Editors: David & Karen Brown 15 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 853793 Steve & Alison Dyche 8 Hay Street, Steeple Morden, Telephone 01763 853038
Email: newsletter@steeplemorden.org
Village Diary for December If you want your event published here please contact the Editors. Thurs 1st Dec Over 60’s Xmas Lunch (pg 5) th Sat 10 Dec Traidcraft (in SM church 10:30-noon) th The Nativity (pg 2) Sun 18 Dec
Future Events: Sat 14th Jan 2012 Traidcraft (in SM church 10:30-noon) Sat 28th Jan 2012 Murder Mystery Evening (pg 7) 2nd to 5th Jun 2012 Flower Festival (pg 2)
DECEMBER 2011 (Special paper Edition) From the Editors Well, it is the last Newsletter of 2011 and how time has flown! This month delivers a special paper version of the Newsletter to your door. As you will see from the article to the right, there is an update about the distribution of the Newsletter, plus more information can be found in the Parish Council Meeting notes on page 3. With the festive season fast approaching it is good to reflect on family life and, hopefully, the gathering of these family units over Christmas time. If you get a few moments over the Christmas break, please take the time to read through the Newsletter, there is lots of useful information included this month. We are sure that the community spirit will ensure that we all see each other at some point
Important Newsletter Distribution: The PC have decided that, to save your money and to help with the environment, the Newsletter will continue to be available electronically for each edition on the Village Website and via e-mail subscription (www.steeplemorden.org) with 50 paper copies in the Post Office. However, a full paper distribution to all households in the Parish will be made on an occasional basis (probably 3 times a year). during the festivities whether that be at the church services, Waggon & Horses or snowballing on the rec. (perhaps!). The Newsletter team would like to thank you all for your support this year and we hope to continue to get the same and more support in 2012 and onwards. On a final note, we would all like to wish you and your families a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Best Wishes Alison, David, Karen & Steve.
Don’t forget you can view this issue and back issues of the Newsletter online at www.steeplemorden.org and also subscribe to the monthly e-mail copy of the Newsletter. Lets 1 save money and trees!