Yu-Te Portfolio_2022ArchitectureChiang

La03 GerneratorSabana07Veiled garden

In addition to his current project with UNStudio, Yu-Te has been working on independent competitions with focus on contemporary global issues. From ur ban intervention for the pandemic to post-industrial waste-field regeneration.
Years R.o.C
UNStudio - since 2018
Within the ever-expending architecture profession, Yu-Te believes strongly in the team-building and internal growth of the team member. Apart from taking on regular design tasks, he also initiated a few organizational in ventions to help each of the team members better perform in multiple roles.

Southbank by Beulah Mixed-Use, Melbourne, AU
Graduate Institute of Architecture
Taiwan University Department of Geography
Past Project
2021_ Confidential project Mixed-Use, Seoul, KR
Feb. 2018 - July. Copenhagen,2018DK
June. - Aug.
Sep. 2015 - June. Pennsylvania,2019USA
2017 New York City, USA
SLA A/S OPArchitecturalGADFernandoArchitecture/LandscapeRomeroEnterpriseCannoDesignArchitectureDesign Rhino/Revit/AutoCad/Grasshopper/Enscape Graphic Design Adobe Suite Energy Simulation Ladybug/Honeybee/Energyplus Documentation MS Office suite/OS X suite Spatial Analysis Geography Information System
Yu-Te M.Arch/ArchitectChiang benardchiang@gmail.com+31-647340050
Banpo Dong 12 Residential, Seoul, KR
Mixed-Use, Budapest, HU
2017 New York City, USA June. 2017
Bachelor of Science
July. 2017 New York City, USA
Sep. 2014 - June. 2015 Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (R.O.C)
2019_ Confidential project ExhibitionAmsterdam,Center,NL
Confidential Rotterdam Rotterdam,Residential,NL 2022_ Confidential project Mixed-Use, Seoul, KR
Jan. 2017 - Mar.
Master of Architecture Certificate of Ecological Architecture Architectural Association Exchange Studio
Confidential project Mixed-Use, Toronto, CA
Aug. 2017 - Sep. -
Pennsylvania School of Design - Department of Architecture
2018_ Southgate masterplanBudapest
Sep. 2014 - June. 2015 Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (R.O.C)
National Chiao-Tung University
Yu-Te Chiang is an Architect at UNStudio. He completed his Master of Archi tecture at the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining UNStudio in 2019, he had experience working in numerous international architectural offices in the United States, Europe and Asia. Yu-Te is a design architect, highly skilled with parametric design tools together with environmental analysis methods.
Banpo Dong 7 Residential, Seoul, KR
The Benchlands Kelowna Mixed-Use, Kelowna, CA
Confidential Malta Mixed-Use, Malta, MT
Graduate Level Coursework
2020_ Confidential project Mixed-Use, Shenzhen, CN
University of
Current Project
On top of capability in digital design tools deployments, with a background in Geography studies, Yu-Te’s design approach is deeply rooted in the under standing of the context. Rational thinking and analytical approaches are the key strengths behind Yu-Te’s imaginative speculative design projects.
Songdo Dong Mixed-Use, Seoul, KR
Yu-Te has been a key team member with many of the UNStudio’s key projects, from residential, mixed-use to infrastructure, as team leader and team member.
Confidential project Mixed-Use, Guiyang, CN
Aug. 2018 - Jan. 2019 Oct.2019Amsterdam,currentNL
Sub-01 Terra
Inspired by the ancient constructions made by the natives Changos, and learning from the accumulated knowledge of local architecture and its thermal principles, the project aims to be a unique space for artists and for the people to produce, showcase, exchange the creations and experiences by all means of different medium.
2021 Eco-Cult_Ecologically Inclined Cultural Center UNI Design Competition First Price | Antofagasta, Chile

The Past and Future of Antofagasta
The site is located about fifteen minutes walking from the city center and is next to the historic railway path that transports the raw material from the mining industry to the outsides and into the port. The surrounding area is mostly configured by low-rise residential buildings with the exception of some medium high and one high rise building. The project envision to be a key culture knot in the future setting. After the closure of mining site and cargo rail road infrastructure, the brown field can be transformed to a series of green spines, connecting all public space and culture venues across the city.

1-1 Antofagasta Future Spine 400m Railway Yard
Basica Republica del Ecuador Computer Liceo Comercial St. SaraGeneralAntofagastaCemetery Plaza HistoricalColónCenterOdeón Parque Brasil
67.4%8.1% 24.5% Jan DecNovMar OctFeb SepAugJulyJuneMayApr Jan DecNovMar OctFeb SepAugJulyJuneMayApr 16.7 15.6 14.7 16 13.6 16.6 12.4 11.911.6 12.3 13 14.5 22.6 21.3 20.1 22.7 19.3 23.1 18.919.3 19.8 20 20.8 21.7 18MM15MM12MM9MM6MM3MM The coast of Antofagasta it is characterized by the presence of a cold desert climate with abundant sunshine, cold nights, strong westerly winds, abundant humidity, morning mists and the absence of precipita tion. This determines the main design drivers to cope with the impacts of climate. 1-6 Regional landscape section 1-4 Average monthly temperature (Wikipedia) 1-2 Average monthly temperature (Wikipedia) 1-5 Average monthly rainfall (Wikipedia) 1-3 Educational background11.8 /yrs 20 of every 100 households without schooling. (Country avg. 29)

(Socio-Economic Characterization of Antofagasta. Ministry of Social Development and Family)

average schooling of the population aged 15 years and over. (Country average 11.2)

Being the most populated city of the north of Chile and with a recently growing high rise building development, more than the half of the population is 65 + years old, with this group being the least (Socio-Economiceducated.Characterization of Antofagasta. Ministry of Social Devel opment and Family)
0-17 years 65+ 18-64yearsyears

of the regional population of 18 years or more has not reached the complete secondary education or compulsory schooling of 12 years. (Country avg. 36.8%)

Sunken2-2 spaces

Learning from the ancient vernacular building principles, the project put all major program sunken into the terrain. The divisions of the openings are guided by the people flow along the changes of topography .
Resonancing Antofagasta copper mining landscape, the form and the placement of the urban furnitures help to trans form the ground level into an active ur ban plaza, supporting the operation of culture center with bike racks, pool and playgrounds.

First step of the land form process is to define public pedestrian entrance from the south, vehicular circulation for underground parking to the north.
The roof canopy not only provide as shields sheltering the underground space, with the installation of solar panels with photovoltaic cells, the tilt ed angle against direct sun light can improve the harvest of solar power and guide the dominate western wind.

3 Site Section

form public plaza
2 Landform Process

The second step of the cycle will then be a museum and gallery, where the creation could be displayed and shown to everyone. Even though visual con nections normally take a major part of the way people perceive art works, the designed space allow the natural daylight to pass through the entire museum area, to activate “time” as another key dimension of art appreciation, to stir up the sensations of other senses - touchness, texture, temperature, humidity and sounds.

The organization of the build ing plan is a show case of how the type of open plan could allow and trigger the creation cycle of arts to happen. We envision the culture center at Antofagasta should not only be a shelter for art to be exhibited, but an incubator where for arts to be created and inspired, a public gathering forum for people to exchange their thoughts and emotion, a medium that allow form of arts to be transformed and re-in terpreted.
The cycle of art starts from the workshop, where all kinds of artists - professional, ame ture or general public create the arts through all possible mediums. The workshop space is the womb for creation.

4 1 2 6 5 11 10 141213 7 9 8 3 WorkshopWorkshop Show & Display CafeCafe GalleryGallery BookstoreBookstore MuseumMuseum &TasteDrink Make & Create Show & Display Publish & Document 4 Plan Organization 400m
The last but not the least step happens in the cafe and bookstore, where through the sublimation process, art conveys its meaning through another layer of medium, which art becomes part of the culture, vice versa. Through publications, documentings, tasting and cuisines, arts can be restored and transformed into a border culture regime, and yet to inspire next generations of arts to be created and the next cycle of arts journey to embark.
4-1 Art as Noun
4-2 Art as Verb

5 Weather Resiliency Principles
6 Thermal/Energy Flow Section

Embedded almost entire cultural cen ter underground, it could be naturally cooled down during the day and kept warm during the night to accommodate the dramatic daily temperature changes.
Chimney5-1 Effect
With the central double/triple height space, the building can have better pas sive air ventilation system that can lift and pump out the hot air from the roof opening.

Learning from the building principles to create a passive thermal comfort environ ment by local ancestors, this project put together the architectural knowledge passed down through generations, with contemporary renewable energy devices.
With the implementation of the an addi tional roof layer, wind can go through the space in between and help cool down the roof panel heated up by the sun light.
Double5-2 Roofs
Porch5-3 Eaves
Sunken5-4 Space
Local weather resiliency vegetation planted above and under the ground level plaza also contribute the biophilic design principles to public hospitality and health awareness.
Operable windows inserted between roof structures and ground edge can further improve the air ventilation, to increase the inflow of fresh air from outside.

The combination of extended roof, eaves and set back building facade can help to cool down the temperatur, to create a comfortable social and public space.
By sunken down majority of spaces, direct sun light access will be limited. The soil volume can function as thermal mass to keep the space at lower temperature.

On top of the sunken spaces, pedal-shape of the roof structure with photovoltaic cell em bedded solar panels, set against major sun light source facing north, can harvest the abundance of solar energy for yearly uses.

523 m2
Solar panel embedded in the roof structure to harvest the abundance of solar energy in Antofagasta and provide the culture center to operate with carbon-free energy.
2927 m2

Palm tree plaza
Ground coverage ratio by roof canopy structure to shelter the underground space and function as shading device for open plaza.
By sunken down entire culture center underground, this project open up almost 3000m2 of ground level space for the public and neighborhood. Architecture and landscape design together create a public realm with railway heritage urban furniture, playground, bike racks, art sculptural installation, waterpool, and a sense of place.
7-2 Ground Level
Public Space Plaza Level BookshopRoof TerracesVertical CirculationCourtyardCoffeeCanopy CourtyardVoidOver Gallery Public Space 7 Exploded Axonometric 7-1 Roof Canopy

Lobby MuseumLevelLevelMainParkingLevel BookshopBookshopParking WorkshopVertical Circulation Service Vertical Circulation GalleryCoffeeParking CourtyardService Void Over Museum Restroom 7-3 B1 Level Lobby and Public program 7-4 B2 Level Museum & VIP Parking/BoH/Loading Dock
Parking bays for public guest with 6 bays for visitor with special needs.
1825 m2

7-5 B3 Level Public Parking

A complete open space could be divid ed into workshop, gallery, bookstore, cafe and museum space by soft division material as curtain; or totally con nected together as one single space allow visitors to flow through the space without interruption.
open plan can function as exhibition space or be transformed into other multi-propose program.

850 m2
Parking bays for VIP guest and wheelchair-free-access public.

8-2 Public Hall
8 Perspectives 8-1 Plaza Aerial

8-4 Entrance Plaza

8-3 Cafe Plaza

8-6 Museum Hall - Upper Level

8-5 Museum Hall - Lower Level

2021 Amsterdam Cycling Bridge Competition Non Architecture | Amsterdam, Nethearlands
The Netherlands are renowned for their popular biking culture, which made the country a world reference when it comes to cycling infrastructure. The city of Amsterdam embeds the value of slow mobility and biking, but today it lacks a cross river connection for cyclists and pedestrians. As designers, how can we think of a bridge that would match the conflict ing interests of citizens and authorities? How can a bridge become an architectural icon for the waterfront of Amster
the Dutch capital has developed along the south shore of the river Ij, growing along the water and expand ing in a radial way. The area across the water was for a long time neglected, mainly operating as an industrial zone. In recent years, Amsterdam-noord acquired a new focus for its proximity to central hubs and key destinations. While development is boosting, and further growth is still planned, the living density and attractiveness of this neighbour hood are transforming it into one of the hotspots of the city. For the densest areas of Amsterdam Noord, river crossing is operated via ferry, with very strong limitations in terms of availability, speed, and capacity.

Thousands of daily commuters must wait for the ferry in dedicated terminals, with an overall spent time up to 20 minutes and an often very crowded ride. In some locations this service is available only in given timeframes, leaving them com pletely disconnected at night time. The development of biking and pedestrian bridges, tunnels and cable cars have been considered by local authorities. There had been a continuous ongoing discussion for years, with a wide range of strate gic documents and studies that compared benefits and weaknesses of each solution. A crucial issue is the cruise termi nal, currently located in a very central area of the city, in direct conflict with the possibility of a bridge. Additionally, the Ij is one of the main water routes for freight boats, with very strict requirements for container height and accessi
at the strategic point of IJ river, the Helijx stands as a multi-functional playground, celebrates a new mix-used living area between Isplein, Java Island and recreational harbor for local public. In metropolitan scale, Helijx rep resents as a crown jewel and complete the series of architectural destinations in Amsterdam.

1-1 Interest points along IJ 500m HQ Clavin Klein & Tommy Hilfiger REM EilandSilodamJustice Palace EyeA’dam lookout Amsterdam Centraal OMACruiseNemoBimhuis/terminalIspleinMasterplan RecreationalHarbourJava Island The Whale WesterdokBotel NDSM 1000m 1500m Source: Non Architecture
The Noord is booming. As one of the last piece of low-de veloped land, construction cranes have been erected and busily working in recent years. Accelerated by the latest-opened northern extension metro line, Amsterdam noord constantly booming for future dwelling and invest ment object. On top of the 7/24 running shuttle ferries, a smoother and higher efficiency way of bringing people across the river should soon enter the horizon of future city transportation networks.
it forms a biological archipelago that helps to maintain the bio-diversity and natural habitats with urban area. The new bike bridge should also act as a biological passage across the IJ river.
Along one of the busiest waterways in the world, so many architectural destinations could be found spread out on both banks, most of them concentrated within the ring of A10 highway, behind centraal station. From the headqua ters for Clavin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, Silodam, REM Eiland, the Eye to NEMO, the IJ river is actually a contem porary architectrual wonderband never cease to surprise us with unique-designed architecture piece.
One of the dutch city-rural balancing features is the natural land in-between built-environments . From multi ple scales of green open ground to open waterbody in all shape, Amsterdam offer its citizen a rather close distance to the experience of nature. From city wildlife perspective,
1 Site - Pivot point along IJ

NDSM Source: City of Amsterdam Source: Planning and Sustainability City of Amsterdam

1-2 Booming North 1-3 Green Ring 1500m1500m Green developablePotentialArea Area developablePotential Project DevelopmentExistedParkAmsterdamNoord AmsterdamSloterdijk AmsterdamIJburg Westerpark Vliegenbos Vondelpark Rembrandtpark

Connect to main bike path on both banks
Locates at the west end of Java island, south side of bridge landing is right next to a school and Java hotel. The new propose bridge is set to surround the school building and branch out to land on the roof garden with additional bike access and parking area. The north side of the site is a post-industrial-building complex been transformed into several buildings for suprermarket, beer garden, office and studio for rent. With the extention from bridge’s north landing to the west, residents in Isplein can have easier access to the recreational horbur and Java island.
Diagonal path to smoothen the rise and run
2 Concept - River Embracing
Further connections on both banks
2-1 River Embracing Gesture
2-2 Lively Mix-uses neighborhoods
Spirals on the river to accomodate the rise/run
The bridge itself could actually “embrace” the water.
After in-depth study of the site surroundings, the stra tegic location of the IJ linkage could potentially bring peo ple on both banks together and form a new mix-used living neighborhood. Can the bridge itself adds other uses to existed city facilities?
The key concept of the Helijx is to turn the limitation of river-crossing physics into its unique advantages. Ramps’ rise and run the length determined the length of the path, while the buildable site area is limited on both banks.

Instead of dodging between buildings, the Helijx take on a more water friendly engagement - water embracing. To reach designed height for container cargo ship to pass, the spi ral structure can not only provide cyclist with multiple panorama views along the journey, but also function as a gesture of water embracing. The elevated paths lead people toward the water, while forming a protection from the busy shipping passing along the IJ river.

2-3 Bridge as lands connector, spatial organizer and circulation conductor

3 Plan - Multi-functionals water playground
As a spatial organizer, the path of the bridge divide the on-shore and off-shore area into several zones, each of them can function as a water playground. From it’s peak to landing on both side, several panorama platforms, seating areas and water jumping decks pop out along the entire journey. The north and south pool could served as public pool, a SUP training ground, a water motor cycle perfor mance stage, a charging center for yacht and ferries, and more.

2 8 8 10 1 1 3 3 9 9 6 8 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5

2 8 8 8 10 1 1 3 9 6 827 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 3 North bank 1) Isplein Side Entrance 2) Harbour Side Entrance 3) Outdoor Seating Area 4) Riverfront Sunbath Area 5) Ramp Entrance 6) Stairs Entrance 7) North Pool 8) Water Jump Deck 9) Viewing Deck South bank 1) Java Island Entrance 2) School Rooftop Garden 3) School Rooftop Bike Rack 4) Riverfront Sunbath Area 5) Ramp Entrance 6) Stairs Entrance 7) Skate Board Park 8) Kids Playground 9) Viewing Deck 10) Outdoor Seating Area

To ensure different users can safely share their crossing experiences and enjoy entire journey, subtle changing of the path width, inclined railing, smart benches(with lighting and wireless charging devices integrated), greenery with local native species, all the elements within this mini-prom enade section come into play seamlessly.
Section - Elevated streetscape

Landing at the strategic point of IJ river, the Helijx stands as a multi-functional playground, celebrates a new mix-used living area between Isplein, Java Island and recre ational harbor for local public. In metropolitan scale, He lijx represents as a crown jewel and complete the series of architectural destinations in Amsterdam.

Perspectives - Landings on both ends

Through the transformation of urban public space, the wound could be a visualization of the incident, and moreover, be come a public open ground for memorial and healing.
Fighting against pandemic is like fighting against an invisible war. Without the visible damaging, doctors and nurses fight ing in IC units, escalating number of death, greatest economy recessing of our lifetime; during quarantine time, all the traumas seem to happen quietly, anonymously and remotely behind the scene.
Rebirth03 from the Wound PANDEMIC ARCHITECTURE
By adding a cemetery to an urban park, would open up more capacity to deal with the urgent sanitary condition when mas sive death occurred.
is to reimagine an urban cemetery with the park function on the top and the cemetery underneath.

International Ideas ARCHISEARCH.GRCompetition|NYC,USA
By creating a “wound” in the urban landscape, we propose an urban park that will carry the city through pandemic. A park as the symbol of the trauma caused by the pandemic, and recover it through the construction of the urban ceme
Reimaging urban public space as a place to mourn and grieve a cemetery for pandemic and a memorial site for generations to remember

Every city was formed by the gathering of people. Rapid trav eling and dense living environment make our city a vulnera ble epicenter for the pandemic. Nowadays, once the pandemic spreads out in one international city, other cities are easily infected due to the deep connection between cities. Also, the medical system in the cities are not designed to cure this scale of cases and lead to massive death in a really short period of time.
1-2 The number of the excessed death among the cities influenced by the Panemic
The Number of the expected and actual deaths in global cities during the Pandemic 2020 (March~April)

urban public space as a cemetery for pandemic may be a great proposal for sanitary and for grieving purposes.
Under this circumstance, it is urgent to have a solution to tackle the sanitary issues brought up by the massive death, and the emotional trauma of the people who cannot see their significant others’ last face due to the pandemic. Reimaging
1 Mass Decease in Our City
Data in the states shows that people living in the urban cores of large metropolitan areas comprise more than half of residents who live in the counties with the highest COVID-19 prevalence. Residents of outer suburbs, smaller metropolitan areas, and rural America represent far small er shares of those living in high-prevalence areas. Persons living in large-prevalence counties are also more likely to be urban core residents. In contrast, fully two-thirds of those living in lower-prevalence counties reside outside of urban cores and their close-in suburbs.
Source: Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries on The Economist 1-3 Comparison of residents in higher and lower COVID-19 prevalence countiesU.S average30.9 25.3 10.9 18.9 14.0 51.1 27.2 6.3 10.0 5.3 39.3 26.3 11.4 17.1 5.9 8.0 24.1 14.2 28.2 25.4 Urban Core matureareametro outerareametro smallareametro non-metroarea High LowerLargeprevalenceprevalenceprevalence Source: Who lives in the places where coronavirus is hitting the hardest on Brookings by William H.Frey

As a result, the existing urban park can function as an open space for people to escape from self-quarantine and confinement, an urban cemetery and a pandemic memorial ground.
Proper size of urban public space as cemetery site
Central excavation to create grave space; spare earth to create a landform

Week Funeral4 Space The first wave of decease triggers the need for funeral space, which includes ritual space and waiting area Week Circulation5 space The circulation ring connects all the space beneath the surface Week Memorial6 space Further

“Land form as a symbol of out break; cemetery construction as a metaphor of recovering”

Week Entrance3 excavation to extend the
2 Datums of Excavation
Week 1
memo rial passage
The overall construction of urban cemetery park start from the forming of a symbol of pandemic, a gigantic hole in the middle. Later, each step within the whole process represents the metaphor of pandemic evolution.

Week Epicenter2
Sunken slope from periphery to enter epicenter
Transformation of Urban Park
After the first excavation, first layer of retaining wall and shell structure provide the space for funeral activity. As the number of decease growing and the needs of interment space rising, more layers of excavation carve out more space for memorial and underground circulation, also pro vide the material for ritual process.
Half of the walls lead people to enter the underground cemetery.
Ground cover with opening to shed light into undergroundspace.
Wall above ground around the center ac tually growing from the space underneath, guiding people through the funeral spaces and process.

Above ground, concrete wall embedded into the sloping landscape; height vary from divi sion wall to bench and pavement, create the essential element for urban park.

“Social distancing maze”
A wound in the collective memories needs to be healed through re-gathering among the public. And the spatial experience draws the visitors to participate in memorial activities in diverged areas above and underground.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Meanwhile, the families go into the entrance beneath for the funeral service. Responding to the patterns of sculptures above, the routes are organized among parallel walls for divided small groups while prolonging the silent and calm atmosphere for the ritual events.
A 3 Urban
“Converging through divergence; A maze for social distancing”
At the periphery, full height wallsto create complete view blocking path, leading visitor toward the heart of the park. The width between walls make sure visitors can maintain one of the essential measeurement in pandemic.

When the path reach ing the top of the hill, half-height wall becomes even lower, forming or the urban furniture such as bench, podium and hard pavement. Wound

As citizens come for daily leisure, they stroll along the rising landscape while entering mazes with curved, paralleled walls arranged with its specific distance, which leads to more isolated passways and recall the memories of social distancing experience during the pandemic.
As the path running uphill, the height of the wall gradully lower down, vis itor in different path could start to make visual contact with others.
8 9 1 Sunken Plaza 2 The forest of walls 3 Tunnel to underground cemetery 4 Gathering pocket 5 Bench (aboveground) / Division wall (underground) 6 Waiting space 7 Ritual space 8 Memorial hallway 9 Water tomb Site Plan 1/400 A’ 1

the family keeps company with the tomb. All the grief and wishes with tomb flow on the water to the center of the urban wound as the journey of healing.
4-1 Above ground zero: For urban leisure and remembrance 4-2 Underground cemetery: Grieving process Underground 1 Entrance 2 Waiting Area 3 Memorial Hallway 4 Ritual Space 5 Burial Ceremony 6 Water Tomb

1 2 3 4 5 6
Memorial HallwayWaiting AreaEntrance
The undulating land surface becomes a divider and a connector of different public space users. Offering visitors an interweaving experience between layers of ground, urban daily life and process of grieving over death.

slope of the park, the maze gradually declines and transforms into ar eas with benches and terraces where peo
ple at the end see the wounds with the tomb piled in the water.The prologue for the funeral is formed by the family members walking between the slab and leads them to the underground space.
In the ritual space, the light through the ceiling hole shines the tomb in the middle of the water. The family gradually put ashes and the tomb block into one completed piece of tomb under the warm sunlight, as the main activity of the Afterfuneral.theCeremony,
TheEntranceForest of
4 Life as Crossing Paths
from street sideWalls
Citizens walk along the rising landscape while entering parallelled walls arranged with its specific distance, which leads to the isolated passways and recall the memo ries of social distancing experience during the Followingpandemic.the

Before Ceremony, a private waiting room provides a space for family members to prepare themselves before starts. On the way to the ritual space, the re taining wall alongside leaves the mark of the memorial of loved ones, also records the different time phases of the building process.

1 4 2 3 3 4 The TombBurial CeremonyRitual Space Resting AreaBench Area “Interweaving of experiences between layers of ground, urban daily life and process of grieving over death” Aboveground 1 The entrance of Street Side 2 The Forest of Walls 3 Bench Area 4 Resting Area

The basic modules are combined with three units and rotated. The variations con stitute the steps, pathways and tunnels among the negative and positive space in the piles.
In the center of the park, people end their journey by encountering the memorial cemetery. The sculpture-like forms constitute the symbol of the pandemic wound which is sublimed after the experience of empathy in the maze above as well as the contemplation during the funeral rituals underground.

The water is the extension of the contemplative rituals while reflecting the skylight pouring into the space underground through the open of the wound. Hence, aiming for a gentle gesture of re-connection, the memorial cemetery be comes the space for the reunion of every collective—the public and the families, the citizens and the souls deceased—together in the city.
The modules combined with the tombs build up the memorial cemetery in the cen ter of the park as the symbol of collective memories while keeping different lev els of spatial intimacy for individuals. Tomb staking system Tomb Module

The 1-leveled units are either creating space in smaller scales or applied to the main structures. The unique form of the tombs creates the niches in the shapes of a quarter, a half, and even a full sphere while indicating different directions for the visitors.
5 Memorial for “AbovegroundReunionmeetunderground;Reunionandmemorial;Intimateformulationofmodules”

Cross-disciplinaries Landscape + Urban Design Studio | Bogota, Colombia
2019 PennDesign LARP 704 Studio
This studio is a case study which seeks to formulate alternative urbanization scenarios and explore new design tools that will guide urban growth whilst simultaneously fostering habitat conservation and restoration in a symbiotic manner.
The Bogotá Studio is part of a larger research initiative in the landscape department at Penn. Richard Weller’s ‘Atlas for the End of the World’ has audited land use in the world’s biodi versity hotspots and identified the conflict zones between urban growth and biodiversity in these hotspots. The Atlas has identified that over 90 per cent of the major cities in the world hotspots are rapidly expanding in direct conflict with endangered species, and doing so in a rel atively unplanned manner. In association with the McHarg Center for Urbanism and Ecology the research is now focused on a set of 33 of the biggest of these cities, more or less one in each hotspot. In June 2019 the landscape department will host delegates from these cities along with representatives from the UN and major conservation NGOs to discuss how destructive sprawl into biodiverse landscapes can be mitigated.2 Bogota, within the Tropical Andes hotspot has been selected as a case study in this research project and is supported by the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Engagement Fund.
La04Sabana Generator

Without a an environmental/territorial/urban vision, it is not difficult to foresee that ‘business as usu al’ growth will result in a fragmented and dysfunctional urban system, in the virtual elimination of the remaining ecosystems, the loss of valuable agricultural land, the reduction of the production of flowers, and the encroachment of urbanization on sensitive habitats located at the urban fringe, on ecological cor ridors and patches, with a significant loss of biodiversity.
Bogota is the capital of Colombia and sits within the Tropical Andes hotspot where there is severe conflict between biodiversity preservation and rapid urbanization.
The project is a case study which seeks to formulate alternative urbanization scenarios and explore new design tools that will guide urban growth whilst simultaneously fostering habitat conservation and resto ration in a symbiotic manner.

that large tracks of the Green Heart are ded icated to ecological services and productive uses. This includes areas for water management, ecological corridors, for reforestation programs, and for high-efficient agricul ture zone.
3) preserves agricultural land and
2) creates an airport related economic zone and
and restores the local ecology
(a) Creating a ring of public spaces, leisure transportation system, and recreational-habitat paths between the Green Heart and the urban areas, accompanied by urban stewards (b)system.Ensuring
(d) Transferring development rights from land located in the Green Heart and other protected areas to the new urban districts to allow preservation efforts to also make financial profits.
This project takes the thriving flower industry and the new proposed airport as catalysts for an urban design proposal
2 La Sabana Generator - Design
4) includes informal urban development within urban plan ning so as to improve equity in the city.
(c) Locating stewards that will contribute to foster ecolog ical services and habitat restoration as universities, re search centers, botanical gardens, environmentally-focused NGO’s, etc.,
La GeneratorSabanaWaterTransportationHubManagement ForestryNursery
Green Heart
Oasis Capital of
AirportInternational New International Airport 0.3125 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 Miles
BOGOTA D.C. Dorado
GREENHEART La GeneratorSabana El

The gentle topography of La Sabana, its mild climate, rich soils, and availability of water, with an area of 1,641.6 square miles, pro vides Bogota with a large amount of cultivable farmland, including the production of flowers -the region’s main export product-, supplying the huge demand of fresh-cut flowers in North America. While Colombia is the second largest flower produce country of the world, the Bogo ta area produces 76% of all the fresh flowers in Colombia.
3 La Sabana as Productive Landscape

The agricultural landscape of La Sabana is not only produc tive; it is also a cultural symbol of Bogota’s identity. How ever, due to its relatively low efficiency, the sprawl of the flower industry and lack of public transportation, the identity of La Sabana is eroding. Moreover, Bogota City is now import ing a large percentage of food from other countries and local farmers and flower workers are poorly paid. Based on our research, Clombia should strive to become like the Nether lands, which produces 5 times more potatoes and four times more flowers than Colombia with only 4.17% of its agriculture land.

1 4 8 12 16Miles
Banana Potato Flower Green HouseFloweFoCerealesMarkeAirporttrestryrAgricuWaterlture Heterogeneas PrmeanentPasto Cultivationt Transitioning Cultivation Urban
4-1 Bogota & La Sabana population 2050 projection 4-2 Formal and Informal Settlement Population 9.94MM2016 17,000,00010,000,0003,000,000 11.77MM2030 +1.83 MM+3.93 M+2.1 MM 13.87MM2050 3M 4.17M 5.89M 2016 2030 2050 Formal YearInformalSettlementSettlement

Bogota is the capital of Colombia, a population of close to 9 million inhabitants, an additional 1.5 mil lion smaller communities located in the adjacent lands of La Sabana of
The continuing population growth and “business as usual” urbanization pattern of Bogota, is causing the elimination of its wetlands and farmland. In recent years, 50% of the population of Bogota live in self-constructed settlements lack essential public service and open space.
The gentle slope and abundant wetland resource of La Sabana not only make it a perfect land for agriculture but also make it easy to be urbanized. According to 2050 demographic projections, there will be 4 million more people in Bogota and around half of this population will likely live in self-constructed settlements. Without intelligent urban planning it is not difficult to foresee that ‘business as usual’ growth will result in the virtu al elimination of the remaining ecosystems, the loss of valuable agricultural land, the reduction of the produc tion of flowers, and the encroachment of urbanization on sensitive habitats located at the urban fringe, on eco logical corridors, and patches, with a significant loss of biodiversity.
living in
4 Population Growth and Urban Expansion
2050 Population+150.64496.84ProjectionBuiltAreakm^2km^2Population9.94M+3.93MDensity21424.16/km^2 Las Mercedes La Punta La Penas Vilamery Van der Hammen MosqueraMadrid El Corzo Chacua La Gran Bretana Santa Rosa population(35.5%+1.4MBojocaof2050growth) +0.37M +0.27M +0.2M +0.57M +0.23M+0.67M+9K +0.22M20006.44/km^2Population9.94Population496.84BuiltPresentAreakm^2MDensity0.31251.25 2.5 3.75 5 Miles

Airport-Centered District - Comprehensive Growth System
Industry structedbenefitseconomicinLargeculture.andthepasturetransforming
The National Government has proposed constructing a new Airport to the west of the Green Heart. This new air port is meant to handle predominantly cargo, leaving the existing airport for passenger travel.
Living Quality
The TOD urban configuration centrating urbanization mobility and new ishing pressures
We envision a new 21st-century airport city, accommodat ing 1.7 million of the future population growth of Bo gota, and providing job opportunities, good living condi tions and public facilities for people in all social strata, with comprehensive planning of quality/incentive zoning, blue and green infrastructure and public spaces sys tem, efficient public transportation, and innovative urban design strategies. The Airport City is anchored on the Green Heart, reveling a productive, high tech, flower pro duction and metropolitan amenities segment.
The new airport al government will build a regional a internal commute
Pedestrian and bike Alameda intercon nect the urban areas with the ecolog ical corridors, Parks, Amenities and the Green Heart, accompanied by urban stewards such as: parks, universities and libraries, and exhibition, providing more green space for the future resi dents.
Flower fairground, market and expo make the flower in dustry more visible to the public to anchor the agricultre industry upgrade. Flower production become an important component of the urban system adjacent to the Green Heart.

Flower Capital
Industry Upgrade
Largeculture.industrial uses are also relocated in proximity to the New Airport to foster economic changes, and to brings jobs and benefits to the residents in the self-con structed and lower-income areas

Water Management
By collecting water at the foot of cloud for est (highlands), building rainwater collection system through green boulevards, and expand ing the wetland buffer at the sides of the two rivers run through the site, more water is col lected for future uses, the urban wastewater and agriculture wastewater are recycled and filtered by the wetland and green streets.
By diversifying and increasing agricul tural productivity, a productive food bowl will be secured for the future population growth
proposed by the nation will anchor investment to regional transportation system and commute public transit system. configuration allows con urbanization along the existing new growth corridors, dimin pressures on the Green Heart.
Food Security
transforming of the existing low-efficient pasture land into agro-forest, upgrading the agriculture industry into high-efficient and less land-occupied industrialize agri
Two secondary ecological corridors and the variegated riv er system of the site provide opportunities to develop a sus tainable water management system and a green space system. By collecting water at the foot of cloud forest (highlands), building rainwater collection system through green boulevards, and expanding the wetland buffer at the sides of the two rivers run through the site, more water is collected for future uses, the urban wastewater and agriculture wastewater are recycled and filtered by the wetland and green streets. The linear green space system connects the Green Heart and the highlands at the north and provides essential animal migration corridor. Alameda, the city bike lane system, is also proposed along with the public green space, e.g., Green Heart, flower fairground and linear river park, to activate the open green space.
6 Green and Blue Corridors - A Comprehensive Environmental Infrastructure
Ecological corridors feed into and extend out from the Green Heart. Through a series of wetlands the Green Heart also con nects to the Bogota River, which we also propose as a riparian corridor of landscape restoration. This “Blue Vein” provides opportunities to develop a sustainable water management system and a green space system for the whole city.
6-1 Water Management Plan and Environmental Infrastructure


Public SpaceCommunity AgricultureWater Treatment Local Grey Water Treatment Waste Water Treatment Water WetlandCollectionFiltration Water Filtration Urban Agriculture FiltrationWetland AgricultureWaste Water Filtra tion Public Space 6-2 Conceptual Section - Urban Water Cycle

Green HouseAgricultureWetland Waste Water Treatment Forestry Water WetlandCollectionFiltration Agriculture FiltrationWetland FiltrationWetland ForestryFlower Industry + Intensive Agriculture Water Recycle 6-3 Conceptual Section: Farmland Water Cycle

We introduce high-yielding experimental agriculture fields and vertical greenhouses, supported by research institutions, and in proximity to new public Universities, and flower/agriculture fairground, and conference centers and a food distribution center. We are hoping this area can revitalize the food cultiva tion industry and culture in the future. By verticalizing agricul ture production, less land can produce more flower and food, crops that require different sunlight condition can be arranged on different levels, agriculture production can also be rotated easily. We also introduce international agriculture fairground landscape, conference center, agriculture expo programs, and flower labor union center into this area. In the short term, this program will invite more foreign investment to the flower indus try. La Sabana Productive Components

Agriculture of La Sabana is not only an important economic activity but also a cultural component of Bogota’s history and more recently so is flower production. However, productivity is low compared to other agricultural and flower production cit ies/nations, farmers are making low income, and large tracks of land are underutilized.
7 Productive
- A Hybrid-Machine for Agriculture and Industry 7-1

7-2 Agriculture+Industry Components

System and Strategic
We envisioned the investment in such strategic infrastructure as a unique opportunity that will allow:
b) Providing efficient public transportation to the Airports and new districts. The city will be connected with the region, not only by the Metro system, the regional roads, the pedestrian and bike friendly links, but also by a light rail which take ad vantage of a right of way of a defunct rail way that for decades was the main linked Bogota to the lowlands and the internation al markets. BRT and bus systems, and bike lanes supplement the mobility framework, and provide easier internal connection.
This new airport is meant to handle predominantly cargo, leaving the existing airport for passenger travel. We propose a new air port city as a generator for the economic growth and ecological innovation for Bogota. Also, the building limit of the flight path makes the north and the south side of the new airport an appro priate location for industry, high-tech services and manufactur ing for Bogota.
c) Providing community-based stewards such as schools, hospi tals, libraries, sport facilities, etc., close to mobility systems, as also to prevent urban encroachment in the periphery of the districts onto agricultural land and protected areas.
8-1 Multi-Mobility System and Strategic Urban Development
New Town Development around Airport - Multi-Mobility
a) Propelling a new multiuse and socially diverse district revert ing the dormitory-city and segregated patterns that have charac terized the urbanization of the Municipalities of La Sabana,

Strategic Urban Development

7-2 Mode 1 - Mobility system x Commercial Corridor x Public services x Green Corridor

7-3 Mode 2 - Mobility system x Commercial Corridor x Mix-Stratas Residential District

According to Boorgota’s POT, the mini mum green space per capital is 4.4m^2.
35 Million
Flora Expo Fair Ground Cargo
The new airport with it’s 750 MIillion initial designed capacity/year, will ex pect to be expanded to 35M passen gers per year.
New InternationalCommercialMix-useDistrictHi-TechWarehouseAgriculture+
9 La Sabana Generator .33 0.66 1 1.33Miles
With the construction of water man agement infrastructure, La Sabana could actually help to infuse more water back to La Sabana and Green Heart. (Current stream return rate is 85%)
The construction of the New Airport, the comprehen sive planning of the mobility systems, the protected and created ecologies, and the proposed flower production and industrial framework, and experimental/high-yielding agriculture, can result in: increased passenger service of 35 million per year, the provision 2 twice the amount of green, recreational spaces and protected areas that those currently offered in the Municipality of Bogota, in $1480 million of new revenue from flower exports and industrial/manufacturing production and related jobs, and the possibility of providing food for 60% of the pop ulation of the new district.
Within future urban development of La Sabana generator, it could provide 2 times green space to its residents.

2X Green Space
847,000 (60% of population) With advance vertical agriculture technolo gy and verticalized greenhouse farm, La Sa bana Generator has the potential to feed up to 847,000 people.
Agro-Tourism District District

Cargo Center
$1480 Million
With advance vertical agriculture tech nology and verticalized greenhouse farm, La Sabana Generator has the potential to double up revenues from flower export.

10 Community Identity

In the short term, flower and agriculture-related pro grams will invite more foreign investment to the flower industry. However, in the long time, we can foresee that these programs will bring not only flower but also other Colombia’s agriculture products to the world, the eco nomic benefit from the flower industry can support the local agriculture development in return. More jobs will be creating for the future growing population, and the labor will also face less inequity issue.

Flower industry gather around the new airport, as well as other
of the La Sabana is currently used for grazing, with scattered parcels growing crops. The land is obviously underuti lized and cannot support the food demand of local residents.
Indigenous farming approach on La Sabana, La Sabana is mainly occupied by wetlands.
Farmers started to sew crops all year, while herding and ranching was also stimulated in La Sabana.
The United State - Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement caused flower industry on La Sabana, due to the ideal hydrological
The La Sabana produces 76% of the total flower exports in Colombia. Around 30-35 cargo planes loaded with flowers fly out of Colombia daily during peak season.
Local food production took place of the flower industry, supporting local residents, providing jobs, improving local economy.
is heavily poluted, the water system is fragmented, while only 1.6% of wetland
move into greenhouses, greenhous es move up to the top of industrual warehouses.
Farmers started to sew crops all year, while herding and ranching was also stimulated in La Sabana.
Eucalyptus and pines are introduced, wetlands were drought out.
Flora BroadwayRiverCampusTechR&DFront Agri-TourismAlameda Green House Agro-Education Center 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4Miles 11 La Sabana Generator’s Crown Jewels

Riparian Forest

River Front Park Flower CommunityWorkerCenterCitySport Park WaterPlantTreatmentExperimentalField Bike workshop & Supply
12 Flower Industry Environmental Infrastructure
12-1 Water Management Framework
The edge between the “Green Heart” and the industrial zone will be an important entrance for people to understand the agriculture value of Bogota. Alameda, the bike lane system will connect people from the regional “Green Heart” circuit to the agriculture fairground. Flower Field garden and Flower Expo architecture will attract both local and international visitors to experience, which will help Bogota to establish their flower and agriculture culture identity further. This landscape belt will also extend to the periphery area of the new airport city to provide public open space and facilities.
The blue street network of the area recalls the agriculture landscape identity of La Sabana and the traditional rural water drainage system. As a part of the larger wetland and ecological system mentioned above, the street wetland and experimental field system, that trace the existing farmland fabric, will recy cle and filter the water from the greenhouses, and integrate the area with the bigger regional landscape proposal, the “Green Heart.”

12-2 Water Management Components

Park Constructed Wetland


Rain Garden

Wetland Park
Local Grey TreatmentWater WasteTreatmentWater

The blue street network of the area recalls the agriculture landscape identity of La Sabana and the traditional rural water drainage system. As a part of the larger wetland and ecological system mentioned above, the street wetland and experimental field system, that trace the existing farmland fabric, will recy cle and filter the water from the greenhouses, and integrate the area with the bigger regional landscape proposal, the “Green Heart.” Water Management Framework

The edge between the “Green Heart” and the industrial zone will be an important entrance for people to understand the agriculture value of Bogota. Alameda, the bike lane system will connect people from the regional “Green Heart” circuit to the agriculture fairground. Flower Field garden and Flower Expo architecture will attract both local and international visitors to experience, which will help Bogota to establish their flower and agriculture culture identity further. This landscape belt will also extend to the periphery area of the new airport city to provide public open space and facilities.
13 Flower Industry Environmental Infrastructure

Colombian carnations are considered the best in the world for their quality, beauty and longevity. If you live in the US and have worn a carnation in your buttonhole, the chances are it came from Colombia.
14 Vertical Agriculture Landscape
Valentine’s Day roses lead the pack among Colombian flowers. For Francisco Ricaurte, a general director of UPS in South America, the months leading up to Valentine’s Day are peak season.
By relocating the light-structure greenhouses that nowadays dot La Sabana in close proximity to the New Airport, it will al low concentrating and making more efficient the production of flowers, removing them from sensitive habitat areas and freeing valuable agricultural land (the flowers are grown in elevated planters), addressing the current water pollution problems (de rived from fertilizers), recycling water, and making the flower industry more visible through flower fair grounds, marketing and visitorcenters, in proximity to public transportation. Flower production become an important component of the urban system adjacent to the Green Heart.

Gerbera Daisy
Besides the big three(Rose, aelmasthemums,bloomsbiaChrysanthemum),CarnationColomisalsobelovedforincludingchrysanliliesandMichdaisies.(2)

Gerberas are one of the most desired flowers for floral arrangements because of their broad range of colors and large flower heads. Gerberas resemble enormous daisies and can be used together to make lovely bouquets.
Alstroemeria Lily
Lilium columbianum is a lily native to western North America. It is also known as the Columbia Lily or Ti ger Lily (sharing the latter common name with several other species in its genus).
15LowerHigherGreenWarehouseIndustrialHouseLanduseEfficiencyLowerWaterUsageEnergyConsumptionEcologicalVertical Agriculture

in our airport district, we propose with the introduction of high yielding experimental agriculture fields and vertical greenhouses, supported by research institutions, and in proximity to two new public Universities, and flower/agriculture fairground, and conference cen ters and a food distribution center. Therefore, in the design of the ag riculture industry zone, we are hoping this area can revitalize the food cultivation industry and culture in the future. By verticalizing agricul ture production, less land can produce more flower and food, crops that require different sunlight condition can be arranged on different levels, agriculture production can also be rotated easily.
While the flower export is attracting foreign investment and creating job opportunities for Bogota, is consuming a large amount of Bogota’s water resource and occupying valuable farmland while Bogota is import ing food from other countries. The labors are working over-time for low Therefore,wages.

16 View through the future La Sabana

Digital05 Counterpole
Libraries are one of the most fascinating architectural examples of the history of mankind. As the library of Alexandria and the more recent masterpieces of contemporary architecture, the library has always been the center of collection of collective memory. It has always been the place where human experiences could be preserved, crystalized, made eter nal. They could be passed on from ancient to new generations. In a way, the library has to do with eternity. It connects thoughts and experiences beyond space and time. It does so because it is a place, which human beings build in order to draw from the experience of their predecessors. It also does so because first of all the library is a great information
Therefore, what is the future for libraries? What is the library of the future? On the basis of these questions, the University of Genoa is delighted to launch Future Library. This is the design com petition that invites young people from all over the world to think about the future of places dedicated to learning and knowledge. Through architecture, they will design a completely new model of learning space.
Future Library Competition by CODE Honorable Mention | Genoa, Italy

history has been passing on such information through the union of paper and ink: books. Books used to need a specific archiving and consultation space. However, in the era of dematerialization, of virtuality and of the 4.0 world, information has become an impalpable sequence of codes. They are intangible sequences that any device can consult and decode in any moment and any place. Consequently, on one hand the virtual space is expanding. On the other hand, the physical space is losing ground. Now, including all the places that used to be constant elements of humankind over the centuries have to change connotations and features. The library is not a place of preservation and consultation any more. This is because now the access to information goes beyond books.

Therefore, the project position itself on this infinity dia logue. Furthermore, by deploying digital interface within the iconical industrial framework, to set up a pitching point between individuality and collectivity, public and pri vate, the solidity of knowledge storage and the fluidity of information flow.
When we look back into human history, from the establish ment of the first library to contemporary library archi tecture design towards the infinite future, the essence of a library as space has always lain between two key elements - individual knowledge storage and collective information sharing.
Knowledge SharingArchive
Concept - A new relationship create by future library
DigitalFlow Virtual Physical
2 Strategy - A reversed bound of space and activities
Towards the future library, the project aims to demon strate the reversed relationship between the sub-pro grams and its spatial quality in the library. In the past, conference room and meeting room were all designated for the exclusive, private and formal meeting, while com mon study tends to be more open and public inclusive, welcome any kind of informal engagement to happen. Collectivity
Under the over-exposure of information flow along with and hyper-access to «the digital cloud», this bound could be reversed. In the digital era, the definitions of space tend to be fluidity, the boundary between individuality and collectivity becomes blurry, the difference between private and public now is not defined by the transparency or the enclosures of the space, but the accessibility to digital tools.
3 Diagram - An inverted spatial character and program Collective Generating Meeting space Archive SpacePhysicalEnclosedCompact The present library The future library Individual Access Studying space InteractiveFlexibleInterface
DiscussingGatheringMeeting Enclosed Openness ExchangingSharingStudying Meeting Space 440 sqm Enclosed Knowledge Flow 30 Studyingsqmspace70sqm Studying Meeting Space 440 sqm Enclosed Knowledge Flow 30 Studyingsqmspace70sqm Studying 4 Spatial Organization Two key spaces of library - meeting space and study area are divided by the central circulation space, but re-link throught the flow of knowledge. 4--2 Sectional Diagram 4-1 Circulation Diagram 4-3 Plan Diagram
Digital interaction 30 sqm Seminar 170 sqm
5 Spatial Organization - Flexible Usage Of Space
Private study 2.5 sqm per room Gathering 250 sqm
Open space 440 sqm Group discussion 30 sqm per room
6 Component: Exploded Axonometric Grand Stairs Gathering space/seating area

Oasis Seminar/Collegial meetings
Pods Individual study room Digital Valley Digital Screen/Interactive Interface/Informative Board Flexible Stage Video-Conference/Performance
7 Furniture Design - Modular Deployment Chair Foldable Seat Stand+ Table/Stand TableStand+Panel Movable Panel TableWheelsFrame+Panel+ 7-1 Modular Furniture
The modular furniture system de rives from the repetitive industrial elements existing in the space and bridge it to the human scale. Flexible space
8 Furniture Design - Table set kit-of-partsStand H45 stand + W140/L350 Table Table H90 stand + W140/L350 Table 90 cm 45 cm 350 cm 350 cm
9 Furniture Design - Chair set kit-of-partsHighChair H90 stand + W50/L50 Seat Chair H45 stand + W50/L50 Seat 45 cm 90 cm 50 cm 50 cm
Common IndividualStudyingBay Pods Individual study room Digital Valley Digital Screen/Interactive Interface/Informative Board Studying Oasis Seminar/Collegial meetings 10 Drawing: Plan S:1/100

Common Bay Grand Stairs Gathering space/seating area Flexible Stage Video-Conference/Performance Collective Bay

11 Drawing - Section A S:1/100 Grand Stairs Gathering space/seating area 12 Drawing: Section B S:1/150 Studying Pods studyIndividualroom Studying Oasis Seminar/Collegialmeetings Digital Valley Digital InteractiveScreenInterfaceInformativeBoard

Digital Valley Digital Screen/Interactive Interface/Informative Board 13 Drawing: Section C S:1/150 Studying Oasis CollegialSeminarmeetings Digital Valley Digital InteractiveScreenInterfaceInformativeBoard Grand Stairs Gathering space seating area A B C

14 Drawing: Technical Detail S:1/20 14-1 Grand Stairs
14-2 Studying Oasis


3 Overall Design Strategy - Architectural Cannibalism