Landscape Architecture PORTFOLIO by Falcone Benedetta

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PORTFOLIO Architecture Landscape Architecture BENEDETTA FALCONE

I mirror myself in the bright colours of each lunar hour, waiting for the oracle of the televisions turned on in the elderly silence of the sunny city

Je me reflète dans les couleurs vives de chaque heure lunaire, attendant l’oracle des téléviseurs allumés dans le silence âgé de la ville ensoleillée

Mi specchio nei colori accesi di ogni ora lunare, in attesa dell’oracolo delle televisioni accese nel silenzio anziano della città assolata

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Milano, Italy

Single work

MSc Landscape Architecture

Polytechnic University of Milan

Urban and Rural Open Spaces Network and Parks Design Studio

A.Y 2019-2020

Professor: Andrea Oldani, Antonio Longo

In the peri-urban context of the eastern part of Milan disused green areas become in this project a network able to provide citizens with a natural escape route from the built environment of the metropolis.

Dans le contexte périurbain à l'est de Milan les espaces verts désaffectés deviennent dans le projet un réseau capable de fournir aux citoyens une échappatoire naturelle à l'environnement construit de la métropole.

Nel contesto periurbano dell'est di Milano le aree verdi dismesse divengono nel progetto una rete in grado di fornire ai cittadini una via di fuga naturale dall contesto edificato della metropoli.

Drobjects in their related Drosscapes

Drobjects dans leurs Drosscapes

Drosscapes nei loro relativi Drosscapes

In each drossscape a "drobject" has become an engine of transformation and revealing unit of a lost and rediscovered identity The recovery of degraded areas provides important ecosystem services.

Dans chaque drosscape un "drobject" est devenu moteur de transformation et unité révélatrice d'une identité retrouvée. La recuperation des zones dégradées fournit d'importants services écosystémiques.

In ogni drosscape un "drobject" è divenuto motore di trasformazione e unità rivelatrice di un'identità perduta e riscoperta. Il recupero delle aree degradate fornisce importanti servizi ecosistemici.

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The third drosscape is characterised by the presence of an old farmstead The project aims to recover, in a contemporary key, uses and knowledge linked to agricultural local traditions The walk winds its way along a historic canal continuing towards the farmstead that has been restored and opened to visitors. The journey ends in an educational area dedicated to synergistic cultivation The former abandoned quarry has been recovered and turned into an urban lake.

Le troisième "drosscape" est caractérisé par la présence d'une ancienne ferme. Le projet vise à récupérer dans une tonalité contemporaine, les usages et les connaissances liés aux traditions agricoles locales La promenade suit un canal historique et se poursuit en direction de la ferme restaurée et ouverte aux visiteurs. Le parcours se termine dans un espace didactique de culture synergique L'ancienne carrière abandonnée a été transformée en un lac urbain

Il terzo drosscape è caratterizzato dalla presenza di un'antica cascina. Il progetto mira a recuperare in chiave contemporanea, usi e saperi legati alle tradizioni agricole locali La passeggiata segue un canale storico proseguendo verso la cascina che è stata restaurata e aperta a visitatori e bambini. Il percorso si conclude in un'area didattica dedicata a un tipo di coltivazione sinergica e sostenibile. L'ex cava abbandonata è stata recuperata e trasformata in un lago urbano

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Pathway plan scale 1:500 Plan du boulevard echelle 1:500 Pianta del viale scala 1:500 View of the patway Pathway Vue du boulevard echelle 1:500 Vista del viale scala 1:500 Proposed plan for the third drosscape. Scale 1:500 Transversal section. Scale 1:3000
Drobject 3 A B C D E F
Greenhouse vegetable gardens shaped crops
woods Market place


Province of Lugano, Switzerland


MSc Landscape Architecture

Polytechnic University of Milan

Landscape and Infrastructure Design Studio

A.Y 2019-2020

Professor: Poli Matteo Umberto, Bozzuto Paolo

The project generates routes and itineraries in the province of Lugano linking built environments and natural areas, retracing the geological, biological and anthropic history of these landscapes

Le projet génère des routes et des itinéraires dans la province de Lugano reliant les environnements construits et les zones naturelles retraçant l'histoire géologique, biologique et anthropique de ces paysages.

Le projet génère des routes et des itinéraires dans la province de Lugano reliant les environnements construits et les zones naturelles ripercorrendo la storia geologica, biologica e antropica di questi paesaggi.

The circular route connects the lake of Lgano to the mountain areas behind by winding through four key points two at low altitude and two at high altitude respectively in Lugano (1), Gandria (12), the summit of Mount Bré (2) and Bré sopra Lugano (4). All areas of interest, conceived as points of transit, departure and arrival integrate urban, infrastructural and landscape functions to guarantee a plural and flexible use to citizens and tourists.

Le parcours circulaire relie le lac de Lugano aux zones de montagne arrière en passant par quatre points clés deux à basse altitude et deux à haute altitude respectivement à Lugano (1), le sommet du Mont Bré (2), Bré sopra Lugano (4) et Gandria (12). Les zones d'intérêt, conçues comme des points de transit de départ et d'arrivée intègrent fonctions urbaines, infrastructurelles et paysagères pour une utilisation plurielle et flexible aux citoyens et aux touristes.

Il percorso circolare collega il lago alle aree montane snodandosi attraverso quattro punti chiave, due a bassa quota e due ad alta quota rispettivamente in corrispondenza di Lugano (1), Gandria (12) la cima del monte Bré (2) e Bré sopra Lugano (4). Tutte le aree di interesse, concepite come punti di transito partenza e arrivo integrano funzioni urbane infrastrutturali e paesaggistiche per garantire un uso plurale e flessibile ai cittadini e ai turisti.

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Masterplan Plan general Pianta generale Lugano Gandria Bré sopra Lugano

View of the starting point of the historical path in Bré sopra Lugano

Vue du point de départ du sentier historique à Bré sopra Lugano

Vista del punto di partenza del sentiero storico a Bré sopra Lugano

In the main square of Bré sopra Lugano that coincides with the starting point of the historical route, a strategy of “tactical urbanism” has been proposed. Through diversified slow-mobility routes the area became easierly accessible to pedestrians now able to continue the landscape itinerary in its previous and successive stages.

Sur la place principale de Bré sopra Lugano, qui coïncide avec le point de départ du parcours historique, une stratégie d' "urbanisme tactique" a été proposée. Grâce à parcours diversifiés à mobilité lente cette zone est devenue plus facilement accessible aux piétons, désormais capables de poursuivre l'itinéraire paysager dans ses étapes successives et antérieures.

Nella piazza principale di Bré sopra Lugano che coincide con il punto di partenza del percorso storico, è stata proposta una strategia di "tactical urbanism". Attraverso percorsi diversificati a mobilità lenta l'area diviene più facilmente accessibile ai pedoni ora in grado di proseguire l'itinerario paesaggistico nelle sue tappe precedenti e successive.

In “Campo rotondo” ancient rocks from the Paleocene originally part of the debris travel during the age of glaciers retirement, were found. Materials and design are simple, in order to permit the maximum freedom in the hiking experience.

À “Campo rotondo” ont été trouvé des roches anciennes datant du Paléocène, qui faisaient à l’origine partie du voyage de débris pendant l’âge de la retraite des glaciers. Les matériaux et le design sont simples, afin de permettre une liberté maximale dans l’expérience de la randonnée.

A “Campo rotondo” sono state rinvenute antiche rocce del Paleocene originariamente parte dei detriti trasportati durante l’era del ritiro dei ghiacciai. Materiali e design sono semplici, per consentire la massima libertà nell’esperienza escursionistica.


THRESHOLD Lecce, Italy


MSc Landscape Architecture

Polytechnic University of Milan

Built environment and Landscape Design Studio

A.Y 2020-2021

Professor: Federico Zanfi, Laura Daglio, Sebastiano Brandolini D'Adda

In the 'marina' of Lecce, five different itineraries allow, through a series of thresholds, an ecological reconnection between the urbanised coast and the rural hinterland, between the natural and the artificial world.

Dans la "marina" de Lecce cinq itinéraires différents permettent, à travers une série de seuils une reconnexion écologique entre la côte urbanisée et l'arrière-pays rural, entre le monde naturel et le monde artificiel.

Nella "marina" di Lecce, cinque diversi itinerari permettono, attraverso una serie di soglie, di attuare una riconnessione ecologica tra la costa urbanizzata e l'entroterra rurale tra il mondo naturale e quello artificiale.

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sea square system

An educational system an agricultural system and a coastal system connect the hinterland to the sea offering an alternative to the seasonal tourism that overburdens lidos. Next to the sea square, the coastal road has been replaced by a footpath that runs along a canal dating back to the reclamation era. The dune barrier has been reconstituted through bioengineering structures.

Un système éducatif un système agricole et un système côtier relient l'arrière-pays à la mer, offrant une alternative au tourisme saisonnier qui surcharge les lidos. À cote du square de mer, la route côtière a été remplacée par un boulevard qui longe un canal datant de l'époque de la poldérisation Le cordon dunaire a été reconstitué par des structures de bio-ingénierie.

Un sistema didattico un sistema agricolo e un sistema costiero collegano l'entroterra al mare offrendo un'alternativa al turismo stagionale che sovraccarica lidi. A fianco alla piazza sul mare, la litoranea è stata sostituita da un viale pedonale che corre lungo un canale risalente all'epoca delle bonifiche. La barriera dunale è stata ricostituita attraverso strutture di bioingegneria.



Genova, Switzerland


MSc Landscape Architecture

Polytechnic University of Milan

Landscape Design Studio

A.Y 2020-2021

Professor: Francesco Garofalo, Chiara Geroldi

The project identifies limits and possibilities along the historical walls around the old city of Genoa 5 significant areas narrate anthropic and natural features of this territory.

Le projet identifie limites et possibilités le long des murs historiques autour de la vieille ville de Gênes. 5 zones significatives racontent les caractéristiques anthropiques et naturelles de ce territoire.

Il progetto individua limiti e possibilità lungo le mura storiche della città vecchia di Genova 5 aree significative raccontano le caratteristiche antropiche e naturali di questo territorio.


Abandoned forts were recovered and made accessible again. Next to Fort Castelluccio the project integrates a former abandoned quarry to highlight the lithic nature of the mountainous areas surrounding the old city

Les forts abandonnés ont été récupérés et rendus à nouveau accessibles. Près du Fort Castelluccio le projet intègre une ancienne carrière abandonnée pour mettre en valeur la nature lithique des zones montagneuses entourant la vieille ville

I forti abbandonati sono stati recuperati e resi nuovamente accessibili. Nei pressi del Forte Castelluccio, il progetto integra un'ex cava abbandonata per evidenziare la natura litica delle zone montuose che circondano la città vecchia.

Genova has been made habitable through a system of terracing The colossal support structure of the escarpment near the lighthouse becomes the starting point of a route through the artificial surfaces of the old harbour

Gênes a été rendu habitable grâce à un système de terrassement. La structure colossale de soutien de l'escarpement près du phare devient le point de départ d'un parcours à travers les surfaces artificielles du vieux port

Genova è stata resa abitabile attraverso un sistema di terrazzamenti La colossale struttura di sostegno della scarpata nei pressi del faro diviene punto di partenza di un percorso attraverso le superfici artificiali del porto antico

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"Material origin" Masterplan - Fort Castelluccio and ex quarry "Man-made landforms" Masterplan - Escarpment and port's artificial land Cave plan scale 1:500 Escarpment plan scale 1:500


Olona’s Downstream Landscape Recovery and Reconnection through Biological Infiltration Milan, Lombardy

Master thesis

MSc Landscape Architecture

Polytechnic University of Milan

A.Y 2021-2022

Supervisor: Professor Andrea Oldani

“Leftover” spaces along the Olona river's downstream create a tangible and intangible path imbued with history Through infiltration processes the “living” breaks through the banks of the urban fortresses

Des espaces abandonné le long de la rivière Olona créent un chemin tangible et intangible imprégné d'histoire Grâce à des processus d'infiltration, le "vivant" perce les rives des forteresses urbaines.

Alcuni degli spazi "residui" a valle del fiume Olona creano un percorso tangibile e intangibile intriso di storia Attraverso processi di infiltrazione il "vivente" sfonda gli argini delle fortezze urbane.

Strategical plan

Plan strategique

Pianta strategica



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Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway Cascine Water treatment plant Watermills Abandoned watermills Abandoned manufact Parks and gardens Olona’s downstream basin PLIS Water springs metro Railway

A hybrid phytodepuration system (HF-VF+FWS) will be proposed within the park. The polluted inflow coming from the Bozzente stream will be purified in the different tanks.

The area, sourrounded by school and residential areas, can be useful to raise awareness of environmental issues among the younger generation and to bring the community closer to the Olona river

Educational activities could be proposed within the park in order to make people aware of the importance of water resources


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