2018-1-ES01-KA229-050096 18- KEY COMPETENCES FOR ALL THROUGHOUT LIFE This is the complete chart that we have to take into account. It can be adapted in accordance with the activity. OUR PURPOSE IS TO DEVELOP THIS KEY COMPENTENCES IN OUR STUDENTS. The chart is an interpretation of the UE instructions released in 2019 (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail//publication/297a33c8-a1f3-11e9-9d01-01aa75ed71a1/language-en) KEY COMPETENCE
KNOWLEDGE Vocabulary Functional grammar Functions of language Different styles and registers
Vocabulary Functional grammar Functions of language Cultural aspects Numbers Measures and structures
Basic operations Mathematical terms and concepts Basic principles of natural word Scientific concepts, theories, principles and theory Technology processes Impact of science and technology on natural word Function and use of software Function and use of networks Legal and ethical principles in digital technologies
SKILLS Communicate orally Communicate in writing Adapt communication to the situation Argument Use different types of sources to collect information Critical thinking Understand spoken messages Set conversations Read Write texts Learn languages formally and non-formally Apply mathematical principles and processes in everyday contexts Reason mathematically Communicate in mathematical language Manage statistics data and graphs Understand science as a process for investigation Use logical and rational thought to verify hypothesis Use and handle technological tools and machines Communicate conclusions of a scientific research Use digital content Access to digital content Filter digital content Create digital content Manage and protect information and digital identity
ATTITUDES Disposition to critical dialogue Disposition to constructive dialogue Appreciation of aesthetic qualities Socially responsible use of language
Appreciation of cultural diversity Curiosity about different languages Respect for minority languages
Respect for truth Willingness to look for reasons and asses their validity Critical appreciation and curiosity Support environmental sustainability
Reflect and critical attitude Ethical and responsible approach