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Taming the Terrible Two’s of your Business


Closing the Gap between You and your Goals

Iva Perez, Licensed RTTÒ Practitioner- Hypnotherapy

Why entrepreneurs hit a wall around the 2-year mark of starting their business and what they can do about it.

There is a tongue-in-cheek meme going around which feels true for every entrepreneur starting their business:

If this rings true keep reading!

After all, even as a driven, highly motivated mompreneur following your passions and dreams, you thought it would be somehow easier.

Is your business going through the terrible twos or horrible threes with not much to show for all the sacrifice, time, effort, and money you've put into it?

There’s an explanation for it backed by science.

Your business started as an idea. A spark of inspiration. It felt light-hearted and expansive, and you were heartfelt in the right place as you envisioned this future reality.

But there is an energy shift whenever you bring a creative idea from the metaphysical plane to the physical reality. Whenever an idea begins to take shape in the 3D world, it must pass through something that I call The Crossing.

This scenario is all too common. I see it with my clients who usually come to me two years into starting their business, completely uninspired by what was once their dream. Family life might start to take its toll and the business is taking too much energy in the form of time, physical vitality, and creativity, not to mention the money most of them aren’t earning during this time.

Just like the meme, they feel they quit a 9-to-5, to start working 24/7 with not much to show for it. The irony is that they ’re so close to making their goals a reality, but don’t have the energy they had at the onset of their journey to push through and enjoy momentum.

Your goals will be easier to achieve if you are energetically aligned. What this means is, as author Maria Nemeth once mentioned, “Success is doing what you said you would do—with ease. ”

Successful people know how energy works and successful entrepreneurs use the energy of their ideas, values, and purpose to bring goals and dreams into physical reality.

For many of us, doing what we said we would do is nothing new. The challenge is to do so with ease. Achieving your goals becomes hard when you ’re not able to properly energize your goals. And you energize your goals by:

1. Knowing exactly how energy works 2. Using energy to energize their goals through aligned action 3. Preventing and managing energy leaks

Using the principle of subtractive knowledge, this article will focus on item number three. Preventing and managing energy leaks.

Subtractive knowledge is simply the practice of eliminating the unnecessary and the unimportant. In other words, it is more beneficial to first figure out what not to do.

Why? Because in most cases, removing the negative will give better results than adding countermeasures.

The way your energy can be depleted at the juncture between the metaphysical plane and physical reality, aka The Crossing, can fall into three buckets:

· Mental depletion- when you confuse goals with tasks. It involves falling into the trap of being busy but not effective. Giving priority to urgent but not important items on your list leaving you feeling drained like you ’re constantly putting out fires.

· Emotional depletion- when you believe the Monkey Mind, aka negative looping thoughts. Fear and resistance via way of old limiting beliefs give way to unwanted patterns of behavior like procrastination, perfectionism, self-sabotage, and even anxious feelings around control and trust. Working with a trusted certified professional on getting to the root cause of these issues is invaluable in freeing up emotional energy.

If you want to give your dreams a physical form, and truly energize them, you must take actions that focus your energy the right way in all three dimensions: mental, emotional, and energetic.

Even taking one small step in any of these three areas and removing what is not needed already helps move things along.

For example, at The Crossing, the Monkey Mind gets activated bringing in all sorts of fears and doubts that create even more resistance.

Here, the best bet when it comes to tackling overwhelm and anxiety would be to get to the root cause. Removing what is ACTUALLY causing the overwhelm and the anxiety will have a far bigger impact on your productivity and quality of life than the cumulative effect of adding more exercise, massages, nights out with friends or a good cry combined.

· Energetic depletion- failing to understand how your energetic baseline prevents your goals and dreams from manifesting in the real world. Your energetic baseline affects particles around you because everything in the Universe is energy. In quantum physics, this is known as the Observer Effect in which the act of observation alters the behavior of the particles being observed. You can speed up the rate at which your projects materialize by clearing your energy in the metaphysical reality using principles from the Observer Effect.

Because everything is energy, we are also energy. We always have the capacity to move energy in the direction of our dreams so we can bring them to fruition. When we close the valve on these energy leaks, we have the energy to do the footwork in physical reality.

The reason your business might be going through the Terrible Two’s phase is that you ’re beginning to move an idea from the metaphysical realm into physical reality, and at the juncture of both worlds, the inspiration and fun of the original idea encounter the energy requirement of physical reality. The energy in the 3d world is dense. Changing objects and situations in physical reality requires far more focused energy. For example, we cannot dream our way into washing our hair or doing the laundry.

Also knowing how to clear up the energy that comes from the world of ideas and desires helps unblock the free flow of what we want right into the physical world.

This means that the idea of having a successful business would mostly bring feelings of joy, fulfillment, and freedom when it gets realized. But if you’re constantly operating from stressed and anxious energy, you cannot energize your actions to tune into the same hi-vibe energetic frequency.

However, despite how challenging the journey might seem, the good news is that all it takes to set the wheels in motion is a powerful intention.

As the New Year looms ahead, take a moment to ask yourself: Would it be all right with me if life got easier?

If you are ready to answer YES then let’s hop on a call today! where I can show you how to energize your goals in three easy sprints. No programs, modules, or boring note-taking. Simply quick action moves that get you closer to your goals with ease.

As a Licensed Hypnotherapist, I have studied the science of the mind to help mompreneurs harness their unique mom energy into making their dream life a reality. When we work together they clear themselves through short and fun practices that truly ENERGIZE THEIR GOALS.

Iva Perez

www.themomergymovement.com @momergymovement

4 Secrets to Create a Life You Love

“What will you do today to create a life you love? The choice is yours.

” This article may be more of a ‘ call out’ than I usually do, but sometimes we need some tough love!

Brianna Hosack Parenting, Productivity & Accountability Coach

It has become such a common rhetoric: “I have no time, ” “I’m too busy, ” “I never have any time for myself, ”

etc.… especially for working moms. I mean really, it’s an epidemic!

And it’s technically true, of course! We are busy, we do have a lot of expectations of our day and night, being a mom is a full-time job, then we may have a full-time job, or be building a business, doing all the housework, carrying the full mental load, and so on.

However, it has become a sort of ‘badge of honor. ’ And that is just plain toxic.

Because when we encourage each other to be busier, compare our busy-ness with one another, and take pride in being so busy that our health (especially mental health) suffers, then it is harmful in our immediate life, harmful to other women who are struggling and then feel pressured to keep up and harmful to future generations who need to learn how to take care of themselves and be kinder to themselves!

This type of toxic thinking leads to burnout, depression, anxiety, and more. It is necessary to stop and rest. It is healthy to have fun. It is safe to take a break.

People constantly tell me how amazed they are by my time freedom. I hear: “How are you sick AND

productive AND getting all the rest you need?” ,

“How can you run multiple businesses, have toddlers at home, and spend HOURS a day on self-care? AND have a clean house?!” And yes, those things are true about me, but not because I’m so busy and never stop! They are true because I stop and because I get enough rest to hold all of that! And not just sleep…

I take pride in things like sitting on the couch doing nothing with a hot cup of coffee, or staring out at the beautiful sunrise before my kids wake up; just enjoying the SILENCE.

Being proud of running yourself into the ground is unhealthy. It is false pride because nobody actually enjoys that (this is coming from a recovering people-pleasing, perfectionist, DO-ER). And it perpetuates unhealthy cycles in the world in general.

We, collectively, need to put a stop to this unhealthy habit.

I teach my clients about self-care, but not just one method; I don’t have the magical ‘ one right way. ’ Everybody ’s lives look different, and everybody ’s solutions are different!

This can be accomplished by resetting our priorities and simplifying our schedules. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. And yes, some have more kids than others, and some have special needs & considerations that need to be included. That’s why every situation and plan is unique.

Here are four secrets that I use to create my ideal life and help my clients to do the same.

Secret #1 that allows me to live a life I love:

You have as much time as you choose to have. Period, the end, no excuses, no exceptions. You get to decide.

If there are certain things that dictate your time, you still have a CHOICE. You can eliminate them, or you can CHOOSE them to keep them around. If your kids give you a tough time all day every day, you can CHOOSE a different parenting style. If your kids don’t sleep well at night you can CHOOSE to try a different sleep schedule, a different sleep style; different sleep training methods exist! If you have a job that sucks your soul dry and has you working 24/7, it is your CHOICE to stay. Of course, the bills need to be paid, but you get to choose how that happens!

There is ALWAYS another option!

Secret #2: Your priorities dictate your time. And only you can dictate your priorities. They are what you care about.

If you care about your work at a job, you may allow a boss to prioritize your time during your working hours. If compensated fairly and if you allow it, you can have a job that chooses how all your time is prioritized, but this is not ideal for anyone, especially not for a mom with young kids at home!

Depending on your parenting style you may choose to allow your kids to prioritize your time for you as well, but you choose the parenting style. You are the parent.

And so on. I highly recommend sitting with your own thoughts regularly so that you can decipher what your priorities are. It seems like something we should just know instinctively, but it’s not.

How do you figure your priorities out if you ’re not sure what they are deep down?

Brain dumps, journaling to dig deeper into your thoughts, discussing it with a friend, family member, mentor, coach, therapist, etc. Trial and error. The biggest thing is just to try!

Secret #3: Simplify your schedule to have all the time you need.

If you start feeling frantic and overwhelmed by daily life, it’s a good sign that you need to re-evaluate your priorities and remove things from your to-do list and schedule!

Take a good hard look at what you ’re giving your time to. Be brutally honest with yourself.

Are you spending time on social media when you ’re avoiding the housework? Are you making hours-long phone calls to friends or family, but avoiding taking the ten minutes to schedule a necessary appointment? Are you volunteering for five different organizations, but have to reheat your coffee five times just to have it be a little warm to drink?

Now REMOVE THEM. That’s right. Actually do it, or there’s no point in evaluating in the first place!

What’s not on your calendar but taking up a lot of your time? What things are you putting on your schedule that you don’t like to do? What appointments or commitments are draining your energy more than is healthy? What things can you remove from your schedule so that you can free up time for YOU?

I resisted this one for a long time. I was raised in a highly religious environment, and it honestly turned me off religion (which was how I defined my spirituality at the time) for a long time.

Over the last couple of years though, my view on spirituality has expanded, and I’ve realized it’s not optional if you want to live a balanced life!

As with everything else I say though, this looks different for everyone. Some people might go to church every Sunday, pray daily, read their scriptures regularly, etc. Some may simply practice yoga or meditation. Some may go deeper into the ‘woo’ with Tarot, Shamanic Journey, Reiki, etc. Maybe all you need is to stand outside and take some deep breaths of fresh air and take in nature’s beauty. It’s all beautiful. It’s all right. It’s all spiritual.

And if you spend time on your spiritual practice regularly, you will be able to find some semblance of balance in your life. Using intuition to direct what you put on your schedule, what your priorities are, and the choices you’re making in your life - is a game changer.

But when we’re caught up in the rush of day-to-day life, and we don’t stop long enough to tap INTO our intuition, we wind up making decisions and prioritizing from our heads, which can be too cluttered to be clear and on track! This is where a spiritual PRACTICE comes in. Whatever you choose for your own practice, it should be your top priority, possibly included in your self-care time. Getting into alignment regularly keeps everything else on track.

My views may be on the extreme end, but this is the top priority. Without it, our lives descend into chaos and accidents, instead of intention & calm.

What will you do today to create a life you love? The choice is yours.

Want more time for self-care? Slow your racing mind with some meditation, so you’re clear on when it will fit into your day. Want to be more present with your kids? Get connected to your intuition so you can get your priorities in order so that you make the time for this. Want a date night with your partner every week? Get clear on your priorities, and journal them out. Lose something else from your schedule to make it fit. Want to volunteer? Get brutally honest with yourself. Where are you wasting time elsewhere that could be removed so that you can fit something new in?

Brianna Hosack

www.thecalminspiredmama.com @TheCalm-InspiredMama

“Never apologize for being a powerful woman.

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