Hampshire Legal June 2023

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THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE HAMPSHIRE LAW SOCIETY | JUNE 2023 HampshireLegal  Annual Dinner and Awards June 2023  Join our HILS Committee  CPD programme 2023
a cause for good, or an unnecessary burden?
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Ian Fletcher

Benham Publishing, Aintree Building, Aintree Way, Aintree Business Park, Liverpool L9 5AQ

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Joanne Casey


Karen Hall


John Barry




May 2023 © Benham Publishing Ltd.


© Benham Publishing.

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The Hampshire Incorporated Law Society welcomes all persons eligible for membership regardless of sex, race, religion, age or sexual orientation.

All views expressed in this publication are the views of the individual writers and not the society unless specifically stated to be otherwise. All statements as to the law are for discussion between members and should not be relied upon as an accurate statement of the law, are of a general nature and do not constitute advice in any particular case or circumstance.

Members of the public should not seek to rely on anything published in this magazine in court but seek qualified Legal Advice.


Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

Copy Deadlines

31st August 2023

For the September 2023 edition


Anyone wishing to advertise in Hampshire Legal please contact Catherine McCarthy before the copy deadline. 0151 236 4141 catherine@benhampublishing.com


Anyone wishing to submit editorial for publication in Hampshire Legal please contact Nicola Jennings before the copy deadline.


HAMPSHIRELEGAL | 3 @hampshirelawsoc https://www.linkedin.com/company/hampshireincorporated-law-society/
Contents 05 05 President’s Review 07 HLS Contacts 09 CPD Programme 2023 10 Subscriptions 11 Happenings in Hampshire 15 Spotlight on the Committee 17 Council Members Report 18 Notices 19 Digital marketing for law firms 22 Climate Change Searches -a cuase for good, or an uneccessary burden?
Get help! 25 Book Review
Follow us on social media 22 19

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Well we have moved in to our busiest time of year and are pleased to be both offering and taking part in lots of social events, lectures, meetings and consultations.

The inaugural HILS ‘Bowl & Chat’ took place and was a lively, social event which was much enjoyed. It was a nice opportunity to relax and unwind given the stressful jobs that we do. It was also good to mix with different people and firms and understand more about each other and what we all do. The Coffee & Chat which took place in Whiteley was also a good event from which some new contacts were made for HILS which is always good.

The HW Conveyancing Seminar which took place in March 2023 was a ‘sell out’ (although of course it was free to HILS members) and was a great set of speakers followed by some lively questions and answers. A really good opportunity to both engage with some prime topics but also to see and speak with others in the same fields and share frustrations and experiences. Sometimes it is just nice to know you are not alone!

The HILS Quiz took place once again at The Grand Café in Southampton and was a very well attended and thoroughly enjoyable event. Massive thanks to HW Conveyancing for sponsoring the evening as well as taking part and to Quantuma for providing the Quiz Master. Huge thanks to all the individuals and teams that took part it, it was a wonderful evening, with good food, good questions and some good competition. We hope that everyone had a great time and we are also very pleased to have supported The Wessex Cancer Trust and to have heard about their fantastic work.

I attended the Bournemouth Law Society Annual Dinner in April which was a wonderful event at the Highcliff Marriott with an entertaining speaker – Edward Boydell who gave some amusing insights in to the world of Family Law. Recently I also attended the Dorset Law Society annual dinner at the Dorset County Museum, another fantastic event and wonderful to attend as it is the first they have been able to run for over 4 years, so great to see that the other local law societies are rallying and things are moving onwards and upwards.

Following on from the above HILS have their own annual dinner event taking place at The Hilton at the Ageas Bowl on Friday 16 June 2023 where we have an interesting and unique speaker lined up. Ben Owen is a Global Hunter featuring in the British, US and Australian versions of the hit show ‘Hunted’. Ben has featured

President’s Review

as ‘The Boss’ on the UK version. He is also an internationally recognised expert in covert operations, surveillance and online investigations with over 17 years’ experience. Prior to joining the British Intelligence Services he was a Sniper in the British forces. I really hope that people will be able to join us at this very special event, we are also raising money and awareness for the Wessex Cancer Trust and we will be joined by the President of the National Law Society – Lubna Shuja.

To coincide with Lubna’s visit to Hampshire for the annual dinner HILS are also organising various ‘roadshows’ for our members to visit and speak with the President on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th June 2023. We hope that many of you will take advantage of this opportunity.

We are looking forward to a Summer of activity with the HILS Scavenger Hunt scheduled to run again for the week of 10 – 14 July 2023. There is no cost to participate and it is intended to be a fun mini challenge for all – family, friends, students, colleagues and everything in between! First prize is afternoon tea for 4 at The Hambledon Vineyard so watch out for details about this and be sure to enter a team.

Our social media channels go from strength to strength and we are pleased to see many new connections each week. If you or your firm have any newsworthy items or events that you want us to promote then please share these to me or the HILS administrator so that we can enhance your memberships further.

Don’t forget that the review of our Corporate Membership Packages have now taken effect and we are pleased to confirm that these packages have been enhanced so that you get more for your membership. Now is the time to upgrade from individual membership to firm membership and take advantage of the additional features in the new package and the fact that all members of staff that hold a qualifying role within your firm will then be members of HILS and will benefit from the discounted rates and free events.

The efforts of the committee continue apace to bring you more events and more lectures and more for your membership. My thanks to the committee for their support, ideas and energy as we carry on with the planning for the remainder of the 2023 programme. If you have any interest in joining the committee or any ideas for other types of events, lectures or seminars then please get in touch.

We look forward to seeing you soon! ■

MAY 2023
Mo Aldridge

Hampshire Law Society Annual Dinner and Awards 2023

16 June 2023

Hilton Hotel, Ageas Bowl, Hedge End

Hampshire Law Society warmly invites members and their guests to the 2023 Annual Dinner and Awards, the leading black tie event in the local legal calendar, on Friday, 16th June 2023

This memorable evening will take place at the prestigious Hilton at the Ageas Bowl. The dinner will be held in the Ballroom - a sumptuous 3 course meal prior to the entertainment and raffle. Following dinner we will announce the winners of the 2023 Legal Awards. Please get your nominations in by 31 May 2023.

A quality after dinner speaker has been booked. Ben Owen is a Global Hunter featuring in the British, US and Australian versions of the hit show 'Hunted'.

Ben features as 'The Boss' on the UK version. Ben assimilates vast amounts of intelligence and turns it into actionable tactical plans to ensure the success of the 'hunters'.

Ben is also an internationally recognised expert in covert operations, surveillance and online investigations with over 17 years experience. Ben has experience in leading large covert operations across the UK to combat counter terrorism, counter proliferation and counter espionage operations and attacks against the UK and its allies.

Prior to joining the British Intelligence Services, Ben was a Sniper in the British forces.

at this fantastic venue

There will be fundraising and a raffle in aid of the President’s chosen charity The Wessex Cancer Trust

Individual Price £50.00 (if booked prior to 16 May - £55.00ph thereafter)

Corporate Members and Sponsors Table of 10 £450.00 (if booked prior to 16 May - £500.00 thereafter)

Table of 10 £475.00 (if booked prior to 16 May and £525.00 after)

The Annual Dinner is the most prominent event in the Local Law Society Calendar so book your places now. Numbers are limited - so don't miss out!


The 2023 dinner provides an ideal opportunity to entertain guests and colleagues plus plenty of networking This Premier Event is Kindly Sponsored by:

Hampshire Law Society Contacts

The following is an up-to-date list of committee members’ names and addresses and the sub committees to which they belong

Hampshire Law Society are looking for new Committee Members.  If you would like to join us please contact our administrator Nicola Jennings.  The committee meet every other month either via zoom or at an office.  It is normally a Tuesday at 5.45pm. We would love to welcome you to our Committee.


Mo Aldridge

Jasper Vincent 44 Queensway, Southampton SO14 3GT Tel: 023 8063 3225 maldridge@jaspervincent.com

Vice President

Tom Mitchell


Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF Tel: 02380 820465 tom.mitchell@trethowans.com

Deputy Vice President

Kevin Richardson


Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth PO2 8AQ Tel: 02392 660261 krichardson@biscoes-law.co.uk

Honorary Secretary

Ian Robinson irobinson@hotmail.co.uk

Honorary Treasurer

Tom Mitchell


Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF Tel: 02380 820465


Immediate Past President

James Gleisner

Law Society Council Member

Adrienne Edgerley Harris Shentons

Star Lane House Staple Gardens Winchester SO23 9AD adrienneedgerleyharris@gmail.com


Nicola Jennings Tel: 023 8044 7022 administration@hampshirelawsociety.co.uk


Tom Mitchell tom.mitchell@trethowans.com

Education & Training

Tom Mitchell (Chair) tom.mitchell@trethowans.com

Kirsten Wickham (Co-opted)

Giles Hall

Nicola Jennings


Harriet Olway

Michelle Hurst


Russell Evans (Chair) russell.david@yahoo.co.uk

Kevin Richardson

Non Contentious

Matthew Robbins (Chair) mrobbins@jaspervincent.com

Mo Aldridge

Tom Mitchell

PR (inc Social)

Mo Aldridge (Chair) maldridge@jaspervincent.com

Sarah Hallett

Eliza Watts

Naomi Taylor

Regulatory Adrienne Edgerley Harris (Chair) adrienneedgerleyharris@gmail.com

Ian Robinson

Giles Hall

Kevin Richardson

Follow us on Twitter @hampshirelawsoc

Follow us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/ company/hampshireincorporated-law-society/

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CPD Programme 2023


Tuesday 6 June 2023 | 3.00-4.30pm Via Zoom

Richard Snape is a consultant with Davitt Jones Bould. He is a renowned speaker on all aspects of Real Estate Law and he lectures nationwide to a wide audience. Richard has a reputation for delivering practical advice in an entertaining and engaging way.

Conveyancing continues to undergo major changes and the course will aim to look at the most important changes and their effect on the conveyancer.

The Building Safety Act continues to cause difficulties. Moreover, the registrations of higher-risk buildings have now commenced. The course aims to look at some of the issues and also the related legislation. Topics covered include:

• Leaseholder protections and service charge caps;

• Higher-risk Buildings;

• Leaseholders Deeds of Certificate and Landlords Certificates;

• Changes to fire safety legislation;

• Mortgagee requirements;

• The latest on EWS1 certificates


Monday 19 June 2023 | 1.45-4.45pm Eastleigh FC, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9HT

HHJ Simmonds former solicitor and member of the children panel - appointed as a DJ in 2010 as a DJ of the principal registry of the family division and transferred to the western circuit in November 2015. At the PRFD he undertook all forms of family work to include complex children and money.

1. Financial Remedy Orders – Enforcement

2. S.37 MCA 1973

3. A quick legal update – what’s new ?

4. Hot off the press


Tuesday 27 June 2023 | 1.45- 4.45pm

Eastleigh FC, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9HT

Edward Denehan is recommended by Chambers and Partners (2015 Ed.) for Real Estate Litigation. “He is a very robust advocate, who has a good way of speaking in layman’s terms and is able to get his message across.” “He is pretty impressive when he is on his feet.” He is also recommended for Property Litigation in the Legal 500 and has been for many years. The 2014 Edition describes him as having “An impressive understanding of restrictive covenants affecting land”

1. Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022

2. Building Safety Act 2022 And Service Charges

3. Protection Under Part Ii Of The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954

4. Determining Tenancies To Which Part Ii Of The Landlord & Tenant Act 1954 Applies

5. Nuisance and the next door neighbour.


The programme will be updated once additional information is received from speakers. Information will be distributed via email and in the quarterly magazine. You can find more detail on each lecture on our website: www.hampshirelawsociety.co.uk


ZOOM: 1.5 hour lecture = £35.00 (Non Member £50.00)

LIVE: 3 hour lecture= £90.00 (Non Member £130.00)

Most of our lectures will be live lectures at: Eastleigh FC, Eastleigh Hampshire SO50 9HT

For Zoom Lectures the link will be provided in the days prior to the event. Handouts will be emailed prior to each lecture.


 All applications will receive a written confirmation of booking

 Payment can be made securely online or is required with the registration form. No places can be reserved without payment

 Booking is subject to availability of places

 Delegates may be substituted at any time with an appropriate additional payment for any non-members

 HILS accepts no responsibility for the views or opinions as expressed by the speakers, chairman or any other persons at the event

 HILS reserves the right to alter the venue, programme and the speakers at any time

 Claiming the member rate remains the responsibility of the claimant however HILS will ensure that you are charged the appropriate fee once membership status checked

Your membership also entitles you to attend live and online seminars run by some of our neighbouring law societies – check the website for details.





Scavenger Hunt - 10-14 July 2023

Summer Walks - Summer 2023

Rounders and Pizza - 12 Sept 2023

Past President Lunch - Sept 2023

Decoupage Evening - Nov 2023

AGM - 5 Dec 2023


Hampshire Law Society

Subscriptions 2023

Hampshire Law Society – Thank you for your membership

I would like to thank you for your membership last year.

Hampshire Law Society offer different types of Membership if you would like to join then please contact Nicola Jennings, our administrator on administration@hampshirelawsociety.co.uk

Type of Membership

Full Members

(except those not in private practice and non-practising Ordinary members)

Corporate members (which will cover all eligible firm members without limit)

Associate members

Non practicing members and those not in private practice

Associate Trainee Members

Junior Lawyers who are not Student Members (to cover joint membership of JLD and HILS - £35 to JLD and £15 to HILS)

Annual subscription rates represent excellent value for money particularly if you take out a corporate membership which covers all employees from the same firm without limit for only £800.00 – HILS Corporate Package Offers :-


• FREE articles and news items in the HILS quarterly magazine

• 2 FREE job advertisements annually which will go in both the quarterly magazine and on the website

• FREE advertising of Training Contract offerings, Placements, Work Experience and Mentoring opportunities for your firm

• FREE Spotlight page in the magazine – 1 free spotlight per year (focus on a particular team, member of staff, charity event, firm event or anything you like and have an entire page in the magazine dedicated to you)

• Range of reduced price CPD courses covering all aspects of practice

• A range of FREE and reduced rate social activities and events

• Opportunities to sponsor events at a reduced rate

• Direct liaison with your Council Member and representation at the national Law Society on professional matters

• A named direct contact point for all your enquiries about HILS, what we can offer, what we do, our events and the like

Educational Establishment

Tribute for Brian Bellinger

Brian attended the Portsmouth Grammar School and after leaving, became a qualified Solicitor and almost immediately went into partnership with the Portsmouth firm of Biscoe-Smith & Heather, a firm which could trace its roots back to the 1870’s. The firm then became known as Biscoe Smith, Heather & Bellinger. Brian specialised in conveyancing and corporate matters. He was also the Naval Legal Aid Officer at HMS Nelson and was periodically involved in the quite different world of Service Court Martials. He was well known and liked by the Naval Service staff who saw and were advised by him.

He also had a spot on the local station Radio Victory where people could ask him legal questions which he would then respond to in layman’s terms.

Brian continued to expand the firm to 11 partners covering 8 offices. After several mergers, the firm became Biscoes and Brian remained as the Managing Partner until his retirement in 2003.

In 1969 he became a Freemason which was to become a particularly important part of his life. He belonged to many Masonic Orders and became the Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire

and the Isle of Wight from 2003 to 2010. During this time, he was instrumental in fundraising for the Masonic charities and was committed to helping others.

In 1970 he was a founder member of The Portsmouth North Rotary Club of which he remained a Trustee for many years.

Brian was also President of Hampshire Law Society in 1995. Aside from the law, it was a love of military matters, vehicles and anything to do with the Army that led Brian to be persuaded to join friends in buying a 1950 Mark 1 Ferret Armoured car and they became involved in the military re-enactments and gun firings at Fort Nelson for the Royal Armouries. He read military vehicle magazines avidly and also had a keen interest in and love of cars. He purchased and had built the car of his dreams, a Morgan, which he enjoyed driving wearing his leather Biggles cap!

Following his retirement, he and his wife Jenny took a series of tours in China, India, East Africa and Jordan as well as enjoying time in Dartmouth where he had family links.

Brian was always one to give sound advice and support whenever it was requested. He was good company, a great friend to many and will be greatly missed. 

Trethowans solicitors listed in 100 Great Places to Work 2023

Trethowans has been listed in the ‘100 Great Places to Work 2023’, in the Solent and South Coast region.

The listings are compiled by Black Ox, the publishers of The Business Magazine which covers the South East and South West and celebrates businesses which are really investing in their staff.

Managing Partner Mike Watson said, “We are pleased to be included in the Great Places to Work 2023, it’s a fantastic accolade to Trethowans and our brilliant team.

“Employee retention is one of our key strategies, we are incredibly proud of the loyal staff that we have and this listing is testament to this”.

Criteria for inclusion is businesses with their head office, or a large proportion of staff, based in the region that The Business Magazine covers. They may have won a nationally recognised employer’s award or run an established and respected training scheme. A business may also be included if it has been nominated and the nomination has been checked and verified by the editorial team, or has a dedicated and publicly-accessible area of its website which properly shows the company’s approach to employee support and career development.

It comes after Trethowans was named in The Times Best Law Firms 2023, the newspaper’s annual list of the top 200 legal practices in England and Wales. 



Emma and Dixie’s fellowship status allows them to oversee clients making legal oaths, while Claire’s accreditation as a specialist will be a mark of her expertise in making personal injury claims.

Managing Partner Andrew Bryan said he is extremely pleased with Emma, Dixie and Claire’s achievements and is looking forward to seeing them progress further.

Andrew added: “All of their achievements are very well deserved. They’ve put in a lot of hard work and dedication to earn these highly regarded accreditations.

“By having these new accreditations they can give their clients that extra bit of confidence in the support they offer.”

Three members of staff at Churchers have reached new milestones in their careers.

Emma Yemm from our Wills & Probate team and Dixie Mitchell from our Commercial Property team qualified as a CILEX Fellow after completing a range of assessments and submitting a portfolio of legal work.

Claire Bond from the Dispute Resolution team has been accredited as a personal injury specialist by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) demonstrating her expertise in the area.

These new accreditations will enhance their work at Churchers by guaranteeing quality and allowing them to practise new skills.

Emma said: “It feels like a massive achievement to finally be a Fellow because it has taken a long time and a lot of hard work. I now have more opportunities to further my career in the Churchers’ Wills & Probate department.”

Dixie said: “I’ve put in a lot of work to achieve my fellowship status and I was delighted to find out I’ve been accredited. It’s a huge step forward in my career.”

Claire said: “My new accreditation as a specialist in my area is a huge achievement for me. Personal injury claims can often cause a lot of stress, so my accreditation will give my clients that extra bit of confidence in the support I can give.” 


New Partners

Churchers is proud to announce Hannah Lisseter as the firm’s newest partner in the Wills and Probate team. Hannah has been with the firm since 2022 and specialises in all aspects of Will writing, Probate and Estate Administration, Powers of Attorney, and Court of Protection work.

Hannah has been committed to supporting people with a disability or diagnosis to access legal advice whenever possible. This has shown through her memberships at the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) as well as being a Dementia Champion and Autism Ambassador.

We are incredibly proud to have you as part of our team. Congratulations! 

Congratulations to Sarah Hallett who we are proud to announce as the firms latest partner in Criminal Defence. Sarah joined the firm permanently in 2013 as a trainee solicitor and always had a keen interest in criminal defence and developed this throughout her training before qualifying as a solicitor. In 2016, her success continued when she was awarded Hampshire Law Society Junior Solicitor of the Year Award!

Her dedication within the Criminal Department has been second to none, which is why we are so pleased for you to become a partner, congratulations Sarah! 

Emma Yemm, Dixie Mitchell and Claire Bond

Churchers is delighted to announce a number of internal promotions in recognition of exemplary commitment, hard work and success.

Tebo Sebitlo, Ian Heal and Eliza Watts have all been promoted to senior solicitors! We would like to congratulate them on their achievement and wish them all the success in their career going forward.

Since joining the Churchers team in 2017, Michelle Low has been promoted to Senior Conveyancing Executive in the Buying and Selling your home team. Everyone at Churchers would like to celebrate Michelle’s achievement, congratulations Michelle! 

Biscoes Solicitors shortlisted for two PETA Apprenticeship Awards

For the second year in a row, Biscoes have been shortlisted for the following Awards:

Biscoes promotes 3 lawyers to Directors

Biscoes Solicitors is delighted to announce the promotion of three lawyers to Directors, with effect from 1st April 2023.

These promotions reflect Biscoes ambitious strategy for growth across a number of key practices in Hampshire & the Isle of Wight and the willingness to promote to leadership roles young and ambitious leaders who share the firms continued focus on delivering an exceptional service to its clients, and its vision to provide “Great Service, Every Client, Every Time”.

Andrew Spooner is a highly experienced mental capacity and mental health lawyer. Andrew is an accredited member of both the Law Society’s Mental Health Accreditation Scheme and the Law Society’s Mental Capacity (Welfare) Scheme and is therefore able to represent individuals detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 and be appointed as an Accredited Legal Representative for those who are assessed to lack mental capacity in Court of Protection proceedings.

Charlotte Oldham is well-regarded and had a wealth of knowledge and experience in residential property law across the Isle of Wight, South Coast and further afield. Charlotte leads the residential property team, and colleagues value her positivity and strong team-based ethos. Kevin Richardson is well-know and highly regarded for his contested Wills and probate disputes and is a member of the Association of Contested Trusts and Probate Solicitors (ACTAPS). Colleagues value Kevin’s honesty, commitment to clients and his “can do” attitude.

Alison Lee, Managing Director of Biscoes Solicitors, said: “Kevin, Charlotte and Andrew bring additional strengths to our Board and we are now even better equipped to continue to grow our business, in particular having two new Directors who have lived on the Isle of Wight is proving beneficial as they are able to inform on issues relating particularly to our Island clients.”

Alison added: “We have grown in staff numbers and turnover significantly in the past few years and so having a larger Board with fresh ideas will hopefully see that trajectory continue. All three are fantastic lawyers with great growth mindsets who share the current Board’s desire to continue to make Biscoes a great legal firm, where we take care of our people.” 

For the second year in a row, Biscoes have been shortlisted for the following Awards:

Rising Star Award – Chloe Freshney Best Apprentice Employer Award (SME – Under 250 employees)

Biscoes currently have 5 apprentices at a range of different levels within the company with 5 more to sign up to apprenticeship courses in September this year.

Biscoes apprentices recently supported National Apprenticeship Week and joined the Shaping Portsmouth Apprenticeship Bus around Portsmouth.

Alison Lee, Managing Director of Biscoes commented, “We are delighted to be shortlisted for these awards. Apprentices are changing our business every day, and we strive to create an excellent apprentice experience and dedicate a lot of time and effort into developing our apprentices with great results.”

Debbie Brown, HR Manager added, “We are keen to show that apprenticeships can be undertaken at any age, any stage of a career and at different levels within the business. We are really looking forward to the PETA awards ceremony on the evening of 16 June 2023.” 

Tebo Sebitlo, Ian Heal and Eliza Watts Michelle Low Andrew Spooner, Charlotte Oldham & Kevin Richardson

Trethowans sees a trio of wins at Solent Deals Awards 2023

Trethowans have seen success in a trio of awards at the Solent Deals Awards 2023, which took place at a gala dinner held at the Hilton Ageas in Southampton on 23 March.

The awards, which were hosted by The Business Magazine, saw a highly competitive line-up of finalists whittled down by independent judges to winners in 14 categories.

Lucy Gleisner, Partner and Head of the Corporate team at Trethowans won the Lawyer of the Year award, which is presented to the lawyer who has had the most significant impact on completion of deals within the region.

Lucy commented: “I was on maternity leave for five months of 2022 and feel like I hit the ground running on my return by completing six deals with an enterprise value of over £50m last year. Juggling work in a corporate finance team and being a fulltime parent definitely has its challenges. However, this award can only be achieved by having a supportive team around me, which I certainly have at Trethowans”.

Nick Gent, Head of the Corporate group, said: “I’d like to congratulate Lucy on this award. It’s a brilliant achievement and recognition for the skill, hard work and dedication that she delivers for our clients”.

In further success for Trethowans, the MBO of Southamptonbased marine precision engineering firm CJR Propulsion Limited won the Mid-Range Deal of the Year award (£10m to £50m). Lucy was the lead lawyer for this transaction.

Regarding the win, Lucy commented: “This was an important local deal involving a strong management team. The selling shareholders thought about a trade sale but decided that an MBO was a better way to progress the company. It also meant stability for the employees. MBOs like this work if you have a management team that have the drive and determination take the company to the next level”.

The winner of the Small Deal of the Year (under £10m) category went to Azets for the sale of Inspire Accountants, a deal which was led by Trethowans’ Corporate Partner and Head of Trethowans Bournemouth office Mark Nixon. Regarding the win, Mark commented: “Warren and the team at Inspire have worked tirelessly for their clients since the business was founded and thoroughly deserve their reputation for delivering service excellence to businesses across Bournemouth, Poole and the wider Solent region. The sale to Azets represented a fantastic opportunity for the continued growth of the business and for this to be recognised at the Solent deal awards is a real testament to all that they have achieved.” 


Phillips Law Promotions

On 1st May Emma Elkington (commercial property team), Jacqueline Kendal (employment team) and Clare Strachan (commercial property team) were all promoted to Partner.

Speaking on the promotions, Phillips Law partner Max Hope said: “Our three new Partners reflect the deep pool of talent within the firm. Congratulations to Emma, Jacqueline, and Clare; I want to thank them for their dedication and commitment to our firm and our core value of delivering the exceptional for our clients.”

The firm’s new hires include Jacqueline Drury who joined the firm as a Partner in the Corporate and Commercial team in May 2023 and Anthony Woolley joined the firm in March 2023 as a Legal Director in the Commercial Property team.

Jacqueline Drury started her legal career at Freshfields and more recently broadened her experience as General Counsel and executive at an independent international spirits business.

Jacqueline knows what businesses want from legal advice and she likes to use her legal toolkit as an enabler and to help mitigate excessive risk.

Prior to joining Phillips Law, Anthony Woolley worked at several top-tier law firms in the United Kingdom, the Middle East and Far East including Freshfields, Winkworth Sherwood and Hogan Lovells. He has recently relocated to Hampshire and brings a wealth of experience from across the globe.

On the new hires, Jack Gardener, joint managing partner at Phillips Law and head of the Corporate team said: “Jacqueline and Anthony represent exciting new talent at Phillips Law. We are delighted to have such experienced and talented lawyers joining the team who will be an asset to our business and our clients. The calibre of the people we are able to recruit really shows the growth and progress we have made as a firm over recent years.” 

New Appointment for Hampshire Legal Firm

Clarke and Son Solicitors welcomes new Family Law Solicitor, Leo Noonan.

We have really been focusing on the growth and development of the firm due to the increased demand across many of our departments including Family Law. We excited to welcome Leo Noonan, a new Family Law solicitor, to the team.

Leo Noonan is a great addition to the team, obtaining his LLB Law Degree at the University of Portsmouth, graduating in 2018. After which he completed the Legal Practice Course and received a LLM Masters in Law at The University of Law Guildford in 2019. Since then, Leo’s specialist area of work has been family law, starting as a paralegal, all the way through to qualifying as a Solicitor in April 2023.

Leo Noonan said: “I am delighted to be joining the family team at Clarke and Son. Mark Chapman and Jennifer Lee are a credit to the legal profession. Their expertise and guidance is exceptional and I could not have asked for a better firm to start my journey as a newly qualified Solicitor. I am extremely grateful for the training I have received at my previous firms, however I am now excited to develop my knowledge even further here at Clarke and Son”.

Mark Chapman, Associate & Head of Family Department, said:

“We’re delighted to have Leo join the team. Although newly qualified, Leo has a great deal of experience already on Children Act matters and is looking forward to developing his own Matrimonial Causes Act caseload. Leo joining Clark and Son continues to demonstrate the firm’s successful strategy for growth and strengthens the Family Team”. 

Emma Elkington, Jacqueline Kendal and Clare Strachan Leo Noonan & Mark Chapman of Clarke & Son Solicitors

Spotlight on the Committee

Honorary Secretary of Hampshire Law Society

Area of Expertise:

Although I retired last year, I specialised in criminal law for nearly 50 years. I was initially employed as a legal advisor to the Magistrates before moving into private practice. For the last 15 years of my career, I was the Managing Partner of Churchers Solicitors LLP, taking responsibility for compliance and regulatory matters, as well as the general running and development of the firm.

What attracted you to work in the law: My father was a police officer, so I had always an interest criminal law, particular road traffic offences. A vacancy arose at a local Magistrates Court for a trainee legal advisor - and the rest they say is history!

What is the most amusing / intriguing incident which has taken place on a case you have acted on:

So many incidents over the years - I was asked to advise detainees being interviewed regarding the collusion of British intelligence in criminal activities in Northern Ireland. Somewhat scary! Those who remember Brookside - I represented a client who killed his wife and buried her under the patio. One particular regular criminal client smuggled a pet rat into custody when he was arrested which caused some concern to the custody staff.

What is your biggest career achievement: Qualifying as a solicitor. I took a ‘long route’ so took several years!

What is your favourite part about being a member of HILS: Friendship

Why do you think HILS is important: Supporting individuals develop careers, from students and trainees to senior partners. Representing the profession on matters affecting solicitors, particularly when the SRA seek to introduce unnecessary changes, restrictions or regulation.


Who inspires you:

My father. From a relatively humble background born into a working class family Liverpool during the 1920’s recession, he achived the rank of Chief Superintendent in the police showing hard work and determination to succeed ‘paid off’. He served in the Royal Navy during WW2 serving in the Pacific Fleet and was in Tokyo when the Japanese surrendered and saw some horrific action, transporting released POW’s to Australia.

What was the last book you read: Ann Cleeves - Vera

What is your favourite film: Gosh - so many, probably ‘Its a Wonderful Life’.

What is the next place on your travel bucket list: Currently booked to visit Canada and Alaska, but would like to visit the Far East, particularly Bali and China especially the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army.

Name one item you cannot live without and why: A car door - open the window for a breeze when it’s hot and close it when it’s cold.

What is your favourite quote:

Mind who you step on, on the way up as you never know who you will meet on the way down!

President of Hampshire Law Society Mo Aldridge

Work Firm: Jasper Vincent Solicitors

Area of Expertise: Residential and Commercial Conveyancing

What attracted you to work in the law: Completely different to my first degree (Geography) and I like office work

What is the most amusing / intriguing incident which has taken place on a case you have acted on:

A Seller advising us (the Buyer’s Solicitors) the day before completion that they couldn’t complete because they had to apply to have the road closed to get a crane down there to take the roof off the house to lift the fish tank out!

What is your biggest career achievement: Becoming a Partner and then managing to juggle that with 2 kids!

What is your favourite part about being a member of HILS: The contact with other lawyers and being able to socialise and share with them

Why do you think HILS is important: Local networks are the heart and soul of the legal communities we operate in. Personal connections and knowledge is forefront in the services lawyers offer so societies like HILS that offer those opportunities to train with and socialise with other local lawyers are key.


Who inspires you: No one person, but Athletes and Military Special Ops – the dedication and determination is an eye opener

What was the last book you read: The Keeper of Stories

What is your favourite film: Soooo mood dependent but I could pretty much watch Pitch Perfect anytime!

What is the next place on your travel bucket list: Hawaii

Name one item you cannot live without and why: Hairbrush – I couldn’t leave the house without taming my hair.

What is your favourite quote: ‘Life without you is like a broken pencil – pointless’ Blackadder


Council Members Report

May 2023

Remaining on the Roll of Solicitors: if you know someone who no longer holds a PC, please let them know that they need to apply to remain on the roll and pay a fee to the SRA. They need to open a MySRA account, so the SRA can contact them. If you are not registered by 26 May, they will be taken off the roll.

India: the President of TLS, Lubna Shuja, had recently returned from a fortnight’s trip to India to discuss the liberalisation of legal services in India with various stakeholders, including the Law Secretary of India, the Bar Council of India, and numerous lawyers practising in India. The Bar Council of India had since announced that India would allow foreign law firms and foreign lawyers to practise there on a permanent basis. This was an issue that the Law Society had been campaigning on for some years.

Criminal Legal Aid: the Law Society had issued judicial review proceedings against the MOJ regarding its decision not to increase criminal defence solicitors’ legal aid rates by the recommended minimum 15%, on the grounds that the decision was unlawful and irrational. The government’s response to the Society’s pre-action letter did not address the Society’s serious concerns about the collapse of the criminal legal aid sector as a result of years of chronic underfunding. The President continued to raise these concerns with the government’s approach at every possible opportunity.

Illegal Migration Bill: the Society has concerns about this Bill. One key concern is that there has been no public consultation to ensure that this bill is workable, provides due process for those claiming asylum, or is compliant with international law –something that the government had conceded was not the case in relation to the European Convention on Human Rights. The President is continuing to press the Government for clarification.

Legal Heroes: the Society had launched its Legal Heroes campaign, to recognise and celebrate solicitors who had made a lasting and tangible difference to the profession, their local communities, and society. The deadline for nominations is midnight on 30 April. Nomination forms can be found online at https://www.lawsociety.org.uk/campaigns/legal-heroes

Legal Heroes for 2023 will be announced at a celebration this September.

Get Involved: the Society Is driving forward its first ever volunteering strategy, called Get Involved. It is based on the vision that every solicitor can make a difference in actively promoting, protecting and supporting their profession, the rule of law and access to justice by getting involved in the Law Society. TLS knows that to be a truly effective voice of the profession, its members’ experience and expertise should influence and shape its work across its policy, products and services, and in its governance structures. TLS knows from a recent member survey that it is not meeting members’ appetite in this regard. A member working group has been set up and debated a range of principles that would underpin the strategy; their feedback

has led to the recommendation that volunteering at the Law Society is relevant, open, rewarding and makes a difference. Opportunities to Get Involved will be advertised in due course, so please look out for this.

CILEX (Chartered Institute of Legal Executives) regulation: TLS has established a working group to consider the implications of the proposal by CILEX to the Legal Services Board (LSB) that it should be regulated by the SRA. Ahead of consideration of this issue TLS has started to consider the advantages and disadvantages to develop its strategic position and inform the SRA of potential concerns. This will be in advance of a formal consultation process likely to take place later in 2023. If you wish to make any comments, please email me.

Contact me at: aedgerleyharris@shentons.co.uk or 01962 844544

Adrienne Edgerley Harris aedgerleyharris@shentons.co.uk Adrienne Edgerley Harris ADRIENNE EDGERLEY HARRIS, Council MemberYOUR VOICE AT THE LAW SOCIETY

Third six pupil vacancies at

3PB Barristers

‘Third sixers’ needed to join our growing Employment and Discrimination Law Group.

We are offering high quality work instructed by many of the UK’s leading law firms to provide consistently high quality advice and advocacy for both individuals and companies (including many household company names).

The 3PB barrister and support teams will work with you to develop a career plan that supports your goals - starting with aiming to secure tenancy at 3PB, and thereafter supporting your longer term pathway at the Bar and beyond.

You’ll be supported every step of the way by a highly experienced and capable team of practice managers and professional staff. Tenancy offers competitive rent, a supportive environment and clear opportunities for career progression.

With offices in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Oxford, Winchester and Bournemouth, 3PB is able to offer an unparalleled choice to practitioners over where to work whilst at the same time providing access to the very highest quality work across the UK.

Chambers is committed to providing our clients with high quality, specialist legal services through barristers with the highest reputation for advocacy, knowledge and professional standards and we are looking for candidates who will uphold these core values.

All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Chambers operates an Equal Opportunities policy and adheres to the Equality and Diversity Code for the Bar.

For further information or an informal discussion, in confidence, please contact the lead Practice Director, Russell Porter (russell.porter@3pb.co.uk or 07808 137904), or the Head of Group, Craig Ludlow (craig. ludlow@3pb.co.uk or 07919 440135). 

Missing Wills

Joanna Isted Alexander

Vincent Alexander

Dob 06/03/1970 Dob 09/05/1964

Address – 16 Chippendale Close, Baughurst, Tadley RG26 5HF

Will is dated 07/11/1997

Richard Cook

Address – Flat 4 then changed to 23 Avon View Road, Burton, Chirstchurch Dorset BH23 7LH Dob 01/10/1950

Michael John Filmer

Address – The Old House, Milking Lane, Leaves Green, Keston BR2 6DS (was in Hampshire area a lot) Dob 04/03/1940

Dod 06/05/2020

The Group receives instructions from many of the UK’s leading law firms and provides consistently high quality advice and advocacy for both individuals and companies (including many household company names), with many of our barristers regularly appearing in the appellate courts.

3PB’s excellent reputation for employment work has been recognised again this year in both Chambers & Partners and Legal 500. The Group gained Tier One status in the Chambers & Partners UK Bar Guide 2023 on both the Western and South Eastern Circuits and also features in the Top Tier of the latest edition of Legal 500. Clients have been incredibly generous in their praise of individual barristers, and describe the practice management team in Chambers & Partners as ‘standouts for their promptness of service, friendliness and efficiency’ as they ‘make you feel like you are their only client’.

The employment clerks are led by Chambers Director, Russell Porter, who is described as ‘superb in going over and above’. In Legal 500, clients praise a ‘good proactive chambers – seeking to provide stronger embedded relationships, [with a] cost-effective and pragmatic service.’ The clerking team’s service is rated ‘excellent’, with Russell Porter at the helm, noted for being ‘first class’, ‘pro-active and supportive’.

With offices in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Oxford, Winchester and Bournemouth, 3PB is able to offer an unparalleled choice to practitioners over where to work whilst at the same time providing access to the very highest quality work across the UK.

Supported by first-class clerking and other professional staff, 3PB offers competitive charging and rent structures and fantastic opportunities for career progression with a practice development plan tailored to suit your goals.

3PB now invites established employment and discrimination law barristers for an informal discussion, in confidence, with the lead Practice Director, Russell Porter (russell.porter@3pb.co.uk or 07808 137904), or with the Head of Group, Craig Ludlow (craig.ludlow@3pb.co.uk or 07919 440135). 

3PB Barristers seeks to recruit established practitioners to join its busy and successful Employment and Discrimination Law Group.

Digital marketing for law firms: What it is and why you need it

When it comes to marketing your law firm online, many law firms struggle to find the right approach.

Should you start a blog or put yourself on social media? How much attention does your website need? Do you need to spend a lot of money and time to be effective?

It can feel hard to find the answers to these questions when times are good; in more challenging economic times, digital marketing can feel like even less of a priority.

While marketing budgets are often first on the chopping board, cutting out digital marketing is a mistake. Building a strong online presence is essential to surviving and thriving for all law firms.

Marketing helps firms stay front-of-mind among their target audience. If you’re seeking to improve (or begin) marketing online, here are some easy and low-cost tips to keep in mind.

Make sure your website stands out

A massive 96% of people who seek legal advice search online as their first port of call. As such, it is essential that your website is up to scratch and up to date when they come looking. Key things to pay attention to are: Is the site easy to navigate? Does it contain easy-to-understand language? Does it work well on a mobile phone?

Pay attention to your online reputation

Clio’s 2022 Legal Trends Report showed that client reviews are the most important factor when clients are considering hiring a law firm—substantially topping other major considerations, such as location, billing type, and office type. Incentivise positive reviews by asking clients proactively to review you. Be sure you make it easy for them to leave a review and build this step into your existing processes.

Embrace content marketing

Content is king when it comes to digital marketing. Creating regular content can help you to demonstrate your firm’s expertise, build trust in your firm, and increase your website’s position online. An easy way to start is by publishing a law firm blog, making sure you also share your articles across other channels (such as LinkedIn and Facebook).

Get your social media approach right

There are five cardinal rules when marketing your law firm via social media:

1. Avoid bragging or begging

2. Don’t forget about hashtags

3. Create curated legal content

4. Showcase firm activity outside of representation

5. Demonstrate your personality

Taking just these simple—and low-cost—steps can help your law firm to thrive. Want to learn more?

Clio’s ‘A Guide to Online Marketing for Law Firms’ expands on all of the above steps to give you a playbook for online law firm marketing without breaking the bank. Download the guide for free at Hampshire : clio.com/hampshire-marketing ■

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.

New green guidance impacts Hampshire property market


andmark new green guidance for the legal sector is set to impact property transactions across Hampshire.

The Law Society of England and Wales has confirmed conveyancing solicitors have an overall duty to advise on climate legal risks when acting in transactions.

Going forward, conveyancing solicitors must now consider whether climate searches are required for every property transaction they oversee with the caveat that they ‘should not advise on climate change physical risks where it is outside their knowledge or qualification’.

The new guidance reflects the 2008 Climate Change Act, which commits the UK to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 68% by 2030 and 78% by 2035.

“The Climate Change Act is already having a significant impact on the construction and housing sectors so to see it now filtering into property transactions is of little surprise,” commented Charlie Allen local property expert and owner of X-Press Legal Services Hampshire. “For the home buyer this guidance means many solicitors will now feel duty bound to recommend a climate change report as part of the suite of property related searches undertaken during the conveyancing process. Climate risks can be physical, transition, or liability related

and can negatively impact the value of land and buildings. In view of that, these searches will provide home buyers with an extra level of insight into their purchase and any climate related risks.

“Fortunately, at X-Press Legal Services we are well placed to continue to ensure property transactions in Hampshire are not impeded by this new guidance. We pride ourselves on being abreast of industry changes like this and already have a range of climate change products readily available for our conveyancing clients.”

With locally owned offices throughout England & Wales, X-Press Legal Services is an independent property partner specialising in data and e-conveyancing. Supporting conveyancers across Hampshire its climate report products include those supplied by industry leaders Groundsure and Landmark.

Local conveyancers are invited to get in touch with Charlie and the X-Press team for a full insight into the climate change report expertise they can provide. 

T: 0330 159 5335

E: CharlieA.1335@xpresslegal.uk www.xpresslegal.co.uk


conveyancing needs in one place

X-Press Legal Services provides professional property searches and reports to the conveyancing sector through our network of offices across England and Wales. Our complete range of products and services are available through ICOS - our online ordering platform - which means we are a one-stop shop for all your conveyancing needs. Call Charlie Allen at X-Press Legal Services Hampshire: 0330 159 5335 or email charliea.1335@xpresslegal.uk RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SEARCHES CYBER SECURITY COMPLIANCE PRODUCTS PRE & POST COMPLETION SERVICES

The Solicitors’ Charity Big Report

highlights 50% rise in support last year

• 50% more new clients in 2022

• All primary clients received one-off awards to help with the cost-of-living crisis

• Funding for 284 solicitors to access emotional wellbeing or mental health support

• Interviews with charity CEO, Nick Gallagher available on request

TheSolicitors’ Charity has released its annual Big Report which highlights a significant increase in the number of solicitors who have been newly supported over the past year. The report also shows a rise in clients with multiple health conditions and mental health issues.

According to the report, almost £1 million was spent on supporting solicitors and their dependents in England and Wales during the past year. The charity awarded £962,229 – with an additional £25,316 in secured loans – to help people in the solicitors’ profession who were in need or crisis.

Payments were a mix of one-off financial awards covering a range of necessities, such as household equipment, medical aids and adaptations to housing; grants and payments to partner organisations to provide services; and living allowances.

To help address the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, in Spring 2022 The Solicitors’ Charity made additional one-off payments to help all its primary clients with their domestic fuel bills. In the autumn, it increased its daily living allowance rates in line with changes to the Joseph Rowntree Minimum Income Standard, averaging a 20% increase.

The number of new clients experiencing multiple health conditions increased by 50% last year - and there were 60% more new cases where clients had mental health issues, compared to the year before.

The Solicitors’ Charity CEO Nick Gallagher said: “I am delighted that this year’s Big Report has shone a spotlight on the positive impact we have made in 2022 to an increased number of legal professionals needing support in times of hardship.

“Our charity helped 50% more new clients to access support and advice for their pressing needs. We are proud to have awarded a total of £962,229 to those solicitors facing financial and personal difficulties, particularly during the UK’s cost-of-living economic downturn.”

One of the clients helped by The Solicitors’ Charity was London property conveyancer ‘Dan’ (not his real name) who contacted the charity when he hit his lowest point – with no job, in debt and a family fallout which had left him homeless.

Dan said: “The financial support and accommodation provided by The Solicitors’ Charity really helped me get back on my feet. The best thing now is being debt-free, having a roof over my head and a warm room. If the charity hadn’t been there for me, I don’t know what would have happened. They’ve been massively helpful and a real lifesaver.”

Find out more about The Solicitors’ Charity by visiting thesolicitorscharity.org 


Climate Change Searches – a cause for good, or an unnecessary burden?

In The Paris Agreement 2015, there was an agreed legally binding agreement on 195 countries on an Action Plan. That plan is for “governments as well as business and investors to keep global warming well below 2°C, pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.”

Note how it’s not just an onus on Governments here but businesses too. As the 2008 Climate Change Act was amended in 2019 to set the net zero targets for the UK, it was only a matter of time before legal businesses would be targeted and investors in property would also feel the effects.

Most agreed legal firms would have to do more like recycling, using less paper and vehicles etc., but the future for conveyancing businesses was about to change in a whole new way.

The New Way:

As we all know only too well, climate change does have an effect on temperatures, and temperatures affect the stability of groundworks and other issues over large areas, and cliff erosion in coastal parts as well as many other issues, flood plains are also re-drawn frequently.

So, it made perfect sense that house-buyers and land / property investors needed to know how their investment would be affected by these changes. But how? Would Conveyancers now have to become Climate experts as well as financial wizards following recent SDLT changes?

From a search providers angle, this represented a whole new world. All searches, be they LLC1, CON29. Drainage, Environmental, mining etc., are all based on current and historical data. From protected trees to contaminated land, all our reports are based on historical fact.

As I said in a recent podcast for National Conveyancing Week – “What if we are wrong?” Since searches began in 1974, we have been safe in our knowledge of proven facts. Now, we are issuing reports based on graphs and projections, that is an uncomfortable position for many of us.

We are now advising buyers on what the ground may look like in 30 years time based on graphs and projections. What if behaviours changes and other factors have the desired effect and the projection line on that graph is inaccurate?

I have had numerous discussions with the Conveyancing Association and UK Trading Standards and I tend to agree that it makes perfect sense for climate change to be in the conveyancing process, but should it be an added burden to conveyancers?, maybe it could be included in the drive for “upfront information” so popular with the Home Buying and Selling Group? Should a climate change report be in the Estate Agents portfolio?

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

There is no point giving an opinion now on whether climate should be in conveyancing, it is. The question is where? And I, personally believe it should be at the start of the process not near the end. And that means me not selling any of the reports, so I am being completely honest here.

The lawyer says:

All conveyancers and environmental data providers eagerly awaited the Law Society Guidance which was finally issued on 19th April 2023. A 29 page guidance document to cover the entire Legal Industry. Sector Specific Guidance is to follow over the next few months, predicted to be by the summer.

I asked Stephen Sykes, a leading Environmental Lawyer in this area about the new guidance and he answered as follows:

“The Law Society’s climate guidance has been welcomed in some quarters, but not in others. There is no doubt that it adds to the workload of busy conveyancers and solicitors in general.” He added “It would be a profound mistake to think that climate is not a legal issue. This is because it impacts asset value and some clients who aren’t warned about it before they buy their house or commercial property will sue their lawyers. It makes sense for solicitors to take steps to discharge the duties set out in the guidance, and that includes commissioning climate searches so that clients can make better informed decisions”.

Climate Change Searches:

Terrafirma launched a climate change risk assessor for property investors in November 2020. Effectively, the first climate change search. In 2022, Groundsure added a Climate Change assessment for free on all of their main reports. Landmark followed, giving the conveyancer the choice whether to have a report or not.

Landmark added in a recent webinar:

“Solicitors have a general legal duty to exercise reasonable care and skill, and may have to look beyond the narrow scope of an instruction……to consider whether, and to what extent, climate legal risks are relevant. Climate change may have an impact on that duty. The level of risk the client wishes to take after being warned is a matter for the client. It is for the legal firm to have a policy.”

So far, until the specialist guidance is issued, it does not require the lawyer to be a climate expert, if a climate change search is ordered, it should be looked over and passed on with any alarms to the buyer. It may be necessary to suggest that specialist advice is needed.

David Kempster of Groundsure told me: “The new Law Society guidance is very welcome, but it does not change the existing duty of care and duty to warn that conveyancers have been providing through flood and contaminated land information in searches for many years. This is the same process, backed by the same reliance for information looking into the future, so it needs to be treated in the same way.”

HW Conveyancing Searches provide free CPD seminars in partnership with HILS and we had Landmark present on this subject in March, with Groundsure coming on 28th June to our next event. 

Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

Get help!

Angus Lyon, LawCare volunteer and former solicitor who now works counselling lawyers online, writes about anxiety in the legal profession.

There’s an old New Yorker cartoon by Danny Shanahan. Panel 1 shows Timmy floundering in a fast flowing river. His dog sees him from the bank. Timmy shouts, “LASSIE! GET HELP!!”

In panel 2 Lassie is lying on a shrink’s couch having therapy.

Who knows what happened to Timmy? There’s the implication of a sinister ending, but let’s just assume Lassie played her part in his rescue and then needed trauma counselling herself.

Lawyers’ workloads can be overwhelming, deadlines barely attainable, costs targets continually ratcheting up, office politics draining, anxiety levels rising and rising, and …

And sometimes it can feel like we’re drowning.

And sometimes we need to look after ourselves.

Working with stressed out lawyers over the years, I have seen that unbearable anxiety in its many forms is at the core of most of their experience.

Anxiety describes feelings of unease, worry and fear. It incorporates both the emotions and the physical sensations you might experience when you are worried or nervous about something. If your feelings of anxiety are very strong, or last for a long time, it can be overwhelming.

The statistics tell us that in England at least one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year and that one in six reports experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week*. That’s a lot of people. And many of them are lawyers. Maybe you? Maybe your staff?

But anxiety is good for us.

It warns and protects us from real danger. The problems come when it’s imagined or exaggerated or unrealistic.

It’s as old as mankind. Around 2,500 years ago Hippocrates, then later on Cicero and Seneca and others were identifying and distinguishing forms of anxiety. And they developed CBT-type remedies for it.

“Men are lords in riches … and yet, within the home, they still have the anxious heart which vexes life unpausingly with torments of the mind”, wrote Epicurius. Times may change but the human condition remains a constant. Thoughts and emotions and bodily responses can knot us up inside and money is a poor medicine.

So, what can we do?

When I first started researching lawyer wellbeing over a decade ago there were few good resources around. Now we’re spoilt for choice. But the wealth of available guidance can be overwhelming.

So, where do we start?

Well, maybe try here:

1, LawCare, the mental wellbeing charity for the legal profession, offers help in many ways:

• Confidential emotional support via telephone helpline, online chat, email and peer support,

• A free 20-minute presentation for organisations,

• Fit for Law – 2 free online courses,

• Online resources,

• Training, and

• Help with the cost of professional therapy where appropriate.

2, The Mental Health Foundation’s site has more practical and evidence-based resources.

3, In late 2019 The Law Society published its Guidance for best practice in supporting wellbeing in the workplace. It’s free and I suspect was largely overlooked by the distractions of lockdown. If you are looking for a practical and comprehensive way of creating a healthier, happier workplace just download it and ransack it.

Help is out there for you and your staff.

You don’t need to drown.

Angus Lyon

Angus Lyon practised as a solicitor for almost 40 years and now works counselling lawyers online at restart-one.com. He is the author of A Lawyer’s Guide to Wellbeing and Managing Stress (Ark Group 2015).

*Reference: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/statistics-and-facts-about-mentalhealth/how-common-are-mental-health-problems/


LEAP introduces LawConnect Client Portal

16 May 2023 – London, UK – LEAP has recently announced the launch of an updated client portal, free for any law firm using its Legal Practice Productivity Solution.

Seamlessly integrated with LEAP, LawConnect delivers a simple, secure client portal from which the law firm’s clients gain easy access to their documents, make online payments, book appointments or sign documents electronically. With dedicated apps for mobile devices, alongside a web application, clients can manage their matters at a time and place convenient to them.

The portal carries the law firm’s brand, including logo and colour palette, ensuring a consistent client experience and the confidence that they’re dealing directly with their firm.

Thanks to its self-service nature, the portal simplifies how clients engage with their lawyer, access and share information, make enquiries and action pending items relating to their matters when convenient to them, without having to contact their lawyer. This frees up significant administration time that is usually not billed, enabling the lawyer to concentrate on fee earning activities.

“At LEAP, we are committed to helping law firms work more efficiently and enhance their clients’ experience, allowing lawyers’ more time to offer expert legal advice,” says Gareth Walker, CEO, LEAP UK. “This new integration with LawConnect is the latest example of that. Law firms reap the benefits of improved collaboration and faster payments, and clients receive a more streamlined and secure experience.”

The unique integration enables law firms to deliver great customer service through the additional functionality provided. Benefits include:

•All parties can upload, access and share documents securely from any location.

•Clients sign key time critical documents electronically from any device.

•Collaboration on a single, up-to-date version of a document, with the ability to comment and respond in real-time.

•Online invoices and statements ensures that clients are fully aware of their financial status with the firm, and can make payments easily.

Growth of the lawyers online presence by promoting availability, enabling reviews, collecting enquiries and if enabled, accepting appointments online.

For more information, please visit https://www.leap.co.uk/law-connect/

About LEAP

LEAP Legal Software has been helping law firms to become more efficient and profitable globally for more than 25 years. LEAP is committed to consistently providing world-class legal practice productivity solutions and has innovation at the heart of its research and development so that users continually have the best possible experience.

Occupying a unique position in the legal software market, LEAP includes legal case management, legal accounting, document assembly, document management and legal publishing assets in one solution. Its software is designed to streamline tasks such as matter management, time recording document management, email management, automated forms, client accounting, billing, reporting and remote working.

For more information, please visit www.leap.co.uk 


Poppy’s second chance at love

Poppy’s owner first contacted her local rehoming centre and said she needed to hand Poppy, a four year old Chihuahua cross, over to us as she had sadly recently been given a diagnosis that she had a terminal illness. She was advised to apply for a free Canine Care Card and nominate a Dog Guardian; someone she trusts to sign over the care of Poppy to Dogs Trust should she need it. She’d then be able to spend the most time possible with Poppy and feel reassured that she’d be given the best possible care at Dogs Trust when they could no longer be together.

When Poppy’s Dog Guardian contacted us to advise that her owner was now receiving palliative care and that they needed to activate her Canine Care Card, Poppy was collected by Dogs Trust the very next day. After a vet and behavioural assessment we decided the best place for Poppy would be a loving foster home. We were able to advise the foster carers of all the information we’d been given by Poppy’s owner regarding her life, diet and routine to enable us to make this transitional period as stress-free as possible for Poppy.

Within almost no time, we were able to find very affectionate Poppy a lovely new home for her second chance at love.

Poppy’s story is one of many we come across at Dogs Trust.

Many owners are growing increasingly worried about gradually losing their independence or their health deteriorating. Dogs Trust want to offer owners peace of mind that we will be there at this difficult time to care for and rehome their four legged friends should the worst happen.

Therefore we’re pleased to announce that we have extended our Canine Care Card service. Dogs Trust will care for your dog should you move into a care home, become seriously ill or pass away.

For more information on our Canine Care Card service and how to register your dog please type in this link www.dogstrust.org.uk/ccc where you will find our online application form and more information on our free service.

If you have any queries regarding the Canine Care Card please email CCC@dogstrust.org.uk or call 020 7837 0006 and we will be happy to help. 

26 | HAMPSHIRELEGAL ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE We will – as long as your client has a Canine Care Card. It’s a FREE service from Dogs Trust that guarantees their dog a second chance a life. At Dogs Trust, we never put down a healthy dog. We’ll care for them at one of our 21 rehoming centres, located around the UK. One in every four of your clients has a canine companion. Naturally they’ll want to make provision for their faithful friend. And now you can help them at absolutely no cost. So contact us today for your FREE pack of Canine Care Card leaflets – and make a dog-lover happy. E-mail ccc@dogstrust.org.uk Or call 020 7837 0006 Or write to: FREEPOST DOGSTRUSTL (No stamp required) Please quote “334975” Who’ll keep her happy when your client’s gone? All information will be treated as strictly confidential. Service only available for residents of the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands & Isle of Man. A dog is for life, not just for Christmas® dogstrust.org.uk Registered charity numbers: 227523 & SC037843 © Dogs Trust 2021

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