Hampshire Legal June 2022

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CPD Programme 2022 W

e have successfully moved our CPD programme online and offered access to other free CPD from our providers, clients and local chambers etc. This has proved popular with many of you and is something we plan to continue to offer certainly in the short term. There are a number of other things in the pipeline including some more general legal updates and one day conferences (which will be face to face). If you can help in any way with speakers, topic suggestions or venue space, this all keeps out costs down and provides the opportunity to reduce our delegate rates. LEGAL UPDATE: CHILDREN, MONEY & FAMILY LAW IN GENERAL Date: Tuesday 7 June 2022 Time: 1500-1630 HHJ Simmonds, former solicitor and member of the children panel – appointed as a DJ in 2010 as a DJ of the principal registry of the family division and transferred to the western circuit in November 2015. At the PRFD he undertook all forms of family work to include complex children and money. I n light of Re K and K where are we now on finding of fact hearings? Case management in light of K and K Legal Update PROPERTY LECTURE Date: Tuesday 5 July 2022 Time: 1500-1630 Edward Denehan is recommended by Chambers and Partners (2015 Ed.) for Real Estate Litigation. “He is a very robust advocate, who has a good way of speaking in layman’s terms and is able to get his message across.” “He is pretty impressive when he is on his feet.”He is also recommended for Property Litigation in the Legal 500 and has been for many years. The 2014 Edition describes him as having ‘An impressive understanding of restrictive covenants affecting land”.

ommercial Rent (Coronavirus) Act 2022 C Waiver of forfeiture Tenant’s repairing obligations Claims under section 84(2) of the Law of Property Act 1925 Surrender of Leases


VENUE Unless otherwise notified all lectures take place on Zoom from 1500-1630. The programme will be updated once additional information received distributed via email and in the quarterly magazine. You can find more detail on each lecture on our website:

www.hampshirelawsociety.co.uk FEES & BOOKING 1.5 hour lecture: £35.00 (Non-Member: £50.00). All lectures will take place via Zoom for the foreseeable future. The link will be provided in the days prior to the event. Handouts will be emailed prior to each lecture.

TERMS & CONDITIONS A ll applications will receive a written confirmation of booking. Payment can be made securely online or is required with the registration form. No places can be reserved without payment. Booking is subject to availability of places. Delegates may be substituted at any time with an appropriate additional payment for any non-members. HILS accepts no responsibility for the views or opinions as expressed by the speakers, chairman or any other persons at the event. HILS reserves the right to alter the venue, programme and the speakers at any time. Claiming the member rate remains the responsibility of the claimant however HILS will ensure that you are charged the appropriate fee once membership status checked.

Your membership also entitles you to attend online seminars run by some of our neighbouring law societies – check the website for details.

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