2015 BendFilm Festival Program Guide

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You Focus On The Shot

We’ll Focus On The Rest Congratulations To The Filmmakers

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Messages from BendFilm and Collaborators.



When, where, how and how much? Here's what you need to know to enjoy the year's selection of great indie films.



Meet our accomplished jurors who will be working the panels and deciding who brings home our awards.



A rundown of the categories, prizes and cash we are proud to award our accomplished filmmakers.



Peek behind the curtain of indie filmmaking, hosted by our visiting filmmakers and jurors.



Festival venue map.





What's a festival without a party? This is your party guide for 2015.





Take home some swag commemorating BendFilm 2015.

22 24 28 32 40



Help support independent film in Bend. Here's how.



A list of filmmakers representing their films for Q&A’s and conversation.



A special thanks to the people who tirelessly work to make this festival possible.

2014 BendFilm Festival Photos by: Steven Addington Photography, Tina Ellis Photography, Karen Cammack Photograpy and Barb Gonzalez Photography.



View the winner of this year's student filmmaker competition.




These companies, and the people behind them, keep the BendFilm Festival alive year after year. Without them, we would not be reading this program and preparing to watch amazing independent cinema. Please take a moment of your time and acknowledge their generous contributions and patronage. Decide to support their businesses throughout the year as a way of thanking them for bringing BendFilm to your community this year and for many years to come.










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WELCOME TO THE 12TH ANNUAL LETTER FROM THE BOARD For twelve years, we have been thrilled to bring you the BendFilm Festival. We welcome you with enthusiasm and gratitude to yet another celebration of independent film. You are here because you love film. Perhaps you’ve been here since the beginning or perhaps this is your first BendFilm year. Either way you’re here to support independent filmmakers and the creativity, conversation and connectivity they bring to Bend each October. The filmmakers may be the ones creating cinematic labors of love, but they could not be doing so without you. It is your own love of film — of great acting, directing, screenwriting, cinematography and more — that sustains indie filmmakers and keeps them going. We are proud to enrich the cultural life of Central Oregon during these four October days. One of the finest things about BendFilm, we believe, is the opportunity to build community. We hope you will expand your personal horizons as you watch films, attend panels, and interact with actors, filmmakers, your friends and neighbors. The films you will see bring voices and visions to our community from the perspective of so many human experiences and cultures, and remind us of our differences, but also our similarities. We hope that the moving pictures of BendFilm bring you a little closer to the big picture of life. There are many people and organizations to thank for making this festival possible. Foremost is our founding sponsor, Brooks Resources. They have been essential to BendFilm from the start. The same can be said for our many other sponsors who continue to make this festival happen, year after year; to the cities and citizens of Central Oregon, who give such marvelous annual support to the festival; and to tbd advertising, the creative and professional agency so responsible for getting our message out.

LETTER FROM THE FESTIVAL DIRECTOR In 2004 our founder, Katie Merritt, rallied our community to put on a world-class event in the perfect place for a film festival. Our community has given us new opportunities to expand and improve in each of our dozen festivals since. 2015 was certainly no exception. This year, BendFilm was the recipient of the Bend Cultural Tourism Grant (BCTF) which provided funds to increase our audience and quality of our Festival. For those of you joining us for the first time, we hope you are already enjoying the world renowned Bend hospitality. For those of you returning, we hope you see the improvements this grant has facilitated. BendFilm received another generous grant from the Meyer Memorial Trust which enabled us to hire our Festival Programmer, Mimi Brody. Mimi joins us after over 15 years programming festivals and film series. The program Mimi and our volunteer screening committee tirelessly assembled is among our very best. This group made sure to include independent films from all different genres, tones, subject matters, new, old, US-made and, especially new this year, a Foreign Films program. There are many films for each member of our audience. Mimi and team went above and beyond to give Bend and our visitors something to


Our gratitude to Todd Looby, our director, for dedication to excellence, passion and commitment to making BendFilm a relevant, impactful presence in independent film. Thank you so much to Mimi Brody for bringing experience and attentiveness to this year’s film selection process. A big shout out to David Penpek, whose talent and good humour make BendFilm a better organization year-round. We are also grateful to our scores of volunteers and managers who are with us, lending their time and expertise to make us a success. From watching hundreds of hours of film submissions, to taking charge of tickets or production, to merely giving a few hours in guest services, their contribution is invaluable and embraced by us with deep appreciation. Our success is only possible through your continued participation. It is an honor and a privilege to present this festival each year to the people of Central Oregon and our visitors from near and far. We hope you enjoy the show.

BE ND FI LM BOA R D OF D I R E C TOR S Frank Groundwater


James Foster (not pictured)

Todd Looby Festival Director

Pam Paget-Wakefield Mimi Brody Festival Programmer Secretary Giancarlo Gatto (not pictured) Kim Cooper Findling Kirsten Hostetler David Penpek Kaari Vaughn Office Manager Denise Naylor April Munks

make you feel, laugh, be challenged and think about for weeks after the award-winning films are screened on Sunday. The Festival has always been a community event. It is proudly “For Bend. By Bend”. Our sponsors, members and volunteers are the lifeblood of this organization. All of our partners and supporters give generously because they want to make Bend an even better place to visit and to live. We encourage you to frequent our sponsors’ businesses and the “Business for BendFilm” participants because they invest in our community and we want them to thrive. I also want to thank the Board of Directors and the BendFilm Advisory Committee for volunteering countless time and donating generously with talent and resources to ensure Katie Merritt’s vision of excellence is never compromised and always satisfied. In my second year as director I feel that even with 11 fantastic years behind us that we are just getting started. Lastly, please remember that this is a “festival”. In true Bend fashion, we mandate that you enjoy yourself!

— Todd Looby, Director BendFilm Festival




I have to confess something - I’m a little in awe of Bend and, more importantly BendFilm. This is what those gifted in the parlance would call a “happening” place - good beer, the great outdoors, amazing food, and, well, great films and filmmakers. What’s not to love, right? For a state which touts diversity, Bend is the gateway to all things east of the Cascades and BendFilm embraces the spirit and the talent that capture this place in pictures, stories and characters. I always look forward to coming here - whether it is for the festival, to scout for a place to double for the High Sierras, snowboard on Mt. Bachelor, have a beer at The Deschutes Brewery or just take in a 30th anniversary screening of The Breakfast Club with legendary DP Thomas Del Ruth - that’s just the first few reasons I keep coming here. You’ll find many, many more I’m sure, because the reasons are kind of endless.

Itukdi wigwa. I am very excited about the upcoming screening of the film “Songs my Brothers Taught Me” at the new Madras Performing Arts Center. This story focuses on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and explores a question that many of us contemplate – to stay or leave the place we call “home.” In the case of Indigenous Peoples, this decision is complex, as we have to take into consideration our ancestral ties to place, cultures, families, and a deep commitment that many of us have to be present and contribute to the strengthening of our Nation.

— Tim Williams, Executive Director Oregon Film Office

Films have the incredible power to spark deep conversations. These discussions can help us to see the many commonalities we share and identify ways in which we can work together to build community. For the filmmaker, it can be an empowering process and lift voices that might otherwise not be heard. For these reasons and more, I love the process and the outcomes and have worked with many Native youth across the country to tell their stories through film and photography. Screening films requires tremendous collaborative work and I’m thrilled that the BendFilm Festival, Jefferson County School District 509-J and the Museum at Warm Springs are working together to make this a reality. I hope we continue to bring more films to our area that reflect the diversity of Central Oregon, to showcase the emerging filmmakers and talent we have in our communities, and to provide opportunities to sit down and discuss those issues that touch our hearts. I hope to see you there!

— Alyssa Macy, Executive Deputy Director

Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Oregon Commissioner, Oregon Arts Commission

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HOW TO The Basics

BendFilm celebrates independent films and the risky, passionate, tough and talented people who make them. The festival runs Thursday, October 8th, through Sunday, October 11th, 2015. Most venues, as well as the festival office ("The Hub"), are located in downtown Bend or in the nearby Old Mill District. For information of any kind before or during the festival, visit the BendFilm website - www.bendfilm.org or call us at (541)388-3378. Special needs arrangements will be willingly made as long as BendFilm is notified by Tuesday, October 6th.

Screening Venues The Tower Theatre 835 NW Wall Street

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 NW Bond Street

Regal Old Mill 16 {two screens}

The Shops at the Old Mill District

Tin Pan Theater

869 NW Tin Pan Alley

Volcanic Theatre Pub 70 SW Century Drive

Cascades Theatrical Company 148 NW Greenwood Ave

Madras Performing Arts Center 412 SE Buff Street, Madras

The Hub, Festival Office @The Liberty Theatre {October 8-11th, 2015} 849 NW Wall Street

Festival Office (The Hub) Liberty Theatre, 849 NW Wall St.

This is the location of the BendFilm box office and base of operations during the festival. The historic Liberty Theatre is the beautiful building two doors north of the Tower Theatre. Thanks to a considerable contribution, we have exclusive use of this space as our headquarters throughout the festival. Here we sell BendFilm tickets and passes, memberships and merchandise (t-shirts, ball caps and more) and answer all your questions. Filmmakers also check in and hang out there. Free wi-fi is generously provided by BendBroadband.

Hub Hours: THR 10/08 Noon–8PM FRI 10/09 9AM–8PM SAT 10/10 9AM–8PM SUN 10/11 9:30AM–2PM


For downtown Bend filmgoers, we highly recommend leaving your car in the City Parking Garage on Lava Street at Minnesota Avenue. The garage is attached to The Oxford Hotel, about two blocks from the Tower Theatre and about three blocks from McMenamins. The City of Bend has graciously suspended the daily time limits for the duration of the festival. All posted limits on lot and street (two hour, four hour, etc) remain in place. Parking is free in the shops at the Old Mill District and at the Century Center.

ADA Accessible

For those with special needs, we are happy to make arrangements so long as BendFilm is notified by Tuesday, October 6th. Thank you!

In developing the BF logo, various concepts were considered, from film reels to the emotive qualities of independence. However, it seemed to be more fitting to leave the interpretation to the creatives that would be involved in the festival in the beginning as well as years to come. The colon in the logo is taken from the film strip, and represents openness of the possibilities of the festival's unique expressions each year in it's various layers. – Euijin Esther Gray, Artist/BendFilm Logo Designer




The easiest, fastest, and best way to get tickets is to purchase them online at www.bendfilm.org and print your ticket at home. During the Festival, you will also be able to purchase last minute tickets at The Hub, but only during the operating hours (see previous page). There will be NO pre-sale tickets for films at the Tin Pan Theater. We recommend that all pass holders and those who want to purchase tickets come to the Tin Pan Theater 30 minutes before show time. Non-pass holders will be able to purchase Rush Line tickets at the door if there is space. “Rush Line tickets� are tickets sold at the door 5 minutes before a screening after all pass holders and ticket-holders gain entry.


If you intend to view only a few films during the festival weekend, you will probably want to purchase individual film tickets. Again, the fastest, easiest and best way to get tickets is to purchase online and print at home. Tickets are priced at $12 online, at The Hub or at the door. Shorts that play with features or whole Shorts Blocks cannot be broken up. In other words, tickets cannot be sold for particular, individual short films. ***Purchasing a ticket does NOT guarantee you a seat in the theater. If you are at the venue 20 minutes prior to a screening and are not seated, BendFilm will issue a refund.

PASSES To absorb as many films as possible with VIP treatment, we recommend you purchase a festival pass. If a venue has enough seats you will get priority seating over ticket buyers if, and only if, you arrive 20 minutes or more before the start of the show. We recommend pass holders arrive 30 minutes before the show for shows at the Tin Pan, McMenamins and the Cascades Theatrical Company - venues that often sellout. The Tin Pan Theater has only 29 seats. Therefore, if 15 pass holders are in line 20 minutes before the show, they will gain entry and priority seating. If 14 people are in line to buy tickets, they will all get in. The theater will be full. Pass holders that come after 20 minutes before showtime will then not gain entry. Please wear your Festival Pass at all times during the festival. Passes are NON-TRANSFERABLE. FULL FESTIVAL PASS, $250

This assures express access to all components of the festival: Single admission to the Opening Night Film at 5:30PM. and the Opening Night Reception at 8PM on Thursday, October 8th; single admission to the BendFilm Awards Ceremony at 7PM on Saturday, October 10th; and priority seating* at all films, though with limitations.


films are the only things that really matter to you - if you'd rather skip the party, food and cocktails to pack a few more films into your weekend - then this is the pass for you. It allows priority seating at all films, including the Opening Night Film, though with limitations*.

RUSH LINE If seats remain available after ticket holders and pass holders have been seated, tickets for those seats will be sold to those waiting in the Rush Line. This is for last-minute film buffs willing to take their chances to get an empty seat. We recommend arriving at least 30 minutes early at the theater to take your place in the Rush Line. Rush Line tickets are $12 at the door. This year, there will be no tickets available for presale at Tin Pan Theater due to limited seating. WILL CALL We highly recommend you buy your tickets online and print the ticket at home. This will help you avoid long lines at the Hub. Please note Hub hours listed above. Will Call closes when The Hub closes. Please plan accordingly and print tickets at home if attending later films. * Priority seating means that pass holders get priority seating over ticket holders if they arrive at the venue no later than 20 MINUTES prior to show time, and the show is not at capacity from other pass holders.

CHILD CARE OPTION This year BendFilm is partnering with Bend Montessori to provide affordable and safe child care so you and your partner can enjoy the Fest and a night on the town. Space is limited and tickets are only available on-line. Please visit www.bendfilm.org/2015-festival/child-care/ for details and tickets.


This year we have an official Festival App! Go to the App Store or Google Play on October 3rd and search for "BendFilm Festival". You can download the app and read about our films, watch trailers, find the parties, map the venues, get alerts & news and buy tickets to the show you most want to see.




Documentary Jury

Documentary Jury

Paula Bernstein is the Filmmaker Toolkit Editor at Indiewire. During her time at Indiewire, she has attended The Sundance Film Festival, SXSW, Tribeca Film Festival, DOC NYC, Hot Docs, Sheffield Doc/Fest and other festivals. She has written about film, television, technology and advertising for Fast Company, Filmmaker Magazine, TV Guide, The New York Times, Adweek and many other digital and print publications. Previously, Bernstein was a reporter at Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. A graduate of Wellesley College, she received her M.A. at New York University's Cinema Studies program. She is also the co-author of Identical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and Reunited.

Born and raised in Manhattan, Anne Thompson grew up going to the Thalia and The New Yorker and wound up at grad Cinema Studies at NYU. She worked at United Artists and Film Comment before heading west as that magazine's west coast editor. She wrote for the LA Weekly, Sight and Sound, Empire, The New York Times and Entertainment Weekly before serving as West Coast Editor of Premiere. She wrote for The Washington Post, The London Observer, Wired, More, and Vanity Fair, and did staff stints at The Hollywood Reporter and Variety. In 2009 she took her blog Thompson on Hollywood to Indiewire. She taught film criticism at USC Critical Studies, and continues to host the fall semester of “Sneak Previews” for UCLA Extension.



Documentary Jury

Narrative Features Jury

Laura Nix directed The Yes Men Are Revolting, which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival in 2014, and the Berlinale 2015. Previously she directed and produced the documentary The Light in Her Eyes about a Syrian Quran school for women that premiered at IDFA, was broadcast on the series POV on PBS, and toured the world as part of Sundance's Film Forward program. Her other feature directing credits include the fiction feature The Politics of Fur, which played in over 70 festivals internationally, and won multiple awards including the Grand Jury Prize at Outfest, and the feature documentary Whether You Like It Or Not: The Story of Hedwig, for New Line Cinema. Nix also co-wrote the Emmy-nominated PBS doc California State of Mind: The Legacy of Pat Brown. Nix’s nonfiction television work has appeared on HBO, IFC, Planet Green, and the History Channel. Her work has received support from the Bertha Foundation, BritDoc, Cal Humanities, COBO Fund, the Danish Film Institute, and the Sundance Documentary Fund. Based in Los Angeles, she's currently developing a documentary feature about ballroom dancers in the suburban Chinese community of San Gabriel Valley, California.


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Leah Meyerhoff is an award winning filmmaker whose debut narrative feature I Believe in Unicorns was released theatrically in 2015 after premiering at SXSW, winning the Grand Jury Prize at the Atlanta Film Festival and additional awards from Woodstock Film Festival, Nashville Film Festival, First Time Fest, Tribeca Film Institute, IFP, NYU and the Adrienne Shelly Foundation. Meyerhoff ’s previous work has screened in over 200 film festivals and aired on IFC, PBS, LOGO and MTV. She is a fellow of the IFP Emerging Narrative Labs, IFP Narrative Finishing Labs, Tribeca All Access Labs, and the Emerging Visions program at the New York Film Festival. Meyerhoff is also the founder of Film Fatales, a female filmmaker collective based in New York with over a dozen local chapters around the world. She holds a BA in Art-Semiotics from Brown University and an MFA in Directing from NYU’s Tisch Schoolof the Arts.




Narrative Feature Jury

Shorts Jury

Matt Grady is the founder of Factory 25, an independent film distribution company launched in 2009. Factory 25 is a home for conceptually provocative narratives and documentaries. Grady was recently named "One of the Most Influential People in Brooklyn Culture," and has been called "One of the most important curatorial voices of new, independent American films." His mission is to expose the world to under-theradar films, music, and other curiosities theatrically, digitally, on TV, VOD, via subscription, limited edition DVDs with vinyl LPs and books. Recent and upcoming titles include Uncle Kent 2, Christmas, Again The Color Wheel, Hellaware, Sun Don't Shine, The Sheik and I, Kid Thing and Fake It So Real. Grady also produced Onur Tukel's Applesauce and Summer of Blood. Factory 25 headquarters is in Brooklyn, New York.

Courtney Sheehan leads Northwest Film Forum's year-round artistic programs. As a Watson Fellow, she researched film festival organizations, curated film programs and produced events for 20 film festivals on three continents. As a journalist, Courtney has covered film events ranging from the world’s largest documentary festival (IDFA in Amsterdam) to South America’s largest animation festival (Anima Mundi in Rio de Janeiro) and her publications include Bitch Magazine, Senses of Cinema, The Independent, and NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies. She cofounded Cine Migratorio, a migration-themed film festival in Santander, Spain.



Narrative Feature Jury

Shorts Jury

Mike Ott studied under Thom Andersen at Cal Arts where he received his MFA degree in Film/Video. His films include Littlerock, Pearblossom Hwy, Lake Los Angeles and his new Untitled Denver Project which was co-directed with Nathan Silver. Mike's films have won numerous awards including, an Audience Award at AFI Fest, a Gotham Award and an Independent Spirit Award.


Landon Zakheim is a Short Film Programmer for the Sundance Film Festival, Programmer for AFI FEST, and Head Short Film Programmer for the Los Angeles Film Festival. Since 2013, he has also served as Director of of Programming for the Stanley Film Festival, a four-day horror celebration that specializes in experiential programming. His short films Delmer Builds a Machine (2010) and Another Bullet Dodged (2012) have played at prestigious festivals all over the world. In his spare time, Landon enjoys sending mixed messages. Or does he?

Shorts Jury Newly a Bend resident, Kent Nichols is widely known in both the online video and entertainment communities as an online video pioneer. In 2005, he cocreated the web series Ask A Ninja, one of the first breakout success stories on YouTube. The series has been viewed over 160 million times, quoted on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, featured in the New York Times, Wired, and numerous other publications and blogs. The series resulted in a number of wins for Nichols the YouTube Award for Best Series, a Webby and a Streamy and he was nominated by the PGA for Digital series. He’s spoken at industry and other conferences including TED, Google Zeitgeist and SXSW. Nichols began helping independent creators to get their work distributed across the web and help them build audiences. He has worked with PewDiePie, Ray William Johnson, Rooster Teeth, CaptainSparklez, Markiplier and other top talent as the director of creator and talent relations at Blip (2011-2013) and again at Maker Studios (2013-2014). Nichols is currently starting a company to help fund digital content and independent television and is a mentor at the Oregon Story Board.

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BendFilm is unique among regional independent film festivals in that we award our filmmakers several generous cash prizes. It is part of our mission to treat our filmmakers like kings and queens. We do all we can to ensure that they will continue to make films. We would like to thank all of the incredibly talented filmmakers who have shared their passion with us throughout the years. They are responsible for our continued success!



$5,000 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Presented by Brooks Resources and made possible since 2004. All narrative and documentary competition films compete for this award.

$500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Independent Women for Independent Film. n

BEST NARRATIVE FEATURE Camera Rental Package (values at $60,000) & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Panavision.

BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE $1,500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Jan & Jody Ward and Business for BendFilm. n

BEST DIRECTING $500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Independent Women for Independent Film. n

BEST STUDENT SHORT $500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible since 2005 by Dan and Priscilla Wieden on behalf of Caldera.

BEST ANIMATED SHORT $500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Independent Women for Independent Film. n

BEST OF THE NORTHWEST $500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Business for BendFilm. n

Additional awards will be presented in the following categories:



$500 & BendFilm Award Sculpture Made possible by Independent Women for Independent Film. n

$500 from ticket sales & BendFilm Award Sculpture You, the audience vote for and contribute directly to the filmmaker who walks away with this award.

BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY BendFilm Award Sculpture


Business for BendFilm:

n Independent Women for Independent Film:


This group of incredible, creative and entrepreneurial woman, originally created by Pamela Hulse Andrews, has been an important support system for BendFilm since it was formed in 2012. These wonderful women fund several cash awards presented to filmmakers at the Awards Ceremony along with the actual award statues, branding our festival for years to come. Cheers to you ladies!

Ben Perle, Regional Vice President of Operations at Oxford Hotels, always liked Pamela’s efforts with Independent WOMEN and wanted to strengthen the relationship between BendFilm and local businesses. In 2014 Business for BendFilm was born. BendFilm urges our supporters to patronize these fine establishments who are devoted to making arts thrive in our community.

Ida Alul, Molly Andrews-Foerster, Kathleen Bailey, Shannon Bassett, Heidi Berkman, Becky Breeze, Sandra Brooke, Judy Campbell, Kendall Carlson, Patti Carlson, Sue Carrington, Pamela Carty, Debbie Cole, Beth Davies, Patricia Del Ruth, Patty Dempsey, Carolyn Dietz, Lisa Dobey, Colleen Dougherty, Janice Druian, Norma DuBois, Francie Dye, Andie Edmonds, Ann Eglé Golden, Lori Elkins, Amy Fratzke, Pat Fulton, Kathy Grim, Kirsten Heinz, Sara Hobin, Sue Hollern, Pamela Hulse Andrews, Erica Kelly, Terryl Kemple, Karen Koppel, Cristy Lanfri, Leslie Lynch, Mary Marquiss, Nicole Meier, René Mitchell, Romy Mortensen, Debra Mortimore-Lane, Sara Murphy, Martha Murray, Nancy Oren, Pamela Paget-Wakefield , Amy Parks, Kimberly Paxton-Hagner, Carolyn Payne, Maeve Perle, Andrea Phelps, Laury Riley, Cassondra Schindler, Chris Schroeder Fain, Trish Smith, Amanda Stuermer, Caroline Stuermer, Joanne Sunnarborg, Chris Telfer, Kelly Thiel, Cynthia Tomlinson, Billye Turner, Amy Tykeson, Tonya Vaughan, Caroline Vaughn, Kaari Vaughn, Katharine Vaughn, Jody Ward, Tiffany Ward, Rebecca Warner Groundwater, Betsy Warriner, Carolyn Woodard-Kozimor, Laurie Woolery, and Linda Zivney

5 Fusion & Sushi Bar, Ariana Restaurant, The Old Back Nine, Ben and Maeve Perle, Bend Fashion Quarterly, Blacksmith, BLRB, Brickhouse Bend, LLC, Buzztag, LLC, Cascade Business News, Cascade Cottons, Commute Options, David Rosell Wealth Management, Deschutes Brewery, Desperado Inc., Doubletree Hotel, Eberhard's Dairy Products, The Feather's Edge Finery, Foot Zone, Frank Groundwater Law, Fratzke Commercial Real Estate, Getaway Travels & Golf Getaways, Harrelson Group, Inc., Johannessen Builders Inc., Karen Cammack Photography, Ken Scott, Leapin Lizards Toy Company, Local Joe, Manzama, Noi, Sara Bella Upcycled, Sweetheart Donuts, Wettig Capital Management, and Wild Flowers of Oregon.





PANELS These FREE discussions open to the public feature our 2015 BendFilm Festival filmmakers & jurors. Hosted by McMenamins in Fr. Luke’s Room. Come and enjoy one of McMenamins craft brews or fine food in this comfortable and intricately adorned room while you listen to filmmaking war stories, filmmaking tips and an insider’s view into the wonderful world of independent filmmaking. McMenamins Father Luke’s Room is located in the North building at: 700 NW Bond Street


Friday, October 9th

10:30AM – NOON


Taking the big leap into the unknown world of feature filmmaking (both narrative films and documentaries) is an incredibly difficult step. Even our most renowned directors often failed miserably in their first attempts. The filmmakers on this panel somehow got it right on their first try. However, even with their initial success comes the dreaded and all-important “sophomore” effort. Join us to hear these filmmakers’ stories of how they assembled the courage and resources to make their first features and where they go from here.

Friday, October 9th 1PM – 2:30PM

Joining us for this panel: Zachary Treitz (TBC), director, Men Go to Battle, Madoka Raine, writer/actor/director, Happy 40th, Alexandria Bombach, co-director, Frame by Frame, and others to to be confirmed.

Joining us for this panel: Eric Metzgar, director, For the Coyotes; James Carpenter actor, For the Coyotes; Diego Ongaro, director, Bob and the Trees, Todd Rohal, director, Uncle Kent 2; Liz Cardenas Franke, director, Treading Water.

Moderated by: Matt Grady, Founder, Factory 25; 2015 Narrative Features Juror

More and more, filmmakers are taking inspiration from real people’s stories, and having these very people, as opposed to professional actors, perform a version of themselves on screen. This panel looks at several new films as case studies, inviting the directors and subjects/actors to discuss their unique collaborative process, both the pitfalls and creative advantages of working in this method.

Moderated by: Spencer Parsons, Filmmaker and Associate Professor, Northwestern University.

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According to the New York Film Academy, roughly 30% of the speaking roles in the top 500 films from 2007-2012 were given to women. That number increases by 11% when a female director is behind the camera, and by 9% when a female screenwriter is attached to a project. As both men and women continue to realize the value of telling authentic and new stories made by women and with women at their centers, female writers and directors are finding ways to collaborate and help each other to get these films made.

Saturday, October 10th 12PM–1:30PM

Saturday October 10th 10AM–11:30AM

Based in New York City with chapters sprouting across the US, Film Fatales is a collective of female filmmakers who have written or directed at least one feature narrative or documentary film. By offering a space for mentorship, peer networking and direct participation, we hope to promote the creation of more stories by and about women.

Joining us for this panel: Laura Nix, director/producer The Yes Men are Revolting and 2015 Documentary Juror; Chloe Zhao, writer/director, Songs My Brother Taught Me; Nicole Bernardi-Reis, producer, Radical Grace; Eleanore Hendricks, actor, Stinking Heaven, Songs My Brother Taught Me. Moderated by: Leah Meyerhoff, Founder, Film Fatales ; 2015 Narrative Features Jury

Crowd-funding, audience-building, outreach, cheap advertising, immediate connection, obnoxious look-atme noise, and who else is begging for money now? Social media and independent film have been inextricably linked for the past decade. Is it time for something new? Or are we just getting started using this unwieldy tool? Hear from our panelists who owe part of their success to social media and those who think it’s a waste of time and resources. Joining us for this spirited panel and debate: Spencer Parsons, director, Bite Radius, Mo Scarpelli, co-director, Frame by Frame; Steven Cone, director, Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party and more! Moderated by: Paula Bernstein, Filmmaker Toolkit Editor, Indiewire; Documentary Juror * Please note all participants are subject to change!


VENUES The Tower Theatre



835 NW Wall Street

The Liberty Theatre {THE HUB}



849 NW Wall Street


2 3

Tin Pan Theater


869 NW Tin Pan Alley


McMenamins Old St. Francis School


9 8

Theater, Panels and Awards Banquet 700 NW Bond Street

Cascades Theatrical Company


148 NW Greenwood Ave

Regal Old Mill 16


{two screens} The Shops at the Old Mill District

Volcanic Theatre Pub


70 SW Century Dr


Parking Garage


Lava Rd and Minnesota Ave

10 Below at The Oxford Hotel


Opening Night Party 10 NW Minnesota Ave



Friday Filmmaker Happy Hour 801 NW Wall St 11


Saturday Closing Night Party 211 NW Greenwood Ave

13 Madras Performing

Arts Center

412 SE Buff Street




The City of Bend has graciously suspended the daily time limits in the Downtown Parking Garage from Oct 9-11th. Please park in the garage to ensure an easy, stress-free parking experience. Exit the garage on Lava and you’ll have a quick trip to our downtown venuescatch our shuttle.

Our friends at Commute Options are loaning us their van to shuttle filmmakers and guests between the Hub, The Old Mill Regal Cinemas and the Volcanic Theatre Pub (VTP). Check in at the Hub if you need a lift or ask your Regal or VTP Venue Manager if a shuttle is on the way.





7:16 PM




BREAKING A MONSTER Documentary Feature THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 2015 5:30PM-7:30PM


835 NW Wall Street Admittance included for Festival pass holders, Tickets: $12 in advance or at the door Director: Luke Meyer (92m, USA, 2015)

BREAKING A MONSTER chronicles the break-out year of the band “Unlocking the Truth,” an African-American heavy metal trio made of 12 and 13 year-old musicians Alec, Malcolm and Jarad. This delightful and thoroughly entertaining film follows the boys as they become YouTube sensations playing on the streets of New York to Hollywood where they encounter the surreal music industry and reckon with their rock-star dreams. *Encore screening of BREAKING A MONSTER will be Friday, 10/09, 3:30PM, Regal 1 .


Dreams. Ideas. Life.




10 BELOW AT THE OXFORD HOTEL 10 NW Minnesota Avenue

Admittance included for Full Festival pass holders Tickets: $35 in advance online, $40 at the door

Smar t mark eting bend oreg on

Central Oregon’s hippest urban hotel is once again throwing the kickoff cocktail party in its swanky Minnesota Ballroom. The Oxford’s fine-dining restaurant, 10 Below, will serve a wide choice of hors d’oeuvres, complimentary beer courtesy of Boneyard Beer, fantastic wine courtesy of Elixir, as well as a no-host bar for 10 Below’s signature cocktails. Meet fellow filmmakers, film lovers and film supporters at this fabulous party to kick off a weekend of films and fun.

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Our heroes!



BendFilm not only celebrates independent cinema, we also celebrate…well...YOU, our filmgoers, our filmmakers and all the fun that Bend has to offer! Please join us for these not-to-miss parties to rub elbows with our filmmakers, meet up with old friends, talk about the movies, tip back a drink or two and maybe even cut a rug!


9PM to 12AM

FRIDAY NIGHT IS ALRIGHT! Location and tickets: TBD Check bendfilm.org for details


4:30PM to 6PM

Join us at Drake, located on the iconic corner of NW Wall Street and NW Franklin Avenue in downtown Bend. Drake is Bend’s most beloved, swanky brasserie-style restaurant. Come mix and mingle with the filmmakers and enjoy some tasty appetizers as well as no-host happy hour wine, beer and cocktails. Here’s your chance to ask the filmmakers everything you ever wanted to know about their films and filmmaking.

7PM to 9:30PM

Join Master of Ceremonies Yancy Faulkner for a lively evening in the uniquely adorned music / event hall of the incomparable Father Luke’s Room at McMenamins’ Old St. Francis School where their delicious craft brews, Elixir wines and heavy hors d'oeuvres will whet your appetite for the climactic announcement of winners in all categories of the 2015 BendFilm Festival — including the Audience Award winner and Best of Show.

MEET THE FILMMAKER HAPPY HOUR @ DRAKE Drake 801 NW Wall Street FREE to the public!


We can’t give out details yet, but we promise something verrrrry interesting for young, old and in-between. It’s time to let loose, Bend!

AWARDS RECEPTION & CEREMONY McMenamins Old St. Francis School Father Luke’s Room 700 NW Bond Avenue Admittance included with Full Festival pass




BLACKSMITH AFTER DARK The Blacksmith 211 NW Greenwood Avenue FREE to film lovers 21 and over!

After the awards have been handed out, come celebrate with the winners! The Blacksmith After Dark is the perfect place to come and mingle with filmmakers and film festival attendees at the final event of the 12th annual BendFilm Festival. This is the party where you leave nothing behind!















3:00 PM | 75MIN Radical Grace

pg. 29



5 6 7

5:30 PM | 120 MIN

OPENING NIGHT Breaking a Monster pg. 18


8 9

7:45 PM | 125 MIN 8:30 PM | 90 MIN Frame by Frame pg. 28







FRIDAY 10 11

8:15 PM | 98 MIN Songs My Brothers Taught Me

2 3 4





10:30 AM | 82 MIN Northwest Shorts

10:30 AM | 85 MIN A Ballerina’s Tale

10:45 AM | 93 MIN

pg. 34

pg. 30


1:00 PM | 80 MIN Shorts Block 1


Petting Zoo

pg. 32

1:00 PM | 85 MIN

1:00 PM | 81 MIN

Gayby Baby

Missing People

pg. 28




10:30 AM | 90 MIN

10:30 AM | 90 MIN

The Birth of Saké

Frame by Frame

pg. 28

pg. 28

12:00 PM | 85 MIN Dreams Rewired pg. 30

1:00 PM | 81 MIN Containment pg. 28

pg. 28

12:30 PM | 83 MIN International Shorts pg. 36

2:00 PM | 93 MIN

1:00 PM | 89 MIN Omo Child: The River and the Bush pg.29

Still Dreaming

3:00 PM | 85 MIN

3:00 PM | 91 MIN Bob and the Trees pg. 24

3:30 PM | 90 MIN Breaking a Monster pg. 30

5:30 PM | 120 MIN Radical Grace with Spritius & Panel Discussion

pg. 29

3:30 PM | 88 MIN

Orion: The Man Who Would Be King pg. 31

5:30 PM | 107 MIN 6:00 PM | 106 MIN Aferim!

Mediterranea pg. 27

pg. 26

8:30 PM | 99 MIN Applesauce with Preggo pg. 26

Astraea pg. 24 pg. 33

5:30 PM | 115 MIN Happy 40th with Treading Water

5:30 PM | 82 MIN The Big Lonely pg. 28

pg. 25

3:30 PM | 73 MIN Animated Shorts pg. 35

6:00 PM | 93 MIN In My Father’s House

pg. 30

7:30 PM | 83 MIN Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party with Opt Out

8:30 PM | 97 MIN

Chuck Norris vs. Communism pg. 30

pg. 25

For the Coyotes


pg. 25

9:30 PM | 93 MIN Uncle Kent 2 with The Light Thief pg. 26



8:00 PM | 80 MIN Stinking Heaven with The Lingerie Show


Madras Performing Arts Center

3:00 PM | 98 MIN

4:30 PM | 71 MIN Short Docs

8:00 PM | 90 MIN 8:30 PM | 98 MIN

pg. 29

Bloomin’ Mud Shuffle with Take With Water pg. 24

pg. 27

8 9


pg. 25

5 6

pg. 27

pg. 25

12 1

Embrace of the Serpent


Men Go to Battle MIDNIGHT



6:00 PM | 98 MIN Songs My Brothers Taught Me pg. 25

10:30 PM | 72 MIN Late Night Shorts pg. 39

8:30 PM | 72 MIN LGBT Shorts pg. 37



10 11 12 1




10:30 AM | 60 MIN

10:30 AM | 93 MIN

In My Father’s House pg. 30

Family Shorts

pg. 38

12:00 PM | 82 MIN

4 5 6 7

Still Dreaming

pg. 34

10:00 AM | 93 MIN

1:00 PM | 85 MIN A Ballerina’s Tale

Of Men and War & Panel Discussion

pg. 36

pg. 30

Dreams Rewired

Chuck Norris vs. Communism pg. 30

pg. 28

6:00 PM | 91 MIN

1:00 PM | 90 MIN

Petting Zoo pg. 25

Embrace of the Serpent pg. 27

Mediterranea pg. 27

pg. 24

The Birth of Saké

pg. 31

pg. 26


Omo Child: The River and the Bush pg. 29

Songs My Brothers Taught Me pg. 25

6:00 PM | 115 MIN Happy 40th with Treading water

Containment pg. 28


pg. 37

1:30 PM | 80 MIN

3:00 PM | 98 MIN Men Go to Battle pg. 26

4:00 PM | 71MIN Short Docs pg. 33

5:30 PM | 81 MIN Missing People pg. 28

5:30 PM | 85 MIN

Bloomin’ Mud Shuffle with Take with Water pg. 24

6:00 PM | 98MIN Astraea pg. 24

pg. 25

8:00 PM | 73 MIN 8:30 PM | 80 MIN Stinking Heaven

Aferim! pg. 27

Animated Shorts pg. 35

with The Lingerie Show

8:00 PM | 90 MIN Henry Gamble’s Birthday Party with Opt Out pg. 25

pg. 25

10:30 PM | 82 MIN Late Night Shorts


pg. 39

8:30 PM | 82 MIN The Big Lonely pg. 28

10:30 PM | 93 MIN Uncle Kent 2

with The Light Thief pg. 26




LGBT Shorts

Shorts Block 1 pg. 32

3:00 PM | 81 MIN 3:30 PM | 98 MIN

8:00 PM | 108 MIN 8:30 PM | 99 MIN Applesauce with Preggo

For the Coyotes

12:30 PM | 72 MIN

pg. 28

Bob and the Trees

8:30 PM | 88 MIN Orion: The Man Who Would Be King

11:00 AM | 97 MIN pg. 25

12:30 PM | 89 MIN

5:30 PM | 107 MIN 6:00 PM | 85 MIN Gayby Baby


10:30 AM | 83 MIN

3:00 PM | 125 MIN 3:30 PM | 83 MIN International Shorts


pg. 30

pg. 30

3:00 PM | 135 MIN


10:30 AM | 85MIN

12:30 PM | 93 MIN

8 9


pg. 29

Northwest Shorts

2 3




11 12 1 2





10:30 AM 11:00 AM Best Documentary Award Winner

Award Winner

10:30 AM Family Shorts

TBA Saturday Night




pg. 38

12:00 PM Showcase Shorts

1:00 PM Best Narative Award Winner

1:00 PM 1:30 PM

Award Winner

Award Winner

TBA Saturday Night

4:00 Pm

Award Winner

1:00 PM Future Filmmakers pg. 42

TBA Saturday Night

3 4

3:30 PM Audience Award Winner

5 6 7

3:30 PM

Award Winner

TBA Saturday Night

6:30 PM

Award Winner

TBA Saturday Night

6:00 Best of Show Award Winner

6:00 PM

Award Winner

TBA Saturday Night

TBA Saturday Night











When an epidemic nearly wipes out the human race, a telepathic teenage girl named Astraea believes that survivors are living in Northern Canada. She leads her doubting older brother on a journey through a silent America and into the snowbound wilderness, hoping to rebuild life as she knew it.

Lonnie (James Ronsone) is a thirtysomething house-painter who still lives in the same Chicago suburb he grew up in and works the same deadend job alongside his old friend from high school ((Alex Karpovsky of Girls). Through his days of idle chatter and nights of endless boozing, a lovesick Lonnie pines for his college-aged coworker Monica (Alexia Rasmussen) who is hesitant to take their strictly physical relationship to the next level.

Northwest Premiere Director: Kristjan Thor Writer: Ashlin Halfnight (97m, USA, 2015)

FRI 10/09 3PM SAT 10/10 6PM

Volcanic Theatre Pub Cascades Theatrical Co.

West Coast Premiere Writer/Director: Frank V. Ross (75m, USA, 2015)

Preceded by short film TAKE WITH WATER (10m) (Director: Tara O’Sullivan) See p. 38 for description.

FRI 10/09 3PM SAT 10/10 5:30PM

McMenamins Volcanic Theatre Pub


West Coast Premiere Director: Diego Ongaro Writers: Courtney Maum, Diego Ongaro, Sasha Statman-Weil (91m, USA/France, 2015)

It is deep winter in rural Massachusetts. Bob, a 50-year old logger with a soft spot for golf and gangsta rap, is struggling to make ends meet in a merciless industry. When a rotten investment threatens the family business, Bob (played by real-life logger Bob Tarasuk) begins to heed his darker instincts to get by. FRI 10/09 3PM SAT 10/10 6PM

Tower Theatre Regal 1



World Premiere Writer/ Director: Eric Metzgar (95m, USA, 2015)

After a five year estrangement, Wendall (a renowned Buddhist teacher who betrayed his family) and his son (an internet engineer in San Francisco) are suddenly thrown together by circumstances in a remote cabin in the redwood forest of Northern California. Human connection, obligation, enlightenment, love and fear–it's all on the table in this meditative, probing, tender story of inevitability. FRI 10/09 8:30PM SAT 10/10 11AM

McMenamins Cascades Theatrical Co.



HAPPY 40TH follows Sophia (Yvonne Woods), who has been in a wheelchair for two years following a car accident with her husband, who is now her caretaker. A recluse since the accident, Sophia awaits the arrival of her three best friends for a weekend birthday celebration at their home. Over the course of three days, much wine is consumed, intimacies are shared, and a secret is revealed that forces Sophia to face a life-changing decision.

HENRY GAMBLE’S BIRTHDAY PARTY spans the 24 hour pool party of a gay, 17-year-old evangelical preacher’s kid. As day turns to night and clothes come off, Henry, his family and friends carefully navigate the religious strictures and sexual secrets held within the community, all struggling to tread the public and private, and their longing, despite their faith, for earthly love and affection.

Oregon Premiere Writer/Director: Madoka Raine (100m, USA, 2015)

Preceded by short film OPT OUT (3m) (Director: Steve Utaski) See p. 38 for description.

FRI 10/09 5:30PM McMenamins SAT 10/10 6PM McMenamins

FRI 10/09 8PM SAT 10/10 8PM


PETTING ZOO follows 17-year old Layla (Devon Keller), an honor student and college scholarship recipient from an impoverished Texas family. When she becomes pregnant she must deal with an apathetic boyfriend and family pressure to keep the child. After meeting a new love, and facing loss, Layla starts to see her environment differently and begins to find her path.

Set on the Great Plains and the Badlands of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, SONGS MY BROTHERS TAUGHT ME is a compelling and complex tale that explores the bond between a brother and his younger sister, who find themselves on separate paths to rediscovering the meaning of home.

FRI 10/09 10:45AM Regal 2 SAT 10/10 12:30PM Regal 2

Northwest Premiere Writer/Director: Stephen Cone (86m, USA, 2015)

Preceded by short film TREADING WATER (15m) (Director: Liz Cardenas Francke) See p. 38 for description.


West Coast Premiere Writer/ Director: Micah Magee (93m, USA/Germany, 2015)


Northwest Premiere Writer/Director: Chloe Zhao (98m, USA, 2015)

THR 10/08 8:15PM Regal 1 FRI 10/09 6PM Madras Performing Arts* SAT 10/10 3:30PM McMenamins

Regal 2 Volcanic Theatre Pub


Oregon Premiere Director: Nathan Silver Writers: Nathan Silver, Jack Dunphy (71m, USA, 2015)

Set in the 1990s, STINKING HEAVEN takes place at a commune for sober living in a suburban New Jersey home. The motley members (including Eleanore Hendricks) eat, bathe, and work together, and although there's constant bickering the house has become a haven for these outcasts. But the harmony is interrupted when a recovering addict (Hannah Gross) arrives and sends the members spiraling out of control. Preceded by short film THE LINGERIE SHOW (8m) (Director: Laura Harrison) See p. 38 for description.

FRI 10/09 8PM Volcanic Theatre Pub SAT 10/10 8:30PM McMenamins



APPLESAUCE Oregon Premiere

Writer/Director: Onur Tukel (91m, USA, 2015)

Writer/director Onur Tukel stars as Ron, an acerbic high-school teacher in New York. When he starts receiving body parts in the mail he’s determined to find out who the culprit is: His former best friend? The abrasive student in his history class? Or an unknown enemy? APPLESAUCE is a hilarious, bawdy, black comedy of manners by one of the rising stars of American independent film. Preceded by short film PREGGO (8m) (Director: Kristin Slaysman) See p. 38 for description.

FRI 10/09 8:30PM Regal 1 SAT 10/10 8:30PM Regal 1


Director: Zachary Treitz Writers: Kate Lyn Sheil, Zachary Treitz (98m, USA, 2015)

Most Americans predict that the Civil War will end by Christmas, but Henry and Francis Mellon couldn't care less. Bracing for another winter on their struggling farm in rural Kentucky, the brothers have become suffocatingly close. Francis' practical jokes become more aggressive until he accidentally injures Henry in a drunken fight. Soon after, Henry disappears. Months later, Francis learns that Henry has joined the Union army, and the two are left to find out separately what the war will bring. FRI 10/09 8:30PM Tower Theatre SAT 10/10 3PM Volcanic Theatre Pub


Writer/Director: Todd Rohal (73m, USA, 2015)

In this “sequel” to Joe Swanberg’s 2011 film UNCLE KENT (you don’t need to see the original to appreciate it), the film’s titular star, cartoonist Kent Osbourne travels to a comic book convention in San Diego where he loses his mind and confronts the end of the world. UNCLE KENT 2 plays out like an absurdist successor that bends the rules of sequels and the minds of the audience. Preceded by short film THE LIGHT THIEF (19m) (Director: Eva Daoud) See p. 38 for description.

FRI 10/09 9:30PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 10:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub





Northwest Premiere Director: Radu Jude Writers: Radu Jude, Florin Lazarescu (106m, Romania/Bulgaria/Czech Republic, 2015)

Eastern Europe, 1835. Two riders (the gendarme Costandin and his son) cross a barren landscape in the middle of Wallachia. Together they are searching for a gypsy slave who has run away from his nobleman master and is suspected of having an affair with the noble's wife. On their odyssey they encounter Turks and Russians, Christians and Jews, Romanians and Hungarians. Each harbors prejudices against the others which have been passed down from generation to generation. And even when the slave is found, the adventure is far from over… Radu Jude’s third feature has been aptly compared to films as diverse as THE SEARCHERS, THE LAST DETAIL and PULP FICTION (the latter for its rambling, coarse and endlessly entertaining dialogues). AFERIM! is a Balkan Western in black-and-white that brings the cacophony of the times strikingly to life. – Berlinale “You’ve never seen a period movie quite like AFERIM!” - Indiewire


Northwest Premiere Director: Ciro Guerra Writers: Ciro Guerra, Jacques Toulemonde Vidal (125m, Colombia, 2015)

At once blistering and poetic, the ravages of colonialism cast a dark shadow over the South American landscape in EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT, the third feature by Ciro Guerra. Filmed in stunning blackand-white, SERPENT centers on Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and the last survivor of his people, and the two scientists who, over the course of 40 years, build a friendship with him. The film was inspired by the real-life journals of two explorers (Theodor Koch-Grünberg and Richard Evan Schultes) who traveled through the Colombian Amazon during the last century in search of the sacred and difficult-to-find psychedelic Yakruna plant. Winner of the Director’s Fortnight prize at the Cannes Film Festival. In Spanish, Portuguese, German and Amazonian languages with English subtitles. THR 10/08 7:45PM Regal 2 SAT 10/10 3PM Regal 2


Northwest Premiere Writer/Director: Jonas Carpignano (107m, Italy/France/Germany/USA/Qatar, 2015)

The saga of desperate migrants fleeing poverty, persecution and war to seek a better life in Europe has been headline news lately. MEDITERRANEA tells the story of Ayiva, who recently left his home in Burkina Faso to better provide for his sister and young daughter. He takes advantage of his position in an illegal smuggling operation to get himself and his best friend Abas off of the continent. After a perilous sea crossing the pair arrives in Italy to find a less than welcoming environment, with lack of housing and employment, and threats from nationalist thugs. Determined to make his new situation work he attempts to weather the storm, which has its costs. An impressive debut from firsttime director, Jonas Carpignano and masterfully performed by Koudous Seihon (and based on his own story), the film won critical acclaim when it debuted in May at the Cannes Film Festival.

In Romanian with English subtitles.

In French, Italian and Arabic with English subtitles.

FRI 10/09 6PM SAT 10/10 8PM

FRI 10/09 5:30PM Regal 2 SAT 10/10 5:30PM Regal 2

Regal 1 Regal 2

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THE BIG LONELY is a portrait of Michael, a homeless man who elects to live surreptitiously on public land in the Oregon woods rather than live on the streets. The footage, shot by Michael himself reveals a solitary existence in the hidden cabin he built and shares with his only companion, his dog Tic. He survives by hunting game and rationing an ever-dwindling food supply, but freedom has its costs, besides lack of food, there is the threat of bears and the harsh and unforgiving winters.

THE BIRTH OF SAKÉ is a beautiful and immersive portrait of life and work at the 144-year old Yoshida Brewery where the brewmaster and his team spend an intense six months each year living and working together to create their revered rice wine. The film offers a rarified look at the personal and professional commitment required for world class saké, and the artisan brewers behind it.

Northwest Premiere Director: David Manougian (82m, USA, 2015)

FRI 10/09 5:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub SAT 10/10 8:30PM Cascades Theatrical Co.

Northwest Premiere Director: Erik Shirai (94m, USA/Japan, 2015)

In Japanese with English subtitles. FRI 10/09 10:30AM McMenamins SAT 10/10 1PM McMenamins


Northwest Premiere Writers/Directors: Peter Galison, Robb Moss (82m, USA, 2015)

Can we contain some of the deadliest, most long-lasting substances ever produced? Left over from the Cold War are a hundred million gallons of radioactive waste. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 10,000 years from now in order to create monuments that will speak across time. CONTAINMENT considers an uneasy present and imagines a troubled future, exploring the idea that over millennia, nothing stays put. FRI 10/09 1PM McMenamins SAT 10/10 3PM Tin Pan Theater


Directors: Alexandria Bombach, Mo Scarpelli (90m, USA, 2015)

When the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, taking a photo was a crime. After the regime fell from power in 2001, a fledgling free press emerged and a photography revolution was born. Now, as foreign troops and media withdraw, Afghanistan is left to stand on its own, and so are its journalists. Set in a modern Afghanistan bursting with color and character, FRAME BY FRAME follows four Afghan photojournalists as they navigate an emerging and dangerous media landscape–reframing Afghanistan for the world, and for themselves. In Dari with English subtitles. THR 10/08 8:30PM Tower Theatre FRI 10/09 10:30AM Cascades Theatrical Co.


U.S. Premiere Director: Maya Newell (85m, Australia, 2015)

GAYBY BABY is a portrait of four remarkable kids – Gus, Ebony, Matt and Graham – whose parents all happen to be gay. As they each wrestle with the challenges of oncoming adolescence, the outside world wrestles with the issue of marriage equality, and whether families like theirs are legitimate. GAYBY BABY is an engaging, heartwarming and humorous portrait of four modern families that will delight viewers, whether gay or straight. FRI 10/09 1PM SAT 10/10 6PM

Regal 1 Tower Theatre


Northwest Premiere Director: David Shapiro (81m, USA, 2015)

MISSING PEOPLE follows Martina Batan, the director of a prominent New York gallery, who investigates her brother's long unsolved murder while obsessively collecting and researching the art and life of the late Roy Ferdinand, a self-taught artist from New Orleans. Ferdinand’s work covered dark themes including the hardscrabble life on the streets. When Martina uncovers new information about the murder, the inevitable collision of these parallel narratives leads to a chain of dramatic events. FRI 10/09 1PM Regal 2 SAT 10/10 5:30PM Tin Pan Theater



Oregon Premiere Director: Rebecca Parrish (86m, USA, 2015)

Oregon Premiere Director: John Rowe (89m, USA/Ethiopia, 2015)

For many generations the Kara people in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley believed that some children are cursed and that these “cursed” or “mingi” children bring disease, drought and death to the tribe and should be killed. Lale Labuko, an educated man from the Kara decided that one day he would stop this horrific practice. Shot over five years, the film follows Lale's and his tribe’s journey as they attempt to affect change. In Amarhic, Kara, and English with English subtitles. FRI 10/09 1PM Cascades Theatrical Co. SAT 10/10 12:30PM Tin Pan Theater BDF-tbd-ad-2015.pdf



Progressive American nuns have been at the center of an ideological divide within the Catholic Church for decades. Defying their leadership, they’ve fought for social justice issues while challenging conservative Church doctrine. RADICAL GRACE follows three of the irrepressible sisters: Jean who works with ex-cons in Chicago; Simone, who organizes a national “Nuns on the Bus” tour to promote Obamacare; and Chris, who travels to Rome to find historical evidence of female priests and to witness the election of Pope Francis. Friday screening preceded by short film SPIRITUS (26m) (Director: Matthew Spaull) See p. 38 for description.

10:31 AMTHR 10/08 3PM

Proud to support BendFilm and popcorn sales for the last 9 years.

Regal 1 FRI 10/09 5:30PM Tower Theatre



Northwest Premiere Directors: Hank Rogerson, Jilann Spitzmiller (93m, USA, 2014)

At The Lillian Booth Actors Home just outside NYC, a group of longretired Broadway entertainers dive into a production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and find that nothing is what it seems to be. As they deal with the shifting mental and physical challenges of old age, they realize that creativity is a magical force of renewal. FRI 10/09 2PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 10:30AM Regal 1




Director: Nelson George (85m, USA, 2015)

Few dancers make it to the highest levels of classical ballet. Of that already small number only a fraction of them are black women. A BALLERINA’S TALE follows one young dancer, Misty Copeland, who works her way up the ladder at the world-renowned American Ballet Theater with hopes of becoming a principal dancer and making history in the process. In Japanese with English subtitles. FRI 10/09 10:30AM Regal 1 SAT 10/10 1PM Regal 1

DREAMS REWIRED Oregon Premiere

Writers/Directors: Manu Luksch, Martin Reinhart, Thomas Tode (85m, Austria, 2015)



BREAKING A MONSTER chronicles the break-out year of the band “Unlocking the Truth,” an African-American heavy metal trio made of 12 and 13 yearold musicians Alec, Malcolm and Jarad. This delightful and thoroughly entertaining film follows the boys as they first garner attention playing on the streets of New York to Hollywood where they encounter the surreal music industry and reckon with their rock-star dreams.

In 1980s Romania, thousands of American and other films from Western countries smashed through the Iron Curtain by way of a black-market video racketeer and a courageous female translator who provided the voiceover. These videos (screened in illicit living room gatherings) offered a fascinating and rare glimpse into the free world for those who dared to look, and some say sparked a revolution.

Oregon Premiere Director: Luke Meyer (92m, USA, 2015)

THR 10/08 5:30PM Tower Theatre FRI 10/09 3:30PM Regal 1


Oregon Premiere Directors: Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg (93m, USA, 2015)

DREAMS REWIRED traces the desires and anxieties of today’s hyperconnected world back more than a hundred years, when the telephone, film and television were new. Narrated by Tilda Swinton and featuring clips from nearly 200 early silent and sound films, the film draws intriguing parallels between contemporary social media and early electric media which sparked a fervent utopianism in the public imagination.

IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE focuses on Grammy winning rapper Che “Rhymefest” Smith. Che hasn't seen his father in over 20 years, and presumes him dead. But after buying his father's childhood home, Che sets out to find him, and learns that his father Brian is now a homeless alcoholic living only a few blocks away on Chicago's turbulent South Side. The film explores identity and legacy in the AfricanAmerican family, as it tracks Che and Brian's shared journey.

FRI 10/09 12PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 10:30AM McMenamins

FRI 10/09 6PM SAT 10/10 10AM

Cascades Theatrical Co. Regal 2

Oregon Premiere Director: Ilinca Calugareanu (83m, UK/Romania/Germany, 2015)

In Romanian with English subtitles. FRI 10/09 7:30PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 10:30AM Volcanic Theatre Pub


Oregon Premiere Director: Laurent Bécue-Renard (96m, France/Switzerland/USA, 2015)

Providing the most visceral and unflinching look into the lives of returned veterans, OF MEN AND WAR's lens intimately follows the recovery efforts of twelve veterans suffering from PTSD at The Pathway Home, a first-of-its-kind therapy center in California. Director Laurent BécueRenard gains unprecedented access to their lives at home and intense therapy sessions, unveiling the gripping reality for our veterans as they attempt to make peace with themselves, their past, and their families. This screening will be followed by a panel discussion. A limited number of free tickets will be available at the box office with military ID. Please see our website for details. SAT 10/10 3PM

Tower Theatre



ORION: THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING Northwest Premiere Director: Jeanie Finlay (88m, UK, 2015)

In 1977, two years after the death of Elvis Presley, an independent record label began promoting a masked singer named Orion whose uncanny voice led many to believe “The King” was still alive. ORION is the incredible true story of that masked man and his journey from horse breeder to Hollywood hopeful to cultural phenomenon. FRI 10/09 3:30PM Regal 2 SAT 10/10 8:30PM Tower Theatre



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Total program running time is approximately 80 minutes.


FRI 10/09 1PM Tower Theatre SAT 10/10 1:30PM Cascades Theatrical Co.

Acts of courage come in all sizes. THE TUGBOAT CAPTAIN'S BALL is the story of a lonely, persistent young woman who flirts with the most handsome man at the ball.


Writer/Director: Joshua Tate (13m, USA, 2015)

A romantic dalliance without protection forces a young woman with Down Syndrome (Glee's Lauren Potter) to come to terms with the realities of adulthood and her own place in the world.


Writer/Director: Reinaldo Marcus Green (9m, USA, 2015)

A young man's future is threatened when he gets racially profiled and stopped by the police on his way home from baseball practice.


Writer/Director: Miguel Matias (11m, USA/Portugal, 2015)

A woman goes to great lengths to hide her daily struggle from family and friends.

Writer/Director: Rick Moore (13m, USA, 2015)


Director: Eileen Meyers Writer: Leslie Ayvazian (11m, USA, 2015)

Ellen and Ralph have differing views on how to handle the imminent passing of Ellen's mother (played by Olympia Dukakis) in this darkly comedic short.


Writer/Director: Tom Sveen (10m, USA, 2015)

Two thirteen year-old boys at a conservative Christian school take a field trip to the landfill. A tattered magazine calls to them from the trash heap. Some images cannot be unseen.


Writer/Director: Shirlyn Wong (14m, USA, 2014)

On what seems to be a routine day, a lonely security guard is surprised to discover a bouncing bright pink RV in the parking lot–the encounter leads to an unforeseen adventure.

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Total program running time is approximately 70 minutes.

FRI 10/09 4:30PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 4PM Cascades Theatrical Co.


Directors: Diane Hodson, Jasmine Luoma (23m, USA, 2014)

This uncommon portrait weaves together the life and work of iconoclastic cartographer and convicted sex offender, Denis Wood.


Director: Eva Weber (10m, UK, 2015)

OF THE UNKNOWN is set in Hong Kong where millionaires and the ‘working poor’ live side by side in one of Asia’s wealthiest and most densely populated cities.



In his latest project, his most personal yet, Photographer Phil Toledano has become obsessed with his own demise. Over the course of three years, filmmaker Joshua Seftel follows him as he imagines all the dark paths that his future could take.

Meet Tom and Barbara, the eccentric and proud new owners of a serial killer’s house–the most infamous residence in Sacramento, California. The middleaged couple soon realizes it's going to take more than a fresh coat of paint to whitewash their home's macabre history.

Director: Joshua Seftel (26m, USA, 2015)

that decision. If some people are not happy, it is probably because his greatest achievement is demanding more from others who do not want to give more. The only “Perfect” people are those who criticize others to make up for what they are lacking in! —More Concerned

required to set goals each year. Has Matt Montoya achieved these goals? Probably not. The new principal of Bear Creek should LE possess TT the character, integrity and clear viIN RA R ER the future that Matt Montoya does EP for Tsion H E S co av S, LY n i TO do se ng BE have. re su n't rvat not N U in rviv flus ion. cent D H SE e w h e I h ly AL alw billin A —Concerned Maybe Pacific Power doesn't have faith v he ay ing. ell ery ave mov S I L Y to lp a s ov I'm on a use live ed T W O Jim Figurski and the Mirror Pond ManageSo pay nd er $ oft ve , do d 58 to R UW up met the not 80 a en a ry lo n’t yea Ben ON A G N w aw m wa w sho rs d facts Be on habout i previous letter: 1. There ment Board. I don't know anything in w con from (F Tto nd thi ng r ater ay ont yCounter E :W l s, h fro co e e . bu ally bill ong , ev m h me r ev scio dr AT H er us percentage tI e only o e o aa small n . I is U E of parents who do IN ge eed f th nou n w me nd d y d ly p ugh R N CO R tt s t is gh ith an on ay, rot t-st E , IT E h o w d o f 4/ CO Mr. Montoya does r e n 't e u o N P er or cti ick thus r t a wa English; e fee benot 2 e speak co Tha TR LY li co n’t a h ny s xpe pl ng en 8) M

and how it fits into their resource mix, and they owe it to the town that has hosted their power plant for this long to give us an idea of when it will come out. —DJ Hurricane

Director: Nicholas Coles (13m, USA, 2015)


cerned Citizen and Taxpayer)

Letter of the Week!



Congrats, Matt, for your description LY 25, 20 JU of dogs hooking up with people.

H / T

the video we googled on the same topic, it provided us such an elegant ETER HTM explanation of evolution that we LIGhope you will enjoy a $5 gift certificate at Crow's Feet on us.

I have been reading and hearwww.bendsource.com ing about the termination of curGo ahead. Tell Us rent howBear youCreek really feel. PrinciElementary

an ng r r a c w re ES a o a in mm nks OV TO no ect “go ld o ate cent t fre t th pre rea ex crea uni for ER D TO t h ed eb irs cio s, ve n b r/s ly am sin ty. in yo SI IV W g w here rnm illin ewe gone ies, ty g us r I'm I pl e, gly t w ur f ES E I AT ill , so ent g, i r us for but ard esou a p N: 75 im as eat t I a e th One be it i ER r pe por gr ure N TO en wa run” was ge, six n tu ns. rce. o a d s T e r n w t i o ce an at g at “D H ne s r ut a c ot ee rn I kn I liv t w P be ion nifi nt sy t t e i E q i e ust k o a 1 l a v e o ny fre ity se ua s. M xp of wa w se e i H 0 W alo ater is can rs m sion an stem , l s e t t o i n e h h I t e I ette n c f i t n f he r y ” m ot co d th s a co bmis m. L e s ing wou giv ying wa t fai ow e, qu stor hig GH AT c t r r n e e.co ords. Su o ap re ob e o o o to ld ing ye ter rne to xi ali mw hl DE ER o d ourc t u ct i w s s c t i n t d 0 c e g s y b n u a m viou f Be cean disc a .O e fo re r ch s h 25 S i be d i on: em issu ter ting ER LO th you y fo p gr r el ll is , w ha rs to or@ ajo sly nd m T r n u er o d edit r e lette ons! ica e i ma T GG t co he pl uch r co a c disc itho ged th art l or ceri er mit m ts to t th ls n m ke he b m ED M an ic di e t ugh Please li et Com bo ant— stor nce once har ut bi maj t ge AY t, bu ced r ne or th le t heft s e r tho tti ore his read sy dies del mw rn rn ges any ectl 2, ity d ou you ’s paper. row’s F is, ou . d du c n t d p b a s d 2 o y k n h a i s g . 01 I l ch ew of ar tem Th ver ter eca nd ire in Se arrie ibly pro sues. to eek $5 to C in opu mp of c kb 3 w d ea o c y t g i u e t r a a l s s v s n e h w o a of r p to s n es s / u h e win g e tl m w t’s Pu ted ehen ate terr rding is any TH e follo ceiv ip rm ila wh no d ra e du com y to tre rfac ey t ou Rea out as r ge in s was t o th ek re E e in ur v g s wat t S area ive iss w r aq lly, of th a go y th jus w se ring bin the atm e w n in SO e we e nt s anuar y ctive w n't bas rom ys er ou s o lis ues UR ui we e c od e c t u wa la ed De ent ate lusio er of th be ith f J ld te i rece f r nd f t t s s n CE r inc . g r tt f m n th subje , I wou gs just to ing imp ers, nee omb idea ity o tre e fl ge r sew chu A b bo the took in he inc acin ay fo tion. Le s W i s d n u o a ri e e d a d e t i t i w a F f EE er ve in nd W W co e it g o rio he nfil rvio he m ined bac Po ted win in e r sy es R g pi ies, eI e d w blica oon KL s n u n n o u g a p w o i u o y r s t y fi P r k e s d g sh nt teac Y i ra us cit eta e tla to re se c ce in a 's eli llam t ve ste iv i ver ed b arantee d in r y s a n r ifi / voiv r h —km c the e ve a a ho ysc tion the ted sur y th rai wer n th nd rmw hrou nts ms er th of clud c it . g re to Fo re ette t gu th in r a (o n nly t w ap t e yet 5 n w were P e bo f i s e w n d s no gr e a and ain to t ace t ra an yst da ne ater gh t e c hat rou he d ng all, ar r to Va n th lone. al. O en if h ro I doe ve he om yo gh o m em y) or riv d ou nd of u f e s he s ( in o l e I g s b s , l w a e w n i s p e v o m n u is in nd a r u t g e h e s . n as y a try he r t al tha bine de uch nto rs, tow IN wa inje il. W ina grou oad nd s ow to t cisio te al. E arantee c ienc e bil l be wa nd in are so t t th d s scr ter ct i e d lly A s t o w n c re nd s, d no me o b biling u this in this ly wil to de t exper a t u R t g i g f t t e e c l w m h b o a d r a e t er ge i n o n l l t i to cit an e r y o we ed rm nd ks, ot ab g on rs ire ee e a W The EP ha b n e t d n d b s o n sm ivew me infi to ts i in t o e e o r d r a a o t d o v t a ld O L o l r in d w t s so w a ive co th t w r t s e e r r a no Y p hl al ay lt d ltr ke mg ey p og h wou ls nee s a pr ed t nt e pe l m a i s a rt that sew rflo yste e ac ains ests kes, wo urce rah y th am gro ant he s l do s, r id b atin I'd li up of d that th hat I a a op rt na TO il sto th -st s ne al, that in r k ag w at m c tua . T ide rk s no se oo s g t s t e t un e u a k i o m l o h p w k y h P s n o r e f i n us m ug e in th an lly a ate nd d is co w m s, s fs, fore into e ta gr gu mm t H ow t th io a n fo ey f ng m rom le Q and o t c n e w o l, e e in h a c a a i h u p n r k tra oge rkin for a e t I f il s d iv r t l t c ic ate t c o r nt ce we th a b t , t & is L r n ed . to m ace re nt elts, ead c.). e gh I m ils ther g lo plac ’S r f om loca eatm ve s o or , a oms our A. E drin elle able d civil mun istra ely plac Bear ate ra g ak so B co a o a e i nd es F rg u n fo t. thou ast lik (f w M di k , com admin has exc d t te s nd cro ut ver rou Havrom bine l wa ent was nf do at una lture a n years ut es n they r a But wit IX le 7 ed or how rom eek tor mix d hr to filt ss we ed ndrece e sro te t to toya folen, aw os l u ion o m lish oya m con un h l NO ou rm er the w ov anived by esm the M pm. ia i stew r at far our y p Phil an a lo Du Mon l posit ne 24 nd p . Mont prov s our c w milli p with gh wa ed an edo on s d noon dee es no hi ay ens ay e cen like arge F er i h r u d l a t a S B o n . a B in t u h t b t y r l's g t Fr r e t n. ro d ti h IX dr ter hr nd t t gu a alo tr g nj e an iday h fe Ju W a -u sa ow ipa y M ya Ma do t the . to k n c e n Jo ey’v pcom lica usse min A o y w a ou scI ha e w car r o n : ha tee pu afol r incl to sa ken ay 13 t f io h in o o . e o t t he Bey dis o co oy a ated alm mou A . n is o f r t t ti g a in n o ts l p t usio ls Sim is r y? SeTo blicat s a It th, pe R E no ell t a gh aN T ad on pe n n n n in to h und), a s us e co ing on. host le, a toL ter gin ion. ihis e no t ex choo the ndp evalu is mon s skil Matt M succes Creek. s a few aM Ed. id P Lett r Y sh g be s ca d th rse cent outd hop rt th ts of AL fo me M Th s f s o heY, N wer uld no decided ay aro llect an er of followin yoBur o ou nd om ry S nnual rb ed th u o 2. alt eE alIl mwaTO be n b at, the rat oo pin e p pa L tor g wee ttth the nd ear sed gh o if it e fr menta dr low I re ee sinc der e in n a ur n a wee g yGc HB ( m e r t te e k’slepaS ts to ed t r “ WOIN h irec m rlier u rk gs rom k re at B ired ba g d co nw th a er w illare sp ahdy th n ra e n leav e a h pe itor@ ceiv l eO r t ad owe ag a la exp exp rpo ing TH RE Ele w of his ion. Ea rd of D R” (NItN’T atio hen do he oth erd, an away f ho coots layis es $5 or.pPlea o ro nd Mu Mo ug u d in ws row og ram bend h f z c k stoosry e g ail ded ve ain rg eri eri se , li E Y e se e e , e m t e g a to O e r l y so lim r p areaes isW PL U B g fre rp m ra for pa e Cro174 tim e e or B and ou E Pr tt . r Cr t, h , w tep oh he w’s0 it letter urce.com revie vestiga ools Bo resultin toya, . aT inlaoininogf l e , Y h th m g i ed or , an I'm num nce nce of M htin O E e Feet he ago SEPTnEM urgc asS hun us to s t at the t is ur sion ers wh e that , (no of th abo orgla O ing NWCom s to 250 . Letters (in y Br ssue eve ati es c .I on bitc ed y t 8/2T9 to imp y fu all sk t b . a s BE w to r u a hom Ph ings. hat fair wor m t i TB g an T, v g o n low ion tel ow s, d an in ine Sch h ds. Su must be th ro rth in er o is ly nYewespt dneivzea lo p!eThoeuses O) O st by M ge and Pe ons! tra d c 4 lane each owled them. A . lec n M t h e in me Beilin igat ing hum t usRh5o, 2013 allowe part ing abo e p t P d t bmis e s ve t d s e fo o s C f p e f e n le / e t in e e o a n i t a . e a m c a lk a i g a n g i e u h fi si o / e 2 tu di h m ik tine on ennct infl s NE t so ce f. on k . t pe d a r ex vo use is THE oS n t gh n th u m th ed t th - p d-L nd inv am d h sp ls is mpi 5) long en anso e, o al) Stay y 9) hlig rvie live u ld in r a e in whot n ir t m L r r a e n g e s h g c e t la o r h a e o p d a O n t g l a o s d a i n B n — e th o ifi s ev n m DA h w w w t e ho y n ot lehasc e. .S se en tu rs not g. jamm ough ing co ct mp an c u nece ans f m sim wi you'v e pr m el the ecie leUtRhCeE W he t hhem n he uest ep tye ou (soin he th I te ne the ts m s w ith ed in a se tion co tion ba on leav egle Y a E p at mh o th .# w rta di a cS se ssa ion ode pl mals ther sp e whe re in th ers to q tar eo to b t's c thec urce ‘7o8si eales litvken rs. W elp esinc tor s ru for a A a y gan to haa od ith sc 1. ere a ndEKnLY / 5 s nt gea go s ple rth r ss dowin in e alle eind orimver,wo )tivto re at sa ally lso en't g be t en eo o om y. A hou t im to t e d men e po y wo T A m the llen ern sw imin iscrimin remain se, a r u to r id h g lse pd a n ea m m t e n r u o t B c o y k a N e o yo r, an you l n m t k h b e le l w u o e e is d o t o p r u n h nt e m So ge in i cm h d E w t oereots eople d en ao r ,h y, a eve ad ont ilinon furt be rov en h . s usesspe olbl er e t dno hoorma tciea trds TI ras ur s u ng yo ur g d y r je , if it h y Som Creek n —Bre cites time ce and e cruelt t M nd o b to her at o em ave beinto beyond uge ohuyth ts lik our wctesst oefcti lohgosu tkdi neds ansdat eelikewa ME u olks be scro under nt H s po gb th e ha e y ar as-g u ca rsey ear Mat is not v hu of 14nth who At press th e how g san ins’curiv tea stNre r it f atetshom dis(tu Th owk ,y te y at adva er l nts t toStayin uilItNin ppy wh accrri ou riv uz all uniep io eo 4/rbed for B have s been a ipal . ove ol urm mil the foo stdospog ss eor!!!c!!h G e z n't o en os s.oI' loc nt oc o tth ry g thIe Rwhat p 2 re sket naw ity Bo in d get e would e to sle rinc y scho o comm race nc r fu an ling wa u'v s rs f ro wrin P o ovel d hboub ilt.5) when thh s wsure a t i a at age atio hee chilT Ny're uE was o thesir no f S : h e e l . h e th e t ck d W p it e y o t l s If l r g a r k y . acjust s a oit! ic Cry e oUuseho o ion e their w pse r nce PLt b li le ya er ipa o t ing act menta is nsth r tr . is t ick to g got b at th dre o h a benc noBendab n"O me w E f (s)clw ndy d Sgcooin ththeyurw c s r U t e u a o a T h f . r e . p is r s n in ie ia t S a t c X a Y G e d w he p e au t r ug o eaas e On n la. fr b F u e iso y nd ha ing d e vMirg A aRload T ause pr plo Mo ow mil If B mil att diespts bto sheatp wre mf y e hsobow tra ike wh p t t su our A fe eek Ele n inter u chsea yoeupar unt'tBgoin eaissuru e in la Med Monda S SC of cOra it's "un nadndtoi or. ly d tr c and th itt g fa e gr is fa or a co —M ree. pe ere el tosrr y ru y, ilh to ia S p t hpa en to e for th repttedg ,Bo n(d safe n s a oy g to e iedra oh atioassuin Lp. LEtheH can akin with th rog ram alon Sept. 9 ds a year , not th istric mati r Cr ea the is i ck a r ra ack yO for ou naove lo he anodk th n tghaon!!t ar pth ote laxua acbteorut entll seSttcle emse u Od ETThey're df a dri , , v t dt d s Bea He nee ish spe rfr d y o n RJ of whvaite oudt ov eyTwT se np upse lv to oun . v Buss e Opra an info the Sou l o t un okgoeed utpis Aellnotheher ndlith t he bike so f d d ica with njo year l in the un b to d er oEn't LS eT pahsto Aendto T ews.ouIt w ou wwsas s b rce p a r t c ocam th l. an rma h-sty rsio ed bilin deem s w wOhK t se syi y,aat th e. T ER t a lo p e y is n s tr uc le , b r h u u y S t e l s n 17 a l o h u re s e r m m R b . e r m A o r y t l i g t y sn le y o bu is ars t erscpo ig a N S beowno d senn ,w sH e jih t We w d Q ign ail kin ve n P ou eth ts it amc ta ey lJl s wSt.o Su alo fanll'ts o'turtooSlo, ble efo our thiet iys yoeure f vo it a to k M with a has li ual Im ontrac y exceltoge & A, t engag to scho aking it rs ask, month Pa n U.S s fou La Daedvi elo 4g/ a D lu cowa le n ey, a estdo d rittuand we ls up and g cr the hil's r ther. meuannddtit bim co ncoouldth ate in c ho ve w oke y D .A.? fi fo h eB st pm WeepIL rdy m s atlm o th ni hm t How hat do explore sted b g and in rth fo if e e rs oumg t ou wh ntee o re no nonat bm ma n s sp the c Monto of the e itond ory is a take wh ielent inast e c terost25g)o thaH for m hen he I ty e w em r a yo wd wo y E es it h the n.aW v to om lib Beian fordo b th y ha ere lo pr barr t E TA s uld ll as dit it t fi w of orktootkhefort ast we.oIrth unti it r re ich i rs in eal and e, aner nd. ha ou eer mea e busi sp u d ed? s unit ink? On urdo thety sp nc urb re. Paelloo m w Be cces eek. Th , as we ho sho , Matt 's ness or Phil how Bo s be se to ovid en R cult LEETRY d astl n to in on nt was proven sil yokuoto a u t m s p a h n o u l u o f n le r e e n m w a in o can sto n a so th e n re a cla 't g ’S TERR area m v leriaes li th w or d a d v line exput bitt rom nsi ude e ts Cr in co wfe n tor ne Sli in SYR n they nd th be Bee f beer. , u il e a r e . a h s o s, loin t ow re in k bi e n r e a e o s , T i d a y a t b h p r c e t f s th E n T s y m e b g t e r s m r T lu help emot ex a is ke s t ec ou he ilit e be IAH CO T id B d C—P okhini e ato Bers ith ev dle 't he s yis ju sp at m en the nifi any rog ra n own c n t in iv Dav aetr h r a e t e o o s a a f tra l h t s ig d H s er s aft. N h g y D n c E R p r r n st m e u s I o i p e d y s ic m d t c t h in e e . n o g d o for su ipfr u eN tu fuel tin ar is inde i dust o o U E n w ktrat yw in i ls isse ud otg to am. s the p measur ’ to tch, in ounld illhe r ou al a ing ual ino lo rn Benne, threed"s oromrbpig e pl Sen CO IT EDIT tra e ar owwe ver ver ng ry lly in town Rog n, o r via de eogper b ssEonoeus goh ators OR l O e i se ag all N rog r ts er L er Claim f a stre tistica unw ts g u t e 3. T from wne usecdh o he asvwe the ng ag d inbato all bm il An p anCd M n d a h s b b le f : r y e e 's t le f w h n l r b to k e is o in e r th s d r o sp e " a e f t e, D R E h to eg futu g w " in for s y i to o a i e of W e y W n th st tu it pu lh fer we hat : S b le r s irec a thin ealokb. Pempite hou ERepreN Cen t re? on tilli from f e o arugh place in thplaocuer thden de eat, yboeua pmlaa nwla k o y se n n a u a L h s s P f a n s k e a ll t g e t n en tor se hN T tati a al actey der tral ng r c is u it tr ee bo eytru ctio g. eu in es y, ...an to ags w Descr sk cnedwhem s ed out like e"D lust of E ypFo H ves, oca . pon wa apnd Ore in ct Stonp d y acifi aning f ue is fa huite dm lS cred ing bil ions to ear Cr ugg of to glora crisyA e trar thos s con Tou gon n; s sun reuJm “:ex f one rm romwar a O ion — st ore a e c stre thebreer omic wn. ry.ke"Bar aro s rs con learly s that, P e are B R aP st de eali be nd d ! ets. e? and anadnd bB a kmee’sr wa Be T r u m us 14 PEdou- outateck in S no Dev fen ng ming ises re notW f que s that te m . This is e Sourc c not ove dard s? I res, o a r Sub th tBhC n r tim s the p ndhis inygno df ith y th e c y e r i p si o Am a e a ," o ri ip e y p lo w n e t N m E a s n e m h w o v a pme s ruenB g ere e mroRn bu t is . la to im y is roloug di oerl w ing I ha sco Ssa So ss 0 c to l artic nt from The cre l ib oey t t th TmeING ppy sho diratsare thine pla ce limb y from n e v led in On s? has t three ue ha d vi roaa. m B ce er ger goidvuernss pe the g bin to ikf il test that the to p ess in ed a ed . ata them ng ac year al a m U.S ibilit y o uiseH yolu pe there T e en ra es s . go oc p or d rmance he las voc misg uid ut exis l ri enots ized de oofo “p h ople in hed th ree is S vern f inform op g le” “h cte t ing n hole pr and ad o OM to r re's is a dard last th e men ia ted hts cowelping d-inunaisdhI atio Ep e ver perf t w n r ld b a n d, ' stan i

Want more Swayze? How about Rob Lowe, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez and Matt Dillon?




NHIGHLIGHTS THIS WEEK O I N I P O continues! Swayze Summer $3 donations for W

HA S y? SN TETR o sa EW hing t LET t

ome The Outsiders July 31 e s8pm, Hav

Widmer beer and FREE raffle!


Old Stone Church, 157 NW FranklinPAve. Free! LE T he So ur

ce De bu ts M on t


hly M ed ia




Sa lon






" Th

T M wee am t a b abo ird ut yo u


Sou rc e M e B P rese ed ia S u si n nt s a lon ess of B eer "

Founding Sponsor of BendFilm and publisher of this fine guide to the event. G ue st s: Free Every Thursday AN "ST TO LY 8) P E 1 IN R WS, 7/ (NE

" FF! DO



Total program running time is approximately 82 minutes.

FRI 10/09 10:30AM Tower Theatre SAT 10/10 12PM Tower Theatre


Writer/Director: Max S. Reisfar (4m, USA, 2015)

Just what is going on right in front of you while you’re transfixed by your phone? Jury Winner of the 2015 BendFilm/Scalehouse 72-hour Filmmaker’s Scramble.


Director: Jarratt Taylor (25m, USA, 2015)

The national debate over the relationships between the police and communities of color was brought home after a student at Portland’s Roosevelt High School student was tasered by an officer.


Director: Brian Lindstrom (30m, USA, 2015)

A unique project at Oregon’s Coffee Creek Correctional Facility aims to help mothers build healthy relationships with their children and stop the generational cycle of incarceration.


Director: Ben Mercer (14m, USA, 2015)

In 1980, six competitors gathered for a battle of will, strength, creativity, and paper airplane throwing, to determine which among them was worthy of the title Best Man.


Director: Ben Knight Writers: Ben Knight, Katie Klingsporn (8m, USA, 2015)

Photographer Ben Moon was helped through his darkest days by his beloved and faithful friend. DENALI is a beautiful meditation on a dog, a man, and mortality.


SHORTS ANIMATION Total program running time is approximately 75 minutes.

FRI 10/09 3:30PM Cascades Theatrical Co. SAT 10/10 8PM Tin Pan Theater


Directors: Carolina Markowicz, Fernanda Salloum (10m, Argentina, 2014)

The existential drama of Javier Juarez Garcia, an Argentinian scale model figurine.


Director: James Bascara (9m, USA, 2014)

A man leading a Sisyphean life suddenly has a euphoric vision and undergoes a dysphoric transformation.


Director: Tom Teller (8m, USA, 2015)

A solitary dish-washing robot is imprisoned in the back room of a restaurant until an encounter with a tiny ally.



A man traces the steps of a heinous creature in this short by celebrated animator Bill Plympton.

A wistful portrait of a lonely old man who seeks companionship.

Director: Bill Plympton (4m, USA, 2015)


Directors: Gwen Barriac, Heather Larkin (5m, USA, 2015)

Patton Oswalt narrates the mémoires of a stoplight at a 4-way intersection in this new “Plymptoon.”

A composer struggles to write a masterpiece that pleases both himself and his sponsor.



Director: Priit Tender (11m, Estonia, 2015)

This film is based on a long-term study of the dreams of chimney sweepers.

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Director: Bill Plympton (6m, USA, 2015)

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Director: Zeynep Kokac (9m, Turkey, 2015)

Directors: Bob Blevins, Bradly Werley (10m, USA, 2014)

A naive roll of toilet paper awakes in a horrifying gas station bathroom.

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Total program running time is approximately 82 minutes.

FRI 10/09 12:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub SAT 10/10 3:30PM Regal 1


Director: Daniel Barosa Writers: Daniel Barosa, Humberto Palmas (15m, Brazil, 2014)

Consumed in a marathon of family chaos, texting and hormones, the outspoken Ju is running late for her pricey private tennis lessons, and running from a secret.


Writer/Director: Saman Hosseinpour (1m, Iran, 2015)

A boy is so engrossed in a TV soccer game that he forgets he’s in the middle of a haircut.


WINTRY SPRING (Rabie Chewty)

Expectant father Joachim is retiring from base jumping, but first he embarks on one last adventure with his best-friend Øyvind. When a storm approaches their friendship is put to the test.

Nour is an Egyptian schoolgirl living with her widowed father. When she enters adolescence, tensions arise as both struggle to understand one another.

Writer/Director: Aslak Danbolt (15m, Norway, 2015)

Director: Mohamed Kamel Writers: Tamer Abdul-Hamid, Mohamed Kamel (16m, Egypt, 2015)



Sasha’s idea of her father is shattered by reality when she goes to a picnic with him and his new girlfriend.

A lonely typographer with a cruel speech impediment but an eloquent inner voice must face his ultimate fear as he searches for love.

Writer/Director: Benjamin Cleary (13m, UK/Ireland, 2015)

Writer/Director: Taisia Deeva (23m, Russia/Germany, 2015)

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SHORTS Total program running time is approximately 72 minutes.

FRI 10/09 8:30PM Cascades Theatrical Co. SAT10/10 12:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub





Carlos meets Julio while working in a barbershop. When the shop closes, Julio returns, knowing full well that this encounter will be short-lived.

Six-year-old Jeffrey surprises his butchidentifying lesbian mother when he takes a liking to wearing dresses. Jeffrey and his moms must figure out how to navigate conservative rural Florida.

Writer/Director: Roberto Fiesco (20m, Mexico, 2015)

Director: Eric Rockey (15m, USA, 2015)

Writer/Director: Maria Loyter (22m, Russia/UK, 2015) )

Alya, a shy, awkward orphan, has trouble connecting with people. When she begins to bond with her music teacher, Alya's intense desire for human connection pushes her over the line.


Writer/Director: Martin Edralin (15m, Canada, 2014)

A daring portrait of a disabled man yearning for intimacy in a world that would rather ignore him.



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Total program running time is approximately 60 minutes. Recommended for ages 9 and up.


Writer/Director: I-Cheng Lee (3m, Taiwan, 2014)

SAT 10/10 10:30AM Tower Theatre SUN 10/11 10:30AM McMenamins

NOWHERE expresses the filmmaker’s personal journey of pursuing happiness.



A boy and his imaginary friend decide that it's time to part ways.

Jake spends most of his time playing video games indoors until his mom gives him an unexpected present.

Director: Desta Reff (3m, USA, 2015)


Director: Bill Plympton (6m, USA, 2015)

Patton Oswalt narrates the mémoires of a lonely stoplight at a 4-way intersection.

Writer/Director: Jacob Frey (5m, Germany, 2014)


THE LIGHT THIEF (El Lardon de Luz) Writer/Director: Eva Daoud (20m, Bahrain/Spain, 2015)

An unscrupulous man steals the life forces of the women he dates, leaving them heartbroken, until he is met by an even darker, more powerful force. Screens with UNCLE KENT 2

Director: T.C. Johnstone (30m, USA, 2015)

Directors: Bob Blevins, Bradly Werley (10m, USA, 2014)

A naive roll of toilet paper awakes in a horrifying gas station bathroom.



Sam is thirty, single, broke and nine months pregnant in NYC. So... everything is great.

Twenty-something college student Emma must navigate the awkward and unfamiliar world of casual sex after her first one night stand.

Director: Kristin Slaysman (8m, USA, 2015)

Screens with APPLESAUCE FRI 10/09 8:30PM Regal 1 SAT 10/10 8:30PM Regal 1



A church in Rochester, New York challenges the conventions of their Catholic leaders. After the Vatican takes issue, the members of the church–including their female priest– fight on.

Addict Lorraine throws a “lingerie party” to seduce her bisexual boyfriend away from his sugar daddy. The party dissolves into mayhem with horrible consequences. Screens with STINKING HEAVEN FRI 10/09 8PM Volcanic Theatre Pub SAT 10/10 8:30PM McMenamins


Writer/Director: Steve Utaski (3m, USA, 2015)

When a man tries to unsubscribe from an email list, he must click his way through a hysterical chain of messages that try to convince him to stay. Screens with HENRY GAMBLE’S BIRTHDAY PARTY FRI 10/09 8:30PM SAT 10/10 8PM

Regal 2 Volcanic Theatre Pub

This short documentary looks at a unique program for young journalists at Santa Barbara Middle School.


FRI 10/09 9:30PM Tin Pan Theater SAT 10/10 10:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub Director: Laura Harrison Writer: Beth Raymer (8m, USA, 2015)


Director: Matthew Spaull (26m, USA, 2015)

Screens with RADICAL GRACE (Friday screening only) FRI 10/09 5:30PM Tower Theatre

Writer/Director: Tara O'Sullivan (10m, USA, 2015)

Screens with BLOOMIN MUD SHUFFLE FRI 10/09 3PM SAT 10/10 5:30PM

McMenamins Volcanic Theatre Pub


Director: Liz Cardenas Franke (15m, USA, 2015)

After moving back into her childhood home to take care of her elderly father, an independent woman in her thirties finds herself reaching a breaking point as she tries to come to grips with her new reality. Screens with HAPPY 40TH FRI 10/09 5:30PM McMenamins SAT 10/10 6PM McMenamins

SHORTS Total program running time is approximately 82 minutes.

FRI 10/09 10:30PM Volcanic Theatre Pub SAT 10/10 10:30PM Tin Pan Theater






A character-driven comedy about a down-and-out Postal Inspector struggling with his increasing irrelevance in the world.

Six friends meet up for their monthly Dungeons and Dragons game. And what a game it is: someone dies, someone falls in love, while the others just keep on playing.

A sheltered kid cons his way into a sick day. Left alone for the first time, he stumbles upon a sinister family secret.

Director: Chandler Kauffman (22m, USA, 2015)

Writer/Director: Sadie Rogers (12m, USA, 2015)


Director: Lauren Morrison (4m, USA, 2015)

VISCERA reveals the bizarre goingson behind the doors and under the floorboards of a creepy old hotel.


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Director: Judd Myers Writers: Judd Myers, Cole Hill (14m, USA, 2015)


Director: Spencer Parsons Writers: Aaron Leggett, Mark Smoot, Spencer Parsons (30m, USA, 2015)

BITE RADIUS captures that experience we’ve all gone through: when you’ve had such a good night that you forget about the murder you committed.


CULTURAL COMMUNITY COLLABORATIONS Starting in 2016, Caldera Arts graciously donated one Winter Artsist in Residence spot for a filmmaker solicited by BendFilm. The filmmaker will work on his or her project(s) during the week and mentor Caldera’s students on the weekend. Once the monthlong residency is over, the filmmaker will present his or her work at Caldera’s residency showcase and at a BendFilm-sponsored special engagement in the Spring. The winning applicant in our inaugural year is Brittany Reeder of Austin, TX. Brittany is a multi-media filmmaker who has created works under a wide variety of descriptions. Her body of work consists of short narrative films, short documentaries, music videos, performance art, projection installation and video art/sculpture. She also experiments in analog photography and 16MM film with an emphasis on 35MM home processing. The project Brittany will be working on is a threepart, multi-media collection of pieces of her Floridian ancestry and memories from her swampy childhood. The project will span the breadth of her artistic disciplines: a narrative film, an experimental documentary and a video art installation. Each piece will all inform one another. Congratulations, Brittany. We cannot wait to see this ambitious project come to life!

More about the program: Caldera’s Artists in Residence program offers the gift of time and space on the eastern slopes of Oregon's Cascade mountain range. Month-long stays offer private accommodations, 24-hour access to studios, and a weekly meal. By design, residents form a small community of 7–12 artists, depending on the group. The BendFilm/Caldera Artist in Residence will also host filmmaking workshops to youth in Caldera’s program. Caldera is a catalyst for the transformation of underserved youth through innovative year-round art and environmental programs. Check back in the Spring of 2016 for the 2017 application deadline!

Base Camp Studio and BendFilm Art Exhibit Base Camp Studio and BendFilm are collaborating on a public art event and exhibit - the 3rd Annual Base Camp Studio Painting Marathon - 5x5 Challenge. On First Friday, October 2nd, at Crow's Feet Commons from 3pm-10pm, five teams will each create 25 paintings incorporating 5 film-inspired objects chosen by BendFilm filmmakers featured in the Festival. The 125 smaller paintings will create one body of work, and the entire process of public art-making will be filmed. The teams' art will be displayed and on sale at BendFilm venues during the Festival. All proceeds support the mission of Base Camp Studio.

72 Hour Filmmaker Scramble Earlier this summer, BendFilm partnered with ScaleHouse on the 72-hour Filmmakers’ Scramble - an event which challenged filmmakers of any age or skill level to create original short films in just 72 hours based on the surprise theme of “Wonder”. This format proved to be perfect for several aspiring filmmakers in need of a little push to jump into the filmmaking fray as well as some returning film veterans. The films were screened on August 7th at “Wonder: A Mini-Fest”. Fest-goers were treated to an inspiring mix of cinematic styles - all exploring the theme of “wonder”. Filmmakers competed to win the chance to screen their film at the 2015 BendFilm Festival this October. Titles included: Curiosity, I Wonder, Red Now, First World Wonders, Kidnap Revenge, I Wonder (Documentary), and Coyote and Old Crow. The Best Film and Audience Awards went to First World Wonders by Max Reisfar. Reisfar’s film will be screening a the Festival as part of the Northwest Wonders Shorts Block FRI 10/09 10:30AM Tower Theatre SAT 10/10 12PM Tower Theatre






McMenamins Old St. Francis School Theater SUN 10/11 1:00PM, FREE The Future Filmmakers program will once again be hosted during the BendFilm Festival. Our brave, young filmmakers will share their voices and talent with our community at this wonderful event. Founded in 2006 by Michelle Alvarado of Wahoo Films, Future Filmmakers has grown to become a very popular part of the annual Film Festival. Each fall, Central Oregon students in grades 5 through 12 create one to five minute videos which are submitted to BendFilm. The Future Filmmaker Jury determines which of these films screen at the Sunday, 10/11 event. The Jury, made up of BendFilm Board members, presenting BendFilm Festival filmmakers, and Central Oregon video artists, will also determine the Grand Jury winner who will receive a $100 cash prize. The jury provides each submitter critical feedback of their work to help mentor them in their craft. The audience attending this 10/11 event will vote to determine an additional $100 cash prize winner.


8—11 2 0 1 5 TH



Future Filmmaker Coordinators: Alicia Vickery Chuck Greenwood

Sponsored by Dan and Priscilla Wieden on behalf of Caldera


Apparel Provided by

Chris Choyce, “Camping Misadventrures”


Last Year’s Audience Award Winner:

Come on over to the HUB (next to the Tower Theatre) and pick out some cool threads.

Last Year’s Jury Award Winner:

Mackenzie Hice, “Technicolor”

BendFilm Members receive 25% off* regular price and everyone can shop our Vintage Collection at 50% off or more. * For members at the $200 level or more


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THE MEMBERS Why Join BendFilm? Your support of BendFilm is crucial to our longevity and success. It allows us to showcase films and share stories you would not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Celebrate the passionate voice of independent film by becoming a member of BendFilm and enjoy special member benefits all year long – especially with our BendFilm Membership card which grants you generous discounts at an impressive and growing list of Bendarea businesses. Our levels of BendFilm Membership with benefits include:

Indie Fan - $50

$40 discounted rate for seniors (65 and over) and students (21 and under) • Several Bend Businesses will offer BendFilm Members discounts in their stores • Discounted entry to our Monthly (ie. non-October Festival) screenings • Eligibility to be in our "Member of the Month" merch drawings • Use of BendFilm's amazing lending library of independent films • Ability to purchase Festival tickets before the general public • BendFilm updates on our E-newsletter • BendFilm sticker • Recognition in Festival Guide • 40% Discount on 1st year of Fandor Membership

Indie Lover - $100

$75 discounted rate for seniors (65 and over) and students (21 and under) All of the benefits of the Indie Fan, plus... • Two FREE film tickets for upcoming festival

Indie Artist - $200

All of the benefits of the Indie Lover, plus... • Four additional FREE film tickets for upcoming festival • 25% off all official BendFilm gear

Indie Star - $500

All of the benefits of the Indie Artist, plus... • One Full Festival pass

Indie Producer - $1000

All of the benefits of the Indie Star, plus... • One additional Full Festival pass (2 total) • Signed commemorative poster

Indie Director - $2,500

All of the benefits of the Indie Producer, plus... • Two additional Full Festival passes (4 total) • Invitation to exclusive Filmmaker Party

Indie Benefactor Membership - $5,000 All of the benefits of the Indie Director, plus... • Four additional Full Festival passes (8 total) • Swag Bag of BendFilm gear and other gifts BendFilm is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your membership is tax deductible.

Current Members Indie Fan Level: Judy Munro, Tracy Shinkle, Susie Neubauer, Charlotte Lin, Maryclaire Collis, Ryan Miller, Scott Nelson, Diane Kirpach, Carolyn Payne, Liz Rink, Mary Wells, Leslie O'Meara, Debi Smith, Laurel Yocom, Robert Sennott, Michael George, Claudia MacDonald, Joyce Mirelez, James Wiggins, John Brand, Sheila Wilton, Terry Leggert, Annie McVay, Christine Coffin, Jack Homeyer, Pat Homeyer, Kirsten Hostetler, Kim Cooper Findling, Becky and Brian Boyd, Kimberly S Smith, Kimberly Paxton-Hagner, Valerie Warren, Laura Fine, Sally Harada, Kristin Kovalik, Julie Miller, Dawn Yamada, Paula Fleitell, Lura Reed, Doug Cleavenger, Cheryl Brigante, Shay Knorr, Darlene Sorenson, Maggie Hanson, Sharon Oliver, Stan Oliver, Leila Lovdale, Pia Wennerth, William Silver, Jay Korinek, Tom Comerford, Pam DiDente, Marilyn Schwartz, Helen Seidler, Judy McCoy, Mary Ann Kruse, Peggy Buckman, Ron Clarke, and Thure Lehto. Indie Lover Level: Bill Allen, Joe Benim, Jennifer Houston, Kate Bailey, Mary Powell, Michele/Andy Higgins, Carrie Compton, Robert Vogel, Rachel Baker, Susan Asti, Pat Fulton, Penelope & Rob Byrd, Kim & Rune Hazzard & Borgin, Marian McCall, Kirk & Dottie Ward, Diana Tomseth, James Fasano, Marilynn Friley, Thomas Virts, Martha Murray, Suzanne Johannsen, Tina Borders, Shanna Laherty, Ed LaChapelle, Berta Youtie, Ramona Bieber, Carmen Borg, Linda Skibinski, Cassondra Schindler, Lora Harbour, Pamela PagetWakefield, Jackie & John Hoffman, Jan Gifford, Barbara & Chris Secor, Daniel Fohrman, Wes & Kaye Waldron, LaVerda Gallagher, Richard Maunder, Brenda Teel, Greg Lyons, Roger Mathus, Catherine Morrow, Diane Franzi, Elizabeth Irish, Edwin Irish MD, Thomas Tetzlaff, Carol Cavoretto, Debra Hinman, Brenda Ambrose, Joanne Mathews, Nelson Mathews, and Phil DiMeco. Indie Artist: Linda Kallal, Hildur Schmidt, Allen Johnson, Glenn Cole, Jennifer Cole, Elaine Redman-LeRoy, Lynne Owens, Joanne Richter, Linda Kurtz, April Munks and Jan McGowan. Indie Star: Bob Lane, Kaari and Nick Vaughn, Frank and Rebecca Groundwater, Hollings Renton, Lou Renton, Richard Ross, Lisa Bertalan, Marinus Koning, Karin Mellberg, Patricia O'Neill, and Rebecca Taillon. Indie Producer: Karen Katzbeck, Deb Weekley, Jay and Sheila Luber.


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FILMMAKERS ATTENDING The following filmmakers have indicated they will be attending this year’s BendFilm Festival. Many times, attending filmmakers are present for Q&A sessions at the conclusion of their films. * We anticipate more filmmakers will be in attendance. At the start of each screening, venue managers will announce if a filmmaker will be present for a Q&A.

NARRATIVE FEATURES APPLESAUCE Onur Tukel (Writer, Director) ASTRAEA Kristjan Thor (Director) BLOOMIN MUD SHUFFLE Frank V. Ross (Writer, Director) BOB AND THE TREES Diego Ongaro (Writer, Director) Bob Tarasuk (Title Character) FOR THE COYOTES Eric Daniel Metzgar (Director) James Carpenter (Actor) HAPPY 40TH Madoka Raine (Writer, Director) HENRY GAMBLE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY Stephen Cone (Writer, Director) Shane Simmons (Producer) PETTING ZOO Devon Keller (Actress) SONGS MY BROTHER TAUGHT ME Chloé Zhao (Writer, Director) Eleonore Hendricks (Actress) STINKING HEAVEN Eleonore Hendricks (Actress) UNCLE KENT 2 Todd Rohal (Director)




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DOCUMENTARIES THE BIG LONELY David Manougian (Director, Executive Producer) Michael Nelms (Documentary Subject FRAME BY FRAME Alexandria Bombach (Co-Director, Producer, Editor) Mo Scarpelli (Co-Director, Producer) OMO CHILD: THE RIVER AND THE BUSH Tyler Grant (Cinematographer, Editor) RADICAL GRACE Nicole Bernardi-Reis (Producer) Sr. Christine Schenk (Documentary Subject) STILL DREAMING Hank Rogerson (Co-Director)

SHORT FILMS BATTLE OF THE BEST MEN Ben Mercer (Director) BITE RADIUS Spencer Parsons (Director) DENALI Ben Moon (Producer) GUEST ROOM Joshua Tate (Director) STOP Reinaldo Marcus Green (Writer, Director) EL LARDON DE LUZ (THE LIGHT THIEF) Eva Daoud (Director) EMMA'S FINE Miguel M. Matias (Director) THE FALLEN PHOENIX Gwendolyn Barriac (Director) THE FAVOR Eileen Myers (Director) FIRST WORLD WONDERS Max S Reisfar (Director) FITTING THE DESCRIPTION IN NORTH PORTLAND Jarratt Taylor (Director) Hanna Lyon (Producer) THE HOUSE IS INNOCENT Nicholas Coles (Director) KARL MANHAIR, POSTAL INSPECTOR Chandler Kauffman (Director) THE MOBILE STRIPPER Shirlyn Wong (Writer, Director) MOTHERING INSIDE Brian Lindstrom (Director) OPT OUT Steve Utaski (Director) RPG SHANE SIMMONS (Producer, Actor) SMUT Tom Sveen (Writer, Director) SON Judd Myers (Director) Nicole Marxen-Myers (Producer) TAKE WITH WATER Tara O'Sullivan (Writer, Director) TEEN PRESS John Siegel Boettner (Cast Member) TREADING WATER Liz Franke (Writer, Director, Actress) THE TUGBOAT CAPTAIN'S BALL Rick Moore (Writer, Director) T.P. Bradly Werley (Co-Director) UPON THE ROCK James Bascara (Director)


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TEAM Festival Director: Todd Looby Festival Programmer: Mimi Brody Office Manager: David Penpek Office Support: Mary Clare Kessler and Liz Weltin BendFilm Summer Intern: Maddie Dunkelberg Film Traffic and Projection Manager: Matthew Hand and Tanner Boley Accounting: Amy Hargis Festival Financial Manager: Kate Bailey Volunteer Manager: Lisa Koch and Saxony Owen Box Office Manager: Kirsten Hostetler Future Filmmakers: Chuck Greenwood and Alicia Vickery Guest Service Manger: Denise Naylor Public Relations: Judy Campbell and Amy Joyce Media Liaisons: René Mitchell Graphic Artists: Euijin Esther Gray 2015 Program Guide Design: Kelli Carter (RISE Graphic Design) The Hub Managers: Martha Murray, Kaari Vaughn, and Beth Davies Hub Support: Barbara Dolezal and John Hummel Merchandise Manager: Pam Paget-Wakefield, Mardy Hickerson and Elaine Redman-Leroy Balloting Manager: Kirsten Hostetler

Panel Coordinator: Brenda Halverson Ambrose and Ellen Shelton Volcanic Theatre Pub Manager: Suzie Gumm & Liz Hoffan McMenamins Manager: Tonya Vaughn and Vic Martinez Cascades Theatrical Company Manager: Irene Cooper Regal Old Mill Manager: Roxanne George, Lynne Hart, and Stephanie Hough Tin Pan Theater Managers: James Foster and Mindy Soules Tower Theatre Managers: Matt Sybrant Website & Online Ticketing: Robert Crocker, Kirsten Hostetler and David Penpek Festival Photographers: Steven Addington, Karen Cammack, Charlie Thiel, and Tina Ellis Logistics: Ben Phillips Party Coordinator: Kaari Vaughn Social Networking Advisors: Sweet Pea Cole and Cassondra Schindler BendFilm Advisory: Spencer Parsons Festival Travel Partners: Kathleen Mullen, Program Director, Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Founder: Katie Merritt Founding President: Jean Wood


BendFilm is powered by you, the BendFilm Volunteers. Without you there simply is no BendFilm. To the hundreds of volunteers who give their time, talent and energy, we thank you and the community thanks you!


Documentary Features: Yoleen Faerbar, Laura Fine, Dan Fohrman, Sheila Rittenberg, Thomas Horat, Kirsten Hostetler, Dave Jannetta, Mary Clare Kessler, Shanna Laherty, Bob Lane, Justin Lintelman, Katie Montana, David Penpek, Wyndee King, Jared Rasic, and Mimi Brody Narrative Features: Brenda Ambrose, Blake Robbins, Forest Davis, Deona Hamilton, Maribeth Harris, Mary Clare Kessler, Shanna Laherty, Justin Lintelman, Todd Looby, David Penpek, Jared Rasic, and Mimi Brody Shorts: Forest Davis, Maddie Dunkelberg, Yoleen Faerbar, Dawn Farber, Gordon Fong, Sydney Goodman, Shanan Kelly, Mary Clare Kessler, Shanna Laherty, Justin Lintelman, John Lustig, Kim Mortenson, Liana Ottaviano, David Penpek, Kurt Petrich, Jesse Russell, Bob Slater, Charlie Thiel, Mimi Brody, Wally Chung, and Kim Davis


Frank Groundwater, President April Munks, Secretary Kim Cooper Findling Jim Foster Pam Paget-Wakefield Kaari Vaughn Giancarlo Gatto Kirsten Hostetler Denise Naylor


Cristy Lanfri Jody Ward Martha Murray Karen Anderson Patti Carlson Colleen Dougherty Amy Fratzke Julie Gregory Sue Hollern Pamela Hulse Andrews René Mitchell Ben Perle Bob Reininger

2014 BendFilm Festival Photos by: Steven Addington Photography, Tina Ellis Photography, Karen Cammack Photograpy and Barb Gonzalez Photography.

SPECIAL THANKS: This festival would not be possible without all of the incredible people who come together to make BendFilm a reality

every year! And this list does not nearly include all that make this possible… Thank you to our Board of Directors & Advisory Committee for all your support and for the countless hours you volunteer! To David Penpek who does an absolutely incredible job professionalizing this organization. David’s work-ethic and problem-solving expertise helped make this program and festival operation as great as it is. David helped Programmer Mimi Brody manage the BendFilm record 1,200 submissions and worked with the screening committee to make sure each had its fair shake. To our amazingly committed screening committee. Your love of independent film is the thing that creates such an amazing program for our audience. To Mimi Brody for accepting our invitation to join us. With you, we will grow each year. To Paul, René & the entire amazingly creative team at tbd. Our uber-talented and hard-working PR team, Judy Campbell and Amy Beck, thank you for picking up the one piece I had absolutely no time for. Your work is so important! To Matt, Tanner & crew at Hand in Hand Productions for your technical expertise, your integrity and your commitment to getting the job done under tough circumstances. To Aaron, Ban, Phil, & the entire staff at the Source Weekly for your support and for putting together this fantastic guide. To the Smart Solutions team who build and maintain our website and our Google AdWords Grant. To Spencer Parsons for his invaluable suggestions. A huge thank you to Esther, for creating our brand - the BendFilm logo - & designing incredible material to get our stuff out there! To Kathleen Mullen of the Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival for her advice on LGBT films. To all of our screeners who put in many hours and ensure that you only see the best films we bring in. To Lisa Koch, for your knowledge, experience, and hard work in getting volunteers here. To Denise Naylor for your countless hours wrangling filmmakers and coordinating our home stays. For our homestay hosts, you help us treat filmmakers like Kings and Queens. Josh Williams, Chuck Greenwood and Alicia Vickery, for picking up Future Filmmakers – with your help, we’ll continue to make it a better program. Pamela Hulse Andrews, for starting and tirelessly working to keep Independent Women for Independent Film a success each year! Ben Perle for his amazing initiative of Businesses for BendFilm. Merchandise Support from Progressive Screen Printing and Rainbow Threads. To the BASH Committee for the countless hours you put in and aggravation you undergo to make the event an even better success each year. And the biggest thank you to Katie Merritt who had the genius idea to start a film festival in the best place a film fest could possibly be hosted! And a HUGE thank you to Brooks Resources, The Starview Foundation, and all of our loyal sponsors without whom we could never started, let alone have gotten this far! Last, but certainly not least, to the entire community of Central Oregon and beyond for attending and making BendFilm a success. Enjoy the show! – Todd Looby, Festival Director

BendFilm Festival is supported in part by a grant from the Bend Cultural Tourism Fund. BendFilm receives support from the Oregon Arts Commission, a state agency funded by the State of Oregon and the National Endowment for the Arts.


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