; Autumn Warden, 4:22.03; Marie Fors, 4:29.39; Christian Fenstermacher, 4:39.01; Matt Lorenz, 4:47.32; Kristi Narum, 4:51.09; Dana Cooper, 4:52.35, Brianna Dotseth, 5:35.47. New Prague: Maggie Hennen, 3:52.40; Katie DeGross, 5:16.29. Carver: Peter Kordonowy, 3:39; Michael Helmick, 3:42; Tamara Castanias, 3:45.11; Rob Nicholson, 4:08.12; Jennifer Nicholson, 4:08.13; Kristi Reinertson, 4:13.40; Heather Willier, 4:13.40; Susan Lecy, 4:30.43; Alex Curry, 4:43.13. Cologne: Michael Schwartz, 3:19.27; Jennifer Kane, 5:04.45; Scott Knight, 5:25.42. In the 10-mile race, Belle Plaine’s Dana Reutzel finished in 1:28.33. Nikki Schmidt finished in 1:35.23 while Karie Merkwan finished in 1:43.59. The 5K race had Belle Plaine’s Other Area Marathon Run- Brad Jeurissen finishing in 27 ners Included: minutes, 15 seconds while Jeff Jordan: Susan Engelhart, Kroells finished in 27:39.
B.P. Community Services to Sponsor Guitar Class If you have always wanted to learn how to play the guitar but are never able to fine the time for lessons, you will want to mark Oct. 16 from 6:30-9 p.m. on your calendar. That’s when Belle Plaine Community Education brings in Johnathan Moeller to teach his very popular class, Guitar for Busy People. This 2 1/2-hour class will teach you the basics about playing chords on the guitar so that you can start having fun right away playing your favorite songs. Many young people want to learn the guitar but the time and money involved in taking private lessons keeps them away. With this class Moeller able “to give them enough information and tools that they can go home right away and teach themselves what they want to learn.� Moeller said many students just want to learn how to play
simple tunes and they can start doing this right away. Others want to go further and he can provide them with the right materials to help them go down this road. The class also covers some of the common mistakes people make and the hurdles that prevent them from learning the guitar. You don’t need to know anything at all about music or the guitar to attend the class. This is designed for the absolute beginner. No one will be put “on the spot or embarrassed.� If you have the desire and motivation to practice, you can learn this instrument. The emphasis here Legal Notices is on learning for your own enjoyment and having fun. For more information, the cost of the class or to register, call Belle Plaine Community Education at 952-873-2411. Be sure to bring your acoustic guitar. PAGE TWELVE
(continued from previoius page)
COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT Bids Close December 12, 2006 Jordan, Minnesota NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - Sealed proposals will be received until 1:00 p.m., December 12, 2006, by Mitchell J. Rasmussen, County Highway Engineer, Scott County, Jordan, Minnesota on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of said County for the construction of the following project. Proposals will be opened and read publicly by the County Highway Engineer in the Scott County Highway Department Offices, 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, Minnesota 55352. Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations. READ CAREFULLY THE WAGE SCALES AND DIVISION A OF THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS AS THEY AFFECT THIS/THESE PROJECT/PROJECTS The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders: in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin in consideration for an award; in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and FederalAid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure
that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age; in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance. If you are not a current holder of a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights and intend to bid on any job in this advertisement you must contact the Department of Human Rights immediately for assistance in obtaining a certificate. The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors: “It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency.� “It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3).� A minimum goal of 12.03% Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. Grading, Base, Paving, Lighting, Sewer, Watermain and Prefab Bus Shelter CP 18-07, SP 70-596-002, CR 18, located near CSAH 18 and Trunk Highway 169 in the City of Shakopee. Major quantities of work are approximately as follows: Light Poles, 32; Brick Pavers 13,680 SF; Concrete Walk 15,247 SF; Concrete Curb and Gutter 7,827 LF; Common Exc. 33,210 CY; Aggregate Base (CV) Class 6,030 CY; Sanitary Sewer 1,032 LF; Storm Sewer 1,143 LF; Concrete Paving 2,559 SY; Type MV 4 Wearing Course Mixture 870 Ton; Type MV 3 Wearing Course Mixture 2800 Ton; and MV3 Non Wearing Course Mixture 3,465 Ton. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County
Belle Plaine High School
Highway Engineer at 600 Country Trail East, Jordan, MN 55352 (TH 282 - 1/4 mile west of TH 13). Digital copies of the Bidding Documents are available at http://www.QuestCDN. com for a fee of $20.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects� page or by entering eBidDoc#450402 on the “Search Projects� page. For assistance and free membership registration, contact QuestCDN at 952-2331632 or info@questcdn.com. Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be obtained from Docunet Corp., 151 Cheshire Lane #300, Plymouth, MN 55441, 763-475-9600 for a fee of $120.00. Deposits will not be refunded. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to accept any or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects. Mitchell J. Rasmussen County Highway Engineer Scott County Any questions, please contact: Greg M. Felt, Operations Engineer at 952496-8047 or gfelt@co.scott.mn.us Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, November 22 and 29 and December 6, 2006.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 23, 2003 ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $465,000.00 MORTGAGOR: Anderson Family Homes, a Minnesota partnership. MORTGAGEE: ProGrowth Bank, a Minnesota corporation. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Mortgage, Assignment of Leases & Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement filed on December 29, 2003 in the office of the County Recorder of Scott County, Minnesota as Document No. A639825, which mortgage was modified by a certain Modification of Mortgage dated September 7, 2004 and filed September 22, 2004 as Document No. A672396. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 2, Block 2, Hickory Hollow. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE,
Lexi Stauffacher is the daughter of Jerold & Kathi Stauffacher. She is involved in pep club, tiger target team, dance & golf. She enjoys shopping, watching movies & hanging with friends. She would like to go 1MFBTF KPJO VT GPS B to college and become an athletic trainer.
INCLUDING TAXES, IF BY MORTGAGEE: $666 That prior to the commenc mortgage foreclosure proce gagee complied with all n ments as required by sta action or proceeding has b at law or otherwise to rec secured by said mortgage thereof. PURSUANT to the po contained in said mortgag described property will be Sheriff of said County as f DATE AND TIME OF SA December 13, 2006 at 10:0 PLACE OF SALE: S Law Enforcement Center, SheriffĘźs Office, Civil Un Street South, Shakopee 55379 to pay the debt secured b gage and taxes, if any, o ises, and the costs and d including attorneysĘź fees law, subject to redemption months from the date of sa mortgagor, their personal re or assigns. THE TIME ALLOWED FOR REDEMPTION MORTGAGOR, THE MOR PERSONAL REPRES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE TO FIVE WEEKS IF A ORDER IS ENTERE MINNESOTA STATUTES 582.032, DETERMININ OTHER THINGS, T MORTGAGED PREM IMPROVED WITH A RE DWELLING OF LESS T UNITS, ARE NOT PROP IN AGRICULTURAL PR AND ARE ABANDONED Dated: October 11, 2006 PROGROWTH BANK LINDQUIST & VENN By Jo Attorneys f 420 80 South Minneapolis, Minn (6 THE RIGHT TO VER OF THE DEBT AND OF THE ORIGINAL WITHIN THE TIME PR LAW IS NOT AFFECTE ACTION. THIS IS AN ATT COLLECT A DEBT INFORMATION OBTAI BE USED FOR THAT PU Published in the Belle P on Wednesdays, October November 1, 8, 15 and 22,
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Aiden Winterfeldt is the son of John & Barb Winterfeldt. He is involved in football, fall play, one act play, weight room, track & field and student council. He &RIDAY $ECEMBER ST enjoys camping, sailing, swimming, fishing & playing video games. He plans to pursue game design or AM ^ PM 3OUP #HILI #OOKIES #OFFEE some other form of new media production.
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Belle Plaine High School
Football: Varsity game 7:00 vs NYA Wednesday, Oct. 9 Picture Retake day 7:30am North @ BP HS Saturday, Oct. 12 Gym Drive for Education - Matt Saxe Thursday, Oct. 10 Tennis: Girls Varsity Sectional Tourn. Chevrolet Monday, Oct. 14 9:00am away vs TBA @ Gustavus Tennis: Girls Varsity Sectional Tourn. Adolphus College bus 7:15am Cross Country Varsity Conference 2:00 vs TBA @ Gustavus Adolphus Tourn. 3:15 @ vs NYA HS bus 1:45 College Cross Country Varsity Conference Volleyball: B/V 5:30/7:00 vs @ Tourn. 3:15 @ Baylor Regional Park Waconia HS bus 4:30 Tuesday, Oct. 15 bus 1:45 bus 1:45 Volleyball: B/V 6:00/7:15 vs @ Mayer Volleyball: B/V vs @ NYA HS bus 4:45 Lutheran HS bus 3:45
Wednesday, Oct. 16
Friday, Oct. 11
Drive for Education - Matt Saxe Football: Varsity Game 7:00 vs @ TriChevrolet 9:00am @ Matt Saxe City United HS Chevrolet GO TIGERS! Please call the Belle Plaine High School with any questions 873-2403
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Serving... The Lutheran Home, Medica Choice Care, Belle Plaine School District #716, MN. River Valley Special Education Co-op #993, Medical Assistance, Blue Plus/Blue Cross
It is up to the individu when to begin receiving So beneďŹ ts. A person can tak beneďŹ t as early as age 62. employee can claim a fu what the Social Security A considers to be full ret which, for example, is 66 born between 1943 and 195 a person can wait until age larger beneďŹ t. Bear in mi you elect to receive a red you remain at that level f your life (with normal c increases). The longer yo live, the more you beneďŹ t for the larger check. The current generation more likely than the last have active retirement yea a mix of travel, sports, an How will you spend you years, and how can you fund Social Security may ďŹ ll o amount of your ďŹ nanci Visit VALLEY BANK MIN 200 Creek Lane North, Jo about our savings program equity loans help you tap in for your personal needs. C 492-2666.
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County Road 3
Online Voter Registration
(continued from page 1)
An ED Project
Robling said the Belle Plaine overpass with access to Highway 169 is an economic development project, one that once competed would give traffic from the highway better access to Belle Plaine businesses. An overpass would also bring the city divided by the highway together. Belle Plaine Mayor Mike Pingalore issued a letter to the Highway 169 Corridor Coalition Chairman Jon Ulrich, a county board commissioner from Savage asking that the project be included in funding requests. Pingalore plans to address the county board at the beginning of Tuesday’s meeting to seek a commitment on the Belle Plaine project and the possible sales tax. The project is eligible for $530,000 in money from the state and the county had allocated $700,000 for 2016. Add in the $4.5 million the city will contribute rather than spend it on three years’ city street improvement projects. With a commitment from the county, Pingalore wants to spend 2014 and ‘15 selling Belle Plaine as a city ready for economic supported via the
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but we haven’t had that much luck with the state,” Wagner said. He hopes Robling will be pitching the project in Belle Plaine to her former colleagues. “A local tax increase is a way we can get this done without waiting for the state to finally get around to Belle Plaine,” Wagner said.
Chili Cook-Off to Benefit B.P., Area Special Olympians A chili cook-off to benefit Special Olympics is set for Oct. 19 at Oak Crest Elementary School in Belle Plaine. The event will run from 4 to 7:30 p.m. It will draw amateur and professional chefs from throughout the area competing for the top prize. The cost to sample the entries is $8 for adults, $4 for children ages 12 and younger. Proceeds will go to help The Wizardz – a Special Olympics team of participants from Belle Plaine and the area—fund a trip to the Special Olympics state tournament.
Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the 2x2 Independent Authorized Dealer Display Ad Network program by runningInc. Haferman Water Conditioning, these ads in the main (952) 447-8120 news section of your www.hafermanwater.com newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). At times, advertisers may request a specif• East Union Country Fare Oct. 12 fromic10am-2pm East Union Lutheran section.at However, Church (15180 Co. Rd. 40, Carver, MN) the decision is ulti• Belle Plaine Run Club, an informal running club for participants who up to each desire to run, socialize, and motivate. Formately more information and times, call newspaper. Ads may (952) 486-1903. • City Council Meeting on October 21 atneed 6 p.m.toat be Belle Plaine Government decreased Center. slightly in size to fit • School Board Meetings at Junior High Library ~ 2nd Monday of each your column month: meetings are scheduled as a work session; 4th sizes. Monday of each
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What’s Happening
month: Regular business meetings for the board, Finance starts at 5:30 p.m. and regular at 6 p.m. For more information or ifdo a holiday call Please not billinterferes, for (952) 873-2400 or go online at www.belleplaine.k12.mn.us these ads. If you have • Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women now has free on-site childpleasesupport call groups. care available during weekly evening andquestions, daytime women's MNA at of800/279If you or someone you know is or has been a victim domestic violence, please call SVA at (952) 873-4214 for more information 2979. Thankregarding you. the times and locations of the groups. • Senior Citizens Meet Wednesdays & Fridays Cards are played at 1 p.m. at Cardinal Ridge Apts. Mondays: Mom's/Women's Prayer Group: Meeting from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Call Amy for details and location (952) 484-9100. Wednesdays: BP Rotary at 12 noon at Kingway Retirement Living (Ratzkeller Room) Wednesdays & Fridays: Al-Anon Meetings on Wednesdays (only) at 8 p.m. Meetings are held in the hall at the corner of Chestnut-across from St. John Lutheran Church. Wednesdays, Fridays & Sundays: AA Closed Meetings on Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 7 p.m. Also, NA Meeting open on Sunday at 7 p.m. Thursdays: Belle Plaine Knitting Group meets at Kingsway Living Center from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room or in the Art Gallery. Open to all ages and skill levels. Knitters and crocheters welcome. Sundays: BINGO at the Vet's Club. Starting at 7:30 p.m. Public welcome. 1st Monday of each Month: The Belle Plaine Friends of the Library meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Rose Room, at the Library. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each Month: Support Groups for Families meet at the Valley Green Workforce Center in Shakopee at 6:30 p.m. and is for families who have a relative with a mental illness. The group is led by trained facilitators who also have a family member with mental illness. The support groups help families develop better coping skills and find strength through sharing experiences. For information, call (952) 890-1669. 1st Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/Board of Directors meet at Borough Bowl in Belle Plaine, at 6:30 p.m. • Area Separated & Divorce Support Group from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, in New Prague. Call Deacon Bob Wagner (952) 758-0463 or Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each Month: Area Separated and Divorce Support Group meets at St. Wenceslaus Church, lower level, New Prague 7-8:30 p.m. Call Mary (952) 873-6781 for more information. • B.P. Borough Riders Snowmobile Club meets at Sparetime Tavern in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. 4th Monday of the Month: Support Group: Women's Connection for Cancer. For more information contact the 'Ask St. Francis' info. line @ (952) 403-2000 2nd Tuesday of the Month: Belle Plaine Lions/General Membership Meeting at Duets in Belle Plaine, at 7 p.m. • Minnesota Valley Riders Saddle Club (MVR) monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Neil's Pub Rustic Room. Join in planning and participating in area horse related activities. • Valley Garden Club: meets monthly. Location varies, see bpgardeners.blogspot. com or call Anne Buesgens (507) 248-3666. 2nd Wednesday of the Month - Scott Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting at 8 p.m. at their office in the Scott County Extension and Conservation Center at the Scott County Fairgrounds in Jordan. For more information, call Shelly at (952) 873-5412. 2nd Thursday of the Month: Sons of the American Legion, American Legion & Auxiliary Mtg. at 7 p.m. at the Vet's Club. 2nd and 4th Thursday of each Month: New Prague Area Toastmasters meet from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the New Prague City Hall, 118 Central Ave. No. Join to develop and enhance your speaking, communication, and leadership skills. For more information, call Carolyn at (952) 873-4489. 2nd Friday of the Month: Steak Fry at the Belle Plaine Vet’s Club, Steak or Shrimp, 5:30-8 p.m. 2nd Saturday of the Month: B.P. Historical Society Open Meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Historical House Muesum. 3rd Monday of the Month: Vet's Club Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the Club. 3rd Tuesday of the Month: Sportsman's Club Meeting at the Vets Club in Belle Plaine at 7 p.m. For more information, call Maynhardt (952) 873-4395. • La Leche League Support Meetings at 7 p.m. at Queen of Peace Hospital for breastfeeding mothers. For more information, contact Laura (952) 200-9042 or Kristin (952) 873-2049. 3rd Thursday of the Month: VFW Auxiliary meeting at 7 p.m. at the Vets Club. VFW Men at 7:30 p.m. at the Club.
tions will go through the same verification process as paper registration, according to Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie. Information provided on the application will be verified with date from the state’s Driver and Vehicle Services or Social Security Administration. County election officials will continue to review applications in the Statewide Voter Registration System and be responsible for approving an application or otherwise. If approved, the applicant will be added to the voter roster, and a postcard will be mailed to the voter to verify their address and provide the location of their polling place. Eligible voters will be able to register online until 5 p.m. Oct. 15 for the Nov. 5 local elections. Voter registration is also permitted on Election Day, but lines move much quicker when voters are pre-registered, said Geis. The Secretary of State encourages Minnesotans to check their registration online at www.mnvotes.org to ensure it is up to date. In Minnesota, a person must re-register to vote if their address has changed, if they have changed names, or if they have not voted in the previous four years.
2x2 & 2x4 ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 10/6/2013 DEX NEEDS YOU!
Display Ad Network
Do you need to register to vote or update your existing registration? You can now do it online at www.mnvotes.org. Thanks to an application developed by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State, the online process will deliver convenience to voters, reduce errors in voter rosters, and deliver significant cost- and timesavings for local election officials. “This will help us maintain accurate voter rosters and reduce the time staff spends on manual entry and processing,” said Cindy Geis, Scott County’s chief elections official. “It’s exciting to have this tool available.” The state is also making absentee ballot applications available online for military and overseas voters. This will allow those voters to apply for an absentee ballot quickly and easily without the need to print, scan forms, and return by mail, fax or e-mail. Voter registration online provides another delivery method but will not replace paper applications, which will still be available. The online tool was built to ensure that only persons providing verifiable identification numbers will be able to register, and online applica-
Please do not bill for these ads. If you have questions, please call MNA at 800/2792979. Thank you.
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overpass and its access to Highway 169. “We have plans that have been supported by the county and Mn/DOT,” Pingalore said, adding that a funding plan is in place if the commissioners will support the sales tax. “We’ve got a project that’s ready. Hey, let’s go.” Over $2.5 million in federal and local dollars have been spent on access roads to support the proposed overpass. “The County Road 3 project is needed to re-establish the connection of County Road 3 across Highway 169 for both regional freight and the local community/economy,” Pingalore wrote. He added the crossing is an important connection to Le Sueur County to the south and Highway 25 to the north. “An important factor in sustaining businesses that will remain in Belle Plaine, while also attracting new businesses to the areas, the County Road 3 project will complete the city’s transportation system.” Meanwhile, the Minnesota Department of Transportation has $300 million available for “Corridor of Commerce” program. Carver County is seeking up to $69 million to expand a two-lane section of Highway 212 between Carver and Cologne to four lanes. “That’s a good program and I hope an application is sent in,
proposal of a possible sales tax for road and bridge projects during a board workshop in August. The legislature approved the local option as a tool to fund projects. Once the funds are raised for specific projects, the tax will be eliminated. Wagner said making the tax revenue dedicated to specific projects makes the tax “politically saleable” because “everybody’s got their own pet projects.” With no date to revisit the matter, commissioners left the discussion waiting for input from constituents. Wagner is uncertain when the county board would be willing to formally take up the issue of an increase in the sales tax for road and bridge projects. He believes the Belle Plaine project is low-cost project compared to others under consideration that is much closer to being shovel-ready than proposed interchanges along Highway 169 in Jordan and at the highway’s intersection with Highway 41/County Road 78 in western Shakopee. Informal estimates have the County Road 3 overpass with access to and from Highway 169 costing around $8 million.
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Without public notices in the newspaper SOURCE: www.mna.org - Public Notice Talking Points - Updated 2011.
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WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Remembering Our Son
Sadly taken to be with Jesus on Oct. 7, 2007 at the young age of 24 Go ahead and mention our Ryan, He’s been gone six years you know. Don’t worry about hurting us further. The depths of our pain doesn’t show. Don’t worry about making us cry. We’re already crying inside. Help us heal by expressing and releasing The tears that we try and hide. We’re hurt when you just keep silent, Pretending he didn’t exist. I’d rather you mention our Ryan, Knowing that he truly has been missed. You ask me how are you doing? I say “pretty good� “O.K. “or “fine� But healing is something ongoing. We fear it will take a lifetime.
Sadly missed by Dad and Mom, Amy, Steve & Abby Ruechel, Sandy & Steve Hoekman & Family, Jerry, Lindsey & Lydia, Jessie, Steve & Ryan Stene
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memorial Drivers: Great Pay, Benefits! Rogers, MN Flatbed. CDL-A w/1yr Exp. Req. Estenson Logistics. Apply: www.goelc. com 1-866-336-9642. 10/9/13
Garage sale
Garage Sale:
Saturday, Oct. 12, 8am-5pm. 1007 W. Prairie St., Belle Plaine. Kids clothes, kitchen appliances, Cabbage Patch Dolls, sports equip., sofa & chair, garden equip., adult bicycles, decorator curtain rods, Kirby vacuum cleaner. 10/9/13
Help Wanted
Experienced, enthusiastic, fast, flexible, and hard-working line cooks and servers. Must be over 18 yrs. All shifts open. Dishwashers needed, no experience, must be over 16 yrs. Come in for an app. Henderson RoadHaus downtown Henderson. 10/16/13
Make $63,000.00yr or more, $2,500.00 Driver Referral Bonus & $1,200.00 Orientation Completion Bonus! CDL-A OTR Exp. Req. Call Now: 1-866325-1584. 10/30
Help Wanted
(continued from page 1)
Part time maintenance/ caretaker position. 24 units of Townhomes in Belle Plaine Basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical and carpentry required. 1015 hours per week. Opportunity for housing at site available. Please send resume to Orchardstmaint@gmail.com
Seasonal part-time driver:
Class A CDL required. Call Bill (952) 873-4244 or Terry (507) 6656277.
services, Bigaouette said.
Spreading the Message
The Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women purchased the rights to use the flag in Minnesota. The Live Violence Free Flag will be used in conjunction with the Femicide Report that MCBW releases each year. The coalition tracks the domestic violence homicides that occur in the state. Each time a domestic violence homicide occurs in Minnesota, the coalition will ask people and programs that have the flag to display it for one week to honor the homicide victim and to raise awareness across that state.
1 Bedroom 62 & Older or Disabled Rent Based on Income Optional Weekday Noon Meals Equal Housing Opportunity
Coming Events
Certified Ford technician for busy south metro Ford dealer. Diesel experience is preferred. This is a full time position, Monday through Friday from. Must have your own tools. Benefits include; 401K, paid vacation, medical and uniforms. Apply in person at Wolf Motors. 600 2nd St W Jordan, MN. No phone calls please.
• FREE Pony Rides • Free Hay Rides • Free Face Painting www.bartenpumpkins.com Saturday, October 12 10:00am-2:00pm
Full time Quicklane technician for busy south metro Ford dealer. Must be available evenings and weekends and must have your own tools. Benefits include; 401K, paid vacation, medical and uniforms.
1BR Apartment Available 11/1. $500/ mo. No pets/no smoking. Private parking. Call (952) 873-5688 (day) or (612) 7993327 (eve.). TF
2 Bedroom in 4-plex:
Call (952) 873-2265 or (952) 250-9687. TF
Orchard Street Townhomes Belle Plaine, MN
2 x 1 = $17.00/week Apartment Homes For5thRent run ad 4 weeks get the week 1 BR All units feature gas free. 2 BR & 3 BR Apartments fireplaces, onsite laundry,
large & spacious units, controlled access entry. Heat & electricity included in rent.
Greenfield Estates Apartment Homes
Domestic violence homicides do not just impact the individual family where violence occurs but it impacts everyone -- friends, extended family, coworkers, neighbors, full communities. The Live Violence Free Flag campaign is a way for individuals and programs to do something in response to domestic violence homicides and to become part of a statewide initiative addressing domestic violence. The goal is to have a unified response and a visual presence in every community whenever a domestic violence homicide occurs and that will keep domestic violence concerns a part of local conversation.
Apartment Now Available Cardinal Ridge Apartments
880 Kingsway Drive Le Sueur, MN 56058
(507) 479-0345
Matthew’s Roofing and Renovations L.L.C. *LICENSED*BONDED*INSURED *FREE ESTIMATES*
Don't have the time to stop in at the Belle Plaine Herald Office and drop off your Classified Ad?
Residential and Commercial Contracting, Subcontracting, New Construction, Remodeling, Additions, Garages, Basements, Decks, Drywall, Gutters All types of Roofing, Siding and Windows Call Matthew Kes @ 612-207-4554 Lic.# BC20609224
Mike’s Window Washing Service Phone: (507) 665-3201 Cell: (507) 327-5539
Serving the surrounding area
Just email the Week of information to bpherald@ Central frontiernet. net
Under New Management
PAGE nine
Call Southern Valley for Help
If you are a victim experiencing abuse living in Scott or Carver counties, contact Southern Valley Alliance for Battered Women at (952) 873-4214 to connect with services. Domestic violence is not just about the individuals who suffer abuse; it is about an environment that promotes, excuses or ignores violence. Providing services to victims of abuse is critical for those individuals; engaging the full community is essential for ending violence. The flag campaign is one approach for wider, on-going community engagement.
Classified Ads Sell Call the Belle Plaine Herald
SERVICES Schmidt & Son
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES, LLC William “Bill� Paige-Evans, M.A. L.P. Licensed Psychologist
Serving the behavioral health and mental health needs of individuals, couples and families for over 25 years.
Aerating Overseeding Fall LEAF Cleanups Mowing for 2014
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8 Years Experience Fully Insured
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email: bflaherty55@hotmail.com
Construction & Repair Services
Jeff Bauer
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THE JONAS CENTER Formerly O’Brien Heating www.thejonascenter.com
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LicensedFurnace Mental& Health Air Conditioning Professionals providing Sales & Service individual, Geothermal • Solar Air Filters • Duct Cleaning couple 4 .BJO 4U … -F4VFVS and family therapy.
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If you want your windows done right, Call Mike for affordable window cleaning.
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Offices in Belle Plaine, Cologne and Glencoe. Most insurances accepted. Phone: 320-864-6139 or 952-361-9700 XXX PCSJFOIFBUJOH DPN
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Get your Wednesdays off to a good start... read the Belle Plaine Herald
Dr. Gregory Dvorak, D.D.S. 136 West Main Street New Prague, MN 56071 (952) 758-3003 After Hours: (952) 758-4554 M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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PAGE ten
Legal Notices CITY OF BELLE PLAINE PUBLIC NOTICE The Belle Plaine Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, October 14, 2013 at 7:35 p.m., or as soon thereafter as persons may reasonably be heard, and the Belle Plaine City Council will also conduct a public hearing on Monday, October 21, 2013 at 6:05 p.m., or as soon thereafter as persons may reasonably be heard, at City Hall, 218 North Meridian Street, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. The purpose of the hearings is to receive and consider public comment on a request by Haefner Enterprises, Inc for the vacation of the alleys in Block 38 and Block 55, and the alley between Lots 1 and 12 of Block 58, Original Plat of Belle Plaine. Also considered will be a rezoning request for the easterly half of vacated Elk Street adjacent to the westerly boundary of Lot 12, Block 55 from I-2 to R-MH. This public hearing is also a continuation from September 9, 2013 and September 16, 2013 for consideration of the preliminary plat for Haefner’s Subdivision, including lot frontage and setback variances from Section 1205, Subd. 1 E and L. of the Subdivision Ordinance. The purpose of the platting is to simplify legal descriptions and tax parcels, and facilitate the proposed sale of a portion of the property. APPLICANT & PROPERTY OWNER: Haefner Enterprises, Inc., 401 W. Forest St., Suite 55, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Blocks 34, 38, 55 and part of 58 of the Original Plat of City of Belle Plaine. PID Numbers: 200010720, 200010661, 200011580, 200011630, 200011510, 200011520, and 200011580. All oral and written comments will be heard at this time or may be mailed or delivered to the City of Belle Plaine, 218 North Meridian Street, P.O. Box 129, Belle Plaine, MN 56011. Dated this 27th day of September, 2013. Chelsea Alger Community Development Director Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2 and 9, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: September 29, 2005 MORTGAGOR: Mark Severson, a single person. MORTGAGEE: PNC Bank, National Association, successor by merger to National City Bank, successor by merger to Commonwealth United Mortgage a division of National City Bank of Indiana. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed November 16, 2005, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T172447 on Certificate of Title No. 42210. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: NONE Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Commonwealth United Mortgage a division of National City Bank of Indiana RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: PNC Bank, National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 737 6th Avenue West, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 270014990 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 1, Block 67, City of Shakopee COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $174,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $159,562.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 29, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is
an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on April 29, 2014 unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: August 28, 2013 PNC Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 4 - 13-005982 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 4, 11, 18, 25 and October 2 and 9, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT probate division Court File No.: 70-PR-13-17549 NOTICE and order of hearing on petition for formal adjudication of intestacy, determination of heirship, appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Eric Willard Johnson, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on October 24, 2013, at 9:00 a.m., hearing will be held in this Court at 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota, for the adjudication of intestacy and determination of heirship of the Decedent, and for the appointment of Christopher Robert Johnson, whose address is 5513 Highwood Drive, Edina, MN, 55436 as Personal Representative of the Estate of the Decedent in an Unsupervised administration. Any objection to the petition must be filed with the Court prior to or raised at the hearing. If proper and if no objections are filed or raised, the Personal Representative will be appointed with full power to administer the Estate, including the power to collect all assets, to pay all legal debts, claims, taxes and expenses, to sell real and personal property, and to do all necessary acts for the Estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the Personal Representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: September 23, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts September 23, 2013 Ann M. Offermann Judge of District Court Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner: Margaret A.T. Cronin Leonard, Street and Deinard 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Attorney License No.: 0266164 Telephone: (612) 335-1579 Fax: (612) 335-1657 Email: margaret.cronin@leonard. com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2 and 9, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-17676 NOTICE OF informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Amy Bohrer Reed, aka Amy Bohrer, aka Amy Reed, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated July 3, 2013. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Steve Bohrer, whose address is 4634 Old Wells Road, Eau Claire, WI 54703, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from
the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: September 23, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts September 23, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Wornson, Goggins, Zard, Neisen, Morris & King, PC Colleen G. King MN# 303264 119 East Main Street New Prague, MN 56071 Telephone: 952-758-4161 Facsimile: 952-758-4085 e-mail: cking@lawyersnp.com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2 and 9, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-17657 NOTICE of and order for hearing on petition for formal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Darlene M. Jostock, Decedent. It is Ordered and Notice is given that on October 29, 2013, at 9:00 a.m., a hearing will be held in this Court at Scott County Courthouse, 200 Fourth Ave. South, Shakopee, MN 55379, on a petition for the formal probate of an instrument purporting to be the decedent's Will dated August 17, 2005, and for the appointment of Allen M. Jostock, whose address is 8024 - 33rd Avenue N., Crystal, MN 55427 as personal representative of the decedent's estate in an unsupervised administration. Any objections to the petition must be raised at the hearing or filed with the Court prior to the hearing. If the petition is proper and no objections are filed or raised, the personal representative will be appointed with the full power to administer the decedent's estate, including the power to collect all assets' pay all legal debts, claims, taxes, and expenses; sell real and personal property; and do all necessary acts for the decedent's estate. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: September 23, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts September 23, 2013 By the Court Ann M. Offermann Judge of District Court Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Petitioner: Bruce Scott Law Firm Bruce E. Scott MN# 0316428 204 East Main Street P.O. Box 46 New Prague, MN 56071 Telephone: (952) 758-4761 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2 and 9, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 17, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Eric Hepner and Christina Hepner, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as Nominee for Bankers Mortgage Company, LLC. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed March 30, 2006, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. 175499 on Certificate of Title No. 43256. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated April 23, 2013 Filed April 26, 2013 , as Document No. 222930. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100021268000480141 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bankers Mortgage Company, LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a division of U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 14139 Shore Lane Northeast, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 252150340 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 8, BLock 3, Sand Pointe 4th Addition, according to the plat on file and of record in Scott County COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $220,508.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $228,325.04 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding
Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on April 17, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: July 18, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 13-003135 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 4, 11, 18, 25 and October 2 and 9, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case Type: Contract File No. 70-CV-13-11140 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM Federal National Mortgage Association, Plaintiff, vs. Irwin Mortgage Corporation and Kurt S. Schomer Defendants. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS: 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. The Plaintiff's Complaint against you is attached to this summons. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that affect your rights. You must respond to this lawsuit even though it may not yet be filed with the Court and there may be no court file number on this summons. 2. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 20 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail to the person who signed this summons a written response called an Answer within 20 days of the date on which you received this Summons. You must send a copy of your Answer to the person who signed this summons located at: Kevin T. Dobie Usset, Weingarden & Liebo, P.L.L.P. 4500 Park Glen Road, #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff's Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT SEND A WRITTEN RESPONSE TO THE COMPLAINT TO THE PERSON WHO SIGNED THIS SUMMONS. If you do not Answer within 20 days, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint. If you do not want to contest the claims stated in the complaint, you do not need to respond. A default judgment can then be entered against you for the relief requested in the complaint. 5. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you do not have a lawyer, the Court Administrator may have information about places where you can get legal assistance. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still provide a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. 6. ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an alternative dispute resolution process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota General Rules of Practice. You must still send your written response to the Complaint even if you expect to use alternative means
WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013 of resolving this dispute. 7. THIS LAWSUIT MAYAFFECT OR BRING INTO QUESTION TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY located in Scott County, State of Minnesota, located at 2011 Downing Ave, Shakopee, MN 55379 The object of this action is to assign a mortgage executed by and between Kurt S. Schomer, an unmarried person as mortgagor, to Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc. (“MERS”), as mortgagee, dated November 26, 2002, and recorded in the office of the Hennepin County Recorder December 11, 2002, as Document No. A576563. The Mortgage encumbers the following described property, lying and being in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota: Lot 6, Block 2, Brittany Village First Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. NOTICE OF NO PERSONAL CLAIM No personal claim is made against any Defendant in this action. If any Defendant on whom this notice is served unreasonably defends this action, that Defendant shall pay full costs to the Plaintiff pursuant to Minn. Stat. §557.03. Dated: September 17, 2013 USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. By: /s/Kevin T. Dobie Kevin T. Dobie, No. 388322 Attorney for Plaintiff 4500 Park Glen Road, #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2 and 9, 2013.
Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) Public Meeting and Open House on Update of the 10-Year Watershed Plan Notice is hereby given that the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO) will hold a public meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at the Dakota County Extension and Conservation Center, 4100 220th Street West, Farmington, Conference Room 1 and 2, to discuss watershed management issues and priorities that stakeholders and the public want addressed in the 2015 update of the VRWJPO Watershed Plan. A presentation and discussion will take place from 3:00-4:30 p.m., followed by an open house/availability session until 6:00 p.m. to allow interested parties to drop in and find out more about the watershed’s current goals and activities during one-on-one discussions with staff. Stakeholders from cities, townships, state agencies, and other groups were requested by mail to submit issues and priorities to the VRWJPO by September 15, 2013. A summary of the issues and priorities identified to date will be provided during the meeting. Interested parties are encouraged to bring their questions, ideas, and concerns about water quality and quantity to the meeting or open house. The feedback will be documented and used to develop the next generation Watershed Plan. Requests for special accommodations at the public meeting can be obtained by contacting Katherine Carlson at 952-891-7086 or by email at katherine.carlson@ co.dakota.mn.us. Agencies, groups, or persons attending the public meeting or open house will have the opportunity to provide written or oral comments. Prior to the public meeting, written comments may be addressed to the VRWJPO, 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, MN 55124, or emailed to VRWJPO administrator (Dakota County) Mark Zabel at mark.zabel@co.dakota.mn.us or co-administrator (Scott County) Melissa Bokman at mbokman@ co.scott.mn.us. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 12, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Bradley D. Shellum and Kelly Lynn Bansemer, husband and wife, joint tenants. MORTGAGEE: Chase Bank USA, N.A. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 10, 2006 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A744483. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. Dated March 10, 2012 Recorded April 3, 2012, as Document No. A902244. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Chase Bank USA, N.A RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16530 Pebble Brook Court, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 049060530 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Exhibit "A" Real property in scott county, minnesota,
described as follows: that part of the west half of the southeast quarter of section 6, township 114, range 21, scott county, minnesota, described as follows: commencing at the southwest corner of said west half of the southeast quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of north 89 degrees 03 minutes 19 seconds east along the south line of said west half of the southeast quarter a distance of 581.77 feet; thence north 0 degrees 18 minutes 49 seconds east a distance of 1711.19 feet; thence north 0 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds west a distance of 600.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing north 0 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds west a distance of 300.00 feet to a point on the north line of said west half of the southeast quarter a distance of 583.86 feet east of the northwest corner of said west half of the southeast quarter; thence south 88 degrees 22 minutes 56 seconds west along said north line a distance of 583.86 feet to the northwest corner of said west half of the southeast quarter; thence south 0 degrees 08 minutes 09 seconds west along the west line of said west half of the southeast quarter a distance of 364.90 feet to a point a distance of 2239.38 feet north of the southwest corner of said west half of the southeast quarter; thence north 89 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds east a distance of 585.02 feet to an intersection with a line which bears south 0 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds east from the point of beginning; thence north 0 degrees 04 minutes 47 seconds west a distance of 80.47 feet to the point of beginning, according to the united states government survey thereof, scott county, minnesota. abstract property. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $299,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $257,313.36 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 31, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: August 27, 2013 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 30 - 13-006136 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 9 and 16, 2013.
Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) COUNTY PROJECT Bids Close October 29, 2013 Shakopee, Minnesota Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the Natural Resources Engineer of Scott County, 200 Fourth Ave West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379, until 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 for construction of the following: Scott County Blakeley Trail Ravine Stabilization Blakeley Trail Ravine Stabilization, Located on Blakeley Trail (County Road 60) 2700 feet east of County Road 1/ County Road 6, located in Blakeley Township, MN. The project consists of grading, slope stabilization, HDPE pipe, RCP pipe and pond outlet structures, sheet pile, and erosion controls. The approximate quantities of the major work for the Contract for Blakeley Trail Ravine Stablization are as follows: COMMON EXCVATION(P), 11,800 CU YD, COMMON BORROW(P), 5,900 CU YD, CLAY POND LINER (P), 1,100 CU YD, IMPORTED TOPSOIL (P), 4,000 CU YD, 30” HDPEP, 430 LF, 60” SPECIAL POND OUTLET STRUCTURE WITH WEIR AND TEES, 1 EA, 60” POND OUTLET STRUCTURE, 1 EA, STEEL SHEET PILE, 8900 SF, GEOCELL SLOPE STABILIZATION, 11,700 SF SLOPE FACE, GEOGRID SLOPE REINFORCEMENT, 7,500 SY, MNDOT CLASS V RIP RAP, 300 TON, MNDOT CLASS IV RIP RAP, 325 TON, MNDOT CLASS III RIP RAP, 150 TON, SEDIMENT CONTROL BERM, 160 TON, HYDROMULCH, 17,000 SY, TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT, 1,050 SY The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder. Proposals, plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the County Natural Resources Engineer at 200 Fourth Avenue West, Shakopee, MN 55379. A pre-bid meeting will be held on October 22, 2013 at 10:00 AM, at Room GC 221, Scott County Government Center, 200 Fourth Ave West, Shakopee, MN. The meeting is not mandatory. SEE THE STATE WEBSITE (https://eadvert.dot.state.mn.us) FOR ALL OF OUR PROJECT LETTINGS. SIGN UP WITH ConneX ON THE COUNTY EGRAM WEBSITE (https://egram. co.scott.mn.us) TO DOWNLOAD PROPOSAL AND PLANS AT NO CHARGE. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the Scott County Treasurer, or a corporate surety bond made in favor of Scott County, for at least 5% of the amount of the bid. The County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any defects therein. Dated September 27, 2013 Scott County Auditor/Treasurer Courthouse 200 4th Avenue West Shakopee, MN 55379 Jason A. Swenson Scott County Natural Resources Engineer Natural Resources Department 200 Fourth Ave West Shakopee, MN 55379 Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 2, 9 and 16, 2013.
NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms and conditions of the Amended and Restated Declaration for Glendale Woods Association, Common Interest Community No. 1088 (henceforth the Declaration) dated May 22, 2000, recorded in the Office of the County Recorder in and for Scott County, Minnesota on September 14, 2000 as Document No. A484014 as amended, which said Declaration covers the following described property situated in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot 3, Block 2, Glendale Woods Replat, C.I.C. No. 1088, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the Office of the Scott County Recorder. Street Address: 4314 McColl Drive, Savage, MN PID #26-198006-0 WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, there is claimed to be due and owing as of the date of this Notice by Jeri M. Olson as unit owner, to Glendale Woods Association the principal amount of Two Thousand Eighteen Dollars and No/100 ($2,018.00) for condominium assessments, interest and past due attorney fees through September, 2013; and no action being now pending at law or otherwise to recover said debt or any part thereof, and; WHEREAS, pursuant to said Declaration, and the statute in such case made and provided, said debt creates a lien upon said premises in favor of Glendale Woods Association. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale created by statute, said lien will be foreclosed by the sale of said premises with the hereditaments and appurtenances, which said sale will be made by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota at the lobby of the Sheriff’s Administration Office, Law Enforcement Center, 301 South
Fuller Street, in the City of Shakopee in said County on November 20, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to pay the amount then due for said condominium assessments, together with the costs of foreclosure, including attorney’s fees as allowed by law. The time allowed by law for redemption by the unit owner, her personal representatives or assigns, is six (6) months from the date of said sale. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied single family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the unit owners must vacate the property if the lien is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 20, 2014. If the foregoing date is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the date to vacate the property is the next business day at 11:59 p.m. Dated: September 9, 2013 GLENDALE WOODS ASSOCIATION FULLER, SEAVER, SWANSON & KELSCH, P.A. By: Timothy D. Fuller 32694 12400 Portland Avenue South, Suite 132 Burnsville, MN 55337 (952) 890-0888 Attorneys for Glendale Woods Association Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 9 and 16, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: November 18, 2010 MORTGAGOR: Jerome Doyle Jr., a married person. MORTGAGEE: Homeservices Lending, LLC Series A DBA Edina Realty Mortgage. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded December 13, 2010 Scott County Recorder, Document No. 869777 as corrected by Corrective Mortgage dated November 18, 2010 and recorded July 18, 2011 as document number 884008. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.. Dated November 18, 2010 Recorded December 13, 2010, as Document No. 869778 and by Corrective Assignment Recorded: July 18, 2011 as Document No. 884009. And thereafter assigned to: US Bank National Association. Dated November 18, 2010 Recorded December 13, 2010, as Document No. 869779 and by Corrective Assignment Recorded: July 18, 2011 as Document No. 884010. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Homeservices Lending, LLC Series A DBA Edina Realty Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a division of U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 7519 Hampton Lane, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 272711970 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 8, Block 32, Southbridge 3rd Addition, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $164,780.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $181,067.15 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 24, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on April 24, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032,
BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: August 20, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 12-004530 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 9 and 16, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-18774 NOTICE of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Benjamin M. Novotny, a/k/a Ben M. Novotny, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated June 29, 2006. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Roselyn M. Schmitz, whose address is 13027 Vernon Ave., Savage, MN 55378, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: October 2, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 2, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Jaspers, Moriarty & Walburg, P.A. Dennis P. Moriarty MN # 7519X 206 Scott Street Shakopee, MN 55379 Telephone: (952) 445-2817 Facsimile: (952) 445-0812 e-mail: dmoriarty@jmwlaw.com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT probate division FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-18112 NOTICE of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of George A. Swenson, aka George Swenson, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's will dated February 25, 2003, has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Dena Lynn Swenson, whose address is: 117 South 2nd Street Le Sueur, MN 56058 as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Any objections to the probate of the will or appointment of the Personal Representative must be filed with this Court and will be heard by the Court after the filing of an appropriate petition and proper notice of hearing. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: October 2, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 2, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No.: 70-PR-13-12739 NOTICE of informal probate of will and informal appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors In Re: Estate of Dora R. Kingsley, Decedent. Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated May 28, 2009. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed Judy Birk whose address is 14707 HIghway 15, Hutchinson, MN 55350, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent's estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent's estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: July 1, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts July 1, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator R. J. McGraw, P. A. R. J. McGraw MN# 70555 Suite 202 - Citizens Bank Building P O Box 98 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Telephone: (320) 587-3900 Facsimile: (320) 587-9597 e-mail: rjmcgraw@hutchtel.net Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 69720270004 Filed September 4, 2013 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Kwik Trip #441 2. Principal place of business. 1522 Vierling Drive E. Shakopee, MN 55379 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak Stret., P.O. Box 2107 La Crosse, WI, WI 54602-2107 - Registered Office: Mark W. Schneider 1300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, MN 55402-2136 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: August 19, 2013 signed, Donald P. Zietlow, President Email Address for Official Notices: dhafner@kwiktrip.com Deanna Hafner, Contact Person (608) 793-6262 Daytime Phone Number Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 69720270005 Filed September 4, 2013 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Kwik Trip #447 2. Principal place of business. 8225 Crossings Blvd. Shakopee, MN 55379 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak Stret., P.O. Box 2107 La Crosse, WI, WI 54602-2107 - Registered Office: Mark W. Schneider 1300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, MN 55402-2136 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose
PAGE eleven signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: August 19, 2013 signed, Donald P. Zietlow, President Email Address for Official Notices: dhafner@kwiktrip.com Deanna Hafner, Contact Person (608) 793-6262 Daytime Phone Number Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 69720380013 Filed September 4, 2013 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Kwik Trip #330 2. Principal place of business. 104 Aspen Ln Belle Plaine, MN 56011 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak Stret., P.O. Box 2107 La Crosse, WI, WI 54602-2107 - Registered Office: Mark W. Schneider 1300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, MN 55402-2136 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: August 19, 2013 signed, Donald P. Zietlow, President Email Address for Official Notices: dhafner@kwiktrip.com Deanna Hafner, Contact Person (608) 793-6262 Daytime Phone Number Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
Minnesota Secretary of State Certificate of Assumed Name Minnesota Statutes Chapter 333 File Number 69720270003 Filed September 4, 2013 1. List the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Kwik Trip #663 2. Principal place of business. 14175 Vernon Ave S. Savage, MN 55378 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak Stret., P.O. Box 2107 La Crosse, WI, WI 54602-2107 - Registered Office: Mark W. Schneider 1300 IDS Center, 80 S. 8th St. Minneapolis, MN 55402-2136 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: August 19, 2013 signed, Donald P. Zietlow, President Email Address for Official Notices: dhafner@kwiktrip.com Deanna Hafner, Contact Person (608) 793-6262 Daytime Phone Number Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: December 26, 2002 MORTGAGOR: Derek J. Hiemstra and Carrie E. Hiemstra, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Bankers Mortgage Company, LLC. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded January 15, 2003 Scott County Recorder, Document No. 582263. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: TCF Mortgage Corporation. Dated December 26, 2002 Recorded January 15, 2003, as Document No. 582265. And thereafter assigned to: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. Dated May 1, 2006 Recorded May 9, 2006, as Document No. 738053. And thereafter assigned to: U.S. Bank N.A. Dated July 16, 2009 Recorded July 24, 2009, as Document No. A831816 and also assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated October 15, 2012 Recorded October 29, 2012, as Document No. 919358. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bankers Mortgage Company, LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a division of U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 21196 Clemwood Drive, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 040800080 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 8, Block 1, Harvest Ridge COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $322,700.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $357,722.73 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 5, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 5, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: August 28, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 12-006287 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 18, 25 and October 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2013.
Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
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PAGE twelve
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: August 25, 2007 MORTGAGOR: Bernadine R. Goodman and James C. Goodman, as joint tenants, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: Chase Bank USA, National Association. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded January 15, 2008 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A791776. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association. Dated June 14, 2013 Recorded June 19, 2013, as Document No. A938854. TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Chase Bank USA, National Association RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 811 South Prairie Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 270920200 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 3, EastView 1st Addition COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $243,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $242,329.61 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: October 31, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: August 27, 2013 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 30 - 13-005803 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 18, 25 and October 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: March 23, 2004 MORTGAGOR: Viktor P. Soldatkin and Natalya D. Soldatkina, husband and wife. MORTGAGEE: CitiMortgage, Inc. s/b/m with ABN Amro Mortgage Group, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded April 15, 2004 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A652354. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE:
NONE TRANSACTION AGENT: NONE TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: NONE LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: ABN Amro Mortgage Group, Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2992 Crane Street, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 273432130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 42, Block 10, Greenfield according to the recorded plat thereof, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $234,850.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $236,752.46 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 7, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 7, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 9, 2013 CitiMortgage, Inc. Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 10 - 13-006346 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 18, 25 and October 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: September 20, 2013 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of the Mortgage dated February 23, 2007, executed by Victoria Taylor, a single person, as mortgagor, to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as mortgagee, and memorialized on March 19, 2007 on Certificate of Title Number 44451.0 as Document Number T182988, in the office of the Registrar of Titles of Scott County, Minnesota. The land described in the Mortgage is registered land. 2. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was $157,800.00. 3. No action or proceeding at law is now pending to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, or any part thereof. 4. No mortgagor has been released from financial obligation on the mortgage. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has complied with all conditions precedent to acceleration of the debt secured by the Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, and all notice and other requirements of applicable statutes. 6. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage is $140,977.66. 7. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the land described as follows: Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 6, Evergreen First Addition will be sold by the Sheriff of Scott County, Minnesota, at public auction on November 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Scott County Sheriff, 301 Fuller Street South, Shakopee, Minnesota. 8. The mortgagor must vacate the property on or before 11:59 p.m. May 14, 2014, if the mortgage is not reinstated under Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.30, the property is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.23, or the redemption period is not reduced under section 582.032.
9. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is 6 months after the date of sale. 10. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. 11. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Foreclosure Data required by Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.025 1. Property Address: 2048 13th Avenue West, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 2.Transaction Agent: Not Applicable 3. Name of Mortgage Originator (Lender): Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 4. Residential Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 5. Tax Parcel Identification Number: 27-11302-10 6. Transaction Agent’s Mortgage ID Number: Not Applicable Wells Fargo Bank, National Association Attorneys for Mortgagee Drew L. McNeill STEPHENSON, SANFORD, PIERSON & THONE, P.L.C. Suite 220, 1905 East Wayzata Boulevard Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 404-2100 7-3108 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 26, 2009 MORTGAGOR: Paul E. Schulte and Kellijo L. Schulte, Husband and Wife. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 14, 2009 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A 830746. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: CitiMortgage, Inc.. Dated October 22, 2012 Recorded October 31, 2012, as Document No. A919611. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100026900031084386 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Bell America Mortgage LLC DBA Bell Mortgage RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: CitiMortgage, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16323 Southeast Victoria Curve, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 253220130 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 3, Cardinal Ridge Fourth Addition, Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $248,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $256,695.12 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 21, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 21, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: April 7, 2006 MORTGAGOR: Dale M. Haupt, a single person and Wriel R. Garcia, a single person. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded April 26, 2006 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A736473. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: The Bank of New York Mellon FKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the Certificateholders CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 2006-OC5 Mortgage Pass-through Certificates, Series 2006-OC5. Dated March 15, 2010 Recorded March 30, 2010, as Document No. A850203. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100077910006047381 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: Decision One Mortgage Company LLC RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1887 Greenway Avenue, Shakopee, MN 55379 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 271910540 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 5, Block 5, Prairie Bend 1st Addition, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $214,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $332,546.42 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 19, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 19, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 16, 2013 The Bank of New York Mellon, as
WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013 Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38 - 13-006359 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 21, 2004 MORTGAGOR: Jeremiah K Bimpong, single and Anthony Minta Single. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for U.S. Bank N.A. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Filed July 26, 2004, Scott County Registrar of Titles, Document No. T159086 on Certificate of Title No. 40542. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: U.S. Bank National Association. Dated July 11, 2013 Filed July 15, 2013, as Document No. T224522. Said Mortgage being upon Registered Land. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100021278907557727 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: U.S. Bank N.A. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a division of U.S. Bank National Association MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13948 Ventura Place, Savage, MN 55378 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 262900060 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 6, Block 1, Cranberry Ridge 2nd Addition, Common Interest Community No. 1067, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Scott County, Minnesota COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $186,049.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $205,163.20 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: November 14, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on May 14, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 3, 2013 U.S. Bank National Association Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 19 - 12-004388 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, September 25 and October 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2013.
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that default has occurred in conditions of the following described mortgage: DATE OF MORTGAGE: June 30, 2005 MORTGAGOR: Darcy Anderson, an unmarried man. MORTGAGEE: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.. DATE AND PLACE OF RECORDING: Recorded July 11, 2005 Scott County Recorder, Document No. A704901. ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE: Assigned to: The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., FKA The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A., as successor in interest to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as Trustee for the holders of MLMI SURF Trust, Mortgage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-BC4. Dated February 26, 2009 Recorded March 19, 2009, as Document No. A820597; and also by Document Dated May 17, 2012 Recorded May 18, 2012 as Document No. A905846. TRANSACTION AGENT: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. TRANSACTION AGENT'S MORTGAGE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON MORTGAGE: 100175200002572926 LENDER OR BROKER AND MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR STATED ON MORTGAGE: MILA, Inc. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICER: Select Portfolio Servicing, Inc. MORTGAGED PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16005 Creekwood Road, Prior Lake, MN 55372 TAX PARCEL I.D. #: 040140250 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 9, Block 2, Creekwood, Scott County, Minnesota. COUNTY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED: Scott ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF MORTGAGE: $216,000.00 AMOUNT DUE AND CLAIMED TO BE DUE AS OF DATE OF NOTICE, INCLUDING TAXES, IF ANY, PAID BY MORTGAGEE: $286,038.87 That prior to the commencement of this mortgage foreclosure proceeding Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee complied with all notice requirements as required by statute; That no action or proceeding has been instituted at law or otherwise to recover the debt secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof; PURSUANT to the power of sale contained in said mortgage, the above described property will be sold by the Sheriff of said county as follows: DATE AND TIME OF SALE: December 5, 2013 at 10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: Sheriff of Scott County, Civil Unit, 301 South Fuller Street, Shakopee, MN to pay the debt then secured by said Mortgage, and taxes, if any, on said premises, and the costs and disbursements, including attorneys' fees allowed by law subject to redemption within six (6) months from the date of said sale by the mortgagor(s), their personal representatives or assigns unless reduced to Five (5) weeks under MN Stat. §580.07. TIME AND DATE TO VACATE PROPERTY: If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, unless otherwise provided by law, the date on or before which the mortgagor(s) must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property is not redeemed under section 580.23 is 11:59 p.m. on June 5, 2014, unless that date falls on a weekend or legal holiday, in which case it is the next weekday, and unless the redemption period is reduced to 5 weeks under MN Stat. Secs. 580.07 or 582.032. MORTGAGOR(S) RELEASED FROM FINANCIAL OBLIGATION ON MORTGAGE: None "THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR'S PERSONAL R E P R E S E N TAT I V E S OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED." Dated: September 26, 2013 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A., as Trustee Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee USSET, WEINGARDEN AND LIEBO, P.L.L.P. Attorneys for Mortgagee/Assignee of Mortgagee 4500 Park Glen Road #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952) 925-6888 38 - 13-005298 FC THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 2013.
Legal Notices
(continued on the next page)
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WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
Legal Notices
(continued from previous page) STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT DISTRICT COURT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE COURT DIVISION Court File No. 70-PR-13-18788 NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Re: Estate of Robert M. Polen, also known as Robert Murray Polen, Deceased. TO: ALL INTERESTED PERSONS AND CREDITORS: Notice is hereby given, that an application for informal probate of the above named decedent’s last will dated August 15, 1985, has been filed with the Registrar herein, and the application has been granted informally probating such will. Any objections may be filed in the above, and the same will be heard by the Court upon notice of hearing fixed for such purpose. Notice is hereby given that the informal appointment of Michele Volavka, whose address is 1601 Park Road, Bloomington, Minnesota 55425, as personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent, has been made. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative, and the personal representative is empowered to fully administer the estate including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate, unless objections thereto are filed with the Court (pursuant to Section 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders. Notice is further given that ALL CREDITORS having claims against said estate are required to present the same to said personal representative or to the Probate Court Administrator within four months after the date of this notice or said claims will be barred. Dated: October 2, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 2, 2013 Heather M. Kendall, Registrar/Court Administrator Delores A. Beussman, Deputy District Court Administrator Michael J. Smith (183350) Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd. 1500 Wells Fargo Plaza 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55431 (952) 835-3800 Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF SCOTT FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT Probate Division Court File No.: 70-PR-13-18084 NOTICE of informal probate of will and appointment of personal representative and notice to creditors Estate of Doris B. Strassberger, Decedent. Notice is given that an application for informal probate of the Decedent's Will, dated February 18, 2010 ("Will"), has been filed with the Registrar. The application has been granted. Notice is also given that the Registrar has informally appointed Jeanne O'Donnell, whose address is 15005 Rushmore Court, Burnsville, MN, 55306, as personal representative of the Estate of the Decedent. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Unless objections are filed with the Court (pursuant to Minn. Stat. 524.3-607) and the Court otherwise orders, the personal representative has full power to administer the Estate, including, after 30 days from the date of issuance of letters, the power to sell, encumber, lease or distribute real estate. Notice is also given that (subject to Minn. Stat. 524.3-801) all creditors having claims against the Estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court Administrator within four months after the date of this Notice or the claims will be barred. Dated: October 1, 2013 Filed in Scott County Courts October 1, 2013 Heather M. Kendall Registrar Delores A. Beussman Deputy Court Administrator Attorney for Personal Representative John D. Kosanda Courey, Kosanda & Zimmer, P.A. 505 Highway 169 North Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55441 Attorney License No: 0186326 Telephone: (763) 398-0441 Fax: (763) 398-0062 Email: Jkosanda@ckzlawfirm.com Published in the Belle Herald on Wednesdays, October 9 and 16, 2013.
Scott County Board Proceedings BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF SCOTT SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 (1) The Board of Commissioners, in and for the County of Scott, Minnesota, met in the Courthouse Board Room in the City of Shakopee, Minnesota, and convened at 9:00 a.m., with the following members present: Commissioner Wolf, presiding, Commissioner Wagner, Commissioner Menden, Commissioner Marschall, and Commissioner Ulrich. (2) On a motion by Commissioner
Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Ulrich, the Minutes of September 3, 2013 were approved. (3) Consent Agenda: Commissioner Wagner requested that agenda item 5.13 to deny the application for Scott Watershed Management Organization (WMO) Cost Share Funds to Mitch Morlock be pulled from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Commissioner Menden requested that agenda item 5.12 authorizing an Agreement with WSB & Association for professional services for the County Highway 79 and Vierling Drive mini-roundabout project be pulled from the consent agenda for separate consideration. On a motion by Commissioner Ulrich, seconded by Commissioner Wagner, the following actions were approved unanimously. All resolutions are available in the office of the County Administrator and are made a part of this record by reference. A. Approve the renewal of the Service Agreement with AbbyCare Choice, Inc. effective November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2015 for support services authorized by case managers for clients based on individual client needs, specifically, home and community based services. B. Approve the renewal of the Service Agreement with International Quality Homecare effective November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2015 for support services authorized by case managers based on individual client needs, specifically home and community based services. C. Approve the renewal of the Service Agreement with International Quality PCA, Inc. effective November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2015 for support services authorized by case managers for clients based on individual client needs, specifically home and community based services. D. Approve the renewal of the Service Agreement with My Brothers’ Keeper effective November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2015 for support services authorized by case managers for clients based on individual client needs, specifically home and community based services. E. Approve the renewal of the Service Agreement with Dr. Michael R. Wilcox as the Medical Director and Jail Medical Director for Scott County effective January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015. F. Approve the Mankato Rehab Center, Incorporated Day Training and Habilitation Application for Need Determination of Services. G. Approve the rezoning (#770R-3) of 239.40 acres from RR-1C to RR-1; the Preliminary Plat, and the Final Plat of St. Catherine’s on the Lake Second, Premier Bank of MN, applicant, consisting of two lots and two outlots in Sections 1 and 2 of Cedar Lake Township. This action is in accordance with Chapter 40 of the Scott County Zoning Ordinance No. 3 based on the criteria listed for approval. H. Adopt Resolution No. 2013188; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With C&C Lawns Inc. for Snowplowing/Removal and Deicing Services. I. Adopt Resolution No. 2013189; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With St. Paul Linoleum & Carpet Co. for the Removal of Old Carpet and the Installation of New Carpet in the Justice Center. J. Adopt Resolution No. 2013174; Awarding the 2013 Contract for Reflectorized Epoxy and Latex Pavement Markings to AAA Striping Service Co. K. Adopt Resolution No. 2013192; Awarding the Contract for the Fuel System, Pumps and Tank Replacement, and Refurbishment Project to B. H. Petroleum Company. L. Adopt Resolution No. 2013194; Adopting Amendment 3 to the Scott Watershed Management Organization Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan. M. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-172; Rejecting All Bids for the Cleary Lake Regional Park Improvements Project. N. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-197; Accepting Grant Funding and Final Approval for the Doyle-Kennefick Regional Park Premier Banks Land Acquisition. O. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-196; Renewing the Agreement With Liesch Associates, Inc. for Environmental Engineering Consulting Services for the Merriam Junction Sands Environmental Impact Statement. P. Approve the Service Agreement with the Shakopee School District for the provision of school-linked mental health services by Scott County Mental Health and the addition of one to four full-time equivalent school-funded positions. Q. Approve a Joint Powers Agreement with the State of Minnesota to allow the Scott County Jail to provide secure detention lodging, meals, and supervision for State offenders committed to the Commissioner of Corrections. R. Adopt Resolution No. 2013190; Authorizing Entering Into a Cooperative Agreement With the City of Shakopee for Cost Participation and Maintenance Responsibility for Certain Project Elements of the Trunk Highway 169/County Highway 69 Interchange Project in the City of Shakopee and Jackson Township. S. Adopt Resolution No. 2013191; Authorizing Entering Into Cooperative Construction Agreement No. 04403 With the State of Minnesota Department of Transportation for Cost Participation for the Trunk Highway 169/County Highway 69 Interchange Project in Jackson Township. T. Approve the record of disbursements and the claims made to Scott County from August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 in the sum of $10,857,318.94. U. Adopt Resolution No. 2013-164; Appointing Todd Kubinski as Scott County Veterans Service Director to a Four Year Term Effective September 19, 2013 Through September 18, 2017; and Rescinding Resolution No. 2009-128. V. Separation of employment for Darrell Swartwood, FT Highway Maintenance Worker, Community Services Division, effective 09/27/13. Separation of employment for Alec Johnson, FT Temporary Unclassified OMB Intern, Office of Management and Budget Division, effective 08/16/13. Separation of employment for Paige Olson, Intermittent (5% FTE) Unclassified Facility Probation Officer, Health and Human Services
BELLE PLAINE HERALD, BELLE PLAINE, MINNESOTA Division, effective 09/01/13. FT Probationary employment for Shani Greene, Social Work Supervisor, Health and Human Services Division, effective 09/05/13. Probationary employment for Troy Pint, Business Information/System Specialist, Community Services Division, effective 09/16/13. PT Temporary (40% FTE) employment for Katie Vail, Unclassified 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 09/11/13. PT Temporary (40% FTE) employment for Christopher Chrisostomidis, Unclassified 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff’s Office, effective 09/17/13. Amend starting date of employment for Paul Lewis, Intermittent (5% FTE) Unclassified Facility Probation Officer, Health and Human Services Division, effective 08/22/13 (previously reported as 08/13/13). The recognition of the following individuals as volunteers which will enable them to be covered for liability insurance purposes in accordance with the insurance contracts currently in force with Scott County: Jessica Flemmer and Francesca Staupe (4) Manage Challenges and Create Opportunities: A. Commissioner Wagner moved, seconded by Commissioner Menden to deny the Application for Scott Watershed Management Organization Cost Share Funds to Mitch Morlock in the amount of $4,200. The motion carried unanimously. B. Commissioner Marschall moved, seconded by Commissioner Ulrich to adopt Resolution No. 2013193; Authorizing Entering Into an Agreement With WSB & Associates, Inc. for Professional Transportation Engineering and Design Services for the County Highway 79 and Vierling Drive Mini-Roundabout Project. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried on a vote of three ayes with Commissioners Wagner and Menden dissenting. C. Mr. Rasmussen responded to Commissioner Menden’s questions regarding local access during the construction of the interchange at the intersection of Trunk Highway 169 and County Highway 69. (5) Develop Strong Public Partnerships: Lynda Boudreau of Congressman John Kline’s Constituent Services provided an update of the Congressman’s recent legislative activities. (6) Provide a Supportive Organizational Culture Which Enhances the County Mission: Commissioner Ulrich moved to increase Mr. Shelton’s salary by 3% which would bring his salary slightly higher than other employees. Commissioner Marschall stated she was not prepare for this discussion but would second the motion for discussion purposes. Stating he could sense the direction the vote would go, Commissioner Ulrich withdrew his motion. Commissioner Marschall withdrew her second. Commissioner Menden moved, seconded by Commissioner Marschall to adopt Resolution No. 2013-187; Approving the Summary of Performance Evaluation and Establishing the 2013 Salary for County Administrator Gary Shelton and Rescinding Resolution No. 2010-094. A copy of the resolution is available in the office of the County Administrator and is made a part of this record by reference. The motion carried unanimously. On a motion by Commissioner Marschall, seconded by Commissioner Ulrich, the meeting adjourned at 10:11 a.m. Thomas J. Wolf, Chair Gary L. Shelton, County Administrator, Clerk of the Board Debra K. Brazil, Deputy Clerk to the Board This is a summary of the Board proceedings (M.S. 375.12). The full text is available at www.co.scott. mn.us (which can be accessed at any public library), and in the office of the County Administrator. Published in the Belle Plaine Herald on Wednesday, October 9, 2013.
PAGE thirteen
Belle Plaine Police Report
The week of Sept. 30-Oct. 6, woman was caught shoplifting. Belle Plaine police responded The woman was cited for the to the following selected calls: offense and banned from the business. A man on the 1000 block of Monday, Sept. 30 East Enterprise Drive asked Police stopped a Shakopee police at 7:01 p.m. to unlock a man at 11:04 a.m. near the invehicle. tersection of North West and West State streets for speeding. Wednesday, Oct. 2 They also cited him for driving A Shakopee man stopped near after license revocation. the intersection of North MarA person on the 200 block ket and West State streets at of East Park Street called for 1:16 a.m. for a traffic violation medical help at 12:33 p.m. A was cited for driving with a suswoman was suffering a pos- pended license and then taken into custody on an outstanding sible allergic reaction. A woman on the 100 block of Scott County arrest warrant. South Grove Street at 3:33 p.m. A man on the 200 block of reported the theft of a bike from North Chestnut Street reported at 1:22 p.m. a case of vandalUnion Square Park. A woman at a business on the ism. 800 block of East Main Street A woman on the 700 block of reported at 9:20 p.m. a person Shannon Lane reported at 2:17 unable to pay for their fuel. Af- p.m. someone hacked into her ter working out arrangements to home computer. pay for the fuel, police detected Thursday, Oct. 3 the aroma of marijuana ema- A man at a business on the nating from the vehicle. The 200 block of South Ash Street driver was cited for possession reported at 5:52 p.m. someone of a small amount of marijuana slashed a vehicle’s tire. and for driving after license re- Friday, Oct. 4 vocation. A man at a business on the 1000 Tuesday, Oct. 1 block of East Enterprise Drive Police assisted Jordan law en- reported at 10:12 a.m. he found forcement with the execution a counterfeit $20 bill inside an of a search warrant on the 100 automated teller machine. The block of Valley Green Park at bogus bill was forwarded to the 9:36 a.m. They were looking U.S. Secret Service. for evidence related to a theft A woman on the 100 block of at a business on East Enterprise East Church Street asked police Drive in Belle Plaine. at 12:08 p.m. to unlock a veA woman on the 1000 block hicle. of East Enterprise Drive called A person on the 200 block of for medical help at 12:21 p.m. South Market Street asked poA bee stung a child, 3. lice at 8:23 p.m. to unlock a At 3:38 p.m., a man at a busi- vehicle. ness on the 1000 block of East Saturday, Oct. 5 Enterprise Drive reported a A person on the 300 block
of South Elm Street called for medical help at 1:06 a.m. A woman was suffering a seizure. She was transported to an area hospital. Police stopped a vehicle near the intersection of Highway 169 and Delaware Avenue at 3:08 a.m. for speeding and swerving along Highway 169. The driver, a Jordan man, was also arrested for second degree DWI. The vehicle is being held for forfeiture. A woman on the 300 block of South Elm Street asked police at 8:55 a.m. to unlock a vehicle. The vehicle, with broken locks and a broken door handle, could not be successfully opened until a family member arrived with a set of keys. A person on the 100 block of O’Brien Parkway called for medical help at 8:51 p.m. A man was suffering pain in his side and back. He was transported to an area hospital.
Fire Calls
The week of Sept. 30-Oct. 6, Belle Plaine firefighters responded to the following calls: Tuesday, Oct. 1 Firefighters were dispatched at 12:52 p.m. to squelch three small grass fires in the median along the northbound lanes of Highway 169. Wednesday, Oct. 2 Firefighters responded at 11:07 a.m. to an alarm at a house on the 1000 block of Creekview Lane. False alarm. They were cancelled en route.
Jordan ‘Nanobrewery’ VFW Voice of Owner Turns to Democracy Old-School Style Name and Patriots Pen Contest
The Belle Plaine VFW Ladies 6202 is inviting local public and private school students as well as home school students to participate in its annual Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen contests. Patriots Pen is for grades 6-8. This year’s theme is “What Patriotism Means to Me.” Voice of Democracy is for grades 9-12. This year’s theme is “Why I’m Optimistic About Our Nation’s Future.” The VFW does not require students to submit the application on a CD unless it is the winner and is forwarded to the district. For more information, contact Connie Zurn at 952-873-2342 or Pat O’Laughlin at 952-8736477. The deadline for turning in the application is Nov. 1.
The owners of Jordan’s new nanobrewery are taking an oldschool approach to the diminutive operation’s new name. Roets Jordan Brewery Co. is its name, said Tim Roets, the company’s president and braumeister. Roets named the company using a page from the days when families applied their own name to the breweries they operated, the Jordan Independent recently reported. The operation is expected to
Belle Plaine Herald
be a family affair. Roets’ wife, Steff, will handle the finances and TTB application process. His sons will help with the taproom and catering operations and younger children will help as soda tasters. Roets hopes to have 25 different varieties of beer within six months of its grand opening next spring. Local home brewers are expected to offer their expertise and product development.
7 3 0
4 6 0
October 1, 2013 $26.00 In State MN $30.00 Out State MN
Ed Townsend
113 East Main Street, P.O. Box 7 Belle Plaine, MN 56011
113 East Main Street, P.O. Box 7 Belle Plaine, MN 56011 C. Edward Townsend P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 C. Edward Townsend P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011 C. Edward Townsend P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011
C. Edward Townsend
P.O. Box 7, Belle Plaine, MN 56011
Belle Plaine Herald
National Newspaper Week October 6-12, 2013
October 1, 2013 3,800
40 3,783 17 3,800
45 3,745 30 3,775
October 9, 2013 Oct. 1, 2013
WEDNESDAY, october 9, 2013
PAGE fourteen
Belle Plaine’s Rachel Schroers and Kate Schmit won their No. 2 doubles match in straight sets against Jordan Thursday in Belle Plaine.
The Tigers’ Danika Schroeder, left, tried to keep pace with a Le Sueur-Henderson runner at this turn during last Tuesday’s meet at Ney Nature Center in Henderson.
ment, which begins Tuesday, Oct. 22. The Tigers would be at home for a section semifinal clash the following Saturday against a lower-seeded team. The section championship game is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 1 at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall. The section team standings in terms of wins and losses is currently Belle Plaine (6-0), Blue Earth Area (4-2), Fairmont (4-2), St. Peter (4-2), Sibley East (2-4) and Worthington (2-4). Tigers 35, LS-H 0 The Tigers pounced on the Giants early as they drove 56 yards on the game’s first possession, ending with an 11-yard touchdown scamper by quarterback Luke Narveson. The first of Jordan Buesgens’ five successful point-after kicks on the night made it 7-0 with just 2 1/2 minutes gone in the game. After forcing LS-H to punt, Gavin Dauwalter capped an 80-yard drive with a 6-yard TD run to make it 14-0 with 3:39 remaining in the first quarter. The rain began to fall in the second quarter and there was some sputtering by both offenses. Belle Plaine did drive 65 yards that ended with a 5-yard scoring run by Narveson, making it 21-0 with 8:18 left in the half. Following the long, stormextended halftime, the Tigers’ Zach Bahr forced a fumble in the LS-H backfield near midfield. Teammate Blayne Prochaska scooped up the ball and returned it to the LS-H 15 yard line. That led to a 7-yard scoring run by Chris Holmbeck and it was 28-0 with 7:42 left in the third quarter. The Giants’ biggest scoring threat of the night ended when Derek Dahlke intercepted a pass inside the B.P. 15 yard line. That led to another long scoring drive for Belle Plaine capped by a 5-yard TD run by Dauwalter, and it was 35-0 with 33 seconds left in the third quarter. The fourth quarter was played under the mercy rule, during which the clock keeps running when a team leads by 35 points or more. Both teams utilized a number of reserves to close out what was a scoreless final 12 minutes. Belle Plaine, noted for its passing attack, put the ball in the air just eight times. Narveson completed two of those passes for 55 yards – one to Sam Karl for 40 yards and the other to Dahlke for 15 yards. The Tigers ran the ball 43 times for 202 yards. Holmbeck finished with 10 carries for 68
(continued from page 15) yards and one TD, followed by Narveson (12 for 62 yards and two TDs), Haefner (11 for 33 yards), Dauwalter (three for 18 yards and two TDs), Dahlke (one for 9 yards), Ben Stier (three for 9 yards) and Aiden Ladd (three for 3 yards). Dauwalter led the team in tackles with 13. Stier added 10 tackles and Bahr had nine tackles and one interception. Other tackling leaders were Mitch Nelson (9), Colton Hentges (6), Jake Schultz (6), Prochaska (5), Josh Spellman (4), Joe Hankins (4), Chase Emmers (3), Kincade Retzer (3), Jacob Nowak (2) and Dahlke (2). “Offensively, we were able to set the tone right away by controlling the line of scrimmage, which led to our highest rushing output of the year,” said Belle Plaine coach Justin Johnston. “Chris Holmbeck and Dillon Haefner did a great job of leading our rushing attack. With the weather being the way it was, we didn’t see any reason to throw the ball if we didn’t have to. “Defensively, all week long we talked about the goal of a shutout and the kids played
MRC Standings (As of Oct. 7) Football W L Belle Plaine 5 0 Tri-City United 4 1 Watertown-M 4 1 Jordan 3 2 Mayer Lutheran 3 2 Sibley East 1 4 Le Sueur-Hend. 0 5 Norwood YA 0 5 Results Belle Plaine 35, LS-H 0 Watertown-M 27, TCU 20 Mayer Luth. 14, Jordan 13 Sibley East 20, NYA 14 Volleyball W L Belle Plaine 5 0 Jordan 4 1 Mayer Lutheran 4 1 Norwood YA 2 3 Sibley East 2 3 Tri-City United 1 4 Watertown-M 1 4 Le Sueur-Hend. 1 4 Results Belle Plaine 3, TCU 0 LS-H 3, NYA 2 Jordan 3, S.E. 1 Mayer Lutheran 3, W-M 2 Tennis (Final) W L Belle Plaine 7 1 Jordan 4 4 Le Sueur-Hend. 3 5 Sibley East 3 5 Tri-City United 3 5
STEAK & SHRIMP Fry October 11 • 18
great and met the goal,” Johnston continued. “We had a couple of defensive lapses that cost us yards but no points. It will be important this week to make sure we eliminate the mental lapses going forward. I thought Gavin Dauwalter really established the defensive line as Le Sueur spent most of the night running away from him.” 2013 BPHS Football Schedule Aug. 29 vs. N. Ulm W 34-13 Sept. 6 vs. W-M W 18-14 Sept. 13 at S.E. W 41-27 Sept. 20 vs. Jordan W 12-6 Sept. 27 at M. Luth. W 35-31 Oct. 4 vs. LS-H W 35-0 Oct. 11 vs. NYA Oct. 16 at Tri-City United Oct. 22 Begin Section
Rachel Menke in straight sets. Ireland Lambrecht turned in Belle Plaine’s only singles win with a straight-set victory over Paige Moran. All three doubles matches were over after two sets. Getting the Tigers’ only win was the No. 2 team of Kate Schmit and Rachel Schroers over Natalie Taylor and Lydia Read. “This was a tough loss but it is very difficult to beat a good team like Jordan three times in one season,” said Tigers coach Annette Moylan. “This match could have gone either way. Jane Schneider and Grace Olson played their hearts out and were in grueling 2 1/2 hour matches. They both won their first set, so things were looking positive for us. After losing the second set, it is always tough to pick yourself up and win a third set. This team had a wonderful season and should be very proud of
(continued from page 15) their accomplishments.” Jordan went on to lose to No. 1 seed United South Central 7-0 in Monday’s section semifinals at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. USC, which is coached by BPHS alumni and former tennis player Jill Bailey, went on to defeat Blue Earth Area 4-3 in the section championship to earn a berth in the upcoming state team tournament. Bailey has been the coach at USC for four years. Before that she was head coach at Martin County West for two years. The Tigers will send a halfdozen of their top players to this Thursday’s section individual tournament at GAC. Every team in our section brings their top six players to play a singles and doubles tournament. The top two players advance to the state tournament.
Late Results Online
Volleyball Belle Plaine 3, TCU 0 The Tigers struggled at times but still managed to sweep the Titans for a second time this year by counts of 25-22, 25-18, 25-22. Hayden had 15 kills, 12 digs and two ace serves, all team highs. Nasby added 12 kills, followed by Meyer and Emily Vinkemeier with seven apiece. Dakotah Poitra and Kaylee Hentges both had two and Lehman one. Johnson and Taylor both had nine digs and Lehman had 40 set assists. “Both matches this week were very similar and typical of homecoming week. There was a slight lack of focus, but the girls battled through the week of celebration and came out with wins,” said Belle Plaine
Bowling Results Deadline for bowling results is Monday at 12 noon.
Thursday Foxes Johan’s 17.5 Deb’s Embroidery 12.5 Wildnight Karaoke 11.5 Last Call 7.5 Sparetime Tavern 5 High Game: Deb Fahey 237, Jeanne Lundborg 189, Miranda Yahnke 175 High Series: Deb Fahey 507 Tuesday Night Ladies KRI 11 Meierbachtols 8 Charlie’s Angels 8 Sparetime 8 G&H Ready Mix 7 Hairs 2 U 6 High Game: Joanne Zwart 208 High Series: Joanne Zwart 565, Sarah Voss 554, Heidi Piche 517 Commercial League Bartels Lands 16 Neil’s 13 D Lee Guns 9 Ag Power 9 Johan’s 7 Prairie Farm 4 Coldwell Banker 3 High Game: Tom Otto 300 High Series: Tom Otto 839, Josh Bartels 698, Rich Burmeister 685 City League Johan’s 13 Foline Auto 8 Ag Power 8 Borough Bowl 7 Annie’s Boys 7 Neil’s Pub 5 High Game: Matt Schwichtenberg 298, Tom Otto 248 High Series: Matt Schwichtenberg 683, Tom Otto 647
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coach Cassie Wolpern. “It was nice to see our middles and right side posting some bigger stats. We will need everyone contributing come playoff time. We tend to play better against stronger opponents, so luckily we have a great schedule to finish out the year.” 2013 BPHS Volleyball Schedule Aug. 27 vs. LS-H W 3-0 Sept. 3 vs. Jordan W 3-0 Sept. 5 vs. W-M W 3-0 Sept. 9 at TCU W 3-0 Sept. 12 vs. S.E. W 3-0 Sept. 17 at S.W. Christ. L 3-0 Sept. 19 at Jordan W 3-2 Sept. 20-21 at S.W. Christian Tournament vs. Greenway W 2-0 vs. Map Lake W 2-0 vs. Chatfield W 2-0 Friday Night Owls Spletzer Automotive 15 Jody’s Daycare 14 Johan’s 12 Napa 9 Hair By Paula 6 Stier Trucking 4 Men’s High Game: Jason Spletzer 257 Men’s High Series: Ted Malz 601, Jason Spletzer 570, Tom Sellnow 554 Women’s High Game: Heather Haefner 213 202 Women’s High Series: Heather Haefner 530, Jody Hornaman 474, Dana Ehlers 468 Pin Bashers Team 1 9.5 Steffen Hardware 6.5 Boys’s High Game: Logan Edberg 176 Boy’s High Series: Ben Davis 314, Logan Edberg 279, Connor Mulroy 170 Girl’s High Game: Emily Nagel 67 Girl’s High Series: Emily Nagel 181 Monday Mini’s Team 1 7 Genesis Town & Country 6 State Bank of BP 2 Boys’s High Game: Ted Hohn 53 Boy’s High Series: Ted Hohn 103, Carson Mulroy 93, Jack Hohn 79 Girl’s High Game: Ciara Fahey 100 Girl’s High Series: Ciara Fahey 191 Strikers KRI 12 Team #7 11 Prairie Farm Supply 9.5 Behnke Auto Center 9.5 Team #6 9.5 Rainbow Discovery 5 State Bank of BP 4 Cenex 3.5 Boy’s High Game: Aaron Lenzmeier 251 Boy’s High Series: Brady Yahnke 609, Aaron Lenzmeier 570, Alex Ernst 512 Girl’s High Game: Madison Brown 131 Girl’s High Series: Madison Brown 344, Emma Salden 216, Sara Stoterau 148
2013 BPHS Tennis Results Aug. 22 at Chaska L 5-2 Aug. 23 at Farmington Tournament vs. Farmington L 4-3 vs. New Life L 4-3 vs. C. Falls L 5-2 Aug. 26 vs. Blue Earth L 6-1 Aug. 27 at Sibley East W 5-2 Aug. 29 vs. TCU W 5-2 Sept. 5 at Jordan W 4-3 Sept. 7 at St. James Tourney vs. Pipestone W 6-1 vs. MCW L 4-3 vs. St. James L 6-1 Sept. 9 vs. N. Prague W 5-2 Sept. 10 at LS-H W 4-3 Sept. 12 vs. S.E. W 4-3 Sept. 16 vs. Fairmont L 5-2 Sept. 17 at TCU L 4-3 Sept. 19 vs. USC L 6-1 Sept. 23 vs. St. Peter L 7-0 Sept. 24 vs. Jordan W 4-3 Sept. 26 vs. LS-H W 4-3 Section Tournament Oct. 2 vs. Jordan L 5-2
Results from Belle Plaine High School varsity sports that take place after press time on Tuesdays can be found at www. vs TRF L 2-1 belleplaineherald.com and on vs. Jordan W 2-1 the Herald’s Facebook page. vs. Visitation W 2-1 Sept. 26 at LS-H W 3-0 Sept. 28 at Chanhassen Girls’ Can Try Tournament vs. Delano L 2-0 Hockey for Free vs. H.F. W 2-0 vs. Buffalo L 3-2 The Bulldogs Youth Hockey vs. T-Grace W 3-2 Association invites girls’ ages 4 vs. Tartan W 2-0 to 12 years old to the Le Sueur Oct. 1 vs. N. Prague W 3-1 Community Center Ice Arena Oct. 3 vs. TCU W 3-0 on Saturday, Oct. 12 at 1 p.m. for a Try Hockey for Free clinic Oct. 8 vs. Chaska to experience ice hockey for the Oct. 10 at Mayer Lutheran first time and learn the basics of Oct. 14 at Waconia the sport in a fun, safe environOct. 15 at NYA ment. Oct. 19 at Chaska Tourney Girls Try Hockey for Free is Oct. 24 Begin Subsection a celebration of World Girls’ Nov. 2 Section Title Match Hockey Weekend. The 2013 at Gustavus World Girls’ Ice Hockey WeekNov. 7-9 State Tournament end marks the third year of an at Xcel Energy event dedicated towards keeping girls’ hockey on track as one the fasting growing sports in Devin Schmidt of the world. Wins Auto Race “We look forward to introducing new girls and families to in La Crosse the sport of hockey,” said Jeff Keeley, president. “The progDevin Schmidt of Belle Plaine ress the girls make, the smiles won the 39-car Great Northern on their faces and hearing their Sportsman Race at Oktoberfest parents talk about their experiin La Crosse, Wis., on Friday. ence says it all.” This is the largest Sportsman To register for Girls Try Hockrace in the Midwest. ey for Free, hosted by the BullSchmidt normally runs at Elko dog Youth Hockey Association, Speedway. There was one other visit www.bulldoghockey.org Belle Plaine racer at La Crosse or contact Juli Sowder at 507Friday – Adam Wiebusch, who 380-2008. finished 21st.
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Shortly before the kickoff to the second half was to take place, a thunderstorm erupted, forcing officials to delay Friday night’s game for about 30 minutes. Belle Plaine led Le SueurHenderson 21-0 at halftime and added to that lead when the game resumed, winning 35-0.
H.S. Football Belle Plaine’s Devin Lehman, left, and Amara Meyer attempted to block a shot by a New Prague attacker last Tuesday night at the BPHS gym.
H.S. Volleyball
Belle Plaine Wins Two More by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School volleyball team kept its unbeaten streak at home intact with two more victories last week, defeating New Prague 3-1 on Tuesday and sweeping Tri-City United in a Minnesota River Conference match on Thursday. The Tigers’ biggest threat to a home loss this season may have come Tuesday night after this edition of the Herald went to
press. They took on state Class 3A’s No. 2-ranked team, Chaska, in a nonconference match. Up next is a big MRC showdown at Mayer Lutheran 7:15 p.m. this Thursday and a date at Waconia at the same time next Monday. Tigers 3, New Prague 1 Belle Plaine dropped the first set against a potent New Prague team 18-25 but battled back to win the next three 25-21, 2519, 25-20.
The Tigers’ Mariena Hayden sprayed the ball all over the court as she compiled 26 kills. Amara Meyer and Marykay Nasby chipped in 14 apiece. Hayden, Elizabeth Johnson and Danielle Taylor each had 10 digs and Devin Lehman had 55 set assists. Nasby had four ace serves and Johnson three.
(continued on page 14)
H.S. Cross Country
Tigers Capture Coed Meet The Belle Plaine High School boys’ and girls’ cross country teams became one last Tuesday and won as they captured a five-team coed meet at Ney Nature Center in Henderson. Twenty-five boys and 25 girls started and finished the race, with Belle Plaine recording the best score, a 183. Tri-City United was second at 203, followed by Le Sueur-Henderson (282), Mayer Lutheran (290) and Sibley East (317). The distance of the race was 4.3 kilometers, with Brandon Duffy of Mayer Lutheran the first to finish in a time of
14:47. Dylan Bigaouette was the first Belle Plaine runner to finish with a fourth-place time of 15:22. The six through eight spots were also filled in by Tigers. They were Kellen Bergs (15:48), Carter Corl (15:54) and Tony Dvorak (15:57). Carter Olson placed 11th in 16:09. Belle Plaine’s Janessa Meuleners was the first girl to complete the race, doing so in an overall 16th best time of 16:22. Also competing for the Tigers were Alissa Schultz (29th in 18:16), Danika Schroeder (30th
in 18:30), Skylee Schwingler (34th in 18:52) and Hailey Witt (38th in 19:31). Both the Belle Plaine boys’ and girls’ teams will next compete at this Thursday’s Minnesota River Conference Meet at Baylor Park in Norwood Young America. Races are scheduled to begin at 3:15 p.m. 2013 BPHS Cross Country Remaining Schedule Oct. 10 at MRC Meet NYA Baylor Park Oct. 24 Section Meet at Montgomery Nov. 2 State Meet at St. Olaf
Tigers Storm Past Giants by Dan Ruud The Belle Plaine High School football team, celebrating homecoming, gained sole possession of first place in the Minnesota River Conference with a 35-0 thumping of Le SueurHenderson at a soggy Belle Plaine Athletic Complex Friday night. The game was delayed for more than a half-hour when a thunderstorm struck just before the second-half kickoff, sending many fans home for the night. Those who stayed took cover at Oak Crest Elementary School or in their vehicles. When the game resumed, they watched through a light rain as the Tigers extended their lead from 21-0 to 35-0. Also, those who stayed got to hear the announcement from the press box that WatertownMayer handed Tri-City United its first loss of the season 27-20, thus the Tigers only had to hold on to its huge lead at the time
to gain sole possession of first place in the MRC and likely maintain its No. 1 ranking in the state in Class 3A, an elevation Belle Plaine had achieved a day earlier. Meanwhile, the Giants fell to 0-5 in the conference, 0-6 overall. Next up for Belle Plaine is another team in search of its first win of the season – Norwood Young America. The Raiders were whipped in their first three conference games against Tri-City United 42-0, Jordan 47-11 and Mayer Lutheran 37-7. But they have been competitive in their last two games, losing to once-beaten Watertown-Mayer 28-21 two weeks ago and Sibley East 2014 on Friday. Friday’s kickoff is scheduled for 7 p.m. Should the heavily-favored Tigers get past the Raiders, they will clinch no worse than a tie for the MRC championship. Whether or not they would
have to share that title would be answered five days later (next Wednesday) when they head to Tri-City United to take on the Titans, who have a date at home against twice-beaten Jordan this Friday. TCU needs to win that game in order to stay alive for even a share of the conference crown, providing Belle Plaine beats NYA. Watertown-Mayer, with wins in its final two games (this Friday at Mayer Lutheran and next Wednesday at home against Jordan), could also stay in the hunt for a share of the title. Brackets for the upcoming Section 3AAA Tournament will be announced late next week. As it looks now, Belle Plaine should receive no worse than a No. 2 seed even if it loses its last two games. The top two seeds will earn a first-round bye in the six-team section tourna-
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Belle Plaine running back Dillon Haefner rushed for 33 yards Friday night against LS-H.
H.S. Tennis
Belle Plaine Falls in Round 1 The Belle Plaine High School Dylan Bigaouette, in front, was Belle Plaine’s top runner at last Tuesday’s coed meet at Ney tennis team couldn’t beat JorNature Center in Henderson. Just behind him at the start of the race are fellow Tigers Tony dan for a third time this year Dvorak, Janessa Meuleners and Carter Corl. and the result was a first-round exit from the Section 2A Team Tournament last Wednesday in Belle Plaine. The Tigers, who won the Min-
nesota River Conference championship with a record of 7-1, finished the season 9-12 overall. The Jaguars, whose two losses to Belle Plaine during the regular season were by 4-3 scores, turned things around in the
postseason with three-set victories at No. 2 and No. 4 singles. The Tigers’ Jane Schneider lost to Victoria Read and Grace Olson fell to Katherine Ichinose. Ashley Morrison was beaten by
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Belle Plaine’s Carter Corl, left, and Kellen Bergs placed seventh and sixth overall, respec- The Tigers’ Jane Schneider stretched to her right in order to return this shot against Jordan tively, at last Tuesday’s meet at scenic Ney Nature Center in Henderson. Thursday in Belle Plaine.
A Pizza Feast
This group of Belle Plaine students were among those who helped Friday’s local Lions Club’s annual Homecoming All You Can Eat Pizza Feed at Oak Crest Elementary School a success again. Included on the left (from front to back) are Morgan Prokosch, Caitlin Preusser, Grace Ludvik and Brittany Teal. At the right are Makenna Rapacz, Bailey Wetmore and Laura Reed.
Riding to Help Those Grieving
Dozens of riders left downtown Belle Plaine at noon Saturday for the Jameson House Motorcycle Run fund-raiser to benefit Gabby Pearson and Rick Stidger, whose 6-month-old son, Jameson, died July 3 of SIDs. Numerous friends helped organized Saturday’s fund-raiser, which also included a silent auction and live music at Johan’s Sports Bar in Belle Plaine. The mission of the Jameson House fund-raiser, which they hope to make an annual event, is to start a home for people grieving over a similar loss equipped with therapists and medical staff who know how to help with grief. “What a beautiful ride that we had on Saturday! Thanks to ALL who helped out and to make it happen – and to all the people who showed up supporting! The silent auction was great and will be even bigger next year,” wrote Stidger on the organization’s Facebook page.
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Raising School Spirits
Belle Plaine High School held its annual homecoming pepfest in the school’s south gym Friday, which was attended by hundreds of students from all three of the community’s public schools. This year’s pepfest was to take place outside at the Belle Plaine Athletic Complex but cold weather kept the festivities inside. Pictured in the top photo is the Tiger mascot visiting with elementary students in the stands before the start of the program. In the second photo are members of the school’s cross country team delivering the ceremonial game ball for Friday night’s football game from Le Sueur to Belle Plaine. In the third photo are some of the homecoming queen candidates and volleyball players having fun with the crowd during a skit. Pictured in the bottom photo are members of the school’s drama club promoting next month’s production of “A Christmas Carol.”
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