5 minute read
9 Star Ki
by Terie Sandusky
2022 is a 5 Soil Center Star Year time to come back to our Centers. In a 5 Center Star Year we each enter our own Star, in our own Element it feels like going HOME. This is a time to cultivate fertile soil. Whatever begins in a Center Soil Star year will grow deep roots and flourish over time, like planting a seed in the richest, moist soil, it's a good year to start a new project, business or relationship. Food quality, production and distribution will be in focus this year. Time to eat locally grown & grow your own food. 2022 will be a Water Tiger year, lucky for Dogs, Tigers & Dragons. Learn more about 9 Star Ki by watching my videos on Bend Health Guide Youtube channel.
9 STAR KI CHART Find your 9 Star Ki on this Chart to read your 2022 Fortune. Chinese New Year is 02/01/2022
1940, 1949, 1958, 1967, 1976, 1985, 1994, 2003
This is your harvest year, you will reap rewards this year! Your mantra is “Let things come to you” and they will. This is your luckiest year, you may receive unexpected money from an inheritance, a big promotion at work or even playing the lottery. You will be in your power all year, more able to manifest all that you desire, but the tricky part just might be knowing what it is that you really want in life. Try making a wish list at the beginning of the year & see if all your wishes really do come true this year! Lucky Metal colors are Silver, White, Dark Grey, Cobalt blues, and Gold.
1939, 1948, 1957, 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002
You have worked hard and prospered, now is your time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Take a moment in gratitude, do some forest bathing and eat nourishing foods. You may be more sensitive to your surroundings making this an ideal time to tidy up your home. You’re also more sensitive to negative energy, this is a good time to receive an energy clearing. This is the perfect year for travel, to take in scenic beauty and paint or take photos. Wearing metal jewelry copper, brass, gold and silver will inspire you. 3 | WOOD TREE
1943, 1952, 1961, 1970, 1979, 1988, 1997, 2006
You are a tree in full bloom about to bear fruit. This will be your most energetic year, so if you've been wanting to make a big change, move homes or launch a new business, stars are aligning for it. You have so much vitality to accomplish everything you've ever set out to do, but you will need exercise like trail running so you can sleep at night. Wear colors of a tree in Spring like kelly green. Stay rooted as you grow taller, a tree can only grow as tall as its roots distance underground.
1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005
You are a bamboo or willow tree bending in the wind, life may throw you unexpected stressors, be flexible, make adjustments, allow for changes to take you in new directions. Be okay not knowing where you are going, just be in the moment & enjoy the ride! This would be a good year to expand your horizons or seek out a mentor who can help you on your path forward. Wear lighter mossy greens and khaki colors.
1945, 1954, 1963, 1972, 1981, 1990, 1999, 2008
Starting all over again, the 1st year in a brand new 9 year cycle & anything is possible! You're a seed of potential like an Acorn buried underground that will become a mighty Oak Tree. This is not a doing year, more an imagineering year, take time out to dream up your new life. Your mantra is "I am germinating." This is a vital part of growth, be sure to nourish yourself with rest, drink lots of water & wear colors of blues & blacks.
1944, 1953, 1962, 1971, 1980, 1989, 1998, 2007
You're a seed bursting open, unfurling, sprouting and pushing upward through heavy earth towards sunlight, it's a lot of work. This is a good year for strategic planning, course a direction you want to grow in, get ready to be ready, next year you will take off. Learn new ways to grow your business, set goals and cultivate relationships. An increased growth cycle is exhausting, take time for self care. Wear earthy colors of browns, golds and green tea. Try Earthing with your bare feet in the ground to stay rooted as you begin pushing upwards.
1941, 1950, 1959, 1968, 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004
You are a Center Star in the Center of it all now, there's so much chaotic energy whirling around you, it can be exciting and stressful. You'll have opportunity overload, as more people are depending on you than ever before, you might need to hire help. In an overwhelming year, don't make any changes, don't move or quit your job, though you may want to! It gets better next year. Friends and family are your greatest source of support. Root down with earthy colors of deep, dark browns and burnt orange.
1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2001
This year is about inner transformations, like a caterpillar that goes into its cocoon to transform into a Butterfly, you will need more cave time to yourself, to go deep within and figure things out. Accept this time of hibernation, allow time for solitude, naps, self care, healing, journaling & Yin Yoga. Your home will be a place of refuge, so organize your home but do not move or travel, like a caterpillar in a chrysalis that should not move! You are in the year of the Mountain, so wear Mountain colors of dark browns, greens & earthy yellows.