La Voz Latina Central May 2012

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La Voz Latina Central

¡Beisbol y Comida-

Que Podria Ser Mejor?! !

At the Center of Your Community / Al Centro de Su Comunidad

Page 12

What’s Inside: Highmark’s Healthy Hi Five – Getting Healthy and Having Fun! p. 22 4 Local Eateries Show the Gourmet Side of Latin Food p. 12 Harrisburg Senators’ Catcher Sandy Leon p. 16 INSIDE: Macy's $10 OFF COUPON! p.13

MAY 2012

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A Note From The Publisher

Bienvenidos U

n hombre sabio, pero lo más probable como una mujer, dijo una vez que la única manera de ser feliz es amar. Y, quizás, pocas palabras más verdaderas nunca se han hablado. Otro hombre o una mujer sabiamente dijo una vez: “El amor es la cosa más importante en el mundo, pero el béisbol es bastante bueno, también.” Béisbol, dicen algunos, es el deporte de los Estados Unidos. Y, en muchos sentidos, el algunos - que tan a menudo parecen decir las cosas - son correctas, ya que es el deporte de los Estados Unidos, pero también es de México, Puerto Rico, la República Dominicana, Cuba, Colombia,Venezuela, Nicaragua y el deporte de Panamá - por no hablar de su popularidad en Japón y Corea del Sur. Claro, el béisbol es el pasatiempo nacional de los Estados Unidos, pero también es reverenciado al sur de la frontera tanto como aquí en los Estados Unidos. Para celebrar el deporte que trasciende las fronteras, la nacionalidad, la cultura y la política, los lectores encontrarán una sección especial con la contribución que la comunidad latina ha tenido en el béisbol, con un enfoque especial en nuestros Senadores de Harrisburg, ciudad natal. Además, asegúrese de revisar el articulo escrito por Jen Merrill sobre el pelotero de Harrisburg Senators receptor y el Venezolano nativo de Sandy Leon en la página 16. Además de destacar el gran deporte de la pelota y el bate, este asunto arroja luz sobre comida latina al descubrir los platos de la firma de varios restaurantes de la zona (página 12). Los lectores también encontrarán las columnas habituales en las páginas de la edición de este mes. Realmente hay algo para todos en este volumen, así que lea todo lo que se acerca en esta entrega de Mayo 2012 La Voz Latina Central.

Graham and his new 12-week-old Goldendoodle, Sherlock Si Hetrick.

Welcome A

Graham S. Hetrick Publisher

wise man, but most likely a woman, once said that the only way to be happy is to love. And, perhaps, few truer words have ever been spoken. Another sagely man or woman once said, “Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good, too.” Baseball, some say, is America’s sport. And, in many ways, the some – who so often seem to say things – are correct in that it is America’s sport, but it is also Mexico’s, Puerto Rico’s, the Dominican Republic’s, Cuba’s, Colombia’s, Venezuela’s, Nicaragua’s and Panama’s sport – not to mention its popularity in Japan and South Korea. Sure, baseball is America’s national pastime, but it’s also revered south of the border much like it is here in the States. To celebrate the sport that transcends borders, nationality, culture and politics, readers will find a special section featuring the contribution that the Latino community has had on baseball, with a special focus on our hometown Harrisburg Senators. Also, be sure to check out contributing writer Jen Merrill’s piece on Harrisburg Senators’ catcher and Venezuelan native Sandy Leon on page 16. In addition to highlighting the great sport of ball and bat, this issue shines a light on Latin food by discovering the signature dishes of several area restaurants (page 12). Readers will also find the usual columns in the pages of this month’s issue. There’s truly a little something for everyone in this volume, so read all about it in this May 2012 installment of La Voz Latina Central. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher

MAY 2012


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May 2012 • Volume 2 No. 5

La Voz Latina Central PUBLISHER

Graham Hetrick . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


sc ua ¡F e li z Pa What’s Inside: Giving & Receiving p.8

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! ¡El día de San Patr

Page 20

Health Awareness p.14 The DREAM of College p.16

What’s Inside: Work Pla ce Injuries: Know You r Rights p.5



March 2012

Page 14

La Voz Latina Central

Volunteer 18 -Pag It’seGo od For Your Soul. p.20 Now is a Good Tim e to Buy a Home p.21

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Page 22

Pa. DREA M ACT p.12

g Redistrictin & Voting for Pa. Latinos p.18


Page 12 Page 6

3400 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, PA 17110

Patti Hill-Boccassini . MANAGING EDITOR

Jadrian Klinger . ART DIRECTOR


Susan Haas Bates | Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S. Mark Kogan, Esq. | Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz Jen Merrill CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER


Danna McIntire (717) 736-1841 BENCHMARK GROUP MEDIA 3400 N. 6th Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717.233.0109 717.232.6010 fax PRESIDENT AND CEO Davy H. Goldsmith–ext. 114

CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Len Boccassini–ext. 132

PUBLISHER Patricia Hill-Boccassini–ext. 130 DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING Chad Overbaugh–ext. 128 DIRECTOR OF CUSTOM PUBLISHING Jim Laverty–ext. 122 CIRCULATION MANAGER / DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS FINANCE Violetta Chlaifer–ext. 124



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Patient Safety: By Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., medical director, Highmark Inc.


e have all heard stories about medical mistakes: wrong-site surgery, health careacquired infections and re-admissions to the hospital. Some of these events are relatively rare, but medical mistakes still happen. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other health professionals dedicate their lives to caring for their patients, but providing health care can be complicated. Often times, you, the patient, may think that there is nothing you can do to protect yourself. Did you know that you are the most important part of the care team? The following tips can help keep you safe as a patient:

Be safe…with your medications


You Can Take to Ensure Safe Medical Care

Be safe…and know your condition

• When receiving new medications, make sure you know what they are treating.

• Understand what your main medical condition is and make sure your family

• Learn what to expect from the medication and if there are any possible side effects.

does, too.

• Know and write down the names of your medications. Document everything

• Ask your doctor for additional information.

about taking the medication:

• Learn how your condition will impact you: what you eat, drink, your sleep or

o How many times a day it should be taken. o How much to take at one time. o How long you will be taking it.

o What you should take with it (water, juice, before or after a meal).

other aspects of everyday living.

Be safe…and avoid hospital re-admissions • Know what you need to do once you leave the hospital.

• Store the medication as directed.

• Ask questions throughout your stay at the hospital, or plan to have a close

• Be sure to ask your doctor if you don’t understand.

family member or friend ask questions on your behalf.

• Call your doctor immediately if you experience any complications from your

• Repeat the instructions in your own words.


• Before being discharged, arrange for a follow-up care plan, including any home-care and follow-up appointments.

Be safe…at the pharmacy • When filling a new prescription, tell your pharmacist what other medications

Be safe…and always follow up with care after a hospital stay

and over-the-counter drugs you take (including vitamins and herbal remedies) so

• Schedule and go to all follow-up appointments.

he/she can help you avoid any potential drug interactions.

• Keep a medical journal, which should include your medications. Take your

• Make sure your pharmacist has your current allergies on file.

journal with you to all appointments.

• Find out how many refills you get to ensure your physician provided enough to

• Make sure your primary-care physician knows that you were admitted to the

last until your next visit.


• When picking up your prescription, confirm the medication is correct and the

• Ask your doctors if they received your test results and hospital reports.

instructions on the label match what your physician provided to you. Do all of this

• Ask questions and understand what you need to do next.

before you leave the pharmacy.

With any health care experience, it’s most important that you, the patient, understand how you and your health will be impacted by medical treatments or surgery. Some health care experiences can be challenging, but you can learn to manage your health care and help ensure your own safety. Learn more about patient safety by visiting the National Patient Safety Foundation. If you’re a Highmark member, find more resources by logging on to the member website at



Dr. Johnson is the medical director of health equity and quality services at Highmark Inc. She leads Highmark’s efforts to reduce racial and ethnic health care disparities among Highmark members through clinical interventions and improvements in health literacy, language access and health-plan cultural competency.

Seguridad del paciente: Por Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., directora clínica, Highmark Inc.



emos escuchado historias sobre errores médicos: cirugías en lugares incorrectos, infecciones adquiridas por la atención médica y reingresos al hospital. Algunos de estos sucesos son bastante raros, pero los errores médicos aún existen. Los médicos, enfermeras, farmacéuticos y otros profesionales de la salud dedican sus vidas al cuidado de sus pacientes; sin embargo, brindar una atención médica puede ser complicado. A menudo, usted, el paciente, posiblemente piense que no puede hacer nada para protegerse a sí mismo. ¿Usted sabe que es la parte más importante del equipo médico? Los siguientes consejos pueden ayudarlo para que esté seguro como paciente:

Esté seguro…con sus medicamentos

a seguir para garantizar una atención médica segura

Esté seguro…y sepa su afección

• Cuando reciba medicación nueva, asegúrese de saber para qué sirve esa

• Sepa en detalle cuál es su principal afección médica y asegúrese de que su


familia también lo sepa.

• Sepa qué esperar del medicamento y si hay posibles efectos secundarios.

• Pídale a su medico información adicional.

• Conozca y escriba los nombres de los medicamentos. Registre todo sobre la

• Sepa cómo le afectará su afección: en lo qué come, bebe, en el sueño u otros

toma del medicamento:

aspectos de la vida diaria.

o Cuántas veces al día debe tomarlo. o Cuánto tomar de una vez.

o Cuánto tiempo lo estará tomando.

o Qué debe tomar con éste (agua, jugo, con o antes o después de una comida).

Esté seguro…y evite reingresos al hospital • Sepa qué debe hacer cuando abandone el hospital. • Haga preguntas en toda su estadía en el hospital o tenga a un familiar cercano

• Guarde el medicamento según lo indicado.

destinado para hacer preguntas en su nombre.

• Asegúrese de preguntar a su médico si no entiende.

• Repita las instrucciones con sus propias palabras.

• Llame a su medico de inmediato si tiene alguna complicación por el

• Antes de que le den el alta, tenga ya organizado un plan de seguimiento,


incluso el cuidado en su hogar y las visitas de seguimiento.

Esté seguro…en la farmacia • Cuando llene una nueva receta, infórmele al farmacéutico qué otros

Esté seguro…y siempre haga un seguimiento médico después de la estadía en el hospital

medicamentos de venta libre toma (incluyendo vitaminas y remedios herbales)

• Programe y vaya a todas las visitas de seguimiento.

para que ella/él pueda ayudarlo a evitar cualquier interacción entre fármacos.

• Lleve un cuaderno de su atención médica, que incluya sus medicamentos.

• Asegúrese de que su farmacéutico tiene registrada sus alergias habituales.

Llévelo a todas las visitas.

• Sepa cuántas veces puede obtener el medicamento a fin de asegurarse de

• Asegúrese de que su médico de atención primaria esté enterado de que

que su médico le dio lo suficiente hasta la próxima consulta.

ingresó al hospital.

• Cuando retire su receta, confirme si el medicamento es correcto y si las

• Pregúntele a sus médicos si recibieron el resultado de sus análisis y los

indicaciones de la etiqueta coinciden con las que le dio su médico. Haga todo

informes del hospital.

esto antes de retirarse de la farmacia.

• Haga preguntas y sepa que necesita hacer luego.

Sea cual sea la experiencia de su atención médica, es muy importante que usted, el paciente, comprenda como usted y su salud estarán afectados por los tratamientos médicos o cirugías. Algunas experiencias de atención médica pueden ser un reto pero usted puede aprender de ellas para administrar su atención médica y garantizar su propia seguridad. Aprenda más sobre la seguridad del paciente visitando la página National Patient Safety Foundation. Si es un miembro de Highmark, encuentre más recursos ingresando a la página Web de miembros

La doctora Johnson es la directora clínica de los servicios de calidad y equidad de salud en Highmark Inc. Ella encabeza los esfuerzos de Highmark para reducir las disparidades raciales y étnicas que existen entre los miembros de Highmark a través de las intervenciones clínicas y las mejoras en materia de salud, acceso al idioma y competencia cultural para obtener un plan de salud. MAY 2012



Intention, Imagination Inspiration

Three Words That Help Us to Experience Ongoing Joy By Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz


he willingness to experience joy is a mental commitment that comes from our attitude to see, hear, perceive, feel and digest the beauty of life. It is in the wise selection of our intention where the real spirit of joy allows us to get pleasure from both the greatest miracles of the world and the simplest things that take place every second in our own backyard and all around the world. When the spirit of joy flows, it produces a more successful goal-setting approach, a less stressful problem-solving outlook and more fulfilling life setting. One of the ways to find it is by using the power of imagination and many of the proactive mental models that make reachable our finest desired future. Mental models can help you make abstract dreams become reality once you accept and understand your power of choice. Mental models are alternative ways to simplify and conceptualize ideas so that anything you think and dream is possible. It is all in the power of your imagination. A mental model is a concept you pick from your intellect and place inside the mind’s emotional site so it appears concrete and feasible. What we need is a firm intention so the initial imagination can be transformed into a

concrete and realistic realization. Everything starts with a proactive attitude. As Buddha wrote, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” Imagination gives us an ability to visualize the future by moving ideas until they become reachable realities. It is also a powerful demonstration of the intellect, which invigorates our emotional strengths and its spiritual counterparts. As Wally Amos states, “Imagination is the power of the mind to form a mental image of something neither real nor present … whatever you materialize in your life must first be pictured in your mind by your imagination.” The power of imagination helps us form mental pictures so we can visualize a positive future. While it takes time to develop this tactic, it is one of the easiest ways to tap into the power of realization. When you see something in the mental model structure, it turns into your truth. Imagination crystallizes the things that others cannot see, but it also gives us the ability to enjoy those things before they become realities. The power of visualization usually brings ideas into a mental picture and/or in the way of a spiritual revelation. Norman Vincent Peale said that visualization means,

“Holding the image of yourself succeeding, visualizing it so vividly that when the desired success comes, it seems to be merely echoing a reality that has already existed in your mind” (Peale 1982, 29). Then, why waste our limited time with worries, anxieties and fears on your way to success? They drain our time, but also attract pessimism and negative thoughts. As such, in the future, redirect you intention, follow your imagination and inspiration may just come by default. Of course, you need knowledge and to be informed, you need a plan and strategies, but all of them come from imagination and the unavoidable spread of inspiration. Consequently, think always that anything is possible and reachable at the same time that you open your mind to become sensitive and flexible. Accept that nothing is absolute, but relative. Remember that any extreme viewpoint may become contentious because there is no absolute truth. Consequently, we should be cautious when we weigh our values and try to live a balanced life, which is interpreted as the harmony needed to avoid extremes and balance all sides. Our values play a very important role in selecting our intention. Values so often manifest themselves in behavior, beliefs and

judgment. They influence our actions and our interpretations of principles, such as honesty, integrity, discipline and moral and ethical standards. They also represent our beliefs about people and of the purpose of life, including concepts of freedom, equality, religion, spirituality, fraternity and solidarity. Consequently, in order to align our intention and our imagination, our values are key factors in getting inspiration because they influence the way we judge, act, create and develop our actions. Proactive thinking takes place when people assume total responsibility for their acts by prioritizing values and following principles. Rationality precedes feelings, beliefs surpass dogmas and change overcomes paradigms. The right to act in a responsible way is a moral and ethical commitment that all human beings must pursue. If we have identified our gifts and recognized our assets, then we should change our attitude and move from the side of the simple observer to that of the active doer. If we decide to be actors of life instead mere observers, then we can clarify our intentions, imagine and visualize our desired future and just enjoy the beauty of life and become inspired by the greatness of its priceless gorgeousness.

La intención, la Imaginación y la Inspiración: Tres Palabras que nos Ayudan a Experimentar la Felicidad Progresiva que nos Ofrece la Vida. Por el Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz


l deseo de experimentar la felicidad es una decisión mental que proviene de nuestra actitud para ver, oír, sentir y degustar la belleza de la vida. Es en la sabia selección de nuestras intenciones donde el verdadero espíritu de la felicidad nos permite gozar de los placeres de la vida, tanto de los grandes milagros que ocurren a cada instante así como de las cosas sencillas y bellas que suceden cada segundo en nuestros propios vecindarios y alrededor del mundo. Cuando el espíritu de la felicidad fluye, esta produce una exitosa inspiración 8


en la fijación de nuestros ideales, una actitud positiva para resolver nuestras dificultades y la posibilidad de vivir una vida llena de satisfacciones y libre de estrés. Una de las formas para encontrar esta formula es la de usar el poder de la imaginación y muchos de los modelos mentales proactivos que hacen posible lograr nuestro mas anhelado futuro. Los modelos mentales pueden ayudarle a hacer que los sueños abstractos se conviertan en realidades tangibles una vez que usted entienda y acepte que nosotros tenemos el poder de escoger y elegir. Los modelos

mentales son formas alternativas para simplificar y conceptualizar las ideas de tal manera que todo lo que usted conciba y sueñe se vea como posible y alcanzable. Todo esta en el poder de su imaginación. Un modelo mental es un concepto que se inicia utilizando nuestra racionalidad y luego es traducido en el plano emocional de tal manera que este se lo visualice como concreto y realizable. Lo que se necesita es una intención firme para que la imaginación inicial se transforme en una realización práctica. Todo es una decisión de actitud. Como el Buda lo dijo,

“Lo que somos es el resultado de lo que pensamos. La mente lo es todo. Lo que somos es el resultado de nuestros pensamientos. Nuestra transformación [para bien o para mal] proviene de lo que pensamos.” La imaginación nos da la habilidad de visualizar el futuro con el objeto de explorar nuestras ideas hasta que ellas se conviertan en realidades. La imaginación ayuda a tonificar el intelecto y relievar tanto la parte emocional como la contraparte espiritual. Como lo dice Wally Amos, “La imaginación es el poder de la mente para formar imagines mentales de algo que no necesariamente

puede ser real o presente… Cualquier cosa que usted materializa en su vida debería ser primero concebida en la mente, utilizando el poder de la imaginación.” El poder de la imaginación nos ayuda a formar las fotografías mentales, las que contribuyen a la visualización de un futuro exitoso. Entiendo que toma tiempo el desarrollar esta táctica, sin embargo, esta es una de las formas mas fáciles para llegar al poder de la realización. Cuando usted ve algo desde el punto de vista de un modelo mental, este se convierte en su verdad. La imaginación le hace ver con claridad las cosas que otros no las pueden ni siquiera ver y al mismo tiempo nos provee la habilidad de disfrutar por adelantado los acontecimientos, incluso antes de que estos se conviertan en realidad. El poder de la visualización usualmente viene en la forma de una figura emocional o de una revelación espiritual. Norman Vincent Peale dice que la visualización

significa, “El mantener la imagen de uno mismo logrando el éxito, visualizándolo y viviéndolo de tal manera que cuando lo deseado se hace realidad, este parece que solo es un eco de lo que ya existe en su interior (Peale 1982, 29. ¿Porque entonces preocuparnos tanto y sufrir de ansiedad cuando estamos en la vía del éxito? Lo que estamos haciendo es consumiendo vanamente nuestro tiempo y atrayendo el pesimismo y los pensamientos negativos. Por lo tanto, cuide lo que piensa, redirija sus intenciones y siga su imaginación y verá que la inspiración vendrá automáticamente a su llamado. Por supuesto, usted necesita el conocimiento, la información, un plan y estrategias, pero todas ellas vienen con la imaginación y la inevitable ventaja que nos provee la inspiración. Por eso, piense siempre como que todo es posible y alcanzable al mismo tiempo que su mente se mantiene flexible y sensible a los demás,

Acepte que nada es absoluto y que todo es relativo. Recuerde que cualquier punto de vista extremo puede ser contrapuesto ya que no existe la verdad absoluta. De tal manera que debemos ser cautos cuando pesemos nuestros valores y vivamos una vida de moderación, cuyo balance representa la armonía necesaria para evitar los extremos y mantener el equilibrio que nos exige la vida. Nuestros valores juegan un papel muy importante en el escogimiento de nuestras intenciones. Los valores usualmente se manifiestan en nuestros juicios, conductas y creencias. Ellos influyen nuestras acciones y la interpretación de principios como la honestidad, integridad, disciplina, la ética y la moral. Nuestros valores también representan nuestras creencias acerca de los demás así como los conceptos de moral, igualdad, religión, espiritualidad, fraternidad y solidaridad. Consecuentemente, para alinear nuestras intenciones con nuestra imaginación, nuestros valores son elementos

esenciales para conseguir la inspiración ya que ellos influyen en el desarrollo de nuestros juicios y acciones. El pensamiento positivo toma lugar cuando la gente asume la responsabilidad por sus actos y prioriza sus valores y principios. La racionalidad precede a los sentimientos, las creencias sobrepasan los dogmas y la predisposición al cambio vence los paradigmas. El derecho a actuar de una manera responsable es un compromiso ético y moral que todos deberíamos perseguir. Si nosotros hemos identificado nuestros talentos y privilegios, entonces deberíamos cambiar nuestra actitud y dejar de ser simples observadores y convertirnos en verdaderos actores de la vida. Si decidimos ser protagonistas de nuestras vidas, entonces deberíamos clarificar nuestras intenciones, imaginar y visualizar nuestro futuro mas deseado para disfrutar de las bellezas de la vida y dejarnos inspirar por su magnificencia e incalculable grandeza.

Be part of the celebration Get inspired at this 5K! Girls on the Run—Saturday, May 19 Registration is 9 a.m. Run begins at 10 a.m. PinnacleHealth Fredricksen Outpatient Center 2015 Technology Parkway, Mechanicsburg

This is a family friendly event! Register online at What is Girls on the Run? Girls on the Run is an international character development program that teaches life skills to girls in third through eighth grade. PinnacleHealth is proud to be the founding sponsor of the local council, Capital Area Girls on the Run.

MAY 2012


El Derecho a Votar Leyes Nuevas de Identificacion en Pennsylvania Para Votar By Mark J. Kogan Esq.


n el pasado, he escrito artículos para La Voz Latina Central sobre la ley. Me han dado consejos sobre cómo protegerse en situaciones donde el conocimiento de la ley de Pennsylvania estaría en su mejor interés. El artículo de hoy tiene por objeto al informarle a usted, el público en general sobre los nuevos cambios en las leyes de Pennsylvania credencial de elector. El derecho a votar y que su voz sea escuchada es la pieza central de la democracia. Permite al público a cambiar nuestros funcionarios electos y tiene un efecto directo en cómo nuestro condado, el estado y los municipios se ejecutan. Este derecho es tan importante como nuestro derecho a la libertad de expresión y nuestro derecho a la libertad la vida y la búsqueda de la felicidad. Sin embargo, durante el mes pasado, las nuevas leyes se han promulgado en Pennsylvania que han cambiado las reglas que permiten a un ciudadano a votar. Las leyes de Votantes de Pennsylvania de identificación, que fueron promulgadas con la intención de evitar el fraude electoral, pueden tener un efecto negativo en su derecho al voto y puede prevenir el acceso a la cabina de votación. Quiero llevar esta nueva ley para su atención de modo que usted puede asegurarse de que vengan preparados a las urnas en las primarias y las elecciones generales.

Para poder votar conforme a la ley electoral nueva identificación, deberá presentar una de las siguientes formas de identificación: • una corriente de conducir de Pensylvania de la licencia, o una que expiró después de Noviembre de 2011 • Una identificación con foto actual de Pennsylvania tarjeta emitida por el Departamento de Transporte de Penn, o una que expiró después de Noviembre de 2011 • Pasaporte de los EE.UU. una corriente • Un militar de EE.UU. o de la Guardia Nacional de Pennsylvania de identificación con foto (nota: se debe incluir "una designación que la fecha de caducidad es de carácter indefinido") • Una EE.UU., identificación oficial con foto, por ejemplo, el empleado de la agencia, las fuerzas armadas, etc. • un empleado actual de identificación con foto emitida por un condado de Pennsylvania, ciudad, pueblo, municipio o distrito • una identificación actual con foto de estudiante emitida por un colegio o universidad de Pennsylvania (tenga en cuenta que ID única que contiene una fecha de caducidad se puede utilizar, por ejemplo, la Universidad de los identificadores de Pittsburgh son aceptados, pero Penn Sate, LaSalle y de Drexel no lo son.) • Una identificación con foto emitida por una licencia de enfermería, cuidado personal o las instalaciones de vida asistida (tenga en cuenta que la única identificación que contiene una fecha de caducidad se puede utilizar) Para cualquiera de estos ID, la persona tiene que parecerse a la persona en la foto y el nombre en la identificación tiene que "sustancialmente conforme" con el nombre en el registro electoral. Ambos pueden ser problemas para algunas personas.

Si la persona no tiene uno de estos de identificación, tendrán que obtener una identificación de Penn DOT. Con el fin de hacerlo, se debe producir una tarjeta original de la Seguridad Social y uno de los siguientes tipos de identificación:

• • •

un certificado de nacimiento original, es decir, uno que tiene un "sello en relieve". (No se puede usar una fotocopia o un registro del hospital) EE.UU. certificado de ciudadanía Certificado de Naturalización

• Válido pasaporte de los EE.UU.

Estoy seguro de que no puede haber sabido acerca de la modificación de la ley. Estoy seguro de que pensó que usted podría presentarse en la cabina de votación y depositar su voto tal y como lo han hecho año tras año sin la necesidad de mostrar una identificación. Bueno, la ley ha cambiado y si usted no viene preparado, no puede ser permitido a votar. Esta nueva ley, que tiene por objeto evitar el fraude electoral puede tener la consecuencia involuntaria de suprimir el voto de los estudiantes universitarios, jubilados y residentes transitorios que no tienen una

Además de los documentos de identificación descritos anteriormente, el solicitante debe presentar una identificación con foto de dos formas de prueba de residencia de la siguiente lista: • • • • • •

Los registros de impuestos Contrato de arrendamiento Los documentos de la hipoteca Formulario W-2 Corriente de la pistola / arma de fuego de permiso factura de servicios públicos

residencia permanente. Es su responsabilidad de ser un ciudadano informado. Les pido su colaboración para difundir la palabra y utilizar la voz para asegurarse de que usted y todos los que conoces se asegura de que usted está dispuesto a emitir su voto en las elecciones. Si nosotros, como comunidad trabajan juntos, podemos evitar que cualquier persona que tenga su voto suprimida. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre este artículo o los nuevos cambios en la ley, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo en

The Right to Vote: New Pennsylvania Voter ID Laws:


n the past, I have written articles for La Voz on the law. I have given advice on how to protect yourself in situations where knowledge of Pennsylvania law would be in your best interest. This article is meant to inform you, the general public, on the new changes in Pennsylvania’s Voter ID laws. The right to vote and to have your voice heard is the centerpiece of democracy. It allows the public to change our elected officials, and it has a direct effect on how our county, state and municipalities are run. This right is just as



By Mark J. Kogan Esq.

important as our right to free speech and our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, over the past month, new laws have been enacted in Pennsylvania that have changed the rules, which allow a citizen to vote. The Pennsylvania Voter ID laws, which were enacted with the intention to prevent voter fraud, may have a chilling effect on your right to vote and may prevent you access to the voting booth. I bring this new law to your attention so that you can make sure to come prepared to the voting booth in the primary and the general election. continued on page 15

MAY 2012


By Jen Merrill


l a c Lo ateries E he

f o t e w Shourmet Sid Go ino Food Lat

Latin food is much more than hot sauce and salsa. It ranges much further than tacos and burritos. While staples like these will always stay popular, four local eateries prove that authentic, gourmet Latin food is not tough to come by. El Sol Mexican Restaurant, Herby’s El Mexicano, Luna Mexican Bar and Grill and Arepa City make the central Pennsylvania ethnic food scene a difficult one to compete with. Next time you’re craving some spice, make sure to check out these signature dishes at these fabulous locations.

El Sol Mexican Restaurant El Sol has become a staple of downtown Harrisburg dining. “I think we add a different feel of sophistication,” says Lisa Garcia, who owns the restaurant with her husband, Juan. “Just about everything we serve is made from scratch and from fresh, quality ingredients.” No one can resist El Sol’s savory molcajetes. Served in a lava-rock mortar and pestle known as a “molcajete” (imagine that!), this dish can be ordered one of two ways: the Molcajete Mixto includes steak, chicken and shrimp, and the Molcajete de Mariscos contains tilapia, shrimp and scallops. Both dishes are covered in mushrooms, homemade salsa ranchera and melted cheese that stays gooey because of its presentation in the hot molcajete dish. “Juan centered our menu at El Sol mostly from traditional dishes or variations of them from the Jalisco region of Mexico, where he and his family are from,” explains Garcia. “Of course, we added other well-known items to our menu that aren’t as widely consumed in Jalisco in order to provide our customers a wide variety.” Besides that, El Sol has an extensive bar and also offers some hard-to-find traditional Mexican drinks such as homemade aguas frescas, limonada, agua de jamaica and horchata. Reservations can be made on their website or by phone and are highly suggested, especially on the weekends.

Herby’s El Mexicano “When I started doing this, my food was meant to teach the area what real Mexican food was all about,” says Maria Marroquin, owner of Herby’s El Mexicano in Steelton. 12


“I was really the first authentic Mexican restaurant in the area.” Marroquin’s passion translates heavily into a vast menu of traditional homemade favorites. The most popular dish is their savory pork carnitas served with a sprinkle of cilantro, chopped onions and a flavorful medium-heat sauce. What’s the secret to making it irresistible? Herby’s slow-cooks the pork for seven hours, making it crispy and tender while limiting the amount of grease that makes its way on to your plate. “Food is very important to my culture, and we use a lot of homemade family recipes that have been passed down through generations,” says Marroquin. Herby’s accepts reservations on the weekends and for special occasions and also provides a take-out service.

Luna Mexican Bar & Grill “We’ve definitely added something to the Hershey food scene,” says Tim Demopoulos, a manager at Luna Mexican Bar and Grill on West Chocolate Avenue in Hershey. “Hershey has a lot of Italian restaurants. There are a lot of American restaurants. We’ve gotten some sushi spots. But we’re a different kind of cuisine for the area.” The one-year-old establishment proudly shares authentic Mexican food with the area, especially their filet medallions entree. Demopoulos says that you can’t go wrong with the tender beef sautéed with roasted red and poblano peppers and portobello mushrooms , served with refried beans and rice. The tangy tequila, lime, garlic reduction adds a special kick to the dish. “With Mexican food, there’s often an emphasis on the ingredients and the preparation,” says Demopoulos. “However, sometimes there’s such beauty in the simplicity. Something we

do is serve all of our sauces on the side. That way, you can customize the dish the way you want it.” Luna accepts reservations and offers take-out, delivery and catering services upon request.

Arepa City It’s all about the arepa at this downtown Harrisburg Venezuelan eatery. Arepas are sandwiches made on a homemade corn bun and stuffed with a wide variety of savory toppings. Ranging from the jardinera (grilled fresh vegetables and spicy cabbage) to the caripito (sweet plantains and grilled queso fresco) to the pelua (shredded flank steak and cheddar cheese) and many more, this menu offers choices sure to please everyone. Kids often enjoy the diliciosa, which is stuffed with scrambled eggs, ham and cheddar cheese. The establishment, owned by chef Daniel Farias, opened in 2009. Since then, the Venezuelan influence offers a new taste to the central Pennsylvania palate. If you’re out late at night on a Friday or a Saturday, make sure to stop by before 3 a.m. to get your arepa or spicy shish-kabob fix. photo by jadrian klinger

Chicken Taco Salad I use this for pot-lucks, family picnics, winter football playoff parties or just dinner for my family – two teens (plus friends), mom and dad. Even my 6-year-old nephew likes it. Only a fork is needed to eat. Can be used as a full meal or in a buffet line, and you can sneak in vegetables. Large head of romaine lettuce 1 red onion 1 green bell pepper 1 pint cherry tomatoes or 3 vine-ripened 1 can pitted black olives or sliced black olives 4 boneless chicken breasts (alternately, 1.5 of ground chuck can be substituted) 1 16-ounce bag of Mexican blend shredded cheese 1 regular-sized bottle of Catalina dressing 1 large bag original-flavored Doritoes (Cool Ranch works, too) 1 package dry taco seasoning mix Coat chicken breasts with taco seasoning. Sauté or bake. Cool. Shred or chop into bite-sized pieces. Let cool. Chop vegetables, toss in large bowl. Add chicken pieces and cheese to vegetables. Mix together. Refrigerate until ready to serve. “Crunch up” Doritoes in original bag until the chips are in smaller pieces – not too small though. About 5 minutes before serving, add crunched-up Doritoes and Catalina dressing and blend all ingredients in bowl. Serve cold. I like this recipe because there is no mayonnaise or other highly perishable ingredient. Great for potluck where food sits out. If you have leftovers, the Doritoes will get a little soggy in the refrigerator, but my crew will still eat “reruns” a day later. Add a Corona, margarita, guacamole and blue corn chips! ~Recipe courtesy of Laura Passuello. continued on page 14

MAY 2012


continued from page 13

Chipotle Crusted Pork Tenderloin

Lomo de cerdo con costra de Chipotle

Serves 6

Rinde 6 porciones

1 tsp. onion powder 3 tbsp. chipotle chile powder 4 tbsp. brown sugar

1 tsp. garlic powder 1 ½ tsp. salt 2 (3/4 lb.) pork tenderloins

1 cdta. cebolla en polvo 3 cdas. de polvo de chile chipotle 4 cdas. de azúcar morena

1 cdta. polvo de ajo 1 ½ cdta. sal 2 (3/4 lb) filetes de cerdo

Preheat grill for medium high heat.

Precaliente la parrilla a fuego medio-alto.

In a large re-sealable plastic bag, combine the onion powder, garlic powder, chile powder, salt and brown sugar. Place tenderloins in bag and shake, coating meat evenly. Refrigerate for 10 to 15 minutes.

En una grande bolsa de plástico, mezcle la cebolla en polvo, ajo en polvo, polvo de chile, la sal y el azúcar moreno. Coloque los filetes en la bolsa y sacude hasta que la carne esta cubierta. Pon en la refrigerador 10 a 15 minutos.

Lightly oil grill and arrange meat on grate. Cook for 20 minutes, turning every 5 minutes.

Engrase ligeramente la parrilla y arregle la carne en la parrilla. Cocine durante 20 minutos, dándoles vuelta cada 5 minutos.

Remove from grill, let stand for 5 to 10 minutes before slicing.

Retire de la parrilla, deje reposar 5 a 10 minutos antes de rebanar.

~Submitted by Nancy Cates (recipe from Hot Stuff – Recipes of the Southwest)

~Enviado por Nancy Cates (receta de Hot Stuff – Recipes of the Southwest) continued on page 25

Commissioners: Jeff Haste, Mike Pries, George P. Hartwick, III

DAUPHIN COUNTY Parks & Recreation

Fitness Fest JUNE 2, 2012 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Fort Hunter Park, Harrisburg $10


BA Sound, Stage and Lights More info and tickets available online at Untitled-3 1



4/24/2012 5:45:06 PM

The Right to Vote: New Pennsylvania Voter ID Law

By Mark J. Kogan Esq.

continued from page 10 In order to vote under the new voter ID law, you must present one of the following forms of ID: • a current Pennsylvania driver's license, or one that expired after November 2011 • a current Pennsylvania photo ID card issued by PennDOT, or one that expired after November 2011 • a current U.S. Passport • a U.S. military or Pennsylvania National Guard photo ID (note: it must include a designation that the expiration date is indefinite) • a U.S., government-issued photo ID, e.g., agency employee, armed services, etc. • a current employee photo ID issued by a Pennsylvania county, city, town, township or borough • a current student photo ID issued by a Pennsylvania college or university (note that only ID's containing an expiration date can be used. For instance, University of Pittsburgh’s IDs are accepted, but Penn Sate, LaSalle and Drexel's are not) • a current photo ID issued by a licensed nursing, personal-care or assisted-living facility (note that the only IDs containing an expiration date can be used) For any of these IDs, the person has to look like the person in the picture, and the name on the ID has to "substantially conform" to the name on the voter registration record. Both of these may be problems for some people.

If the person does not have one of these IDs, they will have to obtain an ID from PennDOT. In order to do so, they must produce an original Social Security card and one of the following types of identification:

• • • •

an original birth certificate, i.e., one that has a "raised seal." (You can't use a photocopy or a hospital registration) U.S. citizenship certificate Naturalization certificate Valid U.S. passport

In addition to the identification documents described above, the applicant for photo ID must present two forms of proof of residency from the following list: • • • • • •

Tax records Lease agreement Mortgage documents W-2 form current gun/firearm permit current utility bill

I am sure you may not have known about the change in the law. I am sure you thought that you could just show up at the voting booth and place your vote just as you have done year after year without the need to show identification. Well, the law has changed, and if you do not come prepared, you may not be allowed to vote. This new law, which is meant to prevent voter fraud, may have the unintended consequence of suppressing the vote of college students, senior citizens and transient residents who do not have a permanent residence. It is your responsibility to be an informed citizen. I am asking for your cooperation to spread the word and to use your voice to make sure that you and everyone you know makes sure that you are prepared to cast your vote at election time. If we, as a community, work together, we can prevent anyone from having their vote suppressed. If you have any questions about this article or the new changes in the law, please don't hesitate to contact me at

MAY 2012


From Venezuela to City Island:

Senators’ Catcher

Sandy Leon

By Jen Merrill, Photos by Jadrian Klinger


arrisburg Senators’ catcher Sandy Leon literally eats, sleeps and breathes baseball. At 23 years old, he’s already been playing the game professionally for five years, spending most of that time playing winter ball back in his hometown of Maracaibo, Venezuela. As he stands in the dugout of the Senators’ perfectly manicured field on City Island in Harrisburg, his tan skin glistens in the hot sun. He speaks softly, yet passionately, about the game he loves. “In Venezuela, I’d go to the gym, go to the field, go back to the gym and then do some running. And we’d do that Monday through Saturday but have Sunday off,” explains Leon. “Here, we play every day. We start working out in the morning, and then we have our games in the evenings.” To say that Leon works hard would be an 16


understatement. Leon has played the sport for 18 year and was signed straight out of high school. Since then, he has continued to work towards his dream of playing in the major leagues, specifically for the Washington Nationals. “I started off playing third base. One day, a scout from the Yankees wanted to see me catching, and I ended up liking it,” says Leon, who counts Puerto Rican catcher Ivan “Pudge” Rodriguez as one of his favorite players. “I started working on my catching, and then I eventually got signed with the Senators doing that.” Leon’s father has had a large influence on his son’s hard work on and off the field. He will make his way from Venezuela to Harrisburg next month to watch Leon play for the first time in six years. “I’d say baseball is actually bigger in Venezuela,” explains Leon. “It’s like the

first thing your family teaches you.” Though he misses his Venezuelan-based family, Leon has enjoyed his time spent in the Harrisburg area. He and his wife have explored local restaurants, malls and outlets as well as local attractions such as Hersheypark. During his downtime, he mostly enjoys relaxing at home with his wife. Leon’s hectic baseball schedule – they play a grueling season of 142 games in five months – has limited him from connecting heavily with the local Latino community. Regardless, he appreciates the camaraderie between himself and the other Hispanic Senators players. The team includes two players from Venezuela, three from the Dominican Republic and one from Puerto Rico. This is Leon’s first season with the Senators, and the team is off to a strong

start, currently standing near the top of the Western division of the AA Eastern League. Leon credits the strong team dynamic. “Basically, we all just want to win,” he says with a grin. “It’s hard work, but we can do it.”

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& Highmark Blue Shield is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Blue Shield and the Shield symbol are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Highmark is a registered mark of Highmark Inc.

MAY 2012


May 3 “Estamos Unidos de Pennsylvania and First Thursday Latino Lancaster present “Cinco de Mayo Nine Innings of Networking” and Community Night at Lancaster Barnstormers, Wheatland Suite, Clipper Magazine Stadium 650 N. Prince St., downtown Lancaster. Registration required for free ticket – ticket includes free admission to stadium, baseball game, speakers, networking event and appetizers. Get your free ticket at: For more information: Contact: Norman Bristol Colon at or Dr. Oralia at May 8 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Central Pennsylvania Chapter: The finale will be held for the Lancaster/York Man and Woman of the Year at The Eden Resort and Suites, 222 Eden Road in Lancaster, in the courtyard from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Cocktail attire. Candidates are vying for the title of Man or Woman of the Year through fundraising efforts within their communities. Every dollar they raised is a vote for them. Contact Grace Isdin at (717) 652-6520 for more information. May 12 Multi Cultural Parade in the Allison Hill community on Saturday, May 12, in partnership with the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg. Parade will end at festival site of the Boys and Girls Club on Berryhill Street – go to for more information. May 17 The Spanish American Civic Association in Lancaster Annual Festival To buy tickets for the 2012 SACA Fiesta: order securely online with your credit card or call Sharon at (717) 431-1046. Sign up now for the Spanish American Civic Association’s 31st annual Fiesta. This long-running and very popular event features lots of Latin food, drinks and good friends. Reserve your tickets now. Thursday, May 17, 2012, 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Centro Hispano, 545 Pershing Avenue, Lancaster May 18 Estamos Unidos de Pennsylvania “Improving Our Education” program held on May 18. Contact EUP for more information on program details and time. Scholarship Application: Download your application today! Deadline is June 1, 2012. Go to May 19 The 2012 Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community Harrisburg will be held Saturday, May 19, at their new walk location on the HACC campus. This year’s walk benefits 40 local health and human service organizations. Parking is free. May 19 and May 20 “Believe That You Can Help” Walk MS presented by GIANT Food Stores is the signature fundraising event of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. By participating in the walk, you can know that you’ve shared a remarkable achievement with over 250,000 other walkers at 600 walk sites across the country. You will be making a difference in the lives of over 6,100 people living with MS within central Pa. Most importantly, you’ll be making a difference by raising essential funds for research and services for people with MS. Help them move closer to a world free of MS – register now at

What’s Happening at the Lancaster County Library? May 2 Dare To Prepare AAA Program, 6-7:30 p.m.: What you and your teen need to know before they drive. This is a pre-permit presentation for parents and teens that provides critical information teens need to know before they take the wheel. The presentation covers statistics on teen driving, Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) components, state requirements for obtaining a permit and driver’s license, parent’s role and responsibility, teen’s role and responsibility, sample parent-teen agreement, sample parent-parent agreement and practical steps on teaching teens to drive. Presenter: Margaret Weinlein of the AAA Driving School. (Bates Auditorium) Website: • Cost: Free Contact: Children & Teen Services, (717) 394-2651– ext.124 or MVL- May 10th, 6-7:30 p.m., LEO-May 16th, 5:30-7 p.m. May 8 Leroy “Satchel” Paige: Long Rifle, 6-7:30 p.m.: Cedric Liqueur wrote and performs this one-man show illustrating the life and times of baseball legend Leroy “Satchel” Paige, 1906-1982. In 1971 Paige, became the first Negro League player voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Liqueur’s multimedia presentation includes live acting and slides to bring baseball history to life. (Bates Auditorium) Website: • Cost: Free Contact: Reference Desk, (717) 394-2651–ext.105 or May 12 Making Transitions Work-Parent Workshop, 1-2:30 p.m.: Transitions like moving, divorce or a new school can be difficult, but they can be done in ways that help children adjust and feel more secure. Bring specific situations and go home ready to be the parent your child needs and wants during these times. Presented by Marty Dutcher from Parenting For Partnership. (Bates Auditorium) Website: • Cost: Free Contact: Children & Teen Services, (717) 394-2651–ext.124 or May 16 The Care & Feeding of Great Ideas: Writing Workshop for Homeschoolers, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.: Come join award-winning author Sandy Asher in a springtime workshop that will help you gather ideas, plant them in your imagination and grow them into wellwritten stories and poems. Sandy will share the ideas that led to her books and show you how to cultivate your own like a pro. (Windolph Room) Website: • Cost: Free Contact: Children & Teen Services, (717) 394-2651–ext. 124 or May 22 No Fear Technology Workshop, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.: A monthly series of workshops designed to familiarize older adults with new technologies in a stress-free and no-fear environment. Keep in touch with family and friends both near and far by learning how to email, use Facebook and Skype. Learn to stream video and music and how to do effective searches on the Internet. This month’s workshop features an introduction to emailing and sending and receiving pictures online. (LPL West-Mountville Branch) Website: • Cost: Free Contact: (717) 285-3231 or



continued on page 20

MAY 2012


continued from page 18 May 23 Cultures & Cooking: Greece, 6-7 p.m.: This month’s presenter is Vasso Papavasilion of Yasou, Greek Pastries at Central Market. She will be preparing tiropites (a cheesefilled pastry) and a dessert. This program highlights a different culture on the fourth Wednesday of each month. A $3 ingredient fee will be collected at the door. (Bates Auditorium) Website: Contact: Reference Desk, (717) 394-2651–ext.105 or Cost: $3

The Art Association of Harrisburg

Harrisburg Young Professionals

May 4 Inaugural Golf Scramble, 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. At The Country Club of Harrisburg. Proceeds benefit the Capital Area School for the Arts and the Boys and Girls Club. HYP’s First Friday Happy Hour will follow the event, from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. Visit for information about the event. • Registration begins at 11 a.m. • Shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. • Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. May 4 May First Friday Happy Hour, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Join HYP at The Country Club of Harrisburg from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on Friday May 4th following the Inaugural Golf Scramble. Mix, mingle and learn more about what HYP has to offer. Proceeds will benefit The Boys and Girls Club and the Capital Area School for the Arts. For more information, contact Sal Fazzolari or Carley Evans at social@ May 12 Annual Home and Garden Tour, 1-5 p.m. Shipoke and City Island, Harrisburg. This year, The Home and Garden Tour will highlight distinctive residences that illustrate the Shipoke neighborhood’s post-flood revitalization. More than 20 Shipoke homes will open their doors to tour attendees, each featuring a variety of food and beverages from local restaurants inside for tour guests. After the tour concludes, HYP invites tour attendees to City Island for a block party featuring food, live music and more. The block party will begin at 5 p.m. and last until 8 p.m. A Home Tour ticket is required to gain entry into the block party. Anyone can purchase tickets online at Tickets purchased until end of day Friday, May 11, are $20 for HYP members and $25 for nonmembers. All tickets are $30 on the day of the tour. Proceeds from the HYP Home and Garden Tour benefit HYP’s “Home in the City” program. A portion of this year’s proceeds will be donated to Shipoke’s Neighborhood Association. May 31 HYP Movie Night, 7-9 p.m. Midtown Cinema, 250 Reily Street, Harrisburg. Join HYP for a night of film fare and affordable concessions at Harrisburg’s independent film theater, the Midtown Cinema. Meet in the lobby around 7 p.m.



“At the Library,” by Charlotte Shroyer.

Charlotte Shroyer’s “Random Thoughts.”

May 1 - July 31 The Art Association of Harrisburg will showcase expressionist oil paintings by New Mexico artist Charlotte Shroyer at Penn National Insurance this spring. Charlotte Shroyer of Taos, New Mexico, will exhibit her paintings in an Art Association of Harrisburg Community exhibition at Penn National Insurance, 2 North Second Street in Harrisburg, May 1 through July 31. The exhibition is open to the public during weekday business hours in the handsome lobby of PNI on Market Square, downtown Harrisburg. Call (717) 236-1432 for more information, or email Carrie WisslerThomas at May 19 The 84th Annual Juried Exhibition is slated to debut at The Art Association of Harrisburg on Saturday, May 19, with a reception and awards ceremony from 6 to 9 p.m. Music at the reception will be provided by Jonathan Frazier, and the reception hosts are board members Jan and Joe Bahret. The exhibition sponsors are Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meloni, Kate Earley and Mr. and Mrs. William Warren. The exhibition will consist of 88 varied works of art in oils, acrylics, photographs, prints, graphics, other media, sculptures and watercolors. The accepted artists hail from Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Virginia, Maryland, New York, Maine, Illinois and Montana.

Last year’s best-of-show winner, a watercolour by Mary Jane Sausser entitled “Sacred Lotus.”

continued on page 25

Program Concludes with

Astounding Success

Highmark Healthy

High 5:


Getting Healthy and Having Fun By Susan Haas Bates

In an effort to increase the quantity and quality of physical activity among children ages 6 to 13, more than 200 SPARK programs were initiated in Pennsylvania through Highmark Healthy High 5. Photo courtesy of SPARK™.

“Example is the school of mankind, and they will learn at no other.” ~ Edmund Burke


child’s life is one of wonder, excitement and innocence. From an early age, they learn to mimic what they see as well as feel, hear and touch. A child’s overall physical and emotional health goes hand in hand with the examples and tools that are provided to them. As parents, teachers, guardians and mentors, our goal is to see our children thrive. It has been proven that one person can make all of the difference in a child’s life. Add to that one person, hundreds of dedicated supporters, professionals, educators, families and volunteers, along with one spectacularly successful program, and that number quickly multiplies. Highmark Foundation, a charitable, private foundation and an affiliate of Highmark Inc., has successfully instilled the “success in numbers – it takes a village” message by reaching more than one million children and their families within 22


our region and beyond with its Highmark Healthy High 5 initiative. Highmark Healthy High 5, a five-year, $100 million project of the Highmark Foundation, offered a positive influence to making great change in children’s health issues. In 2007, children ages 6 to 18 began to experience the impact of the Highmark Healthy High 5 initiative. Focusing on five areas that impact children’s health – nutrition, physical activity, bullying prevention, grief and self-esteem – the program covered the 49 counties within central and western Pennsylvania. In order to adequately meet the challenge of reaching this many children across these counties, the Highmark Foundation developed partnerships with organizations that had expertise in one or more of the areas related to children’s health promotion. Signature partners included InnerLink, the Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center, the SPARK Active Recreation

Program, KidShape, nrg Powered by Choice, The Heartwood Institute, The Highmark Caring Place, The Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention at the Windber Research Institute, The Center for Safe Schools, the Highmark Healthy High 5 Bullying Prevention Institute and the Highmark Healthy High 5 School Challenge Grant Program. These partners played an integral role in ensuring the effectiveness, impact and success of Highmark Healthy High 5. The programs outlined below provide examples that contributed to the success of Highmark Healthy High 5. School Challenge Grant Program: The Highmark Healthy High 5 School Challenge grant program invited schools within Highmark’s 49-county service area to submit innovative grant proposals within the topic areas of nutrition and physical activity. Fifteen hundred school buildings received a school challenge grant of up to

$10,000 to implement year-long wellness programs. More than $12 million in grants were provided throughout the five years. The awarded schools used these dollars to re-vamp physical education (PE) curricula, implement new PE classes and purchase exercise machines and equipment. Health eTools for Schools: With funding from the Highmark Foundation, InnerLink developed Highmark Healthy High 5 Health eTools for Schools®, a secure, webbased portal that enabled school nurses to electronically input, track and communicate student’s health and fitness information. More than 460,000 children participated in the eTools for Schools program, representing an impressive 41 percent of the student population covering 933 schools. SPARK (Sports Play Activity and Recreation for Kids): SPARK provides curriculum, professional development, content-related equipment, follow-up and ongoing support to increase the quantity

and quality of physical activity among children ages 6 to 13. Through a Highmark Foundation grant, SPARK brought this proven program to Pennsylvania by providing training opportunities, curricula and field support to schools and nonprofit organizations so they could provide afterschool recreational programs. More than 200 SPARK programs were active during the Highmark Healthy High 5 initiative. KidShape: KidShape is a nationally recognized, weight-management program geared toward overweight children between the ages of 6 and 14. The nineweek course encourages families to adopt better nutrition habits and engage in more frequent physical activity. The Highmark Foundation funded a total of 18 KidShape sites throughout the region. Pre- and postsurveys showed participants increased vegetable consumption by an average of .3 servings a day, and fruit consumption by an average of .35 servings per day, both statistically significant by comparison to

the program’s beginning and conclusion. Additionally, the average Body Mass Index (BMI) loss was .44 in nine weeks. As the Highmark Healthy High 5 initiative concludes, the Highmark Foundation is moving forward, with renewed focus on initiating new and innovative approaches to addressing children’s overall health. “One of the most satisfying aspects of this experience was having the opportunity to talk with groups of parents to hear how this program has positively impacted not only their children’s lives, but their family’s lives as a whole,” states Highmark Foundation President Yvonne Cook. “We saw a great connection between what the kids were learning in schools and how they were taking those lessons home. The Highmark Foundation, through Highmark Healthy High 5, was able to invest in the community where the resources were greatly needed and could have the greatest impact. The positive outcomes of this program will help shape the direction for future initiatives.”

MAY 2012


continued from page 20 The juror for exhibition this year is Robert Cozzolino, senior curator and curator of Modern Art at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Dr. Cozzolino holds his BA in history of art and architecture from the University of Illinois at Chicago, his MA in art history and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with his dissertation on Every Picture Should Be a Prayer: the Art of Ivan Albright. Dr. Cozzolino was a curatorial assistant at The Art Institute of Chicago from 1993-1997 and an arts writer for Isthmus Publishing Co. in Madison from 1997-2000. He was a curatorial assistant for Elvehjem Museum of Art at the University of Wisconsin, a teaching assistant of art history there and has been at the Pennsylvania Academy from 2004 through the present. The prizes for the Juried Exhibition have been contributed by Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meloni, Oils and Acrylics; Alan Hostetler Insurance, Sculpture and Ceramics; ShowcaseNow!, Prints and Graphics; Occupational Athletics, Photography; Robert Philbin, Other Media; The Greater Harrisburg Arts Council, Watercolors; and Bruce K.Thomas and David Volkman, Best-of-Show. The exhibition will run through June 21 in the galleries at 21 North Front Street.

May 4 PA Latino Behavioral Health Summit: Advancing Treatment, Understanding and Collaboration, 7:30 a.m., held at Lancaster Elks Club in Lancaster. Registration and breakfast at 9 a.m.; summit opening plenary and keynote speaker at 10:15 a.m.; workshop session I at 11:30 a.m.; break at 11:45 a.m.; workshop session II at 1 p.m.; lunch and speaker at 2:30 p.m.; workshop session III at 3:45 p.m.; break at 4 p.m.; summit closing plenary and panel at 5 p.m.; and networking reception. Registration fee: $65. Student registration fee: $30. You can register online at: Contact: Norma Bristol Colon, May 12 Spring Community Fair Renaissance Park, 225 E. Princess St., York, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Health providers, nonprofit agencies, local businesses and employers will be there in an effort to raise awareness of and provide employment opportunities in the York Latino community. Arts and crafts, food and more. Call (717) 846-9434 for more information.

continued from page 14 (Family Features) For more sizzling, south-of-the-border recipes, visit

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo For Mexican food lovers everywhere, Cinco de Mayo provides the perfect excuse to host a fiesta. This year, try spicing up your party menu with Mexican-inspired bold flavors and fresh ingredients using these tips and recipe. With a little planning and some key fresh ingredients, you can host a fiesta everyone will enjoy. Cinco de Mayo Menu Planning Here are a few authentic dips and dishes to liven any party spread: • Green, Green Guacamole - This flavorful dip embodies the festive flavors of the holiday. To make fresh guacamole, add green onions, cilantro and Tabasco green jalapeño pepper sauce to ripe, mashed avocados. • Mexican Caviar - Not your average salsa dip, this hearty and zesty recipe combines black beans, corn, avocado, tomatoes and cilantro for a muy bueno party starter that is sure to please. • Spicy Taquitos - Packed with genuine flavor, these savory appetizers can be served all year long. A satisfying blend of chicken, red beans and shredded cheese is rolled into buttery phyllo dough and baked until golden and crispy. To add more authentic flavor to your table, be sure to serve Fiery Fiesta Empanadas. With a soft cornmeal crust, ground beef, cheese and olive filling, this dish boasts bold notes of cumin, garlic, and mild Tabasco green jalapeño pepper sauce - making these empanadas a sure-fire way to spice up your menu.

Fiery Fiesta Empanadas Makes 4 empanadas Cornmeal Crust 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, cut into 1-inch pieces 6 tablespoons water Filling 1 pound ground beef 1 clove garlic, crushed 3 scallions, chopped 1/4 cup taco sauce 1/4 cup pitted ripe olives, chopped 4 teaspoons Tabasco green jalapeño pepper sauce, divided 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup shredded Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese 1 large egg, beaten

Combine flour, cornmeal and salt in medium bowl. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle in water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until dough sticks together. On lightly floured surface with lightly floured rolling pin, roll out half of dough until 1/4-inch thick. Cut dough into two 7-inch rounds. Repeat with remaining dough and scraps. Cover; set aside. Cook ground beef and garlic in 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat until beef is browned on all sides, stirring occasionally to break up beef. Stir in scallions, taco sauce, olives, 3 teaspoons green jalapeño pepper sauce, oregano, cumin and salt until well blended. Stir in cheese. Preheat oven to 375ºF. Grease large cookie sheet. Spoon about 1/2-cup filling on 1/2 of each round, leaving a 1/2-inch border. Stir together egg and remaining teaspoon green jalapeño pepper sauce. Brush border with egg mixture. Fold dough over filling, pressing out air. Crimp edges with fork or fingers to seal. Place on baking sheet. Bake 25 minutes or until golden. MAY 2012


Fruits and Vegetables! Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.


reetings! This month I would like to talk to you about the importance of fruits and vegetables (F&V). F&V are our primary source of essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that help protect us from chronic disease like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Fruit & Vegetable Intake

According the PA Department of Health’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) data, in 2009, on average, only 24 percent of adult Pa. residents 18 years and older reported eating the recommended five or more F&V each day. Worse yet, only 22 percent of adult Pa. Latinos and 19 percent of rural residents do a good job eating their F&V each day. La Voz Latina newspaper is circulated in Pa, Florida and Kentucky, so I decided to compare the F&V daily intake of adult residents in these three particular states. As shown in Table 1, in 2009, BRFSS Florida and Kentucky resident had similar F&V intake patterns as Pa. residents. To no surprise, low F&V daily intake is a national problem where three out of four adults in the United States are not eating the recommended five or more F&V daily.


The usual intake of dietary fiber in the United States is 15 grams per day, much less than required. Generally speaking, adults need an intake of 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day. However, talk to your doctor about your specific fiber needs as well as the best way to meet your needs, especially if you have food allergies that prevent you from consuming certain foods. Three potential strategies that can help you increase your daily F&V intake: (1) Consume adequate amounts of dietary fiber from a variety of plant foods. Why? Because each F&V has its own unique characteristic, texture, flavor and health benefits; (2) Eat more high-fiber foods. Some examples of commonly consumed F&V are listed in Table 2 for comparison; and (3) Shop at your local farmer’s market. In my opinion, visiting your local Pa. farmers’ market is an awesome place to start learning about (and buying) more F&V. First, local farmer’s markets are more likely to allow you to taste the F&V prior to purchase and also offer favorite local recipes. This means that you don’t have to wait to get home to find out that the F&V was “bad” and toss it in the waste basket. Second, farmers’ markets will allow you to have access to the freshest crop possible, although frozen form is OK, too. Third, buying your F&V at farmer’s markets help support local 26


Table 1. CDC BRFSS 2009 – Nationwide (States and DC) vs Pennsylvania vs. Florida vs. Kentucky Fruits and Vegetables Intake in Adults 18 Years and Older State:

Consume 5 or more times per day

Consume less than 5 times per day

Nationwide (States and DC)

Median % # States

23.4 51

76.6 51


% CI n

24.1 (22.8-25.5) 2191

75.9 (74.5-77.2) 6675


% CI n

24.4 (22.9-25.9) 2865

75.6 (74.1-77.1) 8599


% CI n

21.1 (19.5-22.7) 1979

78.9 (77.3-80.5) 7298

Source: Table 2. Examples of Commonly Consumed F&V Food Fruits Dried Prunes Orange Apple, with skin Dried Figs Pear Banana Strawberries, raw

Serving Size

Total Dietary Fiber (g/servings)

5 Dried Prunes 1 Orange 1 Apple 2 Dried 1 Pear 1 Banana 1 cup, sliced

3.0 3.1 3.7 4.6 4.0 2.8 3.8

Vegetables Bean, kidney, canned Peas, spilt, cooked Lentils, cooked Potatoes, boiled Carrots, raw Spinach, cooked

½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup ½ cup

4.5 8.1 7.8 1.6 1.8 2.2

Grains Wheat bran flakes Raisin bran Rice, brown, cooked Oatmeal Bread, whole wheat

½ cup 1 cup 1 cup ¾ cup 1 slice

4.6 7.5 3.5 3.0 1.9

Other Nuts, mixed, dry roasted Chex Mix –Traditional Animal Crackers Popcorn (microwave bag) Granola bar (crunchy, Nature Valley) Sun Chips – original flavor Pop Tart –Strawberry flavor Yellow cake Soda

1 oz 1.7 oz. bag 1.75 oz. bag 1.6 oz. = 6 cups popped 1.5 oz. bar 1.5 oz. bag 3.67 oz. 1 slice 12 oz. can

2.6 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 0.2 0 (none)

Sources: Position of the American Dietetic Association: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:1716-1731. Adapted from the US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14 (

farmers and their business which, in turn, helps generates money for the local community, and, yes, helps keep jobs in the U.S., particularly in Pa.! Lastly, buying locally allows you to “meet” the farmers who grew the crops, and ypu can even ask questions. That is, you know exactly where your food comes from as well as the person who planted the seeds and tended to that crop until the moment you purchased. Some general recommendations for your daily fiber intake: • Consume more F&V and whole grains, if possible. • Be selective of your food choices – try to avoid processed foods that are low in fiber. • Shop at the local farmer’s market in your community. • Avoid pesticides and wash your F&V. • Buy organic products if possible. • Find (and try) a variety of recipes that use F&V as main ingredients. • Grow your own F&V, if possible. • Talk to your doctors about your fiber intake needs. • As always, maintain a healthful weight by balancing calories with physical activity.

Please don’t forget to eat more F&V. Take good care of yourself. Send me your health questions to ¡Hola, Oralia! Email: dr.or Together we can help keep Pennsylvania residents healthy. ¡Salud!

Frutas y Verduras! Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.


aludos! Este mes me gustaría hablar con usted acerca de la importancia de las frutas y verduras (F&V). F&V son nuestra principal fuente de vitaminas esenciales, minerales y fibra que ayudan a protegernos de las enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes, el cáncer y las enfermedades del corazón.

Frutas y verduras (F&V)

Según el Departamento de PA de Behavioral Health Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) de datos, en 2009, en promedio, sólo el 24% de los adultos residentes de PA de 18 años reportaron haber comido el recomendado de 5 o más F&V cada día! Peor aún, sólo el 22% de los adultos PA Latinos y el 19% de los residentes rurales hacer un buen trabajo comiendo sus F&V cada día! La Voz Latina se distribuye en PA, Florida (FL) y Kentucky (KY), así que me decidí a comparar el consumo de F&V diaria de los adultos residentes en estos tres estados en particular. Como se muestra en la Tabla 1, en 2009, BRFSS FL y residente KY había similares donde estos residentes consumen F&V como los residentes de PA! El bajo consumo diaria de F&V es un problema nacional, donde cada 3 de 4 adultos (75%) en los Estados Unidos NO están comiendo los 5 o más F&V todos los días!


El consumo habitual de fibra dietética en los Estados Unidos es de 15 gramos / día, y menos de lo necesario. En general, los adultos necesitan una ingesta de 25 a 35 gramos de fibra por día. Sin embargo, hable con su médico acerca de sus necesidades específicas de fibra, así como la mejor manera de satisfacer sus necesidades, especialmente si usted tiene alergias a los alimentos que le impiden consumir ciertos alimentos. Tres posibles estrategias que pueden ayudarle a aumentar su ingesta de F&V diario: (1) Consumen cantidades adecuadas de fibra dietética a partir de una variedad de alimentos vegetales. ¿Por qué? Porque cada F&V tiene su propia característica única,textura, sabor y beneficios para la salud, (2) Comer alimentos ricos en fibra más alta. Algunos ejemplos de F&V de consumo habitual se enumeran en la Tabla 2 para la comparación, y (3) Visitar y comprar en su local de Farmers Market! En mi opinión, visitar su FARMERS MARKETS (Mercados de Agricultores)

Tabla 1. CDC BRFSS 2009 – a Nivel Nacional (Estados and DC) vs Pennsylvania vs Florida vs Kentucky Frutas y Verduras Consumo en Adultos Mayores de 18 anos. Estado:

Consumir cinco o más veces por día

Consumen menos de 5 veces por día

Nationwide (States and DC)

Median % # States

23.4 51

76.6 51


% CI n

24.1 (22.8-25.5) 2191

75.9 (74.5-77.2) 6675


% CI n

24.4 (22.9-25.9) 2865

75.6 (74.1-77.1) 8599


% CI n

21.1 (19.5-22.7) 1979

78.9 (77.3-80.5) 7298


Table 2. Examples of Commonly Consumed F&V Food Fruits Ciruelas secas Naranjas Manzana (Apple), con la piel Los higos secos Pera Banano Las Fresas, en bruto/frescas

Serving Size

Total Dietary Fiber (g/servings)

5 Dried Prunes 1 Orange 1 Apple 2 Dried 1 Pear 1 Banana 1 taza, sliced

3.0 3.1 3.7 4.6 4.0 2.8 3.8

Vegetables Frijoes, en lata Peas, spilt, cooked Lentejas, cocidos Papas, cocidos Las zanahorias, bruto/frescas Espinaca, cocidos

½ taza ½ taza ½ taza ½ taza ½ taza ½ taza

4.5 8.1 7.8 1.6 1.8 2.2

Granos Copos de salado de trigo Salvado con pasas de uva Arroz, color café, cocido Harina de avena El pan, el trigo intergral (whole wheat)

½ taza 1 taza 1 taza ¾ taza 1 rebanada

4.6 7.5 3.5 3.0 1.9

Other Nueces, mixtos, tostadas Chex Mix –Traditional Animal Crackers Palomitas de maíz (bolsa de microondas) Granola bar (crunchy, Nature Valley) Sun Chips- originals sabor Pop Tart – resa sabor Torta amarilla Soda

1 oz 1.7 oz bag 1.75 oz bag 1.6 oz =6 tazas 1.5 oz bar 1.5 oz bag 3.67 oz 1 rebanada 12 oz can

2.6 2.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 0.2 0 (nada)

Sources: Position of the American Dietetic Association: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:1716-1731. Adapted from the US Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14 (

locales en PA es un lugar impresionante para empezar a conocer (y comprar!) más F&V! En primer lugar, en los mercados de agricultores es más probable que le permiten probar las F&V antes de la compra y también ofrecen recetas favoritas locales. Esto significa que usted no tiene que esperar a llegar a casa para descubrir que la F&V era “malo” y lanzarla a la basura. En segundo lugar, los mercados de agricultores le permitirá tener acceso a (y consumir!) F&V más fresca posible, aunque forma congelada está bien también. En tercer lugar, la compra de su F&V en los mercados de agricultores ayuda a apoyar a nuestros agricultores locales y sus negocios que, a su vez, ayuda a genera dinero para nuestra comunidad local, y, sí, ayuda a mantener los puestos de trabajo en los Estados Unidos, en particular en PA! Por último, la compra a nivel local le permite “conocer” a los agricultores que crecieron los cultivos e hacer preguntas! Es decir, saber exactamente dónde provienen sus alimentos, y también la persona que plantó las semillas y tendía a que los cultivos hasta el momento en que lo compró! Algunas recomendaciones generales para su consumo diario de fibra: • Consuma más F&V, y granos enteros, si es posible • Sea selectivo de su elección de alimentos, trate de evitar los alimentos procesados ​​que son bajos en fibra • Visita / compras en el Mercado de Agricultores (Farmer’s Markets) locales en su comunidad • Evite los pesticidas, lavarse las F&V • Compre productos orgánicos, si es posible • Buscar (y probarlo!) una variedad de recetas que utilizan F&V como ingredientes principales • Haga crecer su propia F&V, si es posible • Hable con sus médicos acerca de sus necesidades de consumo de fibra • Acceda La Voz Latina sección “FOOD” para recetas! • Como siempre, mantenga un peso saludable, equilibrando las calorías con la actividad física

Bueno, mis amigos, por favor no se olviden de comer más frutas y verduras! Por favor manden sus preguntas de salud a ¡Hola, Oralia! Email: dr.oraliagarciadominic@ Juntos podemos ayudar a mantener saludables los residentes de Pennsylvania! ¡Salud! MAY 2012


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