BeMSA Team of Officials positions - task description

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Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

BeMSA Team of Officials task descriptions per position This document gives you an overview on what will be your basic tasks if you apply for a certain position. According to your motivation and time you can of course engage in more topics. Every term starts and ends on the 1st of October. Before that, an extensive handover will be performed by the previous position holder in order to prepare the newly elected TO member.


Overview of the positions

(1 person per position unless specifically mentioned) President


Vice-President for Members (VPM)


Vice-President for International Affairs (VPIA)


Vice-President for Finance (VPF)


Vice-President for Administration and Organization (VPAO) Vice-President for Public Relations (VPPR)


Vice-President for Exchange (VPX)



National Exchange Officer(s) (NEO)

[1 or 2 people]

National Officer(s) on Research Exchange (NORE)

[1 or 2 people]

National Public Health Officer (NPO) National Officer on Human Rights and Peace (NORP) National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/aids (NORA) National Officer on Capacity Building (NOCB) National Officer on Global Surgery (NOGS) National Officer on Medical Education (NOME) Supervising Council Members

[3 people]

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

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National General Assemblies (NGA). National Officers will provide sessions for their Local Officers. Team of Officials Meetings (TOM). IFMSA General Assemblies and other international events are encouraged, but not obliged.

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Overview of obliged meetings

Candidature requirements

A letter of motivation: o Why do you want to take on the position? o Why are you fit for the position? o What makes you the perfect candidate for this position? A plan of action: o What are your plans for the term if you were to be elected? o What do you plan on working on? o What do you want to achieve by the end? A curriculum vitae: o What relevant education are you following, or did you complete? o What relevant skills and experiences do you possess?

Each candidate will be expected to give a 3-minute presentation explaining their motivation and plan of action at the next NGA where the elections will take place. After that, members will be able to ask questions to the candidate. Should the NGA be an online edition, each candidate will be expected to record a 3-minute video instead of the real-live presentation. The deadline to send in the video recording is the same as the one for the motivation letter, plan of action and CV.

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Representation of BeMSA on the national level, in close collaboration with the VPM and VPE; Coordination of the BeMSA Executive Board; Call for meetings of the BeMSA Executive Board; Coordinate and monitor the execution of annually set goals; Legal management of the organisation, in collaboration with the VPF; Evaluates, together with the National Officers, the impact that BeMSA made through its activities; Coordination of the Team of Officials; o Team management of TO; o Teambuilding activities in collaboration with the NOCB; Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team; Monitoring the implementation of the ongoing BeMSA strategic plan.

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

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Representation of BeMSA towards the IFMSA; o Commits to attending international meetings (GAs and EuRegMe) as head of delegation (as far as possible); o Active participation on the IFMSA NMO-server, interaction with other NMOs and involvement in pertinent discussions; o Facilitate the communication between the international level and the local committees as well as the national board; o Execution and delegating obligations from IFMSA onwards; o Helps the national standing committee officers with their international implication and communication; Provides the BeMSA members and Belgian medical students with international opportunities in collaboration with the NOCB and VPPR; Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team.

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Vice-President for Members (VPM)

Facilitate communication among the LCs and organise (online) meetings with the Local Presidents; Guide LCs in streamlining activities, e.g. organising a single activity on the same day in all LCs; Provide support in establishing new LCs and the further development of existing LCs (setting up and expanding the Standing Committee structure for example); Make sure Local (Vice) Presidents feel supported by the TO at all times; Assess the needs of the LC’s and provide them with the right resources/answers at the right moment; Solve urgent problems in LC’s or redirect problems to the right TO member; Facilitate communication towards the TO about the current situation in LC’s; Responsible for maintaining the BeMSA Alumni platform, as well as writing and sending out regular newsletters to the alumni; Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team.

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Vice-President for International Affairs (VPIA)

Vice-President for Administration and Organization (VPAO)

Call for the National General Assembly (NGA); Practical organisation of BeMSA NGAs; o Guide the local Organising Committee in the logistics; o Set the agenda and facilitate the meeting and sessions; o Taking minutes and writing the report; o Follow up on the outcomes of the meeting; Share the (updated) BeMSA Constitution and Bylaws (Statuten en Huishoudelijk Reglement) with the members;

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

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Call for and organise Team of Officials Meetings (TOMs); Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team.

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Vice-President for Finance (VPF)

Managing the BeMSA Financial administration; o Overseeing the bookkeeping of all our bank accounts, both at local and national level; o Ensuring that financial operations are aligned with the budget; o Managing the bank accounts; o Updating the Team of Officials on the financial situation of BeMSA, at each of its meetings; o Reporting on the financial situation of BeMSA at the National General Assembly meetings; o Collecting membership fees from the Local Committees; o Producing the annual financial report; o Shall produce and present the budget proposal for BeMSA for the following financial year; Management of payments for (international) meetings, NGAs etc; Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team; Legal management of the organisation, in collaboration with the President.

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Vice-President for Public Relations (VPPR)

Has the end-responsibility to obtain sponsoring contracts in collaboration with the VPF or other Executive Board members, Representation of BeMSA towards external organisations, in collaboration with the President; Promotes and motivates BeMSA-activities or activities from associated associations or groups, Is responsible for the creation and overview of policy documents; Has the responsibility to contact external organizations and maintain contact and attend their meetings as often as possible Provide support in ad-hoc tasks in the Executive Board, acts reactively and proactively within the team.

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Vice-President for Exchanges (VPX)

Represent SCOPE and SCORE in the Executive Board: o o

Write reports every two months about the accomplishments of the NEOs/NOREs, and the problems they encountered; Present and discuss the most important achievements or difficulties from the report during EB meetings, to ensure a good follow-up;

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

National and International promotion of exchanges: o

Collaborate with the VPPR to promote the exchanges on a national level (e.g. the outgoing selection) as well as on an international level (e.g. the March Meeting);

Support the NEOs/NOREs with their tasks: o Create and share a clear and detailed overview of all LEO/LORE deadlines and tasks; o

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Take over part of the NEO/NORE tasks (e.g. reading outgoing applications, help with organizing the LEO-LORE-Weekend, accepting CAs etc.), whenever the workload is too high;

Supervise and coordinate SCOPE and SCORE during GAs: o Prepare the MM and AM, together with the NEOs/NOREs (e.g. discuss the regulation change proposals and the list of contracts for the next term); o Represent BeMSA in the SCOPE/SCORE sessions, to contribute to the external representation of exchanges and also of BeMSA; Supervise the finances of the exchanges bank account: o Have regular meetings with the VPF (every 2 months or more if needed); Searching for Sponsorships: o Find sponsors who will support the exchanges, to improve the quality and accessibility of the exchanges, and to ensure a proper representation of our exchanges program on an international level; Approach universities and national organizations for recognition of our exchange programs: o Arrange meetings with LEOs/LOREs to devise a clear strategy on finding tutors; o Attend the appointments between LEOs/LOREs and professors, whenever (financially and logistically) possible; o Implement the Recognition and Academic Quality (AQ) manual; Collaboration with other Standing Committees: o Contact other Standing Committees for input on and/or help with the organization of the PET, the UAT and EAs; o Assess the implementation of new initiatives (e.g. GAP exchanges, SCOPH exchanges); Capacity Building: o Promote Capacity Building opportunities such as the PRET and TNET to improve the soft and hard skills of our BeMSA members and other interested participants; o Give exchange trainings to Local Officers to improve the quality of the trainings given to both outgoings and incomings, as well as the external Communication and representation; Manuals: o Assess on which topics manuals can be written, and write them, to ensure an extensive and complete resource center for the LEOs/LOREs; o Update the already existing manuals every year (e.g. deadlines, changes).

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

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Helps local members and the national team to acquire new skills and competencies in order to make their activities better and improve interpersonal collaboration on all levels to insure the sustainable future of BeMSA and its activities; Keeps close communication with all members of the national board to deliver the needed capacity building activities for all the various fields (nationally as well as locally); Keeps track of all trainers within BeMSA and takes care of the trainers and trainings database; Sets up regular capacity building opportunities for all BeMSA members and interested medical students; Responsible for training sessions at NGA; Encourages members to get involved in capacity building internationally (SRTs, preGAs, etc) in collaboration with the VPE; Keeping close contact with the IFMSA CB IT; Highly encouraged to attend the NMO management sessions at IFMSA General Assemblies.

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National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (NORA)

Managing the SCORA activities nationwide among all LCs, being S.O.S. (Sexual education in School) and the Stigma Challenge; Provide support to the establishment of new SCORA activities; Providing a communication channel and document-sharing platform (such as Google drive) between the LORA’s from the different LCs and organizing meetings between the LORAs; Facilitating communication between the international level and the LORAs; Set up a common plan of action on the national level; Provide Evaluation Forms to the LORAs after each activity, analyse the feedback and communicate the results and the impact of their activities; Establish an impact measurement method for all activities, that can be implemented nationwide. Keeping the activities enrolled in IFMSA programs; Provide updates on SCORA to the Team of Officials during TOMs; During NGA’s the NORA has to be present and organize SCORA sessions; Being present during GA’s and other SCORA-related international meetings (NECSE, SECSE, NORAweekend) is strongly recommended; Keeping in touch with the IFMSA Regional Assistant(s) for Europe and the SCORA- Director.

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National Officer on Capacity Building (NOCB)

National Public Health Officer (NPO)

In function of the LPO’s: o Providing the LPO’s and LC’s with an easily accessible platform to share documents from SCOPH activities (Google Drive) from all LC’s;

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

Providing the LPO’s manuals about relevant activities; Update the SCOPH Facebook group by posting photos of activities, the results of the impact assessment etc; o Be in touch with LPO’s and provide support in organizing new activities; o Organize in the begin of the term a meeting with all LPO’s aiming to align the activities (for example: set the same date for nationwide activities like heart for life etc.); o Being up-to-date about all the local activities on the SCOPH level; o Gathering feedback from local activities using standardized templates; At the national level: o Analyse the feedback and try to find common mistakes/problems that appear in the LC’s and communicate the results and the impact of their activities; o Consider organizing a Public Health campaign like World Diabetes Day, World Health Day, Responsible drinking etc. by using the manuals obtained from the International level (accessible on the drive) in collaboration with the LC and the LPO’s; o Report to the TOM and discuss problems or obstacles that occur during the term; o Organize SCOPH Sessions at all NGA’s if it is put up on the agenda by the TO; At the international level: o Attend the SCOPH sessions at international meetings such as GA and EuRegMe, ... to represent and promote SCOPH Belgium and BeMSA; o If possible, participate in a PHLT (Public Health Leadership Training, TNT (Training New Trainers, SRT (Sub-Regional Training, ...) go; o Keep in touch with the IFMSA Regional Assistant(s) for Europe, and the SCOPH-Director; o Evaluating the necessity of the enrolment of activities (discuss with the National Board, LC’s, RA, ...) and re-enrol activities of necessary (see manual). o o

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National Officer on Human Rights and Peace (NORP)

Represent SCORP on a national level and make sure the mission and vision of SCORP is pursued in any way possible within BeMSA; Organize SCORP Sessions at NGA’s; Organize in the begin of the term a meeting with all LORP’s aiming to align the activities; Keep in touch with all the LORPs during the year and provide support; Follow up on and coordinate all SCORP-related activities happening in BeMSA. Ensure one activity happens on the same date in every LC, make a uniform way of promoting the activity (e.g. the same poster in every LC, the same Facebook Event banner, ...); Answer or follow-up on emails arriving on the address; Keeping touch with the IFMSA SCORP Regional Assistant(s) for Europe by responding to their emails, have Online Meetings, ...; Attend the SCORP Sessions at GA’s, European Regional Meeting... if possible; Attend other SCORP-related international opportunities like European NORP-weekends, SCORP Camp, ... if possible; Manage the BeMSA SCORP Facebook Group: o Inform LORPs, SCORP Activity Coordinators or other SCORPions in Belgium through this group;

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

Stimulate them to organize more SCORP Activities by regularly posting new ideas you got from GA’s, activities that other LC’s are already doing, ...; Make sure that Activity Coordinators fill out the Impact Assessment form after an activity has been completed. Estimate the impact and think about improvements for next year; Stimulate Activity Coordinators to compose a scenario for the activity they organize and gather all the scenarios from every LC; Share existing scenarios to other LC’s that are interested in organizing the same activity. o

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National Officer on Research Exchange (NORE)

Communication flow from the international level to the LOREs; Fulfilling the tasks to maintain the status of SCORE active NMO, including filling the NORE report; Abiding to IFMSA SCORE Regulations; Coordination of and providing training for the LOREs; Providing SCORE sessions during NGAs; Attending international SCORE events, if possible; Represent SCORE Belgium internationally and be responsible for the promotion of SCORE; Signing contracts for the next exchange season at the IFMSA August Meeting; Establishing SCORE in new LCs; Further development of SCORE in Belgium; Represent SCORE in the Team of Officials; Communicating with the IFMSA SCORE International Team; Specific tasks of the NORE-IN: o Communication with other NOREs regarding incoming students; o Finding projects for the incoming students and adding them to the Projects Database after acceptance from the SCORE Supervising Board. Updating all projects at least once a year; o Incoming distribution of incoming students over the LCs and projects; o Making a booklet for incoming students; o Organizing an Upon Arrival Training for all incomings; o Organize the National Social Program, in collaboration with the NEO-in, and if possible an International Social Program; o Ensuring that incomings fill their Evaluation Form and receive their Certificate upon fulfilling all requirements; Specific tasks of the NORE-OUT: o Communication with other NOREs regarding outgoing students; o Responsible for outgoing selection and the management over the LCs; o Checking if all documents from all outgoings are filled correctly before sending; o Organizing a Pre-Exchange Training, in collaboration with the NEOs.

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021


National Exchange Officer (NEO)

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Communication flow from the international level to the LEOs; Fulfilling the tasks to maintain the status of SCOPE active NMO, including filling the NEO report; Abiding to IFMSA SCOPE Regulations; Coordination of and providing training for the LEOs; Providing SCOPE sessions during NGAs; Attending international SCOPE events, if possible; Represent SCOPE Belgium internationally and be responsible for the promotion of SCOPE; Signing contracts for the next exchange season at the IFMSA August Meeting; Establishing SCOPE in new LCs; Further development of SCOPE in Belgium; Represent SCOPE in the Team of Officials; Communicating with the SCOPE International Team; Attending IFMSA GA’s is not mandatory but is very helpful if you want to improve the exchanges; Specific tasks of the NEO-IN: o Communication with other NEOs regarding incoming students; o Finding clerkship spots for the incoming students; o Incoming distribution of incoming students over the LCs and departments; o Making a booklet for incoming students; o Organizing an Upon Arrival Training for all incomings; o Organize the National Social Program, in collaboration with the NORE-in, and if possible, an International Social Program; o Ensuring that incomings fill their Evaluation Form and receive their Certificate upon fulfilling all requirements;

Specific tasks of the NEO-OUT: o Communication with other NEOs regarding outgoing students; o Responsible for outgoing selection and the management over the LCs; o Checking if all documents from all outgoings are filled correctly before sending; o Organizing a Pre-Exchange Training, in collaboration with the NOREs.

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National Officer for Medical Education

Establishing and managing national Medical Education-related activities Providing support to the establishment of new SCOME-A activities in Flanders; Providing updates on SCOME to the Team of Officials during TOMs; Organizing SCOME Sessions during NGAs; Being responsible for the communication flow from the international level (SCOME IFMSA) to BeMSA and its Local Committees;

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

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Acting as liaison officer between BeMSA and other organizations representing medical students in Belgium, provided that they are comfortable in the language of the organisation’s region. Should the NOME not speak said language, the situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis; Coordinating and providing a communication channel to the Local Officers on Medical Education (LOMEs); Maintaining a sharing platform for resources for Medical Education-active members (e.g. a shared drive); Supporting the LOMEs in the creation of their Annual Working Plans; Monitoring the progress of the SCOME Strategy; Renewing the SCOME Strategy at its expiration time; Continuing and maintaining the enrolment of national activities in the IFMSA Programs; Attending IFMSA Meetings and SCOME trainings is not mandatory but strongly recommended.

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National Officer on Global Surgery (NOGS)

Lead a National Working Group (NWG) on Global Surgery: o Organize and encourage activities centred around the pillars of education, advocacy and research; o Try to make impact assessments and evaluations of all activities; o Provide members with manuals about relevant activities; o Keep a platform up-to-date to share global surgery related news o Providing a communication channel and document-sharing platform (such as Google Drive) for members; Towards BeMSA: o Attend all monthly TOMs and all NGAs; o Set up a common annual working plan on the national level; o Highly encouraged to attend IFMSA events; Towards the InciSioN International Team: o Communicate clearly, timely and openly towards the InciSioN International Team; o Attend all monthly OLMs; Assess the Memorandum of Understanding yearly; This position comes with the position of chair of InciSioN Belgium.


Supervising Council Members

Members • • •

The Supervising Council shall consist of three members. There should be no more than one Supervising Council member coming from the same Local Committee. If after the first call no three different Local Committees can be represented, two representatives from the same Local Committee will be allowed at the second call. Supervising Council members shall not hold any other position within the organization.

Task descriptions 2020 - 2021

Election of members • • •

All members of the Supervising Council are elected for a period of two years. The Supervising Council members are elected by the General Assembly. Elections of the SupCo members will be preferably held at the first General Assembly of a term. Candidatures have to be submitted in accordance with section 3.10. of the Bylaws. If no candidatures are received for a certain position in the Supervising Council, the procedure shall follow that of other Team of Officials positions as mentioned in section 5.6. of the Bylaws.

Duties • • • •

The Supervising Council shall be responsible for overseeing the actions and decisions made by the Executive Board and Team of Officials. It shall be an active resource body to assist and advise the EB and TO members in case necessary. Advice from the Supervising Council is not binding. Supervising Council will: o Follow along with the TO and EB throughout the year and offer advice where necessary; o Be impartial and objective in all their advices. Supervising Council members will be provided with Executive Board Meeting (EBM) and Team of Officials Meeting (TOM) minutes at the latest two weeks after the meeting and provide comments to the Executive Board within two weeks after that. The Supervising Council is responsible for sharing a written report about their findings and advices before each National General Assembly.

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