People 2014

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44 years 1970-2014 Sultanate of Oman




Congratulations to n Said His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin and the people of Oman on the y occasion of the 44th National Day

My people, I will proceed as quickly as possible to transform your life into a prosperous one with a bright future. Every one of you must play his part towards this goal. Our country in the past was famous and strong. If we work in unity and cooperation we will regenerate that glorious past and we will take a respectable place in the world.


Our sincere felicitations to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said for his prudent and inspired leadership on the glorious occasion of the 44th National Day

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MUSCAT OVERSEAS GROUP Corporate office P.O.BOX 488, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman m Tel: +968 24703844, Fax: +968 24793071, e-mail: Web:

Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali


A treasure chest of stories The people of the 70’s were of a totally different breed. The ones who relived their past to us emanated not just a glow, but their confidence and their genuineness came from an inner fire. It is their vision, their passion and their unbreakable spirit that has helped them surmount many obstacles, which would have normally broken lesser mortals. One interesting factor that we felt was common among them all is their spirit of adventure and their formidable work ethic. Pride was their badge and non-stop work to arrive at their destination was a code they believed in. These were not people who began work at nine and left by five in the evening. For them, there was no night and day when it came to work. More importantly, their outlook was different when it came to their country. They were not people who took from the nation, they were the ones who gave to their country. They did not ask what the country should do to them; they were the ones who were forever thinking of what they should do to their nation. And even though many of them worked as normal employees, none 2014

of them bargained on salaries, compromise on ethics or attempted a shortcut to success. The people whom we feature in People can be described as a real treasure chest of stories, experiences and milestones. They are humble, yet so proud of their motherland. They have redefined the rules of team spirit, kindness and selflessness. The fifth edition of People will regale you with good, heartwarming, thought provoking and inspiring stories of men who grew with this nation and walked in the path of their great leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. Our sincere hope is that People will serve to inspire everyone, especially the youth and bring about a renewed hope for them to take up the challenges before them with confidence and fervour. And here is a wish from our hearts to all in Oman on this occasion of the 44th anniversary of the Sultanate’s National Day!





ABDA JAMAL KHAMIS AL ALAWI Driving on a road less travelled


SHEIKH ABDULLAH MOHAMMED AL MASSAN Nations are not built in a day













DR SAID HILAL AL BUSAIDY No one is above the law






SALIM BIN SULEIMAN AL MAHROUQI Father of horse racing in Oman

Congratulations to

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the people of Oman on the occasion of the

44th National Day


You may have seen them sometimes... You may have seen them sometimes. Even bumped into them or maybe talked to them. But, you would never have realised that these were the men and women who, inspired Cover: By Anwar Sonya

and motivated by their great leader, shaped Oman and were also instrumental for the

Award winning artist, Anwar

success and the splendour that we see around here. You would never have known that

Sonya, one of the founders of the Omani art movement, has placed Omani art on the international

these were the people whom His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said chose to help him build this country and take it to the heights it has reached today.

arena. Winner of the golden prize from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said as the best artist, Anwar

people whom you see at your home, in your office, in the supermarket, on the street. You

Sonya, often acknowledged

may have seen them before you and you may not even have given them a second glance.

as the father of modern and contemporary art in Oman, has

Or worse, you may not even have looked at them. And they would have quietly walked

been awarded multiple times

past you. For that is what they are, they are the people who do their jobs quietly, without

for his services to Omani art.

a fuss, without advertising their abilities or shouting about their achievements from the

Honoured by Sharjah Biennale

16 6

You would never have known that for these were and are everyday people. These were

as ‘The Most Distinguished

rooftops. No, these are the quiet achievers. These are the people who toiled and made

Arab Artist’ and participating in

their mark in their own quiet, nondescript manner. But what they have done and what

almost all the major exhibitions,

they have achieved speak louder than words today. And their work, their sacrifices, their

Anwar is Oman’s international star in the world artist’s map.

achievement will stand as mute testimony for today, tomorrow and forever…

Scan this QR code in any smartphone to read the 2010 issue of People or visit

CREDITS Scan this QR code in any smartphone to read the 2011 issue of People or visit

Scan this QR code in any smartphone to read the 2012 issue of People or visit


Published by: Muscat Press & Publishing House SAOC


Managing editor

Priya Arunkumar

Work editor

Adarsh Madhavan


Essa bin Mohammed Al Zedjali

Design & production

Beneek Sirajudeen


Mohamed Issa Al Zadjali

Advt. & marketing

Shalet D’Souza

Chief executive officer:

Ahmed Essa Al Zedjali


Hamid Badawi

Printed at Oman Printers Ph: 24565697 Fax: 24565496 Website: Scan this QR code in any smartphone to read the 2012 issue of People or visit people_2013_yearly_edition/1 2014

© All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsiblity for advertising contents.

Rejoicing 44 years of Vision with Passion

Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the people of Oman on the occasion of the 44th National Day 1 17




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T iron lady of the The driving schools in Sur d has carved a niche in h her field. So far, more h tthan 350 lady students have successfully sailed h tthrough the tough driving tests d


Abda Jamal Khamis Al Alawi Driving on a road less travelled The officials viewed the Omani lady before them with a

area in the room. Earlier, she had struggled out of her driving

mixture of doubt and disbelief. For, it was something new

school car, with a walking stick supporting her large frame.

in Sur in those days. A lady had come for a driving test and

A recent accident had left her limping, but she continued

the officials, who were quite used to men taking the road

with her work as a driving instructor. She was someone

and other tests, were suddenly confronted with the task of

who always put others before her and this was evident when

putting a woman to the test, and a very determined looking

despite the pain in her leg and apparent discomfort, she still

woman at that.

made sure that she did not shirk in her duty to provide the best of Omani hospitality to her media guests.

The year was 1978 and for some months, even the driving instructor who had trained Abda Jamal Khamis Al Alawi was

With the help of the president of the Women’s Association

quite nonplussed when the lady sought his assistance to train

in Sur, we overcame the language barrier and Abda spoke

her in the art of driving.

freely of how she drove on a road less travelled.

“My job at the hospital paid very little and being a single mother I had one major responsibility: I had a son to take

Their surprise soon turned into wonderment as the lady displayed her road skills with elan. No one disputed her

First lady driving instructor in Sur

care of. So I thought of getting in to a business I had some

ability to handle a vehicle and without much ado, Abda

She remembers how her decision to learn driving was met

knowledge in: teaching ladies to drive. It was something I

Jamal Al Alawi was in possession of a driving license.

with derision and scorn. Even from her family members.

knew and there were no other women instructors in town,

Her achievement was of real significance because this was

“When I told my family members and friends that I wanted

nor were there any other women drivers. So slowly I began

the first time an Omani woman was getting a driving license

to learn driving, all of them scoffed at me, emphatically

to teach women in Sur how to drive. It was a good move

in Sur. For Abda Al Alawi, the attainment was not just a

stating that women did not drive. The lack of support did not

because it added to my income.

matter of pride, but it was also a major turning point. For,

deter me from attempting the driving course, which I took

this strong and resolute single mother with an infectious

up in my spare time. I was already a single mother, working

A driving instructor’s job is not a ‘nine-to-five job’ and can

never-say-die attitude had a clear chance of being totally self

full time at the hospital, but was determined to stand on my

be done in pockets of free time. So I held on to the hospital


own feet. I learnt driving with one of the driving instructors

job, and taught driving to ladies during my spare time,” Abda

Until then, Abda, who worked as an assistant in the nursing

and passed my driving test in 1978. Those days, Sur did not

explained, reminiscing about her past.

department of the Sur hospital was going through a tough

have its own independent driving license department, and

time. Life did not give anything to her on a platter and at

the ROP (Royal Oman Police) officials came from Muscat

Abda worked at the Sur hospital until 1996. “I took

every step she had to face one challenge or the other. At

every month for a short duration of three to four days to do

voluntary retirement in 1996 and launched myself fulltime

that time, she was also going through a frustrating stage

the tests and give away driving licenses.

into the driving school business. Until today I am sustaining the business and earning good money.”

where she failed to reach the hospital in time because of a perennially late driver.

“Of course, the ROP authorities were surprised when they

Abda’s meticulous approach to teaching the art of driving

“Life takes you through various phases. I was working as an

saw a lady trying her luck at a driving test. Probably, in those

and her steadfastness and determination to make each of her

assistant in the nursing department of the Sur Hospital and

days it may have been a rare sight to see a woman driving.

students win the test soon began to earn her a name in the

there was just one driver and car who had to ferry around

I had learnt driving quite well, still a test is not an easy hurdle

driving school circles. The iron lady of the driving schools in

almost all of the hospital staff. Most of the time, we were late

to surmount, but thanks to God, I managed to do well and

Sur quickly began to carve a niche in her field. So far, more

to work, or there were even days when the driver did not turn

soon got the license!”

than 350 lady students have successfully sailed through the tough driving tests. “I am a very strict teacher and adopt a no

up,” Abda tells us from the living room of her home in Sur. She was sitting propped up on some pillows on the majlis

But, how did she get into the driving school business?

nonsense approach with my students. When they are in the


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car, their job is to learn and I demand total attention to the

Today women and children are taken care of very well at all

cause of driving. “Driving is all about focus and discipline.

stages. From birth, a girl child is protected and educated and

While you hold the steering in your hands, you are not

lives a healthy life with educational and job opportunities

only at risk on the road personally, but by lack of discipline

galore. We pray and wish that our beloved leader is blessed

you can destroy other peoples’ lives too. Driving is a great

with longevity and health. It is in His Majesty’s good health

responsibility. So I make no compromise on any lessons.”

and wise leadership that Oman’s future rests.”

Her students have to pass her test before they are ready for

Tears rolling down her eyes, she recalls the recent address of

the official tests. “I give my students the green signal only

His Majesty the Sultan to the nation. “I was listening to the

when I am completely satisfied that she is thorough in her

address and crying and my students were a bit shocked. They

learning and is confident and ready for the test – it is only

had never seen me crying. But, then, I told them that these

then I ask them to attend a test.”

were tears of joy!”

Students of Abda make no mistakes

Go for opportunities

The legend is that today on the streets of Sur, if a new or

Oman is a haven for women today, enthuses Abda. “Thanks

novice driver is seen driving properly, following all rules and

to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, Oman showcases women

satisfying the authorities’ concerned who conduct the test,

ministers, teachers, doctors, professionals and the like.

then it is understood that the driver is a student of Abda! For

Today, women have got an opportunity to excel in every

Abda, who had been through quite a lot to reach her current

field. I have grown with the nation, and I know that it is lot

status as a revered lady-driving instructor in Sur, this is one

of hard work and discipline that has brought Oman to the

big compliment. She beams with pride as she tells us this.

path of progress. As a woman who had to fight against life’s various phases

needs education, and financial independence. It is these two

Abda’s take on the 1970s

alone, with a young son to fend for, I am happy for the

things that makes her live a life of dignity and respect. It is

As a woman of Sur, Abda heaped praise on the leader of

Omani women today. I would stress that one should never

easy to blame the society and customs; it is in our hands to

her country for giving so much to women in Oman. Her

think twice to take up an opportunity, a job, a course when

set a new path to progress. So, never say no to opportunities.

joy knows no bounds as she speaks of His Majesty Sultan

it comes your way, don’t bother about the salary. Money

Qaboos bin Said.

will come as you work hard and there is no equivalent for

“Every life is a challenge, to each their own, but with a

“Prior to the 70’s, it was an entirely different story. But with

hard work. I joined in for a small pay of OMR45. Slowly,

focussed approach and hard work, all of us can reach our

the advent of our beloved ruler, everything transformed

my earning got bigger and today I do not have any financial

goals. Looking back on my life, I am thankful to many who

before our very eyes. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos is our

problems like before. I am able to run my family without any

have helped me go forward with support or with criticism;

biggest fortune; our treasure. He has done so much for the


but my real inspiration was my own hard work. I have faced all challenges life has posed me and was fortunate enough to

women folk of this country! “I delivered a son at home in Sur under very difficult

Never say no to opportunities

educate my only son up to graduation. Education has given

conditions. There were no hospitals in Sur then. By1973,

When you miss an opportunity, stresses Abda, you lose a

him a future and he has grabbed that opportunity to excel in

Sur had its first hospital, thanks to His Majesty, the Sultan.

phase of life. “I have learned it the hard way; every woman

his life – thanks to the Almighty,” Abda said.



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T year 1970 is a very The iimportant one in the llives of every Omani. This is the year that T opened many doors o of opportunities for o Oman and its people. O Our beloved ruler His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said brought about a complete change in every aspect of the country.


Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Al Massan Nations are not built in a day A nation is not built in a day. This is a key and valid point

visionary leader turned Oman from almost nothing to what

reiterated by a man who has done not only yeoman service

we see around today. But, it was not an easy task. It was done

to the nation, but was also part and parcel of its march to

with great patience, and it involved the sweat of many. As

progress, and the evolution to a modern state today.

they say, a nation is not build in a day, but the leadership of

Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Al Massan is a name that

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos brought in a burst of positivity

rings a bell in the minds of many who have worked or

and hope that the country was going to be rebuilt and that

had dealt with the government during the early stages of

progress was around the corner,” Sheikh Abdullah explained.

Oman’s trek to modernity. Having worked in some of the

“All of us knew two words: hard work, and all of us knew

main ministries and in key positions that put him in close

we were responsible for our nation. Our beloved ruler was

proximity to every step that the country took in the direction

there to guide us at every step, at every milestone, giving us

of growth and prosperity, Sheikh Abdullah Al Massan is an

direction, advice, working along with us and took Oman to a

authority on the subject of Oman’s renaissance.

new level of progress!”

25 25 He wanted the citizens to be educated, trained, and employed in their own trade, enhancing the economy of their own families, thereby making the nation a better one.”

Today, although retired from his government service, Sheikh Abdullah is still active in a private sector job. He

Enhancing the fishing trade

enthusiastically launched on to the story of Oman’s past:

Sheikh Abdullah did his schooling in Kuwait and college in Egypt. “After that I returned to Oman and joined

Year of great significance

the ministry of agriculture and fisheries in the finance

“The year 1970 is a very important one in the lives of

and administration department. That was my first job. I

every Omani. This is the year that opened many doors of

worked there for three years as the director of finance and

opportunities for Oman and its people. Our beloved ruler

administration,” he recalled.

Motorised boats and gear The fishing villages and fishermen in the coastal areas received a boost when they received motorised boats for better fishing trade. The fishermen were given free motorboats, fishing gears and nets, training to operate and maintain those boats. This boosted the morale of the fishermen, increased their fishing trade and ensured that

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said brought about a complete change in every aspect of the country. He focussed

Salute the vision of the ruler

on every nook and corner of Oman, creating facilities, jobs,

Those days many of the citizens from the interiors were

and revenue modules. In short, he is a visionary who brought

migrating to Muscat region in the hope of new jobs and

about change in every field and every sector, churning the

opportunities, leaving their villages, tribes and traditional

wheels of progress in Oman,” Sheikh Abdullah said.

businesses, looking for newer avenues of revenue. This scramble for employment would have caused an imbalance,

Sheer transformation of Oman

left the villages empty and destroyed the traditional

Being a small nation, basic amenities like schools, health

businesses. “But, that is where we should salute the vision

centers and electricity was not available for all prior to the

of His Majesty. He made sure that the traditional business

70’s, says Sheikh Abdullah. “There were just two to three

would not suffer. Fishing was a major trade and livelihood

schools, maybe an equal number of clinics and there were

in the villages, especially the villages that existed in the

no roads, no power, no industries at that time. Under the

coastline. His Majesty put in a huge investment on the

dynamic vision of His Majesty the Sultan, the 1970s proved

people of Oman, because he believed that people are the

to be the time of the sheer transformation of Oman. The

asset of a nation.

these traditional fishing villages flourished. This also ensured that the fishermen stayed back in their own villages and the exodus to Muscat was prevented, Sheikh Abdullah said. Fisheries sector flourished The motorboats and better gears facilitated in drawing more fish from the sea. “Soon, cold storages were placed in various regions of Dhakliyah, Duqm, and Nizwa. These cold storages ensured that fish stock was available throughout Oman, even in places far away from the sea. The ministry bought the fish varieties from the villagers and through cold storages made them available all over Oman. In a matter of years, the fishermen flourished, their financial stability increased, which bettered their lifestyles.


Glimpses of the past years

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2 27 They started building homes, getting their children educated, started diversifying and expanding businesses,” Sheikh Abdullah said. “Many of them started investing on larger motor boats and fishing facilities and that gave birth to the exports of fish in Oman. This created more employment opportunities and villages started to flourish.” “I saw the past, I see today” “It is easy to see progress today. Look around, we will see schools, hospitals, colleges, high rise buildings, a modern opera house, airports, the list is long. Earlier it used to take one month to travel from Salalah to Muscat; no mode of transport (except for Bedford taxis) or roads. We had to go out of Oman to educate ourselves, or rather there was no emphasis on education at that time, the women folk remained at home. Today we have women taking part in decision and policy-making levels and in crucial posts like ministers, doctors, and advisors… Today, every Omani has a chance to get the best of education.” Sheikh Abdullah cites his own case as a ready example: “I have seven children and thanks to God, all seven are educated and in good positions. They are doctors, pilots etc… I always ask what made this possible? And the answer


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is simple – it was thanks to one man – His Majesty Sultan

were able to make a positive change in the fisheries trade.

Qaboos and the rapid progress and development that he

By that time, focus then shifted to the development of ports,

brought to Oman.

since exports were growing. Smaller ports were established in Musandam, Salalah, Sur and the Batinah region and near

“And I believe that one thing that brought about the progress

the ports cold storages were also established. The first 10

is hard work; all of them worked hard to better their lives and

years saw a tremendous amount of hard work put in and by

thereby bettered the nation. All of those involved, including

the 1980s the result of that was the progress that was visible

the ministries, officials, and related departments worked day

to all.”

and night to make sure that His Majesty’s vision is realised, paving the path to glory for our beloved nation. Oman has

All around the wilayats

a long coastline and fisheries trade remains one of the most

Sheikh Abdullah explained how he was then transferred from

sustainable businesses till date.

the agriculture and fisheries ministry to the new ministry of regional municipalities, along with housing. “I joined

A decade of hard work

the ministry once again in the administration and finance

“From being the director of finance and administration,

department. This time my job took me to all the wilayats

I became the director of projects and worked for the next

(regions of Oman). There were around 35 municipalities

three years. Under the able guidance of the minister,


undersecretaries and other superiors and team members, we


The first decade changed the face of Oman, even in the

resources, falajs and subsidies to farm and promote local

Oman, but our beloved ruler invested everything the nation

villages. Many shops, supermarkets cropped up, building

produces. Basic facilities to run a farm from electricity,

had on the most valuable asset: People! His Majesty ensured

stronger economies, employment opportunities and roads

to compound walls to falajs were provided and the right

that every citizen, village, wilayat has well equipped and

were built connecting cities and villages. The ministry

guidance was also provided. For instance look at Khatmat

trained human resource to run the business and increase

established offices in almost all wilayats of Oman and it

Malaha, there was literally nothing available for agriculture

economic revenue.

is worth mentioning that the first minister of regional

then, and look at the place today -- the place is a live

His Majesty the Sultan’s vision was totally focussed on

municipalities, Sayyid Mutassim bin Hamoud Al Busaidi,

example of progress at its best!”

the people of Oman and thus grew the nation’s public and

spearheaded the whole operations as envisaged by His Majesty.”

private sectors and so did the country. His Majesty made it Served the nation for 32 years

possible for every Omani to live a life of dignity, live with

Altogether, Sheikh Abdullah put in around 32 years in

their heads held high, with honesty and pride. He was with

Municipalities awareness month

the government, working for various ministries until he

us at every step, giving personal attention to every sector,

Once the basic networks, the infrastructure etc was set up,

retired in 2012. “I cannot encapsulate all the developmental

from education to agriculture.

the focus was then shifted to maintenance, garbage control,

schemes and support systems created for the betterment

health and hygienic aspects of the villages. The ministry

of the villages and wilayats in just a few words. Over

The importance of education is highlighted with the number

educated, created awareness of how to run sustainable

the years I have held many positions, from being in the

of schools and students in Oman today, so is the health

businesses with a clean environment. Parks, and gardens

administration to spokesperson/communications head for

sector. Let us all continue in his guided path, with sincerity

were put in place, villages and wilayats were encouraged to

traffic safety awareness to public relations and corporate

and hard work, so that Oman can remain on the progressive

participate in monthly awareness campaign months (Shahrit

affairs and public relations to corporate affairs. I retired as

mode for many generations in the future.”

Al Baladiya) where a cup – His Majesty the Sultan’s cup

advisor for awareness and information affairs and chairman

-- was awarded to the best beautiful and clean wilayat.

of projects receiving committee of the ministry of regional

Sheikh Abdullah also congratulated His Majesty the Sultan

This continued and helped in creating a clean, healthy and

municipalities and environment in 2012.”

on the occasion of the country’s National Day: “I would like

beautiful environment, parks, gardens, roads and facilities for

to congratulate His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the

the residents of the wilayats, Sheikh Abdullah explained.

All about people

nation for the glorious occasion of the 44th National Day.

Just like how the fisheries trade was revived and boosted

Money and wealth can buy many resources, but unless the

It was really emotional for all of us to to watch His Majesty

with various grants, subsidies and developmental schemes,

human resources are trained to meet up the challenges

the Sultan on Oman TV and to see him in good health. May

the agricultural sector was also developed with equal if not

and master their fields of work, there cannot be progress

Almighty Allah bless His Majesty with long life and good

more fervor. “Farmers were provided free land, loans, water

is Sheikh Abdullah’s firm belief. “Yes we started small in



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E Earlier, the business and trade was done in a good faith and ethics. g People and customers P knew you by your family k and trusted you with a eeverything


Khimji Kishandas Visoomal Gandhi Tale of a Muttrah trader Around one hundred years ago, a young Indian trader docked

of trust and confidence in the natives and helped establish

his small boat on the shores of Muscat. He and a couple of

strong ties, which went beyond mere business and trade.

helpers had sailed all the way from Bombay (today Mumbai), braving stormy seas and difficult conditions to further a trade

As we flood him with queries, Khimji Kishandas slowly

between Bombay and Muscat.

jogs himself back to the days of yore, even past his and his father’s childhood to the time of his grandfather. “Even the

Visoomal Gandhi was then carrying many items in his boat,

era before the 70s were quite challenging,” he said quietly.

including rice, coffee, tea and spices, just the right essentials

“My grandfather Visoomal Gandhi was a trader and came

that were needed in Oman then. For Gandhi, this was the

to Oman in a small dinghy from Mumbai, trading spices,

beginning of a trade of a lifetime and also the forging of

herbs, rice, coffee and other commodities. Those days all

relations between two nations in spheres beyond the grasp of

traders travelled on boats, not large ships and with a simple

the modern world today.

paper document, a permit. Everything was based on trust

Khimji Gandhi

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and commitment. People were honest and business, which It is this sea link, uniting two nations within the spirit of

evolved in a climate of trust, was an easier trade, sans

commerce that had brought forth many Indians to Oman

complications and legal hurdles."

Trade legacy passed on Khimji Kishandas’s father, Kishandas Gandhi, was also a

before him and also after. “Those days the business and trading was done in good faith and ethics. People and

Traders in Muscat

trader in the Muttrah souq. “Like my grandfather he was a

customers knew you by your family and trusted you with

Khimji Kishandas, cleared his throat and slowly spoke about

trader and soon this legacy was passed on to me too. Trade

everything. The customers believed that you could change

what he could remember about his past. But, at the outset,

was something that came naturally to us; it was in our blood.

their lives, not with the medicines, spices and herbs you

he wanted to repeat the tales he heard about his grandfather,

traded, but also in terms of providing assistance to them and

as told to him by his own father. “My grandfather Visoomal

And in Oman, during those years, trade flourished and many

also forging friendly relations,” Khimji Kishandas Visoomal

Gandhi was a trader who landed in Oman, 100 odd years

organised systems and rules were brought in place after the

Gandhi, a former trader in Muttrah souq, tells us.

ago. He sailed into Oman as a trader of various merchandise

70s. Before the 70s, we never had any board or name put up

on a small boat from Mumbai, carrying rice, coffee, tea and

on the shops and outlets. Instead we were known by our tribe

We are in his home, somewhere inside and away from the

spices. Those days the business and trading was done in

name. Since merchandising started with my grandfather, our

main Muttrah souq. Earlier, his son, Amit Gandhi, a trader

good faith and ethics. People and customers knew you by

family had an established identity. We were dark skinned

and entrepreneur, had led us to the septuagenarian’s home

your family and trusted you with everything. The customers,

and locally we went by the name ‘aulat kara’. I am talking

and in the creature comfort of a homely atmosphere the 76-

like the ones in Oman, did not just look forward to forging

about those days in the early 60s.”

year old Khimji Kishandas Gandhi unveiled his past, which

business ties, but something more concrete. They had faith

had played quite closely with the making of this nation. He

that these traders were harbingers of not just better lives, but

Work was worship

explained how many of the visiting seafarers to Oman, who

that they had the ability to change their lives. And beyond

Khimji Kishandas’s grandfather had his own boat and he

with sufficient knowledge of medicines also had the ability to

their ability to trade with medicines, spices and herbs they

was engaged in trade to Ceylon and nearby lands. “Within

dispense with advice on the cure of some diseases. Many of

were also equipped with the knowledge that they brought

Oman, he plied to Mussanah and Quriyat frequently. The

them were able to deal with day-to-day health problems of

along with it and their ability to give much needed advice on

captain of his boat was an enterprising and adventurous

their customers and all of this slowly brought in an element

health and related issues.”

Omani, Fadhil bin Qaif.


“Oman was a great and safe haven for merchants and traders in those days and I believe, so it is today. Every community

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was respected and accepted by locals and residents. We had lot of Omani helpers in those days. Everyone respected work and all of us worked very hard.” Oman is home Khimji Kishandas was born in Muscat, along with eight siblings. For him, Oman is not his second home. This is his home like any because it is this country that he was born in and it is here he has grown as a businessman and also raised his family. “Oman is a nation that I have known all my life. I travel to India, once in a decade or so. All my family members are here too. This is my home. I cannot differentiate it in any other way,” he says with a glistening in his eyes. Business was not work “My father, being a trader, taught us this business at a very young age. We were raised in a congenial business atmosphere and it never ever felt like work. I remember working at my father’s shop when I was 12 and started helping him after school. I went to the Gujarati school in Muttrah and had my basic education there. I also learned the art of trade at home and also began to get a grip of Arabic, the main language of trade then. The currency in use in those days included the Indian rupee and also the French kursh.”


Coffee, the best seller

We did not venture into new avenues every day. My father

the place. There is a happy bustle around it.

Of course, the early days were hard. The luxuries of life

and grandfather taught me the basic trade and he made me

Trade has become an organised and safe business.”

and the splendour and the wonder that is abundant today

understand patience made our business stronger.

was starkly missing in those early days. But, business was

Granted nationality

good, notes Khimji Kishandas. “Our daily sales would

A panacea for everything

In 2010, Khimji Kishandas and his family were granted the

bring in around OMR500 to OMR600 per working day.

“It took us over four to five decades to establish and succeed

Omani nationality. “We are grateful to His Majesty the

The Muttrah souk did not have electricity and by 6pm the

in business and gain a reputation. Our customers believed

Sultan for his wise leadership and guidance. Oman is our

shutters of all shops would be downed.

that we had solutions for everything. It is not that we sold

home and as they say, there is no place as heavenly as your

Coffee products sold well and Brazilian coffee was quite in

herbs and spices, they believed we had cure for all their


demand. Rice was the next favourite commodity. People

problems. They came to us for even a cold or a headache.

stocked rice in three drums and this would last for a year in

Some people came when they or their family members

those days. All transportation was done on donkeys.”

had a fall, or some kind of trouble brewing in their homes – we were not mere traders, we were more of confidantes,

Slice of the past

troubleshooters, consultants…”

Khimji Kishandas initially worked as a civil servant in the army. “Yes, this was before the 70s. I worked as a helper and

Key word: ethics

later joined my father fulltime in the trade business. Life was

Khimji Kishandas also stressed on how everything revolved

quite challenging, especially those days before the ‘70s. And

around values during those days; how business was run in a

somehow, each day used to be a long-drawn one. I used to

very truthful and upright manner. “Ethics was the key word.

wake up before five. Behind the Muttrah police station was a

So was hard work. Customers trusted us with their lives

community well, just one for all of us and the only source of

and families and we had to keep up that confidence, so we

water then. This was where we took bath. After the morning

learned all that we could and worked to the benefit of our

ablutions, and a quick breakfast, we would head straight to

customers. We never got angry or fought with our customers.

work. Lunch break would also be a short one and we would

When disputes did raise its ugly head, we all sat together

work until 6pm. After that we would still continue to work,

and resolved it. And one important but common factor was

but with the help of lanterns, as power did not exist.”

our love for work. We never shirked or ran away from work.

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We put lot of effort in a job and we worked for long hours, Embracing all challenges

despite the hardships.”

Khimji Kishandas got married in 1971. His wife Renuka Khimji slowly adapted to the Omani lifestyle that her

Strength in unity

husband had decided to lead. “She (his wife) has been living

Of course, it was business and there was competition, but

with me in Oman since our marriage. Those days were

the traders and all of them doing business were united when

quite challenging for her too, since she came from India,

confronted by any problems. “We faced every challenge with

the conditions in Oman were not only alien, but quite a bit

equanimity. There was a great sense of togetherness.

harsh too. She had to contend with the fact that there was no

And since there was quite a large amount of work to be done

through the hands of the family of Khimji Vismool

water, electricity or any essential amenities.

for everyone, no one poked their nose into another’s business.

Gandhi, one priceless item, still remains in their

She had to go back to India for her delivery. But, she knew

You must understand that our trade was not established

this was her home and embraced all challenges,” he said,

in a day,” he said. Coming from a family of traders and

noting how Oman has changed today. “The country has

businessmen, most of who did business internationally and

probably from Iran or Iraq, which we still have with us.

seen amazing growth. It has developed far beyond one’s

even established global contacts, also gave them confidence

It is said to be more than 200 years old. And they used

imagination and today it offers everything to its citizens and

and helped shape their own future in Oman. What


individuals like Khimji Kishandas can take pride in is the fact

sacks of lemons used to be arranged in a line until the

that they lived in a time when the country was confidently

gate of Corniche and the scale was used to weigh them

Presence, patience and perseverance

making strides into a future and their work and their lives

in that line. Two men with a plank used to weigh these

Khimji Kishandas had some interesting points to cite about

were deeply entrenched in the history of Oman itself.

the past. Most importantly was the one capacity, which

Today, they are in a situation where they can actually

could be seen lacking among the new generation. “We, old

reminisce about the past and then look around and see how

timers, were quite patient. The golden rule in our business

a single man’s vision had made possible the remarkable

was that we waited patiently for a customer to walk in. If

progress witnessed today. “In fact, Oman moved towards

they did not come, well, then, they did not. Day after day, we

development and progress in the 70s itself. Today, we have

would wait patiently and finally the customers would come.

power, water and all amenities at the souq. Visitors throng

The 200-odd years old scale While many quaint objects and artefacts passed

custody, almost like a family heirloom. “My forefathers used to have an old weighing scale,

to weigh sacks of dried lemons using this scale. The

sacks and note their weight,” Amit Gandhi said.


34 4

T Those who revere him, consider him to h be a true embodiment b of what hard work o iis all about. And although reluctant a tto admit that he is a success story, Sheikh Mohammed agrees that the only path to success is genuine, uncompromising and unrelenting hard work


Sheikh Mohammed Qasim Essa Al Zadjali Driven to succeed They say it is difficult to find Sheikh Mohammed Qasim

skills, lineage or wealth. He started at the very beginning

Essa Al Zadjali sitting quietly or doing nothing.

of the ladder, but he went up one rung at a time and never

Even at 79, the sheikh of the Zadjali tribe in Oman, who is a

stopped to look down or pause in between. He is the perfect

businessman of repute and equally a force to reckon with, is

example of a man with nothing in hand, yet, out of nothing,

someone who can be best described as “being constantly on

he created everything.

the move”. Those who revere him, consider him to be a true embodiment Age has not dithered his spirit or diluted his enthusiasm and

of what hard work is all about. And although reluctant to

passion for life and most importantly, his work. Other than

admit that he is a success story, Sheikh Mohammed agrees

work, he does not know anything else; he humbly tells us

that the only path to success is genuine, uncompromising and

when we meet him at his office, Samir Kassim Trading and

unrelenting hard work. Everything else is secondary.

35 35

Contracting, in Wattayah. A rich background, wealthy and influential connections,

fact, he failed the first time. He tried again and even failed in

Although we went early to meet him, Sheikh Mohammed Al

luck and a whole lot of ill gotten gains are some of the many

his second attempt. But, true to his nature, which was one of

Zadjali, founder and chairman of the Samir Kassim Group

attributes that many youngsters hope to have which would

tenacity and his inborn dogged determination to succeed, he

of companies, had already arrived and instead of lounging

help them become successful. They believe that this is the

won on the third attempt.

around in the office, he was doing his rounds of the various

path to success as they do not have the confidence and

workshops and camp offices at the complex.

strength and self belief to start from zero. But, people like

Driven to succeed

Sheikh Mohammed are the ones who can prove such lay

“I secured a driving license in 1955, after failing twice in

This is one man who simply does not stop working. Totally

theories wrong and become a living example of how a single-

my attempts. Those days the driving licenses were issued by

immersed in his work, he does not hold much credence to

handed approach to work can not only bring personal success

His Highness Sayyid Tarik bin Taimur Al Said,” Sheikh

the concept of night and day, says his equally industrious

and well being but also, like in his case, become instrumental

Mohammed said, noting how obtaining his driving license

sons, Qassim bin Mohammed Al Zadjali and Dr Yasser bin

in shaping Oman. Sheikh Mohammed can take pride in the

was the first milestone in his path to success.

Mohammed Al Zadjali.

fact that he is one among those who stood along with His

Suffused in humility

Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said to build a better future for

“I had a natural inclination to driving, and was also blessed

the Sultanate.

with the automatic knowledge of how to repair vehicles. I could easily put things together, assemble machineries and

“I am nothing – I am just a man who loves to work,” Sheikh Mohammed Qasim quietly tells us in words suffused with

Started from scratch

do all kinds of odd jobs. Back in the 50s, I was employed at

humility. He refers to his humble beginnings to emphasise

Sheikh Mohammed started from scratch. He began his

the Saudi Aramco group, and learned the basics of English

his point, but then this is one man who has made of life a

career at the British Council’s mobile clinic as a driver,

language that helped me when I returned to Oman in

veritable university, from where he has graduated with flying

medical assistant and an interpreter in 1956, the year he

1956,” he said. Soon, he got out of the British Council and

colours. And his simple, undiluted mantra of success is

returned from Saudi Arabia.

joined a government agency, the Development Department, which had under its ambit many portfolios including health,

nothing but three words: work, work, work! Largely incident free, even his attempts for a driving license As he explains to us, he was not endowed with any special

agriculture, road works and education.

did not meet with spectacular success as he started out. In


36 6

Al Zadjali with a 40 year old Nissan he treasures; Below, his old driving license copy issued in the 60s


37 37

Al Zadjali with the development department officials in 1961 “Basically I joined as a driver and did all sorts of odd jobs

Muscat then. It was hard work, pure physical labour.

spraying team from Muscat to key interior sites like Nizwa,

that helped me learn the intricacies of the department. I was

We did not have any heavy equipment or machinery, just

Hamra and many others.

ready to take up any job and in the 50’s this was the norm.

basic hand shovels and spades. I started my career with a

The Development Department was full of committed and

salary of Rs250 in the 50s. In 1960, I was shifted to the

This attempt to start my own business in transportation

hard working Omanis who did a great job.

department of agriculture in Nizwa where I drew a salary of

and contracting brought about the establishment of Samir

Rs500 and worked there until 1970.”

Kassim Transport Company, which I established in the same

Man behind many roads

year itself.”

“One instance that comes in to my mind is that of the roads,

The year 1970 proved to be a turning point in Sheikh

which we built in 1959. They were all done manually, by a

Mohammed’s life. “I bought a secondhand Land Rover and

Armed with a strong will and steely determination to see a

team, drawing out a route from Azaiba to Musannah.

left the job to start on my own. At that time, Aerial Spraying,

task through its completion, Sheikh Mohammed began his

a unit of the Modi Group of Companies from India had just

task to build his company, brick by brick. “There were no

We marked the trees and charted out a straight route

started their operations in the interiors of Oman. I began

work timings; life itself was work, from morning to night to

reaching Musannah, thereby creating one of the first roads in

my transportation services at the same time, taking the aerial

next day morning and beyond, all I knew was to work.


Al Zadjali, 1965, in Bahla

Al Zadjali, 1964, at a government farm in Nizwa

Al Zadjali, with his sons Qassim and Yasser

Al Zadjali (second from left), with the health department officials

Al Zadjali opened his first store in Darsait in 1972, which was later rented out

Al Zadjali driving a tractor of the department of agriculture in 1961

There were instances when I have worked nonstop for two

to driving grew and I also began to understand the workings

myself in this field. Within years, this sector was filled

to three days, forgoing even sleep. When there was either

of the vehicles that I rode. I realised that I had a knack of

with other companies doing the same thing and we took a

a deadline, or simply work to be finished, everything else

vehicle maintenance and repairs and soon I was on the way

step to diversify in to pipeline transportation, building and

would be secondary.”

of becoming a full-fledged mechanic. Within years, the

contracting projects over the length and breadth of Oman,”

expertise grew and I was able to handle anything from an

Sheikh Mohammed said.

38 8

Born mechanic and natural driver

ordinary car to a heavy vehicle.

Though in the early days, his job was limited to driving

Moving mountains

people around and transporting goods, Sheikh Mohammed

I developed a machinery workshop which catered to

There may not have been plenty of jobs then, but whatever

struck to a pattern: he slowly learnt the routes, began to

spare parts, rebuilding and assembling of all vehicles

was available, was sufficient. What was striking about the

understand the pulse of the people in different regions of

and machinery. I would rather describe myself as a born

men of that time was their unbridled spirit; their undying

Oman and also the needs of the various contracting and

mechanic and natural driver. I knew my career would be

passion for work. They had a vision as well as a mission. “We

transportation sectors then. “During this time, my affinity

with vehicles and machinery and over the years I established

did not have any attitude problem in those days.


Every job was an opportunity and every job completed was considered a success. We had our own brainstorming sessions

39 39

where we discussed issues threadbare, and the team spirit was admirable! There were very little expatriates then, rather there were plenty of Omanis and we were literally moving mountains!

1970s – the era of opportunities

I learned from every job, I transported, repaired, loaded/

The wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said

unloaded, operated the first generator brought in to Oman

“Let me tell you the story of the first airport runway created

ushered in an era of opportunities, opening doors to many

in 1963/’64. I still remember: it was a Kirloskar generator! I

in 1956 by our team then. The supervisor was a British

sectors. The 70’s witnessed real progress-oriented years of

assembled tractors and heavy machineries. I have seen wheat

gentleman named Mr Brown, who showed us how to use

growth and opportunities. “Oman has evolved along with

being cultivated in Bahla and red onions growing splendidly

dynamite to blast the mountains, which were next to the

me, and I can proudly say I was part of the nation that grew

in Oman, I was fortunate to see many firsts in this country!”

current Sheraton hotel. We would blast the mountains,

in leaps and bounds in almost all fields from arts to science

but there was the onerous task of shifting the remaining

to industries. Oman is a nation of international repute today,

As Sheikh Mohammed noted, Oman did not have

boulders, bricks and sands. Since there weren’t any big

with almost all nationalities coming in to the country either

electricity or water then. The health systems were not in

transport trucks for that, we moved them with the help of

for businesses or for employment.

place and education was not attainable because of the lack

donkeys, which we hired from the Ruwi area then.

of schools. “But I had nothing to complain about. Life Before the 70s, Omanis went out of the country, searching

is about evolution. Our future generation may witness

This, of course, took a very long time and it was not until two

for greener pastures, and settled all around the world. Today,

many technological and scientific evolutions that we older

years that we managed to have a small stretch of runway that

as an Omani, I can proudly say that my nation has travelled

generation could never even have thought about!”

helped succeed in the landing of the first few flights in to

against all odds to reach where it is today; along the path of

Oman. But we did it! And by doing the task, we knew that

progress, which its citizens can stand up with their heads

Learn from life

with hard work we can move even mountains!

held high,” Sheikh Mohammed said, noting how bare the

“I am not an educated man, but life was and is a university

existence was during the early days.

that helps you graduate and master at various intervals. Hard

If we were focussed and ready to toil, no challenge is big

work is the only language that can communicate with success

enough to face. Patience and hard work will help you choose

“I grew up without electricity, air conditioners and we did

and reach you there and there are no short cuts to hard work

your path and your life eventually. Because I believe it is our

not have roads then. We used to learn from the light of a

or success. Work hard and you will see growth and progress

work that identifies us. You can only succeed and evolve if

kerosene wick lamp, which we created out of empty cans. I

in its own due course of time,” Sheikh Mohammed exhorted

you love what you are doing!”

did every job that came my way without an ego or attitude.

the younger generation.


40 0

A woman in Oman today iis safe, respected, and most importantly, m ttreated without any discrimination. Not d eeven the best of nations ttoday ensure that a woman is given her full rights or ensured that she can stand shoulder to shoulder with men on not just the job front, but also on her pay scale


Asma Masoud Al Kharusi Story of Asma This is the story of how Asma became Asmaa and how an

an insight into how Oman has transformed over the years

the private sector today supports budding entrepreneurs. I

adventurous and fiery Omani lady rally driver, who then

and how that change has also taken women empowerment to

was recently fortunate enough to get such an opportunity

became a region-trotting tour guide, finally metamorphosed

great heights.

in this entrepreneurial world and got supported by Bank

into a famous designer.

Muscat at a mentorship programme held to strengthen my Salutations to His Majesty the Sultan

skills in the design sector.”

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Asma Masoud Al

“Women empowerment is at its best in Oman. Thanks to

Kharusi, owner and founder of the now internationally

our beloved leader and visionary His Majesty Sultan Qaboos


known Asmaa Collectionz, a one-stop destination in Oman

bin Said. Oman, as a nation, has progressed in leaps and

Oman began its stride to progress and prosperity from

for authentic Omani handicrafts and jewellery.

bounds, in the last four decades. But as a woman, I am proud

1970 and the next 10 plus years changed its face for the

She is the lady who gave a unique twist to traditional Omani

of Oman, because this is one nation that gives the best of

better. “What started as a new era, turned over the lives of

jewellery by fusing them with everyday essentials and has

opportunities to women,” Asma said, posing for a photo

Omanis, and gave us all a life of dignity and pride, filled

now fully enticed and drawn customers to her creations. The

with some items of her pewter collection. The collections are

with opportunities to grow and prosper. While the progress

collections are not only considered as prized possessions,

divided into three categories: pewter, luxury and lacquer.

brought in the best of the west and the world over, Oman

elevating it to the level of a collector’s choice, but they have

“Today, we woman can proudly assert our rights and also

still preserved its rich heritage,” Asma said.

also served in preserving Omani culture and heritage not just

claim that we can be anyone whom we want to be because

for posterity, but given it a contemporary flavour.

women in Oman have reached all frontiers.

Importance to education

Today, we Omani women can be anything, a doctor,

“The most important aspect of the progress was the

Oozing confidence

an engineer, a teacher, a scientist, an entrepreneur or an

development of educational institutions and the multifold

She comes off as a formidable figure, but in reality, Asma

undersecretary and even a minister! The skies are open as far

opportunities and facilities that has come along with it. There

is all charm and smiles and fun. What is drawing as well as

as opportunities are concerned for Omani women in Oman,”

were just a handful of schools in 1970, but today the numbers

daunting about her is her unmistakable confidence. Asma

she said, displaying some exquisite silver bangles.

have multiplied in thousands, giving every child, woman and

just oozes confidence and nothing fazes her. It is a trait that

man the opportunity of enlightenment. I believe education is

you immediately recognise and respect and this could also

Women in Oman have all rights

the only priceless possession a human being can have in this

be something that builds a protective shield around her.

“And not only that -- a woman in Oman today is safe,

world. Life can give you gold and diamonds, cars, villas and

Not everyone is entirely sure of someone who simply spells

respected, and most importantly, treated without any

bank balances, but all that could perish. Education is that

confidence and has Asma’s poise. And there is also a very

discrimination. Not even the best of nations today ensure

one priceless possession that can keep your lives and paths

matter-of-fact, straightforward directness about her that

that a woman is given her full rights or ensured that she

bright and inspiring.”

clearly surrounds her with an aura of a woman who means

can stand shoulder to shoulder with men on not just the job


front, but also on her pay scale.

In Oman in 1972

She was late for her appointment with us, but that was

In Oman, it is guaranteed that women are paid equal to that

“In 1970 our family left from Dar es Salaam to Egypt for

entirely forgivable as the lady who is today known for all

of men and in fact the Sultanate hosts many women who are

educational purposes and in 1972 we returned to Oman

those creative and unique designs, aptly titled as Asmaa

drawing a higher pay packet than men. Isn’t that amazing?”

and then left to Bahrain for higher studies. I still remember

Collectionz, had gone to pursue a sudden enquiry from the

Asma enthused.

that in those days how English language was very important

ministry of tourism. She soon breezes into her delightful

A few years ago, the self-employment and entrepreneurial

for admissions to international universities and the top

one-stop shop at the Opera Galleria and takes us through a

opportunities were limited in Oman, but today all such gaps

management from Gulf Technical College had come down

whirlwind tour of her exciting collections. She also gave us

are bridged, Asma noted. “Not just in the public sector, even

to Oman to counsel and interview students from Oman.


4 41

Glimpses of the auto check and rally in 1978 We were the last batch of 10 students who were selected that year,” Asma said. She completed a course on personnel management and joined Omantel in 1973 at the Ruwi offices then and worked in sales for a period of three years. After that she joined Shell in 1978 and continued work until 1982. “In the meanwhile I got married. My husband was with the military. Marriage soon changed my lifestyle. My husband’s

42 2

job involved travelling and overseas training and postings and I had to accompany him. This made me visit many parts of the world, including the UK and the US where we stayed for a few years. The US stay at the Staff Training College campus was an eye opener for me. There were officers from 101 different nationalities. During national parades we all dressed up in traditional attire of our respective nations and I vividly remember our Omani dress was well appreciated by all communities and nationalities. “We had travelled to the UK in the early 80s and returned to Oman in ‘84 where I rejoined Shell Company on a leave vacancy job. After the return from the US, my husband was posted in Salalah and we lived there for two years. I could say it was the overseas travel and the different postings of my husband’s career that brought about my awareness about Oman, its tourist attractions, culture and traditions and comparisons to the world outside. Oman is a rich country in culture, traditions and jewellery, varying in the different Wilayats. Today I can look back proudly on the accomplishments of an ordinary housewife, wife and a mother of four children. I donned different roles, justifying each one with my own identity and character.” The rally driver Although Asma donned the role of housewife, raising her four children, she however did not forget her main passion


Antiques of the future I took up designing of authentic Omani souvenirs and gift items, adding the traditional touch of Oman, blending it with a touch of modernity. My final destination as a designer brought out the best in me. The traditional souks of Oman gave me a living library of designs and ideas. My role as a designer not only gave me immense pleasure of blending creativity to real life; it also gave me a new identity amongst my peers and friends. This was not about money; it was a creative role that helped me showcase Oman’s rich designs and traditionalist culture. Today Asmaa Collectionz has reached far and wide, with Asmaa Collectionz

even a shop in Germany featuring my designs, and many parts of the world, packaged at various Omani stalls at

– driving. “Oh yes, driving was one of my major passions. In

– and submerged into her new role with her usual passion

tourism villages and exhibitions. I started my career as a

those days, it was a major feat to get a driving license. There

and determination to excel.

designer at home; again the passion to design my home

were not too many roads or cars, but I was consumed by this

traditionally started the hobby, which later took on a bigger

desire to drive. In fact sports activities were my favourite

“As a tour guide, I went to the length and breadth of

scale. The first few garage sales/open days were held at home

hobby. I took to driving like a duck to water and by 1975

Oman. It gave me wonderful experiences with international

and I sold many pieces. At these initial sales, friends and

I was having a license. The driving test was done on the

tourists, and gave me an opportunity to showcase my beloved

buyers suggested more ideas on designs and there were also

first road in Muscat, a steep and winding road those days

nation in the right perspective. Oman has abundant natural

more demands. Slowly, I diversified my designs. I changed

and a head at the Royal Oman Police was the one who was

resources and tourist spots. The best moments as a tour guide

from the expensive pure silver form to the affordable pewter

authorised to conduct the test.

were the trips I took to the Wahaiba Sands, a unique sand

based designs and started manufacturing overseas. I call

“Soon, I participated in an auto check and rally in 1978

dunes experience that only Oman can offer. I still hold dear

these designer pieces as ‘antiques of the future’!

and the best part was that I had the satisfaction of beating

to my heart a trip with a Japanese tour group, who were

not just women, but also many men who took part. I was a

very impressed and excited at Oman’s varied landscape. I


topper at the auto check competition!”

remember how I taught them to eat Omani fish with their

Asma feels that when a person wants to carve an independent

hand, though funny, it were all indelible moments forever

career, there are many crucial points to consider. “For

etched in my heart.”

instance, if you want to start out on your own, then do try

Omani woman tour guide Asma soon became a force to reckon with in the world of

to start on a small scale. Any career grows if there is passion,

driving. Perhaps, it was her skills on the road that gave her

Designer and entrepreneur

and there is a drive to excel and a desire to be original and

the right impetus to the next step – she became a tour guide.

Running almost parallel with her adventurous spirit was

different. There is no point in doing a business because it is

“I became the first Omani woman tour guide registered

this desire to be creative and at the same time she had a

the ‘in thing’ today. The youth of Oman has it all today. If

with the ministry of tourism. I remember it was a tough

need to highlight the culture and tradition of Oman. That

they can take the lead with responsibility and accountability

interview, many questions were asked about the routes

led her to explore and enter a brand new world of creativity.

realising that education is the best investment of their lives,

and tourist attractions of Oman, its culture and traditions.

“Oman’s rich heritage of silver jewellery created a new avenue

Oman will always move ahead. Whatever you do, do it

English knowledge proved to be an advantage and soon I was

of design and creativity for me that brought about Asmaa

yourself, learn your trade well, upgrade your education at

officially approved as an English speaking Omani tour guide!

Collectionz in to existence. While promoting tourism, I

every stage, experiment and be different and creative. The

It was a proud milestone for me!”

realised that Oman was a haven of jewellery designs, varying

most important rule to remember is nothing in life comes

Asma quickly established a tour company - Advantage tours

in different regions.



43 43

44 4

Football was the magic word that bonded not jjust Dawood and Diesel but a host of people. Thanks to the game, they made good friends and strong teams and even had several wins with other tough teams to their credit


Dawood bin Jamal bin Dilwash and Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Balushi A football hero of Muttrah One December, close to Christmas, some 60-odd years ago, two Omanis in their early 20s were watching a football match played by the Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO) staff. Dawood bin Jamal bin Dilwash and Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Balushi (aka Mohammed Diesel) were hungrily watching the game and wishing they could take part or at least have a football of their own.

45 45 Duo who introduced football The duo were not only working together but were also inseparable friends. They hailed from the Muttrah area. In fact, the still burly, 80-plus Diesel is a celebrated character of Muttrah, and tales of his brawn, his muscles and his might abounded during the early days when he was young and sprightly. Today, Diesel runs some shops in the souq area, and although he is no longer young, everyone still looks at him with awe. While stories of his various exploits still fill the ears of many at the Mutrah souq, what most do not know much about is the fact that he and his friends are credited with introducing football to some sections of the Omani sporting society in the area, maybe half a century back. A Christmas gift In fact, the duo, Dawood and Diesel were buddies before

their managers asked them casually what they wanted for

we would simply watch! But that Christmas changed our

they got into the football craze, but after that their bonding

Christmas. “Of course, we replied in one voice: Football,”

lives! Mr Heliath, a friendly manager of PDO changed


recalled Dawood.

our lives with a simple gift – a football. “ That was our first ever football and our evenings and our lives changed for

And on that late December evening when they watched from

Football changes their lives

the better!” In fact, that was how the first-ever all-Omani

the sidelines how the PDO team played, little did they know

The PDO staff used to play football in the evenings and

football team got organised in Muttrah area. Soon, other

that providence would come in a small way soon. They were

weekends and there were plenty of friendly football activity

local teams began to join them and they got into more

working as assistant security staff at the PDO when one of

there. “We never had the guts to ask for a ball for ourselves;

organised football games.


46 6


Then, somewhere around 1958/’59, an official from the British Council approached Diesel, Dawood and their team to find out if they had a professional football outfit in place. “We said yes and we put in a team of 11 and went along with the council staff and played with them at Maqbool grounds, which was the only maidan (vacant field) then. Both of us had learnt to play football in Gwadar, Pakistan, where we used to work in the earlier days,” Dawood said. A team called Bijli Dawood was born in Gwadar and he came to Oman in 1957, when he was in his early 20s. “I worked as a loader and also did other odd jobs to sustain myself until I got a job as a generator operator at Bait Al Falaj. Hockey, rather than football, was the novelty then, but we loved football very much and so we began to find ways and means to play it.” Their first football team was called Bijli and their first-ever tournament was held in 1960. “Five teams – Bijli, Cable and Wireless, Airwork, Bait Al Falaj and Jibroo -- participated in the tournament, which was held at Bait Al Falaj grounds. We brought jerseys from Karachi and had rubber-soled Bata shoes that worked as soccer boots!” Although Bijli did not win the tournament, they fared quite well. “We even got a small trophy, which was a small tennis cup – we still have it at home – a prized possession!” After that match, their zest for a win took them to many other tournaments and also won them big laurels. “Soon, many were hailing us as champions! Football really caught up among the Muttrah crowd and soon we had fans rooting for us at matches – it was an exciting time, we used to feel like real heroes!” Football – the magic word Football was the magic word that bonded not just Dawood and Diesel but a host of people. Thanks to the game, they made good friends and strong teams and even had several wins with other tough teams to their credit. “If you play football with a team, that team becomes your family no matter wherever life takes you,” Dawood said. Today, Dawood is no longer working and his evenings are spent, like many other elders in Muttrah, at the souq, chatting and bringing the past alive with the tales of yore. “We never get tired of talking about the good old days – in fact, we feel alive when we talk about this part of our past!” Dawood said.


4 47

O November 30, 1975, On after serving the nation a ffor a total of 51 years, Major General Lashkaran M rretired from the police fforce. During his tenure with the Royal Oman w Police, he held several positions and was also given the responsibility of Muscat and Muttrah regions. He was also given the power to issue driving licenses, and also played prominent roles in the customs (Jemdar) and the immigration departments among other responsibilities

48 8


Late Major General Lashkaran Shabek Al Zadjali Serving the nation for 51 years Resolving a problem after it has begun is something we

Retired in 1975

are all accustomed to. But, there was one man who simply

On November 30, 1975, after serving the nation for another

believed that prevention was better than a cure. And so

37 years, and a total of 51 years, Major General Lashkaran

he worked in his capacity as one of the leading men in the

retired from the police force. During his tenure with the

army and police force at the time with this simple belief:

Royal Oman Police, he held several positions and was also

prevention is better than a cure.

given the responsibility of Muscat and Muttrah regions. He

Mubarek Mahmood Al-Zedjaly, grandson of Major General Lashkaran

was also given the power to issue driving licenses, and also The late Major General Lashkaran Shabek Al Zadjali was

played prominent roles in the customs (Jemdar) and the

one such man who prevented crimes from happening than

immigration departments among other responsibilities. In

merely running after a solution once it was committed.

the mid ‘60s he was responsible for the Mirani Fort too. He

4 49

retired when he was with the immigration department in Mubarek Mahmood Al-Zedjaly, director of coordination


and follow up at the ministry of heritage and culture, was highlighting some of the salient points of his late

Love for hockey

grandfather, Major General Lashkaran, when he made the

Major General Lashkaran had a serious sporting side to him

above observation. And it is true. Major General Lashkaran

too. It was not all work and no play. But, there too, discipline

was a true disciplinarian and his measures to execute them

was his forte and it was this nature of his that later made him

were exacting. This was a man for whom discipline and order

Oman’s first Omani hockey referee.

was paramount and someone who considered none above the

“My grandfather was a good hockey player in the ‘20s. In the

law. He lived his life setting such high standards and never

earlier days, hockey was more popular than football and other

ever veered from the goal of achieving the highest for his

games in Oman. He was considered a great payer and during


his tenure at the armed forces, he joined the hockey team and in 1929, he became first Omani referee and was named the

Serving the nation for 51 years

head of referees. I used to sit and listen to him talk about the

Major General Lashkaran served the nation for 51 years.

good old days. He had a keen sense of fairness and was quite

“My grandfather joined the service of the army in 1924. I

a disciplinarian.”

remember how he used to say that in those days everyone were soldiers as the police forces were not established

Good old days, and simple people

then. After serving in the army for around 14 years, he was

Mubarek recalls not only the stories that his grandfather

transferred to the police forces on September 6, 1950.

told him but also how different life was then. Although

There he worked very hard and was then soon promoted to

the conditions then were tough and hard, the people were

the post of the commissioner of police,” noted Mubarek Al-

very genuine and sincere. “And like the era he lived in, my

Zedjaly. “In the years to follow and after many exploits and

grandfather was also very simple and honest at heart. One

achievements, my grandfather grew to a Major General.”

of his favourite quotes was, ‘prevention is better than cure’


50 0

Lashkaran was awarded the Order of Sultan Qaboos, 3rd Grade in 1990 and in many ways that is how he lived his life. He applied this adage in his work and his life. In fact, he was one police official who was known to successfully stop or rather prevent crimes from happening. The population was limited then and most of the tribes and families were known to all. But, still achieving that was no mean feat. “People were more honest and simple then and crimes rates were quite low. Most of them were hard working and they had to counter the challenging times with the available limited resources,” Mubarek said, noting how the people of that era imbibed the spirit of the times and rose above the challenges. Uncomplicated life “Again the dependency on resources was limited; most of them including my grandfather chose to walk. A point to note was that it was in the ‘60s when my grandfather was with the police forces,


5 51

In the 60s, examining an antique canon at the Fort Al-Mirani

he was provided with one Land Rover car for the whole

just on a few. Probably people then worked without

leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, he would beam with


expectations, all worked together in unison, without egos and

pride and say that the future of Oman was positive and

complexities. My grandfather believed that a society could

full of opportunities for the younger generation. He would

Life was simple, uncomplicated and without inhibitions.

grow only when people are working together for a common

always reiterate that with freedom comes great responsibility

They embraced life with all its difficulties and challenges and

cause without playing politics or games. The goal has to be

and if the youth could be taught to live with discipline and

moved on.

clear and focussed for success.

transparency, the nation is in safe hands.

Responsibility and accountability


1990, 20th National Day

“No duties were compromised, no responsibilities ignored.

“My grandfather has worked under three rulers and has seen

“On the occasion of the celebrations of the 20th National

Everyone was accountable and hard working. Responsibility

Oman develop and prosper over the years. Looking at the

Day on November 21, 1990, Lashkaran was awarded the

and accountability were on everyone’s shoulders, not

tremendous growth and development under our beloved

Order of Sultan Qaboos, 3rd Grade.”


52 2

A leading Omani jurist, Dr Said is the head of D AMJ’s litigation and A arbitrary practice, a where he enjoys rights w of audience before the o Supreme Court. Dr Said S brings to his practice a wealth of experience accumulated over a long and distinguished judicial career culminating in his tenure as vice president of the supreme court of Oman until his retirement from the judiciary in 2002 2014

Dr Said Hilal Al Busaidy No one is above the law Everyone claims to be fair, but in reality that is one herculean

law, a legislative landmark.

task. Dr Said Hilal Al Busaidy, senior partner at Al Busaidy, Mansoor Jamal & Co, attempts to tell us how difficult that

In addition to his vast fund of knowledge of the Omani

task is. While he stressed on the need to live a life in all

law and the legislative and judicial process, Dr Said has

fairness, he also points out to one important adage that he

also participated in the negotiation of many bilateral and

has always lived by: No one is above the law!

multilateral treaties on behalf of the government and represented Oman at numerous international forums. As

“Yes, no one is above the law,” he says sternly and then

chairman of the founding committees of both the Higher

breaks into a smile. The smile is disarming because it

Institute for Judges and the College of Sharia and Law,

immediately bridges the gap between us and the former

Dr Said has been a driving force in the development of the

judge’s formidable legal reputation, where he was also among

judicial system and legal profession in Oman.

other things the vice president of the supreme court in Oman.

Dr Said holds a doctorate in Public Law, specialising in the Law of the Sea, from the Sorbonne in Paris and is fluent in

If one expected a strict, stern and authoritarian man, then we

French, English and Arabic.

could be so far removed from the truth. Dr Said Al Busaidy is not just a gentleman, but he is also the quintessence

The 1970s

of a true Omani, overflowing with warmth, hospitality,

Dr Said finished schooling in Oman but did not leave the

accommodating and accessible.

country due to various reasons. “I studied Arabic through the Quran School and English through the American Mission.

Meeting us at his office at the Muscat International Centre,

Our family was settled in Old Muscat and I studied at Al

Dr Said laid bare a portion of his life, giving us a glimpse of

Saidya School in Muscat.

the man who was known for his fairness in all things legal. A leading Omani jurist, Dr Said is the head of AMJ’s

“My father was a scholar and educationalist and considered

litigation and arbitrary practice, where he enjoys rights of

that education is the best tool that can change a human being

audience before the Supreme Court. Dr Said brings to his

to a better and able person. He insisted on the importance

practice a wealth of experience accumulated over a long

of education and ensured that all of his children are well

and distinguished judicial career culminating in his tenure

educated. Since we did not have our passports ready then,

as vice president of the supreme court of Oman until his

we could not go out of Oman to study.”

retirement from the judiciary in 2002. Dr Said is currently vice president of the Council of State (Majlis Al-Dawla),

My hero, my father

the upper house of the Council of Oman, and was recently

“My father took care of my education and ensured that

appointed by the cabinet of ministers to chair the committee

we got the right books to study through his friends from

entrusted with oversight of Oman’s new civil transactions

Bahrain. There was a dearth of schools in Oman then, but


53 5 3

we managed. And finally after school, I went abroad and

no one is above the law and life has to be righteously lived

finished my three years of study, and in Cairo at Al Azhar

with all fairness, especially when I chose a career that made

University, where I studied international and Sharia laws. I

me take important decisions for others. I can proudly state

also studied French as a second language, which helped me

that I never had to compromise or break the rule or pass an

in international law and courts.

unfair decision, or abuse my position for personal gains!”

“In all this, my father was always my hero and my

Oman then and today

inspiration. My dream was to be like my father. To be

The words of Oman’s wise leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos

honest, it was on his advice that I opted for law,” Dr Said

bin Said in 1970, always ring loud and clear in Dr Said’s


mind: “I promise to give a modern state…”

Dr Said completed his college education in 1978 and joined

“Those powerful words are fulfilled, after 44 years of

the ministry of foreign affairs in the legal department. “The

renaissance; Oman is today a modern nation with schools,

job gave me good opportunities including travel to various

hospitals, roads, amenities, buildings, and opportunities for

legal seminars and forums, special law of sea conferences,

the youth to progress and move ahead. In the second year

summits in Geneva and New York. The national, regional

in 1971 His Majesty the Sultan had said, Oman will be a

and international conferences and law summits gave me rich

democratic nation and so it is today, politically, economically

exposure to the outside world of law and jurisdiction.”

and socially there is equality and dignity for all its citizens and residents. Oman today is considered one of the most

Vice chairman of Supreme Court

peaceful and safe countries of this region and the world.

In 1984 he was appointed as the advisor to the vice chairman

54 4

of the magistrate court. “I continued my higher education

Our beloved leader is a visionary, he had a mission to build

and pursued my masters in private law. I also completed a

the nation and he did successfully, step by step, taking the

diploma in public law and a doctorate in the law of seas. In

most important decision of educating the youth, building

1985, I was appointed the chairman of the magistrate court,

knowledge and a strong and healthy human resource for the

which I continued until 2002. I was appointed as the vice


chairman of the Supreme Court, a position I held for nine months. I am also a member of the Majlis Al Dawla since

People are the asset of a nation

be a role model, make yourself an example and do it yourself.

2003. I had the opportunity to work in all the three sectors of

As His Majesty had rightly said: People are indeed the

Because there is no other person better than you; it is easy

the legal system; diplomatic, judiciary and the parliament.”

most important asset of a nation! No process of growth

to correct yourself, better yourself, and live a righteous life,

and development is short; it takes lot of wise decisions,

rather than make someone else do that. Be an example to

Opportunity is like a passing cloud

perseverance, dedication, focus and most importantly hard

your family, your children, your society, and make a path

Dr Said peppered his narrative with various adages and


set in the right direction. Leading your life in a good way creates a scenario that others will most likely want to copy.

maxims. For him, no challenge was insurmountable, but all through it, he kept reiterating one aspect: his father’s golden

“As I believe education can move mountains, I wish every

For example, when parents demonstrate leadership, strength,


youth chooses the path of learning and the education sector

guidance and responsibility, their children will absorb the

grows in leaps and bounds, facilitating a society filled with

good behaviour. I was fortunate to grow up in a good family

“My father would always tell me that ‘opportunity is like

healthy, educated and responsible citizens. Education is the

environment, to have a father who is my hero, who taught

a passing cloud, it comes and goes. It is education that is

need of a nation.

me the importance of doing good and living by a good example.”

permanent and it never leaves you. Similarly, money is also not a stable state of security or identity. It is only education

In the 70’s, Oman was just 10 per cent of what it is today.

that makes you what you are and it never diminishes with

Under the wise guidance of His Majesty, many people burnt

Love for books, chess

time or energy. What you learn always remains with you,

the midnight oil, toiled hard to progress this nation to what

A busy man, Dr Said has his plate full, but then he makes

so if you have to choose between an opportunity, money or

it is today. We should never forget that.

sure that he finds time for his family and friends and is always there to lend a helping hand.

education, choose wisely, and choose to get educated.” Be an example No one is above the law

“It is easy to preach and tough to practice. But when you

“I love to read books; books are a fountainhead of knowledge

Dr Said’s profession has helped him open his eyes to many

are in a position of authority, especially in the legal field, it

and remain with you lifelong. Chess is another hobby I used

facts, he tells us. But the most important lesson that he has

is very important that you practice what you preach. Never

to indulge in. I remember playing chess to relax during the

learnt is to be fair – and to be fair at all costs. “My career in

compromise on your beliefs and principles, but always keep

exam. I did play hockey and football too during school and

law made me a fair man. I worked under the firm belief that

them simple to follow. Personally, I learnt that it is easy to

college days,” he recalls with a smile.


Congratulations and best wishes to 55

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and the people of Oman on the occasion of the 44th National Day


56 6

A Anwar Sonya has quite a following. But the man remains rooted to m his cause: to paint and h nothing more. He is n not bothered about the n ttags, his past, or even his future. All he wants is to paint and the more he painted, the more he desired to paint


A brush with

Anwar Khamis Sonya He was practicing his strokes when we trundled uninvited

greatly loved by critics and collectors’ alike.

into the offices of the Oman Fine Arts Society (OFSA).

He has presented his work in many local and international

Anwar Khamis Sonya, the ‘godfather’ of Oman’s art

exhibitions and has been awarded many times for his services

movement is busy at work and does not look up from

to Omani art, including the Golden prize from His Majesty

his strokes. We patiently wait for him to notice and then

Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

suddenly he sees us and paints us a smile, which lights up the room.

We did not even have to wait for more than a minute for the strokes to become the images that we wanted them to be.

It is an artist’s studio and there are completed works, half-

Anwar Sonya had given us our cover. His casual, but brilliant

finished efforts, easels and paint all over the room.

strokes magically brought out some unusual people from a

We don’t waste time: we introduce ourselves and tell him

blank sheet of paper. Our cover was done!

57 5 7

that we had used his painting as a cover for last year’s issue of People and we wanted another painting of his to adorn our

How, when and why did he become a painter, we ask him.

magazine’s cover this year.

“I was born as a painter,” Anwar Sonya jokes. But, it may not be far from the truth. Today, he has achieved such a status

Anwar Sonya, who is one of the founders of the Omani

that his brilliant paintings need not even have his trademark

Art Movement, does not have any air about him, nor, is he

signature at the bottom for many were able to recognise his

irritated by our intrusiveness. “Okay,” he tells us and asks us

strokes without even glancing down to the name.

to look around. “Look around, chose any painting you want,” he tells us affably.

He also has quite a following. But the man remains rooted to his cause: to paint and nothing more. He is not bothered

We were looking for people. Not only was our magazine

about the tags, his past, or even his future. All he wants is to

named People, we interviewed people (of the 70’s), but we

paint and the more he painted, the more he desired to paint.

also wanted our cover to depict people. As we looked around,

Currently, he works at the ministry of education, but every

we saw that Anwar, who is known to have explored a variety

moment that he got, he would rush to his easel, perfecting

of artistic techniques and styles – water colours, pencil

his art. By incorporating Arabic calligraphy into his

sketches, oil and acrylic paints – was absentmindedly drawing

abstractions, Anwar Sonya has added a wonderful dimension

on a sheet of paper on his desk.

to his work.

At first we thought he was doodling, but when we looked

He expressed great enthusiasm when asked what he thought

closer, we found that his lay strokes were actually forming

of the young painters of today. “They are all rocketing

into people-like images.

forward to a great future!” he said, adding of course, there were more resources available to painters today than when he

We waited quietly without disturbing him. Anwar Sonya’s

started out. “The youngsters are shining; in fact, they are all

efforts have helped place Omani art on the international

going to be better than anyone of us,” he enthused.

arena. We remember reading how his approach to

On that note, we quietly picked our now People cover and

contemporary style began in the 90’s and how his work was

left the master painter in his world of colours.


58 8

V Vimal joined the family business in 1973, after b ccompleting his studies. Oman is his home as it O was home to his father, w grandfather and great g grandfather g


Vimal Ranchordas Lalji Ratansi Purushottam Damodar Thakarsey Natha Maccan Al Baniani Living upto a fine legacy He is Vimal Ranchordas Lalji Ratansi Purushottam

as much information as possible in our short tete-a-tete with

Damodar Thakarsey Natha Maccan Al Baniani.

him. He adds that if he were to really tell his complete story

It is not just the length of the name of this gentleman that

that would take quite a while, perhaps days, perhaps weeks

is interesting. The story of Vimal Ranchordas Al Baniani is

or more…

Late Shri Ratansi Purshottam (1843 - 1904)

even more absorbing. The 70s People of the ‘70s in Oman are a fascinating lot. Somehow,

“My full name is Vimal Ranchordas Lalji Ratansi

they never cease to surprise you.

Purushottam Damodar Thakarsey Natha Maccan Al Baniani!

59 5 9

But you can call me Vimal,” the affable man tells us as he Likewise Vimal Ranchordas Al Baniani who is endowed

introduced himself.

with a rich legacy, which he upholds to the fullest. “I joined our family business in 1973, after completing my In our quest to find the people of the 70’s who made a

studies. Oman is my home and it was home to my father, my

mark in this nation, especially in contributing to the growth

grandfather and great grandfathers, all of who did business

of the Sultanate, we have come across many people, with

here. There is a customs export manifest with the clear

remarkable abilities, strength, poise and energy. Vimal

mention of my ancestor Natha Maccan in 1838, which shows

Ranchordas has all of this and more. He is part of a

that my family had done business in Oman since the 1830s.

prominent Indian family that spread its roots in Oman too

We belonged to the Baniani community, who were traders

and then established a business realm that saw them actually

since many generations. In 1871, my great grandfather

owning a large number of buildings and properties in the

Ratansi acquired Natha Maccan business and merged the

Muttrah area.

100 years of assets, properties and related businesses,” Vimal said, adding that it was worth mentioning that during the

The legacy is safe with Vimal Ranchordas because this is one

years 1885 to 1914, the company remained a major importer/

man who has taken the pains to document almost every step

exporter in the entire region. “Growing up into a family with

of their growth in Oman; luckily, this is a trait that he has

a business legacy like this naturally put me in to the world of

inherited from his elders who have also taken great effort to

trading, which had a history of over 300 to 400 years. That is

document most of their business activities here.

how I got such a big name.”

Vimal’s home is on top of the Ratansi Purushottam Co

A path paved with ethics

building in Muttrah, overlooking the corniche. One evening,

Vimal’s father, his grandfather and ancestors had set a path

from his home, viewing the exciting vessels docked at the

that was paved with ethics, discipline and perseverance. “In

Mina Qaboos twinkling in the near distance, Vimal briefly

fact, that was my career path on which I set forth into the

tells us his story noting that he would do his best to cram in

same world of business. I completed my graduation from


60 0

Muttrah in the early 60s


the University of Baroda, graduated in commerce, accounts and economics. In those days, people had to go out of Oman for education, as the facilities were limited. Travelling to India was also a cumbersome deal. There used to be flights to Dubai (BOAC flights) from Mumbai and twice a week flights from Dubai to Muscat. Therefore that made it a fiveday long travel with a break and waiting period at Dubai. They used the small Dakota aircrafts operated by Gulf aviation Company. Evolved with the transition “I can say that I grew up with Oman’s progress and development. While I was pursuing my education, my parents often used to write letters to me briefing about the development of Oman. “My father had a rolling flex camera and he always clicked photos for the sake of posterity. He used to say that lot of developments were under way after the accession of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said and the Corniche area bustled with activity, growth and development. I had also subscribed to the Gulf Weekly Mirror, which kept me updated on all news and current affairs then. During the years 1971 to ’72, we saw direct flights to Muscat and slowly things began to change. I took up the reins of the then stabilised Ratansi Purushottam & Company, under the guidance of my father and grandfather. I would say I evolved with the 70’s transition.” First car Vimal vividly remembers getting his driving license and buying his first car: a Mazda 929, 1800CC. “It cost me OMR1400 then and an additional OMR90 for automobile insurance,” Vimal said, adding that in the older days bicycles were the most available form of transport. “There were less number of instruments to trade with, everything was manual. Trading opportunities were limited too, while risks were unlimited. Modernisation of economic situation prudently protects your business investments today. Business has become more global, safe and diversifying today, thanks to modern amenities, resources and digitalisation. In the earlier dates, each one of us had to attend to all duties; no job was limited to a person. From packing to loading to exporting to paper work…everything was known to all of us!” A different world of business In the olden days, Ratansi Purushottam & Co used to export Omani Fird dates to the US; this included pressing, packing and exporting the dates. The business process was long and tedious, but worked on strong relationship, ethics and trust.


6 61

Vimal Ranchordas is one man who has taken the pains to document almost every step of their growth in Oman; luckily, this is a trait that he has inherited from his elders who have also taken great effort to document most of their business activities here

62 2


Glimpses of the past years

63 6 3


His first car – a Mazda 929

64 4

A flooded Corniche in the early 70s


65 6 5

Ratansi Purshottam and company team


66 6


I will illustrate the same with a ready example: A letter of credit used to be given from New York, from the bankers of the importers, the Mercantile Bank in London. When a shipment is made from Muscat to New York, documents would be settled in London and a bank account in London would be credited, which would then be credited to a Mumbai account. Ratansi Purushottam would then issue a cheque. Thus money travelled all around the globe to reach hands after an export transaction. Good will, ethics and trust were important components in the business and trade world then. The world was smaller even then, the only difference was the distance and travel, including transactions which took many days and weeks. People trusted you, your family name and word of mouth took your trade name and trust worthiness around the region and world,” Vimal noted with a certain amount of pride. Man of legacy It would be apt to call himself a man of legacy, Vimal humbly says. “I am a fortunate businessman who inherited the good will and trust of my ancestors in trade and business. All I needed was to learn from my elders and take this business forward. Our family owned many buildings and properties in Muttrah area, since their business involved real

67 6 7

estate trading too.” No benchmarks for comparison The 70s and after cannot be compared to anything else. It was evolution and progress throughout, under the wise leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said “There was no electricity in Muttrah before the 70s, so progress and growth is self evident when you see the roads, the cars and the moving cosmopolitan crowd today. I studied in a small room of a school with one teacher common for all subjects, with no air conditioning or other facilities that students complain of today. When you start with nothing, every single development is worth appreciating. The youth of Oman is fortunate to grow up in a modern nation that has everything, all the necessary opportunities and resources,” Vimal said. Adaptability is the key word “Adaptability is the key word in business and entrepreneurial success and an entrepreneur in Oman faces the same challenges anywhere in the world. If you have a good attitude, the willingness to learn and do every job, the business that you do will surely be a success. You have to be an all rounder of all sorts when you step in to a world of business and trade.”


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Salim still remains the same man that he was when the seed of reforming the horseracing scene germinated in his mind. “It is not a one-man effort that paved the path of horse racing and standardisation of processes in Oman. Many of the villagers and Wilayat heads have put in many days and nights to make the process smooth and acceptable. People from far and wide travelled to make it successful, many got trained, most importantly there was a unity and a team spirit that made it possible to start a new era of horse racing in Oman 2014

Salim bin Suleiman Al Mahrouqi Father of horse racing in Oman Many years back, somewhere in the 1970s, Salim bin

welded horse shoes and horseshoe designs on the window

Suleiman Al Mahrouqi, then a registrar of horses in Oman,

railings too. Sometime later, Salim Mahrouqi takes us to a

watched a feverish horse race on a bumpy track in his village

new home of his where the gates, the window railings are

in Sinaw. He watched it with a skein of regret as his mind

completely made of horseshoe designs. “Yes, they are all

automatically compared the crudely organised race before

real horseshoes. I thought it would be a good idea,” laughs

him to the hundreds of other races he had seen during his

Salim. In fact, it is this zeal for horses that has made him

trips abroad.

then, in the early 70s, a one-man campaigner for horse races

Outside Oman, the races were a full-fledged spectator sport,

in Oman. can race, with several studbooks being used to determine,

with loads of money thrown in and the horses and jockeys in

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which horses are purebred and which are not.

complete racing gear and personnel and helpers surrounding

The 1970s

each horse and jockey. The races were held in some of the

Salim’s family hailed from Sinaw. It was in the pursuit of

finest and most expensive racing tracks.

education that brought Salim to Muscat. “The only schools

Horses reigned in Oman in the past

Compared to that, the race he just saw in Sinaw was raw.

available then were in the Muscat region.

Salim continued his work in the Royal Stables and over the

The horses did not have any gears or shoes, the bare-footed

I studied at the Masjid Al Quran School. My younger

years represented Oman as a nation in various horse related

jockeys did not have saddles and they rode their horses

brother and I were living in Muscat with limited resources,

forums and conferences under the aegis of the WAHO

wearing their dishdashas. And there certainly was no prize

with hardly any money and survived on basic necessities.

(World Arabian Horse Organisation). Oman was one of the


When the Omani school in Seeb began, we joined it. This

earliest members in WAHO from the region. Earlier, maybe

Salim Al Mahrouqi stared intently at the race and then

was a makeshift school under the palm trees. I pursued my

over 200 years ago, Oman boasted of many thoroughbred

slowly a decision formed in his mind. And once he made

higher studies in Morocco where I was a law student.”

horses and was considered one of the countries of the world with the best horses collection. From Mirbat, Oman

up his mind, nothing would change it. And it was Salim Al Mahrouqi’s firm resolve that was instrumental in revamping

Career with horses

used to export horses to many international destinations.

the private horseracing scene in Oman, giving it an organised

Salim began his career at the Royal Stable in 1988, but, as

Unfortunately, over the years, due to the harsh conditions,

touch. Soon, this also gave birth to the national horseraces.

he notes, he had no knowledge of a horse then. “In fact,

many died and slowly the once vibrant tradition of horse

The irony of this is that Salim, who began his career at the

I have not seen a live horse before. My career started as a

rearing died, Salim explained.

Royal Stables in 1988, was someone who had no knowledge

bookkeeper and I retired as the deputy general manager

of a horse, and as he candidly notes, he hadn’t even seen a

after 22 years. I learned to maintain the Stud Book, register

The traditional races

live horse before in his life when he got into his first job.

all the breeds of horses available according to international

“My career as the registrar of the horses took me to many

standards. A studbook, also called a breed registry, is a list

places locally and internationally. I travelled to more than

Horseshoe house

of all of the known individual animals in a breed and is an

70 countries and also gave me an opportunity to know

It is dead easy to find the home of horse lover Salim

internationally maintained register.”

the length and breadth of my country. My job involved

Mahrouqi in the maze of houses in Ma’abela 2. His

Every nation has a registrar of horses, which maintains a tally

travelling to the different Wilayats and villages of Oman. I

passion for horses is evident even on the trees outside his

of the breed, make and owners in the country. In the 70s,

went wherever there were horse owners and got the breeds

home, which are branded by horseshoes. Even the gate has

there were not many records of horse breeds available with

registered. Since earlier days, many of the sheikhs owned

horseshoes embedded in its design and once you enter the

private owners and in the Wilayats of Oman. Horses must

horses, maintained them individually and the horse-owners,

compound, there are flower pot holders made purely by

usually be accepted into a breed and given papers before they

though not registered anywhere as a club, had a sort of


70 0


monthly arrangement to meet and conduct races, although

horse, so, in that way, some ground rules were set.”

not in an organised manner.

Hajiry from Bidiya, Sheikh Saif bin Ali Al Maskary from Ibra and Sheikh Hamad bin Salem Al Balushi from Ibri.

“They did not race according to international rules. And they raced in bad conditions. The horses were not trained, had no

Idea of national horse races

System gets placed

gears, saddles, shoes, and naturally, the races did not adhere

Since Salim’s job took him to all Wilayats, he had the

“We created a basic system that colour coded the regions, so

to any rules. All were amateur racers in dishdashas. I found

opportunity to meet the different regional village chiefs

that the riders were identified when they rode the horses; the

out that in the villages of Sur, Ibri and Sinaw, a few of the

and thought it would be good to introduce each other

races were categorised according to weight of the riders, and

sheikhs owned horses and organised the races regularly. The

and call them all for a common meeting and create one

unlike the usual straight race track, a round one that was set

races were held on a straight track of a ground or a road,

common national horse race programme, under international

to international standards was made.

wherever the village chief chose. These races were traditional

standards, introducing international standards, rules, saddles,

“Earlier riders used traditional Omani saddles, lighter or

and was organised without prize money at the end of it. But,

racing terminology, categories and prizes to start with.

heavier according to decorations of the region. Some weighed

the enthusiasm was there and the passion was unmistakable.

“So in 1990, we all got together. The team initially consisted

around five to six kilogrammes, while internationally the

The whole village would turn up at a race and the biggest

of seven to eight regional chiefs/sheikhs and village head,”

norm was only one to one and a half kilos. We introduced

prize was the pride and prestige of a win.”

Salim said, reeling of the names of the founding members

international saddles, provided basic training to the riders

who joined hands with him to revamp the horse racing

too. Not everyone accepted the changes and new rules, but

Village chief the main decider


slowly, they all understood. In a short span of two years, all

Salim recalls the Sharqiyah region having a bountiful number

They were Said bin Mohammed Al Araimi from Sur, Sheikh

Wilayats agreed. Now came the major challenge of financial

of horse owners. But the horses did not have much racing to

Khalfan bin Said Al Busaidy from Mudhaibi, Sheikh Majid

assistance. There were no funds, no budgets, no prize money

do. “Other than these monthly or bimonthly races, the horses

bin Yasser Al Rasbi from Al Kamil and Al Wafy, Sheikh

or sponsors.”

were used for decorative exhibitions at various celebrations,

Mohammed bin Hamed Al Masroory from Ja’alan Bani bu

for weddings and for just plain riding. The village chieftain

Hasan, Sheikh Ali bin Saleh Al Balushi from Barkah, Eng

Circular tracks introduced

would decide every schedule, race and even the sale of a

Hamad bin Said Al Hajiry and Obaid bin Mohammed Al

But Salim was unfazed by these challenges. And he shook off whatever resistance he got from some of those around him and just pushed himself relentlessly to his goal. “The expenses were quite high, so we started the races with small prize money of OMR20, with races scheduled on weekends. Those days, Friday was the only weekend and Thursday was a working day. Most of the horse owners and riders would leave their villages on a Thursday evening, reaching the village concerned late in the night and they would spend the nights under trees or inside their cars and pickups. “We started with five circular race tracks and in 2004, they increased to 14 good racetracks in various interior locations. The first few years saw 20 racehorses and riders participating,


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which over the years increased to over 100 horses and riders.”

medical support and the Wali’s offices also started supporting

gave us double the support, sanctioning double the prize

and very slowly the races were accepted, supported and well

money and the number of prizes. For the first time, without

Bearing the brunt

participated with pride and enthusiasm.”

the support of sponsors, the prize money of OMR2000 was

When the races were unified, the cost of organising,

The races that were limited to singular villages and horse

given away to the winner, the runner up got OMR1500,

food, water, accommodation, and hospitality became

owners was soon diversified and transformed to national

while the second runner up got OMR1000. A strategy

the responsibility of that particular village/Wilayat.

races, with professional race tracks, race categories, races

was put in place where winning rider, trainer, even the

Independently no village could afford to feed and receive so

by draw, by weight of riders and any awards were given

veterinarian was also awarded and benefited. The whole

many guests. “We came to a conclusion that each participant

increasing participation and appreciation. The Royal Stables’

racing system changed, or, I should say got evolved.

will take care of their own expenses and the villages won’t

offices helped in many ways by distributing saddles, blankets

Horse owners became more international, more aware of

bear the brunt,” Salim noted.

for horses, police personnel to guard, judges for the races and

races outside Oman, brought in trainers, bought better horses

even provided training for the young Omani riders.

and started investing on their horses and races, taking the

First race in Sinaw

whole process very seriously, making the horse racing event

He started the first race in Sinaw in 1993 and all regions

His Majesty’s grant and support

more professional and standardised. The look and feel of the


By 2004, many racers and riders came in to existence. Gone

racing arena and the audience attitude also started changing.

“We had a good 8000 crowd that came to watch, increasing

were the days when horseracing was a display of prestige and

People became more interested in the races, so the audience

the business and economy of the local shops and traders.

exhibition. “In 2005 with the assistance of the head of the

actually grew.”

We approached shops and corporate for sponsorships, Shell,

Royal Stables at that time, we put in a request to the offices

Khimji Ramdas, Shanfari group Jeep supported the races

of His Majesty for supporting the horse races with a grant.

as sponsors helping us organise races in a better and unified

New racetrack in Al Felaij In 2007, a new racetrack was provided for the horse races,

way. The prize money was increased to OMR200, the second

A major milestone

next to the camel racetracks in Al Felaij area in Barka by the

prize at OMR100 and third at OMR50. We arranged

“The result was a major milestone for us: Our beloved leader

Diwan of Royal Court Affairs. A real professional racetrack


Said bin Mohammed Al Araimi Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamed Al Masroory

74 4

From left: Obaid bin Mohammed Al Hajiry, Sheikh Majid bin Yasser Al Rasbi and Sheikh Saif bin Ali Al Maskary

Sheikh Ali bin Saleh Al Balushi

Sheikh Hamad bin Salem Al Balushi 2014

In 1990, a team comprising seven to eight regional chiefs/sheikhs and village heads joined hands with Salim to revamp the horse racing sector. They were: Said bin Mohammed Al Araimi from Sur, Sheikh Khalfan bin Said Al Busaidy from Mudhaibi, Sheikh Majid bin Yasser Al Rasbi from Al Kamil and Al Wafy, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamed Al Masroory from Ja’alan Bani bu Hasan, Sheikh Ali bin Saleh Al Balushi from Barkah, Eng Hamad bin Said Al Hajiry and Obaid bin Mohammed Al Hajiry from Bidiya, Sheikh Saif bin Ali Al Maskary from Ibra and Sheikh Hamad bin Salem Al Balushi from Ibri

with cameras and stands and everything required as per international standards. Looking back with pride Salim can easily look back with pride at what he and his group of passionate horse lovers have managed to achieve. Today, they are all looking into the future and are making plans to raise the standards to greater heights. “The horse owners are all united and they are in the process of setting up an association locally. Oman has been an active member in the WAHO and so it has all the necessary means. Looking back at those earlier years, we can now proudly say that horses and horse racing in Oman has come a long way. We hope that the young generation will have more passion and drive to take it to further heights, placing Oman on the international map of glory.” Selfless acts, unified effort But, Salim still remains the same man that he was when the seed of reforming the horseracing scene germinated in his mind. He is still rooted to the cause and does not want to be known as the only crusader. “It is not a one-man effort that paved the path of horse racing and standardisation of processes in Oman. Many of the villagers and Wilayat heads have put in many days and nights to make the process smooth and acceptable. People from far and wide travelled to make it successful, many got trained, most importantly there was a unity and a team spirit that made it possible to start a new era of horse racing in Oman,” he humbly maintains.


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The first circular race track 2014

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Glimpses of horse racing and shows in Oman


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