2018-1-ES01-KA229-050096 5-
ACTIVITY TITTLE: LEARNING FROM EXPERTS Justification: Students should realize that in order to promote an idea they have to be well informed. They have to be “experts” about the topic if they want to transfer the ideas to all the school community. In this case, as we are promoting healthy breakfast, teachers provide students with some scientific documents in English about the topic. Students read them, summarize them and try to create simple presentations to be presented to all the teachers and students of the school. Materials needed: Computer, articles, multimedia support. Resources: Documents: https://twinspace.etwinning.net/75314/pages/page/1468428 Subjects involved: Language, ICT, Science Procedure: Step 1: Create groups and read the assigned articles. Step 2: Analyze one of the articles and make a summary of them. Step 3: Prepare a presentation in their own language to present the conclusions to students of their same and other grades. Step 4: Present the conclusions to school community. Timing 4 sessions of 60 minutes Other relevant information: Example of the presentation that one of the students’ team did: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NzbYexrx4Sa7WQGWfK8dnrTIuQmRblWm4fr3KxxTCEs/edit?usp=sharing This activity can be done either in English or your own school language, even if some of the documents are in English.