BeMSA - IFMSA August Meeting 2018 Report

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IFMSA General Assembly Report 67th IFMSA August Meeting 2018 August 2 - 8 2018, MontrĂŠal, Canada

Publisher Belgian Medical Students’ Association VZW (BeMSA) Brusselsestraat 246 3000 Leuven, Belgium Contact information Homepage: Email: /BeMSA.Belgium @BeMSA_Belgium @BeMSA_Belgium

This is a BeMSA publication © 2018 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non-political and non-profit purposes, provided mentioning the source. Disclaimer This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of BeMSA. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by BeMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Notice All reasonable precautions have been taken by BeMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader. Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.

About BeMSA The Belgian Medical Students’ Association (BeMSA) is a Belgian student-run organisation. As of the 2018-2019 academic year, it represents medical students from 9 of the faculties across the country, while also establishing international connections through the existing network of 137 national member organisations of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Each year we organise a series of events on a local, national and international level. Additionally, our clinical and research exchange programs send over 100 Belgian students abroad every year, while accommodating the same number of foreign students. This allows them to explore innovations in medicine, healthcare systems and healthcare delivery in various settings across the globe. BeMSA brings people together to exchange, discuss and initiate projects with the goal of creating a healthier world. It provides medical students with the skills and resources needed to be health leaders. With the help of the IFMSA, it also advocates for the pressing issues that matter to us to shape the world we want to live in. And it does deliver: our projects, our campaigns and our activities positively impact the physicians-to be alongside the communities they serve.





GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPORT ............................................. 4

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

OPENING CEREMONY ........................................................... 4 SESSIONS........................................................................... 4 REGIONAL SESSIONS............................................................. 5 NMO HOUR ...................................................................... 5 TRAINING SESSIONS ............................................................. 5 ACTIVITIES FAIR .................................................................. 6 PLENARY ........................................................................... 6 SOCIAL PROGRAM ............................................................... 7 CLOSING CEREMONY ............................................................ 7 SESSION REPORTS .............................................................. 8 PRESIDENTS’ SESSIONS ......................................................... 8 NMO MANAGEMENT SESSIONS ........................................... 10 SCOME SESSIONS ............................................................ 12 SCOPE SESSIONS .............................................................. 14 SCOPH SESSIONS ............................................................. 16 SCORA SESSIONS ............................................................. 19 SCORE SESSIONS.............................................................. 22 SCORP SESSIONS ............................................................. 24


PRE-GA REPORT ............................................................... 26


POST-GA REPORT ............................................................. 28


PERSONAL OBJECTIVES AFTER THE GA ............................. 30


GROUP PICTURE .............................................................. 36


ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................. 37

8.1 8.2

STANDING COMMITTEES ..................................................... 37 OTHER ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................... 38

Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

1 Introduction from the Head of Delegation Dear reader, First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this report from the 67th IFMSA General Assembly – August Meeting 2018 in Montréal, Québec, Canada! The whole Belgian delegation put a lot of time and effort in the second edition of this report, after the one from March Meeting in Egypt previously this year. Again, the target audience of this report is twofold. On the one hand, we would like to inform and motivate future generations of BeMSA members to attend an IFMSA meeting, which is without doubt one of the most enriching and motivating experiences you can have as a BeMSA member and as a medical student by extension. On the other hand, this report is also meant for external partners and faculties to inform them about our activities at an IFMSA General Assembly. We at BeMSA hope that this report clarifies some things for the faculties and motivates them to keep supporting their medical students to attend such events, of which we are convinced they contribute to the creation of the future health leaders of Belgium. Additionally, this report was a great opportunity for the delegation to reflect on the experience and to think about the future. Every one of them contributed by writing a small article about their sessions, which you can find in section 3, ‘Session reports’, and composing some objectives for after the GA, which you can find in section 6, ‘Personal objectives after the GA’. I would like to thank the whole delegation for their efforts and dedication during this General Assembly. You all did an amazing job at representing BeMSA and Belgian medical students during your sessions. I’m convinced that you came back with a newly gained motivation and a lot of new knowledge and skills. Thank you also for contributing to the NMO hours, you were are very engaged and motivated delegation. You made my job as head of delegation for my second GA a breeze! Finally, congratulations to our members Dominique Vervoort for hosting a preGA workshop, Koen Demaegd for his work in the IFMSA Supervising Council and Kelly Maertens for acting as secretary of the plenary sessions during this GA. Thanks to you, we had the biggest Belgian delegation ever to an IFMSA meeting, totalling 19 BeMSA-members! I hope you enjoy reading this report and should you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me, my contact information is below. Sincerely, Basiel Weyers BeMSA Vice-President of External Affairs - +32 476 64 01 50


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

2 General Assembly report This section gives an introduction of the many agenda items of this General Assembly. For each item, a small explanation and picture is provided. This list is not exhaustive, there are even more items that are not explained here. If you want more information about a certain item, don’t hesitate to get in touch! 2.1

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the GA is a formal affair on the arrival day (day 0) where representatives of various sponsors and supporters of the event are invited to a galadinner type event. It acts as the official start of the General Assembly and the members of the Organizing Committee (OC) as well as those from the IFMSA Team of Officials (TO) are introduced during this part of the event. Keynote speakers are mixed with musical

Musical break at the opening ceremony.

performances. 2.2


The sessions are the heart and soul of every IFMSA General Assembly and they take place every day (day 1-5). During this General




Committee had one Session for their members, the IFMSA Vice-President for Capacity Building coordinated an NMO Management





Presidents joined the President’s Session, all

Delegates writing down their perspectives on a

of which ran in parallel with each other.

poster during NMO Management Sessions.

BeMSA was represented by at least one delegate in every session. You can find the reports of our delegates in section 3, ‘Session reports’.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report 2.3

Regional sessions

During these sessions on day 1 and 4, we met with all delegates from the European region. We discussed some topics related to the region and voted on the European Priorities. Additionally, we were able to present our upcoming Sub-Regional Training (SRT) in Belgium in November. Finally, we also split up even further into Standing Committees and European NMO Presidents to discuss some more in-depth

Basiel presenting our upcoming Sub-Regional

topics concerning the European Region.

Training to the European region.


NMO hour

The NMO hour is the daily gathering of the whole Belgian delegation at the GA. This is one of the most important moments of the day and everyone is expected to be there. During these moments, everyone can speak up and tell the rest about their sessions and how they are feeling. Additionally, we discuss the topics that will be voted upon at the

NMO hour of the Belgian delegation.

plenary afterwards and we go over the practicalities of the next day. 2.5

Training sessions

Trainings are the backbone of IFMSA as they provide the skills for the members in order to better organize themselves, their work, and their team. During this GA, there were many 2-hour trainings running in parallel on day 2, with a wide variety of topics. They provided our members with skills and knowledge. Topics





management, leadership and many more.

Delegates lining up during a training session.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report 2.6

Activities fair

The Activities Fair on day 4 gives the opportunity to activities in the NMOs to shine and share its results to the delegates of the General Assembly. There’s always a great atmosphere of excitement and this one was no different! Our delegates were left with various leaflets, promotional material and lots of ideas in no time at all. Additionally, the Activities Fair was a great way to talk directly to Activity Coordinators from other NMOs. This year, BeMSA presented one of our own activities, the Stigma Challenge! The judges and delegates were very impressed and inspired to take some of our ideas home to their own NMOs! Activity Coordinators explaining their activities to interested delegates.



The Plenary is the highest decision-making body in IFMSA. It is the core of the General Assembly and is where the representatives of all NMOs gather and vote on the changes within the Federation. Our delegation was very well prepared for the Plenaries and therefore, we were able to give lots of input, ask many questions and even make some statements for the whole GA. Additionally, we voted on the many submissions such as bylaw changes, policy documents and more. This year, our own Kelly Maertens was responsible for taking the minutes of the Plenary as Secretary!

Kelly Maertens as plenary secretary and Caline Mattar as plenary chair.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report 2.8

Social program

Every evening at the GA is an occasion for everyone to come together and have fun. The Organizing Committee provided us with a fun activity to attend to every night after the Plenary. As usual, there was the Cultural Night where NMOs performed a traditional dance of their country and the legendary National Food and Drinks Party (NFDP), where everyone could try out traditional food and drinks from all over the world.

Food and drinks from all over the world are available at the NFDP.


Closing ceremony

All great things come to an end, and so did this





accompanied by another formal event: the closing ceremony. Keynote speakers included the IFMSA VicePresident for Activities introducing the current board,






introducing the newly elected Team of Officials of the next term. Additionally, the chair of the Organizing Committee introduced

The IFMSA Vice-President of Activities presenting

her team, and everyone was thanked

the whole IFMSA board during the closing

extensively for the work they performed.



Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

3 Session reports After the General Assembly, we asked all our delegates to write a small report about their sessions, working together with the other delegates attending those sessions. Below, you will find a small summary of each session, how the delegates experienced them and who should consider attending them at a future General Assembly. 3.1

Presidents’ Sessions

About the author

Basiel Weyers BeMSA Vice-President of External Affairs (VPE) 2017-2018 UGent BeMSA Ghent

In general, Presidents’ Sessions are the

A big part of the sessions is occupied by

place where presidents from National

discussions about the submissions, such

Member Organizations (NMOs) such as

as bylaw changes, IFMSA Team of Officials

BeMSA from all over the world meet to


share experiences and ideas, to discuss


pertinent topics concerning the federation

reports and motions. These submissions

and to prepare the plenaries.






document applications,




presidents over the NMO server. In BeMSA,






submissions beforehand with the whole delegation,





member has to read the submissions. By doing this, we effectively have input,


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report comments, concerns or questions from the

Sessions should consider attending these

whole delegation that we can raise at the






Sessions. Moreover, by including the whole delegation in this process, we give them the opportunity to explore and experience the

Some characteristics of a Presidents’ Sessions sympathizer: •


IFMSA on a higher level. Afterwards, we can come back to the submissions with the









delegation during NMO hour, so that we are prepared for voting during plenaries the

Interested in the workings of the



submissions, discussed issues with

next day.

delegation) •

Ready to think critically and discuss with the IFMSA EB and NMO presidents

Not afraid to speak up and say what’s on their mind in front of a lot of people

In short, we learned a lot during Presidents’ Presidents’ Sessions are also a great way

Sessions, especially about the workings

for the BeMSA Vice-President for External

and issues of the federation. We felt very

Affairs (VPE) to get to know NMO

prepared for plenaries, partly because the

Presidents from all over the world. These

delegation did a very good job in reading

connections can come in very handy during

and commenting on the submissions

other meetings, but also for asking advice

beforehand. Additionally, we got to know a

or sharing ideas later on.

lot of other NMO presidents, which we’ll see

Presidents’ Sessions are mostly fit for more experienced members who are part of the BeMSA Executive Board (especially the

again at the next meetings. Finally, we also got to know many of the IFMSA Executive Board members.

VPE who is responsible for everything IFMSA-related), or members who are interested in applying for a BeMSA EB position the following term. Additionally, everyone who is eager to learn more about the workings of the IFMSA and the discussions happening during Presidents’


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the authors


NMO Management Sessions Sarah Maesen

Gael De Backer

BeMSA Leuven Local President 2018-2019

BeMSA VUB Local VicePresident 2017-2018

KU Leuven

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

BeMSA Leuven


In a nutshell, NMO management is a

To get the most out of each session, we

relatively new session which does not

decided to split up for the following days,

belong to a certain standing committee,

since were interested in different topics.

specially designed for future leaders who

Sarah attended sessions about handover,

are still learning and struggling to perform

GDPR and capacity building while Gaël

certain soft skills. It was an intensive week

took part in the sessions about external

consisting of multiple trainings per day, but

representation. He found stakeholders

also a safe place where we learned how to

mapping to be quite a new concept and was


more than happy to familiarize himself with






motivated and our NMO keeps growing.


Two full days were reserved for an important field of management: strategic planning. We could sense that this was the main focus of the trainings. Thoroughly, we learned how to set up our NMO’s vision, mission and goals, and how to properly evaluate them.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report If your goal is to improve the working of

For new members like us, the sessions

BeMSA, on a local or even national level,

where full of ‘aha’-moments because every

these are the sessions to attend. Meeting

day we understood IFMSA a little better.

new people who can help you solve

These days really helped us to define a

problems if you just dare to ask and

vision for our local committees and talking

learning about strategical planning and

to other participants gave us ideas to

capacity building as a backbone to help our

improve a lot of things back in Belgium.

association grow.

Since this general assembly was our first

I remember listening to a potential RD’s

one, we had no idea what to expect and the




trainings/sessions really surpassed our




expectations. We feel more confident in

everyone just started cheering. I thought,

specific health-related topics such as

“why would they cheer? He didn’t even

‘Health Climate’ and ‘Non-Communicable

start.” Finally, I realised the cheering was

Diseases’ (NCDs), but also realise there is

meant to give him the courage he needed

so much more to discover and discuss.


seeing At

this some

to give one of the best presentations I have ever seen. This is IFMSA at its finest, the openminded people, a GA full of these little goosebumps moments, when your heart just stops.

We will always cherish the memories of speaking to so many extraordinary IFMSA members. It has become one of our personal






advocated, professional and open minded like they were to me.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report 3.3

SCOME Sessions

About the authors

Eve Fouarge Co-founder of BeMSA Liège ULiège BeMSA Liège

SCOME sessions are the occasion to find

student exploitation and we brainstormed

out about Medical Education worldwide.

about what we can do about it.

For 5 days, you will exchange ideas with people from all around the world on how to make med school a better place!

During the SCOME debate, we had the occasion to ask questions to the candidates for SCOME director and Liaison Officer on

What are IFMSA programs? How are

Medical Education, so as to make the right

medical students selected around the

choice when BeMSA voted during the

world? What is a learner’s gap? What is


Social Accountability?

The SCOME plenary was dedicated to

During the poster fair, each NMO presented

voting on TMET regulations, SCOME

the SCOME activity they are the proudest

regulations and the SCOME Strategy, that

of. Several incredible external speakers


told us about initiatives that exist in different

direction for the next 3 years.





countries to make medical education more affordable,





medical tests or avoid corruption by pharmaceutical firms to name but a few. The president of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) talked about


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report I was stunned to find out that there are so many people around the globe, students and professionals alike, who care about Medical Education and want to improve the way we learn to become doctors. One day you hear about a student lead initiative, you think it couldn’t get better, and the next day they come back to you with 3 other topics that are even crazier!

Participating in a GA will give you a full range of different feelings. When I stepped into the plenary room, I felt tiny and very big at the same time. It made me realise that whatever great, impressive thing you do locally, someone else is already doing it on the other side of the planet. But it also means





Are you wondering if SCOME sessions are

encounter, someone, somewhere, is also

for you? Well…

facing them, and if you call out, you won’t

• • •

You feel like something is missing in

be alone. It showed me that that feeling I

your med school?

used to have that we students don’t have a

You think that with a little support,

say in our future is wrong. Because we

you could make a difference?


You want to meet other passionate

international level already listen to us, and

people who you can talk to for hours

if we take that consideration they give us,

about the lack of practical trainings

shape it into action and bring it back home,

in your curriculum

we will have influence on a local level.

You want to show to your faculty

So, if there’s one thing that I will always

why students are one of the most

remember from my first GA, it’s this: if you

important stakeholders in shaping

keep trying, if you reach out, you will

Medical Education?






You want to have a say in the future of Medical Education?

Then I only have one word for you: Go!


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the authors


SCOPE Sessions Anneleen Weyns

Dorine Van Linthout

Amine Al Faker

BeMSA Ghent Local Professional Exchange Officer (LEO) 2018-2019

BeMSA Leuven Local Professional Exchange Officer (LEO) 2017-2018

BeMSA National Professional Exchange Officer (NEO) 2017-2018


KU Leuven

BeMSA Ghent

BeMSA Leuven

Université Catholique de Louvain BeMSA UCLouvain

Our sessions in Montréal were given by a

The sessions are a great way to get more

great team, in which the SCOPE director

insight in the way exchanges were founded

and the regional assistants were present

and how they are managed nowadays. The

amongst many others. During the 5 days

knowledge we gained is more focused on a

we were there, they gave us an overlook

NEO level but as a LEO, you can gain some

about the last year and some updates since

insights as well. If you are interested in the

the March Meeting of 2018. There were

way exchanges work on a broader level,

also some lectures about academic quality

you should certainly attend these sessions,



as they give extra perspective about for

possibility to join some joint sessions with

example academic quality. It was very

other standing committees.

interesting for us to follow the sessions





because we got a better understanding of what should be the focus of our exchanges in the upcoming years. Not only are the sessions very interesting, the atmosphere is quite unique. Where SCORA people are free spirits, SCOPH people the happy chappy’s, SCOPE people are very organised and motivated. They


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report know what they want to do with their time

possibilities to go on an exchange are

and don’t mess around. They are very

enormous, and if you master some French,

hands on when it comes to solving

Spanish and English you are able to go a

problems, which is a good quality when

long way. It is a life changing experience,

you’re involved in something as daunting as

not only to go on an exchange but also to


be able to give students the chance to go. The main thing we will remember from our first GA is the IFMSA spirit. Not only in exchanges but all together. The IFMSA kind of people are one of a kind. It is very difficult






atmosphere. You are working together, interacting with a lot of people with a vision, who want to do something outside the box. One of the ‘aha’ moments you may have at a GA is how widely spread IFMSA is around the world. One of the greatest experiences at the AM was certainly the exchanges fair, where we got a sense of the full potential we have as member of IFMSA. The

They want to be the future of medicine. We think our part in the growth of medicine together with other LEO’s and NEO’s comes in the intercultural aspect that we came to experience as well at our IFMSA meeting.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the authors


SCOPH Sessions Céleste Van der Schueren

Miryam Serry

Wies Vangilbergen

BeMSA Ghent Local Public Health Officer (LPO) 2018-2019

BeMSA VUB Local President 2018-2019

BeMSA Leuven Public Relations Officer 20182019


Vrije Universiteit Brussel

KU Leuven

BeMSA Ghent


BeMSA Leuven

This past August Meeting, 120 students

The Standing Committee on Public Health

from all around the globe joined forces

(SCOPH) brings together medical students

during the so-called SCOPH Sessions.

from all over the world to learn, build skills,

What did they specifically have in common,

cooperate, explore and share ideas when it

you may ask yourself?

comes to addressing all issues related to

Commonly described as SCOPHeroes, these individuals were brought together by their vigorous interest in Public and Global






issues, health policies, activities and health promotion and education.

Health issues and their burning devotion to

The SCOPH community consists of very

have a positive impact on this world.






doesn’t matter what ethnic background, gender, age or even level of experience you might have, SCOPH welcomes any driven and passionate student with open arms. The SCOPH sessions are also ideal for any IFMSA-newbies as the sessions started off with an introductory SCOPH 101 course, where the participants were divided into a beginners and advanced group.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report After











concepts of public health and the role of

Resources, finances and the advice of the

SCOPH, it was time for the SCOPHeroes to

WHO amongst others had to be considered

get to know each other. This was done

in this decision making. It was a great way

through a series of team building activities,

to challenge the participants into thinking

such as a "Human Bingo" game and a form

about all the organisations and factors that

of speed dating. During this speed dating

play a role in the decision making process

game, we were encouraged to start

in these kinds of crises.

discussing in a limited amount of time what we think is the most pressing public health issue and why. Thanks to the sessions facilitators’ enthusiasm and energizers, the atmosphere during the SCOPH sessions was always remarkably relaxed and playful.

The second simulation was one about Global Governance. During this simulation, different groups had to represent a certain stakeholder in a conflicted nation called “SCOPHania”. Each group was asked to make statements based on information

Each day, various burning topics such as

received after each round and to negotiate


their way to a conflict resolution.




Coverage (UHC) and Noncommunicable Diseases




Discussions were also carried out on subjects that are now more than ever relevant: Mental Health and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). The delegates were also given a course on how to successfully manage activities in their own NMO.

Furthermore, the participants got to see a glimpse of the motivation behind the determination





Speakers. This took place through a series of the orange-tinted version of TED Talks, the “SCOPH Talks”. These powerful talks covered subjects such as Schizophrenia, UHC and Climate Change. The SCOPH Talk about Climate Change, given by the captivating




addressed the importance of movement building in order to motivate others into fighting for causes you believe in. However, it wasn't all presentations and

There is so much more going on in the



world concerning health than what is taught

participants were put right in the field by

in our medical curriculum. We believe that



this is one of the most important things to


take home from the SCOPH sessions. It is

Simulation, during which decisions had to

absolutely essential for us, as future

be taken on behalf of a country facing the

healthcare professionals, to know this. It is



On in was



simulations. a




Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report without doubt imperative that we keep

Reflecting on the GA, not only will we




remember all the knowledge we acquired




during the sessions, but we also discovered

Resistance, global governance and other

so much more. We learned that plenaries

undeniably relevant topics in our scarce

can be very long, but it’s also fascinating to

spare time.

know the path IFMSA will follow these next


One of the most memorable moments was without doubt the SCOPH Talk by Dr. Courtney Howard, which was both very motivating and moving at the same time.

few years. These plenaries taught us a lot about politics and if you ever were to go to a GA, you’d learn that the roll-call is a lot more fun than you would expect it to be!

She gave us tips on how to become an

We learned that IFMSA is one big family,

advocate, in the most captivating way. It

no matter what country you’re from or what

was very inspiring to hear her story and to

your beliefs or ideas are. We’ve learned

learn from her struggles. She showed us

that you will come back with friends from all

that, only if you work hard enough and

over the world, that your delegation will

believe in your ideas, you can convince

become some kind of family and that you’ll

others to do the same and change the world

miss everything instantly. We’ve also

one person at a time. This is how she got to

realised that the memories formed during

convince the Canadian government about

this amazing week, will certainly last

how the oil-industry not only destroys our


climate but has distressing effects on our health.

In short, attending a GA opens up a whole new and fascinating world that you didn’t even





encourage you to go see for yourself and experience how amazing the IFMSA and its members are. But be cautious, because you’ll most unquestionably experience the post-GA blues as soon as you get back home!


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the authors


SCORA Sessions Eduardo Brancho Montes de Oca

Joris De Keersmaecker

BeMSA National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/aids (NORA)

BeMSA Vice-President of Internal Affairs (VPI)

KU Leuven

KU Leuven

BeMSA Leuven

BeMSA Leuven

The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS is a gathering of passionate individuals who are committed to promote sexual and reproductive health/rights and are arduous about creating positive change in their local communities. committee,

Within we






SCORAngels, and we believe in a world where every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report During the SCORA-sessions, SCORAngels

Just like in the other Standing Committees

from all around the world come together to

of IFMSA, the people behind these

get inspired, share knowledge and gain


more insight on various topics. The content

‘sessions team’. This team usually consists

of the sessions is different for every

of the SCORA Director (aka. the big boss of

General Assembly, this time some of the

SCORA), the Liaison Officer for Sexual and

topics were maternal health and access to

Reproductive Health Issues (aka. the

safe abortion, comprehensive sexuality


education (CSE), HIV and other STI’s,

representation for SCORA), members of

female genital mutilation, gender identity


and sexuality, Gender-based Violence, and

SCORAngels. Regardless of the fact that

so much more. In other words, these

these people have lots of experience and

sessions are the perfect opportunity to

knowledge, they are very friendly and

learn about some quite controversial and

helpful. In SCORA there’s no discrimination

stigmatised topics concerning Sexual and

for who you are or where you come from


and everyone is always willing to welcome





beyond exciting to discuss access to safe abortion with a person from Africa or to talk about LGBTQ+ rights with a person from the Middle East. The SCORA-sessions facilitate




cultural understanding and will broaden your view on the world forever.














you with a warm hug. The August Meeting is also the time for the election of the IFMSA Team of Officials (TO)! These are the people that are brave enough to take on a very important position in IFMSA. The two TO positions that are most important for SCORA are the SCORA Director and the Liaison Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues. Since these positions are so crucial for the work of SCORA, the election happens in a very considerate






candidates present themselves during the plenary, a candidate debate is facilitated during the SCORA sessions. During this debate, SCORAngels can ask different questions to the candidates in order to make an informed decision for the election. During this August Meeting we elected Iheb Jemel from Tunisia as SCORA Director and


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report Frederike Booke from Germany as Liaison

Before travelling to Montreal, we didn’t

Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health

know much about several of the topics that


we discussed during the sessions. The

The SCORA sessions and the August Meeting are the place-to-be if you want to get in touch with the muses. One of the first project we developed during the European SCORA sessions was “Addressing Access to Safe abortion in Comprehensive Sexual Education”. A controversial theme actually, since as health care professionals touching this topic seems far from our abilities. However, this session made it happen and four different methods were developed. Other





facilitators introduced us in themes as: Paternal Postpartum Depression (PPD), Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting, Human Papillomavirus in men and more. PPD for example is a topic that is not welladdressed in our communities and has many consequences that we were not aware of. Not only the session team educated us, but the participants as well. They shared the views from their countries, which created a broader view on what is happening worldwide.

developed in small working groups, like

As SCORAngels we are sometimes seen



as the “heart making SC” or “the awkward

yourself!”, “Drag queens and HIV/AIDS”

condom fairies” of IFMSA. But let me tell

and more! Discussions, debates and

you a secret: we are the beating heart of the

sharing experiences helps us to get the

SCs. We approach themes that are taboo

inspiration and motivation that we as

and stigmatised, and we are not afraid to

SCORAngels need. In this international

talk openly about sex. We met so many

atmosphere, inspiration just keeps running

inspiring people that are trying to change

(same goes for the coffee).

their communities for the better, trying to



educate and raise awareness concerning the risks of unsafe sex and fight for the rights of sex workers and people living with HIV.



that within

even their




themselves, only because they were doing their job. Their endless motivation to try and make a real change is something we’ll take with us. Because they made us strongly believe that change can happen, and that it all starts with us.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the authors


SCORE Sessions Matthieu Pierre

Vincent Vandebergh

BeMSA National Officer on Research Exchange (NORE) 2018-2019

BeMSA National Officer on Research Exchange (NORE) 2017-2018

Vrije Universiteit Brussel



BeMSA Hasselt

The SCORE (Standing Committee on

The SCORE exchange program is ideal for

Research Exchange) sessions at the

students looking to improve their research

August Meeting in MontrĂŠal once again

skills in an international setting. Since

proved to be the ideal platform for all

research is an important part of medicine,

participants to share their ideas, strategies


and concerns regarding the research

(bio)medical students the opportunity to go

exchange program. With both Local and


National Officers on Research Exchange

abroad. So, if you are interested in

(LOREs and NOREs) present, these


sessions are the perfect place to meet all

program, the SCORE sessions are the

the wonderful people involved in the

place to be for you!



one-month this



research worldwide

providing exchange exchange

organization of the program.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report If






characteristics listed below, you will love attending these sessions: ●

Interested in research

Eager for international cooperation

Ready to share ideas with other exchange





It is great to see that so many students from

Motivated to implement changes in

all over the world share a passion for

your exchange program

research and invest their time in allowing

And a big blue heart that loves exchanges!

fellow students to gain more experience in this field. Besides getting to know the SCORE International Team and all the

The agenda for the SCORE sessions at the

projects they are working on, these

August Meeting was filled with discussions

sessions provide you with the opportunity to

and trainings concerning multiple topics

talk with your fellow SCOREans and learn

that allowed the participants to choose the

more about the way they tackle problems

ones that suited them the most. Topics


ranged from ‘Regulation discussions’ to

Committee or on a national level. Working



together towards a certain goal in the

importance of handover’, ‘Finances in

trainings and brainstorming sessions is a


very satisfying experience.




local basic




research’ and many more. There were also sessions for people that are new to SCORE and wanted to get to know the basics of this program. Another great event is the contracts fair, where all contracts for the upcoming season are signed by all NOREs. Although this was a little overwhelming at first, it was very inspiring to see how many amazing people are invested in this program.







On a personal level, the effects of these sessions exceeded all expectations. The amount of motivation and passion in every single person is very catchy. At the end you realize that SCORE is more than an exchange program, it is a family, working towards one goal: providing research exchanges to more than 3000 students every year.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report SCORP Sessions

About the authors


Inès Johri

Daniel Maes

BeMSA National Officer on Human Rights and Peace (NORP) 20172018

BeMSA Ghent Local President 2018-2019

Vrije Universiteit Brussel



BeMSA Ghent

Introduction Are you interested in attending the SCORP Sessions? Well then, we would like to

What can you get out of the SCORP Sessions? -

incredibly interesting discussions

congratulate you for your great taste

about relevant topics like refugees


and health, anti-nuclear weapon actions,

Because let’s face it, human rights and



discrimination in all its forms, etc.

peace will never get out of fashion, right? -

learning about insights, issues and actions from people from all around the world


the strength to change this world

We can hear you thinking, what is going on in these sessions that gets all these SCORPions





Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report In the SCORP Sessions, everyone is very

What are the characteristics of someone

welcoming and open to other people’s

who attends the SCORP sessions?

opinions, because we often talk about sensitive or loaded topics, that might even be a taboo in the countries of some of the participants. Everyone gets the chance to speak and to inspire others. And on the other hand, you can also just go to get inspired! Whether it is for SCORP-related activities or just being challenged as a human being

That’s a really easy question! If you are even





sessions, it is definitely something for you. SCORP sessions are for everyone who cares





discrimination and getting a voice in society as a medical student. Things we will remember

yourself, you’ll get a lot of material to think

For Inès, it was the realisation that we really

or talk about when you’re at home.

are not alone in this. Meaning that there are

The sessions are about a lot of different very relevant topics and are given in different forms: there can be debates, group discussions, watching clips and commenting on them, etc. The only problem is that you would have to choose between interesting sessions, but that’s more of a luxury than an actual problem.

so many medical students just like us, who are concerned about certain issues in their society and who are trying their best to do something about this. Talking, debating and listening to these fellow scorpions is already very empowering on its own. For Daniel, the SCORP Sessions were an introduction to the medical aspects of human rights and peace topics. Realising that human rights and peace have such an impact on global health, convinced him even more of the need of a strong and active SCORP Team in my own Local Committee. The encounters he had were very inspirational and motivating!


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

About the author

4 Pre-GA report Eve Fouarge

Eduardo Brancho Montes de Oca

Co-founder of BeMSA Liège

BeMSA National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/aids (NORA)


KU Leuven

BeMSA Liège

BeMSA Leuven

The preGA is a 3-days event in which you

accordance with the GA’s theme event:



Social Accountability. By sending students

workshops. It is not only a way to increase

to internships all across the region, in rural

your skills and knowledge, but also to get

general practices, the school succeeds in

closer to your fellow GA-participants. With

providing doctors to the region, which is the

“only” 200 participants, it’s way easier to get

reason this school was created.





to know people, so you can get really close to the people who will attend the same sessions as you, but also people from

Whichever Standing Committee you are dedicated to, the preGA has something to offer you!

different standing committees. When we reached Montreal, we kept meeting familiar faces and trying to remember their names (not an easy task, believe us)! On the first day, the dean from Northern Ontario School of Medicine presented a keynote on the way his school works, in


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report Eduardo attended HEAT – HIV Education

AMET. The AMET workshop at the preGA

and Advocacy Training and Eve attended

– AM18 was the third to ever take place,

AMET – Advocacy in Medical Education

and therefore was already rolling while still


leaving space for participants to shape it for

HEAT. If you have been interested in HIV/AIDS epidemic, not only on a clinical point of view but from a psychosocial perspective, this training is the place to be! The






interesting travel from the start of the





introductions, we learned about a whole panel of Medical Education topics - Social Accountability, Curriculum Planning and Development,



Resources, Patient Education, …

HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981 to how to use a

One of the key points of the AMET



workshop is that it encourages you to act

patients. During the sessions all the

through the follow up of a local problem in

participants were actively thinking in a

your medical school. On day 2 and 3, we

clinical casus , sharing experiences in their

had some personal time to work on the

daily practices and so on. It was an open,

problem, with guidance from the facilitators.


We then presented our plan of action to all







comfortable to share their own personal anecdotes. Soft-skills were also introduced: small working groups, how to fundraise, determination of the stakeholders and people first language. Meanwhile, several stigmas and laws against people who are living with HIV were discussed.


training raised awareness in many levels: language, stigmas and so on. One of the most breath-taking experience was after we watched the movie “Heartbeat”. Then the sessions team asked our thoughts about the film, concerns, how we actually felt. Then the personal experiences and tears flew as rain...

the participants. The facilitation was excellent, they were dynamic and reacted to the feedbacks we gave them – and they asked for a lot of them! The wonderful team who organised the preGA, the participants from all around the world and the inspiring soul of Québec created a magical atmosphere. So, if you love teamwork, drawing on flipcharts, presenting your work and just feeling great, we strongly recommend that you attend the next preGA, because a preGA is not something you read, it is something you feel!


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

5 Post-GA report

About the authors

CĂŠleste Van der Schueren BeMSA Ghent Local Public Health Officer (LPO) 2018-2019 UGent BeMSA Ghent

After all those inspiring sessions, long

The second option was a three-day trip in

plenaries and amazing social program that

which we visited two of the best-known

the organizing committee had prepared for

cities of Canada and the Niagara Falls. On



day one we left at half past six, which was

experience for us: the postGA. The postGA

very painful after the closing ceremony, to



go to Toronto by bus. It made us realize

participants to submerge themselves into

how big Canada really is. We drove for 7

the culture of the hosting country. The

hours seeing nothing but forests and lakes,

Organizing Committee provided us with two

only to see Toronto emerge out of nothing

wonderful options: lovers of the outdoors

on the horizon.

they an






stayed in Quebec to discover the Mont Tremblant National Park and hike the Mont Kaaikop. People who were more in favour of hotels and cities, and who wanted to cross the Niagara Falls off their bucket lists, such as me, could go for the second option.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report Toronto’s most famous landmark is the CN-

of the whole history of Canada on the

tower, which gave us a view on the whole

Parliament. The next day we got a guided

city from 340 metres (luckily there was an

visit in the Parliament, and they explained

elevator). Later that night we strolled

how the government in Canada worked. In

through the city and concluded that it can

the afternoon we visited the Canadian

be named “The New York of Canada”. The

museum of history, well-known for its

high buildings, lights and the Younge-

collection of Totem-poles.

Dundas square with its moving billboards impressed us all.

I can truly speak for everyone if I say that the PostGA was an experience we will never forget. It was well organized, and everything was included in the price: our nice hotels, the entrance fees to visit the landmarks and the museum, the boat for the Niagara Falls, even all our meals. Each of the buses had a guide on board, who could answer all of our questions. Even though we returned exhausted, we had made so many amazing memories, wonderful friends from all over the world and pictures to make everyone who was not there very jealous.

On day two the guides took us to the Niagara Falls, the moment we were all waiting for. The falls really did live up to their name, we hopped on a boat and sailed

If you ever happen to join an IFMSAmeeting, don’t go home without doing a PostGA, I promise you won’t regret it.

right next to them. The view took our breaths away. We were soaking wet when we returned, but we know that we will remember this experience for the rest of our lives. Our last stop was Ottawa, the current capital of Canada. At night, we went and saw the magnificent lightshow, a projection


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

6 Personal objectives after the GA After the GA, we asked all our delegates to prepare a couple of objectives that they would like to achieve after the event, in order to retain all the ideas and motivation that comes forth at such an event. We also asked them to set themselves a deadline and to write down a plan of action on how to achieve the objective. Deadline I want it to be out by mid-October.

End of the year.

Basiel Weyers

Presidents’ Sessions Delegate Objective Publishing this post-GA booklet containing articles, photos and objectives from the delegation. Launching the BeMSA 2022 Strategy.

Launching the BeMSA Alumni network.

Gaël De Backer

Sarah Maesen

NMO Management Sessions Delegate Objective Write down the VMOSA for BeMSA Leuven.

End of the year.

Deadline End of October.

Capacity building in BeMSA Leuven.

End of the term 20182019.

Promote sustainability of our NGA's.

End of the term 20182019.

International opportunities session at the NGA.

End of the term 20182019.

Create a good ambiance within BeMSA.

End of the term 20182019.

Plan of action Letting all delegates write articles and collect photos about their sessions, as well as writing down their objectives and discussing them. After having conduct the internal needs assessment together with the rest of the Small Working Group on Strategy, I plan to continue the work and use the results of the assessment to draft our very own strategy, in order to set the goals and next steps for our organization to flourish. After collecting personal information from previous BeMSA-generations, consulting with NMOs, exploring the options for a functioning alumni platform and drafting the bylaws necessary to allow this, BeMSA is ready to launch their alumni network!

Plan of action Meeting in the first week about what VMOSA is and what this could be for our local committee. Finetuning our ideas and writing it down before the end of October. Ask the NOCB’s to organise more training sessions around Leuven and encouraging my members to attend them as a team. Create awareness, appoint a green team that have to set certain realistic goals in order to achieve them, promote sustainability by ensuring members can benefit from it. Introduce an International opportunities session and build up from there with the feedback we receive after NGA1. Talk to our National Officers for Capacity building to concretely plan teambuilding activities.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

Eve Fouarge

SCOME Sessions Delegate Objective Activate SCOME in Wallonia.

Deadline October 2018 - NGA1.

Plan of action Assist the Liaison Officer for Medical Education for Wallonia in discussing with relevant student’s association.

Organize the ultrasound workshop project that I prepared during the preGA.

This workshop will take 2 semesters to set up, as it consists of 2 phases.


Learn more about Medical Education and transmit what I learn to other Belgian SCOMEdians and to our medical faculties.

The following years.

Anneleen Weyns

SCOPE Sessions Delegate Objective Set the first steps to gaining recognition for our exchanges.

Be able to cooperate with other standing committees within the exchanges.

Dorine Van Linthout

To use the gained knowledge about problem solving in my own LC.

To deal better with visa issues of incomings.



Deadline I don’t think this goal is something I will be able to achieve this year, but I think it’s a great first step for other LEO’s and LORE’s in Ghent. Maybe it is only possible to gain recognition for SCORE in Ghent, but I think this would be great as well. I would like to achieve this objective by the time our incomings will come next summer. I would like to achieve this objective as soon as possible. Since 20172018 was a difficult year for SCOPE in my city, I was eager to learn how to solve the problems we were facing. The August Meeting helped me a lot and gave me some concrete ideas about how to deal with it. Of course, I would like to achieve it as soon as possible, but since this is a very difficult issue it will take time.

First organise the workshop, get feedback from the participants and assess its usefulness. Then, on the second semester, try to integrate it in the curriculum by discussing with the relevant professors. Give sessions on a local and national level Attend trainings Apply for international IFMSA and Medical Education events

Plan of action I would like to meet with the dean and consider some options. I would like to read in as much as possible beforehand, so I would go in prepared.

I would like to consider a role for SCORA in the upon arrival training and maybe it is possible to set up a training of some sort or a lecture. This should be discussed with the LORA. A good handover to the new LEO’s. Communication with our local president. Open communication with the faculty. Keep all the options open! Don’t push it.


Set a deadline for the application of their visa. Submit them all together. Send a separate e-mail to the embassy and explain the SCOPE internships.


Amine Al Faker

Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report Concretize and immortalize the knowledge accumulated.

Beginning of the term 2018-2019.

Write a NEO manual containing the knowledge gathered before and after the GA to perenize it. Perenize SCOPE by giving a quality handover thanks to the skills learned at the GA and it’s trainings/webinars. + done for the manual (enormous thanks to my co-NEO Vincent).

Ensure future NEOs get international experience (GAs/EuRegMe) or TNET training before their term.

Starting new term, working with the EB and TO, and the NEO for it.

Work along the VPE, the LEOs, the NEO candidates as soon as they announce their will to take on the position to push them towards having that experience. By explaining how much it would help them in their task and also perenize our SCOPE program in time. In the long run, make one of these conditions necessary for someone to become NEO.

Miryam Serry

Céleste Van der Schueren

SCOPH Sessions Delegate Objective To expand our first mental health project, ‘Start To Talk’.

Deadline The upcoming term.

To attend more trainings.

The upcoming term.

Implement a first Mental Health Campaign or project for students on local level at the VUB.

By the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020.

Plan of action During a session about mental health, I wrote down ideas I got from mental health projects in other countries. I will discuss these ideas with the project managers, so we can expand our project. I will attend a training on our first NGA. I will attend trainings on other international meetings if possible. I’m going to ask the national board if it’s possible to have a training each NGA. Create a SWG on local level in collaboration with the LPO of the upcoming term. Use the outcomes of the national SWG on Mental Health as a starting point and the knowledge acquired during the SCOPH Development sessions at this past GA Search for partners and/or sponsors to make our project sustainable. Reach out to other NMOs such as AMSA Australia, NMSA and others on how they make their Mental Health Projects sustainable.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report Acquire more expertise on Public, Global Health and Leadership skills.

By the next August Meeting, AM2019.




Increase fundraising and sponsorships.

By the end of the term 2018-2019 but also long term.



Wies Vangilbergen


Implement the burning topics that we discussed at the GA (such as AMR, UHC and mental health) in the projects that we organise in our LCs.

By the end of the term.




Attend at least 1 SRT with workshops regarding my objectives. Carry out personal research with the manuals and resources shared with us by the SCOPH IT. Attend at least 2 symposiums, conferences or lectures regarding my objectives’ topics. The first step in this process should be to analyse how we can make BeMSA more attractive to possible sponsors. What can we do for them? Why should they sponsor us? Enhancing communication between different LCs (e.g. which companies and possible partners have been contacted should be better documented). I will try to attend an extra training on this topic at the first NGA. I also attended one at the GA. By organising a brainstorm (SWG) with our members to explore the possibilities of implementing the topics mentioned above in new and already existing projects. By speaking with our student congress’ project manager to see if we could organise the congress on one of these matters. It is important that I acquire further knowledge on these topics by studying SCOPH’s documents, manuals and reports.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

Joris De Keersmaecker

Eduardo Brancho Montes de Oca

SCORA Sessions Delegate Objective Pass the SCORA knowledge in my SC and international meetings.

Educate myself in SCORArelated topics.

Matthieu Pierre

Plan of action Work with other (inter)national facilitators Share (pre)GA resources to my SCs

September 2018.


Keep in touch with the IT and international NORAs.

Throughout the year.


To contribute to the SCORA sessions with the knowledge gained during this GA in order to create a better campaign on world aids day. Get more involved in the external work of IFMSA.

SCORE Sessions Delegate Objective Implementation of a National EA for SCORE.

Vincent Vandebergh

Deadline NGA’s, NORA-weekend, S.O.S day, IFMSAmeetings.

Actively discussion with the TO and people with relevant knowledge Passive reading of articles Attending NECSE (if possible with my internships). Contacting them by Facebook, email, in the meetings

SCORA sessions NGA1.

Collaborating with Eduardo and Pieterjan on the topic.

During the upcoming years.

Apply for the IFMSA delegations during future external meetings.

Deadline One EA should be organized in July and one in August.

Plan of action I plan to find a skilled and experienced trainer to give the workshop in a central location in Belgium. I will also promote the EA for all the incomings during the months of June and July. I will use available international resources combined with my knowledge on exchanges in Belgium to make a PowerPoint and training about tutors & Project Forms. I will do this with activities such as the elevator pitch, the golden circle, promotion techniques and review of project forms in groups. I will make sure that the new NOREs can start their term with confidence by providing them with a good handover manual and planning an elaborate meeting in which we go over all of their questions, concerns and ideas for the upcoming term.

Implementation of a training to help LOREs find tutors and fill in Project Forms

During the first NGA of the term (October 2018).

Provide a good handover to the new NOREs of BeMSA.

During the handover period (before the end of my term).


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

Daniel Maes

Inès Johri

SCORP Sessions Delegate Objective Give a good handover.

Deadline Starting right after the GA (August - October).

Plan of action Attend hand-over training Write down all the important information necessary to be a NORP Meet up with successor

Get inspired.

During SCORP sessions.


Support the development of SCORP in Ghent.

At the beginning of the upcoming term (20182019), especially during the BeMSA Ghent board weekend in September.

Support the further development of the project “Sporting with people with a disability” and expand it to the national BeMSA level.

During the upcoming term (2018-2019).

I will help the LORP with ideas from the SCORP Sessions to bring together a SCORP Team in Ghent and develop projects and awareness campaigns on human rights and peace. Assemble ideas from similar projects that I got to know during the AM18 and transmit them to the LORP. Support the LORP to present the adapted project during SCORP Sessions on an NGA.

Write down interesting insights Discuss / participate during sessions


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

7 Group picture

Group picture of the delegation during the opening ceremony. From left to right: Inès, Anneleen, Wies, Céleste, Amine, Dorine, Matthieu, Gaël, Eve, Basiel, Eduardo, Vincent, Miryam, Joris, Daniel and Sarah. Dominique, Koen and Kelly are unfortunately missing from this picture.


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report

8 Abbreviations At BeMSA, and the IFMSA by extension, we have the bad habit of using lots of abbreviations, which we know can be confusing for externals or newer members. In this report, we have tried to limit the use of these abbreviations. The remaining ones are explained below. 8.1

Standing Committees

Standing Committee

Local Officer

National Officer LME Liaison Officer on Medical Education

LEO Local Professional Exchange Officer

NEO National Professional Exchange Officer

LPO Local Public Health Officer

NPO National Public Health Officer

LORA Local Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/aids

NORA National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/aids

LORE Local Officer on Research Exchange

NORE National Officer on Research Exchange

LORP Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace

NORP National Officer on Human Rights and Peace


Belgian Medical Students’ Association - IFMSA General Assembly Report 8.2

Other abbreviations


Explanation August Meeting, one of the two annual IFMSA General Assemblies Association for Medical Education in Europe Belgian Medical Students’ Association Contact Person for incoming student Comprehensive Sexuality Education Executive Board, the daily management of IFMSA and BeMSA General Assembly, the two-yearly major IFMSA meetings International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations InciSion Global Surgery Symposium BeMSA Local Committee Currently the most inclusive term for those in this community. Each letter can stand for multiple things. Lesbian, Gay / Genderqueer / Gender fluid, Bisexual / Bigender, Trans / Transgender, Queer / Questioning, Intersex, Asexual / Aromantic / Agender / Abrosexual / Abroromantic and the + is meant to represent those not fitting into these March Meeting, one of the two annual IFMSA General Assemblies BeMSA National Board, consists of the TO and EB Non-Communicable Diseases National Food and Drinks Party, part of the social program of most IFMSA meetings National General Assemblies, the main BeMSA meetings National Member Organization of the IFMSA, such as BeMSA National Working Group, a long-term working group on a certain topic Organizing Committee of the General Assembly Online Meeting Public Relations Professional and Research Exchange Trainings Regional Assistant, the IFMSA regional coordinator for a certain Standing Committee Sub-Regional Training, a capacity building event organized by an IFMSA NMO Small Working Group, a short-term working group on a certain topic with a specific outcome Student representative organization from Ghent, member of VGSO Training New Exchange Officers Team of Officials, the group of BeMSA national officers Upon Arrival Training Universal Health Coverage Vlaams Geneeskundig Studenten Overleg Vice-President of External Affairs World Health Organization


THANKS TO Our delegation Amine Al Faker Gaël De Backer Koen Demaegd Joris De Keersmaecker Eve Fouarge Inès Johri Kelly Maertens Sarah Maesen Eduardo Brancho Montes de Oca Daniel Maes Matthieu Pierre Miryam Serry Vincent Vandebergh Céleste Van der Schueren Wies Vanilbergen Dorine Van Linthout Basiel Weyers Anneleen Weyns Our Local Committees BeMSA Gent (UGent) BeMSA Hasselt (UHasselt) BeMSA Leuven (KU Leuven) BeMSA Liège (ULiège) BeMSA VUB BeMSA UCLouvain BeMSA ULB EMSA Antwerpen (UAntwerpen)


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