Hampshire Law Society Mental Health, Stress & Well-being Survey 2020 It is no surprise to those that work within the legal profession that it is generally considered and found to be one of the most stressful working environments. The HILS Committee have been investigating ways in which we can assist and support our members in this area. A key part of our approach is to understand to what extent the profession in our area reflects the national picture. The Junior Lawyers Division over the last few years have been identifying issues around negative stress and mental ill-health amongst their members, and their annual survey has become something of a benchmark for the profession across the country. We want to reach out to our members and take a similar survey allowing us to compare our wellbeing with that of the profession nationally. The survey is only as useful and powerful as the number of responses and the amount of member engagement we get. We must remember that any responses received are those of our own friends, colleagues, employers and employees. A similar survey from Bournemouth Law Society shows that 88% of those that responded (which was a significant number) have experienced stress, defined as being under too much emotional or mental pressure. Nearly one in five felt physical symptoms including feeling physically sick and or chest pains. Most worryingly of all, 2% of those that responded to the survey had experienced suicidal thoughts. There is some really useful feedback in the responses and more than half of those that responded were aware that their firm offered help, guidance and support in relation to mental health at work. Firms are taking specific steps such as offering confidential counselling, “buddy” systems and appointing mental health first aiders. Nevertheless, and perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority (60%) still feel that their firm could do more. This is not, after all, a problem that can simply be “cured”. As a representative society, your committee are firmly of the view that we can also do more. It is our hope that the very act of carrying out the survey and publishing the results will create positive conversation on the subject and continue the campaign to destigmatise mental health issues. Please look out for the survey which will be with you shortly – we appreciate your help in completing this. ■
Overwhelmed? Mind racing? Can’t sleep?
Life in the law can be challenging and sometimes things can get on top of you. Talk to us – we’ve been there.
awCare is an independent charity offering emotional support, information and training to the legal community in the UK and Ireland. We work to promote good mental health and wellbeing in legal workplaces and drive change in education, training and practice. We’ve been supporting legal professionals for over 20 years and no-one knows lawyers like we do. Our free and confidential support service offers a safe place to talk without judgement. We’re here to help, with helpline calls, emails and webchats answered in confidence by trained staff and volunteers who have first-hand experience of working in the law. We also have a network of peer supporters, people who work in the legal profession who may have been through difficult times themselves and can offer one-to-one support, friendship and mentoring to helpline callers referred to them. We have visited hundreds of legal workplaces over the years and we have listened to thousands of legal professionals tell us about the stress, anxiety and depression they are experiencing, which is often caused or exacerbated by a difficult working environment. Lack of support or supervision, an overly critical manager, being undermined after a career break, an unreasonably heavy workload, long hours and sleep deprivation are all very common issues. Whether you’re a barrister feeling burnt out, a young trainee experiencing sexual harassment, a student struggling with the workload, support staff worrying about a mistake you’ve made, a senior lawyer feeling like you’re being pushed out – we’re here to listen. We are here to help all branches of the legal profession: solicitors, barristers, barrister’s clerks, judges, legal executives, paralegals, trade mark attorneys, patent agents, costs lawyers and their staff and families. ■
For more information on what LawCare does, how we can support you in creating a mentally healthy workplace and for additional information, resources, fact sheets visit
www.lawcare.org.uk 18 HAMPSHIRE LEGAL