BTEC - Training Overview

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Job Preparedness Trainings

Job Preparedness Trainings are 2.5 to 3week training programmes that aim to equip participants with skills to improve their employability and successfully compete in the workforce. These trainings consist of 3 components: Soft Skills, Customer- Service and Technical


Some of our industry trainings include:

Business Process Outsourcing

Administrative Assistant

Housekeeping and Janitorial Services


Accounts Clerk


Some of the sub-topics covered under job-preparedness trainings include:

Healthy Self-Esteem


Time Management

Resume Building


Communication Skills

Customer Service Excellence

Job Preparedness Trainings

General Outline

Job Preparedness Trainings are 2.5 to 3-week training programmes that aim to equip participants with skills to improve their employability and successfully compete in the workforce. These trainings consist of 3 components: Soft Skills, Customer- Service and Technical.


Soft Skills

The Soft Skills segment covers interpersonal and personal development topics that are relevant to any industry.

2 Customer Service

Include a brief description, rationale and intended impact. It helps to keep it concise yet concrete!

3 Technical

The technical component covers topics that are specific to the industry training and include both theory and practical application of the relevant material.


The table below outlines the estimated cost attached to Job Preparedness Trainings


$ 2,500BZD - $3,000BZD

3-4 WEEKS $3,500BZD - $5,000BZD

The cost listed above are inclusive of training materials and delivery. Please note that the prices are general estimates and are subject to change based on training location, materials needed and any other expenses needed to successfully execute the trainings

Professional Development Trainings


Some of the Professional Development Trainings include:

Customer Service Excellence

Advanced Customer Care

Building Workplace Culture

Healthy Self Image

Conflict De-escalation

Introduction to Report Writing

Leadership & Influence

The Art of Selling

Emotional Intelligence

Difficult Conversations for Leaders

Project Planning

Proposal Writing

Training Techniques

Building Organizational Strategies

• Managerial Development Series

• Computer Skills series

Professional Development Trainings are short, 1-3 day workshops targeted to employed persons seeking to expand their knowledge in a specific topic. These trainings are done at several levels depending on the audience.


The table below outlines the estimated cost attached to Professional Development Trainings.


6 - 12 HOURS

The cost listed above are inclusive of training materials and delivery. Please note that the prices are general estimates and are subject to change based on training location, materials needed and any other expenses needed to successfully execute the trainings. TRAI

$ 900 BZD - $1,200 BZD

$1,500 BZD - $2,000 BZD

Training Levels

Professional Development Trainings are divided into 3 main levels to accomodate for different levels of knowledge and skill experience.



Trainings that provide basic knowledge and understanding of selected topic .( Recommended for persons with 0-5 years work experience or little to no knowledge of the subject)




Trainings that provide an in-depth understanding of the course topic and related issues. ( Recommended for persons with 5-10 years work experience or some knowledge of the topic)


Trainings that explore complex aspects of a topic, applied to real-world situations. ( Recommended for persons with 10+ years work experience or with extensive knowledge of the topic and/or persons who may be in supervisory or managerial roles.

Healthy Self-Image

Developing a healthy self-concept is vital to success in any career. This workshop will allow participants to access their confidence levels and discover ways to improve their self-esteem, self-efficacy, and confidence in various aspects of their life.

Duration: 3.5 hours

Level: Junior

Certificate: Participation

Module 1: Power of a Positive Attitude

Module 2: Self-Esteem & Self Confidence

What is attitude?

Iceberg theory

Identifying good and bad attitudes

Changing perspectives

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem vs self-confidence


What contributes to our self-efficacy?

Effective Communication Skills

Communicating Effectively is vital to our success in the workplace. The way we communicate with our colleagues and customers affects how we work together to get a task done and the overall flow of business.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Junior

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Importance of Communication

What is Communication? Barriers to Communication Importance of Effective Communication

Module 2: Types of Communication

Why we communicate Communication Process Types of Communication

Module 3: Communication Styles

Module 4: Questioning Techniques

Aggressive Communication Passive Communication Assertive Communication

How to be more assertive? Empathy

Why asking questions is important Active Listening Types of questions

Customer Service Excellence

This workshop covers areas related to customer service excellence from concept to application. It helps you better understand customers´ needs and requests by using practical examples and tips related to soft skills. You will gain a better understanding of how to value and retain customers.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Junior

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Understanding Customer Service

Module 2: Guest Service Gold

Definition of Customer Service

Understanding the Customer’s Needs

Importance of Customer Service

Identifying customers types both Internal & External

·Exploring the Seven Elements

Challenges to Customer Service Excellence

·Customers’ needs and expectations

·Responding to customer behaviour

·Customer satisfaction

Importance of telephone etiquette

Module 3: Telephone Etiquette

Opening and closing calls

Types of calls

Importance of pitch, tone and pace

Module 4: Handling

Difficult Customers

Handling inquiries and complaints

Abusive customers

Asking for sensitive information

Giving and receiving feedback

The Art of Selling

This training session is designed to equip your staff with the basic skills and techniques they need to approach sales opportunities with confidence. The lessons demonstrated are immediately actionable and accessible, from building business friendships, winning the customer’s confidence, discovering their needs, knowing your product, and finally closing the sale.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: The Art of Selling

Module 2: Sales Pitch

Realities of Selling

A simplified sales process

Friendship and Sales methods

·Challenger Method

·SPIN Method

Anatomy of the Pitch

The Sales Iceberg Sales Confidence Spider gram

Module 3: Objections & Rebuttals

Improving selling techniques

Upselling and cross-selling. How to handle rejection

Sales Presentations

This segment will involve participants presenting a product/service of their choice using the methods learnt.

Leadership & Influence

Leadership skills are essential to any career. Successful leaders are able to transform organizations, motivate teams and create efficient ways to engage their team members to deliver better results. This training

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: What is Leadership?

Module 2: Colours of Leadership

Module 3: Leadership & Team Building

Leadership defined Characteristics of a leader Influence vs Power

Leadership Principles

Identifying your leadership style

·Rules to become an influential leader

·Leadership myths

Module 4: Influencing Others

·Leading successful teams

·Adapting to different personalities

·Adapting your leadership style

Getting the most out of your team

Creating a shared vision Empowering others Influencing others Building Trust

Conflict De-escalation

Conflict may occur in our professional and personal lives for multiple reasons. Knowing how to effectively solve conflicts is crucial to ensuring healthy relationships with the people around us and maintaining productivity in the workplace. This training will cover the key techniques for conflict resolution and de-escalation including practicing empathy, analyzing people’s boundaries, and identifying our biases.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Understanding Conflict

Module 2: Identifying Boundaries

Module 3: Getting ready for dialogue

Module 4:Turning Conflict Into Collaboration

Conflict types

·Internal Conflict

·External Conflict

Signs of Conflict

·Phases of Escalation

Conflict Management Personality Types

Identifying personal rules and boundaries

Patterns for communication and conflict resolution

Cognitive biases

Respect and Understanding

·Adapting a conflict management mindset

·How to make the approach?

·How to invite others into dialogue?

Clarifying intent and concerns

·Check your understanding

The skill of exploration

·Setting ground rules

·Active listening

·Statements of empathy

·Collaboration and arriving at agreements

Building Workplace Culture

As we have come to understand, through your academic or work experiences, teams are seen as effective work groups whose success is determined by the degree of coordination, purpose, and motivation and whose synergy creates a level of cohesiveness and effectiveness beyond them as individuals. In this training, we will discuss the importance of building teams within the work place. You will have an opportunity to practice teamwork and explore what it takes to create effective teams and work in a team setting. Your ability to function as a part of a team is extremely important regardless of the size of the team if it is done remotely or in-person, as learning to work well with others will build any workplace environment.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Importance of Teamwork

Module 2: Understanding Workstyles

How do you want your team to look?

What makes a team work?

Benefits of teamwork

Identifying good and bad attitudes

Employee engagement

Leading an effective team

Understanding different workstyles

Knowing your workstyle

Working with different personalities

What is work culture?

Module 3: Building your team

Module 4:Supporting your team

Building trust within your team

Getting your team to communicate

Assessing your team's maturity

How to strengthen your team

Understanding your role within your team

Team motivation

Making decisions together

Emotional Intelligence

This workshop will allow you to learn how to identify emotions in yourself and others, manage your emotions, and improve your relationships at work.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: What is EI?

Module 2: Managing Emotions & Social Awareness

Module 3: Relationships & Conflict Management

What is EI?

What are emotions?

Domains of emotional intelligence

Module 4: Building your EI, managing relationships and working in a diverse workplace

Emotional control

Social awareness


Self-efficacy and theory of motivation

Revisiting communication styles

Defining social interaction

Importance of Rapport Building

Understanding verbal and nonverbal communication

Conflict Management steps

Understanding the inclusive workplace and applying social awareness

Developing and managing your EI


Selfcare routine

Intro to Report Writing

In any career, being able to produce effective reports for easy reference is a vital skill to have. This workshop covers the basics of writing clear and effective reports in a business setting.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Effective Report Writing

Module 2: The Basics

Module 3: Writing your report

Module 4:Put it into practice

What is a report?

Knowing your purpose

Knowing your audience

Features of a good report Mistakes to avoid

Parts of a report

Types of reports

Writing Styles

Basic Report Structure

Writing your report in stages

Closing your report

Effective editing and proofreading Tips for presenting your report

This segment covers a practical activity in which participants will be given topics to write a report on

Project Management

This training will focus on helping participants understand what is project management and the skills needed to engage with the practice. It will focus on understanding the structure of risk management when managing a project and the importance of creating a communication plan to engage with key stakeholders and the community. This training will also cover project execution and controlling a project for success.

Duration: 15 hours (2 days)

Level: Mid-Career/Senior Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Understanding Project Management

Module 2: Project Management Styles

What is project management?

The role of the project manager Skills a project manager should have

Module 3: Beginning the Project

Know your project management style Choosing the best method for your team and project

Module 4:·Defining the Project & Prioritizing Activities

How to initiate a project

Determining objectives Project Planning steps

Defining objectives and making them SMART-R Setting milestones Integrating changes into a project

Motivating your project team

Project Management (cont'd)

Module 5: Project Strategies

Module 6: Monitoring

Project Process

10 strategies of project execution

Module 7: Effective Scheduling

Module 8:·Managing Deadlines

Importance of monitoring and evaluation

Managing assets

Project stages

Scheduling methods

Calendar management

How to schedule tasks

Developing a time-line for your project

Avoid being overwhelmed

Keeping your team on deadlines

How to adjust to changes in deadlines

How to stick to deadlines

SMART-R Goals (revised)

Proposal Writing 1

This training will explore the introduction to project management. This course is intended for participants to understand how project managers strengthen their capacity and the importance of creating a communication plan to engage with key stakeholders and the community. This training will also cover project execution and controlling a project for success as well as monitoring and evaluation techniques. It will explain key elements of a proposal and will provide hands on experience as they will start developing their own project proposal specific to their needs.

Duration: 4 hrs-Day#1 Level: Introductory Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Report Writing

• What is a report

• What is your purpose and audience

• Features to include and avoid

• Type of reports

• Parts of a report with basic structure

• Closing your report

• Presenting and proofreading

Module 2: Project Management

• Introduction to Project Management Project Initiation overview

• Defining the project and prioritizing activities Project Strategies

• Overview of Monitoring & Evaluation

• Scheduling basics

• tips managing deadlines

Module 3: Introduction to Project Proposal writing

• Understand what a project proposal and the different types is.

• Discuss the methodology they will use and how to develop monitoring and evaluation systems.

• Learn how to set up the budget with all content

• Understand the time frame using a Gantt Chart

• Commence the development of their own project proposal tailored to their needs.

Proposal Writing 2

This course delves into the intricacies of crafting compelling proposals that stand out in competitive environments. Participants will master advanced techniques for conducting thorough needs assessments, designing tailored solutions, and articulating them persuasively. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, participants will refine their skills in project planning, budgeting, and presenting proposals to diverse stakeholders.

Duration: 6.5 hrsDay#2

Level: Advanced Certificate: Completion


1: Understanding Project Proposal Outline

• Understanding The Donor's Format

• Cover Sheet

• Table Of Contents

• Executive Summary

• Organization

• Project Description

Module 2: Methodology / Work Plan

Module 3: HR and Evaluation

• Methodology / Work Plan

• Human Resources & Facilities

• Project Monitoring & Evaluation

• Proposed Budget

• Attachments

Difficult Conversations for Leaders and Managers

As leaders, there are times when we must have difficult conversations including when addressing behavioral issues, mediating conflicts, or dismissing an employee or team member. While it is understandable why we are afraid of these conversations, avoiding them will only make the situation worse and lead to damaged relationships and loss of trust. This session will cover how to approach our team members, staff, and colleagues and invite them into conversations we would otherwise want to avoid.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Senior

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Why we avoid

Module 2: Taking responsibility

Module 3: Initiating the Conversation

What are difficult conversations and why do we avoid them?

Types of difficult conversations

Consequences of avoidance

Preparing yourself

Define your desired outcomes

Choosing the right timing and location

Module 4: Communication Strategies

How to begin?

Manage your emotions before conversations

Managing your emotions during the conversation

Communication mistakes to avoid Know your communication style

Effective techniques

Active listening

Building Organizational Strategies for Better Decision Making

In every organization, it is essential to develop strategies that will improve the organization's overall function and allow employees and employers to work together cohesively. This training will equip participants with the skills to understand the importance of understanding organizational behaviour, how to create a motivating work environment, and how to make decisions to implement organizational structure and change.

Duration: 12.5 hours

Level: Senior

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Organizational Behaviour

Module 2: Designing a Motivating Work Environment

Unit 1: Understanding organizational Behaviour

Unit 2: Challenges in Organizational Behaviour

Unit 3: Understanding Learning Styles

Unit 1: Exploring values

Unit 2: Motivating Employees through Job Design

Unit 3: Motivating Employees through incentives

Module 3: Making Decisions

Module 4: Organizational Structure and Change

Unit 1: Understanding decision making

Unit 2: Types of decisions

Unit 3: Ethics and decision making

Monitoring & Evaluation for Project Management

This training will explore the key elements of Monitoring and Evaluation(M&E) for project management. This course is intended for project managers who want to strengthen their capacity in conducting monitoring and evaluation through each stage of the project cycle and developing effective performance monitoring plans to execute successful projects.

Duration: 12 hours

Level: Mid-Career/Senior Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Intro to

Unit 1: What is M&E? Unit 2: Monitoring and Evaluation in Project Cycles

Monitoring & Evaluation Unit 3: M&E Frame Work

Module 2: Monitoring Project Progress Unit 1: Developing an M&E System Unit 2: Components of an M&E plan

Module 3: Strengthening M&E Unit 1: Indicator Tracking

2: Roles & Responsibilities

Module 4: Data Management Unit 1: M&E Data Sources Unit 2: Data Collection Methods

Module 5: Results & Dissemination Unit 1: Reports and Feedback Unit 2: Reporting Methods

Human Resource Relations

This HR Relations training examines the best practices in employee relationship management. Employee Relationship Management. Managing the relationship each employee has with the organization and with each other is vital to employee satisfaction, growth, and overall success. The techniques learnt in this training will foster the creation of a working environment in which all staff members are able to contribute their full potential. You will learn how to create a supportive and trusting climate at work and ensure that individual and collective ER issues are handled positively and sensitively.

Duration: 12 hours

Level: Mid-Career/Senior Certificate: Completion Module 1: Employee Relations

2: Employee Performance and Engagement

3: Function of Employee Relations

Employee Engagement

Employee Discipline

Training Techniques

This training will cover techniques to capture any group's attention and how to ensure you come across as confident and knowledgeable in any environment. This session will cover various training methods, how to manage the pace of a class, and how to adapt to learning styles. You will also learn how to employ expert questioning techniques, body language, tone techniques, and much more.

Duration: 18 hours

Level: Mid-Career/Senior Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Training Preparation

Module 2: Training Methods

Unit 1: Exploring Training Needs

Unit 2: Developing Training Objectives

Unit 1: Discussion Method

Unit 2: Demonstration Method

Unit 3: Role- Play

Module 3: Function of Employee Relations

Module 4: Managing the Group and Space

Unit 1: Team Briefing and Consultation

Unit 2: Feedback and Coaching

This will module focuses on teaching the fundamentals of how to arrange the classroom in order to facilitate an interactive learning experience.

Module 5: Classroom Management

Beyond generic tips on how to keep up engagement and monitor the energy/attention level in the room, this segment also covers how to deal with difficult participants and handle

Managerial Skills Development

This training focuses on equipping participants with fundamental managerial skills essential for effective leadership in today's dynamic business environment. Through a blend of theoretical insights and practical exercises, participants will develop a comprehensive understanding of key managerial concepts such as strategic planning, decision-making, communication, and team leadership. Emphasis is placed on honing practical skills that empower managers to navigate challenges, foster collaboration, and drive organizational success. Upon completion, participants will possess a solid foundation of managerial competencies to excel in their roles and contribute strategically to their organizations.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Intro/Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Introduction to Management

Module 2: Communication and Leadership

• Overview of Management

• Roles and Responsibilities of a Manager

• Key Managerial Skills

• Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Module 3: Time Management and Productivity

• Effective Communication in Management

• Leadership Styles and Approaches

• Team Building and Conflict Resolution

• Motivation and Employee Engagement

• Time Management for Managers

• Goal Setting and Planning

• Delegation and Empowerment

• Continuous Improvement and Adaptability

Advanced Managerial Skills Development

Participants will be equipped with the skills and strategies to effectively lead, develop coworkers, navigate and handle challenging workplace conversations. Focused on enhancing communication, conflict resolution, and emotional intelligence, this training seeks to empower individuals and to build their approach to leadership practices and managing difficult discussions with confidence and empathy.

Duration: 6 hours

Level: Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: Strategic Planning

Module 2: Understanding Difficult Conversations

• Strategic Planning


• Basic Project Management Questions

Module 3: Organizational Communication Practices

• Adaptive Communication

• Conflict Resolution Modules

• Tips for Productive

• Conversations

• Conflict Resolution Strategies

• Understanding your Emotions

• Tips for Productive Discussions

• Tips for setting the right tone and environment for conversations

• Building Efficient workplace


Computer Skills Series

Developed for participants that do not have any knowledge whatsoever about computers and the internet. It takes participant on a journey to understanding the basic hardware components of a computer, operating systems, Windows navigations, shortcuts, and gestures. It also provides participants with basic typing skills and understanding of the Internet and the use of emails.

Duration: 18 hours

Level: Junior/Mid-Career

Certificate: Completion

Module 1: What is a Computer?

Module 2: Navigating Excel

Unit 1:Hardware of a Computer

Unit 2: Using Windows Operating Systems

Unit 3: Internetusages-Cloud,email,SafetyTips

Unit 1: Intro to Excel

Unit 2: Excel Referencing

Unit 3: Formulas and Functions

Module 3: Working through Word

Unit 1: Intro to Word

Unit 2: Working with images

Unit 3: Working with Shapes and Icons

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