La Voz Latina Central | November 2011

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Premier Issue


November 2011

What’s Inside: Unidad, Fuerza y Dirección p.3 Diabetes: ¿Usted tiene diabetes? p.5

Page 10 Page 18

Seeing, Knowing and Recognizing Yourself p.7 Meet...Dr. Anthony Cortés p.8

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Page 8

A Note From The Publisher


Bienvenidos al nuevo formato y forma ampliada para La Voz Central. Usted se dará cuenta de que estamos ampliando nuestra cantidad de artículos bilingües. Esto es porque este es verdaderamente un esfuerzo por llevar a las comunidades del Inglés y Español juntos. Estados Unidos siempre ha sido una tierra de diversidad y los inmigrantes. Nos encontramos nuestra fortaleza en nuestras diferencias. Lo importante es que nos comuniquemos y buscar objetivos comunes. El periódico bilingüe nos ayuda a comunicarnos, aprender el idioma del otro y la cultura. Este documento no sólo sirve a la comunidad hispana, pero la mayor parte central de la comunidad de Pennsylvania. El miedo de cambio y de las diferencias desaparecen cuando las comunidades se comunican entre sí mismo, y uno al otro. El crecimiento de la comunidad hispana será una parte importante del futuro de Los Estados Unidos si nos comunicamos, ayudar y educar a los demás. También se dará cuenta de que tenemos una visión más optimista del mundo que nos rodea. Nuestro trabajo tiene artículos pertinentes en las habilidades de la vida, salud, y una discusión ecuánime de los valores. En la edición de este mes aparecerá un artículo sobre el Dr. Anthony Cortés, PhD. Él es un verdadero éxito. Su historia da a aquellos que aspiran a la esperanza de éxito y las claves para una buena manera de vida. La gente puede cambiar, la gente tiene éxito si tienen la esperanza. La esperanza es una parte importante de cada tema. Si usted tiene alguna idea sobre este tema o cualquier otro artículo en el futuro, por favor escríbanos. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher


Welcome to the new and expanded format for La Voz Central. You will notice that we are expanding our amount of bilingual articles. This is because this is truly an effort to bring the English and Spanish communities together. America has always been a land of diversity and immigrants. We find our strength in our differences. The important thing is that we communicate and seek common goals. This bilingual paper helps us communicate, learn each other’s language and culture. This paper not only serves the Hispanic community but also the greater central Pennsylvania community. The fear of change and fear of differences vanish when communities communicate with each other. The growth of the Hispanic community will be a strong part of America’s future if we communicate, help and educate each other. You will also notice that we take a more optimistic view to the world around us. Our paper has pertinent articles in health, life skills and an even-handed discussion of values. In this month’s issue, you will see an article on Dr. Anthony Cortés, Ph.D. He is a true success story. His story gives those who are aspiring for success hope and keys to a successful way of life. People can change; people succeed if they have hope. Hope is a big part of each issue. If you have any thoughts concerning this issue or any articles in the future, please write us. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher


November 2011 • Volume 1 No. 1

PUBLISHER Graham Hetrick– EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Patricia Hill-Boccassini– MANAGING EDITOR Jadrian Klinger– GRAPHIC DESIGNER Tim McKenna– CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Kogan | Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz Dr. Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S. Patricio Basom | Betsy Basom SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Patrick “Patricio” Basom 717.649.0916


3400 N. 6th Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717.233.0109 717.232.6010 fax Follow us on Facebook PRESIDENT AND CEO Davy H. Goldsmith–ext. 114 CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Len Boccassini–ext. 132 PUBLISHER Patricia Hill-Boccassini–ext. 130 DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING Chad Overbaugh–ext. 128 DIRECTOR OF CUSTOM PUBLISHING Jim Laverty–ext. 122 CIRCULATION MANAGER / DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS FINANCE Violetta Chlaifer–ext. 124


Unidad, Fuerza y Dirección – A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage (Unity, Strength and Leadership) By Patricio Basom

The celebration began with the strumming of the strings attached to a beautifully polished and melodic Spanish guitar. Cradling this melodic guitar, while gently and sometimes forcefully tickling it’s strings, was our region’s best cantador, Dante Sobrevilla. His voice was both soft and confident as he climbed through the melodies of familiar Spanish canciones. He brought to life, through song, the unity, strength and sophistication of Hispanic Heritage. The program continued with a proclamation from Governor Corbett’s office naming September

15th through October 15th Hispanic Heritage Month. This was read by Dan Meuser, Secretary of the Department of Revenue. Continuing on with the announcement of another musical performance by Dante Sobrevilla was Sheri L. Phillips, Secretary of the Department of General Services. As before, the audience was captivated by Dante’s velvety voice and sweet accompaniment of his Spanish guitar. This, out of all of his performances, was the absolute best. After the grand ovation that Dante received, it was time now to announce the celebration’s key-note speaker. The task at hand was done

by Carol Aichele, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The key-note speaker was none other than Paul J. Navarro. He is currently the President of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Central PA. He is also the president of his own engineering firm, Navarro and Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. His speech was quite uplifting, being certain to include the positive effects that the Hispanic community has on the state and region – for instance, the number of Hispanic-owned businesses. One of the more staggering statistics is the actual number of Continued on page 11


Do You Have Diabetes? Are You at Risk? By Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., medical director, Highmark Inc.

November is American Diabetes Month

Diabetes affects nearly 24 million Americans. The 2011 statistics from the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse indicate that, compared to Caucasians, the risk of having a diagnosis of diabetes is 66 percent higher if you are Hispanic. Among Hispanic groups, the risk of diagnosed diabetes is 66 percent higher than whites for Cuban and Central and South Americans; 87 percent higher for Mexican Americans; and 94

percent higher for Puerto Ricans. With the increasing rates of obesity in children and teens, the numbers continue to rise. If your mother, father or grandparents have type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes in adults, you are more likely to develop it, too. The good news is that making healthful food choices and staying active can help you prevent or delay the disease.

How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

• Talk to your health care provider about a prevention plan. • Lose weight. Even losing 10 pounds can lower your risk. • Move more each day. Be physically active for 30 minutes, five days a week. You can walk, dance and work out, just move! • Reduce portion sizes. You can reduce your calories by eating smaller portions. You don’t have to cut out the foods you love to eat. Just cut down on your portion size and eat it less often. • Eat healthy and drink water – try more fruits and vegetables, and drink more water.

Know the warning signs

Control your diabetes, if you have it

• Frequent urination • Being thirsty • Feeling hungry a lot (especially after eating) • Being tired all of the time • Unusual weight gain or loss • Blurred vision • Dry mouth • Slow-healing sores or cuts • Bleeding and sore gums If you experience any of these symptoms, see your health care provider as soon as possible and get tested for diabetes.

• If your doctor suggests that you need insulin, don’t be afraid of taking insulin. It may help you keep your eyesight, avoid kidney dialysis and amputation of your limbs. • See your doctor regularly. • Set goals to achieve the best diabetes control • Aim for a Hemoglobin A1c of less than seven percent • Aim for a fasting blood sugar between 90 to 130 mg/dl • Aim for a blood pressure of <130/80 • Aim for a blood lipid test of <100 mg/dl • Many people with diabetes also need to take medications to control their cholesterol and blood pressure. • Learn as much as you can about diabetes. You can learn the skills you need to successfully self-manage this condition and avoid many of its complications.

• Don’t hide the fact that you have diabetes from your friends and family. You can have diabetes and not know it. Plus, some of the symptoms for diabetes are similar to other conditions. Some • Set a goal to control your blood sugar. Take your medicine as recommended by of the warning signs include: your doctor.

For more information about diabetes, visit the National Diabetes Education Program: They offer many free tools and information that can help you learn more about diabetes including prevention, treatment and management.


Dr. Johnson is the medical director of health equity and quality services at Highmark Inc. She leads Highmark’s efforts to reduce racial and ethnic health care disparities among Highmark members through clinical interventions and improvements in health literacy, language access and health plan cultural competency.

Diabetes: ¿Usted tiene diabetes? ¿Está en riesgo? Por Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H, directora clínica, Highmark Inc.

Noviembre es el mes de la Diabetes en los Estados Unidos

La diabetes afecta a casi 24 millones de norteamericanos. Las estadísticas de 2011 del Centro Coordinador Nacional de la Información sobre Diabetes revelan que, comparado con los caucásicos, el riesgo de tener un diagnóstico de diabetes es 66 por ciento más alto si eres hispánico. Entre los grupos hispánicos, el riesgo de ser diagnosticado con diabetes es 66 por

Cómo prevenir la Diabetes tipo 2

• Habla con tu proveedor de atención médica sobre un programa de prevención. • Pierde peso. Incluso perdiendo 10 libras (alrededor de 4 kg.) puedes disminuir tu riesgo. • Muévete más cada día. Mantente activo físicamente durante 30 minutos, 5 días a la semana. Puedes caminar, bailar, hacer ejercicios, ¡muévete! • Reduce los tamaños de las porciones. Puedes reducir tus calorías comiendo porciones más pequeñas. No tienes que abandonar los alimentos que te gustan. Sólo reduce el tamaño de la porción y como menos con mayor frecuencia. • Come saludable y bebe agua, ingiere más frutas y vegetales y bebe más agua.

ciento más alto que los blancos de Cuba y Centro y Sud América, 87 por ciento más alto que los norteamericanos mexicanos; y 94 por ciento más alto que los puertorriqueños. Con las tasas crecientes de obesidad en los niños y adolescentes, los números continúan subiendo. Si tu madre, padre o abuelos tienen diabetes tipo 2, la forma más común de diabetes en los adultos, eres también más propenso a tenerla. La buena noticia es que hacer elecciones de comida sana y mantenerse activo puede ayudarte a prevenir y retardar la enfermedad.

Si tiene diabetes, contrólala

• No ocultes que tiene diabetes a tus amigos y familiares. • Ponte el objetivo de controlar tu azúcar en sangre. Toma tu medicina según l o recomendado por tu médico. • Si tu médico sugiere que necesitas insulina, no tengas miedo de usarla. Puede ayudarte a mantener tu visión, evitar diálisis renal y amputaciones de tus miembros. • Ve al médico regularmente • Establece tus objetivos para lograr el mejor control de la diabetes: • Procura que la Hemoglobina A1c sea menor a 7 por ciento. • Procura tener los niveles de azúcar en sangre entre 90 y 130 mg/dl. • Procura tener la presión sanguínea de <130/80 • Procura tener el análisis de perfil lipídico <100 mg/dl. • Mucha gente con diabetes también necesita tomar medicación para controlar el colesterol y la presión sanguínea. • Aprende lo más que puedas sobre diabetes. Puedes adquirir las habilidades necesarias para autocontrolar con éxito esta afección y evitar muchas de sus complicaciones.

Conoce las señales de alerta

Puedes tener diabetes y no saberlo. Además, algunos de los síntomas de la diabetes son similares a otras afecciones. Algunos de los signos de alerta son:

• Micción frecuente • Tener sed • Tener mucha hambre (especialmente después de comer) Para mayor información sobre diabetes, visita el Programa Nacional de Educación • Estar cansado todo el tiempo sobre la Diabetes: Éste brinda muchas • Aumento o pérdida de peso inusual. herramientas e información gratuita que puede ayudarte a aprender más sobre la diabetes • Visión borrosa incluyendo prevención, tratamiento y control. • Boca seca • Cortes o heridas de cicatrización lenta. La doctora Rhonda Johnson es la directora clínica de los servicios de calidad • Dolor y sangrado de las encías. y equidad en salud en Highmark Inc. Ella encabeza los esfuerzos de Highmark

Si tienes algunos de estos síntomas, consulta con tu proveedor de atención médica lo más pronto posible y haz los exámenes correspondientes de diabetes.

para reducir las disparidades raciales y étnicas que existen entre los miembros de Highmark a través de las intervenciones clínicas y las mejoras en materia de salud, acceso al idioma y competencia cultural para obtener un plan de salud.


Viéndonos, entendiéndonos y reconociéndonos a nosotros mismos Por el Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz


i usted es capaz de verse a usted mismo a través de un espejo—Me estoy refiriendo no solamente desde el punto de vista físico sino también desde el punto de vista psicológico y espiritual—usted podría generar la habilidad de ver con los ojos del corazón y con los espejuelos del alma. Esta aproximación le podría permitir observar una perspectiva completa de usted y tener la oportunidad de contemplar todo desde un punto de vista integral e inclusivo. Esta aproximación quizás no cambie los hechos o las auto-impuestas imperfecciones pre-definidas por usted mismo. Sin embargo, usted será capaz de observar y explorar la belleza de la creación y las explorar las cosas grandiosas que nos ofrece la vida constantemente. Al estar conscientes de nuestro propio ser e instruido de la virtud y privilegio de vivir en la tierra, y reconociendo que nuestra presencia en ella es solo temporal, esta sola afirmación es de por sí un gran paso para darle significado a nuestras vidas y redescubrir nuestro verdadero propósito durante nuestra presencia en la tierra. El reconocimiento de este aparentemente simple hecho le puede dar a usted una perspectiva diferente para valorar y reconocer la grandeza que todos llevamos en nuestro interior. Consecuentemente, esta sola información nos puede permitir ver nuestro rostro pero al mismo tiempo reconocer las otras fuerzas que interactúan en la formación de nuestro


carácter y que forman la estructura de nuestra actitud. Quizás usted no pueda modificar su apariencia física, pero con seguridad usted se sorprenderá los cambios que se generaran en usted cuando usted se centre en cambiar su actitud y adopte una visón de pensamiento positivo en su mente y en su corazón. Una vez que esta transformación mental toma lugar en su interior y en su exterior, usted verá que su reflexión de su entorno y de usted mismo nunca más será la misma. Como lo dije al inicio, esta experiencia puede empezar al observarse a uno mismo a través de un espejo, esto puede ser replicado diariamente para re-alinear nuestro pensamiento y para alcanzar la confidencia necesaria para vencer nuestras propias auto-impuestas limitaciones. Cuando las personas están conscientes de sus propias virtudes

y talentos, es cuando el proceso de concientización humana empieza. El estado de conciencia significa que estamos predispuestos a contemplarnos desde un punto de vista integral y por lo tanto, vamos a escucharnos, oírnos, tocarnos y vernos con un significado supremo y proactivo. Cuando estamos conscientes de lo que tenemos, somos capaces de crear un mejor entendimiento de los que somos y percibir de mejor manera nuestros pensamientos y acciones. El entendimiento es el proceso que combina la conciencia de lo que hacemos con la asimilación de información para crear conocimiento, el que paulatinamente se convierte en experiencia. La adquisición de experiencia es fundamental para hace una evaluación cuidadosa de quienes somos y de lo que nos gustaría ser y hacer en la vida.

La siguiente fase en el proceso de consolidación del pensamiento positivo es el reconocimiento. Cuando estamos conscientes y hemos entendido las implicaciones de mantenernos en una perspectiva positiva, el reconocimiento toma su lugar. Esta es la etapa que va del simple conocimiento hacia un estado de conciencia, en el cual se incorporan elementos de la inteligencia emocional como nuestras sensaciones que ayudan al desarrollo del entendimiento hasta alcanzar un reconocimiento, el cual viene a ser como una comprobación o justificación de lo alcanzado. Finalmente, después de haber identificado el proceso de conocer, entender y reconocer los hechos, ahora nosotros podríamos analizar y balancear la adquisición de conocimiento e información, sensaciones y sentimientos, pensamientos e intenciones, lo cual nos puede llevar al proceso de aceptación, el cual representa un nivel más alto en el proceso del entendimiento y provee un estado multidimensional de lo que llamamos respecto y una de las mas sabias estancias del proceso de reflexión. Es en el plano del respeto y de la aceptación donde la gente podría encontrar con más frecuencia la luz, el aura, la esencia, la fortaleza, y el ambiente para verse a uno mismo reflejado en la forma que fuimos creados para ser— seres humanos únicos y capaces de disfrutar lo mejor de la vida, motivados a redescubrir las virtudes de nuestro propio ser y estar predispuestos a compartir eso con los demás seres humanos con os que tenemos el privilegio de compartir el planeta.

Seeing, Knowing and Recognizing Yourself By Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz


f you are able to see yourself through a mirror (not just physically, but mentally and spiritually), you may be able to see also with the eyes of your heart and the lens of your soul. This approach may allow you to observe the entire picture of yourself and contemplate anything from a holistic and inclusive way. It may not change the facts or your self-assumed imperfections. Nevertheless, you will be able to observe and explore the beauty of the creation and the greatness that life offers to us on a constant basis. By being conscious of your

own self, aware of the virtue of living on earth and by knowing that it is just a temporary state is in itself a great step to start giving meaning and purpose to life. The acknowledgement of this simple fact may give you another perspective to value and recognize the worthiness that all of us have been entitled. Consequently, this sole piece of information may allow you to see your face and recognize the insights that shape your character and form your attitude. You cannot change the facts, but you can change your attitude. You may not modify your physical appearance from the

corporeal standpoint, but you will be surprised when you concentrate on your attitude and adopt a positive mindset. When this mental movement takes place in your whole constitution, you will see that the reflection of yourself will never be the same. This experience can start by seeing ourselves in a mirror, which can be replicated every day to realign our thinking and gain the confidence that we need to overcome our own limitations and self-imposed boundaries. When people become conscious of their own virtues and advantages, it is the process of awareness.

Awareness means to be alert to your holistic self and hear, see and feel their significance. When we are aware of what we have, we can create understanding and become perceptive of our thoughts and actions. Understanding is the process of combining awareness and information to create knowledge, which becomes experience. And experience is fundamental to making careful assessments of who we are and what we would like to become. The next step in the process of consolidating positive thinking is acknowledgement. When we are aware and have Continued on page 11



Dr. Anthony Cortés of the Milton Hershey School By Graham S. Hetrick, Photography by Jadrian Klinger

2010-2011 Milton Hershey School Student Stats

• Peak enrollment: 1,838 • Geographic: 30 percent from Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon; 48 percent from other Pa. counties; and 21 percent from outside of Pa. • Ethnicity: White, 44 percent; Black, 29 percent; Hispanic, 12 percent; Asian, one percent; and “Other,” 13 percent • Average household income of new students enrolled: $12,614



Dr. Anthony Cortés on the campus of Milton Hershey School

r. Anthony Cortés entered the conference room, situated on the beautiful campus of Milton Hershey School. Dr. Cortés is in charge of the hiring and training of residential staff at the school and works with diversity and various learning issues, among many other topics necessary for success in the childcare profession. As he entered the room, one had the understanding that this was a highenergy man. Dr. Cortés was born in New York City to a strong, nurturing Latino family. He graduated from Dr. Agustin Stahl High School in Bayamon, Puerto Rico and attended the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez. Eventually, he graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelor’s degree in engineering. For a time, he worked as an engineer. But through community involvement, he found that working with children, immigrant works and community outreach programs gave him more satisfaction. He then received a master’s in divinity and continued to serve underprivileged communities. For a period of time, he worked for nonprofits and finally came to the Milton Hershey School and later earned a Ph.D. in human development and instructional leadership. He has been a key part of building the school’s philosophical approach to parenting social orphans and has developed unique adult-learning programs. The list of his accomplishments are too numerous for this article. I asked Dr. Cortés to list about four key elements that he felt influenced him and gave him the ability to succeed as a Hispanic. His first element was the concept of “La Familia.” Without hesitation, he stated that this was a major structure that gave him a loving, safe and instructional environment. It was in the family that he was able to learn the values of hard work, honesty and respect for community. He pointed out that Hispanics live more in a collective culture whereas the Western European culture is more individualistic. This collective perspective brings a stronger sense of connectedness and community to the forefront of the young person. This strong family unit also promoted a sense of higher expectations and a positive outlook in life. Second, he felt that resiliency was another key factor to success. He came from a lower middle-income family, and the need to adapt and improvise was necessary for their existence. Those lessons taught him how to achieve against the odds. Third, was always to seek a positive outcome. Each situation demands an optimistic and positive response. These positive attributes provided an array of protective factors that allowed him to confront challenges and bounce back from difficult circumstances. Fourth, and the one that is most apparent in Dr. Cortés’ life, is to give back to your community and to live for something beyond yourself. A strong sense of connectedness and purpose was essential for his resilience and selfefficacy in spite of challenges like poverty and discrimination. These four elements have been incorporated into his philosophical approach at Milton Hershey School. His goal is to help childcare workers and residential houseparents provide each student with a safe, structured family and nurturing environment. He also believes that education is a holistic process involving more than just learning facts. In Dr. Cortés’s ideal for learning, the component of community involvement and caring for others, “La Familia” is a critical part of an educated and well-rounded individual.


The Spirit of Giving Back By Graham S. Hetrick

Bob Marquette, Members 1st president and CEO, and Maria Maraquine, owner of Herby’s Mexican Restaurant


t’s almost impossible to live, work, drive and exist in central Pennsylvania without knowing that funloving, enthusiastic and robust character known as the Advice Guy. You know who we mean – he’s on billboards, in advertisements and pops up out of nowhere. I recently had time to sit down and meet with the man behind those famous goggles and cape: Bob Marquette, the guy who brings the character to life. Marquette is no stranger to the local financial services scene. He’s the president and CEO of Members 1st Federal Credit Union based in Mechanicsburg. Where the Advice Guy is, there’s also George Nahodil, Marquette’s executive vice president of retail delivery, public relations and marketing. He’s the guy who makes sure the Advice Guy stays on task and doesn’t let the cape get in the way of daily operations. While a marketing gimmick, the Members 1st marketing team has found

that the Advice Guy gets noticed and that it sets them apart from traditional financial-institution marketing. Members 1st has been a great friend and supporter of Estamos Unidos and the annual “Fiesta Los Ninos” event. Each Christmas, we feed as many as 1,200 people and give away more than 900 toys at our annual celebration. Since the event’s inception, Members 1st has provided numerous volunteers to help at the event and work with us doing behind-the-scenes preparation. This experience alone, in watching Members 1st in action, made me realize that Bob the Advice Guy and his entire crew at Members 1st truly walks their talk in the spirit of giving back to the community and having a strong people-first operational mentality. Members 1st is a not-for-profit financial institution. On the surface, you can’t really tell the difference between Members 1st and other types of financial institutions.


They all offer the same type of products and services similar to any other type of financial institution. The difference is in the behindthe-scenes operation. Banks have stockholders, while credit unions do not. That means credit unions don’t pay their board of directors a salary or pay big bonuses to their higherups. The sole purpose of the credit union is to serve its members. We have all seen the large bank bailout news and may have concerns of more bank failures. There is also concern about increased regulation pushing out the small banks. I asked Bob what he believed was the future for small community banks. Bob’s eyes lit up and a smile crossed his face. He stated that they had 28 percent growth in September. He further stated that, nationally, the large banks have approximately 45 percent market share, but that he sees it soon shrinking. Bob discussed Members 1st’s growth. The credit union has been in business since 1950 and has 200,000 members and $2 billion in assets. They’ve expanded their operations to Lancaster County, not to put up buildings, but to bring another choice to not only that community, but to others as well. In 2010, Members 1st opened nine new branches and opened five in 2011. He attributes their growth to several things but keyed in on the fact that Members 1st doesn’t nickel-and-dime its members with excessive fees. And they offer an extensive branch network and all of the modern technological conveniences that online and mobile banking can bring. The Advice Guy also attests growth to the simple act of listening. Members 1st solicits comments, both good and bad, from

its members so that they can better serve them. I asked how they are adapting to serve the growing Hispanic population. Again, Bob smiled and showed me an extensive bilingual website and talked about how they have identified associates who speak languages other than English. Having bilingual associates is helpful in bridging any perceived service gaps. In addition to the website and the bilingual employees, the credit union is also developing outreach into the Hispanic community. This interview was held at Herby’s Mexican Restaurant; one reason was the good food, but the other was to enroll the owner, Maria Maroquine, into the Members 1st Select Employer Group (SEG). When a business becomes a SEG, it can offer credit union membership to their employees as a free benefit. It also provides the business with educational and networking opportunities. As the interview concluded, I was impressed with the dedication and energy that both Bob and George showed for their mission of helping to make Members 1st a preferred financial institution in the area. They are growing, educating the community in finance, involved in helping others beyond banking and lending money while the big banks seem to be backing away from supplying capital to small companies. I left with the overall impression that this was a financial institution with heart, and with what is happening on Wall Street, that’s a good thing.

El espíritu de dar vuelta por Graham S. Hetrick Continued on page 22

Es casi imposible para vivir, trabajar, conducir y existen en Southcentral Pennsylvania, sin saber que personaje amante de la diversión, entusiasmo, y robusto conocido como el tipo asesoramiento. Usted sabe que queremos decir - está en las vallas publicitarias, en anuncios y aparece de la nada.Recientemente he tenido tiempo de sentarse y reunirse con el hombre detrás de las gafas y el famoso cabo - Bob Marquette, el tipo que traen vida al personaje. Marquette no es ajeno a la escena local de servicios financieros. Él es el Presidente y CEO de miembros de la Unión de Crédito Federal de primera base en Harrisburg. Cuando el

individuo consejo es, también hay George Nahodil, Vice Presidente Ejecutivo de Marquette de entrega al por menor, Relaciones Públicas y Marketing. Él es el tipo que hace que el individuo se queda asesoramiento en la tarea y no permite que la capa en el camino de las operaciones diarias. Mientras que un truco de marketing, los miembros del equipo de Marketing de primera ha encontrado que el tipo Asesoramiento se nota y que los distingue de marketing tradicional institución financiera. Miembros primera ha sido un gran amigo y partidario de Estamos Unidos, y nuestro anual “Fiesta de Los Niños” del evento. Cada Navidad nos

Unidad, Fuerza Y Dirección Continued from page 3

statistics is the actual number of Hispanic-owned businesses in the state. The number is close to 23,000, according to the SBA Office of Advocacy, 2010. Paul also spoke about the Hispanic population being the fastestgrowing population base in the U.S. If you look at the records of the 2010 Census, you will find that the Hispanic market has led U.S. population growth in the last 10 years. The Hispanic market is responsible for contributing almost $1 trillion in buying power in 2010. Followed by Paul Navarro’s informative and empowering speech was the announcement by Sheri Phillips of a dance presentation given by Folklórico San Jose. This dance group was made up of the most vibrantly colorful dresses worn by talented female dancers. The men were equally talented and meticulously dressed in black caballero outfits, accompanied by intricately woven sombreros accented with colorful bands – a true treat for the audience. As the tiny footsteps were heard by the caballero boots, an array of wildly colorful dresses pin-wheeled through each dance step in unison – a dessert for the eyes. A wild ovation ensued. Unfortunately, the program had to come to an end. The closing remarks were given by Barbara Franco, executive director of the Historical and Museum Commission. Although Barbara delivered the closing remarks, hope was left in her words as she announced that we would be retiring to the lobby to sample the great delicacies of Anastacia’s, El Sol, Herby’s, Las Delicias and Tres Hermanos. These fine Hispanic establishments did not disappoint in any way. The only problem with the food; leaving enough room for the glorious dessert. What a fiesta!

alimentamos de unas 1.200 personas y regalar más de 900 juguetes en nuestra celebración anual. Desde el inicio del evento, los miembros primero ha proporcionado numerosos voluntarios para ayudar en el evento y trabajar con nosotros haciendo detrás de la preparación de las escenas. Esta experiencia sólo en la observación de los miembros primero en la acción me hizo darme cuenta de que Bob Guy Asesoramiento y toda su tripulación a miembros primera verdaderamente camina su charla en el espíritu de devolver a la comunidad y que la gente fuerte mentalidad operativa en primer lugar.

Miembros primera es una institución sin fines de lucro. En la superficie, en realidad no se puede decir la diferencia entre los miembros de primera y otros tipos de instituciones financieras. Todas ellas ofrecen el mismo tipo de productos y servicios similares a cualquier otro tipo de institución financiera. La diferencia está en el detrás de escenas de la operación. Los bancos tienen accionistas y las cooperativas de crédito no. Esto significa que las cooperativas de crédito no paga sus consejos de administración un sueldo o pagar grandes primas a sus altos superiores. El único propósito de la cooperativa de crédito es para servir a sus

Seeing, Knowing and Recognizing Yourself Continued from page 7

acknowledgement. When we are aware and have understood the implications of keeping ourselves positive, the acknowledgement occurs. It is the movement that goes from the sole know-how to the process of awareness; from the condition of consciousness to the incorporation of feelings that happen in the development of understanding; and from the course of discernment to the process of recognition, which only occurs in the state of acknowledgement. Finally, after having identified ways to know, to become aware, promote understanding and acknowledge facts; we can analyze the balanced combination of knowledge and information, feelings and sensations, thoughts and intentions so that we can be transported to the process of acceptance, which is the higher level of understanding – the multidimensional stage of respect and the wisest stage of acknowledging. It is in the status of respect and acceptance when people may find most frequently the light, the aura, the essence, the strength, the fortitude and the atmosphere to see themselves reflected as they were created to be – a unique human capable to enjoy the best of life, to rediscover the virtue of their own self and to share it with their fellow human.

NOVEMBER 2011 11

November is Cancer Awareness Month Prevent Colorectal Cancer? Yes, We Can! by Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.

• Age • Genetics • Family history of CRC • Having had polyps or CRC • Having a history of bowel disease

In honor of Cancer Awareness Month, many of us are observing this time by presenting and reporting on cancer prevention, treatment and control. For me, I want to personally dedicate this article to everyone that has been affected by colorectal cancer (CRC). I will provide you with general information about CRC and ways to prevent it. A community-based CRC screening opportunity will also be shared. Can CRC Be Prevented? CRC is one of the most preventable cancers. Detection and removal of adenomatous polyps has been shown, through randomized clinical trials, to reduce CRC incidence and mortality rates. Screening can stop CRC before it starts, or find it early, when it is likely to be easier to treat. Diet and exercise play an important role in CRC prevention. CRC Risk Factors Modifiable risk factors (things you can change): • High red/processed meat intake • Cooking meats in high temps • Low dietary fiber intake • Low physical fitness levels • Overweight/obesity • Smoking • Diabetes Non-Modifiable risk factors (things you cannot change):


Underutilization of CRC Screening CRC screening can save lives. Unfortunately, CRC screening rates remain low for Latinos in the United States. In Pennsylvania, in 2006, only 46 percent of Latinos, over the age of 50, reported that they have had a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy screening in the past five years. Only 25 percent of Latinos (compared to 52 percent of white, nonlatinos) in Pennsylvania reported having a home blood stool test in the past two years. This may be due to existing or perceived barriers to CRC screenings. Barriers to CRC Screening Barriers reported to CRC screening among Latinos in the U.S. include lack of health care coverage and low levels of education; fatalism; lack of knowledge about or awareness of CRC; language barriers; lack of insurance; undocumented legal status; seeking health care only when sick; fear; denial; other needs more pressing than preventive care; use of home remedies rather than biomedical care; lack of communication skills and self-efficacy skills to act on motivation; unavailability and inaccessibility of fecal occult blood test kits; perceived lack of social support; and physician recommendation. Barriers to CRC Screening Among Latinos in Pennsylvania In 2008, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center cancer investigators (Dr. Oralia Dominic and Dr. Eugene Lengerich) conducted the first ever research study in Pennsylvanian comparing CRC screening behaviors of Latinos by geography (urban and rural) and sex (male and female) status. They also examined barriers to CRC screening among this population. In this study, they found substantial barriers by sex and geography, including urban residents received screenings during annual check-ups,

while rural residents received screenings in response to symptoms. Low levels of health literacy, knowledge and awareness of CRC risk and screening were reported barriers across groups. The family unit and strong social support were also factors reported as influencing their CRC-screening behavior. Participants identified 57 barriers to CRC screening that fit into five categories: physical environment, structural factors, sociocultural factors, individual factors and physician-related barriers. Latino participants also identified potential strategies to overcome each reported barrier. These findings suggest that a targeted CRC screening intervention utilizing a physicianrecommended home fecal immunochemical test with instructions is preferred among Latinos over a nontargeted approach. These study findings were used to inform the design of a National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute-funded communitybased CRC intervention for Latinos residing in central Pennsylvania. The project is called The Impact of a Targeted Colorectal Cancer Screening Intervention among Latinos in Central Pennsylvania. This project provides a free community-based CRC screening opportunity with education to 264 Latinos residing in the area. To learn more about this free CRC screening, please contact Dr. Oralia at (717) 531-7178. Free CRC Screening Opportunity Offered in 2011-2012 Are you age 50 or older? If so, these Penn State Hershey Medical Center researchers may have an opportunity for you. They need Latinos at least 50 years old to participate in a research study to help understand how we can improve the colorectal cancer screening rates of Latinos. Participation includes a short questionnaire and a brief education session with compensation held at a local community center (located in Mifflintown, Dauphin, Lancaster and Lebanon counties – just to name a few). For more information, call (717) 531-7178 and ask for the study directors Dr. Oralia and Dr. Eugene.

Free CRC exam/screening opportunities in Central PA. Dauphin County (Steelton/Harrisburg) November 17, 2011 – 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Kambic Family Medicine, 483 North Front Street, Steelton Call the office at (717) 939-4593 or Dr. Oralia at (717) 531-7178.

Mifflintown (Juniata/Mifflin/Lewistown) November 19, 2011 – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. St. Jude Thaddeus Iglesia Católica, 3918 William Penn Highway, Mifflintown Call Dr. Weary at (717) 242-2781, Jorge Flores at (717) 2504119, Carlos Renderos at (215) 834-4490 or Dr. Oralia at (717) 531-7178.

Lancaster December 14, 2011 – 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 50 South Prince Street, Lancaster Call Modesto Rodriguez at (717) 380-1001 or Dr. Oralia at (717) 531-7178. To learn about other locations that offer free CRC screening in central Pa. contact Dr. Oralia at (717) 531-7178. Please take very good care of yourself. Remember, you can protect yourself from colorectal cancer. Post your comments and question in the box provided below. You can also send your health questions to ¡Hola, Oralia! at dr.oraliagarciadominic@ Together we can help keep Pennsylvania residents healthy. ¡Salud!

NOVEMBER 2011 13

A Delicious Holiday Menu You can host a fabulous holiday dinner party with a guaranteed-delicious menu like this one, crafted by Kendall-Jackson® and The Beef Checkoff. Sweet and Savory Petite Steak Sandwiches set the party off on the right note. The first bite of the entrée, juicy Pistachio-Crusted Tenderloin with Cabernet Sauce, will have guests begging for the recipe. And for the perfect ending, offer Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Riesling Raisins. Holiday Beef Roasts Tenderloin Roast: The most tender of all, this lean roast is available whole or as a smaller center-cut. Rib Roast: This showstopper is rich in flavor. Rib bones provide a natural roasting rack.

Tri-Tip Roast: Also known as Bottom Sirloin Roast, this triangular roast is versatile and lean. For more beef recipes and cooking tips, visit Wine Tasting Notes Kendall-Jackson® Vintner’s Reserve® Cabernet Sauvignon features aromas of deep black cherry, blackberry and cassis with well-defined round tannins. These tannins balance out the richness of a roast or steak. Kendall-Jackson® Vintner’s Reserve® Riesling is deliciously crisp with lots of fruit and subtle spice notes. Perfect with a dessert like panna cotta. To learn more about Kendall-Jackson wines and recipes, visit

Pistachio-Crusted Tenderloin with Cabernet Sauce Serve with Kendall-Jackson® Vintner’s Reserve® Cabernet Sauvignon Makes 8 to 12 servings 1/4 1 2 1

cup salted, shelled pistachio nuts, chopped tablespoon chopped fresh thyme tablespoons Dijon-style mustard center-cut beef tenderloin roast (about 2 to 3 pounds)

Cabernet Sauce: 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 ounces cremini or button mushrooms, sliced 1/4 cup finely chopped shallots 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup reduced-sodium beef broth, divided 1 cup Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 1 tablespoon cornstarch Heat oven to 425°F. Combine nuts and thyme in small bowl. Spread mustard evenly over all surfaces of beef roast; press nut mixture evenly onto mustard. Place roast in shallow roasting pan. Insert ovenproof meat thermometer so tip is centered in thickest part of beef. Do not add water or cover. Roast 35 to 40 minutes for medium rare; 45 to 50 minutes for medium doneness. Remove roast when meat thermometer registers 135°F for medium rare; 150°F for medium. Transfer roast to carving board; tent loosely with aluminum foil. Let stand 15 to 20 minutes. (Temperature will continue to rise about 10°F to reach 145°F for medium rare; 160°F for medium.) Meanwhile, prepare cabernet sauce. Heat olive oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Add mushrooms, shallots and salt; cook and stir 6 to 9 minutes or until mushrooms are browned. Add 3/4 cup broth and wine to skillet; increase heat and bring to a boil; reduce heat slightly and cook 12 to 16 minutes or until liquid is reduced to 1 1/2 cups. Combine remaining 1/4 cup broth and cornstarch in small bowl. Whisk cornstarch mixture into wine mixture; bring to a boil. Cook 1 to 2 minutes or until sauce thickens, stirring frequently. Carve roast into slices; season with salt, as desired. Serve with cabernet sauce. Courtesy of The Beef Checkoff and Kendall-Jackson Winery


Buttermilk Panna Cotta with Riesling Raisins; Serve with Kendall-Jackson® Vintner’s Reserve® Riesling Makes 8 servings 3 2 2 2 1/2 1 1 2 2

sheets gelatin cups Riesling cups cream tablespoons honey cup sugar cup golden raisins vanilla bean, split and scraped ounces pine nuts, toasted cups buttermilk

Sweet and Savory Petite Steak Sandwiches Makes 12 petite sandwiches 1 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 1/2 12 1/2

pound beef top sirloin steak, cut 1-inch thick tablespoon vegetable oil cups diced red onion cups balsamic vinegar tablespoons sugar teaspoon pepper small dinner rolls, split, toasted cup blue cheese crumbles chives (optional)

Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onions; cook and stir 2 to 3 minutes or until crisptender. Add vinegar and sugar; In bowl, add gelatin sheets and cover with ice-cold water. Allow to sit until bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer softened. In sauce pot, combine cream, sugar and vanilla bean. Bring to a simmer and 30 to 35 minutes or until reduced to about 3/4 cup, stirring occasionally. remove from heat. Squeeze out water from gelatin and add gelatin to cream Meanwhile, press pepper evenly mixture. Add buttermilk, stir to combine. onto steak. Heat large nonstick Strain and pour into 8 (4-ounce) ramekins. Let set at least 4 hours in the skillet over medium heat. Place steak in skillet; cook 15 to 18 minutes refrigerator. for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning In small pot, combine wine, honey and raisins. Bring to a simmer and cook occasionally. Carve into thin slices. 5 minutes. Remove raisins from liquid and reserve. Reduce liquid to 1/4 cup. Spread 1 tablespoon onion mixture on bottom half of rolls. Top Allow to cool and combine with raisins. Top each panna cotta with 2 tablespoons of raisin mixture and sprinkle with evenly with beef, blue cheese and chives. Courtesy of The Beef Checkoff 1/2 tablespoon pine nuts. Courtesy of Kendall-Jackson Winery

NOVEMBER 2011 15

Your Injury and Unemployment Compensation By Mark Kogan, Esq. With WSK lawyers


s a lawyer, who specializes in work injuries, I sometimes see cases where an injured worker loses his job. This can be the direct or indirect result of the work injury, and there are ways for people to seek help in order to provide for themselves and their family. Under certain circumstances, an employee may be eligible for unemployment benefits if the employee quits his or her job because an injury prevented them doing the work, or if continuing to do the work would aggravate an existing medical condition. Such medical conditions may be either physical or emotional. However, the employee must met three requirements before he or she is eligible for unemployment compensation benefits under these circumstances. First, an adequate health reason must have existed at the time of voluntary departure that justified leaving employment voluntarily. An adequate health reason is a medical condition that either prevented the employee from doing the job or continuing to do the job would aggravate an existing medical condition. Second, the employee must tell his or her employer of the health-related problem prior to quitting his job. This requirement may be excused if such effort would be futile. However, I strongly discourage anyone from skipping this requirement regardless of how futile you believe


such effort would be. Since doing so would place an additional burden on the employee to prove that such effort would have been fruitless. Third, the employee must remain able and available for other type of work that would not aggravate an existing medical condition. An employee who is unable to do any type of work because of a medical condition does not

qualify for unemployment benefits under any circumstances. An employee must be able and available for another type of work that would not aggravate an existing medical condition. An employee is not required to ask for another type of work that would not aggravate his or her medical condition. As a final matter, I would advise any employee whose former employer is contesting their right to receive unemployment compensation benefits to bring copies of doctor notes given to the employer informing their former employer that the employee’s job would aggravate the medical condition. The employee should also write down the names, the dates and the person with whom he or she spoke to concerning the medical condition and how it relates to the job. Lastly, if the employer is contesting the unemployment benefits, the injured employee should seek out the assistance of an experienced lawyer to help with the case. Your area bar association can help locate a lawyer that specializes in matters concerning unemployment benefits. If you have any questions related to this article, please do not hesitate to contact the lawyers of the community at (888) WSK-Law1 or visit our website at

Entrevista con Carlos Rodriguez, nuestro escritor de Lebanon Por Esmeralda Hetrick

Carlos Rodriguez

Lebanon tendrá una voz que expresará el corazón de su comunidad Latino Americana. Pues Carlos cuentame, como llegaste a Lebanon PA? Le digo que nunca me imagine que viviría en los Estados Unidos, estaba estudiando en la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico en mi segundo año cuando decidí

casarme, vine en el 1989 y me case por acá, tenga dos preciosas niñas que Dios me dio. Estudie tres años de Instituto Bíblico y me he dedicado al servicio a mi comunidad. Cuál ha sido tu envolvimiento en la ciudad de Lebanon? Creo que lo primero ha sido el ministerio de la música, llevando un mensaje de esperanza ,fe y amor a parques ,escuelas asilos de ancianos y prisiones; luego dirigiendo un Programa Radial llamado “Caminando” , fue el primer programa en su clase aquí en Lebanon con música ,palabras te exhortación y consejos para el diario vivir. Después vi la necesidad de formar una asociación de vecinos con el propósito de mejorar la calidad de vida y la seguridad.

Dime Carlos, porque haces todo esto? Creo que nacimos para servir, que es nuestra responsabilidad, no me gusta recibir aplausos por lo que hago, solo cumplo con mi misión. Me mencionaste que llevas a cabo un evento comunitario por seis años, cuéntame de que se trata? Es algo muy emocionante, se llama “The National Night Out” se celebra todos los años el primer martes de Agosto en todos los Estados Unidos y en bases militares. Música, comidas, juegos, mascotas y mucha diversión, con el propósito de fortalecer, construir una mejor unidad entre la comunidad y los diferentes departamentos como la policía, bomberos, swat team, CSI, y en ocasiones líderes del gobierno

local y estatal, agencias como la cruz roja y mucha información. Todo esto con la ayuda de personas muy dedicadas a su pueblo y negocios que auspician este evento. Qué esperamos de tú columna? Pues será muy interesante, no para mí sino para nuestros lectores, las cosas que el pueblo le gusta leer. Información, eventos, anuncios, entrevistas, lo que está pasando. Me gusta compartir pensamientos y oír a otros. Estoy seguro que La L Voz Latina Central impactará a nuestra comunidad. Bienvenidos a Carlos a La Voz Latina. Espero que la comunidad de Lebanon se oiga entre Pennsylvania Central.

NOVEMBER 2011 17

Keeping Resolutions While on the Go Inspiring Recipes by Chef Candice Kumai, Courtesy of Family Features Year after year, saving money and eating healthier rank high on the list of New Year’s resolutions, but as many know all too well, busy schedules can make it hard to keep these resolutions up. Pretty Delicious author and Top Chef alum Candice Kumai has partnered with The Glad Products Company to create delicious recipes that help bring healthy food out of the kitchen, and in turn, help to save you both the cost and calories associated with eating lunch out. Chef Kumai’s recipes are inspired by Glad To Go reusable lunch and snack containers, which feature a detachable 1.5-ounce “To Go” cup that

snaps into the lid – allowing you to confidently transport foods that you haven’t been able to before. Just imagine – no more dressing-leak disasters when bringing a salad to work. “Now there’s no excuse for us to break our New Year’s resolutions,” says Kumai. “My recipes are not only healthy, delicious, convenient meal time options, but they fit into our everyday lives while helping to save money, time and calories and reduce waste.” For additional recipes, lunchtime tips, coupon offerings and more, visit

Spicy Tequila Lime Shrimp Salad Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes Serves: 4

For the shrimp 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove, minced 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin Pinch red pepper flakes 1 pound medium shrimp, deveined 3 tablespoons high-quality tequila Salt, to taste 1 teaspoon dried chipotle powder 2 to 3 tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped For the salad 4 cups dark, leafy mixed greens 1/2 cup roasted red peppers, sliced thin 1/2 cup black beans, drained and rinsed 1 avocado, sliced thin For the dressing 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt 3 tablespoons high-quality tequila 1 tablespoon grated lime zest 1 teaspoon hot sauce 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice Pinch of sea salt to taste Add olive oil to a large skillet over medium heat. Once oil is hot, add chopped garlic and cook for about 1 minute. Add cumin and red pepper flakes, and let flavors blend together. Add shrimp and toss. Carefully add tequila and cook until alcohol burns off. Season with salt, and add dried chipotle powder. Once shrimp are cooked, add chopped cilantro, toss and put aside on a plate. Toss mixed greens in a large salad bowl and add in roasted red peppers and black beans. In medium bowl, whisk all of the dressing ingredients together and alter to desired taste by adding additional hot sauce and salt. Top with avocado slices and sautéed shrimp.


Roasted Fig and Blue Cheese Salad Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 20 minutes Serves: 4

For the figs 2 cups fresh black mission figs, sliced in half 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon honey 1/4 teaspoon sea salt For the salad 1/2 cup blue cheese, cut into elegant wedges or thin slices 6 cups mixed salad greens with arugula 1/2 cup candied walnuts Sea salt to taste For the dressing 3 tablespoons honey 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/4 teaspoon sea salt To roast figs, preheat the oven to 350째F. Remove stems off end of each fig, then slice fig in half. Roast for approximately 30 minutes or until a bit golden brown. Remove and cool slightly. In small mixing bowl, mix 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, olive oil and honey. Add figs and toss to coat evenly. Marinate for 5 to 10 minutes. Whisk honey, mustard, 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar and sea salt together to create dressing. Place greens in large salad bowl; toss in candied walnuts. Serve with two fig halves on top of each salad with a blue cheese wedge.

Spinach Salad with Walnuts, Strawberries and Goat Cheese Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Serves: 4 For the salad 1/2 4 8 1/4 3 2 1/4 1/4

cup walnuts cups fresh spinach, stems trimmed large strawberries, hulled and thinly sliced cup crumbled goat cheese for the dressing tablespoons honey tablespoons Dijon mustard cup balsamic vinegar teaspoon sea salt

Heat the oven to 375째F. Place walnuts on rimmed baking sheet and bake until fragrant and toasted, about 8 minutes. Transfer to a plate to cool. Toss spinach with strawberries in a large bowl. In small bowl, whisk together honey, mustard, vinegar and salt. Sprinkle walnuts on top of spinach and strawberries mix. Serve sprinkled with goat cheese, with remaining dressing on the side.

NOVEMBER 2011 19

El espíritu de dar vuelta por Graham S. Hetrick Continued from page 13

Además de la página web y los empleados bilingües, la Cooperativa de Crédito también se está desarrollando de divulgación en la comunidad hispana. miembros. Bob expresó que los Miembros de primera sirve a la comunidad total de la media de Joe o Jane individuales a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas. Ellos se encargan de la gente de todo tipo de datos demográficos y antecedentes financieros. También se han comprometido a ayudar a los miembros y la comunidad con lo que Bob llama “educación financiera”. Miembros primera cuenta con un amplio programa gratuito de educación financiera que se ha asociado con muchos distritos escolares locales para ofrecer programas para ayudar a los estudiantes a ser sabio sobre sus finanzas. El también ofrecen gratuitamente en los seminarios y programas públicos en los negocios de la gente a aprender sobre finanzas personales y desarrollar habilidades necesarias financieros. Bob y George han estado profundamente involucrados en los individuos de tutoría, tanto dentro de la Cooperativa de Crédito y en la comunidad en general. Todos hemos visto las noticias de rescate bancario y puede tener

grandes preocupaciones de las quiebras bancarias. También hay preocupación por una mayor regulación presionando a los bancos pequeños. Le pregunté a Bob lo que él creía era el futuro de los bancos comunitarios pequeños. Los ojos de Bob se iluminaron y una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro. Dijo que tenían 28% de crecimiento en septiembre.Señaló, además, que a nivel nacional de los bancos grandes tienen aproximadamente el 45% del mercado, sino que ve pronto disminuyendo. Bob discute primero es el crecimiento de miembros. La cooperativa de crédito ha estado en negocio desde 1950 y cuenta con 200.000 miembros y $ 2 mil millones en activos. Que han ampliado sus operaciones al condado de Lancaster no poner a los edificios, sino para traer otra opción, no sólo para la comunidad, sino a otros también. En 2010, los Miembros primero abrió nueve oficinas nuevas y abierto cinco en 2011. Él atribuye su crecimiento a varias cosas, pero introducido en el hecho de que los miembros primero no peseteros y centavo a


sus miembros tarifas excesivas. Y ofrecen una amplia red de sucursales y todas las comodidades tecnológicas que la banca en línea y móvil puede aportar. El individuo también da fe de Asesoramiento de crecimiento para el simple acto de escuchar. Miembros primero solicita comentarios, tanto buenos como malos, de sus miembros para que mejor les puede servir. Le pregunté cómo se están adaptando para servir a la creciente población hispana. Una vez más, Bob sonrió y me mostró un extenso sitio web bilingüe y habló de cómo se han identificado asociados que hablan idiomas distintos del Inglés. Tener asociados bilingües es útil en la reducción de las deficiencias de servicio percibida. Además de la página web y los empleados bilingües, la Cooperativa de Crédito también se está desarrollando de divulgación en la comunidad hispana. Esta entrevista se celebró en el restaurante mexicano de Herby, una de las razones fue la buena comida, pero el otro fue a inscribir a su titular, María Maroquine

a los miembros del grupo primero empleador a seleccionar (SEG). Cuando una empresa se convierte en un segmento, que puede ofrecer a miembros de cooperativas de crédito a sus empleados como un beneficio gratuito. También proporciona la empresa con las oportunidades de educación y trabajo en red. Como conclusión de la entrevista me quedé impresionado con la dedicación y la energía que tanto Bob y George mostró a su misión de ayudar a hacer que los miembros primera institución financiera de preferencia en el área. Están creciendo, educar a la comunidad en las finanzas, que participan en ayudar a los demás más allá de la banca y el préstamo de dinero, mientras que los grandes bancos parecen estar alejándose de suministro de capital para las pequeñas empresas. Me fui con la impresión general de que se trataba de una institución financiera con el corazón y con lo que está pasando en Wall Street, que es una buena cosa.

NOVEMBER 2011 21

Southcentral PA Service Summit Award Winners By Patti Boccassini


he Southcentral PA (SCPA) Service Summit was held last month at the Pennsylvania State Capitol Rotunda. The SCPA focuses on civic engagement, public service and creativity in business and service. The summit was presented by Get Involved! Inc. and Baker Leadership – a Pittsburgh-based organization, whose focus is to engage and excite young professionals to make a difference in their community. Awards were presented to those individuals for their commitment in assisting others and dedication to improving their community. The Hershey Company graciously donated $500 to the Baker Leadership program in honor of Harrisburg resident and winner of the PA Male Emerging Leader Award, George Fernandez.

2011 Get Involved! Honorees Man of the Year: Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley Man of the Year is presented to a community leader who is an active and passionate member of nonprofit boards and organizations and who gives his sweat equity to improve our community and help service others. Woman of the Year: Mayor Kim Bracey Woman of the Year is presented to a community leader who is an active and passionate member of nonprofit boards and organizations and who gives her sweat equity to improve our community and help service others. Male Emerging Leader Award (18-25 years old): George Fernandez Male Rising Star is presented to a young professional who gives his time and talent to worthwhile causes both inside and outside of work and school. Female Emerging Leader Award (18-25 years old): Christina Beall Female Rising Star is presented to a young professional who gives her time and talent to worthwhile causes both inside and outside of work and school. Preston Kilgore Young Leader Award (ages 11-18 years old): Daniel Malcolm The Preston Kilgore Young Leader Award is presented annually to a student who participates as a little brother or little sister in a local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency and who is active in their school and community. Southcentral PA Rising Stars Local young professionals (ages 21 to 29) in the nonprofit, business and government sectors recognized at the Service Summit for their commitment to assisting others and dedications to improving their community. 2011 Honorees: Colleen Anderson, Faith Bender, Valerie Caras, Colin Day, Ethan Demme, Mike Downing, Charles Gehret, Tim Hortsmann, Joel Jukus, Puja Khare, Todd Kowalski, Cindy Lonergan, Zach Love, Andrew Moyer, Joe Murzyn, Ace Reddy, Jennie Shade, Kelly Silvis, Kathryn Tartaglia, Jeff Varner, Colleen Weldon and Meron Yemane.


Toni Harman, Manager for Community Outreach Services, United Healthcare Community Plan; George Fernandez; and James Jones, Director of Sales and Marketing, United Healthcare Community Plan

El Día de los Muertos por Betsy Basom


n los pueblos del sur de México y de Guatemala, igual que en la ciudad de Los Ángeles, California se celebra un día de fiesta curioso que se llama El Día de los Muertos, o el Día de los Difuntos. Durante el primer y segundo días del mes de noviembre, la gente honra a los seres queridos que han muerto. Las tradiciones del Día de los Muertos son una mezcla de tradiciones católicas del Día de los Santos y de creencias indígenas. Muchas personas que celebran el Día de los Muertos creen que durante la noche del 31

juegan a naipes, escuchan a una banda o a unas personas que cantan y tocan la guitarra, y recuerdan a los seres queridos. En los Estados Unidos, El Día de los Muertos llega a ser muy popular. En la ciudad de Los Ángeles, hay numerosas fiestas, también en las escuelas. Se ha convertido en un día de fiesta como lo del Día de Brujas, o Halloween. En el cementario famoso de Hollywood Forever, hay gran fiesta donde la gente entran en concurso de ofrendas. Construyen unas ofrendas tremendamente elaboradas, como obras de arte, y las más creativas ganan premios. Hay comida, bandas, y un mercado donde se puede comprar regalitos como pendientes de esqueletos, calacas, o calaveras de azúcar. En unas escuelas también hay fiestas iguales como las de Halloween. Los alumnos estudian el arte de Jose Guadalupe Posada, crean ofrenditas, decoran calaveras de azúcar, y comen pan de muertos. Para mucha gente el Día de los Muertos es un día muy especial. Betsy Basom, maestra de Village School en Los Angeles, CA de octubre, los espíritus de los niños difuntos (los angelitos) vienen y se reúnen con las familias. El dos de noviembre, los espíritus de los adultos difuntos vienen y disfrutan de las ofrendas que la gente prepara. Se construyen, en muchos pueblos, unos altares que se llaman ofrendas. Las ofrendas frecuentemente son decorados de fotos del difunto, las velas, el copal, las flores (cempasúchil), las frutas, unos platos de mole, tortillas, pan de muertos y otros alimentos para complacer a los espíritus. También se ofrecen agua,

botellas de refrescos preferidos, y chocolate caliente en las ofrendas. Dejan juguetes, esqueletitos, calacas, y calaveras de azúcar para los angelitos, y a veces, cigarrillos y alcohol para los espíritus de los adultos. La celebración del Día de los Muertos puede costar mucho. Hay gente que gasta saldos de dos meses para honrar a los difuntos. Esa gente cree que los espíritus felices darán la protección, la buena suerte, y la sabiduría a las familias. El dos de noviembre por la tarde, la celebración se lleva al cementario. Las personas limpian a las tumbas,

NOVEMBER 2011 23

Latinos on the Hill By Patricio Basom


ast month, inside the Capitol Rotunda, Latino business owners, Latino Chambers of Commerce and legislators met for an annual advocacy event to educate the legislature on Hispanic business issues. The event was sponsored by the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce with its director, Varsovia Fernandez, giving the opening remarks of welcome. Dignitaries were present from the three other Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in Pennsylvania, including Sarah Corella Wingert, executive director of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Central PA; Lenin Agudo, director of the Berks County Latino Chamber of Commerce; and Ron Alvarado, president of the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. The Hispanic Chambers of Pennsylvania dignitaries were not only in attendance, but they also gave remarks respectively in regard to each chamber’s


involvement with the current initiatives in front of the legislators. Also in attendance was the HCCCP’s Board of Directors: Paul Navarro, president; Michael Barrett, treasurer; and Julio Pena, secretary. This was a wonderful opportunity for all of the Hispanic chambers and Hispanic businessmen and women to strengthen their voice and to show legislators the economic impact that the Hispanic business community has on local economies within the Commonwealth. This forum also provided an opportunity for Hispanic business owners to network and build lasting alliances to promote solidarity and growth amongst all businesses, not only within Pennsylvania, but also nationally and internationally. During the main portion of the event, legislators met one-on-one with the advocates. This provided a more personal, in-depth session to voice their concerns and to ask the legislators to address the following issues:

• A positive immigration policy environment that supports diversity and the small business economy. • Access to capital and adequate funding streams for small Hispanic-owned businesses. • Tax incentive opportunities for small Hispanicowned businesses to help them grow. • Adequate opportunities to stimulate minority participation and to make procurement programs more accessible to Hispanics There are approximately 22 bills in front of the legislature right now, ranging from immigration to taxes, where the outcomes will have a significant impact on the Hispanic community. The Latinos on the Hill annual event, this year, enlightened many legislators and strengthened all Hispanic advocates. At the end of the forum, you could hear only one thing: the resounding echo of a unified and confident Hispanic voice rebounding off of the beautifully adorned murals above all in the rotunda.

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