Legal Women Online Event 6th December 13.00 Do you want to develop your LinkedIn profile? Matthew Leopold from LexisNexis
Matthew is a strategic marketer, specialising in building and shaping global technology brands. He champions the importance of brand marketing in professional services, as it enables firms and individuals to differentiate with public-facing narratives that grab attention and ultimately drive opportunity. Matthew Leopold
Creating a personal brand on social media. A LinkedIn profile is your shop window. It is the first place someone will go when wanting to research you or find someone with your skills. A small amount of time invested in a LinkedIn profile can reap significant reward. It should not be a CV. It needs to be a compelling story that explains why people should want to get to know you. The module looks at LinkedIn profiles and guides the user through creating a compelling and interesting page. The session lasts approximately 60 minutes and has hands on action is encouraged during the training. The link for registration will be available shortly on our website. Please keep an eye on our social media and newsletters.
Volunteer positions at Legal Women Currently, all of us are volunteers. If you would like to be involved in: ■ forming Legal Women as a CIC ■ s ourcing and checking copyright on images ■w orking on events and following up funding opportunities ■w riting content for social media, blogs and magazine features Feel free to email with brief details about yourself. ■
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